Transfer Equivalencies

There are 264 transfer equivalencies on file for Holmes Cmty College

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
ACC 1213 Prin of Actg ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACC 122301 Prin of Acc II ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACC 2213 Principles of Accounting I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACC 2223 Principles of Accounting II ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ART 1113 Art Appreciation ART 1030 Art Appreciation
ART 1423 Design II ART ELLD LD: Design II
ART 272301 Art History II ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ART 272301 Art History II ART 1920 Survey of Western Art I
ATE 1113 Science & Technolog ELEC ELLD LD: Science & Technolog
BAD 1113 Introduction to Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
BAD 2213 Introduction to Marketing MKT ELLD LD:Introduction to Marketing
BAD 232301 Business Stats BIA 2610 Statistical Methods
BAD 2413 Legal Environment BLAW ELLD LD: Legal Environment
BAD 2513 Principles of Management MGMT ELLD LD:Principles of Management
BAD 2523 Personal Financial Management FCSE 1400 Personal Finance
BAD 2533 Computer App/Business & Ind BCED ELLD LD:Computer App/Business & Ind
BAD 2813 Business Communicati BCED ELLD LD: Business Communicati
BIO 1114 Gen Biol I/Non Maj BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIO 1124 Prin Biol II BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIO 1134 General Biology I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIO 1144 Gen Biol II/Majors BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIO 131301 Botany I BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIO 151401 Anat & Physiology I BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BIO 1613 Nutrition BIOL ELLD LD: Nutrition
BIO 241401 Zoology I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIO 242401 Zoology II BIOL ELLD LD: Zoology II
BIO 2514 Human a & P I BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BIO 2524 A & P II BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO 292401 Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BOT 1013 Introduction to Keyboarding BCED ELLD LD: Intro to Keyboarding
BOT 1113 Doc Format & Prod INFS ELLD LD: Doc Format & Prod
BOT 1133 Microcomputer Apps BCED ELLD LD:Microcomputer Apps
BOT 1313 Business Math BCED ELLD LD:Business Math
BOT 1433 Business Accounting BCED ELLD LD:Business Accounting
BOT 1613 Medical Office Term ELEC ELLD LD: Medical Office Term
BOT 1623 Medical Office Terminology II ELEC ELLD LD:Medical Office Termnlgy II
BOT 1713 Mechanics of Comm COMM ELLD LD:Mechanics of Comm
BOT 2413 Computerized Accounting BCED ELLD LD:Computerized Accounting
CHB 1221 General Chem Lab II CHEM ELLD LD: General Chem Lab II
CHB 1223 General Chem II CHEM ELLD LD: General Chem II
CHE 1114 Intro to Chemistry CHEM ELLD LD: Intro to Chemistry
CHE 1211 Gen Chem Lab I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHE 1213 Gen Chemistry I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHE 1221 General Chem Lab II CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHE 1223 General Chem II CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHE 1414 Intro Organic &Bioch CHEM ELLD LD: Intro Organic &Bioch
CNT 1413 Fundamentals of Data Comm CSCI ELLD LD: Fundamentals of Data Comm
CPT 1123 Computer Concepts INFS ELLD LD:Computer Concepts
CPT 1144 Programming Dev Concepts CSCI ELLD LD:Prgrmg Dev Concepts
CPT 1214 Visual BASIC Prog Language CSCI ELLD LD:Visual BASIC Prog Language
CPT 1224 PRG Programming Language CSCI ELLD LD:PRG Programming Language
CPT 1234 COBOL Program Language CSCI ELLD LD:COBOL Program Language
CPT 1333 Operating Platforms CSCI ELLD LD:Operating Platforms
CPT 1353 Database Design Fundamentals CSCI ELLD LD:Database Design Fundamental
CPT 1414 Java Programming Language CSCI ELLD LD:Java Programming Language
CPT 2354 Systems Analysis & Design CSCI ELLD LD:Systems Analysis & Design
CPT 2373 Network Fundamentals CSCI ELLD LD:Network Fundamentals
CPT 2434 Adv Visual BASIC Program Lang CSCI ELLD LD:Adv Visual BASIC Program La
CRJ 1313 Intro to Criminal Justice CJA 1100 Intro Criminal Justice Admin
CRJ 1363 Introduction to Corrections CJA 2600 Corrections
