Transfer Equivalencies

There are 4173 transfer equivalencies on file for Western Kentucky University

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
AC O 016101 Bus Aritmatic BCED ELLD LD:Bus Arithmetic
ACC 200C Accounting/Financia ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 011801 Prin Acct I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 011901 Prin Acct II ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACCT 0130 Personal Income Taxe ACTG ELLD LD: Personal Income Taxe
ACCT 020001 Accounting Financia ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 020101 Intro Acct Mgl ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACCT 030001 Intermediate Fin Ac ACTG 3110 Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 030101 Intermediate Fin Ac ACTG 3120 Intermediate Accounting II
ACCT 030201 Int Fin Acct III ACTG ELUD UD: Int Fin Acct III
ACCT 031001 Managerial Cost Acc ACTG 3310 Cost Accounting
ACCT 031201 Computerized Acct S ACTG 4510 Accounting Systems
ACCT 031501 Management Accounti ACTG 3020 Managerial Accounting
ACCT 032001 Partnership & Fund ACTG ELUD UD: Partnership & Fund
ACCT 0330 Personal Income Taxe ACTG 4530 Individual Income Tax
ACCT 040001 Part & Fund Acct ACTG ELUD UD: Part & Fund Acct
ACCT 040101 Consolidated Statem ACTG 4110 Advanced Financial Accounting
ACCT 040201 Contemporary Acct I ACTG 4650 Financial Accounting Standards
ACCT 041001 Adv Managerial Cost ACTG ELUD UD: Adv Managerial Cost
ACCT 0420 Gov & Not For Profit ACTG 4610 Fin Rptg Govt & NFP Entities
ACCT 043001 Tax Accounting ACTG 4530 Individual Income Tax
ACCT 043101 Adv Tax Accounting ACTG 4510 Accounting Systems
ACCT 045001 Auditing Theory & A ACTG ELUD UD: Auditing Theory & A
ACCT 046001 CPA Problems ACTG ELUD UD: CPA Problems
ACCT 047001 Senior Seminar In A ACTG ELUD UD: Senior Seminar In A
ACCT 0499 Senior Assessment ACTG ELUD UD: Senior Assessment
ACCT 110 Acct for Decision Makers ACTG ELLD LD:Acct for Decision Makers
ACCT 118A01 Acct I Lab ACTG ELLD LD: Acct I Lab
ACCT 119A01 Prin Acct II Lab ACTG ELLD LD: Prin Acct II Lab
ACCT 220 Prin Financial Acct ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
AD 0340 Creative Strategy Copywriting ADV ELUD UD:Creative Strategy Cprwrg
AD 0341 Prin Advertising ADV 3020 Principles of Advertising
AD 0344 Advertising in a Digital World ADV ELUD UD:Adv in a Digital World
AD 0348 Interactive Media ADV ELUD UD:Interactive Media
AD 0448 Advertising Internship ADV ELUD UD:Advertising Internship
AD 210 Software Studio ADV ELLD LD:Software Studio
AD 240 Advertising in a Digital World ADV ELLD LD:Advtsng in a Digital World
AD 300 Res in Adv & PR ADV ELUD UD:Res in Adv & PR
AD 310 Visual Cncpts in Advertising ADV ELUD UD:Visual Cncpts in Advertisin
AD 330 Branding ADV ELUD UD:Branding
AD 349 Advertising Media ADV ELUD UD:Advertising Media
AERO 015101 Us Air Force MS ELLD LD: Us Air Force
AERO 015201 Leadership Laborato MS ELLD LD: Leadership Laborato
AERO 015301 Us Air Force AERO ELLD LD: Us Air Force
AERO 015401 Leadership Lab AERO ELLD LD: Leadership Lab
AERO 025101 The Devel of Air Po MS ELLD LD: The Devel of Air Po
AERO 025201 The Devel of Air Po MS ELLD LD: The Devel of Air Po
AERO 025301 The Devel of Air Po MS ELLD LD: The Devel of Air Po
AERO 035101 Air Force Leadershi MS ELUD UD: Air Force Leadershi
AERO 035201 Air Force Leadershi MS ELUD UD: Air Force Leadershi
AERO 035301 Air Force Leadershi MS ELUD UD: Air Force Leadershi
AERO 045101 National Security F MS ELUD UD: National Security F
AERO 045201 National Security F MS ELUD UD: National Security F
AERO 045301 National Security F MS ELUD UD: National Security F
AFA 0190 African Am Experienc AST ELLD LD: African Am Experienc
AFA 190C African Am Experien AST 2100 Intro to Africana Studies
AFAM 019001 African American Ex AST 2100 Intro to Africana Studies
AFAM 0350 Peoples & Cultures AST 4600 Topics in Africana Studies
AFAM 035801 Blacks In American AST ELUD UD: Blacks In American
AFAM 035901 Blacks In Amer Hist AST ELUD UD: Blacks In Amer Hist
AFAM 036001 History of Africa AST ELUD UD: History of Africa
AFAM 037701 African Amer Folklo AST ELUD UD: African Amer Folklo
AFAM 039301 African Amer Litera AST ELUD UD: African Amer Litera
AFAM 041001 African American Mu AST ELUD UD: African American Mu
AFAM 046601 Geography of Africa AST ELUD UD: Geography of Africa
AFAM 048001 Directed Independen AST ELUD UD: Directed Independen
AFAM 049001 African Amer Semina AST 4600 Topics in Africana Studies
AFAM 343 Communities of Struggle AST ELUD UD:Communities of Struggle
AFAS 019001 Afro American Exper AST 2100 Intro to Africana Studies
AFAS 030001 American Negro Cult AST ELUD UD: American Negro Cult
AFAS 039301 Afro American Liter ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
AFAS 048001 Directed Independen AST ELUD UD: Directed Independen
AFAS 049001 Afro American Semin AST ELUD UD: Afro American Semin
AG 010801 Rural Sociology SOC ELLD LD: Rural Sociology
AG 108C Rural Sociology SOC ELLD LD: Rural Sociology
AGEC 026001 Golf Course Managem PLSO ELLD LD: Golf Course Managem
AGEC 0360 Agricultural Econ AGBS 3130 Principles of Agri Economics
AGEC 036101 Farm Management ANSC ELUD UD: Farm Management
AGEC 036201 Agricultural Market AGBS 4130 Agric Commodity Markets
AGEC 036501 Computer Appl In Ag AGRI 4100 Microcomputer Appl Agriculture
AGEC 036601 Agricultural Sales AGBS ELUD UD: Agricultural Sales
AGEC 046001 Agricultural Policy AGBS 4150 Agricultural Policy
AGEC 046101 Adv Farm Management ANSC ELUD UD: Adv Farm Management
AGEC 046301 Agriculture Finance AGBS ELUD UD: Agriculture Finance
AGEC 046801 World Food Developm AGRI ELUD UD: World Food Developm
AGEC 047501 Selected Topics In AGRI 4910 Problems in Agriculture
AGEC 048201 Devel Agricultural AGBS ELUD UD: Devel Agricultural
AGEC 160 Intro to Agribusiness AGBS ELLD LD: Intro to Agribusiness
AGED 027101 The Secondary Schoo AGRI ELLD LD: The Secondary Schoo
AGED 027401 Parts Management ANSC ELLD LD: Parts Management
AGED 047001 Methods In Teach Vo AGED 4220 Methods Teach Ag Food Nat Res
AGED 047101 Organization & Plan AGRI ELUD UD: Organization & Plan
AGED 047501 Selected Topics In AGRI 4910 Problems in Agriculture
AGED 048901 Special Problems In AGED 4240 Workshops in Agricultural Edu
AGED 049001 Student Teaching AGED ELUD UD: Student Teaching
AGED 250 Intro to Teacher Educ in Agric AGRI ELLD LD:Intro to Teacher Educ in Ag
AGMC 0100 Intro to Farm Power AGED ELLD LD: Intro to Farm Power
AGMC 0101 Intro to Farm Pow La AGED ELLD LD: Intro to Farm Pow La
AGMC 0170 Intro to Ag Mechaniz AGED 4000 Foun Ag Engr Applied Tech Educ
AGMC 0171 Agri Mech Lab AGED 4000 Foun Ag Engr Applied Tech Educ
AGMC 017201 Law & Garden Equipm PLSO ELLD LD: Law & Garden Equipm
AGMC 0173 Lawn & Garden Equ La PLSO ELLD LD: Lawn & Garden Equ La
AGMC 017401 Parts Management I ANSC ELLD LD: Parts Management I
AGMC 017701 Farm Equipment Safe HORS ELLD LD: Farm Equipment Safe
AGMC 017801 Electrical Systems AGRI ELLD LD: Electrical Systems
AGMC 0179 Elec Systems Lab AGRI ELLD LD: Elec Systems Lab
AGMC 027001 Turf Mowing Equipme PLSO ELLD LD: Turf Mowing Equipme
AGMC 0271 Turf Mowing Equipmen PLSO ELLD LD: Turf Mowing Equipmen
AGMC 0272 Turf Equipment Mgmt PLSO ELLD LD: Turf Equipment Mgmt
AGMC 0273 Turf Equipment Mgmt PLSO ELLD LD: Turf Equipment Mgmt
AGMC 027401 Parts Management II ANSC ELLD LD: Parts Management II
AGMC 027501 Service Management ANSC ELLD LD: Service Management
AGMC 027601 Transmissions & Fin AGRI ELLD LD: Transmissions & Fin
AGMC 027701 Turf Equipment Mgmt PLSO ELLD LD: Turf Equipment Mgmt
AGMC 027801 Applied Hydraulics AGRI ELLD LD: Applied Hydraulics
AGMC 0279 Applied Hydraulic Lab ET ELLD LD:Applied Hydraulic Lab
AGMC 037101 Agricultural Mechan AGED 4220 Methods Teach Ag Food Nat Res
AGMC 0372 Agricultural Mech La AGBS ELUD UD: Agricultural Mech La
AGMC 037301 Farm Power Mechanic AGED ELUD UD: Farm Power Mechanic
AGMC 037401 Farm Structures & E AGRI ELUD UD: Farm Structures & E
AGMC 037501 Diesel Engines AGRI ELUD UD: Diesel Engines
AGMC 037601 Turf Irrigation PLSO ELUD UD: Turf Irrigation
AGMC 037701 Farm Machinery AGRI ELUD UD: Farm Machinery
AGMC 0378 Farm Machinery Lab AGRI ELUD UD: Farm Machinery Lab
AGMC 0390 Farm Structure & Enr AGRI ELUD UD: Farm Structure & Enr
AGMC 0391 Farm Structures & En AGRI ELUD UD: Farm Structures & En
AGMC 0392 Turf Irrigation PLSO ELUD UD: Turf Irrigation
AGMC 0393 Turf Irrigation Lab PLSO ELUD UD: Turf Irrigation Lab
AGMC 047001 Agricultural Materi AGBS ELUD UD: Agricultural Materi
AGMC 047501 Selected Topics In AGRI 4910 Problems in Agriculture
AGMC 176 Agriculture Safety AGRI ELLD LD:Agriculture Safety
AGME 010001 Intro to Farm Power AGED ELLD LD: Intro to Farm Power
AGME 017001 Intro to Agricultur AGBS ELLD LD: Intro to Agricultur
AGME 017401 Parts Management I ANSC ELLD LD: Parts Management I
AGME 017701 Farm Equipment Safe HORS ELLD LD: Farm Equipment Safe
AGME 017801 Electrical Systems AGRI ELLD LD: Electrical Systems
AGME 027401 Parts Management II ANSC ELLD LD: Parts Management II
AGME 027501 Service Management ANSC ELLD LD: Service Management
AGME 027601 Transmissions & Fin AGRI ELLD LD: Transmissions & Fin
AGME 027801 Applied Hydraulics AGRI ELLD LD: Applied Hydraulics
AGME 037101 Agricultural Mechan AGED 4220 Methods Teach Ag Food Nat Res
AGME 037301 Farm Power-Mechanic AGED ELUD UD: Farm Power-Mechanic
AGME 037401 Farm Structures & E AGRI ELUD UD: Farm Structures & E
AGME 037501 Diesel Engines AGRI ELUD UD: Diesel Engines
AGME 037701 Farm Machinery AGRI ELUD UD: Farm Machinery
AGRE 027101 The Secondary Schoo AGRI ELLD LD: The Secondary Schoo
AGRE 047001 Methods Teach Vocat AGED ELUD UD: Methods Teach Vocat
AGRE 047101 Organization & Plan AGRI ELUD UD: Organization & Plan
AGRE 048901 Spec Prob Agricultu AGRI 4910 Problems in Agriculture
AGRE 490S01 Student Teaching AGED ELUD UD: Student Teaching
AGRI 010101 Science of Agricult AGBS ELLD LD: Science of Agricult
AGRI 010201 Freshman Orientaion AGRI 1000 Orientation in Agriculture
AGRI 010801 Rural Sociology AGRI ELLD LD: Rural Sociology
AGRI 0175 Fresh Sem An Sci AGRI ELLD LD: Fresh Sem An Sci
AGRI 026901 Coop Educ In Agricu AGBS 4180 Internship in Agribusiness
AGRI 0280 Intro to Environment AGRI ELLD LD: Intro to Environment
AGRI 0291 Inter of Agricultura AGBS ELLD LD: Inter of Agricultura
AGRI 032501 Entomology BIOL ELUD UD: Entomology
AGRI 036901 Coop Educ In Agri I AGBS 4180 Internship in Agribusiness
AGRI 039801 Seminar AGRI ELUD UD: Seminar
AGRI 039901 Research Prob In Ag AGRI 4910 Problems in Agriculture
AGRI 0410 Weed Science Lab PLSO ELUD UD: Weed Science Lab
AGRI 046901 Coop Educ In Agri I AGBS 4180 Internship in Agribusiness
AGRI 0473 Interactions In The AGRI ELUD UD: Interactions In The
AGRI 0475 Selected Topics In A AGRI 4910 Problems in Agriculture
AGRI 0491 Topics In Agric AGRI 4910 Problems in Agriculture
AGRI 0493 Sustainable Agricult AGBS ELUD UD: Sustainable Agricult
AGRI 0494 Contemporary Agricul AGBS ELUD UD: Contemporary Agricul
AGRI 397 Agriculture Career Planning AGRI ELUD UD:Agriculture Career Planning
AGRO 011001 Intro to Plant Science PLSO 1610 Elements of Plant Science
AGRO 031001 Pest Management PLSO ELUD UD: Pest Management
AGRO 031101 Agronomy PLSO 3330 Field Crop Production
AGRO 031701 Plant Pathology BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Pathology
AGRO 032001 Crop Physiology PLSO ELUD UD: Crop Physiology
AGRO 032501 Entomology BIOL 3040 Entomology
AGRO 035001 Soils PLSO 3340 Fundamentals of Soil Science
AGRO 035101 Soil Fertility & Fe PLSO 3350 Soil Fertility and Fertilizer
AGRO 0352 Soil Fertility & Fer PLSO 3350 Soil Fertility and Fertilizer
AGRO 040901 Weed Science PLSO ELUD UD: Weed Science
AGRO 0410 Weed Science Lab PLSO ELUD UD: Weed Science Lab
AGRO 041101 Turfgrass Managemen PLSO 4330 Turf Management
AGRO 041401 Crop Improvement PLSO ELUD UD: Crop Improvement
AGRO 0420 Forage Crops PLSO 4310 Forage Crops
AGRO 042101 Forage Crops PLSO 4310 Forage Crops
AGRO 042201 Field Crops PLSO 3330 Field Crop Production
AGRO 045001 Soil Chemistry PLSO 3370 Soil Analysis
AGRO 045101 Soil Management PLSO 4350 Soil Survey and Land Use
AGRO 045201 Soil Microbiology PLSO ELUD UD: Soil Microbiology
AGRO 045301 Soil Formation,Clas PLSO 4340 Genesis of Soil Landscapes
AGRO 045401 Land Use & Conserva PLSO ELUD UD: Land Use & Conserva
AGRO 0455 Soil Chemistry PLSO ELUD UD: Soil Chemistry
AGRO 0456 Soil Chem Lab PLSO ELUD UD: Soil Chem Lab
AGRO 0457 Soil Formation Class PLSO 4340 Genesis of Soil Landscapes
AGRO 0458 Soil Formation Class PLSO ELUD UD: Soil Formation Class
AGRO 047501 Selected Topics In AGRI 4910 Problems in Agriculture
AH 010001 Intro to the Health HLTH ELLD LD: Intro to the Health
AH 0190 Intr AH Prof HLTH 2600 Intro to Health Professions
AH 0290 Medical Terminology HUM 2130 Medical Vocabulary
AH 290 Medical Terminology HUM 2130 Medical Vocabulary
AHHS 0290 Medical Terminology ELEC ELLD LD: Medical Terminology
AMS 0120 Basic Electricity ET ELLD LD: Basic Electricity
AMS 0140 Occupational Safety ENGR ELLD LD:Occupational Safety
AMS 0151 Architectural Graphics ENGR ELLD LD:Architectural Graphics
AMS 0163 Architectural Drafting ENGR ELLD LD:Architectural Drafting
AMS 0175 Fr Sem/Ams Majors ET ELLD LD: Fr Sem/Ams Majors
AMS 0180 Architecture & Civilization ELEC ELLD LD:Architecture & Civilization
AMS 0202 CAD For Architecture ET ELLD LD: CAD For Architecture
AMS 0205 CADD For Manfacturi ET ELLD LD: CADD For Manfacturi
AMS 0251 3D Modeling & Imaging ENGR ELLD LD:3D Modeling & Imaging
AMS 0261 Construct Meth & Materials CMT ELLD LD:Construct Meth & Materials
AMS 0262 Const Methods & Mat Lab ENGR ELLD LD:Const Methods & Mat Lab
AMS 0263 Architecture Doc ENGR ELLD LD:Architecture Doc
AMS 0271 Industrial Stats ET ELLD LD: Industrial Stats
AMS 0305 Building Codes ENGR ELUD UD:Building Codes
AMS 0310 Work Design/Ergonomics CMT ELUD UD: Work Design/Ergonomics
AMS 0342 Manufacturing Operations ENGR ELUD UD:Manufacturing Operations
AMS 0361 Constr Mthd & Materi CMT 3150 Resid Build Constr & Mtrls I
AMS 0390 Project Planning & C ET ELUD UD: Project Planning & C
AMS 303 Food Laws and Regulations NFS 4555 Food Laws and Regulations
ANSC 0140 Intro Animal Science ANSC 1410 Introduction to Animal Science
ANSC 014101 Intro to Animal Sci ANSC ELLD LD: Intro to Animal Sci
ANSC 023201 Basic Equitation HORS 2110 Basic Horsemanship
ANSC 0240 Livestock Managment ANSC 3440 Livestock Management
ANSC 0241 Livestock Mgmt Lab ANSC 3440 Livestock Management
ANSC 0330 Horse Production HORS 3900 Horses and Horsemanship
ANSC 0331 Horse Production Lab HORS ELUD UD: Horse Production Lab
ANSC 033201 Intermediate Equita HORS 3400 Horsemanship-Equitation
ANSC 0333 Horse Training HORS 4460 Behavior & Training of Horses
ANSC 033401 Horse Production HORS 3900 Horses and Horsemanship
ANSC 033501 Horse Training HORS 4460 Behavior & Training of Horses
ANSC 0336 Confirmation & Perfo HORS 2480 Equine Evaluation & Selection
ANSC 033801 Live Animal Evaluat ANSC 4490 Livestock Evaluation
ANSC 034001 Meats & Meat Produc ANSC 4860 Meat Science and Technology
ANSC 034101 Dairy Cattle Judgin ANSC ELUD UD: Dairy Cattle Judgin
ANSC 034401 Physiology & Anat D ANSC 3450 Anat & Phys Domestic Animals
ANSC 034501 Animal Feeds & Feed ANSC ELUD UD: Animal Feeds & Feed
ANSC 034701 Animal Pathology ANSC ELUD UD: Animal Pathology
ANSC 0390 Horse Production HORS 3900 Horses and Horsemanship
ANSC 0391 Horse Prod Lab HORS 3900 Horses and Horsemanship
ANSC 0431 Dairy Production ANSC 3540 Dairy Production
ANSC 0432 Dairy Prod Lab ANSC ELUD UD: Dairy Prod Lab
ANSC 043601 Adv Horse Judging HORS ELUD UD: Adv Horse Judging
ANSC 0437 Physiology of Reprod ANSC 4510 Domestic Animal Repro Phys
ANSC 0438 Physiology of Reprod ANSC ELUD UD: Physiology of Reprod
ANSC 044001 Livestock Selection ANSC ELUD UD: Livestock Selection
ANSC 044101 Adv Dairy Selection ANSC ELUD UD: Adv Dairy Selection
ANSC 044201 Beef Production ANSC 3470 Beef Cattle Production
ANSC 044301 Physiology Reproduc ANSC ELUD UD: Physiology Reproduc
ANSC 0444 Swine Production ANSC 3480 Swine Production
ANSC 0445 Swine Prod Lab ANSC ELUD UD: Swine Prod Lab
ANSC 0446 Animal Breeding ANSC 3420 Animal Breeding and Genetics
ANSC 0447 Animal Breeding Lab ANSC ELUD UD: Animal Breeding Lab
ANSC 044801 Prin of Animal Nutr ANSC 4410 Animal Nutrition
ANSC 044901 Lab Methods & Tech AGRI ELUD UD: Lab Methods & Tech
ANSC 0475 Selected Topics In A AGRI 4910 Problems in Agriculture
ANSC 130 Introduction to Horse Science HORS ELLD LD: Intro to Horse Science
ANSC 131 Horse Science Lab HORS ELLD LD: Horse Science Lab
ANSC 428 Equine Health and Welfare HORS 3300 Equine Health
ANSC 429 Equine and Welfare Lab HORS 3300 Equine Health
ANTH 012001 Int Anth Mn Clt ANTH ELLD LD: Int Anth Mn Clt
ANTH 012101 Intro to Anth:Human ANTH 3310 Biological Anthropology
ANTH 0125 Intro to Phy Anth ANTH ELLD LD: Intro to Phy Anth
ANTH 0130 Intro Archaeology ANTH ELLD LD:Intro Archaeology
ANTH 0135 Linguistic Anth ANTH ELLD LD:Linguistic Anth
ANTH 015001 Int Anthr Mn Clt ANTH ELLD LD: Int Anthr Mn Clt
ANTH 0200 Intro to Latin Ameri ANTH ELLD LD: Intro to Latin Ameri
ANTH 023001 Intro to Archaeolog ANTH 3210 Archaeology
ANTH 024001 World Cultures ANTH 2010 Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 0300 Forensic Anthropolog ANTH 3710 Topics in Anthropology
ANTH 033001 North American Arch ANTH ELUD UD: North American Arch
ANTH 033501 Old World Pre Histo ANTH ELUD UD: Old World Pre Histo
ANTH 0336 Mod Hum Bio Var ANTH ELUD UD: Mod Hum Bio Var
ANTH 034001 Peoples & Cultures ANTH ELUD UD: Peoples & Cultures
ANTH 034101 Peoples & Cultures ANTH ELUD UD: Peoples & Cultures
ANTH 034501 Indians of North Am ANTH 3515 People & Culture Native N Amer
ANTH 0350 Peoples & Cultures ANTH 3514 Peoples and Cultures of Africa
ANTH 035501 History of Anthropo ANTH 3000 Anthropological Theory
ANTH 0360 Applied Anthropology ANTH ELUD UD:Applied Anthropology
ANTH 036601 Special Topics In A ANTH ELUD UD: Special Topics In A
ANTH 0399 Fieldwork ANTH ELUD UD: Fieldwork
ANTH 040201 Anthropology:Qualit ANTH 4950 Archaeological Field School
ANTH 0420 Hist of Anthropology ANTH 4120 Practicing Anthropology
ANTH 043001 Archaeo9logy of Ken ANTH ELUD UD: Archaeo9logy of Ken
ANTH 043101 Field Course In Arc ANTH ELUD UD: Field Course In Arc
ANTH 043201 Field Course In Arc ANTH ELUD UD: Field Course In Arc
ANTH 0436 Public Archaeology ANTH ELUD UD: Public Archaeology
ANTH 044001 Cultural Anthropolo ANTH ELUD UD: Cultural Anthropolo
ANTH 0442 Ecological & Econ An ANTH ELUD UD: Ecological & Econ An
ANTH 0446 Anthropology of Reli ANTH 4750 Anthropology of Religion
ANTH 0448 Visual Anthropology ANTH 3710 Topics in Anthropology
ANTH 045501 Language In Culture ANTH ELUD UD: Language In Culture
ANTH 0495 Directed Study ANTH 4910 Anth Undergrad Research
ANTH 0496 Directed Study ANTH 4910 Anth Undergrad Research
ANTH 316 Arch of Environmental Change ANTH ELUD UD:Arch of Environment. Change
ANTH 388 Foodways NFS 2100 Cultural Food Studies
AOS 010101 Typewriting I BCED ELLD LD: Typewriting I
AOS 010201 Typewriting II BCED ELLD LD: Typewriting II
AOS 0111 Beginning Shorthand BCED ELLD LD:Beginning Shorthand
AOS 011201 Intermediate Shorth BCED ELLD LD: Intermediate Shorth
AOS 012001 Keyboarding For Inf BCED ELLD LD: Keyboarding For Inf
AOS 016101 Business Math BCED ELLD LD: Business Math
AOS 021501 Advanced Shorthand BCED ELLD LD:Advanced Shorthand
AOS 021601 Office Procedures BCED ELLD LD:Office Procedures
AOS 022001 Word Processing I BCED ELLD LD: Word Processing I
AOS 022101 Word Processing II BCED ELLD LD: Word Processing II
AOS 024001 Professional Transc BCED ELLD LD:Professional Transc
AOS 025001 Basic Business Comm BCED ELLD LD: Basic Business Comm
AOS 026101 Personal Finance BCED ELLD LD:Personal Finance
AOS 027101 Office Internship BCED ELLD LD:Office Internship
AOS 035001 Business Communicat BCED 3510 Business Communication
AOS 046101 Business Report Wri BCED ELUD UD: Business Report Wri
AOS 046201 Office Automation BCED ELUD UD:Office Automation
AOS 046301 Info Resources Mgmt BCED ELUD UD: Info Resources Mgmt
AOS 047101 Office Internship BCED ELUD UD: Office Internship
AOS 048501 Office Employee Tra BCED ELUD UD:Office Employee Tra
ARBC 0101 Elementary Arabic I ARAB 1010 Elementary Arabic I
ARBC 0102 Elementary Arabic II ARAB 1020 Elementary Arabic II
ART 0100 Art Appreciation ART 1030 Art Appreciation
ART 0101 Art Survey ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ART 0101 Art Survey ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ART 010501 Art Survey I ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ART 010501 Art Survey I ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ART 010601 Art Survey II ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ART 010601 Art Survey II ART 1930 Survey of Western Art II
ART 013001 Two Dimensional Des ART 1610 2-Dimensional Design
ART 013101 Three Dimensional D ART 1630 3-Dimensional Design
ART 014001 Basic Drawing ART 1620 Drawing I
ART 022001 Ceramics ART 2810 Ceramics I
ART 023001 Color Concepts ART ELLD LD: Color Concepts
ART 023101 Graphic Design ART 2310 Graphic Design Technology
ART 023901 Creative Art Photog ART ELLD LD: Creative Art Photog
ART 024001 Drawing ART 1640 Drawing II
ART 0243 Digital Media ART 1650 Foundations Digital Art/Design
ART 025001 Printmaking ART 2130 Printmaking I
ART 026001 Painting ART 2710 Painting I
ART 027001 Sculpture ART 2510 Sculpture I
ART 028001 Weaving ART ELLD LD: Weaving
ART 030001 Early Medieval Art ART 4940 Special Studies in Art History
ART 030101 Medieval Art ART ELUD UD: Medieval Art
ART 030201 Nineteenth Century ART 4900 Nineteenth-Century Art
ART 030301 20th Century Art ART ELUD UD: 20th Century Art
ART 0305 Aesthetics ART ELUD UD: Aesthetics
ART 030601 Far Eastern Art ART 4920 Contemporary Art
ART 030701 Art of the United S ART 4940 Special Studies in Art History
ART 030801 Art to 17th & 18th ART 4940 Special Studies in Art History
ART 030901 Art of the Ancient ART 4940 Special Studies in Art History
ART 031001 Art Educ In Elem Sc ART ELUD UD: Art Educ in Elem Sc
ART 0313 Art of the Untied States II ART 3990 American Art
ART 0318 Art and Landscape ART ELUD UD:Art and Landscape
ART 032001 Ceramics ART 3820 Wheel Throwing
ART 032101 Ceramics ART 3830 Ceramics III
ART 0330 Graphic Design ART 2325 Typographic Design
ART 0334 Graph Design Survey ART ELUD UD: Graph Design Survey
ART 033901 Alternative Photogr PHOT ELUD UD: Alternative Photogr
ART 034001 Drawing ART ELUD UD: Drawing
ART 034101 Drawing ART ELUD UD: Drawing
ART 035001 Printmaking ART 3140 Print Media:Etching and Relief
ART 035101 Printmaking ART ELUD UD: Printmaking
ART 036001 Painting ART 3720 Painting II
ART 036101 Painting ART 3730 Painting III
ART 037001 Sculpture ART 3520 Sculpture II
ART 037101 Sculpture ART 3530 Sculpture III
ART 038001 Weaving ART 3550 Print Media: Book Arts
ART 038101 Weaving ART ELUD UD:
ART 039001 Contemporary Art ART 4920 Contemporary Art
ART 039901 Professional Work/C ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 040101 Art of the Italian ART 4940 Special Studies in Art History
ART 040201 19th & 20th Century ART ELUD UD: 19th & 20th Century
ART 040301 Northern Renaissanc ART 4940 Special Studies in Art History
ART 040501 Art Theory & Critic ART 4940 Special Studies in Art History
ART 042001 Ceramics ART 4810 Ceramics IV
ART 042101 Ceramics ART 4820 Ceramics V
ART 042201 Ceramics ART 4830 Ceramics VI
ART 042301 Pottery Whell Techn ART ELUD UD: Pottery Whell Techn
ART 042401 Ceramic Glaze Compo ART ELUD UD: Ceramic Glaze Compo
ART 042501 Ceramic Studio Equi ART ELUD UD: Ceramic Studio Equi
ART 042601 Special Firing Tech ART ELUD UD: Special Firing Tech
ART 043001 Graphic Design ART 3330 Portfolio I
ART 043101 Illustration ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 043201 Portfolio ART ELUD UD:Portfolio
ART 043301 Package Design ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 043501 Computer Graphics & ART 3610 Intro to Computer-Assisted Art
ART 0436 Electronic Illustration ANIM ELUD UD:Electronic Illustration
ART 043801 Adv Computer Graphi ART 3620 Intermed Computer-Assisted Art
ART 043901 Adv Art Photography PHOT ELUD UD: Adv Art Photography
ART 044001 Drawing ART ELUD UD: Drawing
ART 045001 Printmaking ART 4120 Intermediate Printmaking
ART 045101 Printmaking ART 4130 Advanced Printmaking
ART 045201 Printmaking ART 4140 Printmaking Thesis
ART 045301 Senior Tech In Prin ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 045401 Senior Comp In Prin ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 045501 Adv Senior Tech In ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 045601 Adv Senior Comp In ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 046001 Painting ART 4710 Painting IV
ART 046101 Painting ART 4720 Painting V
ART 046201 Painting ART 4730 Painting VI
ART 046301 Senior Somp In Pain ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 046401 Senior Tech In Pain ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 046501 Adv Senior Comp In ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 046601 Adv Senior Tech In ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 047001 Sculpture ART 4510 Sculpture IV
ART 047101 Sculpture ART 4520 Sculpture V
ART 047201 Secondary Education ART 3210 Elementary Art Edu Methods
ART 047202 Sculpture ART 4530 Advanced 3D Practices
ART 047301 Cement Sculpture ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 047401 Wood Sculpture ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 047501 Welded Sculpture ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 047601 Foundry In Sculptur ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 048001 Weaving ART 4110 Topics in Book Arts
ART 048101 Weaving ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 048201 Weaving ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 048301 Senior Fiber Techni ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 048401 Senior Fiber Compos ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 048501 Adv Senior Fiber Te ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 048601 Adv Senior Fiber Co ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 049001 Secondary Education ART 3330 Portfolio I
ART 049002 Special Problems ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 049101 Special Studies ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 049401 Seminar In Art Hist ART 4940 Special Studies in Art History
ART 0496 Studio Art Topic Art Jour ART ELUD UD:Studio Art Topic Art Jour
ART 049901 Professional Work/C ART 4640 Advanced Art Problems
ART 409 European Art 1848-1900 ART ELUD UD:European Art 1849-1900
ARTS 0100 Art Appreciation ART 1030 Art Appreciation
ARTS 100C Art Appreciation ART 1030 Art Appreciation
ARTS 100C01 Art Appreciation ART 1030 Art Appreciation
AS 032601 Applied Electronics ET ELUD UD: Applied Electronics
AS 036301 Automated Material ET ELUD UD: Automated Material
AS 151 Architectural Graphics ELEC ELLD LD:Architectural Graphics
AS 163 Architectual Drafting CMT ELLD LD:Architectual Drafting
AS 180 Intro to Architecture ELEC ELLD LD:Intro to Architecture
AS 251 3D Modeling and Imaging ELEC ELLD LD:3D Modeling and Imaging
AS 263 Architecture Documentation I CMT ELLD LD:Architecture Documentn I
AS 305 Building Codes CMT ELUD UD:Building Codes
ASL 0101 American Sign Language I ELEC ELLD LD:Amer Sign Language I
ASL 0102 American Sign Language II ELEC ELLD LD:Amer Sign Language II
ASL 201 Amer Sign Language III ELEC ELLD LD:Amer Sign Language III
ASL 302 Deaf Culture in America ELEC ELUD UD: Deaf Culture in America
ASL 303 International Deaf Studies ELEC ELUD UD:International Deaf Studies
ASTR 0104 Astronomy/Solar Syst ASTR ELLD LD: Astronomy/Solar Syst
ASTR 0105 Conc Phys World ASTR ELLD LD: Conc Phys World
ASTR 010601 Astronomy of Stella PHYS ELLD LD: Astronomy of Stella
ASTR 0108 Descriptive Astronomy ASTR 1030 Exploring the Universe
ASTR 021401 General Astronomy ASTR 3400 Fundamentals of Astrophysics
ASTR 021401 General Astronomy and ASTR 3401 Experimental Astronomy
ASTR 031401 Observational Astro PHYS ELUD UD: Observational Astro
ASTR 040501 Astronomy For Teach PHYS ELUD UD: Astronomy For Teach
ASTR 041401 Intro Astrophysics PHYS ELUD UD: Intro Astrophysics
AT 027501 Selected Topics In ET ELLD LD: Selected Topics In
AT 035101 House Planning & Co ET ELUD UD: House Planning & Co
AT 0360 Residential Architecture CMT ELUD UD:Residential Architecture
AT 036101 Construction Method ET ELUD UD: Construction Method
AT 037201 Commercial Architec ET ELUD UD: Commercial Architect
AT 037301 Commercial Architec ET ELUD UD: Commercial Architect
AT 037401 Mechanical Architec ET ELUD UD: Mechanical Architect
AT 037501 Special Architectur ET ELUD UD: Special Architecture
AT 037801 Architectural Model ET ELUD UD: Architectural Model
AT 040101 Senior Seminar In A ET ELUD UD: Senior Seminar In A
AT 047501 Selected Topics In ET ELUD UD: Selected Topics In
AT 049001 Senior Project ET ELUD UD: Senior Project
BA 0101 Freshman Seminar UNIV ELLD LD: Freshman Seminar
BA 0110 Intro Bus Ent BCED ELLD LD:Intro Bus Ent
BA 0175 Fresh Sem/Bus Major ELEC ELLD LD: Fresh Sem/Bus Major
BA 170 Business Student Basics BUS ELLD LD:Business Student Basics
BA 220 Special Topics BUAD BUAD ELLD LD:Special Topics BUAD
BCOM 0185 Intro Broadcast EMC ELLD LD: Intro Broadcast
BCOM 0201 Process & Effects Mass Comm EMC 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
BCOM 020101 Process/Effects/Mas JOUR ELLD LD: Process/Effects/Mas
BCOM 026101 Basic Radio Product EMC ELLD LD: Basic Radio Product
BCOM 026501 Basic of Broadcast EMC ELLD LD: Basic of Broadcast
BCOM 026601 Basic TV Production EMC ELLD LD: Basic TV Production
BCOM 027101 Intro to Cinema EMC ELLD LD: Intro to Cinema
BCOM 027601 Basic Cinematograph EMC ELLD LD: Basic Cinematograph
BCOM 030001 American Popular Ar EMC ELUD UD: American Popular Ar
BCOM 030101 Mass Comm Law Ethic EMC ELUD UD: Mass Comm Law Ethic
BCOM 030301 Acting For the Came THEA ELUD UD: Acting For the Came
BCOM 030901 Documentary Writing JOUR ELUD UD: Documentary Writing
BCOM 031101 International Mass JOUR ELUD UD: International Mass
BCOM 032501 Writing/TV/Radio EMC ELUD UD:Writing/TV/Radio
BCOM 032601 TV & Radio Performa EMC ELUD UD: TV & Radio Performa
BCOM 036001 Electronic Media Pr EMC ELUD UD: Electronic Media Pr
BCOM 036101 Adv Radio Productio EMC ELUD UD: Adv Radio Productio
BCOM 036401 Video Production EMC ELUD UD: Video Production
BCOM 036501 Broadcast News Repo JOUR ELUD UD: Broadcast News Repo
BCOM 036601 Studio & Post Produ JOUR ELUD UD: Studio & Post Produ
BCOM 036701 Electronic Field Pr EMC ELUD UD: Electronic Field Pr
BCOM 036801 Electronic News Gat JOUR ELUD UD: Electronic News Gat
BCOM 036901 Coop Educ In Broadc EMC ELUD UD: Coop Educ In Broadc
BCOM 037601 Film Production For EMC ELUD UD: Film Production For
BCOM 037801 Film Animation EMC ELUD UD: Film Animation
BCOM 0379 Producting For Video EMC ELUD UD: Producting for Video
BCOM 038501 Brdcst Commercial S EMC ELUD UD: Brdcst Commercial S
BCOM 040101 Hist of Broadcastin EMC ELUD UD: Hist of Broadcastin
BCOM 040401 Professional Media EMC ELUD UD: Professional Media
BCOM 0429 Broadcast Metorology EMC ELUD UD: Broadcast Metorology
BCOM 043501 Computer Graphics & EMC ELUD UD: Computer Graphics &
BCOM 046101 Radio Workshop EMC ELUD UD: Radio Workshop
BCOM 046401 Lighting For Film & EMC ELUD UD: Lighting For Film &
BCOM 046501 Adv Broadcast News EMC ELUD UD: Adv Broadcast News
BCOM 046601 TV Producting & Dir EMC ELUD UD: TV Producting & Dir
BCOM 046701 Broadcast Workshop EMC ELUD UD: Broadcast Workshop
BCOM 047101 Theory & Criticism EMC ELUD UD: Theory & Criticism
BCOM 047501 Cable TV & New Tech EMC ELUD UD: Cable TV & New Tech
BCOM 0480 Adv Post Production EMC ELUD UD: Adv Post Production
BCOM 048101 Prob In Mass Comuni EMC ELUD UD: Prob In Mass Comuni
BCOM 048201 TV Magazine Product EMC ELUD UD: TV Magazine Product
BCOM 048301 Cmx Editing EMC ELUD UD: Cmx Editing
BCOM 048401 Adv Post Production EMC ELUD UD: Adv Post Production
BCOM 048501 Broadcast Operation EMC ELUD UD: Broadcast Operation
BCOM 049101 Internship EMC ELUD UD: Internship
BCOM 264 Basic Digital Video Production EMC ELLD LD:Basic Digital Video Prodctn
BDAN 250 Introduction to Analytics BIA ELLD LD:Introduction to Analytics
BDAN 305 Princ of Mis w/Spreadsheets DATA 1500 Introduction to Data Science
BDAN 310 Business Data Analytics BIA 3620 Intro to Business Analytics
BE 035001 Business Communicat BCED ELUD UD:Business Communicat
BE 036201 Intro to Office Sys BCED ELUD UD: Intro to Office Sys
BE 046301 Information Resourc BCED ELUD UD:Information Resourc
BE 047101 Office Internship BCED ELUD UD:Office Internship
BE 048501 Office Employee Tra BCED ELUD UD:Office Employee Tra
BE 0486 Busienss & Marketing MKT ELUD UD: Busienss & Marketing
BE O 010001 Intro Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
BE O 014201 Fund App Data Pr BCED ELLD LD:Fund App Data Pr
BE O 016101 Bus Arith BCED ELLD LD:Bus Arith
BE O 020101 Intr Typewriting BCED ELLD LD: Intr Typewriting
BE O 0211 Beginning Shorthand BCED ELLD LD:Beginning Shorthand
BE O 021201 Intr Shorthand BCED ELLD LD: Intr Shorthand
BE O 024101 Indexing & Filing BCED ELLD LD:Indexing & Filing
BE O 030101 Adv Typewriting BCED ELUD UD:Adv Typewriting
BE O 031101 Shortnd Dictatn BCED ELUD UD:Shortnd Dictatn
BE O 031201 Shortnd Transcrp BCED ELUD UD:Shortnd Transcrp
BE O 031501 Sec Skills BCED ELUD UD:Sec Skills
BE O 031601 Office Procdurs BCED ELUD UD:Office Procedures
BE O 035001 Business Comm BCED 3510 Business Communication
BE O 036101 Personal Finance FIN ELUD UD: Personal Finance
BIO 0113 General Biology BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIO 0114 General Biology Lab BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIO 0115 General Biology BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIO 0131 Human Anatomy & PhysIology BIOL ELLD Human Anatomy & Physiology
BIO 0131L Human Anat & Phys Lab BIOL ELLD LD: Human Anat & Phys Lab
BIO 0497 Limnology BIOL ELUD UD: Limnology
BIO 113C General Biology BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIO 114C General Biology Lab BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIO 115C General Biology BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIO 131C Human Anat & Phys BIOL 2030 Anatomy and Physiology
BIO 207C Gen Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIO 275C Human Pathophysiolo BIOL ELLD LD: Human Pathophysiolo
BIOL 318 Biol Science Lab/Tch BIOL ELUD UD: Biol Science Lab/Tch
BIOL 496 Biotechnology BIOL ELUD UD: Biotechnology
BIOL 010101 Freshman Seminar BIOL ELLD LD: Freshman Seminar
BIOL 0105 General Biology BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 010601 General Biology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 0113 General Biology BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIOL 0114 Gen Biology Lab BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIOL 011501 General Biology BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIOL 011601 Lab General Biology BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIOL 011602 Biol For Elem Teach BIOL ELLD LD: Biol For Elem Teach
BIOL 011701 Lab Biol/Elem Teac BIOL ELLD LD: Lab Biol/Elem Teac
BIOL 012001 Biological Concepts BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 0121 Biological Conc Lab BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 012101 Biological Concept Lab BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 012201 Biological Concepts BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 012301 Biological Concept BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 0131 Human Anatomy & Physiology BIOL 2030 Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 014801 Prin of Biology BIOL ELLD LD: Prin of Biology
BIOL 014901 Prin Lb Vi BIOL ELLD LD: Prin Lb Vi
BIOL 015601 General Biology BIOL ELLD LD: General Biology
BIOL 0175 Univ Exp Biology BIOL ELLD LD: Univ Exp Biology
BIOL 0199 Intro Biotech Research BIOL ELLD LD:Intro Biotech Research
BIOL 0204 Intro to Clinical La BIOL ELLD LD: Intro to Clinical La
BIOL 020701 General Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIOL 020801 Gen Microbiology Lab BIOL ELLD LD:Gen Microbiology Lab
BIOL 022001 Intro to Molecular BIOL ELLD LD: Intro to Molecular
BIOL 0221 Intro to Molecular BIOL ELLD LD: Intro to Molecular
BIOL 0222 General Botany BIOL ELLD LD: General Botany
BIOL 0223 Gen Botany Lab BIOL ELLD LD: Gen Botany Lab
BIOL 0224 General Zoology BIOL ELLD LD: General Zoology
BIOL 0225 Gen Zoology Lab BIOL ELLD LD: Gen Zoology Lab
BIOL 0226 Microbial Biol & Diversity BIOL ELLD LD:Microbial Biol & Diversity
BIOL 0227 Microbial Lab BIOL ELLD LD:Microbial Lab
BIOL 0230 Intro to Recombinant BIOL ELLD LD: Intro to Recombinant
BIOL 0231 Adv Human Anatomy & Phys BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 024001 Developmental Biolo BIOL ELLD LD: Developmental Biolo
BIOL 028001 Intro to Environmen BIOL ELLD LD: Intro to Environmen
BIOL 0283 Intro to Biostatist BIOL 4350 Biometry
BIOL 029501 Intro to Research M BIOL ELLD LD: Intro to Research M
BIOL 030001 Genetics & Human Af BIOL ELUD UD: Genetics & Human Af
BIOL 030101 Ecology & Human Aff BIOL ELUD UD: Ecology & Human Aff
BIOL 030201 Human Biology BIOL ELUD UD: Human Biology
BIOL 030401 Biochemistry Health BIOL ELUD UD: Biochemistry Health
BIOL 0305 Botany BIOL ELUD UD: Botany
BIOL 0307 General Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIOL 0308 Gen Micro Lb IV BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIOL 030901 Bacteriology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIOL 031001 Bacteriology Lab BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIOL 031101 Infection & Immunit BIOL ELUD UD: Infection & Immunit
BIOL 031501 Ecology BIOL 3400 General Ecology
BIOL 031701 Plant Pathology BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Pathology
BIOL 0319 Mol & Cell Biology BIOL ELUD UD:Mol & Cell Biology
BIOL 032101 Comparative Anatomy BIOL 3020 Comparative Anat Vertebrates
BIOL 032301 Embryology BIOL 3010 Embryology
BIOL 032401 Histology BIOL 4130 Histology
BIOL 032501 Entomology BIOL 3040 Entomology
BIOL 032601 Ornithology BIOL ELUD UD: Ornithology
BIOL 0327 Genetics BIOL 3250 Genetics
BIOL 032801 Immunology BIOL 4300 Immunology
BIOL 032901 Basic Pathology Of BIOL ELUD UD: Basic Pathology Of
BIOL 0330 Animal Physiology BIOL ELUD UD:Animal Physiology
BIOL 033001 Animal Physiology BIOL 4110 General Physiology
BIOL 033101 Animal Physiology L BIOL 4110 General Physiology
BIOL 033301 Pathophysiology I:M BIOL ELUD UD: Pathophysiology I:M
BIOL 033501 General Biophysics BIOL ELUD UD: General Biophysics
BIOL 0340 Devel Biology BIOL ELUD UD: Devel Biology
BIOL 034101 Biology Vascular Pl BIOL ELUD UD: Biology Vascular Pl
BIOL 034401 Biology of Aging BIOL ELUD UD: Biology of Aging
BIOL 034801 Plant Taxonomy BIOL ELUD UD: Plant Taxonomy
BIOL 0350 Intro to Recombinant BIOL 4550 Biotechnology
BIOL 036901 Coop Educ In Biolog BIOL ELUD UD: Coop Educ In Biolog
BIOL 038901 Coop Educ In Biolog BIOL ELUD UD: Coop Educ In Biolog
BIOL 039801 Undergraduate Semin BIOL ELUD UD: Undergraduate Semin
BIOL 039901 Research Prob In Bi BIOL ELUD UD: Research Prob In Bi
BIOL 040001 Plant Physiology BIOL 4500 Plant Physiology
BIOL 040101 Biology of the Alga BIOL ELUD UD: Biology of the Alga
BIOL 0402 Evolutionary History BIOL ELUD UD: Evolutionary History
BIOL 040401 Tech & Theory Elect BIOL 4270 Transmit Electron Microscopy
BIOL 040701 Virology BIOL 4440 General Virology
BIOL 040801 Invertebrate Zoolog BIOL 4140 Invertebrate Zoology
BIOL 041101 Cell Biology BIOL 4210 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 041201 Cell Biology Lab BIOL 4210 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 0415 Ecological Methods BIOL ELUD UD: Ecological Methods
BIOL 041801 Mycology BIOL 4080 Mycology
BIOL 0420 Intro to Toxicology BIOL 4570 Principles of Toxicology
BIOL 043001 Evolution:Theory & BIOL ELUD UD: Evolution:Theory &
BIOL 043101 Radiation Biophysic BIOL ELUD UD: Radiation Biophysic
BIOL 043301 Pathophysiology II. BIOL ELUD UD: Pathophysiology II.
