Transfer Equivalencies

There are 350 transfer equivalencies on file for Embry-Riddle Aero Worldwide

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
ACCT 210 Financial Accounting ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ADV 000001 Llareo Tech AERO ELLD LD: Llareo Tech
AE 0101 Intro Aeronautical AERO ELLD LD: Intro Aeronautical
AF 0101 Us Military Forc Gmc MS ELLD LD: Us Military Forc Gmc
AF 0102 Us Military Forces MS ELLD LD: Us Military Forces
AF 0201 The Air Force Way MS ELLD LD: The Air Force Way
AF 101L Leadership Laboratory MS ELLD LD:Leadership Laboratory
AMGT 202 Aeronautical Science for Mgmt AERO ELLD LD:Aeronautical Science Mgmt
AMNT 0240 General Aeronautics & Appl AERO ELLD LD:Gen Aero & Appl
AMNT 260 Aircraft Electrical Sys Theory AERO ELLD LD:Aircraft Electrical Sys The
AMNT 270 Airframe Structures & Appl AERO ELLD LD:Airframe Structures & Appl
AMNT 271 Airframe Systems & Application AERO ELLD LD:Airframe Systems & Applctn
AMNT 280 Reciprocating Engine Thry & Ap AERO ELLD LD:Reciprocating Engn Thry & A
AMNT 281 Turbine Engine Thry & Appls AERO ELLD LD:Turbine Engine Thry & Appls
AMT 0101 Appl Science Aero AERO ELLD LD: Appl Science Aero
AMT 0102 Aviation Reg, Records AERO ELLD LD: Aviation Reg, Records
AMT 0104 Aircraft Servicing AERO ELLD LD: Aircraft Servicing
AMT 0105 Aviation Materials AERO ELLD LD: Aviation Materials
AMT 0107 Direct Current Ele AERO ELLD LD: Direct Current Ele
AMT 0108 Alternating Current AERO ELLD LD: Alternating Current
AMT 0110 Aviation Material AERO ELLD LD: Aviation Material
AMT 020001 Gen Aeronautics App AERO ELLD LD: Gen Aeronautics App
AMT 0201 Acft Sheet Metal S AERO ELLD LD: Acft Sheet Metal S
AMT 0207 Aircraft Envir & F AERO ELLD LD: Aircraft Envir & F
AMT 0217 Aircraft Composite AERO ELLD LD: Aircraft Composite
AMT 0225 Aircraft Fluid Pow AERO ELLD LD: Aircraft Fluid Pow
AMT 022701 Acft Elect Syst Sci AERO ELLD LD: Acft Elect Syst Sci
AMT 024001 Gen Aero & Apps AERO ELLD LD: Gen Aero & Apps
AMT 026001 Acft Elec Sys The AERO ELLD LD: Acft Elec Sys The
AMT 027001 Airframe Structures AERO 2331 Airframe Inspection
AMT 027101 Airframe Sys & App AERO ELLD LD: Airframe Sys & App
AMT 028001 Powerplant Theory A AERO ELLD LD: Powerplant Theory A
AMT 028101 A/C Propul Sys & Ap AERO ELLD LD: A/C Propul Sys & Ap
AMT 036001 Airframe Sys & App AERO ELUD UD: Airframe Sys & App
AMT 037001 Airframe Sys Appl AERO ELUD UD: Airframe Sys Appl
AMT 038001 A/C Prop Sys & Appl AERO ELUD UD: A/C Prop Sys & Appl
AS 010001 Fndtns of Aerontics AERO ELLD LD: Fndtns of Aerontics
AS 010101 History Aviation AERO 1010 Introduction to Aerospace
AS 010201 Navigation I AERO ELLD LD: Navigation I
AS 010301 Flight Rules & Reg AERO 1230 Aviation Laws and Regulations
AS 0120 Prin of Aero Sc AERO ELLD LD: Prin of Aero Sc
AS 0121 Private Pilot Operations AERO ELLD LD:Private Pilot Operations
AS 0130 Aeronautics I AERO ELLD LD: Aeronautics I
AS 0132 Basic Aeronautics I AERO ELLD LD: Basic Aeronautics I
AS 015001 Aeronautics I AERO ELLD LD: Aeronautics I
AS 018001 Basic Navigation AERO ELLD LD: Basic Navigation
AS 020101 Meteorology I AERO 2010 Aviation Weather
AS 020201 Navigation II AERO ELLD LD: Navigation II
AS 020501 A/C Engines Recips AERO ELLD LD: A/C Engines Recips
