Transfer Equivalencies
There are 79 transfer equivalencies on file for Howard University
Transfer Course | Transfer Title | MTSU Course | MTSU Title |
ACCT 0201 | Accounting Principles I | ACTG 2110 | Principles of Accounting I |
AFRO 0005 | Intro Afro-Amer Studies I | AST 2100 | Intro to Africana Studies |
AFRO 0006 | Intro Afro-America Stud II | AST 2100 | Intro to Africana Studies |
AFRO 0101 | Exploitation of Third World | AST ELLD | LD: Exploitation Third World |
AFRO 122 | Education in Black America | AST ELLD | LD: Education in Black America |
AFRO 129 | Black Experience in Film | AST ELLD | LD: Black Experience in Film |
AFST 0101 | Intro to Contemporary Africa | AST ELLD | LD: Intro Contemporary Africa |
ANTH 110 | Intro to Cult Anthropology | ANTH 2010 | Cultural Anthropology |
ARCH 0003 | Environment & Architecture | ELEC ELLD | LD: Environment & Architecture |
ARCH 0011 | Elements of Architecture | ELEC ELLD | LD: Elements of Architecture |
ARCH 0150 | Design Communication I | ELEC ELLD | LD: Design Communication I |
ARCH 0151 | Design Communication II | ELEC ELLD | LD: Design Communication II |
ARCH 0301 | Arch Hist Survey I | ELEC ELLD | LD: Arch Hist Survey I |
ARCH 0401 | Materials & Methods I | ELEC ELLD | LD: Materials & Methods I |
ARCH 0511 | Intro to Computer Appl Arch | ELEC ELLD | LD: Intro to Computer Appl Arc |
BCOM 0320 | Business Communications | BCED 3510 | Business Communication |
BIOL 0101 | General Biology Lec/Lab | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
CHEM 0003 | Gen Chem I | CHEM 1110 | General Chemistry I |
CHEM 0005 | Chem Lab | CHEM 1110 | General Chemistry I |
COMC 0101 | Prin of Speech | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
COMP 003 | Physical Science Lec/Lab | PSCI 1030 | Topics in Physical Science |
COMP 004 | Computers & Society Lec/Lab | CSCI ELLD | LD:Cmptrs & Society Lec/Lab |
CSCI 135 | Computer Sci I (C++) | CSCI ELLD | LD:Computer Sci I (C++) |
ECON 0001 | Principles of Economics I | ECON 2410 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECON 0002 | Principles of Economics II | ECON 2420 | Principles of Microeconomics |
ECON 180 | Statistics-Bus&Econ | ECON ELLD | LD:Statistics-Bus&Econ |
EGPP 101 | Intro Engineering (CpE) | ENGR ELLD | LD:Intro Engineering (CpE) |
ENGL 0002 | Freshman Composition | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
ENGL 0003 | Freshman Composition | ENGL ELLD | LD: Freshman Composition |
ENGL 0057 | Afro-Amer Lit to 1940 | ENGL 2020 | Themes in Literature & Culture |
ENGL 009 | Tech Writing Pre-Professional | ENGL ELLD | LD:Tech Writing Pre-Profession |
ENGW 0102 | Expository Writing & Literacy | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
ENGW 103 | Persuasive Writing & Research | ENGL 1020 | Research and Arg Writing |
ENGW 104 | Writing,Literacy,&Discourse | ENGL ELLD | LD:Writing,Literacy,&Discourse |
ENGW 105 | Reflecting Writing Portfolio | ENGL ELLD | LD:Reflecting Writing Portfoli |
FREN 0001 | French I | FREN 1010 | Elementary French I |
FRSM 0001 | Howard University | ELEC ELLD | LD: Howard University |
HHPL 0002 | Beginning Swimming | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Beginning Swimming |
HHPL 054 | Fitness I (ROTC) | PHED ELLD | LD:Fitness I (ROTC) |
HHPL 149 | Fac & Event Mgmt | LSTS ELLD | LD:Fac & Event Mgmt |
HHPL 150 | Mgmt & Ldrshp Sport | LSTS ELLD | LD:Mgmt & Ldrshp Sport |
HHPL 160 | Women's Health | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Women's Health |
HIST 003 | Intro to History | HIST ELLD | LD:Intro to History |
HIST 005 | Intro Blck Diasp I - Online | AST 2100 | Intro to Africana Studies |
HIST 009 | US History to 1877 | HIST 2010 | Survey United States History I |
HIST 0745 | Coll:Hist of Brazil-WRTG | HIST ELUD | UD:Coll:Hist of Brazil-WRTG |
HUDV 095 | Hmn Dev,Family,Culture & Soc | PSY ELUD | UD:Hmn Dev,Family,Culture & So |
HUMA 0111 | Classic Films in English | HUM ELLD | LD: Classic Films in English |
INFO 010 | Business Problem Solving | BCED ELLD | LD:Business Problem Solving |
INFO 0202 | Computer Introduction | CSCI ELLD | LD:Computer Introduction |
INFO 0204 | Management Info Systems | INFS ELLD | LD:Management Info Systems |
JAPN 001 | Japanese I | JAPN 1010 | Elementary Japanese I |
MATH 0006 | College Algebra I | MATH ELLD | LD: College Algebra I |
MATH 0007 | Precalculus | MATH ELLD | LD: Precalculus |
MATH 0010 | College Algebra II | MATH ELLD | LD:College Algebra II |
MATH 0026 | Applied Calculus | MATH ELLD | LD:Applied Calculus |
MATH 005 | College Algebra I | MATH ELLD | LD:College Algebra I |
MGMT 0001 | Career Counseling in Business | MGMT ELLD | LD:Career Counseling in Busine |
MGMT 0010 | Business Orientation | MGMT ELLD | LD:Business Orientation |
MGMT 0011 | Business Orientation II | MGMT ELLD | LD:Business Orientation II |
MILI 002 | Leadership Lab MSL102 | MS ELLD | LD:Leadership Lab MSL102 |
MILI 102 | Intro to Tactical Leadership | MS ELLD | LD:Intro to Tactical Leadershi |
MJFC 100 | Fundamentals of Journalism | JOUR ELLD | LD:Fundamentals of Journalism |
MJFC 101 | Intro to Mass Communications | EMC ELLD | LD:Intro to Mass Communication |
MUTP 100 | Blacks in the Arts | MUS ELLD | LD:Blacks in the Arts |
MUTV 0111 | Jazz Vocal Workshop I | MUS ELLD | LD:Jazz Vocal Workshop I |
NUTR 161 | Introduction to Nutrition | NFS 1240 | Intro to Nutrition & Wellness |
POLS 0001 | Intro to Political Science | PS 1005 | Intro to American Politics |
POLS 003 | Intro to Comp Politics | PS ELLD | LD:Intro to Comp Politics |
POLS 010 | Nat'l Gov't of the US | PS 1005 | Intro to American Politics |
PORT 0001 | Portuguese I | PORT 1010 | Elementary Portuguese I |
PORT 0002 | Portuguese II | PORT 1020 | Elementary Portuguese II |
PSYC 0050 | Intro Psychology | PSY 1410 | General Psychology |
RUSS 001 | Russian I | RUSS 1010 | Elementary Russian I |
SCOM 120 | Digital Media Literacy | JOUR ELLD | LD:Digital Media Literacy |
SLMC 101 | Principles of Speech | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
SOCI 001 | Introduction to Sociology | SOC 1010 | Introductory Sociology |
SOCI 020 | Introduction to Social Psych | PSY ELLD | LD:Intro to Social Psychology |
SPAN 0001 | Spanish I | SPAN 1010 | Elementary Spanish I |