CRJ 1373 Intro to Homeland Security CJA ELLD LD: Intro to Homeland Security
CRJ 2213 Traffic Law CJA ELLD LD: Traffic Law
CRJ 2323 Criminal Law CJA ELLD LD: Criminal Law
CRJ 2393 Survey of Criminalistics CJA ELLD LD: Survey of Criminalistics
CSC 111301 Intr Computer CScpt CSCI ELLD LD: Intr Computer CScpt
CSC 1123 Microcomputer Applic INFS 2200 Introduction to Microcomputing
CSC 1613 Computer Programming I CSCI ELLD LD:Computer Programming I
ECO 211301 Prin of Economics I ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 2123 Prin of Econ II ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
EDU 1311 Orientation UNIV ELLD LD: Orientation
EDU 1613 Foundations in Education EESE 2010 Introduction to Education
EDU 1813 Leadership Devel FOED ELLD LD: Leadership Devel
EMT 1123 Prehospital Environ ELEC ELLD LD: Prehospital Environ
EMT 1133 Body Systems ELEC ELLD LD: Body Systems
EMT 1213 Patient Assessment & ELEC ELLD LD: Patient Assessment &
EMT 1222 Defibrillation Skill ELEC ELLD LD: Defibrillation Skill
EMT 1315 Shock Trauma ELEC ELLD LD: Shock Trauma
EMT 1412 Respiratory Emerg ELEC ELLD LD: Respiratory Emerg
EMT 1425 Cardiovascular ELEC ELLD LD: Cardiovascular
EMT 1436 Medical Emergencies ELEC ELLD LD: Medical Emergencies
EMT 1512 Gerenal Pharmacology ELEC ELLD LD: Gerenal Pharmacology
EMT 1612 Obstetrical Gynec ELEC ELLD LD: Obstetrical Gynec
EMT 1631 Geriatrics ELEC ELLD LD: Geriatrics
EMT 1641 Behavioral Emerg ELEC ELLD LD: Behavioral Emerg
EMT 1713 Internship Clinical ELEC ELLD LD: Internship Clinical
EMT 1724 Internship Clinical ELEC ELLD LD: Internship Clinical
EMT 1734 Internship Clinical ELEC ELLD LD: Internship Clinical
ENG 0113 Beginning English DSPW ELLD LD:Beginning English
ENG 0123 Intermediate English DSPW ELLD LD:Intermediate English
ENG 0124 Intermediate Eng/Reading DSPW ELLD LD:Intermediate Eng/Reading
ENG 1103 Developmental English I DSPW ELLD LD: Developmental English I
ENG 1113 English Comp I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 112301 English Comp II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 1213 Honors English Comp ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 1223 Honors Comp II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 2133 Creative Writing I ENGL ELLD LD: Creative Writing I
ENG 2223 Amer Lit I ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 223301 Amer Lit II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 232301 English Lit I ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENG 233301 Eng Literature II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 242301 World Literature I ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 2433 World Lit II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
EPY 2513 Child Psychology PSY 4190 Child Development
EPY 2523 Adolescent Psycholg PSY 4210 Adolescent Development
EPY 2533 Human Grth & Dev PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
FCS 1253 Nutrition NFS ELLD LD:Nutrition
GEO 1113 World Geography GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GRA 1143 Graphic Comm VCOM ELLD LD: Graphic Comm
HEC 1253 Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
HFL 1223 Elem Span II SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
HIS 1113 Western Civ I HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIS 1123 Western Civ II HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIS 1163 World Hist I HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HIS 1173 World Hist II HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HIS 221301 American History I HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIS 2223 American History HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HON 1911 Honors Forum UH ELLD LD:Honors Forum
HPR 1111 Gen Activities I PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 1121 Gen Activities II PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 113101 Var Football I PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 114101 Var Football II PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 1213 Per & Comm Hlth HLTH ELLD LD: Per & Comm Health
HPR 1313 Int Hlth PE Rec HLTH ELLD LD: Int Hlth PE Rec
HPR 1521 Volley/Softball PHED 2270 Beginning Volleyball
HPR 1541 Badminton & Tennis PHED 1150 Beginning Badminton