AS 021001 A/C Systems & Comp AERO ELLD LD: A/C Systems & Comp
AS 0221 Instrument Pilot Operations AERO ELLD LD:Inst Pilot Operations
AS 0230 Aeronautics II AERO ELLD LD: Aeronautics II
AS 0231 Aeronautics II AERO ELLD LD: Aeronautics II
AS 024001 Prin of Navigation AERO ELLD LD: Prin of Navigation
AS 025301 Hist & Reg of Avia AERO 1010 Introduction to Aerospace
AS 0254 Aviation Legislation AERO ELLD LD:Aviation Legislation
AS 025401 Aviation Regulation AERO 1230 Aviation Laws and Regulations
AS 025501 Aeronautics II AERO ELLD LD: Aeronautics II
AS 026001 Prin All Wthr Nav AERO ELLD LD: Prin All Wthr Nav
AS 0270 Aeronautics III AERO ELLD LD: Aeronautics III
AS 030301 Govnmt & Aviation AERO ELUD UD: Govnmt & Aviation
AS 030501 A/C Engines-Recips AERO ELUD UD: A/C Engines-Recips
AS 030901 Basic Aerodynamics AERO ELUD UD: Basic Aerodynamics
AS 031001 Acft Performance AERO ELUD UD: Acft Performance
AS 031101 A/C Engine-Turbine AERO ELUD UD: A/C Engine-Turbine
AS 035201 Meteorology II GEOL ELUD UD: Meteorology II
AS 035501 Global Navigation AERO ELUD UD: Global Navigation
AS 035601 A/C Sys & Componen AERO ELUD UD: A/C Sys & Componen
AS 035701 Flight Physiology AERO 4130 Aerospace Physiology
AS 036001 Intro Air Traf Ctl AERO ELUD UD: Intro Air Traf Ctl
AS 040101 Airpt Devl & Ops AERO ELUD UD: Airpt Devl & Ops
AS 0405 Aviation Law AERO ELUD UD:Aviation Law
AS 040801 Flight Safety AERO ELUD UD: Flight Safety
AS 0409 Aviation Safety AERO 3170 Aviation Safety
AS 041001 Air Carrier Operatn AERO ELUD UD: Air Carrier Operatn
AS 0412 Corp/Bus Aviation AERO ELUD UD: Corp/Bus Aviation
AS 220 Unmanned Aircraft Systems AERO ELLD LD:Unmanned Aircraft Systems
ASC 0101 Aero Sci Success Ski AERO ELLD LD: Aero Sci Success Ski
ASCI 0202 Intro to Aeronautical Science AERO 1010 Introduction to Aerospace
ASCI 0254 Aviation Legislation AERO 1230 Aviation Laws and Regulations
ASCI 0357 Flight Physiology AERO ELUD UD:Flight Physiology
ASCI 0405 Aviation Law AERO ELUD UD: Aviation Law
ASCI 0412 Corporate & Business Aviation AERO ELUD UD:Corp & Business Aviation
ASCI 100 Foundations in Avia/Aero Stud AERO ELLD LD:Foundations in Avia/Aero St
ASCI 121 Private Pilot Operations AERO ELLD LD:Private Pilot Operations
ASCI 121L Airmen Knowledge Test Prep AERO ELLD LD:Airmen Knowledge Test Prep
ASCI 260 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles & Sys AERO ELLD LD:Unmanned Aerial Vehicles &
ASCI 309 Aerodynamics AERO 3440 Fundamentals of Aerodynamics
ASCI 315 Unmanned Aerial Systems AERO ELUD UD:Unmanned Aerial Systems
ASCI 316 Ops Bus Asp Unm Aerial Sys AERO ELUD UD:Ops Bus Asp Unm Aerial Sys
ASCI 318 Unmanned Aerial Sys Robotics AERO ELUD UD:Unmanned Aerial Sys Robotic
ASCI 404 Applications in Avia/Aero Law AERO 1230 Aviation Laws and Regulations
ASCI 410 Unmanned Systems Sensing Tech AERO ELUD UD:Unmanned Systems Sens Tech
ASCI 491 Oper'l Apps in Aeronautics AERO ELUD UD:Oper'l Apps in Aeronautics
ATM 0106 Drawing II ART ELLD LD: Drawing II
AV 030101 Avionics For Avia AERO ELUD UD: Avionics For Avia
AVMT 0111 Apld Sci A/Sp Tech AERO ELLD LD: Apld Sci A/Sp Tech
AVMT 0112 Av Regltns Rec & Doc AERO ELLD LD: Av Regltns Rec & Doc
AVMT 0113 A/C Fmlrztn & Flat L AERO ELLD LD: A/C Fmlrztn & Flat L