BIOL 044601 Biochemistry I BIOL ELUD UD: Biochemistry I
BIOL 044701 Biochemistry I Lab BIOL ELUD UD: Biochemistry I Lab
BIOL 045001 Molecular Genetics BIOL ELUD UD: Molecular Genetics
BIOL 045601 Ichthyology BIOL 4220 Ichthyology
BIOL 045801 Fishery Biology BIOL ELUD UD: Fishery Biology
BIOL 0459 Mammology BIOL ELUD UD: Mammology
BIOL 046001 Parasitology BIOL 3050 Parasitology
BIOL 046201 Bioinorganic Chemis BIOL ELUD UD: Bioinorganic Chemis
BIOL 046401 Endocrinology BIOL 4170 Endocrinology
BIOL 046701 Biochemistry II BIOL ELUD UD: Biochemistry II
BIOL 046901 Coop Educ In Biolog BIOL ELUD UD: Coop Educ In Biolog
BIOL 047001 Pathogenic Microbio BIOL 4430 Diagnostic Microbiology
BIOL 047201 Applied & Environme BIOL ELUD UD: Applied & Environme
BIOL 0473 Interactions In The BIOL ELUD UD: Interactions In The
BIOL 047501 Selected Topics In BIOL ELUD UD: Selected Topics In
BIOL 0483 Multivariate Methods BIOL ELUD UD: Multivariate Methods
BIOL 0485 Multivariate Methods BIOL ELUD UD: Multivariate Methods
BIOL 048601 Senior Environmenta BIOL ELUD UD: Senior Environmenta
BIOL 048801 Nucleic Acids BIOL ELUD UD: Nucleic Acids
BIOL 049101 Data Analysis & Int BIOL ELUD UD: Data Analysis & Int
BIOL 049201 Clinical Internship BIOL ELUD UD: Clinical Internship
BIOL 049301 Clinical Internship BIOL ELUD UD: Clinical Internship
BIOL 049401 Clinical Internship BIOL ELUD UD: Clinical Internship
BIOL 049501 Recombinant Gene Te BIOL ELUD UD: Recombinant Gene Te
BIOL 0497 Limnology BIOL ELUD UD: Limnology
BIOL 207A Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIOL 316 Evolution BIOL 3500 Evolution
BIOL 322 Intro to Mol and Cell Bio Lab BIOL ELUD UD:Intro to Mol & Cell Bio Lab
BIOL 337 Genetics Laboratory BIOL 3250 Genetics
BLLG 038201 Biblical Lang I:Int RS ELUD UD: Biblical Lang I:Int
BLLG 038301 Biblical Lang II:In RS ELUD UD: Biblical Lang II:In
BLLG 038401 Biblical Lang III:I RS ELUD UD: Biblical Lang III:I
BLLG 038501 Biblical Lang IV:In RS ELUD UD: Biblical Lang IV:In
BLNG 0385 Biblical Lang RS ELUD UD: Biblical Lang
BNK 016001 Prin of Bank Operat FIN ELLD LD: Prin of Bank Operat
BNK 026001 Bank Management FIN ELLD LD: Bank Management
BNK 026201 Banking Law FIN ELLD LD: Banking Law
BNK 026301 Installment Credit FIN ELLD LD: Installment Credit
BNK 026401 Credit Administrati FIN ELLD LD: Credit Administrati
BNK 026601 Marketing Bank Serv FIN ELLD LD: Marketing Bank Serv
BNK 026701 Trust Operations FIN ELLD LD: Trust Operations
BNK 026801 Internship Banking FIN ELLD LD: Internship Banking
BNK 160C01 Prin of Bank Operat FIN ELLD LD: Prin of Bank Operat
BNK 260C01 Bank Management FIN ELLD LD: Bank Management
BNK 262C01 Banking Law FIN ELLD LD: Banking Law
BNK 263C01 Installment Credit FIN ELLD LD: Installment Credit
BNK 264C01 Deposit Operations FIN ELLD LD: Deposit Operations
BNK 265C01 Commercial Lending FIN ELLD LD: Commercial Lending
BNK 266C01 Marketing Bank Serv FIN ELLD LD: Marketing Bank Serv
BNK 267C01 Trust Operations FIN ELLD LD: Trust Operations
BNK 268C01 Internship Banking FIN ELLD LD: Internship Banking
BRCO 018501 Intro to Broadcasti JOUR ELLD LD: Intro to Broadcasti
BRCO 020101 Process & Effects O EMC ELLD LD: Process & Effects O
BRCO 026101 Basic Radio Product EMC ELLD LD: Basic Radio Product
BRCO 026501 Basic of Broadcast JOUR ELLD LD: Basic of Broadcast
BRCO 026601 Basic Television Pr EMC ELLD LD: Basic Television Pr
BRCO 027101 Intro to Cinema VFP 2510 History of American Cinema
BRCO 027601 Basic Cinematograph EMC ELLD LD: Basic Cinematograph
BRCO 030001 American Popular Ar EMC ELUD UD: American Popular Ar
BRCO 030101 Mass Communication EMC 4250 Media Law
BRCO 031101 International Mass EMC ELUD UD: International Mass
BRCO 032501 Survey of Writing F VFP 3020 Screenwriting I
BRCO 032601 Television & Radio VFP 3570 Broadcast Announcing Perform
BRCO 036101 Adv Radio Productio EMC 3110 Radio Station Operations
BRCO 036401 Video Production EMC ELUD UD: Video Production
BRCO 036501 Broadcast News Repo JOUR 3500 Video Reporting and Editing
BRCO 036601 Adv Television Prod EMC ELUD UD: Adv Television Prod
BRCO 036701 Electronic Field Pr EMC ELUD UD: Electronic Field Pr
BRCO 037101 Cinema History EMC ELUD UD: Cinema History
BRCO 037601 Adv Cimematography EMC ELUD UD: Adv Cimematography
BRCO 038501 Broadcast Commercia EMC 4010 Media Sales
BRCO 040101 Hist of Broadcastin EMC ELUD UD: Hist of Broadcastin
BRCO 040401 Professional Media EMC ELUD UD: Professional Media
BRCO 046101 Radio Workshop EMC ELUD UD: Radio Workshop
BRCO 046501 Adv Broadcast News JOUR 3740 Adv EM News Reporting Produce
BRCO 046601 Television Producin EMC ELUD UD: Television Producin
BRCO 046701 Braodcast Workshop EMC ELUD UD: Braodcast Workshop
BRCO 047101 Theory & Criticism EMC ELUD UD: Theory & Criticism
BRCO 048101 Prob In Mass Commun EMC ELUD UD: Prob In Mass Commun
BRCO 048501 Broadcast Operation EMC 4430 Media Management
BRCO 049101 Internship EMC ELUD UD: Internship
BRCO 404G01 Professional Media EMC ELUD UD: Professional Media
BS A 017001 Essntls Real Est FIN ELLD LD: Essntls Real Est
BS A 030101 Business Law I BLAW ELUD UD: Business Law I
BS A 030201 Business Law II BLAW ELUD UD: Business Law II
BS A 031001 Org & Mgt MGMT 3610 Principles of Management
BS A 032001 Basic Mktg Conc MKT ELUD UD: Basic Mktg Conc
BS A 033001 Financing Bus FIN 3010 Principles of Corp Finance
BS A 034001 Intro to DP INFS ELUD UD: Intro to DP
BS A 035001 Risk Mgmt & Ins BCED ELUD UD:Risk Mgmt & Ins
BT 110C Basic Accounting I ACTG ELLD LD: Basic Accounting I
BT 111C Basic Accounting II ACTG ELLD LD:Basic Accounting II
BT 180C Intro Computer Sys INFS ELLD LD: Intro Computer Sys
BT 256C Supervisory Mgmt MGMT ELLD LD: Supervisory Mgmt
BUS 010001 Intro to Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
BUS 011001 Basic Accounting ACTG ELLD LD: Basic Accounting
BUS 0214C Basic Bus Communication BUS ELLD LD: Basic Bus Comm
BUS 022001 Prin of Marketing MKT ELLD LD: Prin of Marketing
BUS 026901 Retirement Planning FIN ELLD LD: Retirement Planning
BUS 100C01 Intro to Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
BUS 110C01 Basic Accounting I ACTG ELLD LD: Basic Accounting I
BUS 111C01 Basic Accounting II ACTG ELLD LD: Basic Accounting II
BUS 160C Financial Mgmt FIN ELLD LD: Financial Mgmt
BUS 200C Principles of Management MGMT ELLD LD:Principles of Management
BUS 210C Organization & Management COMM ELLD LD: Organization & Management
BUS 212C Principles of Marketing MKT ELLD LD:Principles of Marketing
BUS 214C Basic Bus Communication COMM ELLD LD: Basic Bus Communication
BUS 220C01 Prin of Marketing MKT ELLD LD: Prin of Marketing
BUS 226C01 Intro to Law CJA ELLD LD: Intro to Law
BUS 245C Mgt Diversity in the Workplace MGMT ELLD LD:Mgt Diversity in the Wrkplc
BUS 250C Bus Entrepreneurshi ENTR 2900 Entrepreneurship
BUS 252C01 Selling & Sales Mgm MGMT ELLD LD: Selling & Sales Mgm
BUS 253C Business Seminar BCED ELLD LD:Business Seminar
BUS 257C Mgt Human Resources MGMT ELLD LD:Mgt Human Resources
BUS 270C Labor Relations Mgt MGMT ELLD LD:Labor Relations Mgt
CC 0101 Freshman Seminar UNIV 1010 University Seminar
CC 101C Freshman Seminar UNIV 1010 University Seminar
CD 0101 Amer Sign Lang I ELEC ELLD LD: Amer Sign Lang I
CD 0102 American Sign Lang II ELEC ELLD LD:Amer Sign Lang II
CD 0280 Surv Speech Patholo CDIS ELLD LD: Surv Speech Patholo
CD 0290 Lab Intro Clinical CDIS ELLD LD: Lab Intro Clinical
CD 0347 Bases of Speech CDIS ELUD UD: Bases of Speech
CD 0403 Deaf Culture & History CDIS ELLD LD:Deaf Culture & History
CD 0481 Speech & Lang Develo CDIS 3250 Speech & Lang Develop for Educ
CD 480 American Sign Language CDIS ELUD UD:American Sign Language
CE 0160 Surveying I ET ELLD LD: Surveying I
CE 0161 Surveying I Lab ET ELLD LD: Surveying I Lab
CE 0360 Estim Scheduling Bid ET ELUD UD: Estim Scheduling Bid
CE 175 University Experience-CE ELEC ELLD LD:University Experience-CE
CENG 055C Intro Freshman Engli DSPW ELLD LD: Intro Freshman Engli
CET 010701 Intro to Civil Engi ET ELLD LD: Intro to Civil Engi
CET 021601 Surveying I CMT ELLD LD: Surveying I
CET 021801 Surveying I Lab CMT ELLD LD: Surveying I Lab
CET 031601 Surveying II ET ELUD UD: Surveying II
CET 031801 Surveying II Lab ET ELUD UD: Surveying II Lab
CET 032601 Construction Planni ET ELUD UD: Construction Planning
CET 033601 Transportation Engi ET ELUD UD: Transportation Engi
CET 033801 Materials of Constr ET ELUD UD: Materials of Construct
CET 034601 Soil Mechanics ET ELUD UD: Soil Mechanics
CET 034801 Soil Mechanics Lab ET ELUD UD: Soil Mechanics Lab
CET 035601 Structural Analysis ET ELUD UD: Structural Analysis
CET 036601 Heavy Construction ET ELUD UD: Heavy Construction
CET 037601 Drainage Design ET ELUD UD: Drainage Design
CET 0386 Construction Estimat CMT 3160 Cost Estimating I
CET 041601 Surveying III ET ELUD UD: Surveying III
CET 041801 Surveying III Lab ET ELUD UD: Surveying III Lab
CET 042601 Highways ET ELUD UD: Highways
CET 0436 Construction Adminis CMT 4130 Construction Administration
CET 044601 Adv Soils & Foundat ET ELUD UD: Adv Soils & Foundation
CET 045601 Structural Analysis ET ELUD UD: Structural Analysis
CET 046601 Finite Element Anal ET ELUD UD: Finite Element Analy
CET 047501 Selected Topics In ET ELUD UD: Selected Topics In
CET 0476 Construction Contrac CMT ELUD UD:Construction Contrac
CET 049801 Cet Senior Project ET ELUD UD: Cet Senior Project
CFCS 111C Human Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
CFS 0110 Design Concepts IDES 3300 Interior Architecture Business
CFS 0111 Human Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
CFS 0131 Basic Apparel Constu TXMD 3200 Apparel Construction I
CFS 0132 Perspectivies of Dre TXMD ELLD LD: Perspectivies of Dre
CFS 0141 Graphic For Interio IDES 3200 Int Perspec Sketch and Render
CFS 0150 Gourmet Foods NFS 3210 Meal Prepping
CFS 0151 Food Science NFS 3200 Food Science
CFS 0152 Food Service Contam ELEC ELLD LD: Food Service Contam
CFS 0171 Intro to Mgmt In Hos NFS ELLD LD: Intro to Mgmt In Hos
CFS 0191 Child Development CDFS ELLD LD: Child Development
CFS 0192 Wrk/Yng Chil Famili CDFS ELLD LD: Wrk/Yng Chil Famili
CFS 0193 Cur Dev Yng Child CDFS ELLD LD: Cur Dev Yng Child
CFS 0194 Assess/Yng Child CDFS ELLD LD: Assess/Yng Child
CFS 0221 Creative Prob Solvin IDES 2100 Int Design Elements/Principles
CFS 0222 CAD In Human Devel IDES 3110 Interior Detailing I
CFS 0223 Textiles I TXMD 2180 Textiles
CFS 0231 Textile & Apparel Q TXMD 3150 Apparel Selection Evaluation
CFS 0241 Housing Perspective HSC 3430 Housing
CFS 0242 Intro to Interior D IDES 3100 Design Process
CFS 0243 Materials & Finishe IDES 3140 Interior Material and Finishes
CFS 0251 Commercial Food Pre NFS 4320 Food Systems Management
CFS 0252 Computer Application HSC ELLD LD: Computer Application
CFS 0261 Adv Nutrition NFS 4270 Advanced Nutrition I
CFS 0271 Tourism Planning & D HSC ELLD LD: Tourism Planning & D
CFS 0275 Restaurant Mgmt ELEC ELLD LD: Restaurant Mgmt
CFS 0276 Lodging Operations ELEC ELLD LD: Lodging Operations
CFS 0310 Mgt of Family Resour HSC 4410 Consumer Economics
CFS 0311 Family Relations HSC ELUD UD: Family Relations
CFS 0313 Practicum In Human E HSC ELUD UD: Practicum In Human E
CFS 0321 Professional Ethics HSC ELUD UD: Professional Ethics
CFS 0323 Architecture & Cultu IDES ELUD UD: Architecture & Cultu
CFS 0331 Textiles & Apparel M TXMD 3170 Fashion Branding
CFS 0332 Hist of 20th Century TXMD ELUD UD: Hist of 20th Century
CFS 0333 Fashion Industry I TXMD 1170 Intro to Fashion Industry
CFS 0334 Apparel Design Mgmt TXMD 4200 Patternmaking I
CFS 0341 Materials & Finishes IDES 3140 Interior Material and Finishes
CFS 0342 Lighting Design IDES 3330 Lighting, Mechanical, Environ
CFS 0344 History of Architect IDES 2120 History of Interiors I
CFS 0345 Hist of Arch & Inter IDES 3120 History of Interiors II
CFS 0346 Architecture & Cultu HSC ELUD UD: Architecture & Cultu
CFS 0351 Human Resources Mgmt NFS 4322 Dietetics Management
CFS 0352 International Cuisin NFS ELUD UD: International Cuisin
CFS 0353 Menu Planning & Purc NFS ELUD UD: Menu Planning & Purc
CFS 0354 Cost Control ELEC ELUD UD: Cost Control
CFS 0361 Life Stage Nutrition NFS ELUD UD: Life Stage Nutrition
CFS 0362 Clinical Nutrition NFS 4300 Medical Nutrition Therapy I
CFS 0364 Sports Nutrition NFS ELUD UD: Sports Nutrition
CFS 0371 Lodging Mgmt HSC ELUD UD: Lodging Mgmt
CFS 0373 Hospitality/Tourism Marketing THM 3100 Intro Tourism and Hospitality
CFS 0375 Meeting/Convention Mgmt BCED ELUD UD: Meeting/Convention Mgmt
CFS 0381 Material & Methods I FCSE ELUD UD: Material & Methods I
CFS 0382 Communication Tech HSC 3020 Presentation Techniques
CFS 0391 Risk and Resilience CDFS ELUD UD:Risk and Resilience
CFS 0410 Internship HSC ELUD UD: Internship
CFS 0411 Special Topics In Co CDFS ELUD UD: Special Topics In Co
CFS 0421 Professional Ethics HSC ELUD UD: Professional Ethics
CFS 0422 Textile Design TXMD ELUD UD: Textile Design
CFS 0423 Human Environment HSC ELUD UD: Human Environment
CFS 0424 Historic Textiles TXMD ELUD UD: Historic Textiles
CFS 0431 Clothing & Human Beh TXMD 4170 Cultural Social Aspects Dress
CFS 0432 Visual Merchandising TXMD ELUD UD: Visual Merchandising
CFS 0433 Fashion Industry TXMD 4100 Fashion Promo & Digital Comm
CFS 0434 History of Costume TXMD 2200 History of Fashion
CFS 0435 Computer Application TXMD ELUD UD: Computer Application
CFS 0436 Adv Clothing Design TXMD 4200 Patternmaking I
CFS 0437 Conservation of Text TXMD ELUD UD: Conservation of Text
CFS 0438 Textile & Apparel Me TXMD 4150 Fashion Buying
CFS 0441 Business Prin & Prac IDES 3300 Interior Architecture Business
CFS 0442 Contract Design II IDES ELUD UD: Contract Design II
CFS 0443 Adv Design Synthesis IDES 3220 Studio I
CFS 0444 Environmental Design IDES ELUD UD: Environmental Design
CFS 0445 Household Equipment IDES ELUD UD: Household Equipment
CFS 0446 Resoration of Histor IDES ELUD UD: Resoration of Histor
CFS 0447 Hist of Architecture IDES ELUD UD: Hist of Architecture
CFS 0448 Interior Illustratio IDES 3200 Int Perspec Sketch and Render
CFS 0451 Cost Control & Finan HSC ELUD UD: Cost Control & Finan
CFS 0452 Quality & Service Mg HSC ELUD UD: Quality & Service Mg
CFS 0461 Application of Nutri NFS ELUD UD: Application of Nutri
CFS 0462 Adv Clinical Nutriti NFS ELUD UD: Adv Clinical Nutriti
CFS 0464 Applied Instit Mgmt HSC ELUD UD: Applied Instit Mgmt
CFS 0471 Catering & Beverage NFS ELUD UD: Catering & Beverage
CFS 0472 Strategic Mgmt In Ho NFS ELUD UD: Strategic Mgmt In Ho
CFS 0481 Adv Methods In Home FCSE ELUD UD: Adv Methods In Home
CFS 0482 Resource Mgmt For In CDFS ELUD UD: Resource Mgmt For In
CFS 0483 Lab In Home Mgmt CDFS ELUD UD: Lab In Home Mgmt
CFS 0491 Sem In Home Econ CDFS ELUD UD: Sem In Home Econ
CFS 0492 Growth & Guidance Ch CDFS ELUD UD: Growth & Guidance Ch
CFS 0493 Family Life Educatio CDFS ELUD UD: Family Life Educatio
CFS 0494 Parenting Strategies CDFS ELUD UD: Parenting Strategies
CFS 0495 Interpersonal/Relati CDFS ELUD UD: Interpersonal/Relati
CFS 378 Legal Envir Hosp & Tourism THM ELUD UD:Legal Envir Hosp & Tourism
CFSC 111C Human Nutrition NFS ELLD LD: Human Nutrition
CH 028001 Intro to Environmen LSTS 4580 Seminar Rec & Tourism Impacts
CH 0381 Community Health HLTH ELUD UD: Community Health
CH 038201 Peer Health Educati HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
CH 038301 Biostatistics Healt HLTH ELUD UD: Biostatistics Healt
CH 038401 Intro to Epidemiolo HLTH ELUD UD: Intro to Epidemiolo
CH 046601 Clinical Health Edu HLTH ELUD UD: Clinical Health Edu
CH 048101 Environmental Facto HLTH ELUD UD: Environmental Facto
CH 048301 Administration Heal HLTH 4430 Program Planning in Health Edu
CH 0484 Community Organization HLTH ELUD UD: Community Organization
CH 048501 Community Organizat HLTH ELUD UD: Community Organizat
CH 048502 Methods In Communit HLTH ELUD UD: Methods In Communit
CH 048601 Senior Environmenta HLTH ELUD UD: Senior Environmenta
CH 049001 Field Exper In Comm HLTH ELUD UD: Field Exper In Comm
CHEM 010101 Intro to Chemistry CHEM ELLD LD: Intro to Chemistry
CHEM 010201 Intro Chemistry Lab CHEM ELLD LD: Intro Chemistry Lab
CHEM 010301 Basic Chemical Tech CHEM ELLD LD: Basic Chemical Tech
CHEM 010401 Chemistry & Technol CHEM ELLD LD: Chemistry & Technol
CHEM 010501 General Chemistry I CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHEM 010601 General Chemistry I CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHEM 010701 General Chemistry I CHEM 1020 Intro General Chemistry II
CHEM 010801 General Chemistry I CHEM 1020 Intro General Chemistry II
CHEM 010901 Chemistry For Healt CHEM ELLD LD: Chemistry For Healt
CHEM 0110 Freshman Seminar CHEM ELLD LD: Freshman Seminar
CHEM 0111 Forensic Chemistry CHEM ELLD LD:Forensic Chem
CHEM 0116 Intro College Chem CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHEM 011801 Preliminary College CHEM ELLD LD: Preliminary College
CHEM 0120 College Chemistry I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 012101 College Chem I Lab CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 022201 College Chemistry II CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 0223 Chem II Lab CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 028001 Intro to Environmen CHEM ELLD LD: Intro to Environmen
CHEM 029501 Intro to Research M CHEM ELLD LD: Intro to Research M
CHEM 029901 Intro to Chemical R CHEM ELLD LD: Intro to Chemical R
CHEM 030101 Consumer Chemistry CHEM ELUD UD: Consumer Chemistry
CHEM 030401 Biochemistry Health CHEM 3530 Principles of Biochemistry
CHEM 030501 Intro to Coal Chemi CHEM ELUD UD: Intro to Coal Chemi
CHEM 030701 Coal Chemistry Lab CHEM ELUD UD: Coal Chemistry Lab
CHEM 031401 Intro Organic Chemi CHEM 2030 Elements of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 032001 Prin of Inorganic C CHEM 4400 Inorganic Chemistry I
CHEM 033001 Quantitative Analys CHEM 2230 Quantitative Analysis
CHEM 034001 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 034101 Organic Chem Lab I CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 034201 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 3020 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 034301 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 3020 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 036901 Coop Educ In Chem I CHEM ELUD UD: Coop Educ In Chem I
CHEM 038901 Coop Educ In Chem I CHEM ELUD UD: Coop Educ In Chem I
CHEM 039801 Undergraduate Senio CHEM ELUD UD: Undergraduate Senio
CHEM 039901 Research Prob In Ch CHEM ELUD UD: Research Prob In Ch
CHEM 041201 Intro to Physical C CHEM 4330 Physical Chem Fundamentals I
CHEM 042001 Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 4410 Inorganic Chemistry II
CHEM 0425 Polymer Chemistry CHEM 4700 Polymers An Introduction
CHEM 0425 Polymer Chemistry and CHEM 4780 Polymer Materials Chem Lab
CHEM 043001 Forensic Chemistry CHEM ELUD UD: Forensic Chemistry
CHEM 043201 Modern Methods Chem CHEM ELUD UD: Modern Methods Chem
CHEM 043501 Analytical Chemistr CHEM 4230 Instrumental Analysis
CHEM 044601 Biochemistry CHEM 4500 Biochemistry I
CHEM 044701 Biochemistry Lab CHEM 4500 Biochemistry I
CHEM 045001 Physical Chemistry CHEM 4350 Physical Chemistry I
CHEM 045101 Physical Chemistry CHEM 4350 Physical Chemistry I
CHEM 045201 Physical Chemistry CHEM 4360 In-depth Phys Chem
CHEM 045301 Physical Chem Lab I CHEM 4360 In-depth Phys Chem
CHEM 046201 Bioinorganic Chemis CHEM ELUD UD: Bioinorganic Chemis
CHEM 046701 Biochemistry II CHEM ELUD UD: Biochemistry II
CHEM 047501 Selected Topics In CHEM ELUD UD: Selected Topics In
CHEM 047601 Adv Lab Invest In C CHEM ELUD UD: Adv Lab Invest In C
CHEM 048601 Senior Environmenta CHEM ELUD UD: Senior Environmenta
CHEM 048901 Coop Educ In Chem I CHEM ELUD UD: Coop Educ In Chem I
CHEM 0495 Env Sampling Measure CHEM ELUD UD: Env Sampling Measure
CHHS 0175 Univ Exp Hlth/Human ELEC ELLD LD: Univ Exp Hlth/Human
CHHS 100 Intro Child Welfare HLTH ELLD LD:Intro Child Welfare
CHHS 150 Enhancing Quality of Life CHHS ELEC ELLD LD:Enhncng Quality of Life CHH
CHIN 0101 Elem Chinese CHIN 1010 Elementary Chinese I
CHIN 0102 Elementary Chinese II CHIN 1020 Elementary Chinese II
CHIN 019001 Elem Chinese FL ELLD LD: Elem Chinese
CHIN 208 Chinese Calligraphy CHIN ELLD LD:Chinese Calligraphy
CHM 0101 Intro Chemistry CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHM 101C Intro Chemistry CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHM 109C Chem/Health Science CHEM ELLD LD:Chem/Health Science
CIS 0141 Basic Computer Lit CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CIS 0226 Intro Visual Progra CSCI ELLD LD: Intro Visual Progra
CIS 024101 Intro to Computer I INFS 2200 Introduction to Microcomputing
CIS 024201 Rpg II For Business INFS ELLD LD: Rpg II For Business
CIS 0243 Principles of MIS INFS ELLD LD: Principles of MIS
CIS 0320 Personal Info Tech INFS ELUD UD: Personal Info Tech
CIS 0321 Emerging Information Tech CSCI ELUD UD:Emerging Information Tech
CIS 034301 Principles of Mis INFS 3100 Prin of Mgmt Info Systems
CIS 034401 MIS Analysis & Desi INFS 3700 Systems Analysis and Design
CIS 034501 Managing the Data B CSCI ELUD UD: Managing the Data B
CIS 034601 Adv Rpg II For Busi INFS ELUD UD: Adv Rpg II For Busi
CIS 036901 Coop In INFS INFS ELUD UD: Coop In INFS
CIS 044001 Selected Topics Inf INFS ELUD UD: Selected Topics Inf
CIS 044301 Computer Info Syste INFS ELUD UD: Computer Info Syste
CIS 044401 Information Systems INFS ELUD UD: Information Systems
CIS 044501 Business Data Commu INFS ELUD UD: Business Data Commu
CIS 044901 Independent Study I INFS ELUD UD: Independent Study I
CIS 046101 Business Research & INFS ELUD UD: Business Research &
CIS 047201 Office Systems Plan INFS ELUD UD: Office Systems Plan
CIS 205 Tech in Society & Business CSCI ELLD LD:Tech in Society & Business
CIT 0300 Online Training Foun INFS ELUD UD: Online Training Foun
CIT 0302 Web Development INFS ELUD UD: Web Development
CIT 310 Systems Architecture I INFS ELUD UD:Systems Architecture I
CIT 312 Systems Architecture II INFS ELUD UD:Systems Architecture II
CIT 330 Systems Development I INFS ELUD UD:Systems Development I
CIT 350 Database Administration I INFS ELUD UD:Database Administration I
CIT 352 Database Administration II INFS ELUD UD:Database Administration II
CIT 370 Telecommunications I INFS ELUD UD:Telecommunications I
CIT 372 Telecommunications II INFS ELUD UD:Telecommunications II
CIT 412 Adv Systems Architecture I INFS ELUD UD:Adv Systems Architecture I
CIT 414 Adv Systems Architecture II INFS ELUD UD:Adv Systems Architecture II
CIT 492 Technology Management I INFS ELUD UD:Technology Management I
CM 261 Construct Meth & Materials CMT ELLD LD:Construct Meth & Materials
CNS 0100 Educational & Life P FOED ELLD LD: Educational & Life P
CNS 0110 Human Relations FOED ELLD LD:Human Relations
CNS 0250 Fund Skills/Res Assi ELEC ELLD LD: Fund Skills/Res Assi
CNS 0269 Special Topics Cns/G FOED ELLD LD: Special Topics Cns/G
COLL 0100 Fresh Honors Colloqu UH ELLD LD: Fresh Honors Colloqu
COLL 010101 Fresh Honors ELEC ELLD LD: Fresh Honors
COLL 0102 Opportunites Honors UH ELLD LD: Opportunites Honors
COLL 0200 Hon: Men & Women In ENGL ELLD LD: Hon: Men & Women In
COLL 0301 Hon: Drug Legalizati ELEC ELUD UD: Hon: Drug Legalizati
COMM 0145 Fund of Public Speak COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
COMM 0148 Interpersonal Comm COMM 2300 Interpersonal Communication
COMM 0161 Business & Prof Spe COMM ELLD LD: Business & Prof Spe
COMM 0200 Comm Foundations COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
COMM 0240 Critical Listening COMM ELLD LD:Critical Listening
COMM 0245 Argumentation/Debat COMM ELLD LD: Argumentation/Debat
COMM 0247 Voice and Diction CDIS 2150 Voice and Diction
COMM 0263 Fund/Scom & Culture COMM ELLD LD: Fund/Scom & Culture
COMM 0343 Speec Anal/Speech Writ COMM ELUD UD:Speec Analy/Speech Writ
COMM 0345 Adv Public Speaking COMM ELUD UD: Adv Public Speaking
COMM 0346 Persuasion COMM 4320 Persuasion
COMM 0349 Group Decision Maki COMM 3220 Small Group Communication
COMM 0362 Organizational Comm COMM 2140 Intro to Organizational Comm
COMM 0400 Special Topic Comm & Ecotour COMM ELUD UD:Spec Top Comm & Ecotour
COMM 0451 Comm Digital Age COMM ELUD UD:Comm Digital Age
COMM 0463 Intercultural Comm COMM ELUD UD:Intercultural Comm
COMM 365 Intercultural Communication COMM 2560 Intercultural Communication
COMM 448 Advanced Interpersonal COMM ELUD UD:Advanced Interpersonal
COMN 0145C Fund of Public Speaking COMM ELLD LD: Fund of Public Speaking
COMN 145C Fund of Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
COMN 161C Bus & Prof Speaking COMM ELLD LD:Bus & Prof Speaking
COOP 200 Cooperative Internship ELEC ELLD LD:Cooperative Internship
COUN 010001 Educ & Life Plannin ELEC ELLD LD: Educ & Life Plannin
COUN 100C Educ & Life Planning ELEC ELLD LD: Educ & Life Planning
COUN 101C01 Educ & Life Plannin ELEC ELLD LD: Educ & Life Plannin
CPR 014001 Basic Progran HLTH ELLD LD: Basic Progran
CPRS 0240 Int Computer Sc CSCI ELLD LD: Int Computer Sc
CPRS 0241 Comp Models Fort ELEC ELLD LD: Comp Models Fort
CRIM 0101 Intro to Criminal Justice CJA 1100 Intro Criminal Justice Admin
CRIM 0330 Criminology SOC 4300 Criminology
CRIM 0332 Juvenile Delinquency CJA 4540 Juvenile Delinquency
CRIM 0380 Penology CJA ELUD UD:Penology
CRIM 232 Intro Law Enforcement CJA 2200 Prevention & Control of Crime
CRIM 430 Systems of Juvenile Justice CJA 4500 Juvenile Justice System
CRIM 451 White Collar Crime CJA 4800 Crime in America Assessment
CS 0101 Freshman Seminar UNIV ELLD LD: Freshman Seminar
CS 014501 Int to Computing CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CS 0146 Introduction to Programming CSCI ELLD LD:Introduction to Programming
CS 0157 Information Security I INFS ELLD LD:Information Security I
