Transfer Equivalencies

There are 145 transfer equivalencies on file for Arapahoe Cmty College

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
AAA 0109 Advanced Academic Achievement ELEC ELLD LD:Adv Academic Achievement
AAA 101 College 101:Student Experience ELEC ELLD LD:College 101:Student Experie
ACC 0121 Principles of Accounting I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACC 0122 Principles of Accounting II ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACC 0123 Payroll Actg ACTG ELLD LD: Payroll Actg
ACC 0126 Income Tax Accountin ACTG ELLD LD: Income Tax Accountin
ACC 0211 Accounting I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACC 0212 Accounting II ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACC 0212 Accounting II and ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACC 0213 Accounting III ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACC 0294 Cooperative Work Exp ACTG ELLD LD: Cooperative Work Exp
ALH 0106 General Nutrition NFS ELLD LD: General Nutrition
ANT 101 Cultural Anthropology ANTH 2010 Cultural Anthropology
ANT 215 Indians of No. America ANTH ELLD LD:Indians of No. America
APT 2000 Basic Activity Profsnl Trainin ELEC ELLD LD:Basic Activity Prof Trng
ART 0110 Art Appreciation ART 1030 Art Appreciation
ART 014101 Jewelry and Metalwo ART ELLD LD: Jewelry and Metalwo
ART 121 Drawing I ART 1620 Drawing I
ART 124 Watercolor I ART ELLD LD:Watercolor I
AST 0101 Astronomy I ASTR ELLD LD:Astronomy I
BIO 0105 Science of Biology BIOL ELLD LD: Science of Biology
BIO 0111 Gen College Biol I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIO 0201 Human Anat & Phys I BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BIO 103 Principles of Animal Bio BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIO 106 Basic Anat & Physiology BIOL ELLD LD:Basic Anat & Physiology
BTE 0161 Pagemaker Desktop Pub CSCI ELLD LD: Pagemaker Desktop Pub
BUS 0108 Business Comm BCED ELLD LD:Business Comm
BUS 0115 Intro to Bus BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
BUS 0125 Work Ethic BCED ELLD LD:Work Ethic
BUS 0126 Psychology of Advertising BCED ELLD LD:Psychology of Advertising
BUS 0127 Readings in Business BCED ELLD LD:Readings in Business
BUS 0201 Business Law I BLAW ELLD LD: Business Law I
BUS 0216 Business Law & Legal Environme BLAW ELLD LD:Bus Law & Legal Env
BUS 0217 Business Communication/Rpt Wri BCED ELLD LD:Bus Comm Rpt Wri
BUS 022101 Business Law & Lega BLAW ELLD LD: Business Law & Lega
BUS 022601 Business Statistics STAT ELLD LD: Business Statistics
BUS 241 Culural Diversity in Business MGMT ELLD LD:Culural Diversity-Business
CCR 0092 Composition & Reading DSPW ELLD LD:Composition & Reading
CIS 0118 Intro to PC Applications CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to PC Applications
CIS 115 Intro to Computer Info Sys INFS 1000 Introduction to Computers
COM 0115 Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
COM 0125 Interpersonal Communication COMM 2300 Interpersonal Communication
COM 115 Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
CRJ 0110 Intro to Criminal Justice CJA 1100 Intro Criminal Justice Admin
CRJ 0125 Policing Systems CJA ELLD LD:Policing Systems
CSC 0105 Intro to Computer CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CTC 0107 Installer ELEC ELLD LD:Installer
CTC 0108 Broadband Cable ELEC ELLD LD:Broadband Cable
CTC 0123 Troubleshooting ELEC ELLD LD:Troubleshooting
CTC 0126 High Spd Data ELEC ELLD LD:High Spd Data
ECE 0111 Infant/Toddlers Dev CDFS ELLD LD: Infant/Toddlers Dev
ECE 0115 Creativity & the You CDFS ELLD LD: Creativity & the You
ECE 0205 Nutrition & Child NFS ELLD LD: Nutrition & Child
ECE 0227 Curriculm Developmen CDFS ELLD LD: Curriculm Developmen
ECO 0111 Economics I ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 020101 Principles of Macro ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 0202 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECP 0226 Admin of Ecp Program ELEC ELLD LD: Admin of Ecp Program
EDU 0090 English Writing Ctr ENGL ELLD LD: English Writing Ctr
EDU 0285 Special Topics Edu ELED ELLD LD: Special Topics Edu
EMS 0126 EMT Refresher ELEC ELLD LD:EMT Refresher
ENG 0095 Basic Composition DSPW ELLD LD: Basic Composition
ENG 0095 Basic Comp ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 0100 Composition Style and Techniqu ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 012101 English Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 0122 English Comp II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 090 Basic Composition DSPW ELLD LD:Basic Composition
ENG 1021 English Composition I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 1031 Technical Writing I ENGL ELLD LD:Technical Writing I
