Transfer Equivalencies

There are 271 transfer equivalencies on file for Mt San Antonio College

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
ADJU 0002 Justice Sys Prin/Pro CJA ELLD LD: Justice Sys Prin/Pro
ADJU 0004 Legal Aspects of Ev CJA 4530 Criminal Evidence & Procedure
ADJU 0005 Community Relations CJA ELLD LD: Community Relations
AERO 0023 Primary Pilot AERO ELLD LD: Primary Pilot
AERO 0024 Navigation AERO ELLD LD: Navigation
AERO 0025 Comm Pilot Gr AERO ELLD LD: Comm Pilot Gr
AERO 0026 Aviation Weather AERO ELLD LD: Aviation Weather
AERO 0027 Aviation Safety AERO ELLD LD: Aviation Safety
AERO 0028 Aircraft and Engine AERO ELLD LD: Aircraft and Engine
AERO 0029 Federal Aviation AERO ELLD LD: Federal Aviation
AERO 0030 Instrument Ground AERO ELLD LD: Instrument Ground
AERO 0160 Unmanned Air AERO ELLD LD:Unmanned Air
AERO 100 Primary Pilot G AERO ELLD LD:Primary Pilot G
AERO 102 Aviation Weather AERO ELLD LD:Aviation Weather
AERO 104 Federal Aviation AERO ELLD LD:Federal Aviation
AERO 150 Commerce Pilot G AERO ELLD LD:Commerce Pilot G
AERO 152 Air Transportation AERO ELLD LD:Air Transportation
AERO 200 Aviation Safety AERO ELLD LD:Aviation Safety
AERO 202 Aircraft & Engin AERO ELLD LD:Aircraft & Engin
AERO 250 Navigation AERO ELLD LD:Navigation
AERO 252 Instrument Group AERO ELLD LD:Instrument Group
AGAG 0059 Work Exper Agricult AGBS ELLD LD: Work Exper Agricult
AGAG 1 Food Land Use & AGRI 2010 World Food and Society
AGAN 0001 Animal Science ANSC ELLD LD: Animal Science
AGAN 0002 Animal Nutrition ANSC ELLD LD: Animal Nutrition
AGAN 0051 Animal Handling and Rest ANSC ELLD LD: Animal Handling and Rest
AGAN 0094 Animal Breeding ANSC ELLD LD: Animal Breeding
AGLI 0016 Horse Production HORS ELLD LD: Horse Production
AGLI 0018 Horse Ranch Mgmt HORS ELLD LD: Horse Ranch Mgmt
AGLI 0019 Horse Hoof Care HORS ELLD LD: Horse Hoof Care
AGLI 0020 Horse Behavior HORS ELLD LD: Horse Behavior
AGLI 009601 Anim Sanita Disease ANSC ELLD LD: Anim Sanita Disease
AGOR 0001 Horticultural Science PLSO 1101 Intro Ornamental Horticulture
AIRT 0203 Enroute Air AERO ELLD LD:Enroute Air
AIRT 0251 Air Traffic AERO ELLD LD:Air Traffic
AIRT 151 Aircraft Rec/Pe AERO ELLD LD:Aircraft Rec/Pe
AIRT 201 Terminal Air Tr AERO ELLD LD:Terminal Air Tr
AMLA 043W AmLa Advanced ELEC ELLD LD:AmLa Adv
ANAT 000101 Intro Physiology BIOL ELLD LD: Intro Physiology
ANAT 003501 Human Anatomy BIOL ELLD LD: Human Anatomy
ANAT 10A Intro Human Anatomy BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
ANNO 0040 Intro to Broadcastin EMC ELLD LD: Intro to Broadcastin
ANNO 0041 Radio & Tele Announc EMC ELLD LD: Radio & Tele Announc
ANNO 0045 Radio Studio Operati EMC ELLD LD: Radio Studio Operati
ANNO 0047 Television Productio EMC ELLD LD: Television Productio
ANTH 0001 Biol Anthropol ANTH ELLD LD: Biol Anthropol
ANTH 0005 Cultural Anth ANTH 2010 Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 002201 General Cultural An ANTH 2010 Cultural Anthropology
ART 0001 Art Hist Appreciati ART 1030 Art Appreciation
ART 0018 Desgn Gallery & Exhi ART ELLD LD: Desgn Gallery & Exhi
ART 0020 Design Two Dimension ART ELLD LD: Design Two Dimension
ART 0022 Design Three Dimensi ART ELLD LD: Design Three Dimensi
ART 0060 Adv Design Lettering ART ELLD LD: Adv Design Lettering
ART 015A Drawing Begin ART ELLD LD: Drawing Begin
ART 025A Painting Beginning ART 2710 Painting I
ARTA 0001 Visual Art ART ELLD LD: Visual Art
ARTC 0100 Graphic Design ELEC ELLD LD:Graphic Design
ARTD 015A Begin Drawing ART ELLD LD:Begin Drawing
ASTR 0005 Intro to Astronomy ASTR 1030 Exploring the Universe
ASTR 0006 Astronomical Observi ASTR 1031 Observing the Universe
BIOL 0001 General Biology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 0004 Biology For Majors BIOL ELLD LD: Biology For Majors
BIOL 0005 Contemporary He BIOL ELLD LD:Contemporary He
BIOL 0006 Humans & the En BIOL ELLD LD:Humans & the En
BIOL 0015 Human Sexuality BIOL ELLD LD: Human Sexuality
BIOL 20 Marine Biology BIOL ELLD LD:Marine Biology
BIOL 25 Conservation Bi BIOL ELLD LD:Conservation Bi
BUSA 0007 Prin of Acct Financi ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
BUSA 0008 Prin of Acct Manager ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
BUSA 0011 Accounting Mathemati ACTG ELLD LD: Accounting Mathemati
BUSA 0068 Bus Math BCED ELLD LD:Bus Math
BUSA 0071 Financial Planning FIN ELLD LD: Financial Planning
BUSC 001A Prin of Economics ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
BUSC 001B Prin of Econ ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
BUSC 17 Applied Business BCED ELLD LD: Applied Business
BUSL 0018 Business Law BLAW ELLD LD: Business Law
BUSL 0019 Adv Business Law BLAW ELLD LD: Adv Business Law
BUSL 0030 Intro to Paralegal PLEG ELLD LD: Intro to Paralegal
BUSL 0037 Tort Law PLEG 3420 Torts
BUSL 0039 Contract Law PLEG ELLD LD: Contract Law
BUSL 031A Legal Anyl & Writing PLEG ELLD LD: Legal Anyl & Writing
BUSL 031B Adv Legal Anyl & Wri PLEG ELLD LD: Adv Legal Anyl & Wri
BUSL 033A Civil Procedure Pret PLEG ELLD LD: Civil Procedure Pret
BUSL 033B Civil Proc Trial/Pos PLEG ELLD LD: Civil Proc Trial/Pos
BUSL 035A Law Office Procedure PLEG ELLD LD: Law Office Procedure
BUSL 035B Auto Law Office Proc PLEG ELLD LD: Auto Law Office Proc
BUSM 0005 Business English BCED ELLD LD:Business English
BUSM 0020 Prin of B BCED ELLD LD:Prin of B
BUSM 0060 Human Rela in B BCED ELLD LD:Human Rel in B
BUSM 0066 Small Bus Mgmt MGMT ELLD LD: Small Bus Mgmt
BUSO 0025 Business Commun BCED ELLD LD:Business Communication
BUSS 0035 Professional Se BCED ELLD LD:Professional Se
CHEM 002A Fund of Chem CHEM ELLD LD: Fund of Chem
CHEM 0040 Intro Gen C CHEM ELLD LD:Intro Gen C
CHLD 000101 Home Child & Comm R CDFS ELLD LD: Home Child & Comm R
CHLD 0010 Child Growth ECE ELLD LD:Child Growth
CISB 0011 Computer Info INFS ELLD LD:Computer Info
CISB 0015 Microcomputer INFS ELLD LD:Microcomputer
CISP 0011 Programming CSCI ELLD LD:Programming
CISP 0014 Adv Visual CSCI ELLD LD:Adv Visual
CISP 011L Programming CSCI ELLD LD:Programming
CISP 014L Net Lab CSCI ELLD LD:Net Lab
COMP 0010 Oper Macintosh Comp CSCI ELLD LD: Oper Macintosh Comp
COMP 0016 Micro Computer INFS ELLD LD:Micro Computer
COUN 0001 Intro to C ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to C
COUN 0005 Career Life Planning HSC ELLD LD: Career Life Planning
COUN 0026 Student Success ELEC ELLD LD: Student Success
COUN 57 Coll Or/Ed Plng ELEC ELLD LD:Coll Or/Ed Plng
DATA 0028 Basic Programming CSCI ELLD LD: Basic Programming
DATA 010A Data Processing INFS 2200 Introduction to Microcomputing
DATA 028L Data Processing INFS ELLD LD: Data Processing
DATA 10AL Data Processing INFS ELLD LD: Data Processing
DN-T 20 Hist-Appreciati DANC ELLD LD:Hist-Appreciati
