Transfer Equivalencies
There are 288 transfer equivalencies on file for Iowa State University
Transfer Course | Transfer Title | MTSU Course | MTSU Title |
A A 0103 | Design I | ART ELLD | LD: Design I |
ACCT 0215 | Legal Environ Busi | BLAW ELLD | LD: Legal Environ Busi |
ACCT 284 | Financial Accounting | ACTG 2110 | Principles of Accounting I |
ADVRT 230 | Advertising Princip | ADV ELLD | LD:Advertising Princip |
AERE 101H | Engr Honors Orient | AERO ELLD | LD:Engr Honors Orient |
AERE 160H | Honors Aer Eng Prob | AERO ELLD | LD:Honors Aer Eng Prob |
AESHM 112 | Orientation for AESHM | ELEC ELLD | LD:Orientation for AESHM |
AESHM 113N | Pro Dev:Apparl,Mrch | ELEC ELLD | LD:Pro Dev:Apparl,Mrch |
AESHM 272 | Fashion Show Prod & Prm | ELEC ELLD | LD:Fashion Show Prod & Prm |
AESHM 311N | Sem Careers:Apparel | ELEC ELUD | UD:Sem Careers:Apparel |
AESHM 474 | Entrepreneur Human Sci | ELEC ELUD | UD:Entrepreneur Human Sci |
AFAM 0201 | Intro Afric Amer St | HIST 2040 | Surv African American Hist I |
AFAS 101 | Leadership Lab | AERO ELLD | LD:Leadership Lab |
AFAS 141 | US Air Force Today | AERO ELLD | LD:US Air Force Today |
AGRO 0114 | Prin Crop Prod | PLSO ELLD | LD: Prin Crop Prod |
AMD 0165 | Dress & Diversity Society | TXMD ELLD | LD:Dress & Diversity Society |
AMD 131 | Overview Fashion Ind | TXMD 1170 | Intro to Fashion Industry |
AMD 165 | Dress&Diversity Soci | TXMD ELLD | LD:Dress&Diversity Soci |
AMD 204 | Textile Science | TXMD 2180 | Textiles |
AMD 210 | CPR App Digital Design | TXMD ELLD | LD:CPR App Digital Design |
AMD 245 | Aesthetic & Brand Imaging | TXMD ELLD | LD:Aesthetic & Brand Imaging |
AMD 275 | Retail Merchandising | TXMD ELLD | LD:Retail Merchandising |
AMD 354 | Hist Eur & N Am Dress | TXMD ELUD | UD:Hist Eur & N Am Dress |
AMD 377 | Visual Presentation & Promotio | TXMD ELUD | UD:Visual Prsntn & Promotion |
AMD 490D | Ind Stdy Aesthetics | TXMD ELUD | UD:Ind Study Aesthetics |
AN S 0110 | Orientation | AGRI ELLD | LD: Orientation |
AN S 0114 | Survey Animal Indust | ANSC 1410 | Introduction to Animal Science |
AN S 021601 | Intro Horse Science | HORS 2400 | Fundamentals of Horsemanship |
AN S 0270 | Intro Meats | ANSC ELLD | LD: Intro Meats |
ART 010201 | Two Dimensnl Design | ART ELLD | LD: Two Dimensnl Design |
ART 010301 | Color Studio | ART ELLD | LD: Color Studio |
ART 010401 | Three Dimensn Desig | ART ELLD | LD: Three Dimensn Desig |
ART 011001 | Orientation | ART ELLD | LD: Orientation |
ART 013001 | Drawing I | ART ELLD | LD: Drawing I |
ART 0211 | Art Educ | ART ELLD | LD:Art Educ |
ART 023001 | Drawing II | ART ELLD | LD: Drawing II |
ART 028101 | History of Art II | ART 1920 | Survey of Western Art I |
ART 028101 | History of Art II | ART 1920 | Survey of Western Art I |
ART 038901 | 20th Cent Amer Art | ART 4900 | Nineteenth-Century Art |
