Transfer Equivalencies
Home > KY Institutions > Campbellsville University
There are 286 transfer equivalencies on file for Campbellsville University
Transfer Course | Transfer Title | MTSU Course | MTSU Title |
ACC 0223 | Prin Actg I | ACTG 2110 | Principles of Accounting I |
ACC 0224 | Prinn Acct II | ACTG 2120 | Principles of Accounting II |
ACCT 0113 | Prinof Acct I | ACTG 2110 | Principles of Accounting I |
ACCT 0342 | Income Tax | ACTG ELUD | UD: Income Tax |
ART 0101 | Drawing I | ART ELLD | LD: Drawing I |
ART 0110 | Understanding Art | ART 1030 | Art Appreciation |
ART 0120 | Elements of Design | ART ELLD | LD: Elements of Design |
ART 0314 | Painting II | ART 3720 | Painting II |
ART 110A | Understanding Art | ART ELLD | LD: Understanding Art |
BA 0100 | Intro Business | BCED 1400 | Introduction to Business |
BA 0301 | Marketing I | MKT 3820 | Principles of Marketing |
BA 0303 | Business Law I | BLAW ELUD | UD: Business Law I |
BA 0312 | Organizational Behav | MGMT ELUD | UD: Organizational Behav |
BA 0313 | Small Bus Management | ENTR 4920 | Small Business Management |
BA 0324 | Intro to Finance | FIN ELUD | UD: Intro to Finance |
BA 100A | Intro to Business | BCED 1400 | Introduction to Business |
BA 100B | Intro to Business | BCED 1400 | Introduction to Business |
BA 100C | Intro to Business | BCED 1400 | Introduction to Business |
BA 302 | Marketing II | MKT 4890 | Marketing Management |
BA 304 | Business Law II | BLAW 3430 | Commercial Law |
BA 311 | Principles of Management | MGMT 3610 | Principles of Management |
BA 314 | Human Resource Mgmt | MGMT 3810 | Human Resource Management |
BIO 0103 | Environment & Man | BIOL ELLD | LD: Environment & Man |
BIO 0110 | Biology | BIOL ELLD | LD: Biology |
BIO 0200 | Biological Concepts | BIOL ELLD | LD:Biological Concepts |
BIO 0202 | Botany | BIOL 1120 | General Biology II |
BIO 0221 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I | BIOL 2010 | Human Anatomy Physiology I |
BIO 0222 | Anatomy & Physiology II | BIOL 2020 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II |
BIO 0322 | Medical Microbiology | BIOL ELUD | UD:Medical Microbiology |
BIO 0385 | Internship | BIOL ELLD | LD:Internship |
BIO 201 | Zoology | BIOL ELLD | LD:Zoology |
BIO 315 | Research Methods | BIOL ELUD | UD:Research Methods |
BIT 340 | Business Communication | BCED 3510 | Business Communication |
CHE 0100 | Introduction to Chemistry | CHEM 1010 | Intro General Chemistry I |
CHE 0111 | General Chemistry I | CHEM 1110 | General Chemistry I |
CHE 0112 | General Chemistry II | CHEM 1120 | General Chemistry II |
CHE 0113 | Gen Chem I Laboratory | CHEM 1110 | General Chemistry I |
CHE 0114 | Gen Chem II Laboratory | CHEM 1120 | General Chemistry II |
CHE 0341 | Organic Chemistry I | CHEM 3010 | Organic Chemistry I |
CHE 0343 | Organic Chemistry I Laboratory | CHEM 3010 | Organic Chemistry I |
CHE 103 | Intro Chemistry Laboratory | CHEM 1010 | Intro General Chemistry I |
CHS 0111 | Intro to Old Test St | RS ELLD | LD: Intro to Old Test St |
CHS 0121 | Intro New Testament | RS ELLD | LD: Intro New Testament |
CHS 0130 | Religion In Life | RS ELLD | LD: Religion In Life |
CHS 0251 | Ministry Christ Ldr | RS ELLD | LD: Ministry Christ Ldr |
CHS 0351 | Christian Coaching | ELEC ELUD | UD:Christian Coaching |
CHS 0354 | Intro to Christian Evangelism | RS ELUD | UD:Intro to Christian Evangeli |
CHS 0376 | Intro to Missiology | RS ELUD | UD:Intro to Missiology |
CHS 121 | Introduction to New Testament | RS ELLD | LD:Intro to New Testament |
CHS 130A | Religion In Life | RS ELLD | LD: Religion In Life |
Showing 1 to 50 of 286 entries