Transfer Equivalencies

There are 410 transfer equivalencies on file for Georgia Institute of Tech

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
A E 235001 Intro to Aerospace AERO ELLD LD: Intro to Aerospace
ACCT 2101 Accounting I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 2102 Accounting II ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
AE 1350 Intro to Aerospace Engr AERO ELLD LD:Intro to Aerospace Engr
APPH 1040 Sci Foundation of Health HLTH ELLD LD:Sci Foundation of Health
APPH 1050 Sci of Phys Act & Health HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
APPH 1060 Flourish Str Well & Res HLTH ELLD LD:Flourish Str Well & Res
ARCH 101101 Design Fundamentals ET ELLD LD: Design Fundamentals
ARCH 101201 Design Fundamentals ET ELLD LD: Design Fundamentals
ARCH 101301 Design Fundamentals ET ELLD LD: Design Fundamentals
ARCH 121101 Intro to Arch ET ELLD LD: Intro to Arch
ARCH 121201 Intro to Arch ET ELLD LD: Intro to Arch
ARCH 121301 Intro to Arch ET ELLD LD: Intro to Arch
ARCH 150101 Visual Communicatio ET ELLD LD: Visual Communication
ARCH 150201 Visual Communicatio ET ELLD LD: Visual Communication
ARCH 150301 Visual Communicatio ET ELLD LD: Visual Communication
ARCH 201101 Arch Design Studio ET ELLD LD: Arch Design Studio
ARCH 201201 Arch Design Studio ET ELLD LD: Arch Design Studio
ARCH 201301 Arch Design Studio ET ELLD LD: Arch Design Studio
ARCH 220101 History of Arch I ET ELLD LD: History of Arch I
ARCH 220201 History of Arch II ET ELLD LD: History of Arch II
ARCH 220301 History of Arch III ET ELLD LD: History of Arch III
ARCH 231101 Arch Technology I ET ELLD LD: Arch Technology I
ARCH 231201 Arch Technology II ET ELLD LD: Arch Technology II
ARCH 231301 Arch Technology III ET ELLD LD: Arch Technology III
ARCH 232101 Computer Appl In Ar ET ELLD LD: Computer Appl In Ar
ARCH 233101 Site Planning ET ELLD LD: Site Planning
ARCH 234101 Fund Structural Des ET ELLD LD: Fund Structural Des
ARCH 301101 Arch Design Studio ET ELUD UD: Arch Design Studio
ARCH 321101 Hist & Theory Moder ET ELUD UD: Hist & Theory Moder
B C 1010 B C Seminar ELEC ELLD LD: B C Seminar
BIOL 1111 General Biology II BIOL ELLD LD: General Biology II
BIOL 1510 Biological Principl BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIOL 1520 Intro Organismal Bi BIOL ELLD LD: Intro Organismal Bi
BIOL 4803 Speical Topics BIOL ELUD UD: Speical Topics
BIOS 1108 Organismal Biology BIOL ELLD LD:Organismal Biology
BIOS 1108L Organismal Biology Lab BIOL ELLD LD:Organismal Biology Lab
BIOS 1207 Majors Biol Principles BIOL ELLD LD:Majors Biol Principles
BIOS 1207L Biol Principles Proj Lab BIOL ELLD LD:Biol Principles Proj Lab
BMED 1000 Intro to Biomedical Engr ELEC ELLD LD:Intro to Biomedical Engr
BMED 1300 Problems-Biomed Engr I ELEC ELLD LD:Problems-Biomed Engr I
BMED 2210 Conservation Prin in BME BIOL ELLD LD:Conservation Prin in BME
BMED 3100 Systems Physiology BIOL ELUD UD:Systems Physiology
BMED 3400 Intro to Biomechanics BIOL ELUD UD:Intro to Biomechanics
BMED 3510 Biomed Systems & Model BIOL ELUD UD:Biomed Systems & Model
C E 011001 Intro to C E ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to C E
C E 020101 Plane Surveying ELEC ELLD LD: Plane Surveying
C S 1501 Intro to Computing CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