ARTD 023301 | Watercolor Painting | ART ELLD | LD: Watercolor Painting |
ARTD 023801 | Painting I | ART 2710 | Painting I |
ARTE 021101 | Intro to Art Educ | ART ELLD | LD: Intro to Art Educ |
ARTE 021301 | Art Ed Practicum | ART ELLD | LD: Art Ed Practicum |
ARTH 292 | Intr Visu Cultr Studies | ART ELLD | LD:Inr Visu Cultr Studies |
ARTV 030001 | Sources Visual Dsn | ART ELUD | UD: Sources Visual Dsn |
ASTR 0120 | Sky & Solar System | ASTR 1030 | Exploring the Universe |
ATH 101F | Intercol Football | PHED ACTY | Physical Activity-Degree Audit |
BIOL 0101 | Introductory Biology | BIOL 1030 | Exploring Life |
BIOL 0109 | Intro Biol | BIOL ELLD | LD:Intro Biol |
BIOL 010901 | Intro Biology | BIOL ELLD | LD: Intro Biology |
BIOL 0110 | Intro to Biology | BIOL ELLD | LD: Intro to Biology |
BIOL 0123 | Enviornmentl Biology | BIOL ELLD | LD: Enviornmentl Biology |
BIOL 0201 | Prin of Biol I | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
BIOL 0202 | Prin of Biol II | BIOL 1120 | General Biology II |
BIOL 0211 | Prin of Biology I | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
BIOL 0255 | Fund Human Anatomy | BIOL 2020 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II |
BIOL 155 | Human Biology | BIOL ELLD | LD:Human Biology |
BIOL 201L | Prin of Biol I Lab | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
BIOL 202L | Prin Biol Lab II | BIOL 1120 | General Biology II |
BIOL 211L | Prin Biology Lab I | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
BIOL 256 | Fund Human Physiol | BIOL 2010 | Human Anatomy Physiology I |
BIOL 256L | Fnd Humn Physio Lab | BIOL 2010 | Human Anatomy Physiology I |
BOT 0101 | General Botany | BIOL 1120 | General Biology II |
BUSA 0101 | Orientation | ELEC ELLD | LD: Orientation |
BUSA 0203 | Career Prep | BCED ELLD | LD:Career Prep |
BUSA 0250 | Intro Business | BCED 1400 | Introduction to Business |
BUSAD 102 | Bus Lrn Team Orient | BUAD ELLD | LD:Bus Lrn Team Orient |
CH 0120 | Gen Chemistry I | CHEM 1110 | General Chemistry I |
CHEM 0155 | Found For Enginr | CHEM ELLD | LD: Found For Enginr |
CHEM 0163 | General Chemistry | CHEM 1010 | Intro General Chemistry I |
CHEM 0164 | General Chemistry | CHEM 1020 | Intro General Chemistry II |
CHEM 0167 | Engnrs Gen Chem | CHEM ELLD | LD:Engnrs Gen Chem |
CHEM 0177 | General Chemistry | CHEM 1110 | General Chemistry I |
CHEM 163L | General Chem Lab | CHEM 1010 | Intro General Chemistry I |
CHEM 164L | General Chem Lab | CHEM 1020 | Intro General Chemistry II |
CHEM 167L | Eng Chem Lab | CHEM ELLD | LD:Eng Chem Lab |
CHEM 177L | General Chemistry Lab | CHEM 1110 | General Chemistry I |
CHIN 0101 | Elem Mand Chinese I | CHIN 1010 | Elementary Chinese I |
CJST 0341 | Criminology | SOC 4300 | Criminology |
CJST 0460 | Crim & Juv Just Prac | CJA ELUD | UD:Crim & Juv Just Prac |
