Transfer Equivalencies

There are 408 transfer equivalencies on file for University of West Florida

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
ACC 2071 Prin Managerial Acc ACTG ELLD LD: Prin Managerial Acc
ACG 2021 Prin Fin Acc ACTG ELLD LD: Prin Fin Acc
ACG 2071 Prin Managerial Acc ACTG ELLD LD: Prin Managerial Acc
ACG 302101 Financial Acc Surve ACTG ELUD UD: Financial Acc Surve
ACG 3101 Intermed Fin Actg ACTG 3110 Intermediate Accounting I
ACG 3111 Intermed Fin Acct II ACTG 3120 Intermediate Accounting II
ACG 330301 Acc For Mgrl Contro ACTG ELUD UD: Acc For Mgrl Contro
ADV 2214 Graphics in Comm ADV ELLD LD: Graphics in Comm
ADV 3000 Intro Advertising ADV ELUD UD: Intro Advertising
ADV 310101 Advertising Writing ADV ELUD UD: Advertising Writing
ADV 330001 Advertising Media ADV ELUD UD: Advertising Media
ADV 4202 Creative Strategy & Tactics II ADV ELUD UD: Creative Strat & Tactics
AFR 1101 Found Usaf I MS ELLD LD: Found Usaf I
AFR 1112 Found Uw Afr II MS ELLD LD: Found Uw Afr II
AFR 2130 Evol USAF Air/Space Power I AERO ELLD LD:Evol USAF Air/Space Power I
AFR 2132 Evol USAF Air/Spc Power II AERO ELLD LD:Evol USAF Air/Spc Power II
AHM 331301 Us Soc Cul 20th Cen HIST ELUD UD: Us Soc Cul 20th Cen
AMH 2010 Us to 1877 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
AMH 2020 Us Since 1877 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
AMH 331301 Us Soc\Cul 20th Cen HIST ELUD UD: Us Soc\Cul 20th Cen
AMH 3990 Feds vs Antifeds HIST ELUD UD:Feds vs Antifeds
AMH 4551 Con Legal to 1877 HIST ELUD UD:Con Legal to 1877
AMH 4552 Con Legal Since 1877 HIST ELUD UD:Con Legal Since 1877
AML 2010 American Literature I ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
AML 330301 Studies Amer Lit I ENGL 3310 19th Century American Lit
AML 4154 American Poetry ENGL ELUD UD: American Poetry
ANT 1138 Intro to Maritime Studies ANTH ELLD LD:Intro to Maritime Studies
ANT 2000 Intro Anth ANTH ELLD LD: Intro Anth
ANT 2301 Human Sexuality and Culture ANTH ELLD LD:Human Sexuality & Culture
ANT 2511 Biological Anthropology ANTH ELLD LD:Biological Anthropology
ANT 3212 People & Culture of World ANTH 3010 Ethnology
ANT 4808 Applied Anthropology ANTH 4120 Practicing Anthropology
APB 3310 Intro Medical Tech ELEC ELUD UD: Intro Medical Tech
APK 2100C Applied Human Anatomy w/Lab BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
ARH 1000 Art Appreciation ART 1030 Art Appreciation
ARH 1010 Intro to Art History ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ARH 105001 Intro to Art Histor ART ELLD LD: Intro to Art Histor
ARH 2050 Western Survey I ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ARH 2051 Western Survey II ART 1930 Survey of Western Art II
ART 1015 Expl Artistic Vision ART ELLD LD:Expl Artistic Vision
ART 1300 Drawing I ART ELLD LD: Drawing I
ART 1301C Drawing II ART 1640 Drawing II
ART 2003 Visual Arts Exper ART ELLD LD: Visual Arts Exper
ART 2201C Two-Dimensional Design ART 1610 2-Dimensional Design
ART 2203C 3D Design ART 1630 3-Dimensional Design
ART 2400 General Printmaking ART ELLD LD:General Printmaking
ART 2500C Painting I ART 2710 Painting I
ART 2821 Art and Visual Culture Today ART ELLD LD:Art and Visual Culture Toda
ART 3500 Painting Non Majors ART ELUD UD: Painting Non Majors
