Transfer Equivalencies

There are 259 transfer equivalencies on file for Gwinnett Technical College

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
ACC 0101 Prin Actg I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACC 0102 Prin Acct II ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACC 1101 Principles of Accounting I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACC 1102 Principles of Accounting II ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACCT 1100 Financial Accounting I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
AHS 0101 Anat & Phys BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
AHS 0109 Intro Med Termin BIOL ELLD LD: Intro Med Termin
AHS 0130 Med Term Lab Ahs BIOL ELLD LD: Med Term Lab Ahs
ALHS 1011 Anatomy & Physiology NURS ELLD LD:Anatomy & Physiology
ALHS 1090 Allied Health Sciences NURS ELLD LD:Allied Health Sciences
ARTS 1101 Art Appreciation ART 1030 Art Appreciation
ASH 0103 Honda Susp/Strng ELEC ELLD LD: Honda Susp/Strng
ASH 0106 Intro/Honda Elec ELEC ELLD LD: Intro/Honda Elec
ASH 0107 Honda Strt/Chg Sy ELEC ELLD LD: Honda Strt/Chg Sy
ASH 0111 Honda Fuel/Exh Sy ELEC ELLD LD: Honda Fuel/Exh Sy
ASH 0112 Honda Emissions Sy ELEC ELLD LD: Honda Emissions Sy
ASH 0122 Honda Adv Elec Tr ELEC ELLD LD: Honda Adv Elec Tr
AUTT 1010 Automotive Technology Intro ELEC ELLD LD:Automotive Technology Intro
AUTT 1020 Automotive Electrical Systems ELEC ELLD LD:Automotive Electrical Syste
AUTT 1030 Automotive Brake Systems ELEC ELLD LD:Automotive Brake Systems
AUTT 1040 Automotive Engine Performance ELEC ELLD LD:Automotive Engine Performan
AUTT 1050 Auto Suspension & Steering Sys ELEC ELLD LD:Auto Suspension & Steering
AUTT 2020 Auto Manual Drive Train & Axle ELEC ELLD LD:Auto Manual Drive Train & A
AUTT 2030 Automatic Transmiss & Transaxl ELEC ELLD LD:Automatic Transmiss & Trans
BIO 0194 Anat & Phys II BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO 2113 Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BIO 2114 Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO 2117 Introductory Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIOL 1111 Biology I BIOL ELLD LD:Biology I
BIOL 1111L Biology I Lab BIOL ELLD LD:Biology I Lab
BUS 0101 Keybdng Typewriting BCED ELLD LD: Keybdng Typewriting
BUS 0102 Intermediate Document Proc BCED ELLD LD:Interm Doc Proc
BUS 0103 Advanced Document Processing BCED ELLD LD:Adv Doc Proc
BUS 0104 Microcompu Fund INFS 2200 Introduction to Microcomputing
BUS 0105 Database Fundamentals INFS ELLD LD: Database Fundamentals
BUS 0106 Office Procedures BCED ELLD LD:Office Proc
BUS 0107 Machine Transcription BCED ELLD LD:Machine Trans
BUS 0108 Word Processing BCED ELLD LD: Word Processing
BUS 0201 Advanced Word Processing BCED ELLD LD:Adv Word Proc
BUS 0202 Spreadsheet Fundamentals INFS ELLD LD: Spreadsheet Fundamentals
BUS 0261 Presentation Fundamentals BCED ELLD LD:Pres Fund
CARP 1070 Site Layout Footing & Foundati CMT ELLD LD:Site Layout Footing & Fndtn
CARP 1105 Floor and Wall Framing CMT ELLD LD:Floor and Wall Framing
CARP 1110 Ceiling & Roof Framing Coverin CMT ELLD LD:Ceiling & Roof Framing Cove
CARP 1112 Exterior Finishes and Trim CMT ELLD LD:Exterior Finishes and Trim
CARP 1114 Interior Finishes I CMT ELLD LD:Interior Finishes I