CJST 0484 | Topic Crim & Juv Just | CJA ELUD | UD:Topic Crim & Juv Just |
CL 275 | The Ancient City | ENGL ELLD | LD:The Ancient City |
COM 0103 | Computer Apps | CSCI ELLD | LD:Computer Apps |
COM 010301 | Computer Applicatns | CSCI ELLD | LD: Computer Applicatns |
COM S 113 | Intro Sprdsh & Databs | CSCI 1150 | Computer Orientation |
CON 110 | Intro Construct Engr | CMT ELLD | LD:Intro Construct Engr |
CON 221 | Contractr Org & Mgt | CMT ELLD | LD:Contractr Org & Mgt |
CPR 185X | Int CPR & Prob Solv | ET ELLD | LD: Int CPR & Prob Solv |
CPR E 0185 | Intro Problem Solv I | CSCI ELLD | LD:Intro Problem Solv I |
DANC 0120 | Modern Dance I | DANC 1010 | Modern Dance Techniques I |
DANC 0140 | Jazz I | DANC 1020 | Jazz Dance Techniques I |
DANC 0222 | Modern Dance II | DANC 1010 | Modern Dance Techniques I |
DANC 0224 | Concert & Thtre Dance | DANC ELLD | LD:Concert & Thtre Dance |
DANC 0270 | Dance Appreciation | DANC 1000 | Introduction to Dance |
DANC 0370 | Adv Studies Dance | DANC ELUD | UD:Adv Studies Dance |
DANC 160 | Ballroom Dance I | PHED ELLD | LD:Ballroom Dance I |
DSN 012101 | History of Design | IDES ELLD | LD: History of Design |
DSN 012901 | Design & Society | IDES ELLD | LD: Design & Society |
DSN 102 | Design Studio I | IDES ELLD | LD:Design Studio I |
DSN 115 | Design Collabor Sem | IDES ELLD | LD:Design Collabor Sem |
DSN 131 | Design Representation | IDES ELLD | LD:Design Representation |
DSN 183 | Design Cultures | IDES ELLD | LD:Design Cultures |
E M 0274 | Statics Engineer | ET ELLD | LD:Statics Engineer |
E M 0324 | Mech of Materials | ENGR ELUD | UD:Mech of Materials |
ECON 0101 | Prin Microeconomics | ECON 2420 | Principles of Microeconomics |
ECON 0201 | Prin of Econ | ECON 2410 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECON 020501 | Prin Macro Econ | ECON 2410 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECON 101 | Prin Microeconomics | ECON 2420 | Principles of Microeconomics |
ECON 102 | Prin Macroeconomics | ECON 2410 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
EL E 0204 | Soc Found Amer Educ | FOED ELLD | LD: Soc Found Amer Educ |
EL E 0215 | Soph Orientation | FOED ELLD | LD: Soph Orientation |
EL E 0245 | Strategies In Tchng | ELED ELLD | LD: Strategies In Tchng |
EL E 0250 | Exceptional Learner | ELED ELLD | LD: Exceptional Learner |
EL E 0268 | Strategies Prac | ELED ELLD | LD: Strategies Prac |
EN 0105 | English Comp I | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
ENG 0201 | Intro Lit | ENGL 2030 | The Experience of Literature |
ENGL 0101 | Prin of Composition | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
ENGL 010401 | Freshman Comp | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
ENGL 0105 | Freshman Comp II | ENGL 1020 | Research and Arg Writing |
ENGL 0150 | Critical Think & Comm | ENGL ELLD | LD: Critical Think & Comm |
