Transfer Equivalencies

There are 314 transfer equivalencies on file for Meridian Community College

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
ACC 121101 Acct Lab I ACTG ELLD LD: Acct Lab I
ACC 121301 Pri of Acc I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACC 122101 Acct II Lab ACTG ELLD LD: Acct II Lab
ACC 122301 Prin of Acct II ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ACC 2213 Princ of Acct I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
AGR 2113 Intro Anim Husb ANSC ELLD LD: Intro Anim Husb
AHT 1113 Medical Vocabulary HUM 2130 Medical Vocabulary
ART 1113 Art Appreciation ART 1030 Art Appreciation
ART 123301 Intro to Arts ART ELLD LD: Intro to Arts
ART 1313 Drawing I ART ELLD LD: Drawing I
ART 1323 Drawing II ART ELLD LD: Drawing II
ART 1383 Photography I PHOT 1050 Basic Digital Photography
ART 1413 3-D Design I ART 1630 3-Dimensional Design
ART 1433 Design I ART ELLD LD:Design I
ART 1453 Three Dimensional Design ART 1630 3-Dimensional Design
ART 1913 Art Elem Educ ART ELLD LD: Art Elem Educ
ART 2613 Ceramics ART ELLD LD: Ceramics
ATV 1124 Basic Electrial/Electronic Sys ELEC ELLD LD:Basic Elec/Electronic Sys
ATV 1134 Adv Elec/Electronic Syst ELEC ELLD LD:Adv Elec/Electronic Syst
ATV 1213 Brakes ELEC ELLD LD:Brakes
ATV 1424 Engine Performance I ELEC ELLD LD:Engine Performance I
ATV 1715 Engine Repair ELEC ELLD LD:Engine Repair
ATV 1811 Intro, Safety, & Employ Skills ELEC ELLD LD:Intro,Safety, & Employ Skil
ATV 2334 Steering & Suspension Syst ELEC ELLD LD:Steering & Suspension Syst
ATV 2434 Engine Performance II ELEC ELLD LD:Engine Performance II
ATV 2913 Special Problems in Auto Tech ELEC ELLD LD:Spec Problems in Auto Tech
BAD 111301 Intro to Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
BAD 131101 Bus Math Lab MATH ELLD LD: Bus Math Lab
BAD 131301 Business Math BCED ELLD LD: Business Math
BAD 241301 Business Law BLAW ELLD LD: Business Law
BAD 2533 Business Mgmt & Micr MGMT ELLD LD: Business Mgmt & Micr
BCT 1113 TV Brdcst Tec I EMC ELLD LD: TV Brdcst Tec I
BCT 1213 Radio/TV Anounc EMC ELLD LD: Radio/TV Anounc
BCT 1223 Brodcst New Wrt EMC ELLD LD: Brodcst New Wrt
BCT 1423 Intro Broadcast EMC ELLD LD: Intro Broadcast
BCT 1813 Brdcst Asstnt I EMC ELLD LD: Brdcst Asstnt I
BCT 1823 Brdcst Astnt II EMC ELLD LD: Brdcst Astnt II
BCT 2113 TV Bdcst Tec II EMC ELLD LD: TV Bdcst Tec II
BCT 2223 Writing Radio TV JOUR ELLD LD: Writing Radio TV
BCT 2233 Broadcast Studio EMC ELLD LD: Broadcast Studio
BCT 2243 Media Marketing EMC ELLD LD: Media Marketing
BCT 2813 Brdcst Practicum EMC ELLD LD: Brdcst Practicum
BCT 2823 Brdcst Practicum EMC ELLD LD: Brdcst Practicum
BIO 1111 Lab, Prin of Bio I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIO 1113 Principles of Biology I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIO 1114 Prin of Bio I w/Lab BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIO 1121 Prin of Biology II Lab BIOL ELLD LD: Prin of Biology II Lab
BIO 1123 Prin of Biology II BIOL ELLD LD: Prin of Biology II
BIO 1131 Lab/Gen Biology I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIO 1133 Gen Biology I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIO 1134 General Biology I w/Lab BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIO 1141 Lab Gen Biol II BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIO 1143 Gen Biology II BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIO 1144 General Biology II BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIO 1311 Lab Botany I BIOL ELLD LD: Lab Botany I
BIO 1313 Botany I BIOL ELLD LD: Botany I
BIO 1531 Lab, Surv A&P BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BIO 1533 Survey of Anat & Physio BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BIO 1613 Nutrition NFS ELLD LD: Nutrition
BIO 2511 Lab,Anat & Phys I BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BIO 2513 Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BIO 2514 Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL 2010 Human Anatomy Physiology I