C S 1502 Intro to Programming CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Programming
C S 220101 Data Structures CSCI ELLD LD: Data Structures
CERE 208001 Ceramic Survey ART ELLD LD: Ceramic Survey
CHBE 2100 Chem Process Principles ENGR ELLD LD:Chem Process Principles
CHBE 2120 ChE Numerical Methods ENGR ELLD LD:ChE Numerical Methods
CHBE 2130 Chem Eng Thermo I ENGR ELLD LD:Chem Eng Thermo I
CHE 2100 Chem Process Prin CHEM ELLD LD: Chem Process Prin
CHE 2207 Chemical Proc Prin CHEM ELLD LD: Chemical Proc Prin
CHE 2208 Chemical Proc Prn 2 CHEM ELLD LD: Chemical Proc Prn 2
CHE 3311 Heat Transfer CHEM ELUD UD: Heat Transfer
CHE 3320 Chemical Engr Thermo CHEM ELUD UD: Chemical Engr Thermo
CHE 3411 Physical Chem I CHEM 4330 Physical Chem Fundamentals I
CHEM 010401 Gen Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 010501 Gen Chemistry CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 1101 Gen Chemistry I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 110201 General Chemistry I CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 1111 Gen Chemistry I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1112 General Chem II CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 1211K Chemical Principles I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1212 Chemical Principles II CHEM ELLD LD:Chemical Principles II
CHEM 1310 General Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1311 Inorganic Chem I CHEM ELLD LD: Inorganic Chem I
CHEM 1312 Inorgan Chem Lab I CHEM ELLD LD: Inorgan Chem Lab I
CHEM 1315 Survey of Organic Chem CHEM 2030 Elements of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 2113 Chemical Principles CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 2311 Organic Chem I CHEM ELLD LD: Organic Chem I
CHEM 3311 Organic Chem I CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 3312 Organic Chemistry II CHEM ELUD UD:Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 3411 Physical Chemistry I CHEM 4330 Physical Chem Fundamentals I
CHIN 1001 Elem Chinese I FL ELLD LD: Elem Chinese I
CHIN 1002 Elem Chinese II CHIN 1020 Elementary Chinese II
CHIN 2001 Intermediate Chinese I CHIN 2010 Intermediate Chinese I
COE 2001 Statics ET ELLD LD:Statics
CS 1050 Constructing Proof CSCI ELLD LD: Constructing Proof
CS 1100 Freshman Leap Seminar CSCI ELLD LD:Freshman Leap Seminar
CS 1301 Intro Computing CSCI ELLD LD:Intro Computing
CS 1301R CS 1301 Recitation CSCI ELLD LD:CS 1301 Recitation
CS 1311 Intro to Computing CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CS 1312 Object Oriented Prgm CSCI ELLD LD: Object Oriented Prgm
CS 1321 Intro to Computing CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Computing
CS 1322 Object Oriented Pro CSCI ELLD LD: Object Oriented Pro
CS 1331 Object Orient Prog CSCI ELLD LD:Object Orient Prog
CS 1332 Data Struct & Algorithms CSCI ELLD LD:Data Struct & Algorithms
CS 1371 Computing for Engineers CSCI ELLD LD:Computing for Engineers
CS 1371R Recitation CSCI ELLD LD:Recitation
CS 1501 Intro to Computing CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CS 1502 Intro to Programming CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Programming
CS 1700 Digital Comp Organ CSCI ELLD LD: Digital Comp Organ
CS 1801 Special Topics CSCI ELLD LD: Special Topics
CS 2050 Intro Discrete Math CS CSCI ELLD LD:Intro Discrete Math CS