ENGL 0201 | Intro to Literature | ENGL 2020 | Themes in Literature & Culture |
ENGL 0205 | Propaganda Analys | ENGL ELLD | LD: Propaganda Analys |
ENGL 0210 | Intro Literary Stdy | ENGL ELLD | LD: Intro Literary Stdy |
ENGL 0220 | Appl Engl Grammar | ENGL ELLD | LD: Appl Engl Grammar |
ENGL 0250 | Writ Oral El Compos | ENGL ELLD | LD:Writ Oral E Compos |
ENGL 10 | Intensive English | DSPW ELLD | LD:Intensive English |
ENGL 101C | English Nonnative II | DSPR ELLD | LD:English Nonnative II |
ENGL 99L | Nonnative Listening | DSPS ELLD | LD:Nonnative Listening |
ENGR 0101 | Engr Orientation | ET ELLD | LD: Engr Orientation |
ENGR 0102 | Curriculum Planning | ELEC ELLD | LD: Curriculum Planning |
ENGR 0104 | Lead Progrm Orient | ET ELLD | LD: Lead Progrm Orient |
ENGR 160 | Engr Prob w/Fortran | ET ELLD | LD:Engr Prob w/Fortran |
ENT 211 | Insects & Society | BIOL ELLD | LD:Insects & Society |
EVENT 171 | Intro Event Mgmt | THM ELLD | LD:Intro Event Mgmt |
EX S 0260 | Hist Sport & Phys A | PHED ELLD | LD: Hist Sport & Phys A |
EX S 0340 | Prin Sport Mgt | PHED ELUD | UD: Prin Sport Mgt |
EX S 0365 | Psy Sport & Phy Act | PSY ELUD | UD: Psy Sport & Phy Act |
EXSP 0250 | Hlth & Hum Perfpormc | HLTH ELLD | LD: Hlth & Hum Perfpormc |
EXSP 0260 | Hist Sport & Phys Ac | PHED ELLD | LD: Hist Sport & Phys Ac |
FCED 0160 | Fam Sci | FCSE ELLD | LD:Fam Sci |
FCS 026001 | Found Family Sci | PSCI ELLD | LD: Found Family Sci |
FCSE 020601 | Inro Ed Roles H Ec | HSC ELLD | LD: Inro Ed Roles H Ec |
FCSE 206L01 | Lab Intro Educ H Ec | HSC ELLD | LD: Lab Intro Educ H Ec |
FIN 0301 | Prin of Finance | FIN 3000 | Survey of Finance |
FS 0167 | Human Nutrition | NFS 1240 | Intro to Nutrition & Wellness |
FS H 010101 | Food & the Consumer | NFS ELLD | LD: Food & the Consumer |
FS H 016701 | Intro Human Nutritio | NFS 1240 | Intro to Nutrition & Wellness |
FSHN 016701 | Human Nutrition | NFS ELLD | LD: Human Nutrition |
FSHN 110 | Professnl/Educ Prep | NFS ELLD | LD:Professnl/Educ Prep |
FSHN 220X | Amer Food & Culture | NFS ELLD | LD:Amer Food & Culture |
GEOG 010001 | World Geography | GEOG ELLD | LD: World Geography |
GEOL 0100 | The Earth | GEOL ELLD | LD: The Earth |
GEOL 0101 | Environmental Geology | GEOL 1050 | Historical Geology |
GEOL 0102 | Hist of the Earth | GEOL ELLD | LD: Hist of the Earth |
GER 0201 | Intermed German I | GERM 2010 | Intermediate German I |
H EC 0105 | Orienatation to H Ec | HSC 1010 | Career Orientation |
H S 0105 | Emerg Health Care | HLTH ELLD | LD:Emerg Health Care |
HD 0102 | Fam Life Dev | CDFS ELLD | LD:Fam Life Dev |
HD 0218 | Tour Srvc | ELEC ELLD | LD:Tour Srvc |
HD 0220 | Dev & Guid | FCSE ELLD | LD:Dev & Guid |
HD 0221 | Dev & Guid | FCSE ELLD | LD:Dev & Guid |
HD 0240 | Lit for Children | FCSE ELLD | LD:Lit for Children |
HD 0276 | Human Sexuality | PSY ELLD | LD:Human Sexuality |