HPR 155101 Fit & Cond Train PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 156101 Fit & Cond Train II PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 1613 PE In Elem School PHED ELLD LD: PE In Elem School
HPR 213101 Var Football III PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 2141 Varsity Football IV PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 2213 Fst Aid/Civ Def HLTH 3300 First Aid and Safety Education
HPR 2323 Recreational Leaders REC ELLD LD: Recreational Leaders
HPR 242201 Football Theory PHED ELLD LD: Football Theory
HPR 2453 Baseball Theory PHED ELLD LD: Baseball Theory
HPR 2551 Fitness & Conditioni PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 2561 Fitness & Conditioni PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 2733 Intro to Athletic Training ATHT ELLD LD:Intro to Athletic Training
IED 241301 Hist & App Artcrft ART ELLD LD: Hist & App Artcrft
JOU 111101 College Public I JOUR ELLD LD: College Public I
JOU 112101 Coll Pub Paper II JOUR ELLD LD: Coll Pub Paper II
JOU 211101 Col Pub Paper III JOUR ELLD LD: Col Pub Paper III
JOUR 112101 Coll Pub Paper II JOUR ELLD LD: Coll Pub Paper II
LET 1113 Intro Law PLEG ELLD LD:Intro Law
LET 1213 Legal Research PLEG ELLD LD:Legal Research
LET 1513 Family Law PLEG ELLD LD:Family Law
LET 1523 Wills & Estates PLEG ELLD LD:Wills & Estates
LET 2313 Civil Litigation PLEG ELLD LD:Civil Litigation
LET 2323 Torts PLEG ELLD LD:Torts
LET 2333 Civil Litigation II PLEG ELLD LD:Civil Litigation II
LET 2353 Criminal Law PLEG ELLD LD:Criminal Law
LET 2453 Real Property PLEG ELLD LD:Real Property
LET 2463 Real Property II PLEG ELLD LD:Real Property II
LET 2523 Bankruptcy Law PLEG ELLD LD:Bankruptcy Law
LET 2633 Law Office Mgmt PLEG ELLD LD:Law Office Mgmt
LET 2913 Paralegal PLEG ELLD LD:Paralegal
LLS 1313 Orientation ELEC ELLD LD:Orientation
LLS 1321 Career Exploration ELEC ELLD LD:Career Exploration
LLS 1413 Improvement of Study ELEC ELLD LD:Improvement of Study
MAT 0123 Beginning Algebra DSPM ELLD LD:Beginning Algebra
MAT 0124 Beginning Algebra DSPM ELLD LD:Beginning Algebra
MAT 1103 Devel Math DSPM ELLD LD: Devel Math
MAT 1103 Developmental Math DSPM ELLD LD: Developmental Math
MAT 114 Fundamentals of Math DSPM ELLD LD:Fundamentals of Math
MAT 1203 Beginning Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Beginning Algebra
MAT 1213 Beginning Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Beginning Algebra
MAT 1233 Intermediate Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Intermediate Algebra
MAT 1313 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MAT 1323 Trigonometry MATH 1720 Plane Trigonometry
MAT 1333 Finite Math MATH 1630 Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci
MAT 1513 Business Calculus I MATH ELLD LD:Business Calculus I
MAT 161301 Calculus Ia MATH ELLD LD: Calculus Ia
MAT 1723 Real Number System MATH ELLD LD:Real Number System
MAT 2323 Statistics MATH ELLD LD:Statistics
MFL 111301 Elem French I FREN 1010 Elementary French I
MFL 112301 Elem French II FREN 1020 Elementary French II
MFL 1213 Elem Span I SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
MFL 1223 Spanish II SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
MFL 221301 Inter Spanish I SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
MMT 2723 Real Estate Law FIN ELLD LD:Real Estate Law
MPL 1223 Spanish II SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
MUA 1181 Stage Band II MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUA 1224 Mus Theory II MUTH ELLD LD: Mus Theory II
MUA 1241 Guitar For Non Major MUS 1550 Class Guitar I
MUA 1251 Guitar Non Major II MUS ELLD LD: Guitar Non Major II
MUA 1472 Percussion Mus Maj MUAP ELLD LD: Percussion Mus Maj
MUA 1482 Percussion Mus Ed 2 MUAP ELLD LD: Percussion Mus Ed 2
MUA 1511 Class Piano I MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUA 1521 Class Piano II MUS 1540 Class Piano II
MUA 1672 Strgs Mus Jr I MUS ELLD LD: Strgs Mus Jr I
MUA 1711 Class Voice I MUS 1510 Class Voice I
MUA 1741 Voice Non Majors I MUS 1510 Class Voice I
MUA 1751 Voice Non Major II MUS ELLD LD: Voice Non Major II
MUA 2472 Percussion Mes Ed 3 MUAP ELLD LD: Percussion Mes Ed 3
MUA 2511 Class Piano III MUS 2530 Class Piano III
MUA 2741 Voice Non Major III MUS ELLD LD: Voice Non Major III