AVMT 0114 Aviation Material AERO ELLD LD: Aviation Material
AVMT 0115 Dir Current Electri AERO ELLD LD: Dir Current Electri
AVMT 0116 Alter Current Elect AERO ELLD LD: Alter Current Elect
AVMT 0211 Intro A/C Electr Sy AERO ELLD LD: Intro A/C Electr Sy
AVMT 0212 A/C Sheet Metal Str AERO ELLD LD: A/C Sheet Metal Str
AVMT 0213 A/C Instr & Comm/Nav AERO ELLD LD: A/C Instr & Comm/Nav
AVMT 0214 Aircraft Comp Struct AERO ELLD LD: Aircraft Comp Struct
AVMT 0216 A/Crft Insp & Rigg AERO ELLD LD: A/Crft Insp & Rigg
AVMT 0221 Intro Aircraft Pow P AERO ELLD LD: Intro Aircraft Pow P
AVMT 0222 Aircraft Pow Plan Sy AERO ELLD LD: Aircraft Pow Plan Sy
AVMT 0223 Engine Elec & Igni S AERO ELLD LD: Engine Elec & Igni S
AVMT 0224 Prop & Prop Sy AERO ELLD LD: Prop & Prop Sy
AVMT 0311 A/C Envir & Fuel Sys AERO ELLD LD: A/C Envir & Fuel Sys
AVMT 0312 Aircraft Fluid Pow S AERO ELLD LD: Aircraft Fluid Pow S
AVMT 0313 A/Crft Elec Sys AERO ELLD LD: A/Crft Elec Sys
BA 0120 Intro Computer Based INFS ELLD LD: Intro Computer Based
BA 0201 Prin of Mgmt MGMT ELLD LD: Prin of Mgmt
BA 0210 Financial Accounting ACTG ELLD LD: Financial Accounting
BA 0212 Adv Financial Actg ACTG ELLD LD: Adv Financial Actg
BA 0221 Adv Computer Based INFS ELLD LD: Adv Computer Based
BA 0311 Marketing MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
BA 0312 Managerial Accouting ACTG 3020 Managerial Accounting
BA 0314 Human Resource Mgmt MGMT 3810 Human Resource Management
BA 0317 Organizational Behav BCED ELUD UD:Organizational Behav
BA 0325 Social Rspnsb & Ethi MGMT ELUD UD: Social Rspnsb & Ethi
BA 0332 Corporate Finance I FIN ELUD UD: Corporate Finance I
BA 0335 Internatioal Bus MGMT 4710 International Business
BA 0390 Business Law BLAW 3400 Legal Environment of Business
BA 0408 Airport Mgmt AERO ELUD UD: Airport Mgmt
BSAB 0415 Airline Management AERO ELUD UD:Airline Management
BSAS 320 Human Factors in Aviation Safe AERO 3230 Crew Resource Management
CESC 0220 Digital Circuit Design ET ELLD LD:Digital Circuit Design
CESC 0222 Digital Circuit Design Lab CSCI ELLD LD:Digital Circuit Design Lab
COM 0020 Fund of Comm COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
COM 0122 English Comp ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
COM 0219 Speech COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
COM 0221 Technical Report Wr BCED ELLD LD:Technical Report Wr
CS 010101 Intro Keyboard Ops BCED ELLD LD: Intro Keyboard Ops
CS 010501 Intro to Comp Avia AERO ELLD LD: Intro to Comp Avia
CS 0106 Intro to Inter CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Inter
CS 0109 Intro Computers & Appl CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CS 010901 Intro to Computers CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CS 011001 Fortran Progrming CSCI ELLD LD: Fortran Progrming
CS 0112 Database INFS ELLD LD: Database
CS 0114 Business Graphics INFS ELLD LD: Business Graphics
CS 0115 Computer Prog I CSCI ELLD LD: Computer Prog I
CS 0195 Intro to Comp Prog CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Comp Prog
CS 021001 Scientific Progrmng CSCI ELLD LD: Scientific Progrmng
CS 0220 Dig Logc & Comp Op CSCI ELLD LD: Dig Logc & Comp Op
CS 0223 Scientific Program CSCI ELLD LD: Scientific Program