CS 0170 Problem Solving CSCI ELLD LD:Problem Solving
CS 0180 Computer Science I INFS ELLD LD:Computer Science I
CS 0226 Intro to Visual Pro CSCI 3037 Computer Lang Visual Program
CS 023001 Intro Programming: CSCI ELLD LD: Intro Programming:
CS 024001 Computer Science I CSCI 1170 Computer Science I
CS 024101 Computer Programmin CSCI 2170 Computer Science II
CS 024201 Assembly Language P CSCI 3160 Intro to Assembly Language
CS 024301 Intro to Microcompu CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Microcompu
CS 024401 Computer Sci I Lab CSCI 1170 Computer Science I
CS 024501 Intro to Computer P CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Computer P
CS 024601 Cobol Application P CSCI ELLD LD: Cobol Application P
CS 0248 Computer Sci II Lab CSCI 1170 Computer Science I
CS 0249 Consulting Practicum CSCI ELLD LD: Consulting Practicum
CS 025001 Social Implications CSCI ELLD LD: Social Implications
CS 0260 Intro to Computer Sc CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Computer Sc
CS 029501 Intro to Research M CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Research M
CS 029901 Intro to Research I CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Research I
CS 0326 Business Programming CSCI ELUD UD: Business Programming
CS 0330 An Intro to C & Unix CSCI ELUD UD: An Intro to C & Unix
CS 033801 Discrete Computatio CSCI 3080 Discrete Structures
CS 034001 Computer Organizati CSCI 3130 Assembly and Computer Org
CS 034201 Use of An Operating CSCI ELUD UD: Use of An Operating
CS 034301 File Management CSCI ELUD UD: File Management
CS 034601 Cobol Application P CSCI ELUD UD: Cobol Application P
CS 034901 Consulting Practicu CSCI ELUD UD: Consulting Practicu
CS 035001 Telecommunication CSCI ELUD UD: Telecommunication
CS 036001 Software Engineerin CSCI 4700 Software Engineering
CS 036901 Coop Education In C CSCI ELUD UD: Coop Education In C
CS 038901 Practicum In Comput CSCI ELUD UD: Practicum In Comput
CS 040501 Numerical Analysis CSCI 3180 Intro to Numerical Analysis
CS 040601 Numerical Analysis CSCI ELUD UD: Numerical Analysis
CS 042501 Operating Systems I CSCI 3250 Operating Systems
CS 044201 Data Structures CSCI 3110 Algorithms and Data Structures
CS 044301 Database Managemen CSCI 4560 Database Management Systems
CS 044401 Programming Languag CSCI 3210 Theory Programming Languages
CS 044501 Operating Systems I CSCI ELUD UD: Operating Systems I
CS 044601 Interactive Compute CSCI 4250 Computer Graphics
CS 044701 Systems Simulation CSCI ELUD UD: Systems Simulation
CS 044801 Structured Systems CSCI 4700 Software Engineering
CS 045001 Telecommunication CSCI ELUD UD: Telecommunication
CS 045601 Artificial Intellig CSCI ELUD UD: Artificial Intellig
CS 045801 Expert Systems CSCI ELUD UD: Expert Systems
CS 046001 Software Engineerin CSCI ELUD UD: Software Engineerin
CS 047001 Intro to Operations CSCI ELUD UD: Intro to Operations
CS 047501 Selected Topics In CSCI ELUD UD: Selected Topics In
CS 047601 Research Mthd & Pro CSCI ELUD UD: Research Mthd & Pro
CS 101 Freshman Seminar UNIV ELLD LD: Freshman Seminar
CS 170 Problem Solving & Programming CSCI ELLD LD:Problem Solving & Programmi
CS 240L Comp Prog I Lab CSCI ELLD LD: Comp Prog I Lab
CS 240X Comp Prog I CSCI ELLD LD: Comp Prog I
CS 245B01 Pli CSCI ELLD LD: Pli
CS 245J Fortran CSCI ELLD LD: Fortran
CS 290 Computer Science II CSCI 2170 Computer Science II
CS 301 Game Programming CSCI ELUD UD:Game Programming
CS 331 Data Structures CSCI ELUD UD:Data Structures
CS 351 Database Mgmt Systems I CSCI ELUD UD:Database Mgmt Systems I
CS 382 Programming Languages CSCI ELUD UD:Programming Languages
CS 475I01 Mic Op Sys CSCI ELUD UD: Mic Op Sys
CSCI 0145 Intro to Computer CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CSCI 145C Intro Computing INFS ELLD LD:Intro Computing
CSCI 145C01 Intro to Computing CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
DANC 317 Modern III DANC 3010 Modern Dance Techniques III
DANC 0110 Dance Appreciation DANC 1000 Introduction to Dance
DANC 011001 Fund of Dance DANC ELLD LD: Fund of Dance
DANC 011101 Basic Ballet Techni PHED ACTY ACTY: Basic Ballet Techni
DANC 011201 Dance Flexibility S DANC ELLD LD: Dance Flexibility S
DANC 011301 Basic Jazz Techniqu PHED ACTY ACTY: Basic Jazz Techniqu
DANC 011401 Mens Dance Techniqu DANC ELLD LD: Mens Dance Techniqu
DANC 011501 Basic Tap Technique PHED ACTY ACTY: Basic Tap Technique
DANC 011701 Basic Modern Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Basic Modern Dance
DANC 0118 Ballet II PHED ACTY ACTY: Ballet II
DANC 0130 Concert Dance Reper DANC ELLD LD: Concert Dance Reper
DANC 0131 Concert Dance Reper DANC ELLD LD: Concert Dance Reper
DANC 0140 Musical Theatre Danc DANC ELLD LD: Musical Theatre Danc
DANC 0141 Musical Theatre Danc DANC ELLD LD: Musical Theatre Danc
DANC 021001 Intermediate Dance DANC ELLD LD: Intermediate Dance
DANC 021101 Intermediate Dance DANC ELUD UD: Intermediate Dance
DANC 0212 Partnering I DANC ELLD LD: Partnering I
DANC 021301 Jazz Styles Primary PHED ACTY ACTY: Jazz Styles Primary
DANC 021401 Mens Dance Techniqu DANC ELLD LD: Mens Dance Techniqu
DANC 021501 Intermediate Tap Te PHED ACTY ACTY: Intermediate Tap Te
DANC 0216 Mens Dance Tech II PHED ACTY ACTY: Mens Dance Tech II
DANC 021701 Intermediate Modern PHED ACTY ACTY: Intermediate Modern
DANC 021801 Ballet Theory Prima PHED ACTY ACTY: Ballet Theory Prima
DANC 021901 Jazz Styles Primary DANC ELLD LD: Jazz Styles Primary
DANC 022001 State Movement DANC ELLD LD: State Movement
DANC 0224 Pointe I PHED ACTY ACTY: Pointe I
DANC 0226 Pointe II PHED ACTY ACTY: Pointe II
DANC 0230 Concert Dance Reper DANC ELLD LD: Concert Dance Reper
DANC 0231 Concert Dance Reper DANC ELLD LD: Concert Dance Reper
DANC 0235 Dance Improvisation DANC ELLD LD: Dance Improvisation
DANC 0240 Musical Theatre Danc DANC ELLD LD: Musical Theatre Danc
DANC 0241 Musical Theatre Danc DANC ELLD LD: Musical Theatre Danc
DANC 0300 Dance Company DANC ELUD UD:Dance Company
DANC 031001 Compositional Tech DANC ELUD UD: Compositional Tech
DANC 031101 Ballet Theory I DANC ELUD UD: Ballet Theory I
DANC 031201 Pas De Deux DANC ELUD UD: Pas De Deux
DANC 031301 Jazz Styles I DANC ELUD UD: Jazz Styles I
DANC 0314 Styles of Musical Th DANC ELUD UD: Styles of Musical Th
DANC 031801 Ballet Theory Inter PHED ACTY ACTY: Ballet Theory Inter
DANC 031901 Jazz Styles Interme DANC ELUD UD: Jazz Styles Interme
DANC 0320 Choreography Prod DANC ELUD UD: Choreography Prod
DANC 0324 Styles of Musical Th DANC ELUD UD: Styles of Musical Th
DANC 0330 Concert Dance Repero DANC ELUD UD: Concert Dance Repero
DANC 0331 Concert Dance Repert DANC ELUD UD: Concert Dance Repert
DANC 0340 Musical Theatre Danc DANC ELUD UD: Musical Theatre Danc
DANC 0341 Musical Theatre Danc DANC ELUD UD: Musical Theatre Danc
DANC 0350 Dance History DANC 4800 History of Dance
DANC 041001 Dance Practicum DANC ELUD UD: Dance Practicum
DANC 041101 Ballet Theory II DANC ELUD UD: Ballet Theory II
DANC 041201 Adagio DANC ELUD UD: Adagio
DANC 041301 Jazz Styles II DANC ELUD UD: Jazz Styles II
DANC 041501 Choreography DANC ELUD UD: Choreography
DANC 041801 Ballet Theory Adv I DANC ELUD UD: Ballet Theory Adv I
DANC 041901 Jazz Styles Adv II DANC ELUD UD: Jazz Styles Adv II
DANC 0430 Concert Dance Repert DANC ELUD UD: Concert Dance Repert
DANC 0431 Concert Dance Repert DANC ELUD UD: Concert Dance Repert
DANC 0440 Musical Theatre Danc DANC ELUD UD: Musical Theatre Danc
DANC 0441 Musical Theatre Danc DANC ELUD UD: Musical Theatre Danc
DANC 360 Dance in Culture DANC ELUD UD:Dance in Culture
DENG 0055 Intro Freshman Engl DSPW ELLD LD: Intro Freshman Engl
DENG 051C ESL Writing DSPW ELLD LD:ESL Writing
DENG 055C Intro Freshman Engl DSPW ELLD LD: Intro Freshman Engl
DH 0100 Intro to Dental Hygiene ELEC ELLD LD:Intro to Dental Hygiene
DH 011101 Pre Clinical Dental ELEC ELLD LD: Pre Clinical Dental
DH 011201 Oral Anatomy ELEC ELLD LD: Oral Anatomy
DH 012101 Clinical Dental Hyg ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Dental Hyg
DH 013001 Oral Histology & Em ELEC ELLD LD: Oral Histology & Em
DH 020101 Dental Radiology ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Radiology
DH 0202 Dent Radiology ELEC ELLD LD: Dent Radiology
DH 020301 Community Dental He ELEC ELLD LD: Community Dental He
DH 020401 Periodontics ELEC ELLD LD: Periodontics
DH 020601 Prin of Pharmacolog ELEC ELLD LD: Prin of Pharmacolog
DH 0207 Gen & Oral Path ELEC ELLD LD: Gen & Oral Path
DH 0209 Dn Mt & Ex Fn I ELEC ELLD LD: Dn Mt & Ex Fn I
DH 021001 Expanded Functions ELEC ELLD LD: Expanded Functions
DH 021101 Clinical Dental Hyg ELEC ELLD LD: Clinical Dental Hyg
DH 0212 Fld Exp Dent Hyg ELEC ELLD LD: Fld Exp Dent Hyg
DH 021301 Field Experience In ELEC ELLD LD: Field Experience In
DH 0221 Cl Dh Lecture ELEC ELLD LD: Cl Dh Lecture
DH 0223 Dental Lit ELEC ELLD LD: Dental Lit
DH 0224 Prac Mgt & Eth ELEC ELLD LD: Prac Mgt & Eth
DH 0225 Dn Mt & Ex Fn III ELEC ELLD LD: Dn Mt & Ex Fn III
DH 0226 Dn Mt & Ex Fn IV ELEC ELLD LD: Dn Mt & Ex Fn IV
DH 030201 Dental Radiology ELEC ELUD UD: Dental Radiology
DH 030301 Community Dental Hea ELEC ELUD UD: Community Dental Hea
DH 030401 Advanced Periodonto CHEM ELUD UD: Advanced Periodonto
DH 030701 General & Oral Path ELEC ELUD UD: General & Oral Path
DH 032101 Clinical Dental Hyg ELEC ELUD UD: Clinical Dental Hyg
DH 032301 Research Methods ELEC ELUD UD: Research Methods
DH 032401 Practice Mgmt & Eth ELEC ELUD UD: Practice Mgmt & Eth
DMA 0055 Basic Algebra Skills DSPM ELLD LD:Basic Algebra Skills
DMA 0055C Basic Algebra Skills DSPM ELLD LD: Basic Alg Skills
DMA 0096 Intermediate Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Intermed Algebra
DMA 0096C Intermediate Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Inter Algebra
DMA 050C01 Basic Mathematics DSPM ELLD LD: Basic Mathematics
DMA 055C Basic Algebra Skills DSPM ELLD LD:Basic Algebra Skills
DMA 055C01 Basic Algebra Skill DSPM ELLD LD: Basic Algebra Skill
DMA 080C Basic Geometry DSPM ELLD LD: Basic Geometry
DMA 096C Intermediate Algebra DSPM ELLD LD:Intermediate Algebra
DMA 100C Intermediate Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Intermediate Algebra
DMT 0100 Housing Interior Design IDES ELLD LD:Housing Interior Design
DMT 0110 Design Concepts ELEC ELLD LD: Design Concepts
DMT 0120 Design Studio IDES ELLD LD: Design Studio
DMT 0131 Basic Apparel Const TXMD ELLD LD: Basic Apparel Const
DMT 0132 Perspectives of Dre TXMD ELLD LD: Perspectives of Dre
DMT 0151 Intro/Hist Arch/Id IDES ELLD LD: Intro/Hist Arch/Id
DMT 0152 Intro/Hist Arch/Id IDES ELLD LD: Intro/Hist Arch/Id
DMT 0201 Design Studio II TXMD ELLD LD: Design Studio II
DMT 0221 Prob Solv/Dsgn & Me TXMD ELLD LD: Prob Solv/Dsgn & Me
DMT 0333 Fashion Fundamentals TXMD 3170 Fashion Branding
DRDG 0080 College Reading Strategies DSPR ELLD LD:College Reading Strategies
DRDG 080C College Reading Strategies DSPR ELLD LD: College Reading Strategies
DRDG 090C College Study Skills DSPS ELLD LD: College Study Skills
DRDG 098C Technical Vocabulary DSPR ELLD LD: Technical Vocabulary
E TE 010701 Intro to Et ET ELLD LD: Intro to ET
ECO 0202 Prin Econ Micro ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 150C Intro to Economics ECON ELLD LD: Intro to Economics
ECO 202C Prin Econ Micro ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECO 203C Prin Econ Macro ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 385 Economic Development ECON 4470 Economic Dev of Third World
ECON 010401 American Economy Hi ECON ELLD LD: American Economy Hi
ECON 015001 Intro to Economics ECON ELLD LD: Intro to Economics
ECON 020201 Prin Economics-Micro ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 020301 Prin Economics-Macro ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 020601 Statistics BIA 2610 Statistical Methods
ECON 030001 Money & Banking ECON 3210 Financial System & The Economy
ECON 030201 Microeconomic Theor ECON 4570 Managerial Economics
ECON 030301 Macroeconomic Theor ECON 3510 Intermediate Macroecon Theory
ECON 030501 Labor Economics ECON 4420 Labor & Human Resource Econ
ECON 030601 Statistical Analysi ECON ELUD UD: Statistical Analysi
ECON 0307 Financial Data Model ECON ELUD UD: Financial Data Model
ECON 0323 Sport Economics ECON 4700 Sports Economics
ECON 036501 Economics of Aging ECON ELUD UD: Economics of Aging
ECON 037001 Economic Devel of L ECON ELUD UD: Economic Devel of L
ECON 038001 International Econo ECON 4440 International Economics
ECON 039001 Economics of Public ECON ELUD UD: Economics of Public
ECON 041001 Seminar In Economic ECON ELUD UD: Seminar In Economic
ECON 041401 Managerial Economic ECON ELUD UD: Managerial Economic
ECON 042001 Public Finance ECON ELUD UD: Public Finance
ECON 043001 Environmental & Res ECON ELUD UD: Environmental & Res
ECON 043401 The Economics of Po ECON ELUD UD: The Economics of Po
ECON 044001 Amer Industry:Struc ECON ELUD UD: Amer Industry:Struc
ECON 045001 Central Banking The ECON ELUD UD: Central Banking The
ECON 046001 Business & Econ Flu ECON ELUD UD: Business & Econ Flu
ECON 046401 Intro Math Economic ECON ELUD UD: Intro Math Economic
ECON 046501 Regression & Econom ECON 4620 Econometrics and Forecasting
ECON 0467 American Economic History ECON ELUD UD:American Economic Hist
ECON 047001 Economic Growth & D ECON 4470 Economic Dev of Third World
ECON 047501 Urban & Regional Ec ECON ELUD UD: Urban & Regional Ec
ECON 048001 Economic Forecastin ECON ELUD UD: Economic Forecastin
ECON 0490 Practicum In Econ ECON 4990 Independent Study in Economics
ECON 049101 Economic Thought Si ECON ELUD UD: Economic Thought Si
ECON 049601 International Monet ECON ELUD UD: International Monet
ECON 203 Prin Economics-Macro ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ED 100A Fund Elem Educ ELED ELLD LD: Fund Elem Educ
EDFN 027001 Philosophical & Soc EESE 2010 Introduction to Education
EDFN 0500 Research Methods ELEC ELUD UD: Research Methods
EDU 0250 Intro to Teacher Ed FOED ELLD LD: Intro to Teacher Ed
EDU 0400 Investigations in Education FOED ELLD LD:Investigations in Educ
EE 0175 University Experience ELEC ELLD LD: University Experience
EET 0109 Pc Applications In ET ELLD LD: PC Applications in
EET 011101 Electricity I ET 3601 Electrical Circuit Analysis I
EET 011301 Electricity I Lab ET ELLD LD: Electricity I Lab
EET 012001 Basic Electricity ET ELLD LD: Basic Electricity
EET 012101 Electricity II ET 3601 Electrical Circuit Analysis I
EET 012301 Electricity II Lab ET 3601 Electrical Circuit Analysis I
EET 020101 Digital Circuits ET ELLD LD: Digital Circuits
EET 020301 Digital Circuits La ET ELLD LD: Digital Circuits La
EET 026101 Electronic Circuits ET 3630 Electronics
EET 026301 Electronic Circuits ET 3630 Electronics
EET 027101 Electronic Circuits ET 3640 Digital Circuits Design
EET 027301 Electronic Circuits ET 3640 Digital Circuits Design
EET 027501 Selected Topics In ET ELLD LD: Selected Topics In
EET 028101 Digital Circuits ET 3640 Digital Circuits Design
EET 028301 Digital Circuits La ET 3640 Digital Circuits Design
EET 030101 Circuit Design ET ELUD UD: Circuit Design
EET 030301 Circuit Design Lab ET ELUD UD: Circuit Design Lab
EET 031701 Electricity & Machi ET 4640 Industrial Electricity
EET 032501 Applied Electricity ET ELUD UD: Applied Electricity
EET 035101 Digital Systems ET 3650 Intro to Microprocessors
EET 035301 Digital Systems Lab ET 3650 Intro to Microprocessors
EET 037101 Communication Syste ET 3660 Communication Electronics
EET 037301 Communication Syste ET 3660 Communication Electronics
EET 037701 Adv Communication S ET ELUD UD: Adv Communication S
EET 0379 Adv Comm Lab ET ELUD UD: Adv Comm Lab
EET 040101 AC/DC Machines ET 4640 Industrial Electricity
EET 040301 AC/DC Machines Lab ET 4640 Industrial Electricity
EET 040501 Electric Power Tran ET ELUD UD: Electric Power Tran
EET 041101 Electronic Recordin ET ELUD UD: Electronic Recording
EET 041701 Electronics & Instr ET 4610 Instrumentation and Controls
EET 041901 Electronics & Instr ET 4610 Instrumentation and Controls
EET 042101 Microwaves ET ELUD UD: Microwaves
EET 042701 Programmable Logic ET ELUD UD: Programmable Logic
EET 042801 Programmable Contro ET ELUD UD: Programmable Control
EET 045101 Modern Electronics ET 4610 Instrumentation and Controls
EET 045301 Modern Electronics ET ELUD UD: Modern Electronics
EET 045901 Control System Theo ET 4610 Instrumentation and Controls
EET 046101 Broadcast Systems ET ELUD UD: Broadcast Systems
EET 047101 Networks ET ELUD UD: Networks
EET 047301 Networks Lab ET ELUD UD: Networks Lab
EET 047501 Selected Topics In ET ELUD UD: Selected Topics In
EET 048101 Adv Electronics ET 3640 Digital Circuits Design
EET 048301 Adv Electronics Lab ET 3640 Digital Circuits Design
EET 0490 Senior Seminar In Ee ET ELUD UD: Senior Seminar In Ee
EET 049101 Microprocessor Syst ET 3650 Intro to Microprocessors
EET 0492 Digital Systems II ET ELUD UD: Digital Systems II
EET 049301 Eet Senior Project ET ELUD UD: EET Senior Project
EL 009001 Col Rdng Imprvmt READ ELLD LD: Col Rdng Imprvmt
EL E 0100 Intro El Ed ELED ELLD LD: Intro El Ed
EL E 025001 Intro El Ed ELED ELLD LD: Intro El Ed
ELED 0250 Intro Elem Educ ELED ELLD LD: Intro Elem Educ
ELED 030001 Investigation In El ELED ELUD UD: Investigation In El
ELED 0320 Tch Rdg El Scho READ ELUD UD: Tch Rdg El Scho
ELED 0340 Eval Learning ELED ELUD UD: Eval Learning
ELED 0345 Teaching Strategies ELED ELUD UD: Teaching Strategies
ELED 0355 Student Diversity In ELED ELUD UD: Student Diversity In
ELED 0360 Ea Ch Dev Ed ELED ELUD UD: Ea Ch Dev Ed
ELED 0365 Teaching Strategies ELED ELUD UD: Teaching Strategies
ELED 040301 The Elementary Curr ELED ELUD UD: The Elementary Curr
ELED 0405 Mth Mat Tch Math ELED ELUD UD: Mth Mat Tch Math
ELED 0406 Tch Sci El School ELED ELUD UD: Tch Sci El School
ELED 0407 Mth Mat Soc Stu ELED ELUD UD: Mth Mat Soc Stu
ELED 0420 Rdg Sk El Gr READ ELUD UD: Rdg Sk El Gr
ELED 044501 Audio-Visual Materi ELED ELUD UD: Audio-Visual Materi
ELED 0465 Senior Projects In E ELED ELUD UD: Senior Projects In E
ELED 0489 Man Cl Beh ELED ELUD UD: Man Cl Beh
ELED 0490 St Tch Elem ELED ELUD UD: St Tch Elem
ELED 049101 Lecture In Lieu Of ELED ELUD UD: Lecture In Lieu Of
ELED 490X01 Lecture In Lieu Of ELED ELUD UD: Lecture In Lieu Of
EMDS 402 Resiliency Resp Terror & Viol ELEC ELUD UD:Resiliency Resp Terror & Vi
EN 0112 Intro Entrepreneurship ENTR 2900 Entrepreneurship
ENG 005101 English as a Second HUM ELLD LD: English as a Second
ENG 005501 Intro to College En DSPW ELLD LD: Intro to College En
ENG 010001 Freshman English ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 0101 Freshman English ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 010101 Freshman English ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 0102 Freshman English ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 010201 Freshman Comp ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 010401 Intro to Linquistic ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Linquistic
ENG 018301 Intro to Literature ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENG 0199 Honors:Topic In Comp ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 020001 Intro to Literature ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENG 020101 Informal Essay ENGL ELLD LD: Informal Essay
ENG 020201 Honors Forum ENGL ELLD LD: Honors Forum
ENG 020301 Creative Writing ENGL ELLD LD: Creative Writing
ENG 028301 Intro to Lit ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Lit
ENG 028501 World Literature ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 0299 Intro English Studies ENGL ELLD LD:Intro English Studies
ENG 030001 Writing in the Disciplines ENGL 3605 Applied Writing
ENG 030101 Intermediate Compos ENGL ELUD UD: Intermediate Compos
ENG 030201 Language/Communicat ENGL ELUD UD: Language/Communicat
ENG 030301 Fiction Writing BCED 3510 Business Communication
ENG 030401 English Language ENGL ELUD UD: English Language
ENG 030501 Poetry Writing ENGL 3655 Poetry Writing
ENG 0306 Business Writing ENGL ELUD UD: Business Writing
ENG 0307 Technical Writing ENGL ELUD UD: Technical Writing
ENG 030801 Drama Writing ENGL ELUD UD: Drama Writing
ENG 030901 Writing Non-Fiction ENGL ELUD UD: Writing Non-Fiction
ENG 031901 Teaching Lang In Gr ENGL ELUD UD: Teaching Lang In Gr
ENG 032001 American Studies I ENGL ELUD UD: American Studies I
ENG 032101 American Studies II ENGL ELUD UD: American Studies II
ENG 033301 Medieval Literature ENGL 3110 English Lit Medieval Period
ENG 033601 The Shakespeare Plam ENGL 4130 Early Shakespeare
ENG 033602 The Shakespeare Pla ENGL 4140 Late Shakespeare
ENG 034001 Speculative Fiction ENGL 3840 Science Fiction
ENG 0348 Pro Wrtng In the Wrk ENGL ELUD UD: Pro Writing in the Wrk
ENG 035401 Hist of Drama to 16 ENGL ELUD UD: Hist of Drama to 16
ENG 035501 Hist of Drama Since ENGL ELUD UD: Hist of Drama Since
ENG 035801 Drama Writing ENGL ELUD UD: Drama Writing
ENG 0365 Literature & Film ENGL 3850 Literature and Film
ENG 0366 History of Narrative ENGL 3870 Film History
ENG 036901 Coop Educ In Englis ENGL ELUD UD: Coop Educ In Englis
ENG 038001 Masterpieces Englis ENGL ELUD UD: Masterpieces Englis
ENG 038101 Survey of English Lm ENGL 3120 English Lit 16th Century
ENG 038102 Survey of English L ENGL 3210 Engl Lit Restoration 18th Cent
ENG 038201 Survey of English Lm ENGL 3220 English Lit 1790 to 1850
ENG 038202 Survey of English L ENGL 3230 English Lit Victorian Period
ENG 038501 World Literature ENGL ELUD UD: World Literature
ENG 038601 Women Writers M ENGL 3725 19th Century Women Writers
ENG 038602 Women Writers ENGL 3730 20th Century Women Writers
ENG 0387 Womens Biography & ENGL 4900 Selected Topics Lit & Language
ENG 038901 Coop Educ In Englis ENGL ELUD UD: Coop Educ In Englis
ENG 039001 American Masterpiec ENGL ELUD UD: American Masterpiec
ENG 039101 Survey of Amer Lit ENGL 3310 19th Century American Lit
ENG 039201 Survey of Amer Lit ENGL 3320 20th Century American Lit
ENG 039301 Afro American Liter ENGL 3340 African American Literature
ENG 0394 Kentucky Lit ENGL ELUD UD:Kentucky Lit
ENG 039501 Contemporary Litera ENGL ELUD UD: Contemporary Litera
ENG 039601 Mythology ENGL ELUD UD: Mythology
ENG 039701 Word Study:Vocabula ENGL ELUD UD: Word Study:Vocabula
ENG 039801 Hemingway & Faulkne ENGL 4930 Studies in The Novel
ENG 0399 Topics in English ENGL ELUD UD: Topics in English
ENG 039901 Topics In English ENGL ELUD UD: Topics In English
ENG 040101 Adv Composition ENGL 3605 Applied Writing
ENG 040201 Editing & Publishin ENGL ELUD UD: Editing & Publishin
ENG 040301 Writing Memoirs & A ENGL 3605 Applied Writing
ENG 040401 Hist of English Lan ENGL 4530 History of English Language
ENG 040501 Phonetics ENGL ELUD UD: Phonetics
ENG 040601 Adv Writing Worksho ENGL ELUD UD: Adv Writing Worksho
ENG 040701 Descriptive Linguis ENGL 3570 Introduction to Linguistics
ENG 040801 Psycholinguistics & ENGL ELUD UD: Psycholinguistics &
ENG 041001 Theories of Rhetori ENGL ELUD UD: Theories of Rhetori
ENG 041101 Directed Writing M ENGL 3605 Applied Writing
ENG 041102 Directed Writing ENGL ELUD UD: Directed Writing
ENG 041201 Hist of Theory of R ENGL ELUD UD: Hist of Theory of R
ENG 0415 Writing & Technology ENGL ELUD UD: Writing & Technology
ENG 045501 American Drama ENGL ELUD UD: American Drama
ENG 045601 Elizabethan Drama ENGL 3160 English Drama 1475-1642
ENG 045801 Modern British Nove ENGL 4240 Modern British Literature
ENG 045901 Modern Drama ENGL ELUD UD: Modern Drama
ENG 046001 Literary Criticism ENGL 4410 Literary Criticism
ENG 0461 Contemporary Lit The ENGL 4410 Literary Criticism
ENG 046901 Intro to Teaching E ENGL ELUD UD: Intro to Teaching E
ENG 047001 Tesl Materials: Eva ENGL ELUD UD: Tesl Materials: Eva
ENG 048101 Chaucer ENGL 4110 Chaucer: Canterbury Tales
ENG 048201 Shakespeare ENGL 4140 Late Shakespeare
ENG 048301 The English Renaiss ENGL 3120 English Lit 16th Century
ENG 048401 The Romantic Moveme ENGL 3220 English Lit 1790 to 1850
ENG 048501 Seventeenth Century ENGL 3120 English Lit 16th Century
ENG 048601 The Eighteenth Cent ENGL 3210 Engl Lit Restoration 18th Cent
ENG 0487 Dante ENGL 4900 Selected Topics Lit & Language
ENG 048801 Literature Victoria ENGL 3230 English Lit Victorian Period
ENG 048901 The English Novel ENGL ELUD UD: The English Novel
ENG 049001 The American Novel ENGL ELUD UD: The American Novel
ENG 0491 American Short Stor ENGL 3350 America Short Story in Context
ENG 049301 Major American Poet ENGL 4910 Studies in Poetry
ENG 049401 Kentucky Literature ENGL ELUD UD: Kentucky Literature
ENG 049501 Southern Literature ENGL 3330 Southern Literature
ENG 049601 Women's Poetry ENGL 4900 Selected Topics Lit & Language
ENG 049701 Women's Fiction ENGL 4900 Selected Topics Lit & Language
ENG 049801 Robert Penn Warren ENGL 4900 Selected Topics Lit & Language
ENG 049901 Directed Study In E ENGL ELUD UD: Directed Study In E
ENG 100C01 Intro to College Writing ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 100E Intro to College Writing DSPR ELLD LD:Intro to College Writing
ENG 100H Freshman English ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 100L01 Freshman Eng Lab ENGL ELLD LD: Freshman Eng Lab
ENG 101A Freshman ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 105 Supplemental Writing Lab DSPW ELLD LD:Supplemental Writing Lab
ENG 105 Writing Lab ENGL ELLD LD:Writing Lab
ENG 200H Intro to Lit ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENG 204 English Language ENGL ELLD LD:English Language
ENG 290 English Topics Abroad ENGL ELLD LD:English Topics Abroad
ENG 320A01 American Studies I ENGL ELUD UD: American Studies I
ENG 320B01 American Studies II ENGL ELUD UD: American Studies II
ENG 370 U.S. Ethnic Lit ENGL 3360 Multicultural Lit of the U.S.