BIO 2521 Lab, Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO 2523 Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO 2524 Anat & Physiol II w/Lab BIOL 2020 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO 2921 Lab, Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIO 2923 Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIO 2924 Microbiology w/Lab BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BLY 0111 Biology Sur BIOL ELLD LD: Biology Sur
BLY 0112 Bio Survey II BIOL ELLD LD: Bio Survey II
BOT 1313 Business Math BCED ELLD LD:Business Math
BOT 261301 Business Comm BCED ELLD LD:Business Comm
CHE 1111 Chemistry Survey, Lab CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHE 1113 Chemistry Survey CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHE 1210 Lab Gen Coll Chem CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHE 1211 Lab Gen Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHE 1213 Gen Chemistry I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHE 1214 Gen Col Chem I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHE 1221 Lab Gen Chemistry 2 CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHE 1223 Gen Chemistry CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHE 1224 Gen Col Chem II CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHE 1414 Int Org&Bio-Nurses CHEM ELLD LD: Int Org&Bio-Nurses
CHE 1424 Int Org & Bio-Nurses CHEM ELLD LD: Int Org & Bio-Nurses
CHE 2425 Organic Chem I CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CNT 1111 Network Seminar I CSCI ELLD LD:Network Seminar I
CNT 1121 Computer Networking Sem II CSCI ELLD LD:Computer Networking Sem II
CNT 1414 Fund of Data Communication CSCI ELLD LD:Fund of Data Communication
CNT 1513 Internet Concepts INFS ELLD LD:Internet Concepts
CNT 1524 Network Components CSCI ELLD LD:Network Components
CNT 1624 Network Mgt using Windows Ser CSCI ELLD LD:Network Mgt using Windows S
CPT 1113 Intro Computers CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CPT 1144 Programming Dev Concepts CSCI ELLD LD:Programming Dev Concepts
CPT 1332 Operating Platforms CSCI ELLD LD:Operating Problems
CPT 1353 Database Design Fundamentals CSCI ELLD LD:Database Design Fundamental
CRJ 1313 Intro Criminal Justice CJA 1100 Intro Criminal Justice Admin
CSC 1113 Intro to Computers CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Computers
CSC 1123 Microcomputer Appl INFS 2200 Introduction to Microcomputing
CSC 121301 Basic Computer Prog CSCI ELLD LD: Basic Computer Prog
CSC 1223 Basic Programming CSCI ELLD LD: Basic Programming
CSC 131301 Fortran Programming CSCI ELLD LD: Fortran Programming
CTE 1333 Intro Health Professions HLTH 2600 Intro to Health Professions
DDT 1114 Fund of Drafting ET ELLD LD:Fund of Drafting
DDT 1133 Machine Drafting I ET ELLD LD:Machine Drafting I
DDT 1213 Construction Materials ELEC ELLD LD:Construction Materials
DDT 1313 Principles of CAD ET ELLD LD:Principles of CAD
DDT 1323 Intermediate CAD ET ELLD LD:Intermediate CAD
DDT 1413 Elem Surveying ET ELLD LD:Elem Surveying
DDT 1613 Architectural Design I ET ELLD LD:Architectural Design I
DDT 1713 Fund Machining Processes ET ELLD LD:Fund Machining Processes
DDT 1910 Drafting & Design Seminar ET ELLD LD:Drafting & Design Seminar
DDT 1913 Design for Manufacturing ET ELLD LD:Design for Manufacturing
DDT 1920 Drafting Design Seminar ET ELLD LD:Drafting Design Seminar
DDT 1930 Drafting Design Sem ET ELLD LD:Drafting Design Sem
DDT 1940 Drafting Design Seminar ET ELLD LD:Drafting Design Seminar
DDT 2163 Machine Drafting II ET ELLD LD:Machine Drafting II
DDT 2233 Structural Drafting ET ELLD LD:Structural Drafting
DDT 2423 Mapping Topography ET ELLD LD:Mapping Topography
DDT 2623 Architectural Design II ET ELLD LD:Architectural Design II
DFT 1123 Machine Drafting ET ELLD LD: Machine Drafting
DFT 1223 Descriptive Geometr MATH ELLD LD: Descriptive Geometr
DFT 1910 Drafting & Dsgn Sem ET ELLD LD: Drafting & Dsgn Sem
DFT 1920 Drafting & Dsgn Sem ET ELLD LD: Drafting & Dsgn Sem
DFT 2115 Architectural Draft ET ELLD LD: Architectural Draft