HD F 0240 | Lit For Children | ENGL 3740 | Children's Literature |
HD F 034901 | Parenting & Family | CDFS 3320 | Family Relations |
HD FS 239 | Consumer Issues | FIN 2010 | Personal Financial Planning |
HDFS 010201 | Indv & Fam Life Dev | CDFS ELLD | LD: Indv & Fam Life Dev |
HDFS 0226 | Devl Mid Childhood | CDFS ELLD | LD:Devl Mid Childhood |
HIST 020101 | Intro Western Civil | HIST 1010 | Survey Western Civilization I |
HIST 0202 | Intro to Western Civ II | HIST 1020 | Survey Western Civilization II |
HIST 0221 | Survey US Hist I | HIST 2010 | Survey United States History I |
HIST 022201 | Survey US Hist II | HIST 2020 | Survey United States Hist II |
HIST 035101 | U S Soc & Cult Hist | HIST ELUD | UD: U S Soc & Cult Hist |
HRI 028701 | Intro to Mgt | MGMT ELLD | LD: Intro to Mgt |
INTS 0235 | Intro Int'l Studies | GS 2010 | Intro Cross-Cultural Exper |
JL M 0101 | Mass Media & Society | JOUR 1020 | Intro to Media & Entertainment |
JL M 0330 | Advertising Prin | ADV ELUD | UD: Advertising Prin |
JLMC 101 | Mass Media & Society | EMC ELLD | LD:Mass Media & Society |
JLMC 110 | Journls & Comm Orient | JOUR ELLD | LD:Journls & Comm Orient |
JLMC 201 | Report & Writ Mass Md | EMC ELLD | LD:Report & Writ Mass Md |
JLMC 242 | Visual Prin Mass Cm | EMC ELLD | LD:Visual Prin Mass Cm |
KIN 168X | Judo | PHED ELLD | LD:Judi |
KIN 252 | Kinesiology Professions | EXSC ELLD | LD:Kinesiology Professions |
KIN 253 | Orien Kinesiol/Hlth | EXSC ELLD | LD:Orien Kinesio/Hlth |
KIN 345 | Mgt Health-Fit Prog | EXSC ELUD | UD:Mgt Health-Fit Prog |
KIN 365 | Sport Psychology | ATHC ELUD | UD:Sport Psychology |
LAS 0101 | Orient Open Option | ELEC ELLD | LD: Orient Open Option |
LIB 0160 | Lib Instruction | ELEC ELLD | LD: Lib Instruction |
LIB 106B | Library Instruction | ELEC ELLD | LD: Library Instruction |
M E 0170 | Eng Grphc | ENGR ELLD | LD:Eng Grphc |
M E 0270 | Eng Design | ENGR ELLD | LD:Eng Design |
MAT 0273 | Mat Sci & Eng | ENGR ELLD | LD:Mat Sci & Eng |
MATH 0025 | High School Algebra | DSPM ELLD | LD: High School Algebra |
MATH 003001 | High School Algebra | DSPM ELLD | LD: High School Algebra |
MATH 010401 | Intro Prob & Matric | MATH ELLD | LD: Intro Prob & Matric |
MATH 0140 | Fund of Algebra | MATH 1710 | College Algebra |
MATH 0141 | Trigonometry | MATH 1720 | Plane Trigonometry |
MATH 0142 | Trig & Analy Geom | MATH ELLD | LD: Trig & Analy Geom |
MATH 0150 | Disc Math Bus & Soc | MATH ELLD | LD: Disc Math Bus & Soc |
MATH 0151 | Bus & Soc Sci Calc | MATH ELLD | LD:Bus & Soc Sci Calc |
MATH 0165 | Calculus I | MATH ELLD | LD:Calculus I |
MATH 0166 | Calculus II | MATH ELLD | LD:Calculus II |
MATH 0195 | Math For Elem Ed I | MATH 1410 | Concepts Struct Elem Sch Math |
MATH 0265 | Calculus III | MATH ELLD | LD:Calculus III |
MATH 10 | High School Algebra | DSPM ELLD | LD:High School Algebra |