DNCE 0032 Commercial Dance DANC ELLD LD: Commercial Dance
DRMA 0010 History of Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
DRMA 0011 Prin of Acting THEA 1015 Acting I
DSNT 0088 Adv Projects ELEC ELLD LD: Adv Projects
ENGL 0001 Critical Thinking ENGL ELLD LD: Critical Thinking
ENGL 001A Freshman Comp ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 001B01 English Intro Lit T ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 001C Crit Think & Writ ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 0067 English Reading DSPR ELLD LD:English Reading
ENGL 0068 Prep for College Writing DSPW ELLD LD: Prep for College Writing
ENGL 006801 English Writing ENGL ELLD LD: English Writing
ENGL 068R01 Remedial English DSPW ELLD LD: Remedial English
ENGL 64 Writing Effect DSPW ELLD LD:Writing Effect
ENGL 65 Grammar Review DSPW ELLD LD:Grammar Review
ENGL 66 Paragraph Writing DSPW ELLD LD:Paragraph Writing
FASH 0065 Modeling Tech ELEC ELLD LD: Modeling Tech
FCS 0006 Color Theory TXMD ELLD LD:Color Theory
FCS 0041 Life Management FCSE ELLD LD:Life Management
FIRE 1 Fire Protection ELEC ELLD LD:Fire Protection
FIRE 2 Fire Prevention ELEC ELLD LD:Fire Prevention
FRCH 0001 Elementary French FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FRCH 0004 French FREN 1010 Elementary French I
GEOG 0001 Geography Physical GEOG ELLD LD: Geography Physical
GEOG 2 Human Geography GS 2010 Intro Cross-Cultural Exper
GEOL 0001 Physical Geology GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
GEOL 0008 Earth Science GEOL 1030 Introduction to Earth Science
GERM 0001 German GERM 1010 Elementary German I
GUID 000501 Career Life Plannin ELEC ELLD LD: Career Life Plannin
GUID 0050 Educ Planning Athlet ELEC ELLD LD: Educ Planning Athlet
HIST 0001 History of Us HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 0003 World Hist to 1500 HIST ELLD LD:World Hist to 1500
HIST 0004 World History since 1500 HIST ELLD LD:World History since 1500
HIST 0008 History of US from 1865 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 0030 Hist of the Black Am HIST 2040 Surv African American Hist I
HIST 0031 Hist of the African HIST 2050 Surv African American Hist II
HIST 0036 Women in American History HIST ELLD LD: Women in American History
HIST 11 History of Modern HIST ELLD LD:History of Modern Asia
ID 0071 Hist Furniture IDES ELLD LD:Hist Furniture
JAPN 0001 Elem Japanese JAPN ELLD LD:Elem Japanese
KIN 0017 Intro/Physical Education PHED ELLD LD:Intro/Physical Education
KIN 0034 Fitness for Living HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
KIN 0044 Theory of Coach ATHC ELLD LD:Theory of Coach
KIN 3 First Aid & CPR HLTH ELLD LD:First Aid & CPR
KINA 8B Swimming - Inter PHED ACTY ACTY: Swimming - Inter
KINF 0019 Strength Training PHED ACTY ACTY: Strength Training
KINF 36A Circuit Training PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
KINX 0016 Football-Men PHED ACTY ACTY: Football-Men
KINX 0088 Pre-Season Athl PHED ACTY Pre-Season Athl
KINX 0099 Off-Season Athl PHED ACTY Off-Season Athl
LCOM 0080 Indiv Con ELEC ELLD LD:Indiv Con
LERN 0049 Math Skills Review DSPM ELLD LD:Math Skills Review
LERN 007101 Study Techniques ELEC ELLD LD: Study Techniques
LERN 008601 Math Skills Review MATH ELLD LD: Math Skills Review
LIBR 001A Intro to Librar ELEC ELLD LD:Intro to Librar