MUA 2751 Voice Non Major IV MUS ELLD LD: Voice Non Major IV
MUO 1111 Band I MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUO 1121 Band II MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUO 1141 Small Band Groups I MUEN ELLD LD: Small Band Groups I
MUO 1151 Sm Band Grp 2/Steel MUEN ELLD LD: Sm Band Grp 2/Steel
MUO 1171 Stage Band I MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUO 1181 Jazz Band II MUEN 3400 Jazz Ensemble
MUO 1211 Choir I MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUO 1221 Choir II MUEN 3260 University Chorus
MUO 1241 Small Singing Grp I MUEN ELLD LD: Small Singing Grp I
MUO 1251 Small Singing Grp II MUEN ELLD LD: Small Singing Grp II
MUO 2141 Sm Band Grp 3/Steel MUEN ELLD LD: Sm Band Grp 3/Steel
MUO 2171 Jazz Band III MUEN 3400 Jazz Ensemble
MUO 2211 Choir III MUEN 3260 University Chorus
MUO 2221 Choir IV MUEN 3260 University Chorus
MUO 2241 Small Singing Grp 3 MUEN ELLD LD: Small Singing Grp 3
MUO 2251 Select Voice Ensemble IV MUEN ELLD LD:Select Voice Ensemble IV
MUS 1113 Music Appreciation MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUS 1133 Fundamentals of Music MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUS 1214 Mus Theory I MUTH ELLD LD: Mus Theory I
MUS 1221 Choir II MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUS 1224 Music Theory II MUTH ELLD LD: Music Theory II
MUS 1413 Basic Comp Skills MUS ELLD LD:Basic Comp Skills
MUS 1911 Recital Class I MUS 1010 Recital Attendance
MUS 2211 Choir III MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUS 2214 Music Theory III MUTH ELLD LD: Music Theory III
MUS 2413 Computer Recording I RIM ELLD LD:Computer Recording I
MUS 2423 Computer Recording II RIM ELLD LD:Computer Recording II
MUS 2443 Audio Engineering I RIM ELLD LD:Audio Engineering I
MUS 2453 Audio Engineering II RIM ELLD LD:Audio Engineering II
MUS 2513 Music for Elem Teachers MUED ELLD LD:Music for Elem Teachers
MUS 2911 Recital Class III MUS 1010 Recital Attendance
NFL 1223 Elementary Span II SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
PHI 1113 Old Testament Surve RS ELLD LD: Old Testament Surve
PHI 1133 New Testament Surv RS ELLD LD: New Testament Surv
PHI 2613 World Religions RS ELLD LD:World Religions
PHY 1114 Astronomy ASTR ELLD LD:Astronomy
PHY 2243 Phy Sci Svy I PSCI 1030 Topics in Physical Science
PHY 2244 Physical Sci Surv I PSCI 1030 Topics in Physical Science
PHY 2254 Physical Sci Survey PSCI 1030 Topics in Physical Science
PHY 2414 Gen Physics I PHYS ELLD LD: Gen Physics I
PHY 2424 Gen Physics II PHYS ELLD LD: Gen Physics II
PNV 1213 Body Structure and Function NURS ELLD LD:Body Structure & Function
PNV 1444 Nursing Fndmntls & Clinic NURS ELLD LD:Nursing Fndmntls & Clinic
PSC 111301 American Nat Gov PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PSY 151301 Gen Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 1523 General Psyc II PSY 1420 Psychology of Adjustment
PSY 2513 Child Psychology PSY ELLD LD:Child Psychology
PSY 2523 Adolescent Psy PSY ELLD LD:Adolescent Psy
PSY 2533 Human Growth & Development PSY ELLD LD:Human Growth & Dev
REA 1103 Dev Read I DSPR ELLD LD: Dev Read I
REA 1203 Dev Reading II DSPR ELLD LD: Dev Reading II
REA 1213 Read Imprvt I READ ELLD LD: Read Imprvt I
REA 123 Intermediate Reading DSPR ELLD LD:Intermediate Reading
REA 1301 Prescriptive Reading READ ELLD LD: Prescriptive Reading
SOC 211301 Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 2133 Social Problems SOC 2010 Social Problems
SOC 2143 Marriage & Family SOC 2500 Marriage and Family
SOC 2163 Intro Social Work SW 2570 Introduction to Social Work
SPT 111301 Oral Communication COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPT 1213 Fundamental/Theatre Production THEA 2100 Intro to Production Practices
SPT 124101 Drama Prod I THEA ELLD LD: Drama Prod I
SPT 223301 Theatre Appreciatio THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
TAC 111401 Intro to Accounting ACTG ELLD LD:Intro to Accounting
TBO 212301 Keyboarding II BCED ELLD LD: Keyboarding II
TDM 2323 Prin of Mgmt MGMT ELLD LD: Prin of Mgmt
TDP 111301 Int Data Proc/Entry INFS ELLD LD: Int Data Proc/Entry
TDP 111501 Basic Programming CSCI ELLD LD: Basic Programming
WBL 1913 Work Based Learning ELEC ELLD LD:Work Based Learning