DFT 2124 Structural Drafting ET ELLD LD: Structural Drafting
DFT 2215 Mechanical Drafting ET ELLD LD: Mechanical Drafting
DFT 2223 Topographical Draft ET ELLD LD: Topographical Draft
DPT 1114 Basic Drafting ET ELLD LD: Basic Drafting
ECO 211301 Economics I ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 212301 Economics II ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
EDU 1313 Intro to Study Skill ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to Study Skill
EDU 1423 College Study Skill ELEC ELLD LD: College Study Skill
ENG 0101 Eng Comp I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 0102 Eng Comp II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 0123 Intermediate English DSPW ELLD LD:Intermediate English
ENG 0124 Intmed Engl & Read DSPR ELLD LD:Intmed Engl & Read
ENG 0201 World Lit I ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 0202 World Lit II ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENG 111301 English Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENG 112301 Eng Comp II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENG 120301 Prep For Comp ENGL ELLD LD: Prep For Comp
ENG 213301 Creative Writing I ENGL ELLD LD: Creative Writing I
ENG 2223 American Literature I ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 2233 American Lit II - Honors ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 2423 World Lit I ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENG 2433 World Lit II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
EPY 2533 Human Grow/Dev PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
FLV 0110 Home Life ELEC ELLD LD: Home Life
FLV 0120 Human Growth ELEC ELLD LD: Human Growth
GBT 1113 Intro to Comp-Ibm BCED ELLD LD:Intro to Comp-Ibm
GBT 114101 Computer Keyboardin BCED ELLD LD: Computer Keyboardin
GBT 121301 Spreadsheets CSCI ELLD LD: Spreadsheets
GCT 1113 Computer Concepts-Macintosh CSCI ELLD LD:Computer Concepts-Mac
GCT 113301 Gr Arts Process VCOM ELLD LD:Gr Arts Process
GCT 1233 Desktop Publishing VCOM ELLD LD:Desktop Publishing
GEO 0200 Introd Gfo GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GEO 112301 Intro to Geography GEOG ELLD LD: Intro to Geography
GOV 0101 Am Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
HEC 1233 Prin of Nutr NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
HIS 0102 World Civ II HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HIS 111301 World Civilization HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HIS 1163 World Civilization I HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HIS 1173 World Civilization II HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIS 117301 World Civ II HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HIS 2213 Amer Hist to 1865 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIS 2223 American History II HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HON 1911 Honors Forum I UH ELLD LD:Honors Forum I
HON 1913 Honors Ldrshp Develop I UH ELLD LD:Honors Ldrshp Develop I
HON 1921 Honors Forum II UH ELLD LD:Honors Forum II
HON 2911 Honors Forum III UH ELLD LD:Honors Forum III
HON 2921 Honors Forum IV UH ELLD LD:Honors Forum IV
HPR 1121 Sports Conditioning PHED ELLD LD: Sports Conditioning
HPR 1131 Varsity Track PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 1141 Vrsty Baseball PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 1213 Person and Comm Heal HLTH ELLD LD: Person and Comm Heal
HPR 1511 Track-Men Team Sport I PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 1513 Golf PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
HPR 1521 Tm Spts II Track - Men PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 153101 Beg Tennis PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
HPR 1532 Scuba PHED ELLD LD:Scuba
HPR 1541 Badminton PHED 1150 Beginning Badminton
HPR 1551 Weight Training PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
HPR 1561 Fit/Cond/Pilates PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 1571 Aerobics/Kickbox Ca PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 158101 Intrmd Aerobics PHED 1190 Body Conditioning