MATH 100 | Orientation in Math | MATH ELLD | LD:Orientation in Math |
MATH 105 | Intro to Math Ideas | MATH ELLD | LD:Intro to Math Ideas |
MGMT 0310 | Entrepreneurship & I | BCED ELUD | UD:Entrepreneurship |
MGMT 0370 | Mgmt of Organization | MGMT ELUD | UD: Mgmt of Organization |
MGMT 0472 | Manage of Diversity | MGMT ELUD | UD: Manage of Diversity |
MICR 013001 | Micro For Non Biolo | BIOL ELLD | LD: Micro For Non Biolo |
MIS 0301 | Mgmt Info Systems | MGMT ELUD | UD:Mgmt Info Systems |
MIS 0330 | Mgmt Info Systems | INFS 3100 | Prin of Mgmt Info Systems |
MKT 0340 | Prin Ofmarketing | MKT 3820 | Principles of Marketing |
MTEO 0206 | Intro Meteorology | GEOL ELLD | LD:Intro Meteorology |
MUSI 010001 | Fund of Music | MUED ELLD | LD: Fund of Music |
MUSI 0102 | Intro Music Listening | MUS 1030 | Introduction to Music |
MUSI 010401 | Hist of Rock & Roll | MUS ELLD | LD: Hist of Rock & Roll |
O SA 020101 | Prin Acc Prevention | SAFE ELLD | LD: Prin Acc Prevention |
P E 0138 | Bowling | PHED 1080 | Beginning Bowling |
P E 014401 | Racquetball I | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Racquetball I |
P E 0166 | Weight Training | PHED 1200 | Beginning Weight Training |
PHIL 020101 | Intro to Philosophy | PHIL 1030 | Introduction to Philosophy |
PHIL 230 | Moral Theor & Practice | PHIL ELLD | LD:Moral Theor & Practice |
PHYS 0101 | Phys For Non Sci | PHYS ELLD | LD: Phys for Non Sci |
PHYS 019801 | Physics of Music | MUS ELLD | LD: Physics of Music |
PHYS 0221 | Phys I | PHYS ELLD | LD:Phys I |
PHYS 0222 | Phys II | PHYS ELLD | LD:Phys II |
PHYS 101 | Phys For Non-Sci | PHYS ELLD | LD:Phys For Non-Sci |
POL 0101 | Orientation Political Science | PS ELLD | LD:Orientaiton Political Scien |
POL 0215 | American Government | PS 1005 | Intro to American Politics |
POL 0241 | Govt & Pol | PS ELLD | LD:Govt & Pol |
POL 0251 | International Pol | PS ELLD | LD:International Pol |
POL 0301 | Intro Empirical Research | PS 3001 | Research Methods in PS |
POL 0305 | Pol Behavior | PS ELUD | UD:Pol Behavior |
POL 0315 | Intern Relations | PS ELUD | UD:Intern Relations |
POL 0319 | Law and Politics | PS 3370 | American Constitutional Law I |
POL 0334 | Politics & Society | PS ELUD | UD:Politics & Society |
POL 0480 | Ethics and Public Policy | PS ELUD | UD:Ethics and Public Policy |
POM 0320 | Prod/Operations Mgmt | MGMT ELUD | UD: Prod/Operations Mgmt |
PR 220 | Prin Public Relatns | PR 2040 | Public Relations Principles |
PR 301 | Strateg Plan AD&P | PR ELUD | UD:Strateg Plan AD&PR |
PSY 0101 | Intro to Psychology | PSY 1410 | General Psychology |
PSY 0131 | Acad Learng Skills | PSY ELLD | LD: Acad Learng Skills |
PSY 0230 | Developmental Psych | PSY 2300 | Developmental Psychology |
PSY 046001 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY 3230 | Psychological Disorders |