CSCI 0109 Intro to Computers & Appl CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CT 0205 Intro Comp Avn AERO ELLD LD: Intro Comp Avn
DET 0111 Engineering Drawing ET ELLD LD: Engineering Drawing
EC 020001 An Economic Survey ECON ELLD LD: An Economic Survey
EC 021001 Microeconomics ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
EC 021101 Macroeconomics ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 0210 Microeconomics ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 0211 Macroeconomics ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 0225 Engineering Economics ECON ELLD LD:Engineering Economics
EGR 0101 Intro to Engineering ENGR ELLD LD:Intro to Engineering
EGR 0120 Graphical Communica ET ELLD LD: Graphical Communica
EGR 115H Intro Computing for Engineers ENGR ELLD LD:Intro Computing for Engnrs
ENGL 0106 Introduction to Composition ENGL ELLD LD:Introduction to Composition
ENGL 0123 English Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 0221 Technical Report Writing ENGL ELLD LD: Technical Report Writing
ENGL 0222 Business Communication BCED ELLD LD:Business Comm
ENGL 143 Stds in Rhetorical Theory ENGL ELLD LD:Stds in Rhetorical Theory
ES 020101 Statics STAT ELLD LD: Statics
ES 020201 Solid Mechanics ET ELLD LD: Solid Mechanics
ES 0204 Dynamics ENGR 2120 Dynamics
ES 020601 Fluid Mechanics ET 4850 Fluid Power
ET 010101 Engineer Graphics ET ELLD LD: Engineer Graphics
ET 011001 Drftng & Dscrp Geo ET ELLD LD: Drftng & Dscrp Geo
FA 010201 Primary Flight AERO ELLD LD: Primary Flight
FA 010301 Basic Flight AERO ELLD LD: Basic Flight
FA 0109 Com/Pilot Flt Op I AERO 2230 Professional Pilot I
FA 011001 Comm Pilot Flt I AERO ELLD LD: Comm Pilot Flt I
FA 0121 Private Single Flight AERO ELLD LD:Private Single Flight
FA 0200 Comm Pilot Flt II AERO 3210 Professional Pilot II
FA 020301 Intermediate Flt AERO ELLD LD: Intermediate Flt
FA 020401 Adv Flight I AERO ELLD LD: Adv Flight I
FA 031401 Instr Flt Trans Me AERO ELUD UD: Instr Flt Trans Me
FA 031501 Commer Pilot M/E AERO ELUD UD: Commer Pilot M/E
GNED 0103 Basic Mathematics DSPM ELLD LD:Basic Mathematics
GNED 103 Basic Mathematics DSPM ELLD LD:Basic Mathematics
HIST 0130 History of Aviation in America HIST ELLD LD:Hist of Aviation in America
HU 0095 Fund of Comp DSPW ELLD LD: Fund of Comp
HU 010601 Dev English DSPW ELLD LD: Dev English
HU 012001 Communications I HUM ELLD LD: Communications I
HU 012101 Communication III HUM ELLD LD: Communication III
HU 0122 Eng Comp & Lit I ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
HU 012301 Eng Comp & Lit II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
HU 014001 Hum & West Culture HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HU 014101 Studies Humanities HUM ELLD LD: Studies Humanities
HU 0142 Studeis In Literatur ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
HU 0143 Stds In Rhetorical T HUM ELLD LD: Stds In Rhetorical T
HU 0145 Themes In the Human HUM ELLD LD: Themes In the Human
HU 0146 Music Appreciation & Criticism MUS ELLD LD:Music Appr & Criticism
HU 021901 Speech COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
HU 022001 Communications III HUM ELLD LD: Communications III
HU 022101 Tech Report Writing ENGL ELLD LD: Tech Report Writing