CS 2051 Discrete Math CS CSCI ELLD LD:Discrete Math CS
CS 2130 Languages & Transla CSCI ELLD LD: Languages & Transla
CS 3750 User Interface Design CSCI ELUD UD:User Interface Design
CS 3790 Intro Cognitive Science CSCI ELUD UD:Intro Cognitive Science
E E 130001 Comp & Digital Dsgn ET ELLD LD: Comp & Digital Dsgn
E E 303201 Computer Engineerin ET ELUD UD: Computer Engineering
E E 3200 Elements of Elec Eng ET ELUD UD: Elements of Elec Eng
E E 325001 Elements of Elec En ET ELUD UD: Elements of Elec En
E E 3300 Electronmagnetics I ET ELUD UD: Electronmagnetics I
E E 335001 Fund Semi Conduc De ET ELUD UD: Fund Semi Conduc De
E E 336001 Digital Hardware ET ELUD UD: Digital Hardware
E E 3411 Junior Elec Engr Lab ET ELUD UD: Junior Elec Engr Lab
E GR 017001 Design I IDES ELLD LD: Design I
E GR 117001 Visual Comm & Engr ET ELLD LD: Visual Comm & Engr
EAS 1600 Intro Environ Sci ENVS 2810 Intro to Environmental Science
EAS 1601 Habitable Planet ENVS ELLD LD:Habitable Planet
EAS 2803 Special Topics GEOL ELUD UD: Special Topics
ECE 1100 ECE Discovery Studio ENGR ELLD ECE Discovery Studio
ECE 2020 Digital Sys Design ENGR ELLD LD:Digital Sys Design
ECE 2026 Signal Processing ENGR ELLD LD:Signal Processing
ECE 2030 Intro Computer Engi ET ELLD LD: Intro Computer Engi
ECE 2031 Digital Design Lab ENGR ELLD LD:Digital Design Lab
ECE 2035 Programming HW/SW Syst ENGR ELLD LD:Programming HW/SW Syst
ECON 2000 Prin of Econ I ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2001 Prin of Econ II ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2001 Prin of Econ II and ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 2100 Economics and Policy ECON ELLD LD:Economics and Policy
ECON 2101 The Global Economy ECON ELLD LD:The Global Economy
ECON 2105 Prin Macroeconomics ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 2106 Prin Microeconomics ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
EE 3300 Electromagnetics I ET ELUD UD: Electromagnetics I
EE 3710 Intro to Electr Sys ET ELUD UD: Intro to Electr Sys
ENGL 010701 Intro to Lit ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Lit
ENGL 010801 Intro to Lit ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Lit
ENGL 010901 Analysis of Lit ENGL ELLD LD: Analysis of Lit
ENGL 020101 Humanities HUM ELLD LD: Humanities
ENGL 020201 Humanities HUM ELLD LD: Humanities
ENGL 100101 Anyl of Lit & Langu ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 1002 Anyl of Lit & Lang ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 1002 Anyl of Lit & Lang and ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 1101 English Comp I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 1102 English Comp II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 2001 Humanities Survey I ENGL ELLD LD:Humanities Survey I
ENGL 2002 Humanities Survey II ENGL ELLD LD:Humanities Survey II
ENGL 200301 Humanities HUM ELLD LD: Humanities
ENGL 2101 Intro to Drama & Fil ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Drama & Fil
ENGL 220101 Intro to American L ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 2301 Intro to Lit ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 2401 Intro to Western Tra ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 3008 Logic & Use of Language ENGL ELUD UD:Logic & Use of Language