CHEM 1211 Chemistry I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1211L Chemiatry Lab I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CIS 0102 Intro to Computer CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CIS 0103 Operating Sys Progra CSCI ELLD LD: Operating Sys Progra
CIS 0105 Program Design Devel CSCI ELLD LD: Program Design Devel
CIS 0106 Computer Concepts CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CIS 0112 Sys Analysis & Desig CSCI ELLD LD: Sys Analysis & Desig
CIS 0113 Cobol I CSCI ELLD LD: Cobol I
CIS 0114 Cobol II CSCI ELLD LD: Cobol II
CIS 0122 Micro Inst & Mntn CSCI ELLD LD: Micro Inst & Mntn
CIS 0124 Micr Database Prog CSCI ELLD LD: Micr Database Prog
CIS 0127 Word Proc/Desktop P BCED ELLD LD:Word Proc
CIS 0149 Windows Prog In C CSCI ELLD LD: Windows Prog In C
CIS 0158 Networking I CSCI ELLD LD: Networking I
CIS 0214 Database Management CSCI ELLD LD: Database Management
CIS 0222 Adv Microsoft Excel INFS ELLD LD: Adv Microsoft Excel
CIS 0223 Adv Microsoft Acces INFS ELLD LD: Adv Microsoft Acces
CIS 0224 Adv Powerpoint INFS ELLD LD: Adv Powerpoint
CIS 0226 Adv Microsoft Front INFS ELLD LD: Adv Microsoft Front
CIS 0253 Basic Prog I Vis Bas CSCI ELLD LD: Basic Prog I Vis Bas
CIS 0254 Basic Prog II Vis Ba CSCI ELLD LD: Basic Prog II Vis Ba
CIS 0255 Intro to C Programmi CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to C Programmi
CIS 0256 Adv C Programming CSCI ELLD LD: Adv C Programming
CIS 0261 Intro to Ms Dos CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Ms Dos
CIS 0280 Sys Application Proj CSCI ELLD LD: Sys Application Proj
CIS 1115 Info Security Fund INFS ELLD LD:Info Security Fund
CIS 1116 Security Policies INFS ELLD LD:Security Policies
CIS 1140 Networking Fundamen INFS ELLD LD: Networking Fundamen
CIS 2149 Impl MS Windows INFS ELLD LD:Impl MS Windows
CIS 2150 Impl MS Windows INFS ELLD LD:Impl MS Windows
CIS 2153 Impl MS Win Net Infrastructure INFS ELLD LD:Impl MS Win Net Infrstrctr
CIS 2154 Impl MS Win Net Directory INFS ELLD LD:Impl MS Win Net Directory
CIS 2161 SQL Programming CSCI ELLD LD:SQL Programming
CIS 2191 Internet Bus Fund INFS ELLD LD:Internet Bus Fund
CIS 2201 HTML Fundamentals CSCI ELLD LD: HTML Fundamentals
CIS 2228 Adv Spreadsheet Tec INFS ELLD LD: Adv Spreadsheet Tec
CIS 2321 Introduction to LAN and WAN CSCI ELLD LD:Introduction to LAN and WAN
CIS 2322 Intro to WANs and Routing CSCI ELLD LD:Intro to WANs and Routing
CIS 252 Intro to JAVA Programming CSCI ELLD LD:Intro to JAVA Programming
CIS 2801 Interactive Video Prod Part I CSCI ELLD LD:Interactive Video Prod Pt I
CIS 2802 Interactive Video Prod Part II CSCI ELLD LD:Interactive Video Prd Pt II
CIS 2803 Interactive Video Part III CSCI ELLD LD:Interactive Video Part III
CIS 282 Intro to C++ Programming CSCI ELLD LD:Intro to C++ Programming
CIST 1001 Computer Concepts INFS ELLD LD:Computer Concepts
CIST 1130 Operating Systems Concepts CSCI ELLD LD:Operating Systems Concepts
CIST 1220 Structured Query Language-SQL CSCI ELLD LD:Strctrd Query Language-SQL
CIST 1510 Web Dev I INFS ELLD LD:Web Dev I
CIST 1601 Information Security Fund INFS ELLD LD:Information Security Fund
CIST 1602 Security Policies & Procedures CSCI ELLD LD:Security Policies & Procdrs
CIST 2431 Introduction UNIX/Linux CSCI ELLD LD:Introduction UNIX/Linux
CIST 2451 Cisco Network Fundamentals CSCI ELLD LD:Cisco Network Fundamentals
CIST 2452 Cisco Routing Protocols & Conc CSCI ELLD LD:Cisco Routing Protocols & C
CIST 2453 Netwking,Security & Automation INFS ELLD LD:Netwking,Security & Automat