ENG 388 Postcolonial Studies ENGL 3030 American Literature
ENG 410 Comp Theory/Prac Writing ENGL ELUD UD:Comp Theory/Prac Writing
ENG 476 Approaches to Lit Sec Curr ENGL 3745 Literature for Adolescents
ENG 492 Senior Seminar ENGL ELUD UD:Senior Seminar
ENGL 005501 Intro to Freshman E DSPW ELLD LD: Intro to Freshman E
ENGL 0100 Freshman English ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 0200 Intro to Lit ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 0366 Lit and Film ENGL 3850 Literature and Film
ENGL 0461 Contemp Literary Thr ENGL 4410 Literary Criticism
ENGL 100C Intro to College Writing ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 100C01 Freshman English ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 200C Intro to Literature ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 203C Creative Writing ENGL ELLD LD:Creative Writing
ENGR 0175 Univ Exp ENGR ELLD LD:Univ Exp Engr
ENT 0112 Intro Entrepreneurship ENTR 2900 Entrepreneurship
ENT 0312 Entrepreneurship BCED ELUD UD:Entrepreneurship
ENV 0280 Intro/Environ Sci ENVS 2810 Intro to Environmental Science
ENV 031001 General Hydrology ET ELUD UD: General Hydrology
ENV 036001 Air Pollution Contr EST 4780 Air Solid Noise Pollution Tech
ENV 036501 Air Pollution Contr EST 4780 Air Solid Noise Pollution Tech
ENV 0369 Coop In Eng ET ELUD UD: Coop in Eng
ENV 037501 Intro to Water Reso ET ELUD UD: Intro to Water Reso
ENV 041001 Water Treatment Pro EST 4770 Pollution Control Technology
ENV 041501 Water Quality Lab EST 4770 Pollution Control Technology
ENV 043001 Radiological Health ET ELUD UD: Radiological Health
ENV 043501 Radiological Health ET ELUD UD: Radiological Health
ENV 044001 Industrial Hygiene ET ELUD UD: Industrial Hygiene
ENV 044101 Industrial Hygiene ET ELUD UD: Industrial Hygiene
ENV 044201 Industrial Hygiene ET ELUD UD: Industrial Hygiene
ENV 044301 Industrial Hygiene ET ELUD UD: Industrial Hygiene
ENV 046001 Environmental Impac ET ELUD UD: Environmental Impac
ENV 0474 Health Hazard Recogn ET ELUD UD: Health Hazard Recogn
ENV 047501 Special Topics In E ET ELUD UD: Special Topics In E
ENV 048001 Solid Waste Treatme ET ELUD UD: Solid Waste Treatmen
ENV 0485 Educ Exper In Occup ET ELUD UD: Educ Exper In Occup
ENV 048601 Senior Environment ET ELUD UD: Senior Environment
ENV 049001 Sanitation ET ELUD UD: Sanitation
ENV 049501 Environmental Sampl ET ELUD UD: Environmental Sampl
ENV 120 Intro Occup Safety/Hlth ENVS ELLD LD:Intro Occup Safety/Hlth
EXC 009001 Lab Speech Improvem COMM ELLD LD: Lab Speech Improvem
EXC 028001 Survey Speech Patho COMM ELLD LD: Survey Speech Patho
EXC 029001 Intro Clinical Expe COMM ELLD LD: Intro Clinical Expe
EXC 0330 Survey of Special Ed SPED 3010 Learners with Exceptionalities
EXC 033101 Early Childhood Edu SPED ELUD UD: Early Childhood Edu
EXC 033201 Materials & Media E SPED ELUD UD: Materials & Media E
EXC 033301 Career Educ Except SPED ELUD UD: Career Educ Except
EXC 0334 Prof Field Based Sem SPED ELUD UD: Prof Field Based Sem
EXC 033402 Prof Field Based Se SPED ELUD UD: Prof Field Based Se
EXC 034701 Bases of Speech COMM ELUD UD: Bases of Speech
EXC 038101 Mgmt Communication SPED ELUD UD: Mgmt Communication
EXC 040501 Phonetics COMM ELUD UD: Phonetics
EXC 041501 Prescriptive Progra SPED ELUD UD: Prescriptive Progra
EXC 041601 Educational Ass Tra SPED ELUD UD: Educational Ass Tra
EXC 0417 Assess & Curr For St SPED ELUD UD: Assess & Curr For St
EXC 0418 Assess & Curriculum SPED ELUD UD: Assess & Curriculum
EXC 0419 Assistive Tech For I SPED ELUD UD: Assistive Tech For I
EXC 0421 Spec Educ & the Law SPED ELUD UD: Spec Educ & the Law
EXC 0422 Collaboration and In SPED ELUD UD: Collaboration and In
EXC 0430 Diagnosis For Instr SPED ELUD UD: Diagnosis For Instr
EXC 043101 Language Interv Han SPED ELUD UD: Language Interv Han
EXC 043201 Precision Teach Spe SPED ELUD UD: Precision Teach Spe
EXC 043301 Special Educ Instru SPED ELUD UD: Special Educ Instru
EXC 043401 Prescriptive Prog S SPED ELUD UD: Prescriptive Prog S
EXC 0480 American Sign Lang COMM ELUD UD: American Sign Lang
EXC 048101 Speech & Language D COMM ELUD UD: Speech & Language D
EXC 048201 Audiology COMM ELUD UD: Audiology
EXC 048301 Articulation Disord SPED ELUD UD: Articulation Disord
EXC 048401 Speech Anatomy & Ph COMM ELUD UD: Speech Anatomy & Ph
EXC 048501 Diagnostice Procedu COMM ELUD UD: Diagnostice Procedu
EXC 048601 Language Disorders COMM ELUD UD: Language Disorders
EXC 048701 Aural Rehabilitatio SPED ELUD UD: Aural Rehabilitatio
EXC 048801 Augmentative Commun COMM ELUD UD: Augmentative Commun
EXC 048901 Geriatic Communicat SPED ELUD UD: Geriatic Communicat
EXC 049001 Clinical Internship SPED ELUD UD: Clinical Internship
EXC 049101 Augmentative Commun COMM ELUD UD: Augmentative Communica
EXC 049501 Clinical Internship COMM ELUD UD: Clinical Internship
EXC 492D01 Student Teachin:Exc SPED ELUD UD: Student Teachin:Exc
EXC 492T01 Student Teaching Ex SPED ELUD UD: Student Teaching Ex
EXC 492X01 Lecture In Lieu Stu SPED ELUD UD: Lecture In Lieu Stu
EXCE 028001 Survey Speech Patho COMM ELLD LD: Survey Speech Patho
EXCE 029001 Intro Clinical Expe COMM ELLD LD: Intro Clinical Expe
EXCE 0330 Survey of Special Ed SPED 3010 Learners with Exceptionalities
EXCE 033101 Early Childhood Edu SPED ELUD UD: Early Childhood Edu
EXCE 033201 Materials & Media E SPED ELUD UD: Materials & Media E
EXCE 033301 Career Educ Except SPED ELUD UD: Career Educ Except
EXCE 0334 Prof Field-Based Sem SPED ELUD UD: Prof Field-Based Sem
EXCE 033402 Prof Field-Based Se SPED ELUD UD: Prof Field-Based Se
EXCE 034701 Bases of Speech COMM ELUD UD: Bases of Speech
EXCE 038101 Mgmt Communication SPED ELUD UD: Mgmt Communication
EXCE 040501 Phonetics COMM ELUD UD: Phonetics
EXCE 041501 Prescriptive Progra SPED ELUD UD: Prescriptive Progra
EXCE 041601 Educational Ass Tra SPED ELUD UD: Educational Ass Tra
EXCE 0430 Diagnosis For Instr SPED ELUD UD: Diagnosis For Instr
EXCE 043101 Language Interv Han SPED ELUD UD: Language Interv Han
EXCE 043201 Precision Teach Spe SPED ELUD UD: Precision Teach Spe
EXCE 043301 Special Educ Instru SPED ELUD UD: Special Educ Instru
EXCE 043401 Prescriptive Prog S SPED ELUD UD: Prescriptive Prog S
EXCE 048101 Speech & Language D COMM ELUD UD: Speech & Language D
EXCE 048201 Audiology COMM ELUD UD: Audiology
EXCE 048301 Articulation Disord SPED ELUD UD: Articulation Disord
EXCE 048401 Speech Anatomy & Ph COMM ELUD UD: Speech Anatomy & Ph
EXCE 048501 Diagnostice Procedu COMM ELUD UD: Diagnostice Procedu
EXCE 048601 Language Disorders COMM ELUD UD: Language Disorders
EXCE 048701 Aural Rehabilitatio SPED ELUD UD: Aural Rehabilitatio
EXCE 048901 Geriatic Communicat SPED ELUD UD: Geriatic Communicat
EXCE 049001 Clinical Internship SPED ELUD UD: Clinical Internship
EXCE 049101 Augmentative Commun COMM ELUD UD: Augmentative Commun
EXCE 492D01 Student Teachin:Exc SPED ELUD UD: Student Teachin:Exc
EXCE 492T01 Student Teaching Ex SPED ELUD UD: Student Teaching Ex
EXCE 492X01 Lecture In Lieu Stu SPED ELUD UD: Lecture In Lieu Stu
EXED 0330 Intro Sp Ed Diversit SPED ELUD UD: Intro Sp Ed Diversit
EXED 0419 Assistive Tech Class SPED ELUD UD: Assistive Tech Class
EXS 0122 Found of Kinesiology EXSC ELLD LD:Found of Kinesiology
EXS 0223 Intro Exercise Science EXSC ELLD LD:Intro Exercise Science
EXS 0311 Physiology of Exercise EXSC 3830 Physiology of Exercise
EXS 296 Practicum ExScience EXSC ELLD LD:Practicum ExScience
EXS 310 Kinesiology PHED 4910 Applied Kinesiology Biomech
EXS 313 Motor Learning & Control PHED 4400 Motor Behavior
EXS 324 Meas & Eval in Kinesiology EXSC 4810 Measurement and Evaluation
EXS 325 Appl Exercise Physiology EXSC 3830 Physiology of Exercise
EXS 412 Exercise Testing & Prescript EXSC ELUD UD:Exercise Testing & Prescrip
EXS 436 Strength & Conditioning ATHT 4000 Strength, Cond, Human Perform
EXS 455 Exercise & Aging EXSC ELUD UD:Exercise & Aging
FACS 0111 Human Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
FACS 0171 Intro Mgt Hospitality FCSE ELLD LD:Intro Mgt Hospitality
FACS 0180 Foundations FCS FCSE ELLD LD:Foundations FCS
FACS 0191 Child Development CDFS ELLD LD:Child Development
FACS 0192 Families FCSE ELLD LD:Families
FACS 0198 Guid Problem Solv FCSE ELLD LD:Guid Problem Solv
FACS 0252 Hospitality Info Tech FCSE ELLD LD:Hospitality Info Tech
FACS 0311 Family Relations HSC ELUD UD:Family Relations
FACS 0364 Sports Nutrition NFS ELUD UD:Sports Nutrition
FACS 0411 Special Topics FCSE ELUD UD:Special Topics
FACS 0495 Relationship/Violence SOC ELUD UD:Relationship/Violence
FACS 310 Mgt of Family Resources FIN ELUD UD:Mgt of Family Resources
FILM 0100 Film Industry & Aesthetics EMC ELLD LD:Film Industry & Aesthetics
FILM 0201 Introduction to Cinema ELEC ELLD LD: Introduction to Cinema
FILM 101 Basic Film Production EMC ELLD LD:Basic Film Production
FILM 105 Film Appreciation ENGL ELLD LD:Film Appreciation
FILM 155 Film Attendance EMC ELLD LD:Film Attendance
FILM 202 Basic Film Production EMC ELLD LD:Basic Film Production
FILM 250 Screenwriting EMC ELLD LD:Screenwriting
FILM 256 Film Editing I EMC ELLD LD:Film Editing I
FILM 366 History Narr Film EMC ELUD UD:History Narr Film
FILM 369 Intro to World Cinema EMC ELUD UD:Intro to World Cinema
FILM 382 Film Workshop II EMC ELUD UD:Film Workshop II
FILM 399 Special Topics EMC ELUD UD:Special Topics
FIN 331 Applied Investments FIN 3810 Investments
FIN 445 Estate Planning FIN 4710 Estate Planning
FIN 00490 Pract. In Economics FIN ELUD UD: Pract. In Economics
FIN 0161 Personal Finance FIN 2010 Personal Financial Planning
FIN 026101 Personal Finance FIN ELLD LD: Personal Finance
FIN 033001 Fund of Finance FIN 3010 Principles of Corp Finance
FIN 0331 Applied Investments FIN ELUD UD:Applied Investments
FIN 033201 Investments FIN 3810 Investments
FIN 033501 Managerial Finance FIN 3950 Corporate Finance
FIN 035001 Risk Mgmt & Insuran FIN 3050 Principles of Risk Mgmt & Ins
FIN 0370 Prin of Real Estate FIN 3030 Principles of Real Estate
FIN 043001 Selected Topics Fin FIN ELUD UD: Selected Topics Fin
FIN 043101 Case Problems In Fi FIN 4110 Cases in Finance
FIN 043201 Security Analysis FIN 4810 Portfolio Theory Management
FIN 043301 Money & Capital Mar FIN ELUD UD: Money & Capital Mar
FIN 043401 Financial Planning FIN ELUD UD: Financial Planning
FIN 043501 Commercial Bank Man FIN ELUD UD: Commercial Bank Man
FIN 043601 International Finan FIN ELUD UD: International Finan
FIN 043701 Corporate Asset Mgm FIN ELUD UD: Corporate Asset Mgm
FIN 043801 Corporate Fund Mgmt FIN ELUD UD: Corporate Fund Mgmt
FIN 0439 Security Anyl & Port FIN ELUD UD: Security Anyl & Port
FIN 044001 Cooperative Educ In FIN ELUD UD: Cooperative Educ In
FIN 0441 Small Business Finan FIN ELUD UD: Small Business Finan
FIN 0444 Retirement Planning FIN ELUD UD: Retirement Planning
FIN 0445 Estate Planning FIN ELUD UD:Estate Planning
FIN 047001 Real Estate Finance FIN ELUD UD: Real Estate Finance
FIN 0499 Pract. Portfolio Mgt FIN ELUD UD: Pract. Portfolio Mgt
FIN 300 Career Readiness in Finance FIN ELUD UD:Career Readiness in Finance
FIN 471 Estate Planning FIN 4710 Estate Planning
FINC 161C Personal Finance FIN 2010 Personal Financial Planning
FLK 0275 Supernatural Folklore ENGL ELLD LD:Supernatural Folklore
FLK 027601 Intro to Folk Studi ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to Folk Studi
FLK 027701 Intro to World Folk ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to World Folk
FLK 0280 Cultural Diversity SOC ELLD LD: Cultural Diversity
FLK 0340 Peoples and Cultures ANTH ELUD UD: Peoples and Cultures
FLK 0345 Native Americans ANTH 3515 People & Culture Native N Amer
FLK 0350 Peoples & Cultures O ANTH 3514 Peoples and Cultures of Africa
FLK 037101 Urban Folklore ELEC ELLD LD: Urban Folklore
FLK 037301 Folklore & the Medi ELEC ELUD UD: Folklore & the Medi
FLK 037501 Supernatural Folklo ELEC ELUD UD: Supernatural Folklo
FLK 037701 African Amer Folklo ELEC ELUD UD: African Amer Folklo
FLK 037801 Southern Appalachia ENGL 3760 Introduction to Folklore
FLK 0379 Top: Diversity Amer ELEC ELUD UD: Top: Diversity Amer
FLK 0388 Foodways ELEC ELUD UD:Foodways
FLK 0399 Fieldwork ELEC ELLD LD: Fieldwork
FLK 041001 African American Mu ELEC ELUD UD: African American Mu
FLK 044601 Restoration of Hist ENGL ELUD UD: Restoration of Hist
FLK 044701 History of Architec ENGL ELUD UD: History of Architec
FLK 047801 Folklore & Literatu ELEC ELUD UD: Folklore & Literatu
FLK 330 Cultural Connections/Diversity HIST ELUD UD:Cultural Conn/Diversity
FLKS 027601 Intro to Folk Studi ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Folk Studi
FLKS 028001 Cultural Pluralism HIST ELLD LD: Cultural Pluralism
FLKS 028101 Roots of Southern C ENGL ELLD LD: Roots of Southern C
FLKS 036201 American Institutio SOC ELUD UD: American Institutio
FLKS 037101 Urban Folklore ENGL ELUD UD: Urban Folklore
FLKS 037701 Afro-American Folkl HIST 3030 Topics African American Hist
FLKS 037901 Topics In Folklore ENGL ELUD UD: Topics In Folklore
FLKS 038001 European Folklife ENGL ELUD UD: European Folklife
FLKS 038101 Latin American Folk SPAN ELUD UD: Latin American Folk
FLKS 039901 Fieldwork ENGL ELUD UD: Fieldwork
FLKS 0434 Historic Preservation HIST ELUD UD: Historic Preservation
FLKS 045001 Foreign Field Studi ENGL ELUD UD: Foreign Field Studi
FLKS 046201 Folk Medicine ENGL ELUD UD: Folk Medicine
FLKS 046301 Intercultural Commu COMM ELUD UD: Intercultural Commu
FLKS 046401 Vernacular Architec HIST ELUD UD: Vernacular Architec
FLKS 0470 Museum Procedures HIST ELUD UD: Museum Procedures
FLKS 047701 Folk Art & Technolo ENGL ELUD UD: Folk Art & Technolo
FLKS 047901 Directed Independen ENGL ELUD UD: Directed Independen
FLKS 048001 Womens Folklife ENGL ELUD UD: Womens Folklife
FLKS 048901 Internship In Folk ENGL ELUD UD: Internship In Folk
FLKS 320A01 American Studies I HIST 3040 Topics American Cultural Hist
FLKS 320B01 American Studies II HIST 3040 Topics American Cultural Hist
FOLK 280C Cult Divers In US SOC ELLD LD: Cult Divers In US
FREN 499 Ad Stud In French FREN 4900 Dir Study French Lit Culture
FREN 0101 Elementary French FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FREN 0102 Elem French II FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FREN 012001 Elementary French FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FREN 012101 Elem French FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FREN 012201 Reading & Translati FREN ELLD LD: Reading & Translati
FREN 0201 Interm French I FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
FREN 0202 Interm French II FREN 2020 Intermediate French II
FREN 022001 Intermediate French FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
FREN 022101 Intermediate French FREN 2020 Intermediate French II
FREN 0306 Exp French Abroad FREN ELUD UD:Exp French Abroad
FREN 032001 French Grammar & Co FREN 3010 Advanced Composition
FREN 032101 French Conversation FREN 3010 Advanced Composition
FREN 0323 French Civ/Cul" Cult of Food FREN ELUD UD:French Cult of Food
FREN 032301 French Civilization FREN ELUD UD: French Civilization
FREN 032401 Intro to French Lit FREN ELUD UD: Intro to French Lit
FREN 032501 Survey of French Li FREN ELUD UD: Survey of French Li
FREN 032601 Survey of French Li FREN ELUD UD: Survey of French Li
FREN 032801 French Diction & Pr FREN ELUD UD: French Diction & Pr
FREN 034201 Intro to French Lit FREN ELUD UD: Intro to French Lit
FREN 0415 Topics In Francohone FREN 4020 Topics in French Film
FREN 042001 Adv French Comp & S FREN ELUD UD: Adv French Comp & S
FREN 042101 Adv French Conversa FREN ELUD UD: Adv French Conversa
FREN 042201 History of French L FREN ELUD UD: History of French L
FREN 042301 Montpellier I FREN ELUD UD: Montpellier I
FREN 042401 Montpellier II FREN ELUD UD: Montpellier II
FREN 042501 19th Century French FREN ELUD UD: 19th Century French
FREN 042601 20th Century French FREN 4010 Topics 20th Century French Lit
FREN 042701 20th Century French FREN 4010 Topics 20th Century French Lit
FREN 042901 Studies In French L FREN ELUD UD: Studies In French L
FREN 044001 Early French Litera FREN ELUD UD: Early French Litera
FREN 044101 16th Century French FREN ELUD UD: 16th Century French
FREN 044201 17th Century French FREN ELUD UD: 17th Century French
FREN 044301 18th Century French FREN ELUD UD: 18th Century French
FREN 044501 French Canadian Lit FREN ELUD UD: French Canadian Lit
FREN 0450 French Cinema/Child FREN 4020 Topics in French Film
FREN 3030 Business French FREN 3030 Business French
FRN 0102C Elem French Cont FREN ELLD LD: Elem French Cont
FRN 0120 Elem French FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FRN 101C Elem French FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FRN 102C Elem French Cont FREN 1020 Elementary French II
GC 010101 Industrial Design ET ELLD LD: Industrial Design
GC 010501 Survey of Drafting ET ELLD LD: Survey of Drafting
GC 011401 Technical Graphics ET ELLD LD: Technical Graphics
GC 011501 Airbrush Rendering ET ELLD LD: Airbrush Rendering
GC 015001 Graphic Layout & Re ET ELLD LD: Graphic Layout & Re
GC 015501 Basic Graphic Proce ET ELLD LD: Basic Graphic Proce
GC 017601 Technical Rendering ET ELLD LD: Technical Rendering
GC 020201 Engineering Draftin ET ELLD LD: Engineering Draftin
GC 020401 Computer Assisted D ET 2310 Computer-Assist Draft Design I
GC 020801 Spatial Geometry ET ELLD LD: Spatial Geometry
GC 020901 Graphical Analysis ET ELLD LD: Graphical Analysis
GC 021301 Electrical Drawing ET ELLD LD: Electrical Drawing
GC 021401 Adv Engineering Dra ET ELLD LD: Adv Engineering Dra
GC 021601 Technical Illustria ET ELLD LD: Technical Illustration
GC 027501 Selected Topics In ET ELLD LD: Selected Topics in
GC 030101 Package & Display D ET ELUD UD: Package & Display D
GC 030701 Process Photography PHOT ELUD UD: Process Photography
GC 0313 Technial Drafting ET ELUD UD: Technial Drafting
GC 033001 Adv Airbrush Render ET ELUD UD: Adv Airbrush Render
GC 033101 Adv Technical Illus ET ELUD UD: Adv Technical Illus
GC 034201 Furniture Design ET ELUD UD: Furniture Design
GC 038701 Industrial Photogra PHOT ELUD UD: Industrial Photogra
GC 040101 Senior Seminar ET ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
GC 040501 Printing ET ELUD UD: Printing
GC 047501 Selected Topics In ET ELUD UD: Selected Topics In
GC 049001 Senior Project ET ELUD UD: Senior Project
GCOM 0105 Survey of Drafting ET ELLD LD: Survery of Drafting
GEO 0100 Intro Phy Environ GEOL ELLD LD: Intro Phy Environ
GEO 0101 Prin of Human Geog GEOG ELLD LD: Prin of Human Geog
GEO 0110 World Regional Geog GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GEO 100C01 Intro Phys Environf GEOL ELLD LD: Intro Phys Environf
GEO 101C Prin of Human Geog GEOG ELLD LD: Prin of Human Geog
GEO 110C01 World Regional Geog GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GEOG 0100 Intro Physical Envi PGEO 1030 Physical Geography
GEOG 010101 Prin of Human Geogr GEOG ELLD LD: Prin of Human Geogr
GEOG 0103 Our Dynamic Planet GEOG ELLD LD:Our Dynamic Planet
GEOG 011001 World Regional Geog GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GEOG 012101 Meteorology GEOL 4050 Meteorology
GEOG 012201 Aviation Meteorolog GEOL ELLD LD: Aviation Meteorolog
GEOG 0175 University Experience - Geog GEOG ELLD LD: University Experience-Geog
GEOG 0200 Intro Latin America GEOG ELLD LD:Intro Latin American
GEOG 020001 Intro to Latin Amer GEOG ELLD LD: Intro to Latin Amer
GEOG 0210 Human Ecology GEOG ELLD LD: Human Ecology
GEOG 021001 Human Ecology GEOG ELLD LD: Human Ecology
GEOG 022201 Observ & Analy Mete GEOL ELLD LD: Observ & Analy Mete
GEOG 0225 Visualizing Geog GEOG ELLD LD:Visualizing Geog
GEOG 0226 Our Dangerous Planet GEOG ELLD LD:Our Dangerous Planet
GEOG 0227 Our Vulnerable Planet GEOG ELLD LD:Our Vulnerable Planet
GEOG 024001 Intro to Planning GEOG ELLD LD: Intro to Planning
GEOG 028001 Intro to Environmen GEOG ELLD LD: Intro to Environmen
GEOG 029501 Intro to Research M PGEO 4280 Topics & Problems Phys Geog
GEOG 030001 Scope & Mthd of Geo GEOG ELUD UD: Scope & Mthd of Geo
GEOG 031001 General Hydrology GEOL 4130 Hydrogeology
GEOG 031501 Cartography I PGEO 4380 Cartography
GEOG 032801 Climate,Soils, & Ve GEOG ELUD UD: Climate,Soils, & Ve
GEOG 0330 Cultural Geography GEOG 4360 Cultural Geography
GEOG 035001 Economic Geography GEOG ELUD UD: Economic Geography
GEOG 035101 Historical Geog Of GEOG 4340 Historical Geography
GEOG 0352 Geography of Kentucky GEOG ELUD UD:Geography of Kentucky
GEOG 036001 Geography North America GEOG 3410 Cultr Landscapes US and Canada
GEOG 040201 Physiology of North GEOG ELUD UD: Physiology of North
GEOG 040401 Computer Mapping PGEO 4530 Geographic Information Systems
GEOG 041001 Cartography II GEOG ELUD UD: Cartography II
GEOG 041501 Air Photo Interpret PGEO 4520 Image Interpretation
GEOG 041601 Remote Sensing:Prin PGEO 4490 Remote Sensing
GEOG 042001 Geomorphology GEOL 4020 Geomorphology
GEOG 042101 Advanced Geomorphol GEOL ELUD UD: Advanced Geomorphol
GEOG 042201 Climatology GEOG ELUD UD: Climatology
GEOG 042301 Transportation Plan GEOG ELUD UD: Transportation Plan
GEOG 042401 Weather Analysis & GEOL ELUD UD: Weather Analysis &
GEOG 042501 Political Geography GEOG ELUD UD: Political Geography
GEOG 042601 Applied Meteorology GEOL ELUD UD: Applied Meteorology
GEOG 0427 Water Resources GEOG ELUD UD: Water Resources
GEOG 0428 Broadcast Meteorolog GEOG ELUD UD: Broadcast Meteorolog
GEOG 0429 Broadcast Meteorolog GEOG ELUD UD: Broadcast Meteorolog
GEOG 0430 Cultural Geography GEOG ELUD UD:Cultural Geography
GEOG 043001 Cultural Geography GEOG 4360 Cultural Geography
GEOG 043401 Hist Preservation P GEOG ELUD UD: Hist Preservation P
GEOG 045101 Geography of Kentuc GEOG ELUD UD: Geography of Kentuc
GEOG 045201 Field Studies In Ge PGEO 3401 Field Studies in Physical Geog
GEOG 045301 Geography of Soviet GEOG ELUD UD: Geography of Soviet
GEOG 045401 Geography of Middle GEOG ELUD UD: Geography of Middle
GEOG 046201 Geography of South GEOG 3420 Latin America in 21st Century
GEOG 046401 Geography of Europe GEOG 3430 Geographical Approach Europe
GEOG 046501 Geography of Asia GEOG ELUD UD: Geography of Asia
GEOG 046601 Geography of Africa GEOG 3470 Geography Sub-Saharan Africa
GEOG 046701 Geography of Middle GEOG 4500 Geog Middle East North Africa
GEOG 047101 Conservation Natura PGEO ELUD UD: Conservation Natura
GEOG 047401 Environmental Plann GEOG ELUD UD: Environmental Plann
GEOG 047501 Selected Topics In PGEO 4280 Topics & Problems Phys Geog
GEOG 047801 Geography of Agricu GEOG ELUD UD: Geography of Agricu
GEOG 047901 Industrial & Commer GEOG ELUD UD: Industrial & Commer
GEOG 048001 Urban Geography GEOG 4370 Urban Geography
GEOG 048401 Planning:Theory & A GEOG ELUD UD: Planning:Theory & A
GEOG 048501 Population & Resour GEOG ELUD UD: Population & Resour
GEOG 048601 Semior Environmenta GEOG ELUD UD: Semior Environmenta
GEOG 048701 Environmental Law GEOG ELUD UD: Environmental Law
GEOG 048801 Rural Planning GEOG ELUD UD: Rural Planning
GEOG 049101 Data Analysis & Int GEOG ELUD UD: Data Analysis & Int
GEOG 049201 Spatial Analysis GEOG ELUD UD: Spatial Analysis
GEOG 049301 Geographic Info Sys PGEO 4530 Geographic Information Systems
GEOG 049501 Planning Internship GEOG ELUD UD: Planning Internship
GEOG 049701 Spatial Decision Su GEOG ELUD UD: Spatial Decision Su
GEOG 111 The Earth GEOG ELLD LD:The Earth
GEOG 113 The Earth Lab GEOG ELLD LD:The Earth Lab
GEOG 227 Our Vulnerable Planet GEOG ELLD LD:Our Vulnerable Planet
GEOG 380 Global Sustainability PGEO 4020 Env Issues, Impacts, Sustain
GEOL 0102 Intro to Geology GEOL 1030 Introduction to Earth Science
GEOL 0103 Our Dynamic Planet GEOL ELLD LD: Our Dynamic Planet
GEOL 0106 Geology and Cinema GEOL ELLD LD:Geology and Cinema
GEOL 011101 Physical Geology GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
GEOL 011201 Historical Geology GEOL 1050 Historical Geology
GEOL 0113 Physical Geol Lab GEOL 1040 Physical Geology
GEOL 0114 Historical Geol Lab GEOL 1050 Historical Geology
GEOL 029501 Intro to Research M GEOL ELLD LD: Intro to Research M
GEOL 030801 Structural Geology GEOL 4080 Structural Geology
GEOL 030901 Structural Geology GEOL 4080 Structural Geology
GEOL 031001 General Hydrology GEOL 4130 Hydrogeology
GEOL 032501 Intro to Minerals & GEOL ELUD UD: Intro to Minerals &
GEOL 033001 Mineralogy GEOL 3000 Mineralogy
GEOL 035001 Petrology GEOL 4000 Petrology and Petrography
GEOL 037001 Prin of Stratigraph GEOL 4070 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
GEOL 037001 Prin of Stratigraph and GEOL ELUD UD: Prin of Stratigraph
GEOL 037501 Intro to Water Reso GEOL ELUD UD: Intro to Water Reso
GEOL 038001 Intro Field Techniq GEOL ELUD UD: Intro Field Techniq
GEOL 039901 Research Problems I GEOL 4090 Problems in Geology
GEOL 040501 Paleontology GEOL 4030 Invertebrate Paleontology
GEOL 041501 Environmental Geolo GEOL 4120 Environmental Geology
GEOL 042001 Geomorphology GEOL 4020 Geomorphology
GEOL 042101 Advanced Geomorphol GEOL ELUD UD: Advanced Geomorphol
GEOL 043001 Optical Mineralogy GEOL 3000 Mineralogy
GEOL 043801 Advanced Hydrology GEOL ELUD UD: Advanced Hydrology
GEOL 044001 Hydrogeology GEOL 4130 Hydrogeology
GEOL 044501 Aqueous Geochemistr GEOL ELUD UD: Aqueous Geochemistr
GEOL 045001 Stratigraphy-Sedime GEOL 4070 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
GEOL 046001 Sedimentology GEOL 4070 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
GEOL 046001 Sedimentology and GEOL ELUD UD: Sedimentology
GEOL 046501 Geophysics GEOL ELUD UD: Geophysics
GEOL 046701 Exploration Geophys GEOL 4100 Geophysical Prospecting
GEOL 047001 Tectonics GEOL ELUD UD: Tectonics
GEOL 047501 Special Topics In G GEOL 4090 Problems in Geology
GEOL 048001 Coal Geology GEOL ELUD UD: Coal Geology
GEOL 048201 Coal Petrology & Te GEOL ELUD UD: Coal Petrology & Te
GEOL 048601 Senior Environmenta GEOL ELUD UD: Senior Environmenta
GEOL 049001 Petroleum Geology GEOL ELUD UD: Petroleum Geology
GEOL 049201 Staptial Analysis GEOL ELUD UD: Staptial Analysis
GEOL 204 Volcanoes and Earthquakes GEOL ELLD LD:Volcanoes and Eatherquakes
GEOL 250 Environmental Geology GEOL ELLD LD:Environmental Geology
GERM 335 Cont Culture/Civilia GERM 3060 Survey of German Culture
GERM 499 Adv Studies In Germa GERM 4900 Dir Study German Lit Culture
GERM 0100 German Lang & Culture GERM ELLD LD: Germ Lang & Culture
GERM 0101 Germ I GERM ELLD LD: Germ I
GERM 0102 German II/Soc Comm GERM ELLD LD: German II/Soc Comm
GERM 013001 Elementary German GERM 1010 Elementary German I
GERM 013101 Elementary German GERM 1020 Elementary German II
GERM 013201 Reading & Translati GERM ELLD LD: Reading & Translati
GERM 0201 German III GERM 2010 Intermediate German I
GERM 023001 Intermediate German GERM 2010 Intermediate German I
GERM 023101 Intermediate German GERM 2020 Intermediate German II
GERM 0306 Exp German Abroad GERM ELUD UD:Exp German Abroad
GERM 033001 German Comp & Conve GERM 3010 Adv Composition Conversation
GERM 0331 Business German GERM 3070 Applied German
GERM 033201 Adv German Translat GERM ELUD UD: Adv German Translat
GERM 033301 Germanic Civilizati GERM 3050 Survey of German Culture
GERM 033401 Intro to German Lit GERM ELUD UD: Intro to German Lit
GERM 043001 Adv German Comp & C GERM 3020 Adv Composition Conversation
GERM 043201 History of German L GERM ELUD UD: History of German L
GERM 043501 German Lit of 19th GERM 4030 German Literature 1880-Present
GERM 043601 German Literature O GERM 4020 German Literature 1725-1880
GERM 0437 German Lit & Film GERM 4010 Topics in German Lit Culture
GERM 043801 Survey of German Ly GERM ELUD UD: Survey of German Ly
GERM 043901 Studies In German L GERM 4900 Dir Study German Lit Culture
GERO 0100 Aging Exp GERO 2600 Introduction to Gerontology
GISC 216 Geotech in a Global Community PGEO ELLD LD:Geotech in a Global Communi
GISC 316 Fundamentals of GIS PGEO 4530 Geographic Information Systems
GISC 317 Geographic Information Systems PGEO ELUD UD:Geogrphc Info Systems
GOV 0100 Intro Pol Science PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics
GOV 011001 American National Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
GOV 100C Intro to Pol Sci PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics
GOV 110C American National Government PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
GOVT 010001 Intro to Political PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics
GOVT 011001 American National Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
GOVT 020001 Intro to Latin Amer PS 4900 Latin American Politics
GOVT 0201 Concepts of Polit Sc PS ELLD LD: Concepts of Polit Sc
GOVT 021001 State Government PS 2020 State and Local Government
GOVT 0211 Intro to Public Pol PS 3160 American Public Policy
GOVT 022001 Judicial Process PS 2440 Law and the Legal System
GOVT 023001 Intro to Political PS ELLD LD: Intro to Political
GOVT 0250 Inter Politics PS 3210 International Relations
GOVT 025201 International Polit PS 3210 International Relations
GOVT 0260 Intro/Comp Politics PS ELLD LD: Intro/Comp Politics
GOVT 0300 Model Assembly PS 2130 Model United Nations
GOVT 030101 Scope & Mthd of Pol PS 3001 Research Methods in PS
GOVT 031001 The American Presid PS 3050 The U.S. Presidency
GOVT 0314 Gov and Business PS ELUD UD: Gov and Business
GOVT 031601 The Legislative Pro PS ELUD UD: The Legislative Pro
GOVT 032001 American Studies I PS 4700 American Political Thought
GOVT 032101 American Studies II PS 4700 American Political Thought
GOVT 0324 Mock Trial I PS 2100 Legal Courtroom Procedure
GOVT 0325 Mock Trial II PS 2100 Legal Courtroom Procedure
GOVT 032601 Constitutional Law PS 3370 American Constitutional Law I
GOVT 032701 Civil Liberties PS 3380 American Constitutional Law II
GOVT 032801 Criminal Justice Pr CJA ELUD UD: Criminal Justice Pr
GOVT 0329 Mock Trial PS ELLD LD: Mock Trial
GOVT 0330 Intro Political Theo PS ELUD UD: Intro Political Theo
GOVT 0338 Govern/Ethics PS ELUD UD: Govern/Ethics
GOVT 035001 Political Terrorism PS ELUD UD: Political Terrorism
GOVT 035101 Latin American Inte PS ELUD UD: Latin American Inte
GOVT 0352 Inter Relations of M PS ELUD UD: Inter Relations of M
GOVT 035301 Soviet Foreign Poli PS ELUD UD: Soviet Foreign Poli
GOVT 035501 International Organm PS 3910 International Organization
GOVT 035502 International Organ PS ELUD UD: International Organ
GOVT 035701 U S Foreign Policy PS 4240 American Foreign Policy
GOVT 036001 Govern & Pol In Bri PS ELUD UD: Govern & Pol In Bri
GOVT 036101 Government & Politi PS 4300 EU Policymaking
GOVT 0362 Latin Amer Govern & PS 4900 Latin American Politics
GOVT 0363 Politics of the Deve PS ELUD UD: Politics of the Deve
GOVT 0365 Middle Eastern Gover PS 4190 Contemp Middle East Politics
GOVT 0366 Governments & Politi PS ELUD UD: Governments & Polit
GOVT 036701 Government & Politi PS 4770 Russian Politics
GOVT 0368 African Govn/Politic PS 4180 Contemporary African Politics
GOVT 037001 Political Parties PS 3330 Political Parties
GOVT 037101 Public Opinion & El PS 3320 Public Opinion
GOVT 037201 Politics & the Mass PS 3320 Public Opinion
GOVT 037301 Minority Politics PS ELUD UD: Minority Politics
GOVT 037401 Women & Politics PS ELUD UD: Women & Politics
GOVT 0375 Fund of Pol Camp Mgt PS 3340 Political Campaign Management
GOVT 040001 Senior Seminar PS 4800 Senior Seminar
GOVT 040301 Field Studies In Po PS 4200 Directed Studies
GOVT 0405 Washington Internshi PS 4290 Public Service Internship
GOVT 0407 Directed Studies Gov PS ELUD UD: Directed Studies Gov
GOVT 041001 Seminar In National PS ELUD UD: Seminar In National
GOVT 041101 Seminar In State Go PS 4120 Tennessee Government
GOVT 041201 Kentucky Government PS 4120 Tennessee Government
GOVT 0413 Policies of Social PS ELUD UD: Policies of Social
GOVT 0415 Federalism & Pub Law PS ELUD UD: Federalism & Pub Law
GOVT 041701 Urban Political Sys PS 3400 Municipal Policy and Politics
GOVT 042301 Jurisprudence PLEG ELUD UD: Jurisprudence
GOVT 042401 Administrative Law PS 4590 Adminstrative Law
GOVT 043201 Early Political The PS 4230 Classical Political Theory
GOVT 043301 Modern Political Th PS 4920 Modern Political Theory
GOVT 043401 Contemporary Politi PS ELUD UD: Contemporary Politi
GOVT 043501 Political Issues In PS ELUD UD: Political Issues In
GOVT 044001 Elements of Public PS 3250 Public Management
GOVT 044101 Public Personnel Ad PS 4630 Public Human Resource Mgmt
GOVT 044201 Governmental Financ PS 3440 Public Budgeting
GOVT 0449 Internatl Pol Econom PS 4510 Intl Political Economy
GOVT 045001 International Relat PS 4190 Contemp Middle East Politics
GOVT 0460 Selected Topics PS ELUD UD: Selected Topics
GOVT 046101 Government & Politi PS 4770 Russian Politics
GOVT 046201 Latin American Gove PS 4900 Latin American Politics
GOVT 046301 Politics of Develop PS ELUD UD: Politics of Develop
GOVT 046501 Middle Eastern Gove PS 4190 Contemp Middle East Politics
GOVT 046601 Governments & Polit PS 4310 Comparative Asian Government
GOVT 049001 Internship In State PS 4360 Legislative Internship
GOVT 049101 Research In State G PS 4360 Legislative Internship
GOVT 049201 Kentucky Legislativ PS 4360 Legislative Internship
GOVT 049301 Issues In Human Res PS 4630 Public Human Resource Mgmt
GOVT 049801 Internship In Publi PS 4290 Public Service Internship
GOVT 0499 Senior Sem In Gov PS 4800 Senior Seminar
GOVT 320A01 American Studies I PS ELUD UD: American Studies I
GOVT 320B01 American Studies II PS ELUD UD: American Studies II
GRM 101C German I-Fund Communication GERM 1010 Elementary German I
GWS 0200 Intro Gender/Women's Studies WGST 2100 Intro to Women's Studies
GWS 0400 Western Feminist Thought WGST ELUD UD: Western Feminist Thought
H PE 023001 Basketball PHED 1210 Beginning Basketball
HCA 034001 Health Care Organ & HLTH ELUD UD: Health Care Organ &
HCA 0341 Intro to Health Care HLTH ELUD UD: Intro to Health Care
HCA 0342 HRM for Healthcare Managers HLTH ELUD UD:HRM for Healthcare Managers
HCA 0343 HC Quality Mgmt HLTH ELUD UD:HC Quality Mgmt
HCA 034401 Health Systems Mgmt HLTH ELUD UD: Health Systems Mgmt
HCA 0345 Long Term Care Admin HLTH ELUD UD: Long Term Care Admin
HCA 0346 Ambulatory Care Admin HLTH ELUD UD:Ambulatory Care Admin
HCA 044001 Health Economics HLTH ELUD UD: Health Economics
HCA 044101 Health Policy & Law HLTH ELUD UD: Health Policy & Law
HCA 044201 Prin & Methods Heal HLTH ELUD UD: Prin & Methods Heal
HCA 044501 Health Care Finance HLTH ELUD UD: Health Care Finance
HCA 044801 Senior Seminar HLTH ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
HCA 044901 Internship Health C HLTH ELUD UD: Internship Health C
HCIS 010001 Basic Health Record ELEC ELLD LD: Basic Health Record
HCIS 011001 Specialized Health ELEC ELLD LD: Specialized Health
HCIS 019001 Directed Practice ELEC ELLD LD: Directed Practice
HCIS 021001 Medical Word Proces ELEC ELLD LD: Medical Word Proces
HCIS 022001 Healthcare Info Ass ELEC ELLD LD: Healthcare Info Ass
HCIS 022101 Healthcare Info Mgm ELEC ELLD LD: Healthcare Info Mgm