ENGL 3015 Public Speaking COMM ELUD UD:Public Speaking
ENGL 3023 Written Comm-Sci,Bus & Ind ENGL ELUD UD:Written Comm-Sci,Bus & Ind
ENGL 3081 Seminars In Lit ENGL ELUD UD: Seminars In Lit
ENGL 3310 Internet I ENGL ELUD UD: Internet I
ESM 020501 Statistics STAT ELLD LD: Statistics
ESM 2201 Statics ET ELLD LD: Statics
ESM 2211 3mechanics of Solids ET ELLD LD: 3mechanics of Solids
ESM 3201 Dynamics I ET ELUD UD: Dynamics I
ESM 3311 Mechanics of Solids ET ELUD UD: Mechanics of Solids
FREN 1001 Elementary French I FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FREN 1002 Elem French II FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FREN 1002 Elem French II and FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FREN 1003 Elem French III FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FREN 2101 Pattern Fren Cul I FREN ELLD LD: Pattern Fren Cul I
FREN 2102 Pattern Fren Culture FREN ELLD LD: Pattern Fren Culture
GEOL 020101 General Geology GEOL ELLD LD: General Geology
GER 1001 Elem German I GERM 1010 Elementary German I
GER 1002 Elem German II GERM 1010 Elementary German I
GER 1002 Elem German II and GERM 1020 Elementary German II
GER 1003 Elem German III GERM 1020 Elementary German II
GER 2001 Intro-Mod Ger Culture I GERM ELLD LD:Intro-Mod Ger Culture I
GRMN 1002 Elementary German II GERM 1020 Elementary German II
GRMN 2002 Interm German II GERM 2020 Intermediate German II
GT 1000 Freshman Seminar ELEC ELLD LD: Freshman Seminar
GT 2100 Success Seminar ELEC ELLD LD:Success Seminar
GT 2500 Think Big Tech ELEC ELLD LD:Think Big Tech
GT 2801 Special Topics ELEC ELLD LD:Special Topics
GT 2803 Special Topics ELEC ELLD LD:Special Topics
HIS 4876 Special Topics HIST ELUD UD: Special Topics
HIST 010101 Us Hist to 1865 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 010201 Us Hist Since 1865 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 1001 U S Hist to 1865 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 100201 U S History Since 1 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 1028 Intro Hist of Sci HIST ELLD LD: Intro Hist of Sci
HIST 2002 Age of Revol & Impe HIST ELLD LD: Age of Revol & Impe
HIST 2003 The Age of Total Wa HIST ELLD LD: The Age of Total Wa
HIST 2111 US to 1877 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 2112 United States since 1877 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 3020 American Diplomatic HIST 4070 Cold War America
HIST 3029 American Hist Throug HIST ELUD UD: American Hist Throug
HIST 3786 America's Immigrant HIST ELUD UD: America's Immigrant
HIST 4876 Special Topics Hist HIST ELUD UD: Special Topics Hist
HPS 1040 Health Education HLTH ELLD LD: Health Education
HPS 1061 Fitness:Theory,Eval PHED ELLD LD: Fitness:Theory,Eval
HTS 1031 Europe Sn Renaissan HIST ELLD LD: Europe Sn Renaissan
HTS 2002 American Revolution HIST ELLD LD:American Revolution
HTS 2041 Hist-Modern Middle East HIST ELLD LD:Hist-Modern Middle East
HTS 2080 Intro Hist Disease & Med HIST ELLD LD:Intro Hist Disease & Med
HTS 2082 Tech & Sci Indus Ag ELEC ELLD LD: Tech & Sci Indus Ag
HTS 2100 Sci, Tech, & Modern World HIST ELLD LD:Sci, Tech, & Modern World
HTS 3025 Afr-Amer Hist since 1865 HIST 2050 Surv African American Hist II
HTS 3086 Soc of Medicine & Health HLTH ELUD UD:Soc of Medicine & Health