CIST 2480 AWS Cloud Foundations CSCI ELLD LD:AWS Cloud Foundations
CIST 2601 Implement Operat Syst Security CSCI ELLD LD:Implement Operat Syst Secur
CIST 2602 Network Security INFS ELLD LD:Network Security
CIST 2611 ImplemInternet/IntranetFirewal CSCI ELLD LD:ImpInternet/IntranetFirewal
CIST 2612 Computer Forensics INFS ELLD LD:Computer Forensics
CIST 2613 Ethical Hacking & Pentrtn Tstn CSCI ELLD LD:Ethical Hacking & Pentrtn T
CMTT 2010 Residential Estimating Review CMT ELLD LD:Residential Estimating Revi
CMTT 2020 Construction Drafting I CMT ELLD LD:Construction Drafting I
CMTT 2050 Residential Code Review CMT ELLD LD:Residential Code Review
CMTT 2130 Computerized Constrn Sched CMT ELLD LD:Computerized Constrn Sched
CMTT 2170 Construction Contracting CMT ELLD LD:Construction Contracting
COFC 1000 Safety CMT ELLD LD:Safety
COFC 1010 Introduction to Construction CMT ELLD LD:Introduction to Constructio
COFC 1020 Professional Tool Use & Safety CMT ELLD LD:Prof Tool Use & Safety
COFC 1030 Materials and Fasteners CMT ELLD LD:Materials and Fasteners
COFC 1050 Constr Print Reading Fund CMT ELLD LD:Constr Print Reading Fund
COL 0098 College Study Skills DSPS ELLD LD:College Study Skills
COMP 1000 Intro to Computers INFS 1000 Introduction to Computers
CRJU 1010 Intro to Criminal Justice CJA 1100 Intro Criminal Justice Admin
ECCE 1101 Introduction to ECCE ECE ELLD LD: Introduction to ECCE
ECCE 1103 Child Growth and Development ECE ELLD LD:Child Growth and Developmen
ECCE 1105 Health, Safety and Nutrition ECE ELLD LD:Health, Safety and Nutritio
ECET 1102 Circuit Analysis I ET ELLD LD:Circuit Analysis I
ECET 1102L Circuit Analysis I Lab ET ELLD LD:Circuit Analysis I Lab
ECO 0193 Macroeconomics ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 1101 Principles of Economics ECON ELLD LD:Principles of Economics
ECON 2105 Macroeconomics ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2106 Microeconomics ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ENG 0096 English II DSPW ELLD LD: English II
ENG 0097 English III DSPW ELLD LD: English III
ENG 0098 Grammar & Compositi DSPW ELLD LD: Grammar & Compositi
ENG 0101 English ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 0111 Business English ENGL ELLD LD: Business English
ENG 0191 Comp & Rhetoric I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 0193 Literature and Composition ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 1102 Literature & Composition ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 0910 Diploma ENGL & READ LS-Coreq DSPR ELLD LD:Diploma ENGL & READ LS-Core
ENGL 1010 Fund of English I ENGL ELLD LD:Fund of English I
ENGL 1101 Composition & Rhetoric ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 1102 Literature & Composition ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 2130 American Literature ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
FYES 1000 First Year Experience UNIV ELLD LD: First Year Experience
HIST 1111 World History I HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HIST 1112 World History II HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HIST 2111 Survey of U.S. History I HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 2112 Survey of U.S. History II HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HRT 0101 Inrto to Hospitality ELEC ELLD LD: Inrto to Hospitality
HRT 0104 Hospitality Actg ELEC ELLD LD: Hospitality Actg