ART 3507 Painting Non-Majors ART ELUD UD:Painting Non-Majors
AST 3033 Modern Astronomy ASTR ELUD UD: Modern Astronomy
ATF 1100L Private Pilot Flight Training AERO ELLD LD:Priv Pilot Flight Training
ATT 1100 Private Pilot Ground Sch AERO ELLD LD:Private Pilot Ground Sch
BCN 2272 Blueprint Reading CIM ELLD LD: Blueprint Reading
BOT 201001 General Botany BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BOT 3601 Plant Ecology BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Ecology
BSC 1005 General Bio/Non-Maj BIOL ELLD LD: General Bio/Non-Maj
BSC 1005L Gen Bio/Non-Maj Lab BIOL ELLD LD:Gen Bio/Non-Maj Lab
BSC 101001 General Biology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BSC 101L01 Laboratory BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BSC 1085 Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BSC 1085L Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BSC 190501 Honors Biology BIOL ELLD LD: Honors Biology
BSC 2010 Biology I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BSC 2010L Biology I Laboratory BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BSC 2011 Biology II BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BSC 2011L Biology II Lab BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BSC 2311 Intro Ocean/Mar Bio BIOL ELLD LD: Intro Ocean/Mar Bio
BSC 2311L Intro to Oceanography Lab BIOL ELLD LD:Intro to Oceanography Lab
BSC 2844 Biology Skills BIOL ELLD LD:Biology Skills
BSC 2990 Intro Ocean Mar Bio BIOL ELLD LD: Intro Ocean Mar Bio
BUL 3130 Legal Enviro of Bus BLAW 3400 Legal Environment of Business
BUL 313101 Legal Environment O BLAW 3400 Legal Environment of Business
BUL 367201 Business Associatio BCED ELUD UD:Business Association
CCJ 2002 Survey Crime & Justice CJA 2100 Criminal Theory
CCJ 3014 Criminology SOC 4300 Criminology
CCJ 3024 Crime & CJ System CJA ELUD UD: Crime & CJ System
CCJ 3060 Ethics & Justice System CJA ELUD UD: Ethics & Justice System
CCJ 3666 Victimology CJA ELUD UD:Victimology
CCJ 4036 Behav Sci & Law CJA ELUD UD: Behav Sci & Law
CCJ 450101 Juvenile Justice CJA 4500 Juvenile Justice System
CCJ 4700 Research Des in Crim Justice CJA 3200 Research Methods Computer Tech
CCJ 4931 Special Topics Crim Justice CJA ELUD UD:Special Topics Crim Justice
CCJ 4990 Legal Aspts of Foren CJA ELUD UD: Legal Aspts of Foren
CEN 4020 Software Eng I ET ELUD UD: Software Eng I
CGS 2060 Excurs in Computing CSCI ELLD LD: Excurs in Computing
CGS 2570 Micro Comp App Pkgs8 INFS 2200 Introduction to Microcomputing
CGS 2920 IT Foundations CSCI ELLD LD:IT Foundations
CGS 306001 Intro to Data Proce CSCI ELUD UD: Intro to Data Proce
CGS 3284 Network Mgt/DES CSCI ELUD UD:Network Mgt/DES
CGS 3464 Visual Programming CSCI 3037 Computer Lang Visual Program
CGS 3559 Exploring Internet ELEC ELUD UD: Exploring Internet
CGS 3570 Micro Comp App Pks INFS ELUD UD: Micro Comp App Pks
CHM 1020 Concept In Chemistr CHEM ELLD LD: Concept In Chemistr
CHM 1020L Concepts in Chem Lab CHEM ELLD LD: Concepts in Chem Lab
CHM 1032 Fund. General Chem I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHM 1032L Fund. General Chem Lab CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHM 204501 Chemistry I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHM 2045L Gen Chemistry I Lab CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHM 204601 Chemistry II CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHM 2046L Gen Chemistry II Lab CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHM 2210 Organic Chemistry I CHEM ELLD LD:Organic Chemistry I