HTS 3823 Special Topics HIST ELUD UD:Special Topics
ICS 1000 Information & Society CSCI ELLD LD:Information & Society
ICS 100101 Computing Facilitie ET ELLD LD: Computing Facilities
ICS 1400 Intro to Algorithms & Comp CSCI ELLD LD:Intro to Algorithms & Comp
ICS 1401 Comp Prog & Prob Solving CSCI ELLD LD:Comp Prog & Prob Solving
ICS 141001 Prog Concept Stds M ET ELLD LD: Prog Concept Stds M
ICS 141101 Prog Concept Stds M ET ELLD LD: Prog Concept Stds M
ICS 1700 Digital Comp Organ & Prog CSCI ELLD LD:Digital Comp Organ & Prog
ICS 2200 Data Structures CSCI ELLD LD:Data Structures
ICS 220101 Data Structures CSCI ELLD LD: Data Structures
ICS 2250 Technical Info Resources CSCI ELLD LD:Technical Info Resources
ICS 2300 File Processing CSCI ELLD LD:File Processing
ICS 2601 Computer Org & Program I CSCI ELLD LD:Computer Org & Program I
ICS 2602 Computer Org & Program II CSCI ELLD LD:Computer Org & Program II
ICS 3155 Intro-Theory of Comp I CSCI ELUD UD:Intro-Theory of Comp I
ICS 3300 Intro-Software Develop CSCI ELUD UD:Intro-Software Develop
ICS 3361 Intro-Artificial Intel CSCI ELUD UD:Intro-Artificial Intel
ICS 3422 Survey - Prog Languages CSCI ELUD UD:Survey - Prog Languages
ICS 3500 Information Systems CSCI ELUD UD:Information Systems
ICS 3602 Computer Org & Program III CSCI ELUD UD:Computer Org & Program III
ICS 4155 Intro-Theory of Comp II CSCI ELUD UD:Intro-Theory of Comp II
ICS 4370 Info Storage & Retrieval CSCI ELUD UD:Info Storage & Retrieval
ICS 4390 Computer Graphics CSCI ELUD UD:Computer Graphics
ICS 4430 Intro to Operating Sys CSCI ELUD UD:Intro to Operating Sys
ICS 4450 Intro-Data Base Design CSCI ELUD UD:Intro-Data Base Design
ICS 4621 Intro - Comp Arch & Organ CSCI ELUD UD:Intro - Comp Arch & Organ
ICS 4753 Human Factors-Softwr Dev CSCI ELUD UD:Human Factors-Softwr Dev
ID 2202 A Hist-Modern Indust Dsgn ENGR ELLD LD:A Hist-Modern Indust Dsgn
ID 2242 History of Art 2 ART 1930 Survey of Western Art II
INTA 1000 Intro to Internatio PS 3210 International Relations
INTA 1100 Comparative Politics PS ELLD LD: Comparative Politics
INTA 1110 Intro to Int'l Relations PS ELLD LD:Intro to Int'l Relations
INTA 1200 American Government PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
INTA 2000 Inter Relations of G PS ELLD LD: Inter Relations of G
INTA 2030 Ethics in Int'l Affairs ELEC ELLD LD:Ethics in Int'l Affairs
INTA 2040 Sci Tech Int Affairs ELEC ELLD LD:Sci Tech Int Affairs
INTA 2100 Great Power Relations ELEC ELLD LD:Great Power Relations
INTA 2200 Intro to American F PS 4240 American Foreign Policy
INTA 3031 Hum Right Tech World PS ELUD UD: Hum Right Tech World
INTA 3420 Chinese Govern & Pol PS ELUD UD: Chinese Govern & Pol
INTA 3430 Western Euro Govt & PS ELUD UD: Western Euro Govt &
INTA 4210 International Negoti PS 3210 International Relations
INTA 4875 Special Topics PS ELUD UD: Special Topics
INTN 2000 Prof Internship ELEC ELLD LD:Prof Internship
ISYE 2027 Probability w/Apps ET ELLD LD: Probability w/Apps
KOR 1001 Elementary Korean I FL ELLD LD:Elementary Korean I
LCC 2212 Brit/Cont Romanticism ELEC ELLD LD:Brit/Cont Romanticism
LCC 3403 A Tech Communication ELEC ELUD UD: A Tech Communication
LING 2100 Intro to Linguistics ENGL ELLD LD:Intro to Linguistics
LING 3004 Natural Lang Processing ELEC ELUD UD:Natural Lang Processing
