Transfer Equivalencies

There are 84 transfer equivalencies on file for University of Idaho

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
ANTH 0404 St Culture & Social Cognition ANTH 3710 Topics in Anthropology
ART 010101 Visual Art ART ELLD LD: Visual Art
ART 0315 Textile Design IV TXMD ELUD UD: Textile Design IV
ART 0392 Mixed Media ART ELUD UD: Mixed Media
AVS 037101 Anatomy & Physiology BIOL 2030 Anatomy and Physiology
AVS 045101 Endocrine Physiology BIOL ELUD UD: Endocrine Physiology
AVS 047101 Animal Disease BIOL ELUD UD: Animal Disease
BIOL 033101 General Ecology BIOL ELUD UD: General Ecology
BUS 0398 Internship BCED ELUD UD: Internship
CHEM 111 Principles Chemistry I CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
COMM 101 Fundamentals Public Speaking COMM 2200 Fundamentals of Communication
DAN 0105 Dances of Spain SPAN 4090 Special Topics Latin Amer Lit
E S 034001 Mechanics of Materi ET 3860 Strength of Materials
ECON 0404 ST: International Economics ECON 4440 International Economics
ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
EDCI 0204 Special Topics FOED ELLD LD:Special Topics
ENG 010101 English Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 010301 Basic Skills For Wr DSPW ELLD LD: Basic Skills For Wr
ENG 010401 Essay Writing ENGL ELLD LD: Essay Writing
ENGL 0101 Intro Coll Writing ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 0102 Coll Writ & Rhetori ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 0404 ST: Survey Of Brazillian Lit HUM 2610 World Literatures
ENGR 0204 Special Topics ET ELLD LD: Special Topics
ENGR 210 Engineering Statics ENGR 2110 Statics
ENGR 350 Engineering Mechanics Material ENGR ELUD UD:Engineering Mechan Material
ENVS 0404 ST:Sustainable Development EST ELUD UD:ST:Sustainable Devlpmt
FCS 205 Concepts in Human Nutrition NFS ELLD LD:Concepts in Human Nutrition
FL 0204 Intro Gaelic Language FL ELLD LD:ST:Intro to Gaelic Language
FREN 0102 Elementary French II FREN 1020 Elementary French II
GEOL 010101 Physical Geology GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
GEOL 010201 Physical Geology La GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
GEOL 0111 Physical Geol GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
GEOL 111L Physical Geol Lab GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
GERM 101 Elementary German I GERM 1010 Elementary German I
H&S 0404 ST:Global Health Issues HLTH ELUD UD:ST:Global Health Issues
HIST 0102 Hist of Civilizatio HIST ELLD LD: Hist of Civilizatio
HIST 0111 Intro US History HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 0204 St: Latin American History PGEO 4280 Topics & Problems Phys Geog
INTE 010101 Freshmn Transition ELEC ELLD LD: Freshmn Transition
ISEM 0101 Integrated Seminar ELEC ELLD LD: Integrated Seminar
JAMM 0100 Media & Society EMC ELLD LD: Media & Society
MATH 014001 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MATH 0143 Pre-Calculus Alg/Analytic Geom MATH ELLD LD: Pre-Calc Alg/Analytic Geom
MATH 0144 Analytic Trigonometry MATH ELLD LD: Analytic Trigonometry
MATH 0170 Ana Geom/Calculus I MATH ELLD LD: Ana Geom/Calculus I
MATH 175 Ana Geom/Calculus II MATH ELLD LD:Ana Geom/Calculus II
MATH 310 Ordinary Differential Equation MATH ELUD UD:Ordinary Differen Equations
ME 123 Intro Mechanical Design ENGR ELLD LD:Intro Mechanical Design
MET 0101 Intro Metallurgy/Ma ELEC ELLD LD: Intro Metallurgy/Ma
MIN 010101 Elements of Mining ELEC ELLD LD: Elements of Mining
MSE 201 Elements of Materials Science ENGR ELLD LD:Elements Materials Science
MUSA 010101 Ind Ins Voice MUS ELLD LD: Ind Ins Voice
MUSA 010301 Concert Choir MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUSA 010601 Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSC 013301 Theory Keyboard Lab MUS ELLD LD: Theory Keyboard Lab
MUSC 0139 Aural Skills I MUTH ELLD LD: Aural Skills I
MUSC 014101 Musicianship & Mus MUS ELLD LD: Musicianship & Mus
MUSH 0201 Hist Rock & Roll MUHL ELLD LD: Hist Rock & Roll
MVSC 201 Phys Activity, Wellness&Behav PHED ELLD Phys Activity, Wellness&Beh
OM 0370 Process Management BCED ELUD UD:Process Management
PE W 010601 Ind Dual Tennis Bad PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
PEB 010601 Ind Dual:Body Tonin PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PEB 010801 Swim:Int Swim PHED ACTY ACTY: Swim:Int Swim
PHIL 0404 Buddhist Philosophy PHIL ELUD UD:Buddhist Philosophy
PHYS 0111 Gen Physics I PHYS ELLD LD: Gen Physics I
PHYS 111L Gen Physics I Lab PHYS ELLD LD: Gen Physics I Lab
PHYS 211 Engineering Physics I PHYS ELLD LD:Engineering Physics I
PHYS 211L Laboratory Physics I PHYS ELLD LD:Laboratory Physics I
PHYS 212 Engineering Physics II PHYS ELLD LD:Engineering Physics II
PHYS 212L Laboratory Physics II PHYS ELLD LD:Laboratory Physics II
PSYC 010001 Intro to Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 0101 Intro to Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 020001 Sem Human Sexuality PSY ELLD LD: Sem Human Sexuality
SOC 101 Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SPAN 0102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 0202 Interm Spanish II SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 0204 Intermediate Spanish II SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 0303 Spanish Conversation SPAN 3040 Intensive Conversation Spanish
SPAN 0404 Spanish Grammar & Comp SPAN 3020 Advanced Spanish
STAT 025101 Prin of Stats STAT ELLD LD: Prin of Stats
TH A 010101 Intro to Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
THA 010101 Intro to the Theatr THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
THE 101 Intro to Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
THEF 0101 Intro to Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre