Transfer Equivalencies

There are 134 transfer equivalencies on file for Florida A&M University

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
ACC 2001 Financial Acct ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACC 2301 Managerial Acct ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACG 2021 Fin Acct Principles ACTG ELLD LD: Fin Acct Principles
ACG 202201 Financial Accountin ACTG ELLD LD: Financial Accountin
ACG 2071 Managerial Acct ACTG ELLD LD: Managerial Acct
ACG 330101 Managerial Accounti ACTG ELUD UD: Managerial Accounti
ACG 4941 Acc Internship ACTG ELUD UD: Acc Internship
AFA 3104 The African Amer Exp AST 2100 Intro to Africana Studies
AMH 1000 US His 1492-Pres HIST ELLD LD:US His 1492-Pres
AMH 201001 U S History 1492-18 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
AMH 2020 Us History 1865-Pres HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
AMH 2091 Intro Afro Amer His HIST 2040 Surv African American Hist I
AMH 3571 Afro Amer His 1865 HIST 2050 Surv African American Hist II
ANT 2000 Intro Anthropology ANTH 2010 Cultural Anthropology
APA 2651 Prin of Accounting I ACTG ELLD LD: Prin of Accounting I
APB 115001 Biological Sci Lab BIOL ELLD LD: Biological Sci Lab
BSC 1005 Biol Science BIOL ELLD LD: Biol Science
BSC 1010 General Biology I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BSC 1011 General Biology II BIOL 1120 General Biology II
CCJ 2010E Intro Crim Justice CJA 1100 Intro Criminal Justice Admin
CGS 2060C Computer Literacy I CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CGS 2120 Intro Comp W/Prog CSCI ELLD LD:Intro Comp W/Prog
CHM 0150 Fund of Chem CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHM 1015 Fund of Chem CHEM ELLD LD: Fund of Chem
CHM 1045 Gen Chem I & Lab CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHM 1045L Gen Chem I Lab CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHM 2210 Organic Chem I CHEM ELLD LD: Organic Chem I
CHM 3210 Organic Chemistry I CHEM ELUD UD: Organic Chemistry I
COP 2221 "C" Programming CSCI ELLD LD:"C" Programming
COT 3100 Discrete Struc I CSCI ELUD UD:Discrete Struc I
ECO 2013 Prin Econ I ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
EGN 1004L FY Eng Lab ENGL ELLD LD:FY Eng Lab
ENC 110101 Fresh Comm Skills I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENC 110201 Fresh Com Skills II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENC 112101 Honors Fresh Comp I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENC 112201 Honors Fresh Comp I ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENC 3930 Enhanced Writing Skills ENGL ELUD UD: Enhanced Writing Skills
EUH 3100 Ancient History HIST ELLD LD: Ancient History
GEB 1091 Intro Prof Leadership ELEC ELLD LD:Intro Prof Leadership
GEB 1092 Intro Prof Leaders Hip Dev II ELEC ELLD LD:Int Prf Leaders Hip Dev II
GEB 1440 Fund Concepts ELEC ELLD LD: Fund Concepts
GEB 1441 Fund Con II ELEC ELLD LD: Fund Con II
GEB 193101 Intro Prof Devel I ELEC ELLD LD: Intro Prof Devel I
GEB 1932 Intro Prof De ELEC ELLD LD: Intro Prof De
GEB 2931 Interm Prof Dev ELEC ELLD LD: Interm Prof Dev
GEB 2932 Interm Prof Dev ELEC ELLD LD: Interm Prof Dev
GER 1440 Fund Concepts I ELEC ELLD LD: Fund Concepts I
HES 1000 Health Modern Liv HLTH ELLD LD:Health Modern Liv
HSC 110001 Hlth Modern Living HLTH ELLD LD: Hlth Modern Living
HSC 240001 First Aid HLTH 3300 First Aid and Safety Education
HSC 3107 Hlth Lifestyle Col HLTH ELLD LD: Hlth Lifestyle Col
HUM 221101 Historical Survey I HIST ELLD LD: Historical Survey I
HUM 223001 Historical Survey I HIST ELLD LD: Historical Survey I
HUM 3214 Early Civil Clas Wor HUM ELUD UD: Early Civil Clas Wor
HUM 3237 Coun Reform HUM ELUD UD:Coun Reform
HUM 3255 Mod & Post Mod Cult HUM ELUD UD: Mod & Post Mod Cult
MAC 110401 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MAC 1105 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MAC 1114 Algeb & Trigon Funct MATH ELLD LD:Algeb & Trigon Funct
MAC 1133 Alg & Trig Function MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MAC 1142 Pre-Calculus MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MAC 2311 Calculus I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MAC 2312 Calculus II MATH ELLD LD:Calculus II
MAC 3311 Calculus I MATH ELUD UD: Calculus I
MAC 3313 Calculus III MATH ELLD LD: Calculus III