LMC 2000 Intro Lit, Media, & Comm EMC ELLD LD:Intro Lit, Media & Comm
LMC 2050 Lit, Media, Comm Seminar EMC ELLD LD:Lit, Media, Comm Seminar
LMC 2400 Intro to Media Studies EMC ELLD LD:Intro to Media Studies
LMC 2661 Theatre Production I THEA ELLD LD:Theatre Production I
LMC 2720 Prin of Visual Design VCOM ELLD LD:Prin of Visual Design
LMC 3112 Evolution & Industrial Age EMC ELUD UD:Evolution & Industrial Age
LMC 3204 Poetry and Poetics ENGL ELUD UD:Poetry and Poetics
LMC 3206 Communication & Culture EMC ELUD UD:Communication & Culture
LMC 3234 Creative Writing EMC ELUD UD:Creative Writing
LMC 3257 Global Cinema EMC ELUD UD:Global Cinema
LMC 3258 Documentary Film EMC ELUD UD:Documentary Film
LMC 3306 Science, Tech & Race EMC ELUD UD:Science, Tech & Race
LMC 3314 Tech of Representation EMC ELUD UD:Tech of Representation
LMC 3318 Biomedicine & Culture EMC ELUD UD:Biomedicine & Culture
LMC 3403 Tech Communication EMC ELUD UD:Tech Communication
LS 0398 Mathematical Skills DSPM ELLD LD:Mathematical Skills
MATE 3703 Elec, Magn,Elec Opti ET ELUD UD: Elec, Magn,Elec Opti
MATH 010701 Calculus I MATH ELLD LD: Calculus I
MATH 010801 Calculus II MATH ELLD LD: Calculus II
MATH 010901 Calculus III MATH ELLD LD: Calculus III
MATH 1113 Precalculus MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MATH 130901 Calculus III MATH ELLD LD: Calculus III
MATH 1501 Calculus I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 1502 Calculus II MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 1507 Calculus I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 1508 Calculus II MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 1509 Calculus III MATH 3110 Calculus III
MATH 1512 Calculus II MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 151801 Honors Calculus II MATH ELLD LD: Honors Calculus II
MATH 151901 Honors Calculus III MATH ELLD LD: Honors Calculus III
MATH 1551 Differential Calculus MATH ELLD LD:Differential Calculus
MATH 1552 Integral Calculus MATH ELLD LD:Integral Calculus
MATH 1553 Linear Algebra MATH ELLD LD:Linear Algebra
MATH 1554 Linear Algebra MATH ELLD LD:Linear Algebra
MATH 1709 Pre-Calculus Sci Arch MATH ELLD LD: Pre-Calculus Sci Arch
MATH 1711 Math For Mgmt I MATH 1630 Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci
MATH 1712 Survey of Calculus MATH ELLD LD:Survey of Calculus
MATH 171201 Math For Mgmt II MATH ELLD LD: Math For Mgmt II
MATH 1713 Math For Mgmt III MATH ELLD LD: Math For Mgmt III
MATH 2307 Calculus IV MATH ELLD LD:Calculus IV
MATH 2308 Calculus V MATH ELLD LD:Calculus V
MATH 2401 Calculus III MATH ELLD LD: Calculus III
MATH 2403 Differential Equations MATH ELLD LD:Differential Equations
MATH 250701 Calculus IV MATH ELLD LD: Calculus IV
MATH 250801 Calculus V MATH ELLD LD: Calculus V
MATH 251701 Honors Calculus IV MATH ELLD LD: Honors Calculus IV
MATH 2550 Intro Multivariable Calc ENGR ELLD LD:Intro Multivariable Calc
MATH 2551 Multivariable Calc MATH ELLD LD:Multivariable Calc
MATH 2552 Differential Equations MATH ELLD LD:Differential Equations
MATH 301201 Applied Combinatori MATH ELUD UD: Applied Combinatori
MATH 3215 Probability & Statistics MATH ELUD UD:Probability & Statistics
MATH 330801 Differential Equati MATH 3120 Differential Equations I
MATH 399 Support for Precalculus DSPM ELLD LD: Support for Precalculus