HU 0222 Business Communication BCED ELLD LD:Business Comm
HU 025001 Intro to Logic PHIL ELLD LD: Intro to Logic
HU 034101 World Philosophy PHIL ELUD UD: World Philosophy
HUMN 0142 Studies In Lit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
HUMN 0210 World Culture HUM ELLD LD:World Culture
HUMN 0330 Values and Ethics PHIL 3150 Ethics
ISTA 0220 Programming in C# CSCI ELLD LD:Programming in C#
ISTA 0230 Network Fund'ls for Server Sys INFS ELLD LD:Network Fund'ls for Server
ISTA 0322 Developing ASP.NET Web Apps CSCI ELUD UD:Devlpg ASP.NET Web Apps
ISTA 0420 SQL and Application Developmen CSCI ELUD UD:SQL & App Development
ISTA 0421 Developing Cloud Applications CSCI ELUD UD:Devlpg Cloud Applications
ISTA 0422 Azure Application Development CSCI ELUD UD:Azure App Development
ISTA 330 Identity & Access Ctrl Sv Sys INFS ELUD UD:Identity & Access Ctrl Sv S
ISTA 332 Advanced Server Sys Mgmt INFS ELUD UD:Advanced Server Sys Mgmt
IT 0109 Intro Comp & Appls INFS 1000 Introduction to Computers
LGMT 420 Mgmnt of Production & Optrns MGMT ELUD UD:Mgmnt of Production & Optrn
MA 000501 Quantitative Skill DSPM ELLD LD: Quantitative Skill
MA 000601 Inter Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Inter Algebra
MA 010501 Quantitative Skills MATH ELLD LD: Quantitative Skills
MA 010601 Basic Alg/Trig MATH ELLD LD: Basic Alg/Trig
MA 011101 Coll Math/Aviation I MATH ELLD LD: Coll Math/Aviation I
MA 011201 Coll Math/Aviation II MATH ELLD LD: Coll Math/Aviation II
MA 0120 Quantitative Methods BIA 2610 Statistical Methods
MA 0140 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MA 014101 Trigonometry MATH ELLD LD: Trigonometry
MA 0142 Trigonometry MATH 1720 Plane Trigonometry
MA 0145 College Algebra & MATH ELLD LD: College Algebra &
MA 0211 Statistics With Av STAT ELLD LD: Statistics With Av
MA 0220 Quantitative Mthd II BIA ELLD LD: Quantitative Mthd II
MA 0222 Business Stats BIA ELLD LD: Business Stats
MA 0241 Calcs/Annl Geo I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MA 024201 Calcls/Anl Geom II MATH 1920 Calculus II
MA 024301 Calcls Anl Geom III MATH 3110 Calculus III
MA 0320 Decision Mathematics MATH ELUD UD: Decision Mathematics
MA 034501 Differntl Equation MATH 3120 Differential Equations I
MATH 0106 Basic Alg & Trig MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MATH 0111 Pre-calculus for Aviation MATH ELLD LD:Pre-calculus for Aviation
MATH 0140 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MATH 0142 Trigonometry MATH ELLD LD:Trigonometry
MATH 0211 Statistics With Aviation Appl MATH ELLD LD:Statistics w/Aviation Appl
MATH 0222 Business Statistics MATH ELLD LD:Business Statistics
MATH 112 College Math for Aviation II MATH 1810 Applied Calculus I
MGMT 0201 Prin of Management MGMT ELLD LD: Prin of Management
MGMT 0210 Financial Accounting ACTG ELLD LD: Financial Accounting
MGMT 0221 Adv Computer Based MGMT ELLD LD: Adv Computer Based
MGMT 0314 Human Resource Mgmt MGMT 3810 Human Resource Management
MGMT 0331 Transportation Prin MGMT ELUD UD: Transportation Prin
MGMT 0405 Gen Aviation Mkt AERO ELUD UD: Gen Aviation Mkt
MGMT 0408 Airport Mgmt AERO ELUD UD: Airport Mgmt
MGMT 0425 Trnds Crrnt Prblms Air Trnsptn MGMT ELUD UD:Trnds Crnt Prb Air Trnspt