HCIS 022501 Legal Issues In Hea ELEC ELLD LD: Legal Issues In Hea
HCIS 025001 Classification Syst ELEC ELLD LD: Classification Syst
HCIS 025101 Adv Coding Concepts ELEC ELLD LD: Adv Coding Concepts
HCIS 029001 Medical Terminology ELEC ELLD LD: Medical Terminology
HCIS 029101 Adv Medical Termino ELEC ELLD LD: Adv Medical Termino
HCIS 029501 Seminar & Field Exp ELEC ELLD LD: Seminar & Field Exp
HCIS 100C Hlth Data Cont Stru ELEC ELLD LD: Hlth Data Cont Stru
HCIS 110C Spec Hlth Info Sys ELEC ELLD LD: Spec Hlth Info Sys
HCIS 220C Stat App In Hlth In ELEC ELLD LD: Stat App In Hlth In
HCIS 221C Hlth Cr Info Mgt ELEC ELLD LD: Hlth Cr Info Mgt
HCIS 222C Clin Qual Assess Per ELEC ELLD LD: Clin Qual Assess Per
HCIS 225C Issue Hlthcare Info ELEC ELLD LD: Issue Hlthcare Info
HCIS 230C Com Appl Hlthcr Inf ELEC ELLD LD: Com Appl Hlthcr Inf
HCIS 250C Clin Class Sys ELEC ELLD LD: Clin Class Sys
HCIS 251C Reimbursement Mthds ELEC ELLD LD: Reimbursement Mthds
HCIS 290C Med Terminology ELEC ELLD LD: Med Terminology
HCIS 291C Adv Med Terminology ELEC ELLD LD: Adv Med Terminology
HCIS 292C Pharmacology & Lab ELEC ELLD LD: Pharmacology & Lab
HDAL 1000 College Adjustment CDFS ELLD LD: College Adjustment
HDAL 2325 Child & Adolescent D CDFS ELLD LD: Child & Adolescent D
HDAL 4517 Fam, Comm & School CDFS 4350 Parenting
HE 0100 Personal Health HLTH ELLD LD: Personal Health
HE 010101 Dynamics of Alcohol HLTH ELLD LD: Dynamics of Alcohol
HE 0111 Human Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
HE 0150 Applied Health:Weigh HLTH ELLD LD: Applied Health:Weigh
HE 016501 Drug Abuse HLTH ELLD LD: Drug Abuse
HE 016701 Human Nutrition HLTH ELLD LD: Human Nutrition
HE 020301 Dental Health Educa HLTH ELLD LD: Dental Health Educa
HE 0260 Found of Person HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
HE 029001 Medical Terminology ELEC ELLD LD: Medical Terminology
HE 036301 Health Services Sch HLTH ELUD UD: Health Services Sch
HE 036501 Human Sexualtiy HLTH 4360 Teaching Human Sexuality
HE 043001 Orientation to Heal HLTH ELUD UD: Orientation to Heal
HE 043201 Health Occupation HLTH ELUD UD: Health Occupation
HE 043301 Seminar In Health O HLTH ELUD UD: Seminar In Health O
HE 044301 Health Problems Of HLTH ELUD UD: Health Problems Of
HE 044401 Death Education HLTH ELUD UD: Death Education
HE 044701 Human Values & Heal HLTH 4270 Bioethical Issues Pub Health
HE 045601 Adv Studies Health HLTH ELUD UD: Adv Studies Health
HE 046001 School & Community HLTH ELUD UD: School & Community
HE 046101 School Health Organ HLTH 4300 The School Health Program
HE 046201 Folk Medicine HLTH ELUD UD: Folk Medicine
HE 046301 Consumer Health HLTH ELUD UD: Consumer Health
HE 046401 Women's Health HLTH 4390 Women's Health
HE 046501 Health & Safety Ele HLTH ELUD UD: Health & Safety Ele
HE 0467 Drug Abuse Educ HLTH 4400 Drugs and Violence Education
HE 0468 Sexuality Education HLTH 4360 Teaching Human Sexuality
HE 046901 Critical Issues Hea HLTH ELUD UD: Critical Issues Hea
HE F 0111 Intro to He & Fl TXMD ELLD LD: Intro to He & Fl
HE F 0120 Basic Design ART 1610 2-Dimensional Design
HE F 0130 Clothing I TXMD 3200 Apparel Construction I
HE F 0132 Perspect Dress TXMD ELLD LD: Perspect Dress
HE F 0221 Textile Design TXMD ELLD LD: Textile Design
HE F 0352 Family Relations CDFS ELUD UD: Family Relations
HE S 0100 Personal Health HLTH ELLD LD: Personal Health
HED 0100 Personal Health HLTH ELLD LD: Personal Health
HED 0132 Intro Health Career HLTH 2600 Intro to Health Professions
HED 100C Personal Health HLTH ELLD LD:Personal Health
HED 165C Drug Abuse HLTH ELLD LD: Drug Abuse
HEFL 0111 Intro to He Fl TXMD ELLD LD: Intro to He Fl
HEFL 0120 Basic Design ART 1610 2-Dimensional Design
HEFL 013001 Elem Clothing TXMD ELLD LD: Elem Clothing
HEFL 013101 Lab Elem Clothing TXMD ELLD LD: Lab Elem Clothing
HEFL 013201 Perspectives Dress TXMD ELLD LD: Perspectives Dress
HEFL 015001 Child Development M CDFS ELLD LD: Child Development M
HEFL 015002 Child Development CDFS 3310 Human Development (Birth to 8)
HEFL 015002 Child Development and CDFS ELLD LD: Child Development
HEFL 016001 Food Science NFS 3200 Food Science
HEFL 016101 Lab Food Science NFS 3200 Food Science
HEFL 016701 Human Nurtition NFS ELLD LD: Human Nurtition
HEFL 019001 Gourmet Foods NFS ELLD LD: Gourmet Foods
HEFL 022101 Textile Design TXMD ELLD LD: Textile Design
HEFL 022701 Presentation Tech IDES ELLD LD: Presentation Tech
HEFL 023101 Textiles TXMD ELLD LD: Textiles
HEFL 023201 Lab Textiles TXMD ELLD LD: Lab Textiles
HEFL 026001 Food Management NFS 3210 Meal Prepping
HEFL 026101 Lab Food Management NFS 3210 Meal Prepping
HEFL 026201 Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
HEFL 028001 Housing Space Fam L IDES ELLD LD: Housing Space Fam L
HEFL 030001 Nutrition For Elem NFS ELUD UD: Nutrition For Elem
HEFL 032101 Heritage Housing In IDES 2120 History of Interiors I
HEFL 032201 Heritage Housing IDES 3120 History of Interiors II
HEFL 032301 Archietcture & Cult HSC ELUD UD: Archietcture & Cult
HEFL 033201 Heritage Housing In IDES ELLD LD: Heritage Housing In
HEFL 033301 Textiles & Clothing TXMD 4150 Fashion Buying
HEFL 034001 Mgmt of Family Reso CDFS ELUD UD: Mgmt of Family Reso
HEFL 035201 Family Relations CDFS 3320 Family Relations
HEFL 036301 Adv Nutrition NFS 4270 Advanced Nutrition I
HEFL 036501 Child Nutrition NFS 4250 Life Cycle Nutrition
HEFL 036601 Maternal Nutrition NFS ELUD UD: Maternal Nutrition
HEFL 0370 Material & Mthd In FCSE ELUD UD: Material & Mthd In
HEFL 037101 Communication Tech HSC 3020 Presentation Techniques
HEFL 038101 Household Equipment HSC 3430 Housing
HEFL 038201 Interior Design I IDES 3220 Studio I
HEFL 038601 Prin\Prac\Int Desig IDES ELLD LD: Prin\Prac\Int Desig
HEFL 039001 Institution Managem NFS 4322 Dietetics Management
HEFL 039101 Institution Equipme ELEC ELUD UD: Institution Equipme
HEFL 039201 Selection of Furnis ELEC ELUD UD: Selection of Furnis
HEFL 039301 Executive Housekeep ELEC ELUD UD: Executive Housekeep
HEFL 041101 Professional Devel HSC 1010 Career Orientation
HEFL 042001 Non Residential Stu ELEC ELUD UD: Non Residential Stu
HEFL 042201 Textile Design II TXMD ELUD UD: Textile Design II
HEFL 042401 Specifying & Buying IDES ELUD UD: Specifying & Buying
HEFL 042501 History of Costume TXMD 2200 History of Fashion
HEFL 042701 Presentation Tech I IDES 3200 Int Perspec Sketch and Render
HEFL 042801 Merchandise Display TXMD 4100 Fashion Promo & Digital Comm
HEFL 043001 Historic Textiles TXMD ELUD UD: Historic Textiles
HEFL 043101 Clothing & Human Be TXMD 4170 Cultural Social Aspects Dress
HEFL 043201 Recent Devel In Tex TXMD ELUD UD: Recent Devel In Tex
HEFL 043301 Fashion Fundamental TXMD 1170 Intro to Fashion Industry
HEFL 043401 Adv Clothing:Tailor TXMD ELUD UD: Adv Clothing:Tailor
HEFL 043501 Adv Textiles TXMD 3120 Adv Topics Textile Prod &Trade
HEFL 043601 Adv Clothing Design TXMD 4200 Patternmaking I
HEFL 043701 Fashio & Design Stu HSC 4043 Seminar Textiles-Merch-Design
HEFL 043801 Textile & Clothing TXMD ELUD UD: Textile & Clothing
HEFL 043901 Internship TXMD ELUD UD: Internship
HEFL 044001 Resource Mgmt HSC 4420 Personal and Family Management
HEFL 044101 Lab In Home Mgmt HSC ELUD UD: Lab In Home Mgmt
HEFL 044501 Seminar In Family E CDFS ELUD UD: Seminar In Family E
HEFL 044601 Restoration of Hist IDES ELUD UD: Restoration of Hist
HEFL 044701 Hist of Architectur IDES 3120 History of Interiors II
HEFL 045101 Growth & Guidance O CDFS 3310 Human Development (Birth to 8)
HEFL 045101 Growth & Guidance O and CDFS ELUD UD: Growth & Guidance O
HEFL 046101 Advances In Sci Of HSC 4052 Adv Prob Nutrition-Food Sci
HEFL 046401 Adv Foods NFS 3200 Food Science
HEFL 046501 Diet Therapy NFS 4300 Medical Nutrition Therapy I
HEFL 046601 Experimental Foods NFS 4240 Experimental Food Study
HEFL 047101 Adv Methods In Home HSC ELUD UD: Adv Methods In Home
HEFL 048001 User Oriented Inter IDES ELUD UD: User Oriented Inter
HEFL 048101 Lighting Design IDES 3330 Lighting, Mechanical, Environ
HEFL 048201 Residential Energy IDES ELUD UD: Residential Energy
HEFL 048301 Household Equipment HSC 3430 Housing
HEFL 048301 Household Equipment and HSC ELUD UD: Household Equipment
HEFL 048401 Space & Activity An HSC 3430 Housing
HEFL 048401 Space & Activity An and HSC ELUD UD: Space & Activity An
HEFL 048501 Residential Studio IDES 3220 Studio I
HEFL 049101 Family Life Educati CDFS ELUD UD: Family Life Educati
HEFL 049201 Institution Food Pr NFS 4320 Food Systems Management
HEFL 049301 Institutional Purch ELEC ELUD UD: Institutional Purch
HEFL 049401 Applied Institution ELEC ELUD UD: Applied Institution
HEFL 049501 Organ & Mgmt of Sch NFS ELUD UD: Organ & Mgmt of Sch
HEFL 049601 Menu Planning & Mer NFS ELUD UD: Menu Planning & Mer
HEFL 049701 Food & Labor Cost C NFS ELUD UD: Food & Labor Cost C
HEFL 049801 Special Topics Home HSC ELUD UD: Special Topics Home
HEFL 049901 Parenting Strat CDFS 4350 Parenting
HEFL 130L01 Elem Clo Lab II TXMD ELLD LD: Elem Clo Lab II
HEFL 231L01 Textiles Lab I TXMD ELLD LD: Textiles Lab I
HIM 0290 Medical Term HUM ELLD LD:Medical Term
HIM 0291 Adv Medical Terminology HUM ELLD LD:Adv Medical Term
HIM 0292 Pharm & Lab Diagnostics HLTH ELLD LD:Pharm & Lab Diagnostics
HIS 0119 Western Civ to 1648 HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIS 0120 Western Civ Since 16 HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIS 119C01 Western Civ to 1648 HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIS 120C Western Civ Since 16 HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIS 141C Us Since 1865 HIST ELLD LD: Us Since 1865
HIS 240C The United States to 1865 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIS 241C Us Since 1865 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 0100 The US to 1865 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 0101 World History I HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HIST 0102 World History II HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HIST 0109 West Civ to 1648 HIST ELLD LD: West Civ to 1648
HIST 0110 Intro to Asian Civil HIST ELLD LD: Intro to Asian Civil
HIST 0119 Western Civ to 1648 HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIST 012001 Western Civ Since 1648 HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIST 014001 U S to 1865 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 014101 U S Since 1865 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 017001 History of Medieval HIST ELLD LD: History of Medieval
HIST 018001 Hist of Modern West HIST ELLD LD: Hist of Modern West
HIST 019001 Histo of Ancient Gr HIST ELLD LD: Histo of Ancient Gr
HIST 020001 Intro to Latin Amer HIST ELLD LD: Intro to Latin Amer
HIST 0240 U S to 1865 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 0241 U S Since 1865 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 025701 Blacks In Amer Hist HIST ELLD LD: Blacks In Amer Hist
HIST 025901 Blacks In Am Histor HIST ELLD LD: Blacks In Am Histor
HIST 028001 Tech In Hist Resear HIST ELLD LD: Tech In Hist Resear
HIST 029001 Current Issues In H HIST ELLD LD: Current Issues In H
HIST 029901 Intro to Military H HIST ELLD LD: Intro to Military H
HIST 030501 Ancient Greece HIST ELUD UD: Ancient Greece
HIST 030601 Ancient Rome HIST ELUD UD: Ancient Rome
HIST 030701 The Middle Ages HIST 4210 Middle Ages
HIST 0318 Age of Reformation HIST 4230 Reformation Europe
HIST 032001 American Studies I HIST ELUD UD: American Studies I
HIST 032101 American Studies II HIST ELUD UD: American Studies II
HIST 032201 Age of Enlightenmen HIST ELUD UD: Age of Enlightenmen
HIST 032301 England to 1714 HIST ELUD UD: England to 1714
HIST 032401 England Since 1714 HIST ELUD UD: England Since 1714
HIST 033401 19th Century Europe HIST ELUD UD: 19th Century Europe
HIST 033501 20th Century Europe HIST ELUD UD: 20th Century Europe
HIST 033601 Europe Since 1945 HIST ELUD UD: Europe Since 1945
HIST 033801 Russia to 1900 HIST 4330 The Russian Empire
HIST 0347 Social Hist of the U HIST 4730 Everyday Life in America
HIST 034801 United States,1900- HIST ELUD UD: United States,1900-
HIST 034901 The US Since 1945 HIST 4070 Cold War America
HIST 035201 American West HIST ELUD UD: American West
HIST 0353 Indian Peoples of No HIST 4690 Indigenous History
HIST 035801 Blacks In American HIST 2040 Surv African American Hist I
HIST 035901 Blacks In American HIST 2050 Surv African American Hist II
HIST 036001 History of Africa HIST ELUD UD: History of Africa
HIST 036401 Latin America:Colon HIST ELUD UD: Latin America:Colon
HIST 036501 Latin America:The R HIST ELUD UD: Latin America:The R
HIST 0370 Mordern South Asia HIST ELUD UD: Mordern South Asia
HIST 039001 Topics In History HIST ELUD UD: Topics In History
HIST 039101 History of American HIST ELUD UD: History of American
HIST 040401 History of Ancient HIST ELUD UD: History of Ancient
HIST 0407 Crusades HIST ELUD UD: Crusades
HIST 041701 Age of the Renaissa HIST 4230 Reformation Europe
HIST 041801 Age of the Reformat HIST 4640 Environmental History
HIST 041901 Tudor-Stuart Englan HIST ELUD UD: Tudor-Stuart Englan
HIST 042201 The French Revoluti HIST ELUD UD: The French Revoluti
HIST 042501 Modern Germany HIST ELUD UD: Modern Germany
HIST 042601 Hitler & Nazi Germa HIST ELUD UD: Hitler & Nazi Germa
HIST 042801 England Since 1914 HIST 4370 Britain in the 20th Century
HIST 043501 Historiography HIST ELUD UD: Historiography
HIST 043801 20th Century Russia HIST 4340 The Soviet Experiment
HIST 043901 From Marx to Yelsti HIST ELUD UD: From Marx to Yelsti
HIST 044001 Colonial Hist of U HIST 4010 Colonial America
HIST 044101 The Formative Perio HIST 4020 The American Revolution
HIST 044201 The Age of Jackson, HIST 4030 Jacksonian America 1815-1850
HIST 044301 Civil War & Reconst HIST 4040 Civil War and Reconstruction
HIST 044401 The United States:1 HIST ELUD UD: The United States:1
HIST 0445 American Legal Hist HIST ELUD UD: American Legal Hist
HIST 0446 American Legal Hist HIST ELUD UD: American Legal Hist
HIST 0448 American Biographies HIST ELUD UD: American Biographies
HIST 044901 Korea & Vietnam HIST ELUD UD: Korea & Vietnam
HIST 045001 Diplomatic Hist Of HIST ELUD UD: Diplomatic Hist Of
HIST 045101 Diplomatic Hist Of HIST ELUD UD: Diplomatic Hist Of
HIST 045201 American Urban Hist HIST 3670 Civil War Reconst 1850-1877
HIST 045301 Women In American H HIST ELUD UD: Women In American H
HIST 045401 History of Religion HIST 4650 Religious Experience in Amer
HIST 045501 American Historiogr HIST ELUD UD: American Historiogr
HIST 045601 Kentucky History HIST ELUD UD: Kentucky History
HIST 045701 Old South HIST ELUD UD: Old South
HIST 045801 New South HIST ELUD UD: New South
HIST 045901 Immigrant In Amer H HIST ELUD UD: Immigrant In Amer H
HIST 046001 Traditional East As HIST ELUD UD: Traditional East As
HIST 046101 Modern East Africa HIST ELUD UD: Modern East Africa
HIST 046201 History of Middle E HIST 4440 The Middle East
HIST 046301 1492 and Beyond The HIST 3020 Topics in American History
HIST 046401 Latin America & US HIST ELUD UD: Latin America & US
HIST 046501 The Mexican Republi HIST 4490 Mexico and the Caribbean
HIST 047101 Modern China HIST 4460 China
HIST 047201 Modern Japan HIST 4450 Japan
HIST 047901 Topics In Third Wor HIST ELUD UD: Topics In Third Wor
HIST 048001 A Social History Of HIST ELUD UD: A Social History Of
HIST 048901 Coop Educ In Histor HIST 4950 Public History Internship
HIST 049001 Topics In History I HIST ELUD UD: Topics In History I
HIST 049101 Topics In History I HIST ELUD UD: Topics In History I
HIST 0492 History of Canada HIST ELUD UD: History of Canada
HIST 049401 U S Military Histor HIST ELUD UD: U S Military History
HIST 049801 Senior Seminar HIST ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
HIST 049901 Adv Individual Stud HIST ELUD UD: Adv Individual Stud
HIST 120C01 West Civ Sn 1648 HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIST 320A01 American Studies I HIST 4730 Everyday Life in America
HIST 320B01 American Studies II HIST 4740 Amer Cultural Intellect Hist
HIST 331 African History Since 1500 HIST ELUD UD: African History Since 1500
HIST 340 Hist Pop Cult 1500 HIST ELUD UD:Hist Pop Cult 1500
HIST 341 A Cultural Hist of Alcohol HIST ELUD UD:A Cultural Hist of Alcohol
HIST 443H01 Civil War & Rec HIST ELUD UD: Civil War & Rec
HL S 0100 Personal Health HLTH ELLD LD: Personal Health
HL S 017101 Sfty & First Aid HLTH ELLD LD: Sfty & First Aid
HL S 027001 General Safety SAFE ELLD LD: General Safety
HL S 0381 Community Health HLTH ELUD UD: Community Health
HLSF 0100 Personal Health HLTH ELLD LD: Personal Health
HLSF 016501 Drug Abuse HLTH ELLD LD: Drug Abuse
HLSF 017101 Safety & First Aid HLTH 3300 First Aid and Safety Education
HMD 0151 Food Science ELEC ELLD LD:Food Science
HMD 0171 Mgt Hospitality ELEC ELLD LD:Mgt Hospitality
HMD 0211 Human Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
HMD 0252 Hospitality & Tech ELEC ELLD LD:Hospitality & Tech
HMD 410 Internship in Hospitality Mgt THM 4905 Internship Hospitality Mgmt
HON 251 Citizen and Self ELEC ELLD LD:Citizen and Self
HONO 100H01 Fiction to Film UH ELLD LD: Fiction to Film
HONO 101H01 Fiction to Film UH ELLD LD: Fiction to Film
HORT 0301 Into to Lanscape Plt PLSO 3640 Woody Landscape Plants
HORT 0302 Intro to Landscape PLSO ELUD UD: Intro to Landscape
HORT 030401 Landscape Maintenan PLSO 4640 Landscaping
HORT 0305 Landscape Maintenanc PLSO ELUD UD: Landscape Maintenanc
HORT 031201 Horticulture PLSO ELUD UD: Horticulture
HORT 031301 Turfgrass Managemen PLSO 4330 Turf Management
HORT 0316 Greenhouse Prod PLSO 4620 Greenhouse Management
HORT 0317 Greenhouse Prod Lab PLSO ELUD UD: Greenhouse Prod Lab
HORT 031801 Forestry PLSO 3630 Agroforestry
HORT 0401 Landscape Plants II PLSO ELUD UD: Landscape Plants II
HORT 040201 Landscape Plants II PLSO 3640 Woody Landscape Plants
HORT 040301 Landscape Design & PLSO 4640 Landscaping
HORT 0404 Landscape Design & PLSO ELUD UD: Landscape Design &
HORT 0405 Nursery Management PLSO 4660 Nursery Management
HORT 0406 Nursery Mgmt Lab PLSO ELUD UD: Nursery Mgmt Lab
HORT 0407 Plant Propagation PLSO 4670 Plant Propagation
HORT 0408 Plant Propagation La PLSO ELUD UD: Plant Propagation La
HORT 041201 Modern Fruit Produc PLSO ELUD UD: Modern Fruit Produc
HORT 041301 Plant Propagation PLSO 4670 Plant Propagation
HORT 041501 Greenhouse Manageme PLSO 4620 Greenhouse Management
HORT 041601 Commercial Floricul PLSO 4630 Floriculture
HORT 041701 Commercial Floricul PLSO ELUD UD: Commercial Floricul
HORT 041901 Vegetable Productio PLSO 3660 Vegetable Gardening
HORT 047001 Agricultureal Mater AGBS ELUD UD: Agricultureal Mater
HORT 0475 Selected Topics In A AGRI ELUD UD: Selected Topics In A
HORT 0491 Topics In Agric AGRI 4910 Problems in Agriculture
HORT 209 Introduction to Floral Design PLSO ELLD LD:Introductn to Floral Design
HUM 017001 Hist Medieval Ren E HUM ELLD LD: Hist Medieval Ren E
HUM 017101 Fine Art Med Ren Eu HUM ELLD LD: Fine Art Med Ren Eu
HUM 017201 Literature of Medie HUM ELLD LD: Literature of Medie
HUM 017301 Phil/Rel Med Ren Eu HUM ELLD LD: Phil/Rel Med Ren Eu
HUM 017401 Seminar On Medieval HUM ELLD LD: Seminar On Medieval
HUM 018001 Hist Modern West Wo HUM ELLD LD: Hist Modern West Wo
HUM 018101 Fine Art/Mod West W HUM ELLD LD: Fine Art/Mod West W
HUM 018201 Lit Modern West Wor HUM ELLD LD: Lit Modern West Wor
HUM 018301 Phil Rel Mod W Worl PHIL ELLD LD: Phil Rel Mod W Worl
HUM 018401 Seminar On Modern W HUM ELLD LD: Seminar On Modern W
HUM 019001 His Anc Gr Rome HUM ELLD LD: His Anc Gr Rome
HUM 019101 Art Anc Gr Rome HUM ELLD LD: Art Anc Gr Rome
HUM 019201 Lit Anc Gr Rome HUM ELLD LD: Lit Anc Gr Rome
HUM 019301 Phl Rel Gr Rome HUM ELLD LD: Phl Rel Gr Rome
HUM 019401 Seminar On Ancient HUM ELLD LD: Seminar On Ancient
ID 475 Multimedia for Training YOED ELUD UD:Multimedia for Training
IDFM 0120 Visual Design I IDES ELLD LD:Visual Design I
IDFM 0131 Basic Aparel Construction IDES ELLD LD:Basic Apparel Construction
IDFM 0132 Perspectives of Dress IDES ELLD LD:Perspectives of Dress
IDFM 0221 Visual Design II IDES ELLD LD:Visual Design II
IDFM 0223 Textiles TXMD ELLD LD: Textiles
IDFM 0333 Fashion Fund IDES ELUD UD:Fashion Fund
IDFM 0346 Architecture & Culture ELEC ELUD UD: Architecture & Culture
IDFM 100 Intro Housing Interior Design IDES ELLD LD:Intro Housing Interior Dsgn
IDFM 101 Interior Design IDES ELLD LD:Interior Design
IDFM 151 Survey of Arch & Interiors I IDES 2120 History of Interiors I
IDFM 152 Survey of Arch & Interiors II IDES ELLD LD:Survey of Arch/Interiors II
IDFM 260 Kitchen & Bath Design IDES ELLD LD:Kitchen & Bath Design
IDST 0369 Career Related Field Exp ELEC ELUD UD:Career Related Field Exp
IDST 0395 Investigative Methods ELEC ELUD UD:Investigative Methods
IDST 199 University Learning UNIV ELLD LD:University Learning
IDST 390 IDST Applications ELEC ELUD UD:IDST Applications
IECE 0450 Family Supports & Se CDFS ELUD UD: Family Supports & Se
IECE 0493 Adv Assessment Young CDFS ELUD UD: Adv Assessment Young
IND 010101 Ind Design IDES ELLD LD: Ind Design
IND 010102 I a Design ET ELLD LD: I a Design
IND 010301 Intro Wood Proc ELEC ELLD LD: Intro Wood Proc
IND 011501 Bench Metal ET ELLD LD: Bench Metal
IND 021401 Adv Engr Drafting ET ELLD LD: Adv Engr Drafting
IND 025801 Auto Mechanics ET ELLD LD: Auto Mechanics
IND 036701 Supervised Work Exp ET ELUD UD: Supervised Work Exp
IND 038001 Independent Study I ET ELUD UD: Independent Study I
IND 041001 Industrial Arts Pro ET ELUD UD: Industrial Arts Pro
IND 046501 Indust Arts Elem Te ET ELUD UD: Indust Arts Elem Te
IND 049001 Instructional Meth ET ELUD UD: Instructional Meth
IND 102E01 Engnrg Drafting ET ELLD LD: Engnrg Drafting
IND 439W01 Workshop Indust Edu ET ELUD UD: Workshop Indust Edu
INED 036701 Supervised Work Exp ET ELUD UD: Supervised Work Exp
INED 038001 Independent Study I ET ELUD UD: Independent Study I
INED 041001 Industrial Arts Pro ET ELUD UD: Industrial Arts Pro
INED 043901 Workshop In Industr ET ELUD UD: Workshop in Industr
INED 046501 Indust Arts Elem Te ET ELUD UD: Indust Arts Elem Te
INED 049001 Instructional Meth ET ELUD UD: Instructional Meth
INED 439W01 Workshop Indust Edu ET ELUD UD: Workshop Indust Edu
INFS 014101 Int Computer Sys INFS ELLD LD: Int Computer Sys
INFS 024101 Intro Info Systems INFS ELLD LD: Intro Info Systems
INS 0181 Intro to Basic Lang INFS ELLD LD: Intro to Basic Lang
INS 0182C Computer Oper Systems INFS ELLD LD: Computer Oper Syst
INS 028401 Infro to Software A INFS 2200 Introduction to Microcomputing
INS 180C01 Intro Computer Syst INFS ELLD LD: Intro Computer Syst
INS 181C01 Intro to Basic Lang INFS ELLD LD: Intro to Basic Lang
INS 182C Computer Oper Syste INFS ELLD LD: Computer Oper Syste
INS 270C01 Electronic Spreadsh INFS 2200 Introduction to Microcomputing
INS 272C01 Databsee Management INFS 2200 Introduction to Microcomputing
INS 290C01 Internship Info Sys INFS ELLD LD: Internship Info Sys
INT 036201 American Institutio ELEC ELUD UD: American Institutio
INT 038001 European Folklife ELEC ELUD UD: European Folklife
INT 038101 Latin American Folk ELEC ELUD UD: Latin American Folk
INT 045001 Foreign Field Studi ELEC ELUD UD: Foreign Field Studi
ISDE 0100 Intro to Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
IT 0105 Survey of Drafting ET ELLD LD: Survey of Drafting
IT 0108 Intro to Fluid Powe ET 4850 Fluid Power
IT 0120 Basic Electricity ET ELLD LD: Basic Electricity
IT 0202 Engineering Graphic ET ELLD LD: Engineering Graphic
IT 0204 Computer Applic Inte ET ELLD LD: Computer Applic Inte
IT 0205 Computer Assisted Dr ET 2310 Computer-Assist Draft Design I
IT 0210 Intro to Tech ET ELLD LD: Intro to Tech
IT 0213 Electrical Drafting ET ELLD LD: Electrical Drafting
IT 0214 Adv Engineering Draf ET ELLD LD: Adv Engineering Draf
IT 0216 Technical Illustrati ET ELLD LD: Technical Illustrati
IT 0271 Industrial Statistic ET ELLD LD: Industrial Statistic
IT 0300 Industrial Finishing ET ELUD UD: Industrial Finishing
IT 0308 Graphic Communicatio ET ELUD UD: Graphic Communication
IT 0310 Industral Safety ENGR 3920 Engineering Safety
IT 0311 Technical Computer R ET ELUD UD: Technical Computer R
IT 0312 Technial Computer Gr ET ELUD UD: Technial Computer Gr
IT 0314 Adv Cad ET 4330 Adv Computer-Aided Drafting
IT 0317 Manufacturing Materi ET ELUD UD: Manufacturing Materi
IT 0320 Energy Resources & P ET ELUD UD: Energy Resources & P
IT 0325 Applied Electricity ET ELUD UD: Applied Electricity
IT 0326 Applied Electronics ET ELUD UD: Applied Electronics
IT 0327 Manufacturing Method ET ELUD UD: Manufacturing Method
IT 0330 Computer Graphics ET ELUD UD: Computer Graphics
IT 0340 Automated Systems I ET ELUD UD: Automated Systems I
IT 0341 Automated Systems II ET ELUD UD: Automated Systems II
IT 0342 Automated Systems II ET ELUD UD: Automated Systems II
IT 0343 Autom Material Handl ET ELUD UD: Autom Material Handl
IT 0351 House Planning & Con ET ELUD UD: House Planning & Con
IT 0355 Systems Design ET ELUD UD: Systems Design
IT 0361 Construction Methods CMT ELUD UD:Construction Methods
IT 0364 Residential Architec CMT 3320 Arch Comp-Aided Drafting Dsg
IT 0365 Systems Operations ET ELUD UD: Systems Operations
IT 0367 Supervised Work Expe ET ELUD UD: Supervised Work Expe
IT 0370 Machine Vision & Rob ET ELUD UD: Machine Vision & Rob
IT 0371 Quality Assurance ET ELUD UD: Quality Assurance
IT 0372 Commercial Architect CMT ELUD UD:Commercial Architect
IT 0373 Commercial Architect CMT ELUD UD:Commercial Architect
IT 0374 Mechanical Architect CMT ELUD UD:Mechanical Architect
IT 0375 Special Architectura CMT ELUD UD:Special Architectura
IT 0378 Architectural Model CMT ELUD UD:Architectural Model
IT 0380 Indep Study In Indus ET ELUD UD: Indep Study In Indus
IT 0387 Industrial Photograp ET ELUD UD: Industrial Photograp
IT 0390 Project Planning & C ET ELUD UD: Project Planning & C
IT 0401 Senior Seminar In In ET ELUD UD: Senior Seminar In In
IT 0405 Printing ET ELUD UD: Printing
IT 0410 Industrail Tech Prob ET ELUD UD: Industrail Tech Prob
IT 0430 Industrial Supervisi ET ELUD UD: Industrial Supervisi
IT 0465 Industrial Tech For ET ELUD UD: Industrial Tech For
IT 0475 Selected Topics In I ET ELUD UD: Selected Topics In I
IT 0480 Computer Aided Manuf ET 4280 Computer-Aided Mfg NC
IT 0490 Senior Project ET ELUD UD: Senior Project
IT 0491 Instructional Method ET ELUD UD: Instructional Method
ITAL 0100 Italian Language ITAL ELLD LD: Italian Language
ITAL 0105 Intro to Italian Culture GS ELLD LD:Intro to Italian Culture
ITAL 018001 Elementary Italian ITAL 1010 Elementary Italian I
ITAL 018101 Elem Italian ITAL 1020 Elementary Italian II
IXD 0400 Advanced Interactive Design JOUR ELUD UD:Adv Interactive Design
JAPA 019901 Elem Japanese Conve JAPN 1010 Elementary Japanese I
JAPN 0101 Elem Japanese I JAPN 1010 Elementary Japanese I
JAPN 0105 Elem Readings Japan JAPN ELLD LD: Elem Readings Japan
JAPN 019901 Elem Japanese JAPN 1010 Elementary Japanese I
JAPN 020001 Elem Japanese Cont JAPN 1020 Elementary Japanese II
JAPN 0210 Intermed Japanese Conv JAPN ELLD LD:Intermed Japanese Con
JAPN 102 Elementary Japanese II JAPN 1020 Elementary Japanese II
JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese I JAPN 2010 Intermediate Japanese I
JOU 201C Journalism & Societ JOUR ELLD LD: Journalism & Societ
JOU 202C Basic Reporting JOUR ELLD LD: Basic Reporting
JOUR 340 Creative Strat/Copy JOUR 3450 Editing
JOUR 443 Interactive Adverti ADV 3020 Principles of Advertising
JOUR 444 Adv Interactiv Adve ADV ELUD UD: Adv Interactiv Adve
JOUR 0131 Intro to Digital Photography JOUR ELLD LD: Intro to Digital Photograp
JOUR 0175 Fr Sem/Jour Majors JOUR ELLD LD: Fr Sem/Jour Majors
JOUR 020101 Journalism & Societ JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
JOUR 020101 Journalism & Societ JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
JOUR 020201 Basic Reporting JOUR ELLD LD: Basic Reporting
JOUR 023101 Basic Photography PHOT ELLD LD: Basic Photography
JOUR 023201 Elect/Tech/Journalis JOUR ELLD LD: Elect/Tech/Journalis
JOUR 023202 Electronic Tech For JOUR ELLD LD: Electronic Tech For
JOUR 0241 Data Visualization JOUR ELLD LD: Data Visualization
JOUR 0261 Intro to New Media JOUR ELLD LD: Intro to New Media
JOUR 030101 Press Law & Ethics JOUR 4250 Media Law
JOUR 0302 Interm Reporting JOUR ELUD UD:Interm Reporting
JOUR 032101 Public Affairs Repo JOUR 4440 Advanced Reporting
JOUR 032301 Newspaper Editing JOUR 3450 Editing
JOUR 033101 Intermediate Photo PHOT ELUD UD: Intermediate Photo
JOUR 0332 Electronic Tech For EMC ELUD UD: Electronic Tech For
JOUR 033301 Color Photography PHOT ELUD UD: Color Photography
JOUR 033401 Photojournalism PHOT ELUD UD: Photojournalism
JOUR 0335 Photojournalism Prac JOUR ELUD UD: Photojournalism Prac
JOUR 034101 Prin of Advertising ADV ELUD UD: Prin of Advertising
JOUR 034201 Research In Adverti ADV ELUD UD: Research In Adverti
JOUR 034301 Print Design,Prod,T VCOM 2010 Intro to Visual Communication
JOUR 034401 Retail Advertising ADV ELUD UD: Retail Advertising
JOUR 034501 Copywriting & Layou ADV 3170 Ad Copy and Creativity
JOUR 0346 Advertising Account ADV 3480 Media Strategy and Buying
JOUR 034701 Broadcast Advertisi EMC 3030 Electronic Media Advertising
JOUR 034901 Advertising Media ADV 3480 Media Strategy and Buying
JOUR 035101 Public Relations PR ELUD UD: Public Relations
JOUR 035201 Public Relations Co PR 3360 Strategic Writg Public Rela
JOUR 035301 Public Relations Co PR 3360 Strategic Writg Public Rela
JOUR 0355 Public Relations PR ELUD UD:Public Relations
JOUR 0358 PR Writing & Production JOUR ELUD UD: PR Writing & Production
JOUR 040101 American Press Hist JOUR 4510 Media and Social Change
JOUR 041001 Newspaper Managemen JOUR 4780 Media and Markets
JOUR 041101 Current Issues In M JOUR 4800 Seminar in Media Issues
JOUR 042101 American Press Hist JOUR 4510 Media and Social Change
JOUR 042201 Issues/Mass Communi JOUR 4210 Media and Society
JOUR 042301 Advanced Editing JOUR ELUD UD: Advanced Editing
JOUR 042501 Editorial & Featurem JOUR 3530 Feature Writing
JOUR 042502 Editorial & Feature JOUR ELUD UD: Editorial & Feature
JOUR 042601 Adv Reporting JOUR 4440 Advanced Reporting
JOUR 042701 School Journalism JOUR ELUD UD: School Journalism
JOUR 042801 Newspaper Mgmt JOUR 4780 Media and Markets
JOUR 043501 Photo Editing PHOT ELUD UD: Photo Editing
JOUR 043601 Advanced Photojourn PHOT ELUD UD: Advanced Photojourn
JOUR 043701 Adv Photo Editing PHOT ELUD UD: Adv Photo Editing
JOUR 043801 Photo Management PHOT ELUD UD: Photo Management
JOUR 043901 Color Photo PHOT ELUD UD: Color Photo
JOUR 044601 Advertising Campaig ADV 4970 Advertising Campaigns
JOUR 044801 Advertising Interns ADV ELUD UD: Advertising Interns
JOUR 045301 Public Relations Pu PR 3380 Public Relations Publications
JOUR 045401 Public Relations Pu PR 3380 Public Relations Publications
JOUR 045601 Public Relations Ca JOUR ELUD UD: Public Relations Ca
JOUR 045801 Pr Internship Or Pr PR ELUD UD: Pr Internship Or Pr
JOUR 048101 Problems In Mass Co JOUR 4900 Independent Study of Media
JOUR 049101 Internship Or Practm JOUR 3580 MC Practicum
JOUR 049102 Internship Or Pract JOUR 4000 MC Internship
JOUR 252 PR Tech Media JOUR ELLD LD:PR Tech Media
JOUR 481A01 Advertising Campaig ADV 4970 Advertising Campaigns
JOUR 481P01 Public Relations Ca PR 4740 Public Relations Campaigns
L A 030101 Business Law I BLAW ELUD UD: Business Law I
LAT 015001 Elem Latin LATN 1010 Elementary Latin I
LAT 015101 Elem Latin LATN 1020 Elementary Latin II
LAT 025001 Intermeidate Latin LATN ELLD LD: Intermeidate Latin
LAT 025101 Intermediate Latin LATN ELLD LD: Intermediate Latin
LAT 039601 Mythology LATN ELUD UD: Mythology
LAT 039701 Word Study Vocabula LATN ELUD UD: Word Study Vocabula
LEAD 0200 Intro to Leadership Studies LEAD 2000 Intro to Leadership Studies
LEAD 0330 Lead Ethics LEAD ELUD UD:Lead Ethics
LEAD 0450 Leadership in Global Contexts LEAD ELUD UD:Leadership in Global Contex
LEAD 300 Leadership Theory & Applicatio LEAD 3010 Leader Skills and Development
LEAD 440 Leading Teams LEAD ELUD UD:Leading Teams
LIB 0101 Use of Library ELEC ELLD LD: Use of Library
LME 0101 Use of Library ELEC ELLD LD: Use of Library
LME 0288 Childrens Literature ELEC ELLD LD: Children's Literature
LME 0318 Childrens Literature ENGL 3740 Children's Literature
LME 040101 School Media Organi ELEC ELUD UD: School Media Organiza
LME 040601 Classification & Ca ELEC ELUD UD: Classification & Ca
LME 040701 Literature/Young Ad LIBS 4160 Bks Media Literacy Young Adult
LME 040801 Reference & Bibliog ELEC ELUD UD: Reference & Bibliog
LME 040901 Selected Topics In ELEC ELUD UD: Selected Topics In
LME 041001 Storytelling ELEC ELUD UD: Storytelling
LME 041101 Creative Exper For ELEC ELUD UD: Creative Exper For
LME 044501 Intro to Educ Techn ELEC ELUD UD: Intro to Educ Techn
LME 044801 Use of Microcompute ELEC ELUD UD: Use of Microcomputers
LME 0489 Student Teaching Sem ELEC ELUD UD: Student Teaching Sem
LME 101C01 Use of Library ELEC ELLD LD: Use of Library
LME 475W01 Workshop In Library ELEC ELUD UD: Workshop in Library
LMED 0101 Use of the Library ELEC ELLD LD: Use of the Library
LMED 101C01 Use of the Library ELEC ELLD LD: Use of the Library
LS 0101 Use of Library ELEC ELLD LD: Use of Library
LS I 0101 Use of Library ELEC ELLD LD: Use of Library
LSIM 0101 Use of Library ELEC ELLD LD: Use of Library
LTC 199C Reading:Evidence & Argument READ ELLD LD:Reading:Evidence & Argument
LTCY 0199 Analysis & Critical Read ENGL ELLD LD: Analysis & Critical Read
LTCY 0320 Elem Literacy ELED ELUD UD:Elem Literacy
LTCY 0444 Read Middle/Secondar READ ELUD UD: Read Middle/Secondar
LTCY 421 Reading Middle/Secondary Grade READ ELUD UD: Reading Middle/Sec Grade
MA 0050 Basic Math DSPM ELLD LD: Basic Math
MA 0100 Intermediate Alge DSPM ELLD LD: Intermediate Alge
MA 0109 General Math MATH 1010 Math for General Studies
MA 0116 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MA 100C Intermed Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Intermed Algebra
MA 105 Coreq Support for Algebra MATH ELLD LD:Coreq Support for Algebra
MA 109C General Math MATH 1010 Math for General Studies
MA 115C Applied College Algebra MATH ELLD LD:Applied College Algebra
MA 116C01 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MA 117C Trigonometry MATH ELLD LD:Trigonometry
MATH 005001 Basic Math DSPM ELLD LD: Basic Math
MATH 005501 Basic Algebra Skill DSPM ELLD LD: Basic Algebra Skill
MATH 0096 Intermed Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Intermed Algebra
MATH 0100 Intermediate Algebra MATH ELLD LD:Intermediate Algebra
MATH 010001 Intermediate Algebr DSPM ELLD LD: Intermediate Algebr
MATH 010401 Intro Plane Geom & MATH ELLD LD: Intro Plane Geom &
MATH 010501 Trigonometry MATH 1720 Plane Trigonometry
MATH 0106 AC Support for Math 116E DSPM ELLD LD:AC Support for Math 116E
MATH 010901 General Mathematics MATH 1010 Math for General Studies
MATH 0112 Prob Solv & Math Skills Teach MATH ELLD LD:Prob Solv Math Skills Teac