ME 1770 Intro to Engr Graphics ET 2310 Computer-Assist Draft Design I
ME 2016 Computer Appls-Mech ET ELLD LD: Computer Appls-Mech
ME 3056 Experimental Meth ET ELUD UD: Experimental Meth
ME 3322 Thermodynamics I ET ELUD UD: Thermodynamics I
MGMT 2200 Information Tech MGMT ELLD LD: Information Tech
MGMT 3076 Investments FIN ELUD UD: Investments
MGMT 3102 Mgt Hum Res Reg Envi MGMT ELUD UD: Mgt Hum Res Reg Envi
MGMT 3300 Mkt Mgmt I MGMT ELUD UD: Mkt Mgmt I
MGMT 3660 International Bus MGMT ELUD UD: International Bus
MGT 1001 Intro to Tqm MGMT ELLD LD: Intro to Tqm
MGT 2000 Accounting I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
MGT 2001 Accounting II ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
MGT 2106 Legal Aspects/Busin BLAW ELLD LD: Legal Aspects/Busin
MGT 2200 Information Technology INFS ELLD LD:Information technology
MGT 2250 Management Statistics MGMT ELLD LD:Mgmt Statistics
MGT 2251 Management Science MGMT ELLD LD:Mgmt Science
MGT 2255 Quant Analys for Bus BIA 2610 Statistical Methods
MGT 2260 Business Law I BLAW ELLD LD: Business Law I
MGT 3062 Financial Mgmt FIN ELUD UD: Financial Mgmt
MGT 3101 Organizational Behav MGMT 4680 Organization Behavior
MGT 3102 Mgt Hum Res-Reg Environ MGMT 3810 Human Resource Management
MGT 3150 Prin of Management MGMT 3610 Principles of Management
MGT 3300 Marketing Mgmt I MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
MGT 3501 Operations Mgmt I MGMT 3620 Supply Chain Operations
MGT 3660 International Business MGMT 4710 International Business
MGT 4052 Systems Analysis & Design INFS 3700 Systems Analysis and Design
MS 1021 The Army Today MS ELLD LD: The Army Today
MS 1022 Army Operation Sys MS ELLD LD: Army Operation Sys
MS 1023 Map Reading MS ELLD LD: Map Reading
MS 2021 Intro to Leadership MS ELLD LD: Intro to Leadership
MSCI 2100 Survey of Statistics BIA 2610 Statistical Methods
MSCI 2400 Analy Mthd In Mgmt I MGMT ELLD LD: Analy Mthd In Mgmt I
MSE 2001 Prin & Appl Engr Materials ENGR ELLD LD:Prin & Appl Engr Materials
MUSI 3630 History of Jazz MUHL 4530 History of Jazz
NEUR 2001 Neuro-Principles PSY ELLD LD:Neuro-Principles
NEUR 2001R NEUR 2001 Recitation PSY ELLD LD:NEUR 2001 Recitation
P E 104001 Health Education HLTH ELLD LD: Health Education
P E 106101 Fitness Theory Eval PHED ELLD LD: Fitness Theory Eval
P E 2060 Volleyball PHED 2270 Beginning Volleyball
P E 217001 CPR & Stand First A HLTH ELLD LD: CPR & Stand First A
P S 217001 CPR & Standard Firs HLTH ELLD LD: CPR & Standard Firs
P T 010101 Swimming PHED ACTY ACTY: Swimming
P T 010401 Health Education HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
P T 010501 Aerobic Cond PHED 1190 Body Conditioning
PE 1010 Swimming PHED ACTY ACTY: Swimming
PE 1040 Health Education HLTH ELLD LD: Health Education
PE 1060 Fitness:Theory,Eval & Cond PHED ELLD LD:Fitness:Theory,Eval & Cond
PE 1090 Phys Cond/Str Trng PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE 2051 Int Tennis PHED ACTY ACTY: Int Tennis
PE 2060 Volleyball PHED 2270 Beginning Volleyball
PE 2070 Racquetball PHED ACTY ACTY: Racquetball
PE 2080 Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PE 2081 Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PE 2110 Basketball PHED 1210 Beginning Basketball
PE 2130 Soccer PHED 1220 Beginning Soccer
PHIL 3127 Sci Tech PHIL ELUD UD:Sci Tech