CHM 2210L Organic Chem I Lab CHEM ELLD LD:Organic Chem I Lab
CJE 3674 Intro to Forensic Sciences ANTH 3660 Forensic Sciences
CJE 4110 Police in Free Soc CJA 3230 Police Organization and Admin
CLP 314401 Abnormal Psychology PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
COM 2203 Communication Dynamics COMM 2300 Interpersonal Communication
COM 2713 Intro to Comm Professions JOUR ELLD LD:Intro to Comm Professions
COM 4110 Bus & Profess Commun BCED 3510 Business Communication
COM 4120 Organizational Comm COMM ELUD UD: Organizational Comm
COM 4301 Applied Communication Research COMM 3750 Quant Research Methods in Comm
COP 2253 JAVA Programming CSCI ELLD LD: JAVA Programming
COP 2334 C++ Programming CSCI ELLD LD: C++ Programming
COP 3014 Algorithm and Program Design CSCI ELUD UD:Algorithm and Program Desig
COP 3530 Data Structures & Algorithms I CSCI ELUD UD:Data Struct & Algrthms I
CRW 2001 Intro Crtv Writing ENGL 2500 Intro to Creative Writing
DAA 2905 Aerobic Conditionin PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
DAA 3990 Jazz Dance DANC 1020 Jazz Dance Techniques I
DAN 2990 Ballet I DANC 1040 Ballet Techniques I
DAN 3992 Mus Theatre Dance DANC ELUD UD: Mus Theatre Dance
DEP 2004 Hum Dev Act Lifespa PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
DEP 310301 Child Development CDFS ELUD UD: Child Development
DEP 4304 Psy of Adolescence PSY 4210 Adolescent Development
DEP 4305 Psy of Adolescence PSY ELUD UD:Psy of Adolescence
DEP 4401 Adulthood and Aging SOC ELUD UD: Adulthood and Aging
DEP 505501 Developmental Psych PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
ECO 201301 Prin of Econ Macro ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 2023 Prin Eco Micro ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 3003 Prin Econ Th/Pub Pol ECON ELUD UD: Prin Econ Th/Pub Pol
ECO 310101 Intermed Micro-Anal ECON ELUD UD: Intermed Micro-Anal
ECON 310101 Intermed Micro Anal ECON ELUD UD: Intermed Micro Anal
ECP 4005 Econ & Public Polic ECON ELUD UD: Econ & Public Polic
EDE 3301 El & Early Chld Inst ELED ELUD UD: El & Early Chld Inst
EDE 4200 Plan & Curr I ELED ELUD UD: Plan & Curr I
EDF 1005 Intro to Education EESE 2010 Introduction to Education
EDF 2085 Diverse Populations ELED ELLD LD: Diverse Populations
EDF 321401 Psychological Found PSY ELUD UD: Psychological Found
EDF 3234 Appl Found of Educ FOED ELUD UD: Appl Found of Educ
EDF 3605 Soc His Phil Found E FOED ELUD UD: Soc His Phil Found E
EDG 2041 Exploring Inquiry Teaching FOED ELLD LD:Exploring Inquiry Tchg
EDG 2701 Diverse Populations FOED ELLD LD: Diverse Populations
EDG 3323 K12 Rdg Instr READ ELUD UD:K12 Rdg Instr
EDG 4351 Educational Assessment ECE ELUD UD:Educational Assessment
EDG 4373 Integrated Arts & Educ Tools ECE 4210 Integrate Creative Arts in EC
EDG 4442 Learning Environment ELED 4340 Managing Learning Environments
EEC 4603 Child Guid/Clsrm Mgt ELED ELUD UD: Child Guid/Clsrm Mgt
EEL 3111 Circuits I ET ELLD LDCircuits I
EEL 3111L Elec Circuits Lab ET ELUD UD:Elec Circuits Lab