PSYC 0101 | General Psychology | PSY 1410 | General Psychology |
PSYC 0131 | Acad Learning Skills | PSY ELLD | LD: Acad Learning Skills |
PSYC 0230 | Devel Psychology | PSY 2300 | Developmental Psychology |
PSYC 025001 | Consumer Psychology | PSY ELLD | LD: Consumer Psychology |
PSYC 028001 | Social Psychology | SOC 4500 | Soc Interaction & Identities |
PSYC 031401 | Motivation | PSY ELUD | UD: Motivation |
PSYC 033301 | Educational Psychol | PSY ELUD | UD: Educational Psychol |
PSYC 034601 | Psych of Women | PSY 4620 | Psychology of Women |
PSYC 036001 | Normal Personality | PSY 3590 | Personality |
PSYC 043401 | Appl Behavior Anal | PSY ELUD | UD: Appl Behavior Anal |
PSYCH 0280 | Social Psychology | SOC 4500 | Soc Interaction & Identities |
PSYCH 0383 | Psychology and Law | PSY ELUD | UD:Psychology and Law |
RELI 0210 | Religion In America | RS ELLD | LD: Religion In America |
RELI 0250 | World Religions | RS ELLD | LD: World Religions |
RUS 375 | Russia Today | RUSS ELUD | UD:Russia Today |
SCM 301 | Supply Chain Mgmt | MGMT 3620 | Supply Chain Operations |
SECE 020401 | Soc Found Amer Educ | YOED ELLD | LD: Soc Found Amer Educ |
SECE 0280 | Exp Teacher Aid | ELED ELLD | LD: Exp Teacher Aid |
SOC 0115 | Sociology Orientation | SOC ELLD | LD:Sociology Orientation |
SOC 0130 | Rural Inst & Organ | SOC ELLD | LD: Rural Inst & Organ |
SOC 0134 | Intro to Sociology | SOC 1010 | Introductory Sociology |
SOC 0219 | Sociology of Intimate Relation | SOC ELLD | LD: Sociology Intimate Relatio |
SOC 0305 | Social Psychology | SOC 4500 | Soc Interaction & Identities |
SOC 038001 | Sociology of Work | SOC ELUD | UD: Sociology of Work |
SOC 235 | Social Problems | SOC 2010 | Social Problems |
SP C 0110 | Listening | COMM ELLD | LD: Listening |
SP C 021201 | Fund Public Speaking | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
SPAN 010101 | Elem Spanish | SPAN 1010 | Elementary Spanish I |
SPAN 0102 | Elementary Spanish II | SPAN 1020 | Elementary Spanish II |
STAT 0226 | Intr Business Stat | BIA 2610 | Statistical Methods |
STAT 101 | Prin of Statistics | STAT ELLD | LD:Prin of Statistics |
STAT 227 | Intro Business Stat | STAT ELLD | LD:Intro Business Stat |
STAT 326 | Intr Busins Stat II | BIA 4010 | Business Analytics & Visualiz |
THTR 010601 | Performing Arts | THEA ELLD | LD: Performing Arts |
THTR 0110 | Theatre and Society | THEA ELLD | LD:Theatre and Society |
THTR 0251 | Acting I | THEA 1015 | Acting I |
U ST 131X | Early Success Sem | ELEC ELLD | LD: Early Success Sem |
V P 0229 | Physiol Domestic An | BIOL ELLD | LD: Physiol Domestic An |
W S 0301 | Women & Gender | WGST ELUD | UD:Women & Gender |
W S 201 | Intro Women's Studies | WGST 2100 | Intro to Women's Studies |
ZOOL 0155 | Basic Hum Phys Anat | BIOL ELLD | LD: Basic Hum Phys Anat |
ZOOL 0156 | A&P Lab | BIOL ELLD | LD:A&P Lab |