MAN 1931 Prof Dev BCED ELLD LD:Prof Dev
MAN 1932 Prof Dev II BCED ELLD LD:Prof Dev II
MAN 2543 Intro Bus Systems BCED ELLD LD:Intro Bus Systems
MAN 2811 Intro Bus Systems BCED ELLD LD:Intro Bus Systems
MAN 281201 Intro Bus Systems BCED ELLD LD:Intro Bus Systems
MAN 3025 Prin of Mgmt MGMT 3610 Principles of Management
MAN 3531 Fund Eng Concepts ET ELUD UD: Fund Eng Concepts
MAN 3532 Mgmt Engin I MGMT ELUD UD:Mgmt Engin I
MAN 3701 Business Ethics MGMT 3940 Ethical Leadership in Business
MAN 4653 Glob Business MGMT ELUD UD: Glob Business
MAR 4803 Marketing Manage MKT ELUD UD: Marketing Manage
MAT 0024 College Prep Algebr DSPM ELLD LD: College Prep Algebr
MGF 120201 Tech Math Sci MATH ELLD LD: Tech Math Sci
MGF 221201 Finite Mathematics MATH ELLD LD: Finite Mathematics
MIS 1010 Intro Military Science MS ELLD LD: Intro Military Science
MIS 1490 Leadership Dev Lab MS ELLD LD: Leadership Dev Lab
MMC 2000 Intro Mass Media JOUR ELLD LD: Intro Mass Media
MNK 1111 Class Piano MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUH 3016 Jazz History MUHL 4530 History of Jazz
MUH 3116 Jazz History MUHL 4530 History of Jazz
MUH 3211 Hist of Music I MUHL 1610 The World of Music
MUL 2010 Music Appreciation MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUN 1130 Symphonic Band MUEN 3110 Symphonic Band
MUN 1391 Gospel Choir MUEN ELLD LD: Gospel Choir
MUN 3440 Percussion Ensemble MUEN ELLD LD: Percussion Ensemble
MUN 3710 Jazz Lab Band MUEN 3400 Jazz Ensemble
MUT 1121 Mat & Skills MUTH 1110 Theory and Aural Skills I
MUT 1122 Mat & Skills MUTH 1120 Theory and Aural Skills II
MUT 1241 Sight Singing & Ear MUTH 1110 Theory and Aural Skills I
MUT 1242 Sight Sign & Ear Train MUTH 1120 Theory and Aural Skills II
MUT 2641 Jazz Improvisation MUEN ELLD LD: Jazz Improvisation
MVB 1311 Trumpet MUAP 2472 Private Instruction Trumpet
MVK 1111 Class Piano I MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MVK 1112 Class Piano MUS 1540 Class Piano II
PEL 1121 Golf Beginning PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
PEL 1341 Tennis Beginning PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
PEM 1101 Fund Movement PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEM 211101 Phy Fitness Sel Act PHED ELLD LD: Phy Fitness Sel Act
PET 192001 Prof Orientation II ELEC ELLD LD: Prof Orientation II
PET 332001 Apl Hum Ant Phy Edu PHED ELLD LD: Apl Hum Ant Phy Edu
PHA 1001 Intro to Pharmacy ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to Pharmacy
PHA 2004 Medical Terminology ELEC ELLD LD: Medical Terminology
PHA 3915 Phar Forum/Colloqu ELEC ELUD UD: Phar Forum/Colloqu
PHI 2101 Intro to Logic PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHY 2048 General Physics I PHYS 2111 Calculus-Based Physics Lab I
PHY 2048L Gen Physics I Lab PHYS 2111 Calculus-Based Physics Lab I
PHY 2053 College Physics I PHYS ELLD LD: College Physics I
PHY 2053L Physics Lab PHYS ELLD LD:Physics Lab
POS 2001 Intro Pol Sci PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics
POS 2041E Amer Natl Government PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PSC 1121 Intro Phy Science PSCI ELLD LD: Intro Phy Science
PSY 201201 Intro to Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
QMB 3600 Quan Mtd Bus Dec BIA ELUD UD:Quan Mtd Bus Dec
QMB 3602 Quan Mtd Bus BIA ELUD UD:Quan Mtd Bus
REA 0001 College Prep Read DSPR ELLD LD: College Prep Read
REA 1105 Reading Improvement READ ELLD LD: Reading Improvement
REL 3145 Women In Religion RS ELUD UD: Women In Religion
REL 3249 Interp the Gospels RS ELUD UD: Interp the Gospels
REL 4440 Cont Rel Thought RS ELUD UD: Cont Rel Thought
SLS 110101 College Orientation ELEC ELLD LD: College Orientation
SOP 3782 Black Psychology PSY ELUD UD: Black Psychology
SPC 1050 Foundation of Speech COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPC 2600 Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPC 305101 Speech & Lang Cont COMM ELLD LD: Speech & Lang Cont
SPN 1100 Elem Spanish I SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPN 110101 Elem Spanish II SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SYG 200001 Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
THE 2000 Intro to Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
WOH 1012 Hist Civil to 1500 HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I