EEL 3701 Dig Logic & Comp Sys ET ELUD UD:Dig Logic & Comp Sys
EEL 3701L Dig Logic & Comp Lab ET ELUD UD:Dig Logic & Comp Lab
EEL 4834 Prog For Engineers ENGR ELUD UD:Prog For Engineers
EEX 3070 Ed Except Stu Mainst SPED ELUD UD: Ed Except Stu Mainst
EEX 4255 Curr Tch Except Ch SPED ELUD UD: Curr Tch Except Ch
EEX 4261 Ed Mgmt Ex Ch SPED ELUD UD: Ed Mgmt Ex Ch
EGM 4313 Interm Engr Analysis ENGR ELUD UD:Interm Engr Analysis
EGN 3204 ENG Soft Tools ENGR ELUD UD:ENG Soft Tools
EGS 3441 Engineering Statistics ENGR ELUD UD:Engineering Statistics
EGS 4032 Professional Ethics ENGR ELUD UD:Professional Ethics
EIN 4354 Engineering Economy ENGR ELUD UD:Engineering Economy
EME 2040 Intro Educ Tech SPSE ELLD LD: Intro Educ Tech
EME 3408 Instruct Technology FOED ELUD UD: Instruct Technology
ENC 110101 English Comp I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENC 110201 English Comp II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENC 199001 Freshman Comp I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENC 3240 Technical Writing ENGL ELUD UD: Technical Writing
ENC 3250 Professional Writing ENGL ELUD UD: Professional Writing
ENC 331301 Writing/Non Majors ENGL ELUD UD: Writing/Non Majors
ENC 399001 Poetry Writing ENGL ELUD UD: Poetry Writing
ENG 399001 20th Cent Brit Lit ENGL ELUD UD: 20th Cent Brit Lit
ENL 2020 Hist Engl Lit II ENGL ELLD LD: Hist Engl Lit II
ESC 2000 Intro Earth Science PGEO 1030 Physical Geography
ESE 4322 Instr Mgt Assess Sec FOED ELUD UD:Instr Mgt Assess Sec
EUH 1000 West Perspectives I HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
EUH 1001 Western Perspect II HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
EUH 3990 Medi Conq & Crusades HIST ELUD UD: Medi Conq & Crusades
EUH 4503 English Constit Hist HIST ELUD UD:English Constit Hist
EUH 4511 Tudor/Stuart England HIST ELUD UD:Tudor/Stuart England
EUH 4535 Eng & Amer CP to Present HIST ELUD UD:Eng & Amer CP to Present
EVR 2001 Intro to Environ Sci ENVS 2810 Intro to Environmental Science
EXP 3082 Exp Psych Lab PSY ELUD UD: Exp Psych Lab
EXP 440401 Psych of Learning PSY 4480 Learning Theories
FIL 4403 Hist Motion Pict I ENGL ELUD UD: Hist Motion Pict I
FIN 2104 Personal Financial Planning FIN 2010 Personal Financial Planning
FIN 3140 Pers Financial Plnng FIN ELUD UD: Pers Financial Plnng
FIN 340301 Managerial Finance FIN 4110 Cases in Finance
GEA 2000 Natns & Regns of Wld GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GEB 1011 Intro to Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
GEB 3213 Writing for Bus: Theory BCED ELUD UD: Writing for Bus: Theory
GEB 3453 Bus Eth & Stake Mgt MGMT ELUD UD: Bus Eth & Stake Mgt
GEB 4361 Bus In the Inter Env BCED ELUD UD:Bus In the Inter Env
GEB 4441 Bus/Ethics & Society MGMT 3940 Ethical Leadership in Business
GEB 4444 Bus Ethics & Society BCED ELUD UD:Bus Ethics & Society
GEO 1200 Physical Geography PGEO 1030 Physical Geography
GEO 2330 Envir Science EST ELLD LD: Envir Science
GEO 3372 Cons of Natrl Resour PGEO ELUD UD: Cons of Natrl Resour
GEO 3421 Cultural Geography GEOG 4360 Cultural Geography
GEO 3502 Economic Geography GEOG ELUD UD: Economic Geography
GEY 4001 Gerontology GERO ELUD UD:Gerontology
GLY 2010 Physical Geology GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