MATH 0115 Applied College Algebra MATH ELLD LD:Applied College Algebra
MATH 011501 Finite Math MATH ELLD LD: Finite Math
MATH 0116 Fund College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MATH 0117 Trigonometry MATH 1720 Plane Trigonometry
MATH 0118 College Algebra & T MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MATH 0119 Fund of Calculus MATH ELLD LD: Fund of Calculus
MATH 0120 Calculus MATH ELLD LD: Calculus
MATH 0122 Calc Single Var I MATH ELLD LD: Calc Single Var I
MATH 012301 Algebra Trig I MATH ELLD LD: Algebra Trig I
MATH 0125 Cl Algebra & Trig MATH 1730 Pre-Calculus
MATH 012601 Calculus & Anyl Geo MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 0136 Calculus I MATH ELLD LD:Calculus I
MATH 0137 Calculus II MATH ELLD LD: Calculus II
MATH 0183 Introductory Statistics MATH ELLD LD:Introductory Statistics
MATH 020301 Statistics MATH 1530 Applied Statistics
MATH 0205 Number Sys/theory for Teachers MATH 1410 Concepts Struct Elem Sch Math
MATH 0206 Geometry for Teachers MATH ELLD LD:Geometry for Teachers
MATH 020701 Matrix Algebra With MATH 2010 Elements of Linear Algebra
MATH 0211 Math Elem Teachers I MATH 1410 Concepts Struct Elem Sch Math
MATH 021201 Math For Elem Teach MATH 1420 Informal Geometry
MATH 021301 Lab For Math For Ele MATH ELLD LD: Lab For Math For Ele
MATH 0214 Lab For Math For Ele MATH ELLD LD: Lab For Math For Ele
MATH 022001 Elements of Calculu MATH ELLD LD: Elements of Calculu
MATH 022701 Calculus & Anyl Geo MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 029501 Intro to Research M MATH ELLD LD: Intro to Research M
MATH 0305 Intro to Math Modeli MATH ELUD UD: Intro to Math Modeli
MATH 030701 Intro to Linear Alg MATH 2010 Elements of Linear Algebra
MATH 0308 Rational Num Data Teachers MATH ELUD UD:Rational Num Data Teach
MATH 030901 Devel of Mathematic MATH 4620 History and Philosophy of Math
MATH 031001 Intro to Discrete M MATH 3080 Discrete Structures
MATH 031501 Theory of Numbers MATH 4420 Number Theory
MATH 031701 Intro to Algebraic MATH 4510 Abstract Algebra I
MATH 032001 Elements of Calculu MATH 3110 Calculus III
MATH 032301 Geometry I MATH 3070 College Geometry
MATH 032701 Multivariable Calcu MATH 3110 Calculus III
MATH 032901 Probability & Stat STAT 3150 Mathematical Statistics I
MATH 033101 Differential Equati MATH 3120 Differential Equations I
MATH 039801 Seminar MATH ELUD UD: Seminar
MATH 040301 Geometry Elem Teach MATH 1420 Informal Geometry
MATH 040501 Numerical Analysis MATH 4310 Numerical Analysis I
MATH 040601 Numerical Analysis MATH 4320 Numerical Analysis II
MATH 040901 History of Mathemat MATH 4620 History and Philosophy of Math
MATH 041101 Prob Solving Elem & MATH 4010 Selected Topics in Elem Math
MATH 041301 Algebra & Computing MATH ELUD UD: Algebra & Computing
MATH 041501 Algebra & Number Th MATH 4470 Introduction to Modern Algebra
MATH 041701 Algebraic Systems MATH 4530 Abstract Algebra II
MATH 0421 Problem Solving For MATH 4540 Topics Secondary School Math
MATH 042301 Geometry II MATH ELUD UD: Geometry II
MATH 042901 Probability & Stat STAT 4190 Mathematical Statistics II
MATH 043101 Intermediate Analys MATH ELUD UD: Intermediate Analys
MATH 043201 Intermediate Analys MATH ELUD UD: Intermediate Analys
MATH 043501 Partial Differentia MATH 3260 Differential Equations II
MATH 043901 Topology MATH 4270 Introduction to Topology
MATH 045001 Complex Variables MATH ELUD UD: Complex Variables
MATH 047001 Intro to Operations MATH ELUD UD: Intro to Operations
MATH 047501 Selected Topics In MATH ELUD UD: Selected Topics In
MATH 105 Coreq Support for Algebra MATH ELLD LD:Coreq Support for Algebra
MATH 116C01 Fund of College Alg MATH 1710 College Algebra
MATH 116E College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MATH 123 Mathematical Apps for Business MATH ELLD LD:Mathematical Apps for Busns
MDLG 019001 Japanese JAPN ELLD LD: Japanese
ME 0101 Mech Engr Fr Exp ET ELLD LD: Mech Engr Fr Exp
ME 0176 Freshman Design ELEC ELLD LD:Freshman Design
ME 180 Freshman Design II ENGR ELLD LD:Freshman Design II
MET 010701 Intro to Met ET ELLD LD: Intro to MET
MET 010801 Intro to Fluid Powe ET ELLD LD: Intro to Fluid Power
MET 021501 Statics & Strength ET ELLD LD: Statics & Strength
MET 0217 Statics ENGR 2110 Statics
MET 0227 Engineering Statics ENGR 2110 Statics
MET 023201 Intro to Material S ET ELLD LD: Intro to Materical S
MET 026901 Coop Education COED ELLD LD: Coop Education
MET 030201 Heat Power I ET ELUD UD: Heat Power I
MET 030401 Heat Power Lab ET ELUD UD: Heat Power Lab
MET 030701 Engineering Cost An ENGR 3970 Engineering Economy
MET 0310 Engineering Instrume ET ELUD UD: Engineering Instrume
MET 031201 Heat Power I ET ELUD UD: Heat Power I
MET 032201 Mechanisms ET ELUD UD: Mechanisms
MET 0327 Dynamics ENGR 2120 Dynamics
MET 033201 Machine Design I ET ELUD UD: Machine Design I
MET 033401 Machine Design Lab ET ELUD UD: Machine Design Lab
MET 033701 Strength of Materia ET 3860 Strength of Materials
MET 033901 Materials Testing L ET ELUD UD: Materials Testing L
MET 034701 Solar Fundamentals EST 4820 Solar Building Design
MET 035201 Fluid Mechanics ET ELUD UD: Fluid Mechanics
MET 035401 Fluid Mechanics Lab ET ELUD UD: Fluid Mechanics Lab
MET 036901 Coop Education COED ELUD UD: Coop Education
MET 038901 Coop Educ COED ELUD UD: Coop Educ
MET 0392 Manufacturing Proces ET ELUD UD: Manufacturing Process
MET 044201 Adv Machine Design ET ELUD UD: Adv Machine Design
MET 046201 Heating,Ventilation ET ELUD UD: Heating, Ventilation
MET 046401 Refrigeration ET ELUD UD: Refreigeration
MET 047101 Industrial Ventilat ET ELUD UD: Induatrial Ventilation
MET 047501 Selected Topics In ET ELUD UD: Selected Topics In
MET 048201 Industrial Hydrauli ET ELUD UD: Industrial Hydraulic
MET 048301 Hydraulics Lab ET ELUD UD: Hydraulics Lab
MET 048901 Coop Educ COED ELUD UD: Coop Educ
MET 049401 Met Senior Project ET ELUD UD: Met Senior Project
METR 0121 Meterology GEOL ELLD LD: Meterology
METR 122 Aviation Meteorology AERO ELLD LD:Aviation Meteorology
METR 322 Global Climate Systems GEOL ELUD UD:Global Climate Systems
METR 324 Weather Analysis & Forecasting GEOL 4050 Meteorology
MG 0490 Practicum In Mgmt MGMT 4990 Independent Study
MGE 0275 Found of Middle Grad FOED ELLD LD: Found of Middle Grad
MGE 032001 Teaching Read/Elem ELED ELUD UD: Teaching Read/Elem
MGE 042101 Reading In Middle S YOED ELUD UD: Reading In Middle S
MGE 044401 Reading the Middle ELED ELUD UD: Reading the Middle
MGE 045001 Middle Grade Instru ELED ELUD UD: Middle Grade Instru
MGE 045501 Midgrades/Methods & ELED ELUD UD: Midgrades/Methods &
MGE 0474 Teaching Foreign Lan YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Foreign Lan
MGE 0475 Teaching Lang Arts YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Lang Arts
MGE 0477 Teaching Middle Scho YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Middle Scho
MGE 0479 Teaching Science YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Science
MGE 0481 Teaching Social Stud YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Social Stud
MGE 0485 Middle Grades Method YOED ELUD UD: Middle Grades Method
MGE 048901 Managing Student Be YOED ELUD UD: Managing Student Be
MGE 049001 Student Teaching YOED ELUD UD: Student Teaching
MGMT 0490 Practicum In Mgmt MGMT 4990 Independent Study
MGMT 200C Legal Environment of Business BLAW ELLD LD: Legal Environment of Bus
MGMT 4347 Practicum In Mgmt MGMT 4990 Independent Study
MGT 0200 Legal Environment of Business BLAW ELLD LD:Legal Environ of Business
MGT 0210 Organization and Management MGMT ELLD LD:Organization & Mgmt
MGT 030001 Legal Environment O BLAW 3400 Legal Environment of Business
MGT 030101 Business Law I BLAW ELUD UD: Business Law I
MGT 030201 Adv Business Law BLAW 3430 Commercial Law
MGT 0303 Intl Business MGMT ELUD UD:Intl Business
MGT 0305 Critical Thinking In MGMT ELUD UD: Critical Thinking In
MGT 031001 Organization & Mana MGMT 3610 Principles of Management
MGT 031101 Human Resource Mana MGMT 3810 Human Resource Management
MGT 031102 Personnel Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: Personnel Mgmt
MGT 031301 Quantitative Mthd F MGMT 3640 Managing Key Perf Indicators
MGT 031401 Production Manageme MGMT 3620 Supply Chain Operations
MGT 0325 Total Quality Mgmt MGMT ELUD UD: Total Quality Mgmt
MGT 0361 Business Comm Fund MGMT ELUD UD:Business Comm Fund
MGT 040301 International Busin MGMT 4710 International Business
MGT 041001 Senior Seminar Mana MGMT 4990 Independent Study
MGT 041101 Personnel Selection MGMT ELUD UD: Personnel Selection
MGT 041201 Entrepreneurship ENTR 4920 Small Business Management
MGT 041401 Compensation Admini MGMT 4660 Compensation Management
MGT 041601 Management of Labor MGMT 4490 Indstrl Relations Legislation
MGT 041701 Organizational Beha MGMT 4680 Organization Behavior
MGT 041801 Strategy & Policy BUAD ELUD UD:Strategy & Policy
MGT 041901 Management of Organ MGMT ELUD UD: Management of Organ
MGT 042001 Manufacturing Plann ET ELUD UD: Manufacturing Plann
MGT 042501 Managing Process Co MGMT ELUD UD: Managing Process Co
MGT 047301 Training In Busines MGMT ELUD UD: Training In Busines
MGT 0490 Practicum In Mgmt MGMT 4990 Independent Study
MGT 0498 Strategy & Policy MGMT ELUD UD: Strategy & Policy
MGT 0499 Senior Assessment MGMT ELUD UD: Senior Assessment
MGT 316 International Management MGMT 4710 International Business
MIL 010001 Us Defense Est MS ELLD LD: Us Defense Est
MIL 010101 Mountaineering/Mark MS 1010 Introduction to the Army
MIL 010201 Survival Skills MS 1020 Foundations of Leadership
MIL 010301 Basic Marksmanship MS 1000 Military Science Practicum
MIL 0104 Military Physical Fi MS 1000 Military Science Practicum
MIL 020101 Land Navigation MS 2010 Leadership in Ethics
MIL 020201 Defense Organizatio MS 2020 Army Doctrine/Decision Making
MIL 021001 Military Sci Practi MS 3000 Basic Military Science
MIL 030101 Military Leadership MS 3110 Training Mgmt/Warfighting
MIL 030201 Military Leadership MS 3120 Applied Leadership Small Unit
MIL 040101 Professional Leader MS 4110 The Army Officer
MIL 040201 Role of the Army Of MS 4120 Company Grade Leadership
MIL 041001 Military Sci Practi MS 3130 Military Science Field Methods
MILS 010101 Mountaineering/Mark MS 1010 Introduction to the Army
MILS 010201 Survival Skills MS 1020 Foundations of Leadership
MILS 010301 Basic Marksmanship MS ELLD LD: Basic Marksmanship
MILS 020101 Land Navigation MS 2010 Leadership in Ethics
MILS 020201 Defense Organizatio MS 2020 Army Doctrine/Decision Making
MILS 021001 Military Sci Practi MS 3000 Basic Military Science
MILS 030101 Military Leadership MS 3110 Training Mgmt/Warfighting
MILS 030201 Military Leadership MS 3120 Applied Leadership Small Unit
MILS 040101 Professional Leader MS 4110 The Army Officer
MILS 040201 Role of the Army Of MS 4120 Company Grade Leadership
MILS 041001 Military Sci Practi MS 3130 Military Science Field Methods
MKT 0220 Basic Marketing Concepts MKT ELLD LD:Basic Marketing Concepts
MKT 032001 Basic Marketing Con MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
MKT 032101 Consumer Behavior MKT 3910 Consumer Behavior
MKT 032201 Promotional Strateg MKT 3850 Digital Marketing & Promotion
MKT 0323 Services Marketing MKT 4870 Services Marketing
MKT 0324 International Mkt MKT ELUD UD: International Mkt
MKT 032501 Personal Selling MKT 3840 Professional Selling
MKT 0326 Sports Marketing MKT 3865 Sports Marketing
MKT 0327 Retailing Mgmt & Str MKT 3830 Retailing and E-Commerce
MKT 0328 Mkt On the World Web MKT 3900 Social Media Marketing
MKT 0329 Business to Business Marketing MKT ELUD UD: Business to Business Mktng
MKT 042001 Senior Seminar Mark MKT ELUD UD: Senior Seminar Mark
MKT 042101 Marketing Research MKT ELUD UD: Marketing Research
MKT 042201 Marketing Managemen MKT 4890 Marketing Management
MKT 042301 Physical Distributi MKT ELUD UD: Physical Distributi
MKT 042401 Sales Force Managem MKT 4800 Sales Management
MKT 0425 Adv Personal Selling MKT 4850 Advanced Selling
MKT 0428 Marketing Strategy & MKT ELUD UD: Marketing Strategy &
MKT 0490 Practicum In Mkt MKT ELUD UD: Practicum In Mkt
MKT 0491 MKT Study Abroad MKT ELUD UD: MKT Study Abroad
MKT 331 Social Media Marketing MKT 3900 Social Media Marketing
MR 029001 Med Terminology HUM ELLD LD: Med Terminology
MS C 010401 Understand Mass Med JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
MS C 010401 Understand Mass Med JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
MT 010301 Intro to Wood Proce ET ELLD LD: Intro to Wood Proce
MT 010801 Intro to Fluid Powe ET ELLD LD: Intro to Fluid Power
MT 012001 Basic Electricity ET ELLD LD: Basic Electricity
MT 023001 Intro to Plastics P ET ELLD LD: Intro to Plastics P
MT 030001 Industrial Finishin ET ELUD UD: Industrial Finishing
MT 030701 Engineering Cost An ENGR 3970 Engineering Economy
MT 031001 Industrial Safety ENGR 3920 Engineering Safety
MT 0317 Metal Processes I ENGR 2210 Intro to Material Sci & Engr
MT 032001 Energy Resources & ET ELUD UD: Energy Resources &
MT 032101 The Manufacturing I ET ELUD UD: The Manufacturing I
MT 032501 Applied Electricity ET ELUD UD: Applied Electricity
MT 032601 Automated Systems I ET ELUD UD: Automated Systems I
MT 032701 Metal Processes II ET 3260 Manfacturing Process Materials
MT 032701 Metal Processes II and ET ELUD UD: Metal Processes II
MT 034001 Wood Technology ET ELUD UD: Wood Technology
MT 034101 Furniture Construct ET ELUD UD: Furniture Construction
MT 035001 Plant Layout & Mate ET 4920 Plant Layout & Matl Handling
MT 035501 Ind Prod & Faciliti ET 3910 Intro to Operations Management
MT 035501 Ind Prod & Faciliti and ET ELUD UD: Ind Prod & Faciliti
MT 036001 Automated Systems I ET ELUD UD: Automated Systems I
MT 036101 Automated Systems I ET ELUD UD: Automated Systems I
MT 036501 Manufacturing & Inv ET 3910 Intro to Operations Management
MT 036501 Manufacturing & Inv and ET ELUD UD: Manufacturing & Inv
MT 037001 Machine Vision & Ro ET 4860 Robotics
MT 037101 Statistical Quality ET ELUD UD: Statistical Quality
MT 039201 Manufacturing Proce ET 3260 Manfacturing Process Materials
MT 039201 Manufacturing Proce and ET ELUD UD: Manufacturing Proce
MT 040101 Senior Standing ET ELUD UD: Senior Standing
MT 045201 Industrial Wood Pro ET ELUD UD: Industrial Wood Pro
MT 047501 Selected Topics In ET 4790 Adv Problems in Technology
MT 048001 Computer Aided Manu ET 4280 Computer-Aided Mfg NC
MT 049001 Senior Project ET ELUD UD: Senior Project
MT 049501 Acoustic Guitar Con ET ELUD UD: Acoustic Guitar Con
MUS 005301 Guitar Principal MUS ELLD LD: Guitar Principal
MUS 005401 Applied Music Princ MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Princ
MUS 009001 Fund of Music MUED ELLD LD: Fund of Music
MUS 010001 Theory I MUTH ELLD LD: Theory I
MUS 010101 Theory II MUTH ELLD LD: Theory II
MUS 0110 Int Pub Sch Music MUS ELLD LD: Int Pub Sch Music
MUS 011101 Intro to Music Educ MUS ELLD LD: Intro to Music Educ
MUS 011401 Cello & Bass Techni MUED 1410 String Techniques
MUS 011501 Percussion Techniqu MUED ELLD LD: Percussion Techniqu
MUS 0120 Music Appreciation MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUS 014001 Choral Union MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUS 014101 University Chorus MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUS 014301 Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUS 014401 University Orchestr MUEN 3300 Symphony Orchestra
MUS 014501 Chamber Singers MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUS 014601 Brass Choir MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUS 0147 Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUS 0148 University Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUS 014901 Chamber Music MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUS 0150 Voice Secondary MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUS 015101 Applied Music Secon MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Secon
MUS 015201 Diction For Voice M MUPD 2180 Diction Singers I Engl Latin
MUS 0153 Voice Principal MUS ELLD LD:Voice Principal
MUS 015401 Applied Music Princ MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Princ
MUS 0155 Performance Attendance MUS ELLD LD:Performance Attendance
MUS 015601 Voice Major MUS ELLD LD: Voice Major
MUS 015701 Applied Music Major MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Major
MUS 015702 Percussion MUED 1320 Percussion Techniques
MUS 016001 Group Piano MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUS 016101 Group Piano MUS 1540 Class Piano II
MUS 016201 Group Voice MUS 1510 Class Voice I
MUS 016301 Group Woodwinds MUS ELLD LD: Group Woodwinds
MUS 016401 Group Brass MUS ELLD LD: Group Brass
MUS 016501 Group Percussion MUS ELLD LD: Group Percussion
MUS 0166 Group Guitar I MUS 1550 Class Guitar I
MUS 017001 Percussion Ensemble MUS ELLD LD: Percussion Ensemble
MUS 017101 Jazz Ensemble MUEN 3400 Jazz Ensemble
MUS 017301 Piano Ensemble MUS ELLD LD: Piano Ensemble
MUS 017401 Opera Theatre MUEN 3250 Opera Theater
MUS 017501 Accompanying MUEN 3000 Accompanying
MUS 020001 Theory III MUTH ELLD LD: Theory III
MUS 020101 Theory IV MUTH ELLD LD: Theory IV
MUS 0203 Music Technology MUS ELLD LD: Music Technology
MUS 020601 Composition MUS ELLD LD: Composition
MUS 0211 Teach Music Elem School MUS ELLD LD: Teach Music Elem School
MUS 021301 Intro to Instrument MUS ELLD LD: Intro to Instrument
MUS 021401 String Techniques MUED ELLD LD: String Techniques
MUS 021501 Brass Techniques MUED 1330 Brass Techniques
MUS 021601 Flute & Saxophone T MUED 1310 Woodwind Techniques I
MUS 025001 Applied Music Secon MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Secon
MUS 025101 Applied Music Secon MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Secon
MUS 0252 Diction II For Voice MUS ELLD LD: Diction II For Voice
MUS 025301 Applied Music Princ MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Princ
MUS 025401 Applied Music Princ MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Princ
MUS 025601 Applied Music Major MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Major
MUS 025701 Applied Music Major MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Major
MUS 026001 Group Piano MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUS 026101 Group Piano MUS 1540 Class Piano II
MUS 0266 Group Guitar II MUS ELLD LD: Group Guitar II
MUS 027501 Accompanying MUEN 3000 Accompanying
MUS 030601 Composition MUAP ELUD UD: Composition
MUS 031001 Pedagogy For Perfor MUS ELUD UD: Pedagogy For Perfor
MUS 031101 Music for Elem Teachers MUED 3210 Elem Grades Non Music Majors
MUS 031201 Teach Music Primary MUED 3210 Elem Grades Non Music Majors
MUS 0314 Comp Arts Elem Teach SPSE ELUD UD: Comp Arts Elem Teach
MUS 031501 Clarinet/Sax Techniq MUED 3310 Woodwind Techniques II
MUS 031601 Clarinet Techniques MUED 3310 Woodwind Techniques II
MUS 031701 Conducting I MUS 3140 Conducting I
MUS 031801 Conducting II MUS 3150 Conducting II Instrumental
MUS 031901 Double Reed Techniq MUED 3310 Woodwind Techniques II
MUS 0320 Rock & Roll MUHL 3140 History of Rock N Roll
MUS 032601 Music History I MUS ELUD UD:Music History I
MUS 032701 Music History II MUS ELUD UD:Music History II
MUS 032801 The History of Musi MUS ELUD UD: The History of Musi
MUS 032901 Church Music MUHL ELUD UD: Church Music
MUS 034001 Choral Union MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUS 034101 University Chorus MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUS 034401 University Orchestr MUEN 3300 Symphony Orchestra
MUS 034501 Chamber Singers MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUS 034601 Brass Choir MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUS 034701 Marching Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUS 034801 Symphonic Band MUEN 3110 Symphonic Band
MUS 0349 Percussion Ensemble MUEN 3500 Percussion Ensemble
MUS 0350 Percussion Secondary MUEN ELUD UD:Percussion Secondary
MUS 035001 Applied Music Secon MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Secon
MUS 035101 Applied Music Secon MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Secon
MUS 035301 Applied Music Princ MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Princ
MUS 035401 Applied Music Princ MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Princ
MUS 035601 Applied Music Major MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Major
MUS 035701 Applied Music Major MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Major
MUS 035801 Jazz Techniques MUTH ELUD UD: Jazz Techniques
MUS 037001 Percussion Ensemble MUS ELUD UD: Percussion Ensemble
MUS 037101 Jazz Ensemble MUEN 3400 Jazz Ensemble
MUS 037301 Piano Ensemble MUS ELUD UD: Piano Ensemble
MUS 037401 Opera Theatre MUEN 3250 Opera Theater
MUS 037501 Accompanying MUEN 3000 Accompanying
MUS 040201 Counterpoint I MUTH ELUD UD: Counterpoint I
MUS 040301 Counterpoint II MUS ELUD UD: Counterpoint II
MUS 040501 Choral Arranging MUS ELUD UD: Choral Arranging
MUS 040601 Composition MUS ELUD UD: Composition
MUS 040701 Orchestration & Ban MUTH ELUD UD: Orchestration & Ban
MUS 041201 Teaching Music Midd MUED 3220 Choral Mus Midl Sr High School
MUS 041401 Choral Materials MUHL ELUD UD: Choral Materials
MUS 041501 Choral Methods MUED 3220 Choral Mus Midl Sr High School
MUS 041601 Instrumental Method MUED 3230 Instrumental Materials
MUS 041701 Marching Band Techn MUED 3250 Band Org and March Band Tech
MUS 043001 Music Literature M MUS ELUD UD: Music Literature M
MUS 043002 Music Literature MUS ELUD UD: Music Literature
MUS 043101 Musical Theatre MUS ELUD UD: Musical Theatre
MUS 043201 Research Tech In Mu MUED ELUD UD: Research Tech In Mu
MUS 044001 Choral Union MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUS 044101 University Choir MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUS 044401 University Orchestr MUEN 3300 Symphony Orchestra
MUS 044501 Chamber Singers MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUS 044601 Brass Choir MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUS 044701 Marching Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUS 044801 Concert Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUS 044901 Chamber Music MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUS 045001 Applied Music Secon MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Secon
MUS 045101 Applied Music Secon MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Secon
MUS 045301 Applied Music Princ MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Princ
MUS 045401 Applied Music Princ MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Princ
MUS 045601 Applied Music Major MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Major
MUS 045701 Applied Music Major MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Major
MUS 045801 Jazz Techniques MUTH ELUD UD: Jazz Techniques
MUS 047001 Percussion Ensemble MUS ELUD UD: Percussion Ensemble
MUS 047101 Jazz Ensemble MUEN 3400 Jazz Ensemble
MUS 047401 Opera Theatre MUEN 3250 Opera Theater
MUS 047501 Accompanying MUEN 3000 Accompanying
MUS 101 Theory II MUTH ELLD LD:Theory II
MUS 102 Music Theory I for Non-Majors MUTH ELLD LD:Music Theory I for Non-Majo
MUS 103 Music Theory II for Non-Majors MUTH ELLD LD:Music Thry II for Non-Major
MUS 110 Theory I MUTH ELLD LD:Theory I
MUS 111 Aural Theory II MUTH ELLD LD:Aural Theory II
MUS 210 Aural Theory III MUTH ELLD LD:Aural Theory III
MUS 211 Aural Theory IV MUTH ELLD LD:Aural Theory IV
MUS 277 World, Music MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUS 338 Dir Study:Form & Analysis MUAP ELUD UD:Dir Study:Form & Analysis
MUS 370 Treble Chorus MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUS 379 Chamber Music:Percussion MUEN 3500 Percussion Ensemble
MUSI 005401 Applied Music Princ MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Princ
MUSI 009001 Fund of Music MUED ELLD LD: Fund of Music
MUSI 010001 Theory I MUTH ELLD LD: Theory I
MUSI 010101 Theory II MUTH ELLD LD: Theory II
MUSI 011001 Int Pub School Musi MUS ELLD LD: Int Pub School Musi
MUSI 011101 Intro to Music Educ MUS ELLD LD: Intro to Music Educ
MUSI 011401 Cello & Bass Techni MUED 1410 String Techniques
MUSI 011501 Percussion Techniqu MUED ELLD LD: Percussion Techniqu
MUSI 012001 Music Appreciation MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSI 0120C Music Appreciation MUS ELLD LD: Music Appreciation
MUSI 014001 Choral Union MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUSI 014101 University Choir MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUSI 014301 Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 014401 University Orchestr MUEN 3300 Symphony Orchestra
MUSI 014501 Chamber Singers MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUSI 014601 Brass Choir MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUSI 0147 Marching Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 0148 University Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 014901 Chamber Music MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUSI 015001 Applied Music Secon MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Secon
MUSI 015101 Applied Music Secon MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Secon
MUSI 015201 Diction For Voice M MUPD 2180 Diction Singers I Engl Latin
MUSI 015301 Applied Music Princ MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Princ
MUSI 015401 Applied Music Princ MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Princ
MUSI 015701 Applied Music Major MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Major
MUSI 015702 Percussion MUED 1320 Percussion Techniques
MUSI 016001 Group Piano MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUSI 016101 Group Piano MUS 1540 Class Piano II
MUSI 016201 Group Voice MUS 1510 Class Voice I
MUSI 016301 Group Woodwinds MUS ELLD LD: Group Woodwinds
MUSI 016401 Group Brass MUS ELLD LD: Group Brass
MUSI 016501 Group Percussion MUS ELLD LD: Group Percussion
MUSI 016601 Group Strings MUS ELLD LD: Group Strings
MUSI 017001 Percussion Ensemble MUS ELLD LD: Percussion Ensemble
MUSI 017101 Jazz Ensemble MUEN 3400 Jazz Ensemble
MUSI 017301 Piano Ensemble MUS ELLD LD: Piano Ensemble
MUSI 017401 Opera Theatre MUEN 3250 Opera Theater
MUSI 017501 Accompanying MUEN 3000 Accompanying
MUSI 020001 Theory III MUTH ELLD LD: Theory III
MUSI 020101 Theory IV MUTH ELLD LD: Theory IV
MUSI 020601 Composition MUS ELLD LD: Composition
MUSI 021101 Tch Mus Elem School MUED 3210 Elem Grades Non Music Majors
MUSI 021301 Intro to Instrument MUS ELLD LD: Intro to Instrument
MUSI 021401 Violin & Viola Tech MUED ELLD LD: Violin & Viola Tech
MUSI 021501 Trombone,Euphoniom, MUED 1330 Brass Techniques
MUSI 021601 Flute & Saxophone T MUED 1310 Woodwind Techniques I
MUSI 024301 University Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 025001 Applied Music Secon MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Secon
MUSI 025101 Applied Music Secon MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Secon
MUSI 025301 Applied Music Princ MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Princ
MUSI 025401 Applied Music Princ MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Princ
MUSI 025601 Applied Music Major MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Major
MUSI 025701 Applied Music Major MUS ELLD LD: Applied Music Major
MUSI 026001 Group Piano MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUSI 026101 Group Piano MUS 1540 Class Piano II
MUSI 027501 Accompanying MUEN 3000 Accompanying
MUSI 030601 Composition MUAP ELUD UD: Composition
MUSI 031001 Pedagogy For Perfor MUS ELUD UD: Pedagogy For Perfor
MUSI 031101 Music For Primary T MUED 3210 Elem Grades Non Music Majors
MUSI 031201 Teach Music Primary MUED 3210 Elem Grades Non Music Majors
MUSI 031501 Trumpet,Cornet & Ho MUED ELUD UD: Trumpet,Cornet & Ho
MUSI 031601 Clarinet Techniques MUED 3310 Woodwind Techniques II
MUSI 031701 Conducting I MUS 3140 Conducting I
MUSI 031801 Conducting II MUS 3150 Conducting II Instrumental
MUSI 031901 Double Reed Techniq MUED 3310 Woodwind Techniques II
MUSI 032601 The History of Musi MUS ELUD UD: The History of Musi
MUSI 032701 The History of Musi MUS ELUD UD: The History of Musi
MUSI 032801 The History of Musi MUS ELUD UD: The History of Musi
MUSI 032901 Church Music MUHL ELUD UD: Church Music
MUSI 034001 Choral Union MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUSI 034101 University Choir MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUSI 034301 University Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 034401 University Orchestr MUEN 3300 Symphony Orchestra
MUSI 034501 Chamber Singers MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUSI 034601 Brass Choir MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUSI 034701 Marching Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 034801 Concert Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 034901 Chamber Music MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUSI 035001 Applied Music Secon MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Secon
MUSI 035101 Applied Music Secon MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Secon
MUSI 035301 Applied Music Princ MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Princ
MUSI 035401 Applied Music Princ MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Princ
MUSI 035601 Applied Music Major MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Major
MUSI 035701 Applied Music Major MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Major
MUSI 035801 Jazz Techniques MUTH ELUD UD: Jazz Techniques
MUSI 037001 Percussion Ensemble MUS ELUD UD: Percussion Ensemble
MUSI 037101 Jazz Ensemble MUEN 3400 Jazz Ensemble
MUSI 037301 Piano Ensemble MUS ELUD UD: Piano Ensemble
MUSI 037401 Opera Theatre MUEN 3250 Opera Theater
MUSI 037501 Accompanying MUEN 3000 Accompanying
MUSI 040201 Counterpoint I MUTH ELUD UD: Counterpoint I
MUSI 040301 Counterpoint II MUS ELUD UD: Counterpoint II
MUSI 040501 Choral Arranging MUS ELUD UD: Choral Arranging
MUSI 040601 Composition MUS ELUD UD: Composition
MUSI 040701 Orchestration & Ban MUTH ELUD UD: Orchestration & Ban
MUSI 041201 Teaching Music Midd MUED 3220 Choral Mus Midl Sr High School
MUSI 041401 Choral Materials MUHL ELUD UD: Choral Materials
MUSI 041501 Choral Methods MUED 3220 Choral Mus Midl Sr High School
MUSI 041601 Instrumental Method MUED 3230 Instrumental Materials
MUSI 041701 Marching Band Techn MUED 3250 Band Org and March Band Tech
MUSI 043001 Music Literature M MUS ELUD UD: Music Literature M
MUSI 043101 Musical Theatre MUS ELUD UD: Musical Theatre
MUSI 043201 Research Tech In Mu MUED ELUD UD: Research Tech In Mu
MUSI 044001 Choral Union MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUSI 044101 University Choir MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUSI 044401 University Orchestr MUEN 3300 Symphony Orchestra
MUSI 044501 Chamber Singers MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUSI 044601 Brass Choir MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUSI 044701 Marching Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 044801 Concert Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUSI 044901 Chamber Music MUEN 3700 Mixed Chamber Ensemble
MUSI 045001 Applied Music Secon MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Secon
MUSI 045101 Applied Music Secon MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Secon
MUSI 045301 Applied Music Princ MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Princ
MUSI 045401 Applied Music Princ MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Princ
MUSI 045601 Applied Music Major MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Major
MUSI 045701 Applied Music Major MUS ELUD UD: Applied Music Major
MUSI 045801 Jazz Techniques MUTH ELUD UD: Jazz Techniques
MUSI 047001 Percussion Ensemble MUS ELUD UD: Percussion Ensemble
MUSI 047101 Jazz Ensemble MUEN 3400 Jazz Ensemble
MUSI 047401 Opera Theatre MUEN 3250 Opera Theater
MUSI 047501 Accompanying MUEN 3000 Accompanying
MUSI 120C Music Appreciation MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
NF 0151 Bus/Markt Edu BCED ELLD LD: Bus/Markt Edu
NUR 101C Nursing Fundamentals NURS ELLD LD: Nursing Fundamentals
NUR 109C Maternal Child Nursi NURS ELLD LD: Maternal Child Nursi
NUR 150 LPN to RN Transition NURS ELLD LD:LPN to RN Transition
NUR 155 Medical-Surgical Nursing I NURS ELLD LD:Medical-Surgical Nursing I
NUR 157 Med-Surg Nursing I Skills Lab NURS ELLD LD:Med-Surg Nursing I Skills L
NUR 165 Mental Health Nursing NURS ELLD LD:Mental Health Nursing
NUR 224C Nursing Adult Child NURS ELLD LD: Nursing Adult Child
NUR 225C Nursing Adult NURS ELLD LD: Nursing Adult
NUR 230C Nursing Roles & Resp NURS ELLD LD: Nursing Roles & Resp
NURS 010101 Nursing Fundamental NURS ELLD LD: Nursing Fundamental
NURS 0102 Intro to Prof Nursing NURS ELLD LD:Intro to Prof Nursing
NURS 0106 Maternity Nursing NURS ELLD LD: Maternity Nursing
NURS 010701 Mtrnl Chld Nrs I NURS ELLD LD: Mtrnl Chld Nrs I
NURS 010801 Mtl Child Nrs II NURS ELLD LD: Mtl Child Nrs II
NURS 010901 Maternal Child Nurs NURS ELLD LD: Maternal Child Nurs
NURS 0115 Psych Nursing NURS ELLD LD: Psych Nursing
NURS 0120 Med Surg Nursing NURS ELLD LD: Med Surg Nursing
NURS 0121 Med Surg Nursing NURS ELLD LD: Med Surg Nursing
NURS 0130 Nursing Roles NURS ELLD LD: Nursing Roles
NURS 020001 Intro to Profession NURS ELLD LD: Intro to Profession
NURS 020201 Nursing Assessment NURS ELLD LD: Nursing Assessment
NURS 020301 Nursing Assessment NURS ELLD LD: Nursing Assessment
NURS 020601 Found Professional NURS ELLD LD: Found Professional
NURS 020701 Found of Profession NURS ELLD LD: Found of Profession
NURS 022201 Phy Mntl Illness NURS ELLD LD: Phy Mntl Illness
NURS 022301 Phy Mntl Ilns I NURS ELLD LD: Phy Mntl Ilns I
NURS 022401 Nursing Care Adults NURS ELLD LD: Nursing Care Adults
NURS 022501 Nursing Care Adults NURS ELLD LD: Nursing Care Adults
NURS 023001 Nursing Roles & Res NURS ELLD LD: Nursing Roles & Res
NURS 030001 Clinical Concepts D NURS ELUD UD: Clinical Concepts D
NURS 030101 Adv Nursing I NURS ELUD UD: Adv Nursing I
NURS 030201 Adv Nursing II NURS ELUD UD: Adv Nursing II
NURS 030401 Parent Child Nursin NURS ELUD UD: Parent Child Nursin
NURS 030501 Parent Child Nursin NURS ELUD UD: Parent Child Nursin
NURS 030601 Nursing Care Adults NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Care Adults
NURS 030701 Nursing Care Adults NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Care Adults
NURS 030801 Psychiatric/Mental NURS ELUD UD: Psychiatric/Mental
NURS 030901 Psychiatric/Mental NURS ELUD UD: Psychiatric/Mental
NURS 031001 Nursing Care Adults NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Care Adults
NURS 031101 Nursing Care Adults NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Care Adults