ENG 221 Creative Writing I ENGL 2500 Intro to Creative Writing
ENP 1005 Intro to Entrepreneurship ENTR 2900 Entrepreneurship
GEO 0105 Geography World GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GEY 0111 Physical Geology GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
HIS 0101 Western Civil I HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIS 020101 U S History I HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIS 020201 U S History II HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HST 0150 Human Serv Tech ELEC ELLD LD: Human Serv Tech
HST 0151 Human Services Tech ELEC ELLD LD: Human Services Tech
HST 0160 Child Support Enfor ELEC ELLD LD: Child Support Enfor
HST 0290 Cooperative Career E ELEC ELLD LD: Cooperative Career E
HUM 0121 Survey of Humanities I HUM ELLD LD: Survey of Humanities I
HUM 115 World Mythology ENGL ELLD LD:World Mythology
HWE 0100 Human Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
JOU 0241 Feature & Magazine Writing JOUR ELLD LD: Feature & Magazine Writing
LAW 0115 Intro to Law PS ELLD LD: Intro to Law
LAW 0117 Family Law PS ELLD LD: Family Law
LIT 115 Intro to Literature ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
MAN 0115 Management Prin MGMT ELLD LD: Management Prin
MAN 0116 Supervision MGMT ELLD LD:Supervision
MAN 0128 Human Relations CDFS ELLD LD: Human Relations
MAN 117 Time Management MGMT ELLD LD:Time Management
MAN 215 Organizational Behavior MGMT ELLD LD:Organizational Behavior
MAR 0106 Mkt Your Image ELEC ELLD LD: Mkt Your Image
MAR 0160 Customer Service MKT ELLD LD:Customer Service
MAR 0206 Advertising and Promotion MKT ELLD LD: Advertising & Promotion
MAR 0216 Principles of Marketing MKT ELLD LD:Principles of Marketing
MAR 155 Social Media For Business MKT ELLD LD:Social Media For Business
MAR 2016 Principles of Marketing MKT ELLD LD:Principles of Marketing
MAT 0050 Quantitative Literacy DSPM ELLD LD:Quantitative Literacy
MAT 0090 Enhanced Mathematic MATH ELLD LD: Enhanced Mathematic
MAT 0093 Algebra Lab MATH ELLD LD:Algebra Lab
MAT 0100 Elem Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Elem Algebra
MAT 0105 Intermed Algebra MATH ELLD LD: Intermed Algebra
MAT 0114 Beginning Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MAT 012101 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MAT 0124 Finite Math MATH 1630 Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci
MAT 0125 Calculus MATH ELLD LD:Calculus
MAT 0135 Intro to Stats STAT ELLD LD: Intro to Stats
MAT 0160 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MAT 0175 Intro Stats/Lab MATH 1530 Applied Statistics
MAT 0179 Cmptr Appl For Stat MATH ELLD LD: Cmptr Appl For Stat
MAT 055 Algebraic Literacy DSPM ELLD LD:Algebraic Literacy
MAT 060 Pre-Algebra DSPM ELLD LD:Pre-Algebra
MAT 120 Math for Liberal Arts MATH ELLD LD:Math for Liberal Arts
MAT 1240 Math for Liberal Arts MATH ELLD LD: Math for Liberal Arts
MUS 0100 Fund Music Theory MUTH ELLD LD: Fund Music Theory
MUS 0120 Music Appreciation MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUS 0163 Music Audio Prod RIM ELLD LD:Music Audio Prod
MUS 0181 Guitar Class I MUS 1550 Class Guitar I
PED 0100 Aerobic Conditioning PHED 1180 Aerobic Walking
PED 0110 Strength Training PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PHI 0105 Into to Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHI 0111 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHY 111 Physics-Alg Based I/Lab:SCI PHYS ELLD LD:Physics-Alg Based I/Lab:SCI
POS 0102 Intro Political Sci II PS ELLD LD:Intro Political Sci II
POS 010501 Intro to Political PS ELLD LD: Intro to Political
POS 0111 American Government PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics
PSY 010101 General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 010201 General Psych II PSY ELLD LD: General Psych II
PSY 0111 Human Potential Sem PSY ELLD LD: Human Potential Sem
PSY 0235 Human Growth & Dev PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
PSY 0238 Child Development PSY ELLD LD: Child Development
PSY 0247 Child Abuse & Neglec PSY ELLD LD: Child Abuse & Neglec
PSY 249 Abnormal Psychology PSY ELLD LD:Abnormal Psychology
REA 0060 Found of Reading DSPR ELLD LD: Found of Reading
SOC 0101 Intro Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 0111 Intro Sociology I SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SPA 0111 Spanish I SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPA 0112 Spanish II SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SPA 0211 Spanish III SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
SPE 011301 Intro Radio Brdcstn EMC ELLD LD: Intro Radio Brdcstn
SPE 011501 Prncpls Speech Comn COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
THE 0111 Acting I THEA 1015 Acting I