GLY 2010L Physical Geology Lab GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
GRA 2111C Intro to Design ART ELLD LD:Intro to Design
HIS 3002 Methods & Materials HIST ELUD UD:Methods & Materials
HIS 4990 Pub Present of Hist HIST ELUD UD: Pub Present of Hist
HLP 308101 Hlt Nutrit Phy Fitn HLTH ELUD UD: Hlt Nutrit Phy Fitn
HLP 4722 Hlth/PE Elem Teach PHED ELUD UD: Hlth/PE Elem Teach
HSC 2577 Principles of Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
HSC 3406C Adv First Aid&Emerg Care HLTH ELUD UD:Adv First Aid&Emerg Care
HSC 3535 Medical Terminology HLTH ELUD UD:Medical Terminology
HSC 4133 Human Sexuality ELEC ELUD UD: Human Sexuality
INP 3002 Industrial Psy PSY ELUD UD: Industrial Psy
INP 3004 Industrial Psy PSY 3320 Intro to Industrial Org Psy
INP 4224 Workforce Diversity ELEC ELUD UD: Workforce Diversity
INR 2002 International Politi PS ELLD LD: International Politi
INR 3002 International Pol PS 3210 International Relations
ISM 3011 Mgmt Info Systems INFS 3100 Prin of Mgmt Info Systems
JOU 2100 Newspaper Reporting JOUR ELLD LD: Newspaper Reporting
JOU 3100 Newspaper Reporting JOUR ELUD UD: Newspaper Reporting
LAE 3313 Lan Skls Lit Elem Sc ELED ELUD UD: Lan Skls Lit Elem Sc
LAE 3314 Lan Skls/Lit Ele Sch ELED ELUD UD: Lan Skls/Lit Ele Sch
LAE 4464 Young Adult Literature ENGL ELUD UD: Young Adult Literature
LAH 3200 Latin Am Since Indep HIST 4520 Latin America
LIN 3742 Modern Grammar/Usage ENGL ELUD UD: Modern Grammar/Usage
LIT 1110 Great Books ENGL ELLD LD: Great Books
LIT 2000 Introduction to Literature ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
LIT 2030 Intro to Poetry ENGL ELLD LD:Intro to Poetry
LIT 2040 Intro to Drama ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
LIT 2100 Intro to Literature ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
LIT 2112 Intro to Literature ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
LIT 2930 Issues in Lit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
LIT 2990 Issues In Lit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
M C 2000 Prin of Mass Comm JOUR ELLD LD: Prin of Mass Comm
MAC 110401 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MAC 1105 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MAC 1105C College Algebra with Lab MATH ELLD LD:College Algebra with Lab
MAC 1114 Trigonometry MATH ELLD LD: Trigonometry
MAC 113C01 Coll Algebra W Lab MATH 1710 College Algebra
MAC 114001 Pre-Calculus Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MAC 1147 Precalculus with Trigonometry MATH ELLD LD:Precalculus w/Trigonometry
MAC 2233 Calc w/Bus App MATH ELLD LD: Calc w/Bus App
MAC 2311 Anlytc Geom/Cal I MATH ELLD LD: Anlytc Geom/Cal I
MAC 2312 Analytic Geometry/Cal II MATH ELLD LD: Analytic Geometry/Cal II
MAC 2313 Anlytc Geom/Cal III MATH ELLD LD: Anlytc Geom/Cal III
MAC 3233 Calc With Bus Appls MATH ELUD UD: Calc with Bus Appls
MAD 3104 Discrete Math In Sci MATH 3080 Discrete Structures
MAE 3810 Math For Elem Teache MATH 1010 Math for General Studies
MAE 4310 Tea Math Elem School MATH ELUD UD: Tea Math Elem School
MAN 302101 Mgt Fundamentals MGMT ELUD UD: Mgt Fundamentals
MAN 3025 Mgt Fundametals MGMT 3610 Principles of Management
MAN 3240 Organizatnl Behavior MGMT 4680 Organization Behavior
MAN 3301 Personnel Management MGMT ELUD UD: Personnel Management