LIT 001501 Intro to Cinema ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Cinema
MATH 000D Intermed Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Intermed Algebra
MATH 0050 Pre Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Pre Algebra
MATH 005101 Elem Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Elem Algebra
MATH 0110 Elem Stat STAT ELLD LD: Elem Stat
MATH 0130 College Algebra 2 MATH ELLD LD:College Algebra 2
MATH 0140 Calculus For Business MATH ELLD LD: Calculus for Business
MATH 0160 Pre-Calculus Math MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MATH 100 Survey of Colle MATH ELLD LD:Survey of Colle
MATH 280 Calculus & Anal 2 MATH ELLD LD:Calculus & Anal 2
MATH 71 Intermediate A1 MATH ELLD LD:Intermediate A1
MICR 22 Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
MUS 0007 Fund of Music MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUS 0012 History of Jazz MUHL ELLD LD:History of Jazz
MUS 001301 Intro to Music Appre MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
NF 0010 Nutrition-Perso NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
NF 0025 Essent of Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
OCEA 0010 Intro Ocean GEOL ELLD LD:Intro Ocean
OCEA 10L Intro Oceanogra GEOL ELLD LD:Intro Oceanogra
ORNT 008001 College Orientation ELEC ELLD LD: College Orientation
PE 000301 Swimming PHED ACTY ACTY: Swimming
PE 0019 Tap Performance PHED ACTY ACTY: Tap Performance
PE 0033 Fitness Assess PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE 0034 Self Defense PHED 1250 Self Defense
PE 004A Badminton-Begi PHED 1150 Beginning Badminton
PE 0050 Yoga PHED 1270 Yoga
PE 0052 Fit/Cond Adju/Fire PHED ELLD LD: Fit/Cond Adju/Fire
PE D 000301 Mexican Folk Dance PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE F 000201 Fitness & Figure Con PHED ELLD LD: Fitness & Figure Con
PE F 0004 Cardiovas Condi PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE F 000601 Physical Fitness PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE F 0009 Conditioning For Spo PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE F 0010 Weight Training PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PE F 0012 Fitness & Body Condi PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE F 0014 Fitness Training PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE F 0015 Off Season Condit PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE F 001901 Strength Training PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE F 0030 Fitness Assesment PHED ELLD LD: Fitness Assesment
PE F 0034 Cardiorespiratory La HLTH ELLD LD: Cardiorespiratory La
PE F 0040 Conditioning For Spo PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE F 006A Physical Fitness PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE F 022B01 Fitness & Figure Co PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE F 22LL01 Fit & Figure Leader PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE I 0003 Jogging PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE I 0033 Kickboxing PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE I 0044 Track and Field PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE I 034A01 Golf PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
PE S 000201 Basketball PHED 1210 Beginning Basketball
PE S 0010 Soccer PHED 1220 Beginning Soccer