HPR 1751 Nutrition & Weight NFS ELLD LD: Nutrition & Weight
HPR 2111 Sports Conditioning PHED ELLD LD: Sports Conditioning
HPR 2121 Adv Swim IV PHED ELLD LD:Adv Swim IV
HPR 2130 Varsity Tennis Wome PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 2131 Varsity Golf II PHED ACTY Physical Activity
HPR 2141 Varsity Tennis PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 2213 First Aid/CPR HLTH ELLD LD: First Aid/CPR
HPR 2222 Lifeguard Training PHED ELLD LD:Lifeguard Training
HPR 2511 Track-Mens Team Sports III-V PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 2521 Tm Spts IV Track - Men PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPR 2541 Swimming IV PHED ACTY ACTY: Swimming IV
HPR 2551 Sports Conditioning PHED ACTY ACTY: Sports Conditioning
HST 0101 World Civ I HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HTH 0200 Per Hygiene HLTH ELLD LD: Per Hygiene
IMM 1113 Indust Maint Core & Safety ELEC ELLD LD:Indust Maint Core & Safety
IMM 1133 Ind Maint Blueprint Reading ELEC ELLD LD:Ind Maint Blueprint Reading
IMM 1153 Electrical Indust Maint ELEC ELLD LD:Electrical Indust Maint
IMM 1214 Intro to Indust Maint ELEC ELLD LD:Intro to Indust Maint
INT 1113 Intro to Insurance FIN ELLD LD: Intro to Insurance
INT 1123 Insurance II FIN ELLD LD: Insurance II
INT 2113 Casualty Insurance FIN ELLD LD: Casualty Insurance
JOU 1113 Prin of Journalism I JOUR ELLD LD: Prin of Journalism I
JOU 2513 Beginning Photography PHOT ELLD LD:Beginning Photography
LEA 1911 Ldrshp/Comm Skills I Rec/PR LEAD ELLD LD:Ldrshp/Comm Skills I Rec/PR
LEA 1921 Ldrshp/Comm Skills II Rec/PR LEAD ELLD LD:Ldrshp/Comm Skills II Rec/P
LEA 2911 Ldrshp/Comm Skills III Rec/PR LEAD ELLD LD:Ldrshp/Comm Skills III Rec/
LEA 2921 Ldrshp/Comm Skills Rec/PR LEAD ELLD LD:Ldrshp/Comm Skills Rec/PR
LLS 1211 Self Affirmation ELEC ELLD LD:Self Affirmation
LLS 1311 Orientation ELEC ELLD LD: Orientation
LLS 1312 Orientation ELEC ELLD LD:Orientation
LLS 1321 Career Exploration ELEC ELLD LD:Career Exploration
LLS 1423 College Study Skills ELEC ELLD LD: College Study Skills
LLS 1723 Transition to Adulthood ELEC ELLD LD:Transition to Adulthood
MAT 0123 Beginning Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Beginning Algebra
MAT 1103 Dev Math DSPM ELLD LD: Dev Math
MAT 1213 Intro Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Intro Algebra
MAT 1213 Concepts of Arith & Algeb MATH ELLD LD:Concepts of Arith & Alg
MAT 1214 Intro Alg MATH ELLD LD: Intro Alg
MAT 1233 Intermediate Algebra DSPM ELLD LD:Intermediate Algebra
MAT 1233 Intermediate Algebra MATH ELLD LD:Intermediate Algebra
MAT 131301 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MAT 132301 Trigonometry MATH 1720 Plane Trigonometry
MAT 133301 Finite Math MATH 1630 Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci
MAT 1513 Business Calculus MATH ELLD LD:Business Calculus
MAT 1613 Calculus I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MAT 1623 Calculus II-A MATH 1920 Calculus II
MAT 181501 Unified Calc & Anal MATH ELLD LD: Unified Calc & Anal
MAT 2113 Linear Algebra MATH 2010 Elements of Linear Algebra
MAT 2323 Statistics MATH ELLD LD:Statistics
MAT 2613 Calculus III-A MATH ELLD LD: Calculus III-A
MAT 2623 Calculus IV MATH ELLD LD: Calculus IV
MDT 111101 Seminar Mktng I MKT ELLD LD: Seminar Mktng I
MDT 112101 Seminar Mktng II MKT ELLD LD: Seminar Mktng II
MDT 1213 Media Writing EMC ELLD LD:Media Writing
MDT 121301 Marketing Princ MKT ELLD LD: Marketing Princ
MDT 1243 Prin of Mass Comm EMC ELLD LD:Prin of Mass Comm
MDT 131301 Personal Selling MKT ELLD LD: Personal Selling
MDT 151301 Small Bus Mgt MGMT ELLD LD: Small Bus Mgt
MDT 1813 Broadcast Assistantship I EMC ELLD LD:Broadcast Assistantship I
MDT 242301 Personnel Mgt MGMT ELLD LD: Personnel Mgt
MFL 1213 Elem Spanish I SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
MFL 1223 Elem Spanish II SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
MMT 111301 Applied Marketing MKT ELLD LD: Applied Marketing