MAN 3504 Operations Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: Operations Mgmt
MAN 4570 Purchasing & Supply Mgt MGMT ELUD UD: Purchasing & Supply Mgt
MAN 4750 Future: Proj/Plnn/Mgt MGMT ELUD UD: Future: Proj/Plnn/Mgt
MAP 2302 Diff Equations MATH ELLD LD: Diff Equations
MAR 3023 Mktg Fund MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
MAR 310301 Professional Sellin MKT ELUD UD: Professional Sellin
MAR 3202 Supply Chain Log Man MGMT 3620 Supply Chain Operations
MAR 340301 Promotional Mgmt MKT ELUD UD: Promotional Mgmt
MAR 350301 Consumer Behavior MKT 3910 Consumer Behavior
MAR 415301 Retail Management MKT ELUD UD: Retail Management
MAR 424301 International Mktg MKT ELUD UD: International Mktg
MAR 4403 Sales Management MKT 4800 Sales Management
MAR 4412 Professional Selling Methods MKT ELUD UD:Professional Selling Method
MAR 461301 Marketing Research MKT ELUD UD: Marketing Research
MAR 471301 Mkting Prob & Strat MKT ELUD UD: Mkting Prob & Strat
MAR 4721 Internet Marketing Principles MKT ELUD UD: Internet Marketing Princip
MAS 3105 Linear Algebra MATH ELUD UD: Linear Algebra
MAT 1033 Intermed Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Intermed Algebra
MATH 1104 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MGF 1106 Math Lib Arts I MATH ELLD LD: Math Lib Arts I
MGF 1107 Math for Liberal Arts II MATH ELLD LD:Math for Liberal Arts II
MMC 2000 Prin of Mass Comm EMC ELLD LD: Prin of Mass Comm
MUH 2110 Music In West Civ MUHL ELLD LD: Music In West Civ
MUH 2930 Mus Exp:Concerts MUS ELLD LD: Mus Exp:Concerts
MUH 3801 Jazz History MUHL 4530 History of Jazz
MUL 2010 Music Appreciation MUHL 1610 The World of Music
MUL 2110 Mus In West Civil MUHL ELLD LD: Mus In West Civil
MUN 3100 UWF Argo Athletic Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUN 3133 Uwf Symphonic Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUN 3443 Percussion Ensemble MUEN 3500 Percussion Ensemble
MUN 3991 Gospel Choir MUS ELUD UD: Gospel Choir
MUN 4714 Uwf Jazz Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUS 264201 Music In West Civil MUS ELLD LD: Music In West Civil
MUT 1111 Freshman Theory MUTH ELLD LD: Freshman Theory
MUT 1112 Freshman Theory II MUTH ELLD LD: Freshman Theory II
MUT 1271 Freshman Theory Lab MUTH ELLD LD: Freshman Theory Lab
MUT 1272 Freshman Thry II Lab MUTH ELLD LD: Freshman Thry II Lab
MUT 2116 Sophomore Theory MUTH ELLD LD: Sophomore Theory
MUT 2276 Sophomore Thr I Lab MUTH ELLD LD: Sophomore Thr I Lab
MUT 2277 Sophmore Thr II Lab MUTH ELLD LD:Sophmore Thr II Lab
MUT 3611 Musical Strctr & Sty MUS ELUD UD: Musical Strctr & Sty
MVK 1111 Class Piano I MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MVK 1112 Class Piano MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MVP 1311 Applied Music Percussion MUS ELLD LD:Applied Music Percussion
MVP 2321 Applied Music Perc MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Perc
MVP 4341 Performance Percsn MUS ELUD UD: Performance Percsn
MVS 2990 Class Guitar Beginn MUS 1550 Class Guitar I
MVS 3331 Appl Music Violin MUAP 4381 Private Instruction Violin
OCE 3007 Concepts Oce/Mar Bio GEOL 3010 Oceanography
PAD 3003 Public Admin Amer Society PS ELUD UD:Public Admin Amer Society
PCB 2131 Cell Biology BIOL ELLD LD: Cell Biology