NURS 031201 Intro Nursing Resea NURS ELUD UD: Intro Nursing Resea
NURS 031401 Computer In Nursing NURS ELUD UD: Computer In Nursing
NURS 031501 Concepts In Pharmac NURS ELUD UD: Concepts In Pharmac
NURS 031601 Gerontologic Nursin NURS ELUD UD: Gerontologic Nursin
NURS 031701 Directed Study In N NURS ELUD UD: Directed Study In N
NURS 031801 Emergency Nursing NURS ELUD UD: Emergency Nursing
NURS 031901 Onocology Nursing NURS ELUD UD: Onocology Nursing
NURS 032001 Womens Health Issue NURS ELUD UD: Womens Health Issue
NURS 032201 Transition to Profe NURS ELUD UD: Transition to Profe
NURS 032301 Tranistion to Profe NURS ELUD UD: Tranistion to Profe
NURS 0324 Pathophysiology for Nursing NURS ELUD UD:Pathophysiology for Nursing
NURS 0329 Concepts in Pharmacology I NURS ELUD UD: Concepts in Pharmacology I
NURS 0333 Fundamentals of Nursing NURS ELUD UD:Fund of Nursing
NURS 0334 Clinical:Fundamentals Nursing NURS ELUD UD:Clincal:Fundamentls Nursing
NURS 0335 Health Assessment NURS ELUD UD:Health Assessment
NURS 0336 Health Assessment Lab NURS ELUD UD:Health Assessment Lab
NURS 0337 Health Prom and Disease Prev NURS ELUD UD: Health Prom & Disease Prev
NURS 0341 Medical Surgical Nursing I NURS ELUD UD: Medical Surgical Nursing I
NURS 0342 Clinical: Med-Surg I NURS ELUD UD: Clinical: Med-Surg I
NURS 0343 Mental Health Nursing NURS ELUD UD: Mental Health Nursing
NURS 0344 Clinical: Mental Health Nurs NURS ELUD UD: Clinical:Mental Health Nur
NURS 036901 Cooperative Educ Nu NURS ELUD UD: Cooperative Educ Nu
NURS 040001 Nursing Leadership NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Leadership
NURS 040101 Adv Nursing III NURS ELUD UD: Adv Nursing III
NURS 040201 Adv Nursing IV NURS ELUD UD: Adv Nursing IV
NURS 040401 Nursing Care Client NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Care Client
NURS 040501 Nursing Care Client NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Care Client
NURS 040601 Community Health Nu NURS ELUD UD: Community Health Nu
NURS 040701 Community Health Nu NURS ELUD UD: Community Health Nu
NURS 040801 Professional Issues NURS ELUD UD: Professional Issues
NURS 040901 Nursing Practicum NURS ELUD UD: Nursing Practicum
NURS 041001 Intro to Nursing Re NURS ELUD UD: Intro to Nursing Re
NURS 041201 Senior Seminar NURS ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
NURS 041501 Holistic Health Mod NURS ELUD UD: Holistic Health Mod
NURS 041601 Gerontologic Nursin NURS ELUD UD: Gerontologic Nursin
NURS 041701 Gerontologic Nursin NURS ELUD UD: Gerontologic Nursin
NURS 042001 Critical Care Nursi NURS ELUD UD: Critical Care Nursi
NURS 317I01 Directed Study Nurs NURS ELUD UD: Directed Study Nurs
NURS 413 Nursing Research and EBP NURS ELUD UD:Nursing Research & EBP
NURS 415G01 Holistic Health Mod NURS ELUD UD: Holistic Health Mod
NURS 429 Concepts in Pharmacology II NURS ELUD UD:Concepts in Pharmacology II
NURS 432 Medical-Surgical Nursing II NURS ELUD UD:Medical-Surgical Nursing II
NURS 433 Clinical:Med-Surg II NURS ELUD UD:Clinical:Med-Surg II
NURS 444 Maternal Child Nursing NURS ELUD UD:Maternal Child Nursing
NURS 445 Clinical:Maternal Child Nurs NURS ELUD UD:Clinical:Maternal Child Nur
OST 0101C Keyboarding CSCI ELLD LD: Keyboarding
OST 0220 Word Processing BCED ELLD LD: Word Processing
OST 0221 Desktop Publishing INFS ELLD LD: Desktop Publishing
OST 101C Keyboard/Typewritin BCED ELLD LD: Keyboard/Typewritin
OST 102C01 Keyborading Typewri BCED ELLD LD:Keyboarding Typewriter
OST 217C01 Professional Transc BCED ELLD LD: Professional Transc
OST 220C01 Word Processing BCED ELLD LD: Word Processing
OST 221C01 Desktop Publishing BCED ELLD LD: Desktop Publishing
OST 225C01 Records Administrat BCED ELLD LD:Records Administration
OST 250C01 Basic Business Comm BCED ELLD LD:Basic Business Comm
OST 255C01 Office Procedures BCED ELLD LD:Office Procedures
OST 271C01 Office Internship BCED ELLD LD:Office Internship
PCAL 0175 PCAL University Experience ELEC ELLD LD: PCAL University Experience
PE 0100 Life Fit/Wellness PHED ELLD LD: Life Fit/Wellness
PE 0101 Various Activities PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE 0102 Firearms PHED ELLD LD: Firearms
PE 0103 Karate I PHED ELLD LD: Karate I
PE 0110 Generic Teach Skills PHED ELLD LD: Generic Teach Skills
PE 0111 Education Gymnastics PHED ELLD LD: Education Gymnastics
PE 0112 Fundamental Movement PHED ELLD LD: Fundamental Movement
PE 0121 Dance & Rythmical PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE 0122 Found Pe PHED ELLD LD: Found Pe
PE 0123 Movement Themes & Concepts II PHED ELLD LD:Movement Thms & Concepts II
PE 0211 Lifetime Sports/Indv PHED ELLD LD: Lifetime Sports/Indv
PE 0212 Lifetime Sports/Team PHED ELLD LD: Lifetime Sports/Team
PE 0221 Aerobics PHED 1180 Aerobic Walking
PE 0222 Stgth/Endure/Flex PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE 0223 Intro to Teaching Physical Ed PHED ELLD LD:Intro to Teaching Phys Ed
PE 0250 Conduct of Intramur PHED ELLD LD: Conduct of Intramur
PE 0300 Outdoor Ed Activitie PHED ELUD UD: Outdoor Ed Activitie
PE 0310 Kinesiology PHED 4910 Applied Kinesiology Biomech
PE 0311 Exercise Physiology EXSC 3830 Physiology of Exercise
PE 0312 Basic Athletic Train ATHT ELUD UD: Basic Athletic Train
PE 0313 Motor Development PHED ELUD UD: Motor Development
PE 0324 Eval of Physical Edu PHED ELUD UD: Eval of Physical Edu
PE 0325 Appl Exer Physiology EXSC ELUD UD: Appl Exer Physiology
PE 0340 Football Coaching ATHC 3600 Coach/Officiate Football
PE 0341 Basketball Coaching ATHC 3610 Coach/Officiate Basketball
PE 0342 Track Field Coaching ATHC 4650 Coach/Officiate CC, T&F
PE 0343 Baseball Coaching ATHC 4640 Intermed Coach/Ump Baseball
PE 0350 Motor Development PHED ELUD UD: Motor Development
PE 0354 PE Elem Schools PHED ELUD UD: PE Elem Schools
PE 0355 Lab Procedures In Ph PHED ELUD UD: Lab Procedures In Ph
PE 0412 Fitness Programming PHED ELUD UD: Fitness Programming
PE 0440 Sport Mgmt I PHED ELUD UD: Sport Mgmt I
PE 0496 Practicum In Exc Sci EXSC ELUD UD: Practicum In Exc Sci
PE 101C01 Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PE 101C02 Racquetball PHED ACTY ACTY: Racquetball
PE 101C03 Aerobic Dance PHED 1190 Body Conditioning
PE 101C04 Volleyball PHED 2270 Beginning Volleyball
PE 101C05 Jogging PHED 1180 Aerobic Walking
PE 102C01 Archery PHED 1160 Beginning Archery
PE 103C Lifeguarding PHED ACTY ACTY: Lifeguarding
PE 104C Lifeguard Instructio PHED ACTY ACTY: Lifeguard Instructio
PE R 0131 PE Skills I PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 0101 Various Activities PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 0201 Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PED 100C Life Fitness/Wellne PHED ELLD LD: Life Fitness/Wellne
PED 101C Various Activities PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PED 103C Karate I PHED ACTY ACTY: Karate I
PERF 0120 Rehearsal/Prod I THEA ELLD LD: Rehearsal/Prod I
PERF 0121 Rehearsal Prod II THEA ELLD LD:Rehearsal Prod II
PERF 0175 Univ Exper/Perform ELEC ELLD LD: Univ Exper/Perform
PERF 0205 Voice and Movement I ELEC ELLD LD: Voice and Movement I
PERF 0220 Rehearsal Prod III THEA ELLD LD:Rehearsal Prod III
PERF 0340 Performance Lab I THEA ELLD LD:Performance Lab I
PERF 101 Acting THEA 1015 Acting I
PERF 320 Production Lab II THEA ELUD UD:Production Lab II
PERF 362 Theatre in Diversion THEA ELUD UD:Theatre in Diversion
PERF 423 Performing Arts Management THEA ELUD UD:Performing Arts Mgmt
PH 010001 Personal Health HLTH ELLD LD: Personal Health
PH 010401 Ast Solar System PSCI ELLD LD: Ast Solar System
PH 0165 Drug Abuse HLTH ELLD LD: Drug Abuse
PH 0171 Safety & First Aid PHED ELLD LD: Safety & First Aid
PH 0261 Found/Health Educ HLTH ELLD LD: Found/Health Educ
PH 0365 Human Sexuality ELEC ELUD UD: Human Sexuality
PH 0381 Community Health HLTH ELUD UD: Community Health
PH 0383 Biostatistics/Health ELEC ELUD UD: Biostatistics/Health
PH 0390 Wellness/Fit Assessm HLTH ELUD UD: Wellness/Fit Assessm
PH 0402 Worksite Hlth Promot HLTH ELUD UD: Worksite Hlth Promot
PH 0443 Health and Aging CDFS 4391 Aging Health and Development
PH 0447 Human Values/Health Sci HLTH ELUD UD:Human Values/Health Sci
PH 0464 Women's Health HLTH ELUD UD: Women's Health
PH 0467 Drug Abuse Education HLTH ELUD UD:Drug Abuse Education
PH 410 Global Pers Pop Health HLTH ELUD UD:Global Pers Pop Health
PH A 0103 Light Color Vis ELEC ELLD LD: Light Color Vis
PH A 010401 Ast Solar Sys PHYS ELLD LD: Ast Solar Sys
PH A 010601 Ast Stell Sys K PHYS ELLD LD: Ast Stell Sys K
PHAS 0105 Conc Phys World PHYS ELLD LD: Conc Phys World
PHAS 013001 Acoustics of Music PSCI ELLD LD: Acoustics of Music
PHAS 0140 Measurement and Analysis PHYS ELLD LD: Measurement and Analysis
PHAS 0201 College Physics I PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHAS 020201 College Physics II PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHAS 020701 Lab For Physics 201 PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHAS 020801 Lab For Physics 202 PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHAS 021401 General Astronomy ASTR 3400 Fundamentals of Astrophysics
PHAS 021401 General Astronomy and ASTR 3401 Experimental Astronomy
PHAS 022701 Engineering Statics PHYS ELLD LD: Engineering Statics
PHAS 023101 Intro to Physic & B PHYS ELLD LD: Intro to Physic & B
PHAS 023201 Lab For Physics 231 PHYS ELLD LD: Lab For Physics 231
PHAS 023301 Lab For Physics 332 PHYS ELLD LD: Lab For Physics 332
PHAS 025001 University Physics PHYS 2111 Calculus-Based Physics Lab I
PHAS 025101 Lab For Univ Physic PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHAS 026001 University Physics PHYS 2121 Calculus-Based Physics Lab II
PHAS 026101 Lab For Univ Physic PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHAS 027001 University Physics PHYS ELLD LD: University Physics
PHAS 027101 Lab For Univ Physic PHYS ELLD LD: Lab For Univ Physic
PHAS 031201 Lab Practice & Proc PHYS ELUD UD: Lab Practice & Proc
PHAS 031401 Observational Astro ASTR 3400 Fundamentals of Astrophysics
PHAS 031401 Observational Astro and ASTR 3401 Experimental Astronomy
PHAS 032001 Intro Modern Physic PHYS 3100 Modern Physics I
PHAS 032101 Intro Modern Physic PHYS 3110 Modern Physics II
PHAS 032501 Current Programs In PHYS ELUD UD: Current Programs In
PHAS 033001 Thermodynamics PHYS 3610 Thermodynamics
PHAS 033201 Intro to Physics & PHYS ELUD UD: Intro to Physics &
PHAS 033501 General Biophysics PHYS ELUD UD: General Biophysics
PHAS 034001 Circuit Theory & El PHYS ELUD UD: Circuit Theory & El
PHAS 035001 Analytical Mechanic PHYS 3300 Classical Mechanics
PHAS 038901 Practicum In Physic PHYS ELUD UD: Practicum In Physic
PHAS 039801 Seminar PHYS ELUD UD: Seminar
PHAS 039901 Research Prob In Ph PHYS ELUD UD: Research Prob In Ph
PHAS 040501 Astronomy For Teach PHYS ELUD UD: Astronomy For Teach
PHAS 041001 Physics For Elem Te PHYS ELUD UD: Physics For Elem Te
PHAS 041401 Intro Astrophysics PHYS ELUD UD: Intro Astrophysics
PHAS 043101 Radioation Biophysi PHYS ELUD UD: Radioation Biophysi
PHAS 044001 Electricity & Magne PHYS 4310 Electricity and Magnetism
PHAS 0441 Optics PHYS 4330 Electricity and Magnetism II
PHAS 045001 Theoretical Mechani PHYS ELUD UD: Theoretical Mechani
PHAS 046001 Solid State Physics PHYS ELUD UD: Solid State Physics
PHAS 046501 Geophysics PHYS ELUD UD: Geophysics
PHAS 047001 Nuclear Physics PHYS ELUD UD: Nuclear Physics
PHAS 047501 Selected Topics In PHYS ELUD UD: Selected Topics In
PHAS 048001 Quantum Mechanics PHYS 4380 Quantum Mechanics
PHAS 048901 Internship In Physi PHYS ELUD UD: Internship In Physi
PHAS 104 Astr Solar Sytem ASTR 1030 Exploring the Universe
PHAS 104L Astr Solar Sys Lab ASTR 1031 Observing the Universe
PHED 010101 Tennis & Bowling M PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
PHED 010102 Tennis & Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PHED 0130 Basic P E PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 0132 PE Skills II PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 101K01 Handball PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHED 101L01 Swimming Beg PHED ACTY ACTY: Swimming Beg
PHIL 0101 Intro Phil Prob PHIL ELLD LD: Intro Phil Prob
PHIL 0102 The Good & Beautiful PHIL ELLD LD:The Good & Beautiful
PHIL 0103 The Committed Life PHIL ELLD LD: The Committed Life
PHIL 011001 Logic I PHIL ELLD LD: Logic I
PHIL 011501 Elementary Logic PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHIL 012001 Intro to Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 020101 Love & Friendship PHIL ELLD LD: Love & Friendship
PHIL 0202 Racial Justice PHIL ELLD LD: Racial Justice
PHIL 020301 Religion & Modern S PHIL ELLD LD: Religion & Modern S
PHIL 020401 War & Peace PHIL ELLD LD: War & Peace
PHIL 0207 Philosophy & Pop Culture PHIL ELLD LD:Philosophy & Pop Culture
PHIL 021001 Logic II PHIL ELLD LD: Logic II
PHIL 0211 Why Are We Bad People PHIL ELLD LD:Why Are We Bad People
PHIL 0215 Elem Logic PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHIL 030201 Hist of Western Phi PHIL 4010 History Ancient Medieval Phil
PHIL 030301 Hist of Western Phi PHIL 4020 History of Modern Philosophy
PHIL 031501 Philosophy of Relig PHIL 3300 Philosophy of Religion
PHIL 032001 Ethics PHIL 3150 Ethics
PHIL 032101 Morality & Business PHIL ELUD UD: Morality & Business
PHIL 032201 Biomedical Ethics PHIL ELUD UD: Biomedical Ethics
PHIL 0324 War & Peace PHIL ELUD UD: War & Peace
PHIL 033001 Philosophy of Scien PHIL 4500 Philosophy of Science
PHIL 034001 Critical Prob In Hi PHIL ELUD UD: Critical Prob In Hi
PHIL 035001 Ethical Theory PHIL 3150 Ethics
PHIL 040101 Readings In Philoso PHIL ELUD UD: Readings In Philoso
PHIL 040201 Theory of Knowledge PHIL ELUD UD: Theory of Knowledge
PHIL 040301 Metaphyusics PHIL ELUD UD: Metaphyusics
PHIL 040501 Existentialism PHIL ELUD UD: Existentialism
PHIL 0415 Adv Logic PHIL ELUD UD: Adv Logic
PHIL 042001 Philosophy of Histo PHIL ELUD UD: Philosophy of Histo
PHIL 042501 20th Century Britis PHIL 4400 Analytic Philosophy
PHIL 049901 Research In Philoso PHIL 4800 Readings in Philosophy
PHIL 212 Phil and Gender Theory PHIL ELLD LD:Phil and Gender Theory
PHIL 323 Social Ethics PHIL 3150 Ethics
PHIL 332 Philosophy of Mind PHIL 4550 Philosophy of Mind
PHIL 450 Ethics & Policy PHIL ELUD UD:Ethics & Policy
PHY 0100 Fund Physical Activ PHED ELLD LD: Fund Physical Activ
PHY 0101 Self Den Women PHED 1250 Self Defense
PHY 010201 Archery PHED 1160 Beginning Archery
PHY 010301 Lifeguarding PHED ACTY ACTY: Lifeguarding
PHY 010401 Lifeguard Instructor PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHY 011501 Physical Educ Orien PHED 3850 Foundations of Physical Edu
PHY 011601 Human Movement I PHED 3500 Physical Edu Early Childhood
PHY 011701 Human Movement II PHED ELLD LD: Human Movement II
PHY 011801 Human Movement III PHED ELLD LD: Human Movement III
PHY 0201 Applied Human Movem PHED 3720 Fitness Education K-12
PHY 020201 Applied Human Movem PHED ELLD LD: Applied Human Movem
PHY 020301 Appl Human Movement DANC ELLD LD: Appl Human Movement
PHY 020401 Appl Human Movement PHED ELLD LD: Appl Human Movement
PHY 020501 Appl Human Movement PHED ELLD LD: Appl Human Movement
PHY 025001 Conduct of Intramur ATHC 3810 Directing Intramurals
PHY 0290 Scientific Prin of ATHC 4690 Psychology of C&O
PHY 029101 Scientific Basic Of PHED ELLD LD: Scientific Basic Of
PHY 030001 Leisure Time Outdoo REC ELUD UD: Leisure Time Outdoo
PHY 032501 Sport Facility Plan PHED ELUD UD: Sport Facility Plan
PHY 0333 Coaching of Volleyb ATHC 3660 Coach/Officiate Volleyball
PHY 0340 Football Coaching ATHC 3600 Coach/Officiate Football
PHY 0341 Basketball Coaching ATHC 3610 Coach/Officiate Basketball
PHY 0342 Track & Field Coach ATHC 4650 Coach/Officiate CC, T&F
PHY 0343 Baseball Coaching ATHC 4640 Intermed Coach/Ump Baseball
PHY 034401 Coaching of Swimmin PHED 3760 Teaching Water Safety
PHY 0347 Sports Officiating ATHC 3910 Athletic Coaching/Officiating
PHY 034801 Coaching of Soccer ATHC ELUD UD: Coaching of Soccer
PHY 035401 Phys Educ For Elem PHED 3430 Skills Themes Games Gymn Rhyth
PHY 035501 Lab Procedures In P PHED ELUD UD: Lab Procedures In P
PHY 037001 Kinesiology PHED 4910 Applied Kinesiology Biomech
PHY 037101 Exercise Physiology EXSC 3830 Physiology of Exercise
PHY 039001 Applied Exercise Ph PHED ELUD UD: Applied Exercise Ph
PHY 0410 Fitneww Programming PHED 3720 Fitness Education K-12
PHY 042001 Adaptive Physical E PHED 3900 Adapted Physical Education
PHY 044001 Sport Management I PHED ELUD UD: Sport Management I
PHY 045101 Prob In Physical Ed PHED 4920 Independent Study
PHY 045401 Prob & Trends In El PHED ELUD UD: Prob & Trends In El
PHY 045501 Senior Seminar Spor PHED ELUD UD: Senior Seminar Spor
PHY 045601 Adv Studies Phys Ed PHED ELUD UD: Adv Studies Phys Ed
PHY 046001 Elem School Phys Ed PHED 4780 Curriculum Physical Education
PHY 047001 Second School Phys PHED 4780 Curriculum Physical Education
PHY 048001 Phys Educ Administr PHED 4990 Sem Teach Physical Education
PHY 049001 Evaluation In Phys EXSC 4810 Measurement and Evaluation
PHY 049101 Phys Diagnosis & Co PHED ELUD UD: Phys Diagnosis & Co
PHY 049201 Adv Athletic Traini ATHT ELUD UD: Adv Athletic Traini
PHY 049301 Practicum In Coachi ATHC ELUD UD: Practicum In Coachi
PHY 049401 Elem School Phys Ed PHED ELUD UD: Elem School Phys Ed
PHY 049501 Second School Phys PHED ELUD UD: Second School Phys
PHY 1010 Volleyball PHED 2270 Beginning Volleyball
PHY 101C01 Weignt Training PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PHY 101J01 Gymnastics I PHED ACTY ACTY: Gymnastics I
PHY 101M01 Tennis Beg PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
PHY 101P Weight Training PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
PHY 101R01 Bilard Table Tennis PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHY 101S01 Aerobic Dance PHED 1190 Body Conditioning
PHY 102A01 Archery PHED 1160 Beginning Archery
PHY 103C Bowling Adv PHED ACTY Physical Activity
PHY 103F01 Karate I PHED ACTY ACTY: Karate I
PHY 103J01 Gymnastics II PHED ACTY ACTY: Gymnastics II
PHYE 010001 Fund of Physical Ac PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHYE 010101 First Acticity Cour PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHYE 010201 Second Activity Cou PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHYE 010301 Third Activity Cour PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHYE 010401 Fourth Activity Cou PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHYE 011501 Physical Educ Orien PHED 3850 Foundations of Physical Edu
PHYE 011601 Human Movement I PHED 3500 Physical Edu Early Childhood
PHYE 011701 Human Movement II PHED ELLD LD: Human Movement II
PHYE 011801 Human Movement III PHED ELLD LD: Human Movement III
PHYE 020101 Applied Human Movem PHED 3720 Fitness Education K-12
PHYE 020201 Applied Human Movem PHED ELLD LD: Applied Human Movem
PHYE 020301 Appl Human Movement DANC ELLD LD: Appl Human Movement
PHYE 020401 Appl Human Movement PHED ELLD LD: Appl Human Movement
PHYE 020501 Appl Human Movement PHED ELLD LD: Appl Human Movement
PHYE 025001 Conduct of Intramur ATHC 3810 Directing Intramurals
PHYE 0290 Scientific Prin of ATHC 4690 Psychology of C&O
PHYE 029101 Scientific Basic Of PHED ELLD LD: Scientific Basic Of
PHYE 030001 Leisure Time Outdoo REC ELUD UD: Leisure Time Outdoo
PHYE 032501 Sport Facility Plan PHED ELUD UD: Sport Facility Plan
PHYE 0333 Coaching of Volleyb ATHC 3660 Coach/Officiate Volleyball
PHYE 0340 Football Coaching ATHC 3600 Coach/Officiate Football
PHYE 0341 Basketball Coaching ATHC 3610 Coach/Officiate Basketball
PHYE 0342 Track & Field Coach ATHC 4650 Coach/Officiate CC, T&F
PHYE 0343 Baseball Coaching ATHC 4640 Intermed Coach/Ump Baseball
PHYE 034401 Coaching of Swimmin PHED 3760 Teaching Water Safety
PHYE 0347 Sports Officiating ATHC 3910 Athletic Coaching/Officiating
PHYE 034801 Coaching of Soccer ATHC ELUD UD: Coaching of Soccer
PHYE 035401 Phys Educ For Elem PHED 3430 Skills Themes Games Gymn Rhyth
PHYE 035501 Lab Procedures In P PHED ELUD UD: Lab Procedures In P
PHYE 037001 Kinesiology PHED 4910 Applied Kinesiology Biomech
PHYE 037101 Exercise Physiology EXSC 3830 Physiology of Exercise
PHYE 039001 Applied Exercise Ph PHED ELUD UD: Applied Exercise Ph
PHYE 041001 Fitness Programming PHED 3720 Fitness Education K-12
PHYE 042001 Adaptive Physical E PHED 3900 Adapted Physical Education
PHYE 044001 Sport Management I PHED ELUD UD: Sport Management I
PHYE 045101 Prob In Physical Ed PHED 4920 Independent Study
PHYE 045401 Prob & Trends In El PHED ELUD UD: Prob & Trends In El
PHYE 045501 Senior Seminar Spor PHED ELUD UD: Senior Seminar Spor
PHYE 045601 Adv Studies Phys Ed PHED ELUD UD: Adv Studies Phys Ed
PHYE 046001 Elem School Phys Ed PHED 4780 Curriculum Physical Education
PHYE 047001 Second School Phys PHED 4780 Curriculum Physical Education
PHYE 048001 Phys Educ Administr PHED 4990 Sem Teach Physical Education
PHYE 049001 Evaluation In Phys EXSC 4810 Measurement and Evaluation
PHYE 049101 Phys Diagnosis & Co PHED ELUD UD: Phys Diagnosis & Co
PHYE 049201 Adv Athletic Traini ATHT ELUD UD: Adv Athletic Traini
PHYE 049301 Practicum In Coachi ATHC ELUD UD: Practicum In Coachi
PHYE 049401 Elem School Phys Ed PHED ELUD UD: Elem School Phys Ed
PHYE 049501 Second School Phys PHED ELUD UD: Second School Phys
PHYE 101C01 Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PHYS 010001 Energy PSCI ELLD LD: Energy
PHYS 010101 Concepts of Motion PHYS ELLD LD: Concepts of Motion
PHYS 010301 Light Color & Visio PHYS ELLD LD: Light Color & Visio
PHYS 010501 Concepts of Physica PHYS ELLD LD: Concepts of Physica
PHYS 0130 Acoustics/Music/Speech MUS ELLD LD:Acoustics/Music/Speech
PHYS 013001 Acoustics\Music\Spe MUS ELLD LD: Acoustics\Music\Spe
PHYS 014001 Measurement & Analy PHYS ELLD LD: Measurement & Analy
PHYS 0180 Introductory Modern Physics PHYS ELLD LD:Intro Modern Physics
PHYS 0181 Physics Lab PHYS ELLD LD:Physics Lab
PHYS 0201 College Physics PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHYS 020201 College Physics II PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHYS 020701 Lab College Physics PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHYS 020801 Lab For Physics 202 PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHYS 022701 Engineering Statics PHYS ELLD LD: Engineering Statics
PHYS 023101 Intro to Physics & PHYS ELLD LD: Intro to Physics &
PHYS 023201 Lab For Physics 231 PHYS ELLD LD: Lab For Physics 231
PHYS 0233 Lab Phys/Biophysics PHYS ELLD LD: Lab Phys/Biophysics
PHYS 025001 Univ Physics I PHYS 2111 Calculus-Based Physics Lab I
PHYS 025101 Lab Univ Physics I PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHYS 0255 University Physics I PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHYS 0256 University Physics I Lab PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHYS 026001 University Physics PHYS 2121 Calculus-Based Physics Lab II
PHYS 026101 Lab University Phys PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHYS 027001 University Physics PHYS ELLD LD: University Physics
PHYS 027101 Lab For University PHYS ELLD LD: Lab For University
PHYS 029501 Intro to Research M PHYS ELLD LD: Intro to Research M
PHYS 031201 Lab Practice & Proc PHYS ELUD UD: Lab Practice & Proc
PHYS 032001 Intro Modern Physic PHYS 3100 Modern Physics I
PHYS 032101 Intro to Modern Phy PHYS 3110 Modern Physics II
PHYS 032501 Current Programs In PHYS ELUD UD: Current Programs In
PHYS 033001 Thermodynamics PHYS 3610 Thermodynamics
PHYS 033201 Intro to Physics & PHYS ELUD UD: Intro to Physics &
PHYS 033301 Lab For Physics 332 PHYS ELLD LD: Lab For Physics 332
PHYS 033501 General Biophysics PHYS ELUD UD: General Biophysics
PHYS 034001 Circuit Theory & El PHYS 3350 Concepts Appl Analog Electron
PHYS 035001 Classical Mechanics PHYS 3300 Classical Mechanics
PHYS 038901 Practicum In Physic PHYS ELUD UD: Practicum In Physic
PHYS 039801 Seminar PHYS ELUD UD: Seminar
PHYS 039901 Research Prob In Ph PHYS ELUD UD: Research Prob In Ph
PHYS 0402 Lab For Appl of Mod PHYS ELUD UD: Lab For Appl of Mod
PHYS 0403 Lab App Mod Phy II PHYS ELUD UD: Lab App Mod Phy II
PHYS 041001 Physics For Elem Te PHYS ELUD UD: Physics For Elem Te
PHYS 041801 Computers Physical PHYS ELUD UD: Computers Physical
PHYS 0420 Appl of Modern Phy I PHYS ELUD UD: Appl of Modern Phy I
PHYS 0430 Appl of Moder Phy II PHYS ELUD UD: Appl of Moder Phy II
PHYS 043101 Radiation Biophysic PHYS ELUD UD: Radiation Biophysic
PHYS 044001 Electricity & Magne PHYS 4310 Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS 044101 Optics PHYS ELUD UD: Optics
PHYS 044301 Lasers & Modern Opt PHYS ELUD UD: Lasers & Modern Opt
PHYS 0445 Electromagnetism II PHYS 4330 Electricity and Magnetism II
PHYS 045001 Classical Mechanics PHYS ELUD UD: Classical Mechanics
PHYS 046001 Solid State Physics PHYS ELUD UD: Solid State Physics
PHYS 046501 Geophysics PHYS ELUD UD: Geophysics
PHYS 047001 Nuclear Physics PHYS ELUD UD: Nuclear Physics
PHYS 047501 Selected Topics In PHYS ELUD UD: Selected Topics In
PHYS 048001 Quantum Mechanics PHYS 4380 Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 048901 Internship In Physi PHYS ELUD UD: Internship In Physi
PJ 0131 Digital Photography PHOT ELLD LD:Digital Photography
PJ 0231 Intro to Photojournalism JOUR ELLD LD:Intro to Photojournalism
PJ 0233 Intermediate Journalism JOUR ELLD LD:Intermediate Journalism
PJ 390 Photography History/Culture PHOT ELUD UD:Photography History/Culture
PLS 190C01 Intro to Paralegal CJA ELLD LD: Intro to Paralegal
PLS 195C01 Legal Research & Wr CJA ELLD LD: Legal Research & Wr
PLS 200C Legal Ethics PLEG ELLD LD:Legal Ethics
PLS 225 Introduction to Law PLEG ELLD LD:Introduction to Law
PLS 291C01 Criminal Law & Proc CJA ELLD LD: Criminal Law & Proc
PLS 292C01 Corporate Law CJA ELLD LD: Corporate Law
PLS 293C01 Civil Procedure CJA ELLD LD: Civil Procedure
PLS 294C01 Admin Practice & Pr CJA ELLD LD: Admin Practice & Pr
PLS 295C01 Estate Planning & A CJA ELLD LD: Estate Planning & A
PLS 296C01 Family Law CJA ELLD LD: Family Law
PLS 297C01 Litigation Practice CJA ELLD LD: Litigation Practice
PLS 299C01 Internship In Paral CJA ELLD LD: Internship In Paral
PLS 324 Women and the Law PLEG ELLD LD:Women and the Law
PLS 381 Alt Dispute PLEG ELUD UD:Alt Dispute
PLS 393 Civil Procedure PLEG ELUD UD:Civil Procedure
PLS 395 Estate Planning&Admin PLEG ELUD UD:Estate Planning&Admin
PLSF 036301 Pl Serv Sch Per ELEC ELUD UD: Pl Serv Sch Per
POLS 110C American National Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
POM 031301 Quantitative Mthd F MGMT 3640 Managing Key Perf Indicators
POM 031401 Production Manageme MGMT 3620 Supply Chain Operations
POM 041001 Selected Topic Quan MGMT ELUD UD: Selected Topic Quan
POM 041201 Production Systems MGMT ELUD UD: Production Systems
POM 041501 Managing Process Co MGMT 4700 Applications in Supply Chain
POP 0201 Intro to Pop Culture ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to Pop Culture
PORT 014001 Elem Portuguese FL ELLD LD: Elem Portuguese
PR 0354 International Public Relations PR ELUD UD: International Public Relat
PR 0355 Public Relations PR ELUD UD:Public Relations
PR 0356 Digital Tactics PR ELUD UD:Digital Tactics
PR 255 Fund of Public Relations PR 2040 Public Relations Principles
PS 0110 American Natl Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PS 0200 Intro Latin America PS 2105 Intro Latin American Studies
PS 0201 Concepts Pol Sci PS ELLD LD: Concepts Pol Sci
PS 0210 State Government PS ELLD LD: State Government
PS 0220 Judicial Process PS 2440 Law and the Legal System
PS 0250 International Polit PS 3210 International Relations
PS 0260 Intro to Comparative Politics PS 4300 EU Policymaking
PS 0299 PS Topics- Power: 2005 Inaug PS 4390 Sp Topics in Political Science
PS 0300 Model Assembly PS ELUD UD: Model Assembly
PS 0301 Res Meth/Political Behav PS 3001 Research Methods in PS
PS 0310 American Presidency PS 3050 The U.S. Presidency
PS 0324 Mock Trial I PS ELUD UD:Mock Trial I
PS 0326 Constitutional Law PS 3370 American Constitutional Law I
PS 0327 Civil Liberties PS ELUD UD: Civil Liberties
PS 0328 Crim Just Procedures PS ELUD UD: Crim Just Procedures
PS 0330 Intro Political Theory PS 4230 Classical Political Theory
PS 0331 Politics Outside the Box PS ELUD UD:Politics Outside the Box
PS 0350 Political Terrorism PS ELUD UD:Political Terrorism
PS 0357 US Foreign Policy PS 4240 American Foreign Policy
PS 0365 Govt/Politics/Mid-East PS 4690 International Rel Middle East
PS 0366 Govt Politics East Asia PS ELUD UD:Govt Politics East Asia
PS 0371 Pub Opinion/Elec Behav PS 3320 Public Opinion
PS 0372 Politics & Mass Medi PS ELUD UD: Politics & Mass Medi
PS 0375 Pol Campaign Mgt PS 3340 Political Campaign Management
PS 0460 Military Rule and Its Legacy PS 4850 Topics in Comparative Politics
PSY 005001 Strategies For Succ PSY ELLD LD: Strategies For Succ
PSY 0100 Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 010101 Classroom Behavior PSY ELLD LD: Classroom Behavior
PSY 0175 University Experien ELEC ELLD LD: University Experien
PSY 0199 Devel Psychology PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
PSY 0201 Statistics/Psycholo PSY 3020 Basic Stats Behavior Science
PSY 0210 Experimental Psycho PSY ELLD LD: Experimental Psycho
PSY 0211 Research Methods Lab PSY ELLD LD:Research Methods Lab
PSY 022001 Human Growth & Deve PSY ELLD LD: Human Growth & Deve
PSY 025001 Personal Adjustment PSY 1420 Psychology of Adjustment
PSY 0299 Topics in Psy-Nonverbal Behav PSY ELLD LD:Topics in Psy-Nonverbal Beh
PSY 031001 Educ Psy Devel & Le PSY ELUD UD: Educ Psy Devel & Le
PSY 032001 Educ Psychology:Dev PSY ELUD UD: Educ Psychology:Dev
PSY 032101 Child Psychology PSY 4190 Child Development
PSY 033001 Educ Psych/Second S PSY ELUD UD: Educ Psych/Second S
PSY 0345 Psychology of Sexuality PSY ELUD UD:Psychology of Sexuality
PSY 035001 Social Psychology PSY 2210 Psychology of Social Behavior
PSY 0355 Cross Cultural Psy PSY ELUD UD:Cross Cultural Psy
PSY 036101 Psychological Tests PSY 4260 Intro to Psychological Testing
PSY 0365 Intelligence & Creat PSY 2180 Think Intelligence Creativity
PSY 037001 Industrial Psycholo PSY 3320 Intro to Industrial Org Psy
PSY 037101 The Psychology Sale PSY ELUD UD: The Psychology Sale
PSY 039001 Community Placement PSY ELUD UD: Community Placement
PSY 040501 Cognitive Psycholog PSY 4040 Intro to Cognitive Psychology
PSY 041001 Psychology of Learn PSY 4480 Learning Theories
PSY 041101 Psychology Sensatio PSY 4030 Psy of Sensation Perception
PSY 041201 Psy of Motivation & PSY ELUD UD: Psy of Motivation &
PSY 042101 Psy of Early Adoles PSY ELUD UD: Psy of Early Adoles
PSY 042201 Adolescent Psycholo PSY 4210 Adolescent Development
PSY 042301 Psychology of Adult PSY 4610 Adult Development and Aging
PSY 043001 Psychology of Women PSY 4620 Psychology of Women
PSY 0431 Psy Retardation PSY ELUD UD: Psy Retardation
PSY 043201 Psy of Gifted & Cre PSY ELUD UD: Psy of Gifted & Cre
PSY 044001 Abnormal Psychology PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
PSY 044101 Psychological Aspec PSY 4050 Applied Psychopharmacology
PSY 044201 Beginning Skills In PSY ELUD UD: Beginning Skills In
PSY 044301 Behavior Modificati PSY 4400 Intro to App Behavior Analysis
PSY 045001 Intro to Personalit PSY 3590 Personality
PSY 0455 Intro to Clinical Pr PSY 3750 Intro to Clinical Psychology
PSY 046001 Method & Research S PSY ELUD UD: Method & Research S
PSY 047301 Training Business & PSY 4330 Indust & Org Training Develop
PSY 048001 Physiological Psych PSY 4240 Behavioral Neuroscience
PSY 048501 Psychology of Relig PSY ELUD UD: Psychology of Relig
PSY 049001 Readings of Special PSY ELUD UD: Readings of Special
PSY 049201 Research:Psychology PSY 3990 Research in Psychology
PSY 049501 Hist & Systems Psyc PSY 4700 History and Systems of Psy
PSY 049901 Senior Seminar In P PSY ELUD UD: Senior Seminar In P
PSY 100C01 Intro Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 340 Sport Psychology PSY ELUD UD:Sport Psychology
PSY 445 Intro Clinical School Psych PSY ELUD UD:Intro Clinical School Psych
PSY 470 Psychology and Law PSY ELUD UD:Psychology and Law
PSYC 0100 Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 0102 Intro to Psyc PSY ELLD LD: Intro to Psyc
PSYC 0199 Human Growth & Devel PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 0220 Human Gr Devel PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 0250 Personal Adjustment PSY 1420 Psychology of Adjustment
PSYC 0322 Adolescent Psych PSY 4210 Adolescent Development
PSYC 0431 Psy Retardation PSY ELUD UD: Psy Retardation
PSYC 0440 Abnormal Psyc PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
PSYC 100C Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 199C Devel Psychology PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
PSYS 0100 Intro Psy PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYS 0220 Intro Developmental Psy PSY ELLD LD:Intro Developmental Psy
PSYS 0350 Social Psychology PSY ELUD UD:Social Psychology
PSYS 0370 I/O Psychology PSY ELUD UD: I/O Psychology
PSYS 160 Intro Biopsychology PSY ELLD LD:Intro Biopsychology
PSYS 175 Psys Univ Experience PSY ELLD LD:Psys Univ Experience
PSYS 313 Statistics in Psychology PSY ELUD UD:Statistics in Psychology
PSYS 423 Psy Adult/Aging PSY ELUD UD:Psy Adult/Aging
QBA 031301 Quant Methods BIA ELUD UD:Quant Methods
RDG 009001 College Reading Imp DSPR ELLD LD: College Reading Imp
RDG 090C Coll Rdg Impr DSPR ELLD LD: Coll Rdg Impr
RE 017001 Essentials Real Est FIN ELLD LD: Essentials Real Est
RE 017101 Real Estate Brokera FIN ELLD LD: Real Estate Brokera
RE 017201 Real Estate Market FIN ELLD LD: Real Estate Market
RE 027201 Real Estate Finance FIN ELLD LD: Real Estate Finance
RE 027301 Real Estate Law FIN ELLD LD: Real Estate Law
RE 027401 Real Estate Apprais FIN ELLD LD: Real Estate Apprais
RE 027501 Property Management FIN ELLD LD: Property Management
RE 027601 Real Estate Investm FIN ELLD LD: Real Estate Investm
RE 027801 Internship Real Est FIN ELLD LD: Internship Real Est
RE 028001 Adv Real Estate App FIN ELLD LD: Adv Real Estate App
RE 028101 Land Development Pr FIN ELLD LD: Land Development Pr
RE 170C01 Essentials of Real FIN ELLD LD: Essentials of Real
RE 171C01 Real Estate Brokera FIN ELLD LD: Real Estate Brokera
RE 172C01 Real Estate Mkt FIN ELLD LD: Real Estate Mkt
RE 273C01 Real Estate Law FIN ELLD LD: Real Estate Law
RE 274C01 Real Estate Apprais FIN ELLD LD: Real Estate Apprais
RE 275C01 Property Mgmt FIN ELLD LD: Property Mgmt
RE 276C01 Real Estate Investm FIN ELLD LD: Real Estate Investm
RE 278C01 Internship Real Est FIN ELLD LD: Internship Real Est
RE 280C01 Adv Real Estate App FIN ELLD LD: Adv Real Estate App
RE 281C01 Land Devel Process FIN ELLD LD: Land Devel Process
REC 0101 Required Course PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
REC 0200 Intro Recreation REC ELLD LD: Intro Recreation
REC 0230 Outdoor Recreation REC ELLD LD: Outdoor Recreation