MGMT 0426 International Aviation Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD:International Aviation Mgmt
MGMT 311 Marketing MGMT ELUD UD:Marketing
MGMT 412 Arprt Planning & Design Stndrs MGMT ELUD UD:Arprt Planning&Desgn Stndrs
MMIS 221 Intro to Mgmt Info Systems INFS ELLD LD:Intro to Mgmt Info Systems
MS 010501 Amer Business Entr BCED ELLD LD:Amer Business Entr
MS 0110 Accounting I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
MS 012001 Intro Comp Systems CSCI ELLD LD: Intro Comp Systems
MS 020101 Principles of Mang MGMT ELLD LD: Principles of Mang
MS 021001 Financial Acct I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
MS 022101 Comp Based Systems CSCI ELLD LD: Comp Based Systems
MS 0305 Mgmt Anyl Concepts MS ELUD UD: Mgmt Anyl Concepts
MS 031101 Marketing MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
MS 031401 Human Resource Mgmt MGMT 3810 Human Resource Management
MS 031701 Organ Behavior MGMT 3610 Principles of Management
MS 032001 Bus Inform Systems INFS ELUD UD: Bus Inform Systems
MS 032201 Aviation Insurance AERO ELUD UD: Aviation Insurance
MS 039001 Business Law BLAW ELLD LD: Business Law
MS 040101 Mgmt Plan & Control MGMT ELUD UD: Mgmt Plan & Control
MS 0419 Maintenance Mgt MGMT ELUD UD: Maintenance Mgt
MS 0420 Industrial Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: Industrial Mgmt
MS 043101 Business Policy MGMT ELUD UD: Business Policy
MY 0103 Basic Military Sci MS ELLD LD: Basic Military Sci
MY 0104 Basic Mil Sci MS ELLD LD: Basic Mil Sci
MY 0203 Basic Military Sci MS ELLD LD: Basic Military Sci
MY 0204 Basic Military Lead MS ELLD LD: Basic Military Lead
MY 0303 Officership I MS ELUD UD: Officership I
MY 103L Basic Mil Sci Lab MS ELLD LD: Basic Mil Sci Lab
MY 104L Basic Mil Sci Lab MS ELLD LD: Basic Mil Sci Lab
MY 203L Basic Mil Sci Lab MS ELLD LD: Basic Mil Sci Lab
MY 204L Basic Mil Leadership MS ELLD LD: Basic Mil Leadership
MY 303L Officership I Lab MS ELUD UD: Officership I Lab
NSC 0101 Intro to Naval Science MS ELLD LD:Intro to Naval Science
NSC 0102 Seapower & Maritime Affairs MS ELLD LD:Seapower & Maritime Affairs
PHYS 0102 Explorations in Physics PHYS ELLD LD:Explorations in Physics
PHYS 0142 Intro Environ Sc ENVS 2810 Intro to Environmental Science
PHYS 123 Science of Flight PHYS ELLD LD:Science of Flight
POM 0209 Intro Amer Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PS 010101 Basic Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
PS 010201 Exploratns Physics PHYS ELLD LD: Exploratns Physics
PS 010301 Tech Physics I PHYS 2111 Calculus-Based Physics Lab I
PS 010401 Tech Physics II PHYS 2121 Calculus-Based Physics Lab II
PS 011001 Chem For Engineers CHEM ELLD LD: Chem For Engineers
PS 014101 Chem For Engrs Lab CHEM ELLD LD: Chem For Engrs Lab
PS 0142 Intro to Environ Sci BIOL ELLD LD: Intro to Environ Sci
PS 0150 Physics I For Eng PHYS ELLD LD: Physics I For Eng
PS 0160 Physics II For Eng PHYS ELLD LD: Physics II For Eng
PS 0205 Physics I With Lab PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PS 020801 Physics II PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PS 020901 Physics III With La PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PS 030101 Astronomy PHYS ELUD UD: Astronomy