PEM 1116 Body Shaping I PHED ELLD LD:Body Shaping I
PEM 1141 Aerobic Cond PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEN 399001 Lifeguard Training PHED ELUD UD: Lifeguard Training
PEP 2500 Non-Trad Sports PHED 2800 Intro to Physical Education
PET 230001 Kinesiology PHED 4910 Applied Kinesiology Biomech
PET 4361 SP Nutri & Wght Con NFS 3280 Sports Nutrition
PET 4610 Eval Tec Athl Inj II ATHT 3960 Eval Injury Upper Extremities
PET 4760 Theory & Pract Coach ATHC ELUD UD: Theory & Pract Coach
PGY 340101 Phot as Ast Form PHOT ELLD LD: Phot as Ast Form
PHH 3400 Modern Philosophy PHIL ELUD UD:Modern Philosophy
PHI 2010 Intro to Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHI 2103 Critical Thinking PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHI 260001 Ethics & Contemp So PHIL ELLD LD: Ethics & Contemp So
PHI 2603 Ethics In Contem PHIL ELLD LD: Ethics In Contem
PHI 310001 Intro to Logic PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHI 3800 Philosophy of Art PHIL ELUD UD:Philosophy of Art
PHY 1020 Concepts in Physics PHYS ELLD LD: Concepts in Physics
PHY 1020L Concepts in Phys Lab PHYS ELLD LD: Concepts in Phys Lab
PHY 2048 Univ Physics I PHYS ELLD LD: Univ Physics I
PHY 2048L University Physics Lab I PHYS ELLD LD:University Physics Lab I
PHY 2049 Univ Physics II PHYS 2121 Calculus-Based Physics Lab II
PHY 2049L Univ Physics Lab II PHYS 2121 Calculus-Based Physics Lab II
PHY 2053 General Physics I PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHY 3053 Gen Physics I PHYS ELUD UD: Gen Physics I
PHY 3106 Modern Physics I PHYS ELUD UD: Modern Physics I
PHY 3107 Modern Physics II PHYS ELUD UD: Modern Physics II
PHY 4323 Elec & Mag I PHYS ELUD UD: Elec & Mag I
PHZ 3106 Intermed Phys Probs PHYS ELUD UD: Intermed Phys Probs
PHZ 4114 Math Physics II PHYS ELUD UD: Math Physics II
POS 104101 Political Instution PS ELLD LD: Political Instution
POS 2041 American Politics PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
POS 3625 1st Amendment Freedom PS ELUD UD:1st Amendment Freedom
PPE 4003 Thry of Personality PSY 3590 Personality
PSB 4003 Brain/Behavior/Exper PSY ELUD UD: Brain/Behavior/Exper
PSB 4731 Psy Sex Behavior PSY 4600 Psychosexual Adjustment
PSB 4990 Sports Psychology PSY ELUD UD: Sports Psychology
PSY 2012 Gen Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 201301 Human Behavior PSY ELLD LD: Human Behavior
PSY 2023 Careers in Psych PSY ELLD LD:Careers in Psych
PSY 3144 Abnormal Psychology PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
PSY 3213 Res Meth Psych I PSY ELUD UD:Res Meth Psych I
PSY 3215 Res Meth Psych II PSY ELUD UD:Res Meth Psych II
PSY 4003 Thry of Personality PSY 3590 Personality
PSY 4202 Intro to Gen Counsel PSY ELUD UD: Intro to Gen Counsel
PSY 438301 Psychology Assessme PSY ELUD UD: Psychology Assessme
PSY 4905 Psy of Diversity PSY ELUD UD: Psy of Diversity
PSY 4990 Psychology & Law PSY ELUD UD: Psychology & Law
PUP 4004 Public Policy PS 3160 American Public Policy
PUR 3000 Prin Public Relation PR ELUD UD: Prin Public Relation
PUR 3100 Writing for Public Relations PR ELUD UD: Writing Public Relations
RED 3310 Tea Read Elem Sch READ ELUD UD: Tea Read Elem Sch
REL 1300 World Religions RS ELLD LD: World Religions
REL 2000 Intro to Religion RS ELLD LD: Intro to Religion