REC 0235 Outdoor Recreation Activities REC ELLD LD:Outdoor Recreation Activiti
REC 0302 Recreation Leadershi REC ELUD UD: Recreation Leadershi
REC 0306 Program Plan/Recreat REC ELUD UD: Program Plan/Recreat
REC 0331 Intro Outdoor Recrea LSTS 3370 Principles of Outdoor Rec
REC 0383 Social Recreation REC ELUD UD: Social Recreation
REC 0386 Church Recreation REC ELUD UD: Church Recreation
REC 0402 Fiscal Practices Recreation REC ELUD UD: Fiscal Practices Recreatio
REC 0410 Therapeutic Recreati REC ELUD UD: Therapeutic Recreati
REC 0411 Therapeutic Recreati REC ELUD UD: Therapeutic Recreati
REC 0420 Commercial Rec Tourism REC ELUD UD: Commercial Rec Tourism
REC 0431 Recreation Resource REC ELUD UD: Recreation Resource
REC 0490 Internship/Recreatio LSTS ELUD UD: Internship/Recreatio
REC 328 Inclusive Recreation REC ELUD UD:Inclusive Recreation
REC 332 Outdoor Education REC ELUD UD:Outdoor Education
RECR 020001 Intro to Recreation REC ELLD LD: Intro to Recreation
RECR 023001 Outdoor Recreation LSTS 3570 Outdoor Pursuits Education
RECR 030201 Recreation Leadersh REC ELUD UD: Recreation Leadersh
RECR 030601 Program Planning Re LSTS 3530 Program Planning in LSTS
RECR 031001 Recreation Disadvan REC ELUD UD: Recreation Disadvan
RECR 031101 Recreation For Aged REC ELUD UD: Recreation For Aged
RECR 032001 Sports In American LSTS 4790 Sport and Society
RECR 032501 Sport Facility Plan LSTS 3540 Facility Operations in LSTS
RECR 033101 Intro Outdoor Educa REC ELUD UD: Intro Outdoor Educa
RECR 038301 Social Recreation REC ELUD UD: Social Recreation
RECR 038601 Church Recreation REC ELUD UD: Church Recreation
RECR 041001 Therapeutic Recreat LSTS ELUD UD: Therapeutic Recreation
RECR 041201 Adaptive Activities LSTS ELUD UD: Adaptive Activities
RECR 043101 Natural Resource Mg REC ELUD UD: Natural Resource Mg
RECR 043201 Prin of Outdoor Rec REC ELUD UD: Prin of Outdoor Rec
RECR 043301 Camp Administration REC ELUD UD: Camp Administration
RECR 043401 Devel of Nature Ori REC ELUD UD: Devel of Nature Ori
RECR 044001 Sports Management I REC ELUD UD: Sports Management I
RECR 045001 Intro Commerical Re REC ELUD UD: Intro Commerical Re
RECR 045101 Recreation Manageme REC ELUD UD: Recreation Manageme
RECR 045501 Senior Seminar Spor REC ELUD UD: Senior Seminar Spor
RECR 046001 Sports Management I REC ELUD UD: Sports Management I
RECR 047001 Admin Municipal Rec LSTS 4540 Fin and Admin of LSTS
RECR 047101 Community Centers & REC ELUD UD: Community Centers &
RECR 048101 Recreation Seminar REC ELUD UD: Recreation Seminar
RECR 048201 Recreation Workshop REC ELUD UD: Recreation Workshop
RECR 048202 Wrkshp:Wilderness S REC ELUD UD: Wrkshp:Wilderness S
RECR 048301 Micro Computer Appl REC ELUD UD: Micro Computer Appl
RECR 048901 Recreation Practicu REC ELUD UD: Recreation Practicu
RECR 049001 Internship In Recre LSTS ELUD UD: Internship In Recreation
RECR 489I01 Recreation Practicu REC ELUD UD: Recreation Practicu
REL 010001 The New Testament:I RS 3010 Bible Origin and Content
REL 0101 Old Testament RS 3010 Bible Origin and Content
REL 010201 Intro to Religious RS ELLD LD: Intro to Religious
REL 020301 Religion & Modern S RS ELLD LD: Religion & Modern S
REL 029401 Theological Researc RS ELLD LD: Theological Researc
REL 029501 Theological Researc RS ELLD LD: Theological Researc
REL 030001 The Life of Christ RS 4020 Jesus of Nazareth
REL 030101 Life & Teachings Of RS ELUD UD: Life & Teachings Of
REL 030301 Hindu Religious Tra RS ELUD UD: Hindu Religious Tra
REL 030401 Judaic Religious Tr RS ELUD UD: Judaic Religious Tr
REL 030501 Christian Religious RS ELUD UD: Christian Religious
REL 030601 Islamic Religious T RS ELUD UD: Islamic Religious T
REL 031001 The Hebrew Prophets RS ELUD UD: The Hebrew Prophets
REL 031501 Philosophy of Relig PHIL 3300 Philosophy of Religion
REL 032001 Religions of Middle RS ELUD UD: Religions of Middle
REL 032101 Religions of Asia RS ELUD UD: Religions of Asia
REL 032501 Religion Contempora RS ELUD UD: Religion Contempora
REL 038201 Biblical Languages RS ELUD UD: Biblical Languages
REL 038301 Biblical Languages RS ELUD UD: Biblical Languages
REL 038401 Biblical Languages RS ELUD UD: Biblical Languages
REL 038501 Biblical Languages RS ELUD UD: Biblical Languages
REL 040001 Contemporary Religi RS ELUD UD: Contemporary Religi
REL 040101 Religious Studies S RS ELUD UD: Religious Studies S
REL 040501 Current Issues New RS ELUD UD: Current Issues New
REL 041501 Old Testament Theme RS ELUD UD: Old Testament Theme
REL 043001 Christianity to 151 RS ELUD UD: Christianity to 151
REL 043101 Christianity From 1 RS ELUD UD: Christianity From 1
REL 044001 Judaism RS ELUD UD: Judaism
REL 044501 The Religious Trad RS ELUD UD: The Religious Trad
REL 046001 Religion of Primiti SOC ELUD UD: Religion of Primiti
REL 046501 Buddhist Religious RS ELUD UD: Buddhist Religious
REL 047501 Gods & Goddesses Of RS ELUD UD: Gods & Goddesses Of
REL 049901 Research In Religio RS ELUD UD: Research In Religio
REL 100C01 New Testament RS ELLD LD: New Testament
RELG 0100 New Testament RS ELLD LD: New Testament
RELG 010201 Intro to Religion RS ELLD LD: Intro to Religion
RELS 010001 New Testament RS 3010 Bible Origin and Content
RELS 0101 Old Testament RS ELLD LD: Old Testament
RELS 010201 Intro to Religious RS ELLD LD: Intro to Religious
RELS 0103 Religions of Asia RS ELLD LD: Religions of Asia
RELS 0151 Elementary Latin (contd) LATN 1010 Elementary Latin I
RELS 0200 World Rel Lit RS ELLD LD:World Rel Lit
RELS 0202 Racial Justice PHIL ELLD LD: Racial Justice
RELS 020301 Religion & Modern S RS ELLD LD: Religion & Modern S
RELS 030001 The Life of Christ RS 4020 Jesus of Nazareth
RELS 030101 Life & Teachings Of RS ELUD UD: Life & Teachings Of
RELS 0302 Buddist Rel Traditio RS ELUD UD: Buddist Rel Traditio
RELS 030301 Hindu Religious Tra RS ELUD UD: Hindu Religious Tra
RELS 030401 Judaic Religious Tr RS ELUD UD: Judaic Religious Tr
RELS 030501 Christian Religious RS ELUD UD: Christian Religious
RELS 030601 Islamic Religious T RS ELUD UD: Islamic Religious T
RELS 0307 Native Amer Religiou RS ELUD UD: Native Amer Religiou
RELS 031001 The Hebrew Prophets RS ELUD UD: The Hebrew Prophets
RELS 031501 Philosophy of Relig PHIL 3300 Philosophy of Religion
RELS 032001 Religions of Middle RS ELUD UD: Religions of Middle
RELS 032101 Religions of Asia RS ELUD UD: Religions of Asia
RELS 0323 Social Ethics RS ELUD UD: Social Ethics
RELS 032501 Religion Contempora RS ELUD UD: Religion Contempora
RELS 038201 Biblical Languages RS ELUD UD: Biblical Languages
RELS 038301 Biblical Languages RS ELUD UD: Biblical Languages
RELS 038401 Biblical Languages RS ELUD UD: Biblical Languages
RELS 038501 Biblical Languages RS ELUD UD: Biblical Languages
RELS 0387 Intro Arabic II RS ELUD UD: Intro Arabic II
RELS 040001 Contemporary Religi RS ELUD UD: Contemporary Religi
RELS 040101 Religious Studies S RS ELUD UD: Religious Studies S
RELS 0402 Religious Studies As RS ELUD UD: Religious Studies As
RELS 040501 Current Issues New RS ELUD UD: Current Issues New
RELS 041501 Old Testament Theme RS ELUD UD: Old Testament Theme
RELS 043001 Christianity to 151 RS ELUD UD: Christianity to 151
RELS 043101 Christianity From 1 RS ELUD UD: Christianity From 1
RELS 044001 Judaism RS ELUD UD: Judaism
RELS 044501 The Religious Trad RS ELUD UD: The Religious Trad
RELS 046001 Religion of Primiti SOC ELUD UD: Religion of Primiti
RELS 046501 Buddhist Religious RS ELUD UD: Buddhist Religious
RELS 0475 Religions of South A RS ELUD UD: Religions of South A
RELS 048001 Religions of East A RS ELUD UD: Religions of East A
RELS 049901 Research In Religio RS ELUD UD: Research In Religio
RELS 100C01 New Testament RS ELLD LD: New Testament
RELS 222 Christians, Jews, and Pagans RS ELLD LD:Christians, Jews, and Pagan
RELS 242 Meaning of Life RS ELLD LD:Meaning of Life
RELS 324 Christianity in Africa RS ELUD UD:Christianity in Africa
RET 230C01 Internship Retailin MKT ELLD LD: Internship Retailin
RET 251C01 Retail Merchandisin MKT ELLD LD: Retail Merchandisin
RET 253C01 Retail Management MKT ELLD LD: Retail Management
RLST 100C New Testament RS ELLD LD: New Testament
RLST 101C Old Testament RS ELLD LD: Old Testament
RLST 102C Intro Rel Stud RS ELLD LD: Intro Rel Stud
RUSS 0101 Elem Russian I RUSS 1010 Elementary Russian I
RUSS 0102 Elementary Russian II RUSS 1020 Elementary Russian II
RUSS 016001 Elem Russian RUSS 1010 Elementary Russian I
RUSS 016101 Elem Russian RUSS 1020 Elementary Russian II
RUSS 016201 Reading & Translati RUSS ELLD LD: Reading & Translati
RUSS 0201 Intermediate Russian I RUSS 2010 Intermediate Russian I
RUSS 026001 Intermediate Russia RUSS 2010 Intermediate Russian I
RUSS 026101 Intermediate Russia RUSS 2020 Intermediate Russian II
RUSS 036001 Adv Comversation RUSS ELUD UD: Adv Comversation
RUSS 036101 Adv Composition RUSS ELUD UD: Adv Composition
RUSS 046401 19th Century Russia RUSS ELUD UD: 19th Century Russia
RUSS 046501 Soviet Literature RUSS ELUD UD: Soviet Literature
RUSS 046901 Studies In Russian RUSS ELUD UD: Studies In Russian
RUSS 200 Russian Culture RUSS ELLD LD:Russian Culture
RUSS 202 Intermediate Russian II RUSS 2020 Intermediate Russian II
S CO 014501 Fund of Pub Speakin COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
S CO 016101 Bus & Prof Spkg COMM ELLD LD: Bus & Prof Spkg
S CO 149C01 Group Discussion COMM ELLD LD: Group Discussion
SA 010101 Typing I BCED ELLD LD: Typing I
SA 020101 Intermed Typing BCED ELLD LD: Intermed Typing
SA 021201 Intermed Shtd BCED ELLD LD:Intermed Shtd
SA 030101 Advanced Typing BCED ELLD LD: Advanced Typing
SA 031101 Shtd Dictation BCED ELUD UD:Shtd Dictation
SBM 010001 Intro to Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
SBM 022601 Intro to Law BCED ELLD LD:Intro to Law
SBM 023001 Internship Business BCED ELLD LD:Internship Business
SBM 025001 Small Business Mana BCED ELLD LD:Small Business Manag
SBM 025201 Selling & Sales Man BCED ELLD LD:Selling & Sales Man
SBM 025301 Retail Management BCED ELLD LD:Retail Management
SBM 025401 Small Business Prom BCED ELLD LD:Small Business Prom
SBM 025501 Small Business Fina BCED ELLD LD:Small Business Fina
SBM 025601 Supervisory Managem BCED ELLD LD:Supervisory Management
SBM 100C01 Intro to Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
SBM 226C Intro to Law BLAW ELLD LD: Intro to Law
SBM 250C01 Small Business Mgmt MGMT ELLD LD: Small Business Mgmt
SBM 255C01 Small Business Fina MGMT ELLD LD: Small Business Fina
SBM 256C01 Supervisory Managem MGMT ELLD LD: Supervisory Managem
SC 010101 Foundt Hm Serv SW ELLD LD: Foundt Hm Serv
SC W 010101 Found Human Service SW ELLD LD: Found Human Service
SC W 0105 Intro Soc Work SW 2570 Introduction to Social Work
SC W 0285 Soc Welfare Inst SW ELLD LD: Soc Welfare Inst
SCOM 014001 Fund of Effective S COMM ELLD LD: Fund of Effective S
SCOM 0142 Forensic Pract I COMM ELLD LD: Forensic Pract I
SCOM 0144 Forensic Pract II COMM ELLD LD: Forensic Pract II
SCOM 014501 Fundamentals of Speech COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SCOM 014801 Interpersonal Commu COMM ELLD LD: Interpersonal Commu
SCOM 014901 Group Discussion COMM 3220 Small Group Communication
SCOM 0161 Bus & Prof Speaking COMM ELLD LD: Bus & Prof Speaking
SCOM 0240 Critical Listening COMM ELLD LD: Critical Listening
SCOM 024201 Forensic Practicum COMM ELLD LD: Forensic Practicum
SCOM 0244 Forensic Pract IV COMM ELLD LD: Forensic Pract IV
SCOM 024501 Argumentation & Deb COMM 3210 Argumentation and Debate
SCOM 024701 Voice & Diction CDIS 2150 Voice and Diction
SCOM 024901 Interpretation of L COMM ELLD LD: Interpretation of L
SCOM 026001 Employment Intervie COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SCOM 0263 Fund of Comm & Cultu COMM ELLD LD: Fund of Comm & Cultu
SCOM 0300 Interp Pract COMM ELUD UD: Interp Pract
SCOM 032801 Practicum In Interp COMM ELUD UD: Practicum In Interp
SCOM 034001 Parliamentary Proce COMM ELUD UD: Parliamentary Proce
SCOM 034101 Theories of Communi COMM 3300 Communication Theory
SCOM 034201 Forensic Practicum COMM ELUD UD: Forensic Practicum
SCOM 034301 Speech Criticism COMM 3580 Political Communication
SCOM 0344 Forensic Pract Vi COMM ELUD UD: Forensic Pract Vi
SCOM 034501 Adv Public Speaking COMM ELUD UD: Adv Public Speaking
SCOM 034601 Persuasion COMM 4320 Persuasion
SCOM 0349 Group Decision Makin COMM 3220 Small Group Communication
SCOM 0363 Interracial Communic COMM ELUD UD: Interracial Communic
SCOM 036901 Coop Educ In Speech COMM ELUD UD: Coop Educ In Speech
SCOM 040001 Hist Methods Commun COMM ELUD UD: Hist Methods Commun
SCOM 044001 Quantiative Methods COMM ELUD UD: Quantiative Methods
SCOM 044201 Forensic Practicum COMM ELUD UD: Forensic Practicum
SCOM 044301 Persuasion In Conte COMM ELUD UD: Persuasion In Conte
SCOM 0444 Forensic Pract Viii COMM ELUD UD: Forensic Pract Viii
SCOM 044701 Studies In Public C COMM ELUD UD: Studies in Public Comm
SCOM 044901 Speech Development COMM ELUD UD: Speech Development
SCOM 046001 Organizational Inte COMM ELUD UD: Organizational Inte
SCOM 046101 Organizational Comm COMM ELUD UD: Organizational Communi
SCOM 046301 Intercultural Commu COMM ELUD UD: Intercultural Commu
SCOM 047401 Gender Differences COMM ELUD UD: Gender Differences
SCOM 048201 Teaching Speech & T COMM ELUD UD: Teaching Speech & T
SCOM 048901 Coop Educ In Commun COMM ELUD UD: Coop Educ In Commun
SCOM 049501 Independent Study I COMM 4260 Independent Study
SEC 0250 Intro to Teacher Edu YOED ELLD LD: Intro to Teacher Edu
SEC 027101 The Secondary Schoo FOED ELLD LD: The Secondary Schoo
SEC 030001 Investigation Secon SPSE 4260 Problems in Education
SEC 0351 Teaching Strategies YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Strategies
SEC 0352 Planning For Student YOED ELUD UD: Planning For Student
SEC 036401 Methods In Vocation YOED ELUD UD: Methods In Vocation
SEC 036501 Found Ind,Vocationa YOED ELUD UD: Found Ind,Vocationa
SEC 036601 Instructional Media YOED ELUD UD: Instructional Media
SEC 037001 Mthd In Teaching Ho YOED ELUD UD: Mthd In Teaching Ho
SEC 037201 Teaching Skills Sec YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Skills Sec
SEC 037301 Prescriptive Teach YOED ELUD UD: Prescriptive Teach
SEC 041501 Choral Music Method YOED ELUD UD: Choral Music Method
SEC 041601 Instrument Music Me YOED ELUD UD: Instrument Music Me
SEC 044401 Reading In the Seco YOED ELUD UD: Reading In the Seco
SEC 0453 Mgmt of Instruction YOED 4000 Managing Clsrm for Instruction
SEC 046301 Supervised Student YOED ELUD UD: Supervised Student
SEC 047001 Teaching Vocational YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Vocational
SEC 047101 Young & Adult Farme YOED ELUD UD: Young & Adult Farme
SEC 047201 Teaching Art YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Art
SEC 047301 Teaching Business E YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Business E
SEC 047401 Teaching Foreign La YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Foreign La
SEC 047501 Teaching Language A YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Language A
SEC 047701 Teaching Mathematic YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Mathematic
SEC 047801 Teaching Physical E YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Physical E
SEC 047901 Teacing Science YOED ELUD UD: Teacing Science
SEC 048001 Teaching Shorthand YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Shorthand
SEC 048101 Teaching Social Stu YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Social Stu
SEC 048201 Teaching Speech YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Speech
SEC 048301 Teaching Health YOED ELUD UD: Teaching Health
SEC 048901 Managing Behavior I YOED 4000 Managing Clsrm for Instruction
SEC 049001 Student Teaching YOED ELUD UD: Student Teaching
SEC 280 Intro Sec Ed FOED ELLD LD:Intro to Sec Ed
SEC 350 Clinical Prac in Sec Teach I YOED ELUD UD:Clinical Prac in Sec Teach
SEC 450 Clinical Prac in Sec Teach II YOED ELUD UD:Clinical Prac in Sec Teach
SEC 475 Teach Language Arts YOED ELUD UD:Teach Language Arts
SFTY 012001 Intro to Occup Safe SAFE ELLD LD: Intro to Occup Safe
SFTY 017101 Safety & First Aid HLTH 3300 First Aid and Safety Education
SFTY 022101 Safety & Health Sta SAFE ELLD LD: Safety & Health Sta
SFTY 027001 General Safety SAFE ELLD LD: General Safety
SFTY 027101 Emergency Care & Tr SAFE ELLD LD: Emergency Care & Tr
SFTY 032101 Elements of Industr SAFE ELUD UD: Elements of Industr
SFTY 032201 Physical Hazards Re SAFE ELUD UD: Physical Hazards Re
SFTY 032701 Physical Hazards Re SAFE ELUD UD: Physical Hazards Re
SFTY 033101 Hazardous Materials SAFE ELUD UD: Hazardous Materials
SFTY 036701 Supervised Work Exp SAFE ELUD UD: Supervised Work Exp
SFTY 037001 Driver Educ & Traff SAFE 4850 Driver and Traffic Safety Fund
SFTY 040101 Senior Seminar SAFE ELUD UD: Senior Seminar
SFTY 042301 Safety Program Mana SAFE 4320 Principles of Accident Control
SFTY 047001 Driver Educ & Traff SAFE 4870 Adv Driver and Traffic Safety
SFTY 047101 Adv Studies In Driv SAFE ELUD UD: Adv Studies In Driv
SFTY 049001 Senior Project SAFE ELUD UD: Senior Project
SFTY 171 Safety & First Aid ELEC ELLD LD:Safety & First Aid
SJB 0101 Understanding Media JOUR ELLD LD: Understanding Media
SJB 0102 Media Collaboration JOUR ELLD LD:Media Collaboration
SJB 0103 Digital Storytelling EMC ELLD LD:Digital Storytelling
SM 443 Business Intelligence MGMT ELUD UD:Business Intelligence
SMED 0101 Step 1: Inquiry-Based Teach ELEC ELLD LD:Step 1: Inquiry-Based Teach
SMED 0320 Classroom Interactions ELEC ELUD UD: Classroom Interactions
SMED 0340 Perspectives on Math & Science ELEC ELUD UD:Perspect on Math & Sci
SMED 102 Step 2:Inquiry Lesson Design ELEC ELLD LD:Step 2:Inquiry Lesson Desig
SMED 210 Know & Learn Math/Science ELEC ELLD LD:Know & Learn Math/Science
SOC 0100 Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 011001 Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 0240 Contemp Social Prob SOC 2010 Social Problems
SOC 025001 Social Problems SOC 2010 Social Problems
SOC 025501 Social Organization SOC ELLD LD: Social Organization
SOC 0260 Collect Behav SOC ELLD LD: Collect Behav
SOC 0295 Soc Person Behav SOC ELLD LD: Soc Person Behav
SOC 036501 Criminology SOC 4300 Criminology
SOC 0410 Urban Sociology SOC ELUD UD: Urban Sociology
SOC 0420 The Family SOC 2500 Marriage and Family
SOC 0435 Correc & Confine SOC ELUD UD: Correc & Confine
SOC 100C Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 220C Marriage/Family SOC 2500 Marriage and Family
SOC 240C Contemp Social Prob SOC 2010 Social Problems
SOCL 010001 Intro Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOCL 0110 Intro Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOCL 021001 Interaction:Self In SOC ELLD LD: Interaction:Self In
SOCL 022001 Marriage & Family SOC 2500 Marriage and Family
SOCL 023001 Deviant Behavior SOC ELLD LD: Deviant Behavior
SOCL 0231 Intro to Criminial Justice CJA 1100 Intro Criminal Justice Admin
SOCL 023201 Intro to Law Enforc CJA ELLD LD: Intro to Law Enforc
SOCL 024001 Contemporary Social SOC 2010 Social Problems
SOCL 0250 Social Problems SOC 2010 Social Problems
SOCL 026001 Minority Relations SOC ELLD LD: Minority Relations
SOCL 030001 Using Statistics In SOC 3050 Data Analysis
SOCL 030201 Strategies of Socia SOC 3040 Research Methods
SOCL 030401 Sociological Theory SOC ELUD UD: Sociological Theory
SOCL 030501 Formal Organization SOC ELUD UD: Formal Organization
SOCL 0309 Social Deviance SOC 3250 Social Deviance
SOCL 031001 Behavior In Small G SOC ELUD UD: Behavior In Small G
SOCL 031201 Collective Behavior SOC 4510 Social Deviance
SOCL 032201 Religion In Society SOC 4550 Sociology of Religion
SOCL 032401 Sociology of Sport SOC 4790 Sport and Society
SOCL 033001 Criminology SOC 4300 Criminology
SOCL 033201 Juvenile Delinquenc SOC 4540 Juvenile Delinquency
SOCL 034001 Social Games & Simu SOC ELUD UD: Social Games & Simu
SOCL 034201 Aging In Society SOC 4020 Sociology of Aging
SOCL 034401 Roots of Social Tho SOC ELUD UD: Roots of Social Tho
SOCL 034501 The Sociology of Po SOC ELUD UD: The Sociology of Po
SOCL 034601 Special Topics SOC 4800 Special Projects
SOCL 0350 Social Inequality SOC 4010 Organized Crime
SOCL 035001 Social Inequality SOC 4010 Organized Crime
SOCL 035201 Technology,Work,& S SOC 4100 Work in the 21st Century
SOCL 035401 Contemporary Japane SOC ELUD UD: Contemporary Japane
SOCL 0355 Sociology of Gender SOC 3400 Gender and Society
SOCL 035901 Sexuality & Society SOC ELUD UD: Sexuality & Society
SOCL 036001 Community Rural & U SOC 4660 Urban and Community Studies
SOCL 0362 Race Class and Gender SOC 4240 Race and Ethnic Relations
SOCL 036301 Population & Societ SOC 4520 Population and Society
SOCL 0375 Diversity in Modern Society SOC ELUD UD:Diversity in Modern Society
SOCL 040001 Statistical Softwar SOC ELUD UD: Statistical Softwar
SOCL 040201 Evaluation Research SOC ELUD UD: Evaluation Research
SOCL 0404 Qualitative Research SOC ELUD UD: Qualitative Research
SOCL 040501 Education In Societ SOC ELUD UD: Education In Societ
SOCL 040801 Survey Applications SOC ELUD UD: Survey Applications
SOCL 041001 Socialization: Chan SOC ELUD UD: Socialization: Chan
SOCL 042001 Political Sociology SOC ELUD UD: Political Sociology
SOCL 042201 Work & Leisure SOC ELUD UD: Work & Leisure
SOCL 0430 Penology SOC ELUD UD: Penology
SOCL 043201 Sociology of Crimin SOC ELUD UD: Sociology of Crimin
SOCL 043301 Community Correctio SOC ELUD UD: Community Correctio
SOCL 0434 Organized Crime CJA ELUD UD: Organized Crime
SOCL 043501 Family Violence SOC 4140 Violence in the Family
SOCL 043901 Internship In Crimi SOC 4900 Sociology Internship
SOCL 044001 Medical Sociology SOC 4360 Medical Sociology
SOCL 044201 Sociology Research SOC ELUD UD: Sociology Research
SOCL 045001 Occupations & Profe SOC ELUD UD: Occupations & Profe
SOCL 045201 Social Change SOC ELUD UD: Social Change
SOCL 046001 Urban Sociology SOC ELUD UD: Urban Sociology
SOCL 0489 Social Prob/Modern Ecuador SOC ELLD LD:Social Prob/Modern Ecuador
SOCL 049401 Cooperative Educ In SOC ELUD UD: Cooperative Educ In
SOCL 049501 Directed Study SOC ELUD UD: Directed Study
SOCL 049601 Directed Study SOC 4800 Special Projects
SOCL 438 Victimology CJA 3130 Victimology
SOM 101 Understanding Media EMC ELLD LD:Understanding Media
SOM 102 Media Collaboration JOUR ELLD LD:Media Collaboration
SOM 310 Media Diversity EMC ELUD UD:Media Diversity
SP T 015201 Fundamental Theatre THEA ELLD LD: Fundamental Theatre
SPAN 331 Business Spanish SPAN 3030 Business Spanish
SPAN 499 Adv Study In Spanish SPAN 4900 Dir Readings Span Lit Culture
SPAN 0101 Elelm Spanish SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 0102 Elem Span II SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 017001 Elem Spanish SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 017101 Elem Spanish SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 017201 Reading & Translati SPAN ELLD LD: Reading & Translati
SPAN 020001 Intro to Latin Amer SPAN ELLD LD: Intro to Latin Amer
SPAN 0201 Intermed Span SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 0202 Interm Spanish II SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 0210 Intermed Span Conv Abroad SPAN ELLD LD: Intermed Span Conv
SPAN 0211 Inter Span Culture Abroad SPAN ELLD LD:Inter Span Culture Abroad
SPAN 0270 Inter Spanish SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 027101 Intermediate Spanis SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 0306 Exper Sanp Abroad:Phonetics SPAN ELUD Exper Span Abroad:Phonetics
SPAN 0331 Business Spanish SPAN ELLD LD:Business Spanish
SPAN 0370 Spanish Conversatio SPAN ELUD UD:Spanish Conversatio
SPAN 037101 Spanish Comp & Gram SPAN ELUD UD: Spanish Comp & Gram
SPAN 0372 Latin Am Civilization/Culture SPAN 3070 Intro Latin Amer Civ Culture
SPAN 037201 Spanish Amer Civili SPAN ELUD UD: Spanish Amer Civili
SPAN 0373 Hispanic Civilizati SPAN ELUD UD: Hispanic Civilization
SPAN 0374 Intro to Hispanic L SPAN ELUD UD:Intro to Hispanic L
SPAN 037501 Latin American Wome SPAN ELUD UD: Latin American Wome
SPAN 0376 Lit & Culture of Latin Am SPAN ELUD UD: Lit & Cult of Latin Am
SPAN 037601 Literature & Cultur SPAN ELUD UD: Literature & Cultur
SPAN 037701 Literature & Cultur SPAN ELUD UD: Literature & Cultur
SPAN 0455 Topics in Hispanic Lit SPAN ELUD UD:Topics in Hispanic Lit
SPAN 0470 Advanced Oral Spanish SPAN 4015 Advanced Spanish Grammar
SPAN 047001 Adv Oral Spanish SPAN ELUD UD: Adv Oral Spanish
SPAN 047101 Adv Spanish Syntax SPAN ELUD UD: Adv Spanish Syntax
SPAN 047201 Background of Moder SPAN ELUD UD: Background of Moder
SPAN 047501 Literature of Spain SPAN ELUD UD: Literature of Spain
SPAN 047601 20th Century Spain SPAN ELUD UD: 20th Century Spain
SPAN 047701 Literature of Spani SPAN ELUD UD: Literature of Spani
SPAN 047801 20th Century Spanis SPAN ELUD UD: 20th Century Spanis
SPAN 047901 Studies In Hispanic SPAN ELUD UD: Studies In Hispanic
SPAN 0490 Hispanic Cinema SPAN ELUD UD:Hispanic Cinema
SPAN 0499 Adv Studies in Spanish SPAN 4090 Special Topics Latin Amer Lit
SPCH 014501 Fund of Public Spea COMM ELLD LD: Fund of Public Spea
SPCH 0161 Bus & Profes Speakin COMM ELLD LD: Bus & Profes Speakin
SPCH 145C Fund Public Speakin COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPCH 149C01 Group Discussion COMM ELLD LD: Group Discussion
SPCH 161C Bus & Profess Speaki COMM ELLD LD: Bus & Profess Speaki
SPED 0330 Excep Educ Div Lrng SPED ELUD UD:Excep Educ Div Lrng
SPED 0331 Early Child Disability SPED ELUD UD:Early Child Disability
SPED 335 Foundations of Special Educ SPED ELUD UD:Foundations of Special Educ
SPEE 014501 Fund Speech COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPEE 014901 Group Discussion COMM ELLD LD: Group Discussion
SPM 0200 Intro to Sport Management ATHC ELLD LD:Intro to Sport Management
SPM 0300 Public Policy in Sport ATHC ELUD UD:Public Policy in Sport
SPM 0305 Sport Event Mgmt ATHC ELUD UD:Sport Event Mgmt
SPM 0310 Sport Ethics & Morals ATHC ELUD UD:Sport Ethics & Morals
SPM 0315 Sport Communication ATHC ELUD UD:Sport Communication
SPM 290 Sport Management Seminar LSTS ELLD LD:Sport Management Seminar
SPN 0170 Elementary Span SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPN 101C Elementary Spanish SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPN 102C Elem Spanish II SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SPN 170C Elem Spanish SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPS 0300 Systems Thinking ELEC ELUD UD:Systems Thinking
SPS 400 Global Citizenship ELEC ELUD UD:Global Citizenship
STAT 0301 Prob/Applied Stats STAT ELUD UD: Prob/Applied Stats
SUS 099 Developmental Writing Lab DSPW ELLD LD:Developmental Writing Lab
SUS 099C Supplemental Writing Lab DSPW ELLD LD:Supplemental Writing Lab
SWRK 010101 Foundations of Huma SW ELLD LD: Foundations of Huma
SWRK 020501 Intro Social Work SW 2570 Introduction to Social Work
SWRK 027001 Mental Health & Soc SW ELLD LD: Mental Health & Soc
SWRK 031501 Social Policy & Iss SW 3000 Social Policy
SWRK 032501 Social Work & Women SW ELUD UD: Social Work & Women
SWRK 032601 Services For Older SW ELUD UD: Services For Older
SWRK 033001 Human Behavior In S SW ELUD UD: Human Behavior In S
SWRK 033101 Human Behavior In S SW ELUD UD: Human Behavior In S
SWRK 033601 Services to Childre SW ELUD UD: Services to Childre
SWRK 034001 Dynamics of Group I SW ELUD UD: Dynamics of Group I
SWRK 0344 Social Work Research SW 3110 Research Methods SW Practice
SWRK 034501 Research Methods Fo SW 3110 Research Methods SW Practice
SWRK 035601 Services For Juveni SW ELUD UD: Services For Juveni
SWRK 0379 Social Work Skills/S SW 2630 Interview Skills SW Practice
SWRK 038001 Social Work Practic SW ELUD UD: Social Work Practic
SWRK 038101 Social Work Practic SW ELUD UD: Social Work Practic
SWRK 043601 Services to Childre SW 4030 Child Welfare Services I
SWRK 044001 Organicational Rene SW ELUD UD: Organicational Rene
SWRK 047001 Social Work & Law SW ELUD UD: Social Work & Law
SWRK 047901 Social Work Skills SW ELUD UD: Social Work Skills
SWRK 048001 Social Work Practic SW ELUD UD: Social Work Practic
SWRK 048101 Social Work Practic SW ELUD UD: Social Work Practic
SWRK 048201 Social Work Integra SW ELUD UD: Social Work Integra
SWRK 0483 Social Work Sem II SW ELUD UD: Social Work Sem II
SWRK 0485 Social Work Integrat SW ELUD UD: Social Work Integrat
SWRK 049001 Selected Topics In SW ELUD UD: Selected Topics In
SWRK 049501 Directed Study SW ELUD UD: Directed Study
SWRK 049601 Directed Study SW ELUD UD: Directed Study
THE 151C01 Theatre Appreciatio THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
THEA 345 Costume Construction THEA ELUD UD: Costume Construction
THEA 362 Intro to Light Desig THEA 3400 Lighting Arts/Entertainment I
THEA 411 Theatre History I THEA 4800 Thea Hist I: Greek Restoration
THEA 412 Theatre History II THEA 4810 Thea Hist II: Restor-Present
THEA 010101 Basic Tech of Actin THEA ELLD LD: Basic Tech of Actin
THEA 012001 Theatre Production THEA ELLD LD: Theatre Production
THEA 012101 Theatre Production THEA ELLD LD: Theatre Production
THEA 014101 Stage Makeup THEA ELLD LD: Stage Makeup
THEA 0151 Theatre Appreciation THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
THEA 015201 Fund of Theatre THEA ELLD LD: Fund of Theatre
THEA 0153 Stage Makeup THEA ELLD LD: Stage Makeup
THEA 0154 Basic Tech Act THEA ELLD LD: Basic Tech Act
THEA 020101 Characterization Ac THEA ELLD LD: Characterization Ac
THEA 020201 Voice For the Stage CDIS 2150 Voice and Diction
THEA 0219 Design I THEA ELLD LD:Design I
THEA 022001 Theatre Production THEA ELLD LD: Theatre Production
THEA 022101 Theatre Production THEA ELLD LD: Theatre Production
THEA 022201 Stagecraft THEA 1025 Stage Craft I
THEA 022301 Basic Design For Th THEA ELLD LD: Basic Design For Th
THEA 0241 Costume Technology THEA ELLD LD:Costume Technology
THEA 0252 Fund of Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
THEA 0300 Character For the Ac THEA ELUD UD: Character For the Ac
THEA 030101 Acting THEA 1015 Acting I
THEA 030201 Stage Dialects THEA ELUD UD: Stage Dialects
THEA 030301 Acting For the Came THEA ELUD UD: Acting For the Came
THEA 0319 Basic Design For The THEA 1025 Stage Craft I
THEA 032001 Theatre Production THEA ELUD UD: Theatre Production
THEA 032101 Theatre Production THEA ELUD UD: Theatre Production
THEA 032201 Stage Design THEA 3300 Scene Design
THEA 034001 Stage Costume Const THEA 3200 Intro to Costume for A&E
THEA 035101 Womens Drama THEA ELUD UD: Womens Drama
THEA 035401 History of Drama To THEA 4800 Thea Hist I: Greek Restoration
THEA 035501 History of Drama Si THEA 4810 Thea Hist II: Restor-Present
THEA 035801 Drama Writing THEA ELUD UD: Drama Writing
THEA 036001 Summer Theatre THEA 3910 Internship in Theatre
THEA 036901 Professional Work/C THEA ELUD UD: Professional Work/C
THEA 037101 Stage Directing THEA 3700 Fundamentals of Play Directing
THEA 0375 Tpx in Drama THEA ELUD UD:Tpx in Drama
THEA 039101 Childrens Theatre THEA 3600 Drama in the Classroom
THEA 039201 Production of Theat THEA ELUD UD: Production of Theat
THEA 040101 Styles of Acting THEA 3510 Acting II
THEA 0412 Spec Tpx in Acting THEA ELUD UD:Spec Tpx in Acting
THEA 042001 Theatre Production THEA ELUD UD: Theatre Production
THEA 042101 Theatre Production THEA ELUD UD: Theatre Production
THEA 042201 Stage Lighting Desi THEA 3400 Lighting Arts/Entertainment I
THEA 042301 Theatre Management THEA 3800 Intro to Arts Management
THEA 042401 Special Prob In Tec THEA ELUD UD: Special Prob in Tec
THEA 043101 Musical Theatre THEA ELUD UD: Musical Theatre
THEA 044101 Costume Design M THEA ELUD UD: Costume Design M
THEA 044201 Historic Decor For THEA ELUD UD: Historic Decor For
THEA 044501 Research In Theatre THEA ELUD UD: Research In Theatre
THEA 045501 American Drama THEA ELUD UD: American Drama
THEA 045601 Elizabethan Drama THEA ELUD UD: Elizabethan Drama
THEA 045901 Modern Drama THEA ELUD UD: Modern Drama
THEA 046101 Theatre Practicum THEA ELUD UD: Theatre Practicum
THEA 046201 Theatre History To THEA ELUD UD: Theatre History To
THEA 046301 Theatre Hist Since THEA ELUD UD: Theatre Hist Since
THEA 047101 Theories of Directi THEA 4700 Advanced Play Directing
THEA 048201 Shakespeare THEA ELUD UD: Shakespeare
THEA 049101 Puppet Theatre THEA ELUD UD: Puppet Theatre
THEA 049901 Studies In British THEA ELUD UD: Studies In British
THEA 203 Acting Audition Workshop THEA ELLD LD:Acting Audition Workshop
THEA 250 Stage Electrics THEA ELLD LD:Stage Electrics
THEA 306 Musical Theatre Ensemble THEA ELUD UD:Musical Theatre Ensemble
THEA 307 Musical Theatre Workshop I THEA ELUD UD:Musical Theatre Workshop I
THEA 324 Applied Vocal Styles I THEA ELUD UD:Applied Vocal Styles I
THEA 325 Theatre in Education THEA 3600 Drama in the Classroom
THEA 341 Culture and Performance THEA ELUD UD:Culture and Performance
THEA 364 World Theatre History II THEA 4810 Thea Hist II: Restor-Present
THEA 424B Tech Thea Mgmt THEA ELUD UD: Tech Thea Mgmt
THEA 425 Play Production in Schools THEA ELUD UD:Play Production in Schools
THTR 015101 Theatre Apprec THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
UC 0101 Freshman Seminar ELEC ELLD LD: Freshman Seminar
UC 0175 University Experien UNIV ELLD LD: University Experien
UC 0176 UC Special Topics ELEC ELLD LD:UC Special Topics
UC 100 College & Career Seminar UNIV ELLD LD:College & Career Seminar
UC 495 Interdisciplinary Studies Cap ELEC ELUD UD:Interdiscip. Studies Cap
UCC 0101 Freshman Seminar UNIV ELLD LD: Freshman Seminar
UCC 0175 University Experience UNIV ELLD LD: University Experience
UCC 101C Fr Sem UNIV ELLD LD: Fr Sem
UCC 175C University Experien UNIV ELLD LD: University Experien
UCC 176C UE Special Topics ELEC ELLD LD:UE Special Topics
UNIV 0001 Freshman Assembly ELEC ELLD LD: Freshman Assembly
UNIV 010101 Freshman Orient Asm UNIV 1010 University Seminar
UX 320 User Experience Design CSCI ELUD UD:User Experience Design
UX 330 Interactive Design CSCI ELUD UD:Interactive Design
UX 340 Prog for Media Platform CSCI ELUD UD:Prog for Media Platform
WMN 0200 Intro to Women Study WGST 2100 Intro to Women's Studies
WMN 200C Intro Women's Studies WGST 2100 Intro to Women's Studies
WOMN 020001 Intro to Womens Stu WMST ELLD LD: Intro to Womens Stu
WOMN 0321 Women and Journalism WGST ELUD UD: Women and Journalism
WOMN 0370 Women In Sport WMST ELUD UD: Women In Sport
WOMN 037401 Women & Politics WMST ELUD UD: Women & Politics
WOMN 040001 Western Feminist Th WMST ELUD UD: Western Feminist Th
WOMN 049901 Directed Study WMST ELUD UD: Directed Study
WTTI 0200 Water Supply & Wastewater Co ELEC ELLD LD: Water Supply & Wastewater
WTTI 0210 Intro Water Treatment Process ELEC ELLD LD: Intro Water Treatment Proc
WTTI 0212 Water Distribution & Wastewate ELEC ELLD LD: Water Distribution & Waste
WTTI 0222 Water & WW Instrument Control ELEC ELLD LD: Water & WW Instrument Cont
WTTI 0226 Water Chemistry ELEC ELLD LD: Water Chemistry