HRT 0105 Hospit Employee Trai ELEC ELLD LD: Hospit Employee Trai
HRT 0106 Fod & Beverage Mgmt ELEC ELLD LD: Fod & Beverage Mgmt
HRT 0205 Hotel Operations Mgt ELEC ELLD LD: Hotel Operations Mgt
HRT 0206 Food,Bev,Lab Cost Co ELEC ELLD LD: Food,Bev,Lab Cost Co
HRT 0208 Quantity Food Produc ELEC ELLD LD: Quantity Food Produc
HRTM 1110 Travel Industry & Travel Geog THM ELLD LD:Travel Industry & Travel Ge
HRTM 1220 Super & Lead Hospitality Indus THM ELLD LD:Super & Lead Hsptlty Indus
HUM 0191 Intro to Humanities HUM ELLD LD: Intro to Humanities
HUMN 1101 Intro Humanities HUM ELLD LD:Intro Humanities
IDSY 1005 Intro to Mechatronics ENGR ELLD LD:Intro to Mechatronics
IDSY 1190 Fluid Power Systems ENGR ELLD LD:Fluid Power Systems
ITEC 1001 Intro Computing INFS 1000 Introduction to Computers
LOGI 1000 Business Logistics MGMT ELLD LD:Business Logistics
LOGI 1010 Purchasing MGMT ELLD LD:Purchasing
LOGI 1020 Materials Management MGMT ELLD LD:Materials Management
LOGI 1030 Product Lifecycle Management MGMT ELLD LD:Product Lifecycle Managemen
MAS 0101 Med Law & Ethics ELEC ELLD LD: Med Law & Ethics
MAS 0103 Pharmacology ELEC ELLD LD: Pharmacology
MAS 0104 Med Adm Proced I ELEC ELLD LD: Med Adm Proced I
MAS 0105 Med Adm Proced II ELEC ELLD LD: Med Adm Proced II
MAS 0108 Med Assist Skl I ELEC ELLD LD: Med Assist Skl I
MAS 0109 Med Assist Skl III ELEC ELLD LD: Med Assist Skl III
MAS 0112 Human Diseases ELEC ELLD LD: Human Diseases
MAS 0113 Matrnl Child Care ELEC ELLD LD: Matrnl Child Care
MAS 0117 Med Assist Extrn ELEC ELLD LD: Med Assist Extrn
MAS 0118 Med Assist Seminar ELEC ELLD LD: Med Assist Seminar
MAS 0130 Med Assist Extrns ELEC ELLD LD: Med Assist Extrns
MAT 0098 Pre-Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Pre-Algebra
MAT 0100 Basic Math MATH ELLD LD: Basic Math
MAT 0101 General Math MATH 1010 Math for General Studies
MAT 0181 Intermed Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Intermed Algebra
MAT 0191 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MAT 0196 Contemporary Math MATH ELLD LD: Contemporary Math
MAT 0198 Elementary Statistics MATH ELLD LD:Elementary Statistics
MAT 098B Beginning Algebra II DSPM ELLD LD: Beginning Algebra II
MAT 099A Intermediate Algebra I DSPM ELLD LD: Intermediate Algebra I
MAT 099B Intermediate Algebra II DSPM ELLD LD: Intermediate Algebra II
MAT 1111 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MATH 0097 Learning Support Math II DSPM ELLD LD:Learning Support Math II
MATH 0098 Elementary Algebra-RDsgn DSPM ELLD LD:Elementary Algebra-RDsgn
MATH 0099 Student Success Pre-Col Alg DSPM ELLD LD:Intermed Algebra-Redesign
MATH 1012 Found of Mathematics MATH ELLD LD:Found of Mathematics
MATH 1101 Mathematical Modeling MATH ELLD LD:Mathematical Modeling
MATH 1103 Quantitative Skills & Reasonin MATH ELLD LD:Quantv Skills & Reasoning
MATH 1111 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MATH 1113 Precalculus MATH ELLD LD:Precalculus
MATH 1127 Introduction to Statistics MATH 1530 Applied Statistics
MATH 98 Elementary Algebra DSPM ELLD LD:Elementary Algebra
MGMT 1100 Principles of Management MGMT ELLD LD: Principles of Management
MGMT 1105 Organizational Behavior MGMT ELLD LD:Organizational Behavior
MGMT 1110 Employment Rules & Regulations MGMT ELLD LD:Employment Rules & Regs
MGMT 1115 Leadership MGMT ELLD LD:Leadership
MGMT 1120 Introduction to Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