RTV 3200 Television Production EMC ELUD UD: Television Production
RTV 3210 Radio Production EMC ELUD UD: Radio Production
RTV 3240 Radio Production EMC ELUD UD: Radio Production
RTV 3533 Digital Video Production VFP ELUD UD:Digital Video Production
SCE 3800 Sci For Elem Teach ELED ELUD UD: Sci For Elem Teach
SLS 1109 Academic Foundations ELEC ELLD LD: Academic Foundations
SLS 130101 Student Life Skills ELEC ELLD LD: Student Life Skills
SLS 2948 Service Lrng I ELEC ELLD LD: Service Lrng I
SLS 330101 Career & Life Plann ELEC ELLD LD: Career & Life Plann
SOP 3004 Social Psychology SOC 4500 Soc Interaction & Identities
SOP 3662 Organizatn Behavior SOC ELUD UD: Organizatn Behavior
SOP 3730 Pay/Culture/Society SOC 4011 Social Inequality
SOP 477201 Human Sexuality SOC 3400 Gender and Society
SOP 4990 Prejudice Sterotype SOC ELUD UD: Prejudice Sterotype
SOW 2192 Understanding Relationships SW ELLD LD:Understanding Relationships
SOW 320301 Intro to Social Wor SW 2570 Introduction to Social Work
SOW 332201 Work W Groups SW ELUD UD: Work W Groups
SOW 3650 Intro Child Welfare SW ELUD UD: Intro Child Welfare
SPC 2016 Basic Comm Skills COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPC 230001 Spkng/Interpers Com COMM ELLD LD: Spkng/Interpers Com
SPC 2608 Basic Comm Skills COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPN 1121 Spanish II SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SPN 1990 Spanich I SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SSE 331201 Multicult Educ a K- ELED ELUD UD: Multicult Educ a K-
STA 1014 Elem Stat MATH 1530 Applied Statistics
STA 2023 Elem of Stat MATH 1530 Applied Statistics
STA 302301 Elements of Statist MATH 1530 Applied Statistics
STA 313401 Qm For Business BIA ELUD UD:Qm For Business
STA 3162C Applied Statistics STAT 4190 Mathematical Statistics II
STA 4321 Intro:Math/Stat I MATH ELUD UD:Intro:Math/Stat I
SYD 3410 Urban Sociology SOC ELUD UD: Urban Sociology
SYG 2000 Intro Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SYG 201001 Social Problems SOC 2010 Social Problems
SYO 310001 The Family SOC 2500 Marriage and Family
SYP 415301 Sociology Sex Roles SOC 3400 Gender and Society
THE 1020 Intro to Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
THE 200001 The Theatre Experie THEA ELLD LD: The Theatre Experie
THE 3112 Hist of Theatre III THEA ELUD UD: Hist of Theatre III
TPA 220001 Technical Theatre THEA ELLD LD: Technical Theatre
TPA 3210 Technical Theatre THEA ELUD UD: Technical Theatre
TPA 4045 Costume Design THEA 3200 Intro to Costume for A&E
TPP 1282 Voice & Movement THEA ELLD LD: Voice & Movement
TPP 2100 Beginning Acting THEA 1015 Acting I
TPP 3112 Tech of Acting THEA 1015 Acting I
TRA 3153 Strat Transport Man MGMT ELUD UD: Strat Transport Man
TRA 3234 Warehousing & Terminal Mgt MGMT 4810 Integrated Logistics Mgmt
TSL 4080 ESOL Prin & Practice ELED ELUD UD: ESOL Prin & Practice
TSL 4251 Applied Linguistics ELED ELUD UD: Applied Linguistics
TSL 4441 Testing & Eval ELED ELUD UD: Testing & Eval
WOH 101201 World History I HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
ZOO 101001 General Zoology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
ZOO 373301 Human Anatomy BIOL 2030 Anatomy and Physiology
ZOO 4513 Animal Behavior BIOL ELUD UD: Animal Behavior