PS 101L Basic Chem Lab CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
PS 103L01 Tech Physics I PHYS ELLD LD: Tech Physics I
PS 104L01 Tech Physics II PHYS ELLD LD: Tech Physics II
PS 195C Elements Or Engr Che CHEM ELLD LD: Elements Or Engr Che
PSY 0101 Introduction to Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 0220 Intro to Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 0220 Intro to Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 0320 Aviation Psychology PSY ELUD UD:Aviation Psychology
RSCH 202 Intro to Research Methods ELEC ELLD LD:Intro to Research Methods
SCTY 0312 Glbl Crime Crmnl Just Sys ELEC ELUD UD:Glbl Crime Crmnl Just Sys
SCTY 0315 Studies in Intelligence I ELEC ELUD UD:Studies in Intelligence I
SCTY 0415 Studies in Intelligence II ELEC ELUD UD:Studies in Intelligence II
SCTY 0485 Corporate Security ELEC ELUD UD:Corporate Security
SCTY 0488 Nat Sec Issue/Terrorism ELEC ELUD UD:Nat Sec Issue/Terrorism
SF 0320 Human Factors In Avi AERO ELUD UD: Human Factors In Avi
SF 0330 Acft Accident Invest AERO ELUD UD: Acft Accident Invest
SF 0345 Safety Program Mgmt SAFE ELUD UD: Safety Program Mgmt
SF 0350 Acft Crash & Emerg AERO ELUD UD: Acft Crash & Emerg
SF 0445 Systems Safety In Av AERO ELUD UD: Systems Safety In Av
SFTY 0210 Intro to Aerospace AERO ELLD LD: Intro to Aerospace
SFTY 0320 Human Factors Aviation S AERO ELUD UD: Human Factors Aviation S
SFTY 0330 Acft Accident Invest AERO ELUD UD: Acft Accident Invest
SFTY 0335 Mech/Struc Factors A AERO ELUD UD: Mech/Struc Factors A
SFTY 0345 Avia Safety Program Mgmt AERO ELUD UD: Avia Safety Prog Mgmt
SFTY 0350 Acft Crash & Emer Mg AERO ELUD UD: Acft Crash & Emer Mg
SFTY 0409 Aviation Safety AERO 3170 Aviation Safety
SFTY 201 Intro to Occup Sfty & Health ELEC ELLD LD:Intro to Occup Sfty & Healt
SOCI 0310 Personality Development SOC ELUD UD: Personality Development
SOCI 300 Marriage & Family SOC ELUD UD:Marriage & Family
SP 011001 Intro Space Flight AERO ELLD LD: Intro Space Flight
SPCH 0219 Speech COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SS 010201 College Success ELEC ELLD LD: College Success
SS 011001 World History HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
SS 012001 American History HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
SS 0220 Intro to Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
SS 0305 American Military History HIST ELUD UD: American Military History
SS 030501 Amer Military Hist MS ELUD UD: Amer Military Hist
SS 031001 Personality Devl PSY 3590 Personality
SS 0320 Amn Nat Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
SS 0325 International Studie MGMT ELUD UD: International Studie
SS 0340 American Foreign Pol PS 4240 American Foreign Policy
SS 0350 Psy of Relationship PSY ELUD UD: Psy of Relationship
SS 0399 S/T Soviet For Polic HIST ELUD UD: S/T Soviet For Polic
STAT 211 Statistics w/Aviation App STAT ELLD LD:Statistics w/Aviation App
UNIV 0101 College Success ELEC ELLD LD: College Success
WEAX 0201 Meteorology I AERO 2010 Aviation Weather
WEAX 301 Aviation Weather AERO ELUD UD:Aviation Weather
WX 0201 Meteorology I GEOL ELLD LD: Meteorology I
WX 0301 Aviation Weather AERO ELUD UD:Aviation Weather
WX 0352 Meteorology II GEOL ELUD UD: Meteorology II