PE S 0013 Football PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE S 0030 Team Sport Techni PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE T 0003 First Aid & CPR HLTH ELLD LD: First Aid & CPR
PE T 0010 Fund of Sports PHED ELLD LD: Fund of Sports
PE T 0014 Leadership In Phys E PHED ELLD LD: Leadership In Phys E
PE T 0017 Intro to Phys Ed PHED ELLD LD: Intro to Phys Ed
PE T 003601 Leadership Fit & Fi PHED ELLD LD: Leadership Fit & Fi
PE T 007501 Athletic Seminar PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE X 0025 Soccer Women PHED 1220 Beginning Soccer
PE X 0042 Track and Field PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE-F 50 Skills Prep/Adj ELEC ELLD LD:Skills Prep/Adj
PE-I 18A Golf Beginning PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
PED 0015 Jazz Performance MUEN ELLD LD:Jazz Performance
PED 002A Ballet I DANC ELLD LD:Ballet I
PEF 0038 Aerobics Lab PHED ELLD LD:Aerobics Lab
PHIL 000301 Logic In Practice PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHIL 0005 Intro to Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 0008 Critical Thinking PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHIL 020A Hist of Western PHIL ELLD LD:Hist of Western
PHIL 020B Hist/Western Ph PHIL ELLD LD:Hist/Western Ph
PHIL 12 Intro to Ethics PHIL ELLD LD:Intro to Ethics
PHIL 15 Major World Rel PHIL ELLD LD:Major World Rel
PHOT 010A Photography PHOT ELLD LD: Photography
POLI 0001 Political Science PS ELLD LD: Political Science
POLI 0035 African American Politics PS ELLD LD: African American Politics
PSYC 0001 General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 0003 Experimental Psyc PSY ELLD LD: Experimental Psyc
PSYC 0005 Psyc Reas & Prob PSY ELLD LD: Psyc Reas & Prob
PSYC 0014 Psyc Aspect Teacher PSY ELLD LD: Psyc Aspect Teacher
PSYC 0019 Abnormal Psy PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
PSYC 001A General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 001B01 Physiological Psych PSY 4240 Behavioral Neuroscience
PSYC 0026 Psychology of Sex PSY ELLD LD: Psychology of Sex
PSYC 0033 Psych for Effective Living PSY ELLD LD: Psych for Effective Living
PSYC 0040 Interviewing Couns PSY ELLD LD: Interviewing Couns
R TV 0001 Intro to Broadcastin EMC ELLD LD: Intro to Broadcastin
READ 0090 Preparing for C DSPR ELLD LD:Preparing for C
READ 100 Analysis & Critic DSPR ELLD LD:Analysis & Critic
SOC 000101 Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 001401 Marriage & Family SOC 2500 Marriage and Family
SOC 0036 Asian Amer Comm SOC ELLD LD:Asian Amer Comm
SOC 5 Intro to Crimin SOC ELLD LD:Intro to Criminology
SPAN 000101 Spanish SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 0002 Spanish SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 0003 Intermediate Spanish SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 0035 Spanish Lang Lab SPAN ELLD LD: Spanish Lang Lab
SPCH 0001 Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPCH 0008 Professional Speaking COMM ELLD LD:Professional Speaking
SPCH 001A01 Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPCH 0020 Argumentation & Deb COMM ELLD LD: Argumentation & Deb
SPCH 0026 Interpersonal Comm COMM 2300 Interpersonal Communication
THTR 11 Principles of A THEA 1015 Acting I
THTR 12 Principles of Acting THEA ELLD LD:Principles of Acting
TRAN 0017 Air Transportation AERO ELLD LD: Air Transportation