PHYS 022701 Particle Dynamic PHYS ELLD LD: Particle Dynamic
PHYS 1001 Sur:Adv Mod Phys PHYS ELLD LD: Sur:Adv Mod Phys
PHYS 2011 Elem College Physic PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHYS 2012 Elem College Physic PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHYS 2121 Particle Dynamics PHYS ELLD LD: Particle Dynamics
PHYS 2122 Electromagnetism PHYS ELLD LD: Electromagnetism
PHYS 2123 Optics & Modern Phys PHYS ELLD LD: Optics & Modern Phys
PHYS 2211 Intro Phys I PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHYS 2212 Intro Physics II PHYS ELLD LD: Intro Physics II
PHYS 2213 Modern Physics PHYS ELLD LD:Modern Physics
PHYS 3143 Quantum Mechanics I PHYS 4380 Quantum Mechanics
POL 015101 Us Government PS ELLD LD: Us Government
POL 1101 Govt in US PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
POL 125101 Government of the U PS ELLD LD: Government of the U
POL 2101 State & Local Government PS 2020 State and Local Government
POL 320001 Amer Constitutional PS 3370 American Constitutional Law I
POL 4876 Special Topics Pol S PS ELUD UD: Special Topics Pol S
PST 1126 Intro Phil Analysis PHIL ELLD LD: Intro Phil Analysis
PST 3105 Types of Ethical The PHIL 3150 Ethics
PSY 101001 Psy-College Adjustm PSY ELLD LD: Psy-College Adjustm
PSY 330301 General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 3304 General Psyc I PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 3304 General Psyc I and PSY 1420 Psychology of Adjustment
PSY 4401 Industrial Psychology PSY ELUD UD:Industrial Psychology
PSY 4407 Experimental Psy I PSY ELUD UD:Experimental Psy I
PSY 4409 Intro to Engr Psychology PSY ELUD UD:Intro to Engr Psychology
PSY 4754 Human Info Processing PSY ELUD UD:Human Info Processing
PSY 490201 Spec Prob Psycholog PSY ELUD UD: Spec Prob Psycholog
PSYC 1000 Adjustments Col Lif PSY ELLD LD: Adjustments Col Lif
PSYC 1101 General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 2103 Human Development PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 2210 Social Psychology PSY ELLD LD:Social Psychology
PSYC 2230 Abnormal Psychology PSY ELLD LD:Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 2300 Psy of Advertising PSY ELLD LD: Psy of Advertising
PTFE 1100 Intro Polymer & Fib ELEC ELLD LD: Intro Polymer & Fib
SOC 1101 Intro Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 1375 Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SPAN 1001 Elementary Spanish SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 100201 Elem Spanish II SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 100201 Elem Spanish II and SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 1003 Elem Spanish III SPAN ELLD LD: Elem Spanish III
SPAN 2021 Contem Hispanic Cul SPAN ELLD LD: Contem Hispanic Cul
SPAN 2022 Contem Hispan Cul 2 SPAN ELLD LD: Contem Hispan Cul 2
SPAN 3050 Intro Read Hispanic Lit SPAN 3080 Intro to Hispanic Literature
SPAN 3101 Conversation I SPAN 3040 Intensive Conversation Spanish
SPAN 3102 Conversation II SPAN ELUD UD:Conversation II
SPAN 3813 Special Topics SPAN ELUD UD:Special Topics
SPAN 4023 Spanish Drama 1920- SPAN ELUD UD: Spanish Drama 1920-
SPAN 4070 Intro Span/Engl Translat SPAN 3140 Intro SPA-ENG Translation
TEX 1040 Comp Aid Prob Solv ET ELLD LD: Comp Aid Prob Solv
TEX 1100 Intro to Textile Eng TXMD ELLD LD: Intro to Textile Eng