MGMT 1125 Business Ethics MGMT ELLD LD:Business Ethics
MGMT 2115 Human Resource Management MGMT ELLD LD:Human Resource Mgmt
MGMT 2125 Performance Management MGMT ELLD LD:Performance Management
MGMT 2215 Team Project MGMT ELLD LD:Team Project
MKT 0101 Prin of Management MGMT ELLD LD: Prin of Management
MKT 0103 Business Law BLAW ELLD LD: Business Law
MKT 0143 Customer Service MKT ELLD LD: Customer Service
MSD 0101 Interpersonal Emp R MGMT ELLD LD: Interpersonal Emp R
MSD 0102 Legal Envir/Supervi MGMT ELLD LD: Legal Envir/Supervi
MSD 0104 Human Resource Management MGMT ELLD LD:Human Resource Mgmt
MSD 0113 Business Ethics MGMT ELLD LD:Business Ethics
MSD 0157 Total Qual Mgmt Pri MGMT ELLD LD: Total Qual Mgmt Pri
MUSC 1100 Music Appreciation MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSC 1101 Music Appreciation MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
PHOT 1102 Visual Theory I PHOT ELLD LD: Visual Theory I
PHOT 1103 Camera Techniques I PHOT 1050 Basic Digital Photography
PHOT 1104 Photographic Workshop I PHOT ELLD LD:Photographic Workshop I
PHOT 1105 Digital Imaging I PHOT ELLD LD:Digital Imaging I
PHOT 1122 Visual Theory II EMC ELLD LD:Visual Theory II
PHOT 1123 Camera Techniques II PHOT ELLD LD:Camera Techniques II
PHOT 1124 Photographic Workshop II PHOT ELLD LD:Photographic Workshop II
PHOT 1125 Multimedia I EMC ELLD LD:Multimedia I
PHOT 1126 Portraiture I PHOT ELLD LD:Portraiture I
PHOT 2101 Portfolio I PHOT ELLD LD:Portfolio I
PHOT 2103 Commercial I PHOT ELLD LD:Commercial I
PHOT 2105 Digital Imaging II PHOT ELLD LD:Digital Imaging II
PHOT 2106 Photojournalism JOUR ELLD LD:Photojournalism
PHOT 2121 Portfolio II PHOT ELLD LD:Portfolio II
PHOT 2122 Practicum/Internship PHOT ELLD LD:Practicum/Internship
PHOT 2123 Commercial II EMC ELLD LD:Commercial II
PHOT 2125 Multimedia II EMC ELLD LD:Multimedia II
PHOT 2126 Portraiture II PHOT ELLD LD:Portraiture II
PHOT 2131 Photographic Business Mgmt PHOT ELLD LD:Photographic Business Mgmt
PHY 0190 Introductory Physics PHYS 2111 Calculus-Based Physics Lab I
POLS 1101 American Government PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PSCI 1101 Physical Science w/Lab PSCI 1030 Topics in Physical Science
PSY 0101 Basic Psych PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 0191 Intro Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 0291 Human Growth & Dev PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 1101 Intro Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 2250 Abnormal Psychology PSY ELLD LD:Abnormal Psychology
RDG 0096 Reading II DSPR ELLD LD: Reading II
RDG 0097 Reading III DSPR ELLD LD: Reading III
RDG 0098 Reading IV DSPR ELLD LD: Reading IV
RELG 1101 World Religions RS ELLD LD:World Religions
RLM 0201 Intro Rec Mgmt REC ELLD LD: Intro Rec Mgmt
RLM 0205 Rec Prog Leadership REC ELLD LD: Rec Prog Leadership
RLM 0217 Recreational Interns REC ELLD LD: Recreational Interns
SCT 0100 Intro to Microcomput INFS ELLD LD: Intro to Microcomput
SOC 0191 Introduction to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 1101 Introduction to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SPC 0191 Fund of Speech COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPM 0201 Sport Management MGMT ELLD LD: Sport Management
SPM 0203 Legal Issues In Spo PHED ELLD LD: Legal Issues In Spo
SPM 0205 Sport Marketing MKT ELLD LD: Sport Marketing
WLD 0133 Mtl Wldg/Ctng Tec ET ELLD LD: Mtl Wldg/Ctng Tec