MMT 213101 Semnar Mkt III MKT ELLD LD: Semnar Mkt III
MMT 214101 Seminar Mkt IV MKT ELLD LD: Seminar Mkt IV
MMT 233301 Advert/Sales MKT ELLD LD: Advert/Sales
MMT 241301 Supervisry Tech MKT ELLD LD: Supervisry Tech
MMT 252101 Cases/Marketing MKT ELLD LD: Cases/Marketing
MMT 252301 Cases Mkt Mgt MKT ELLD LD: Cases Mkt Mgt
MST 1413 Blueprint Reading ET ELLD LD:Blueprint Reading
MTH 0121 Mod Math I MATH ELLD LD: Mod Math I
MUA 1241 Guitar for Non-Majors MUAP 2411 Private Instruction Guitar
MUA 1472 Instruments (Percussion) MUAP 2521 Pri Instr Snare Drm Kybd Perc
MUA 1511 Class Piano I MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUA 1542 Piano Voice Mjr I MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUA 177201 Private Voice For M MUS ELLD LD: Private Voice For M
MUO 1111 Concert Band MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUO 112101 Concert Band II MUS ELLD LD: Concert Band II
MUO 1132 Dimensions Band I MUEN ELLD LD:Dimensions Band I
MUO 1142 Dimensions Band II MUEN ELLD LD:Dimensions Band II
MUO 121101 Chorus I MUS ELLD LD: Chorus I
MUO 1212 Chorus I MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUO 1222 Chorus II MUEN ELLD LD:Chorus II
MUO 2132 Dimensions Band III MUEN ELLD LD:Dimensions Band III
MUO 2142 Dimensions Band IV MUEN ELLD LD:Dimensions Band IV
MUS 1113 Mus Appreciation MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUS 1133 Fundamentals of Music MUTH ELLD LD:Fundamentals of Music
MUS 121401 Music Theory I MUTH ELLD LD: Music Theory I
OMT 1113 Intro to MIDI I ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to MIDI I
PED 0107 Ped Elm Sh I PHED ELLD LD: Ped Elm Sh I
PED 0108 Ped Elm Sc II PHED ELLD LD: Ped Elm Sc II
PED 0201 Indiv Act III PHED ELLD LD: Indiv Act III
PED 0202 Indiv Act PHED ELLD LD: Indiv Act
PHI 1113 Old Testament Survey RS ELLD LD:Old Testament Survey
PHI 1133 Historical Studies in New Test RS ELLD LD:Hist Studies in New Test
PHI 2113 Intro to Philosophy I PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHY 2241 Physical Sci Lab I PSCI ELLD LD: Physical Sci Lab I
PHY 224301 Phy Scnc Srvy I PSCI ELLD LD: Phy Scnc Srvy I
PHY 2244 Phys Sci I w/Lab PSCI ELLD LD:Phys Sci I w/Lab
PHY 2251 Lab Phys Sci Surv II PSCI ELLD LD: Lab Phys Sci Surv II
PHY 225301 Phys Scn Srvy II PSCI ELLD LD: Phys Scn Srvy II
PHY 2414 Gen Physics I PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHY 2515 Gen Physics I Engin PHYS ELLD LD: Gen Physics I Engin
PHY 2525 Engin Physics II PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PPV 1813 Rigging and Signaling ELEC ELLD LD:Rigging and Signaling
PSC 111301 American Federal Go PS 1010 Intro to Global Politics
PSS 0111 Phy Sci I PSCI 1030 Topics in Physical Science
PSS 0112 Phy Sci II PSCI ELLD LD: Phy Sci II
PSY 0200 Gen Psy PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 151301 General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 2523 Adolescent Psych PSY ELLD LD: Adolescent Psych
REA 1203 Reading II DSPR ELLD LD: Reading II
SEC 1113 Elem Typewriting BCED ELLD LD: Elem Typewriting
SOC 0101 Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 1113 Intro Soc Sci SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 211301 Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 2143 Home Fmly Life SOC ELLD LD: Home Fmly Life
SOC 2213 Gen Anthropology ANTH ELLD LD: Gen Anthropology
SOC 2243 Cultural Anth ANTH ELLD LD: Cultural Anth
SPE 0101 Fund Speech COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPT 1103 Basic Speech COMM ELLD LD: Basic Speech
SPT 1113 Principles of Speech COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPT 111301 Prin of Speech COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
SPT 1233 Acting I THEA 1015 Acting I
SPT 1413 Fund of Broadcasting EMC ELLD LD: Fund of Broadcasting
SPT 2233 Theater Appreciation THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
TEC 2223 Cost Estimation CMT ELLD LD:Cost Estimation
TME 2113 Basic Comp Assist D ART ELLD LD: Basic Comp Assist D
WBL 2923 Work Based Learning II ELEC ELLD LD:Work Based Learning II