Transfer Equivalencies

There are 100 transfer equivalencies on file for Bellevue University

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
AC 0205 Financial Actg ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
AC 0206 Managerial Accounting ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
AR 0206 Intro to Sculpture ART 2510 Sculpture I
BI 0102 General Biology II BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BI 0206 Nutrition Through Li NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
CA 0103 Fund of Speech Comm COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
CA 0109 Oral Comm COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
CCOM 0200 Intro to Call Center Oper ELEC ELLD LD:Intro to Call Center Oper
CCOM 0210 Call Center Performance ELEC ELLD LD:Call Center Performance
CCOM 0300 Workforce Management ELEC ELUD UD:Workforce Mgmt
CCOM 0310 Call Center Tech Mgmt ELEC ELUD UD:Call Center Tech Mgmt
CIS 0101 Computer Concepts CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CIS 121 Microsoft Office 365 CSCI ELLD LD:Microsoft Office 365
CIS 245 Introduction to Programming CSCI ELLD LD:Introduction to Programming
CNET 0234 PC Repair Oper Sys Tech ELEC ELLD LD:PC Repair Oper Sys Tech
CNET 0235 PC Repair Comp Networking ELEC ELLD LD:PC Repair Comp Networking
CYBR 250 Intro to Cyber Threats, Tech CYBM 1300 Introduction to Cybersecurity
ECN 202 Microeconomics ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
EMGT 300 Intro Emergency Mgmt ELEC ELUD UD:Intro Emergency Mgmt
EMGT 310 Natural Disasters ELEC ELUD UD:Natural Disasters
EMGT 320 Terrorism ELEC ELUD UD:Terrorism
EMGT 330 Natl Incident Mgmt Sys ELEC ELUD UD:Natl Incident Mgmt Sys
EMGT 340 Emergency Comm ELEC ELUD UD:Emergency Comm
EN 0101 Composition I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
EN 0102 Composition II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
EN 0260 Comedy on Stage & Screen ENGL ELLD LD: Comedy on Stage & Screen
GE 0101 World Regional Geography GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
HI 0152 American Hist Since HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HI 102 History of Western Civ II HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
IGEN 0102 UCT with Math & Statistics ELEC ELLD LD: UCT with Math & Statistics
IGEN 0160 Intro to Virtue Ethics PHIL ELLD LD: Intro to Virtue Ethics
IGEN 0202 UCT to Understand Western Civ ELEC ELLD LD: UCT to Understand West Civ
IGEN 0220 UCT to Understand Hum Behav ELEC ELLD LD: UCT to Understand Hum Beha
LA 0102 Online Student Success Program ELEC ELLD LD:Online Student Success Prgm
LA 0300 Foundations Professional ELEC ELUD UD:Foundations Prof
LA 0400 American Vision and Values ELEC ELUD UD:American Vision & Values
LA 0410 Tradition and Change ELEC ELUD UD:Tradition and Change
LA 0420 Freedom and Responsibility ELEC ELUD UD:Freedom and Responsibility
LDR 0312 Principles Leadership LEAD ELUD UD:Principles Leadership
LDR 0332 Interpersonal Leadership LEAD ELUD UD:Interpersonal Leadership
LDR 0342 Organizational Leadership LEAD ELUD UD:Organizational Leader
LDR 0352 Leadership Ethics LEAD ELUD UD:Leadership Ethics
MA 0101 Inter Algebra MATH ELLD LD: Inter Algebra
MA 0102 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MA 0141 Intro to Statistics MATH ELLD LD: Intro to Statistics
MGTC 0303 Introduction to Research MGMT ELUD UD:Intro to Research
MGTC 0310 Business Information Systems MGMT ELUD UD:Business Info Systems
MGTC 0340 Developing Management Skills MGMT ELUD UD:Developing Mgmt Skills
MGTC 0350 Essentials of Management MGMT ELUD UD:Essentials of Management
MGTC 0360 Introduction to Statistics MGMT ELUD UD:Introduction to Statistics
MGTC 0410 Fiscal Management MGMT ELUD UD:Fiscal Management
MGTC 0411 Strategic Management MGMT ELUD UD:Strategic Management
MGTC 0420 Essentials of Marketing MGMT ELUD UD:Essentials of Marketing
MGTC 0430 Organizational Behavior MGMT ELUD UD:Organizational Behavior
MGTC 0450 Legal & Ethical Issues in MGT MGMT ELUD UD:Legal & Eth Issues in Mgmt
MGTC 0461 Capstone Presentation MGMT ELUD UD:Capstone Presentation
MGTC 0480 Managerial Economics MGMT ELUD UD:Managerial Economics
ML 0102 Intro to Officer Pro MS ELLD LD: Intro to Officer Pro
OADM 0161 Word Processing BCED ELLD LD: Word Processing
OADM 0232 Presentation Software BCED ELLD LD:Presentation Software
OADM 0233 Spreadsheets BCED ELLD LD:Spreadsheets
OADM 0234 Database BCED ELLD LD:Database
PBLR 150 Business Management MGMT ELLD LD:Business Management
PBLR 175 Business Leadership LEAD 2000 Intro to Leadership Studies
PBOL 0200 Fund Banking FIN ELLD LD:Fund Banking
PBOL 0210 Banking Org & Perform FIN ELLD LD:Banking Org & Perform
PBOL 0300 Service Quality Prod FIN ELUD UD:Service Quality Prod
PBOL 0310 Bank Operations FIN ELUD UD:Bank Operations
PBOL 0320 Client Exp FIN ELUD UD:Client Exp
PBOL 0330 Market Seg FIN ELUD UD:Market Seg
PBOL 0340 Comm Negotiation FIN ELUD UD:Comm Negotiation
PBOL 0400 Sales FIN ELUD UD:Sales
PBOL 0410 High Perf Team FIN ELUD UD:High Perf Team
PBOL 0420 Financial Analysis Banking FIN ELUD UD:Financial Analysis Bank
PBOL 0430 Strategic Planning FIN ELUD UD:Strategic Planning
PBOL 0440 Evaluating & Improving Bank FIN ELUD UD:Evaluating Improving Bank
PE 0107 Beginning Bowling PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
PE 0109 Golf PHED 2020 Beginning Golf
PE 0119 Varsity Sports PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE 0120 Varsity Sports II PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PE 0140 Concepts of Athletic ATHC ELLD LD: Concepts of Athletic
PE 0200 Health HLTH ELLD LD: Health
PE 0250 First Aid HLTH 3300 First Aid and Safety Education
PE 0270 Care/Prevention ATHT ELLD LD: Care/Prevention
PE 0430 Practicum In Pe:Elem PHED ELUD UD: Practicum In Pe:Elem
PH 0101 Intro to Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PS 0208 Intro to National Security PS ELLD LD:Intro to National Security
PS 0209 Foundations in Intelligence PS ELLD LD:Foundations in Intelligence
PS 0317 Introductory Geostrategy PS ELUD UD:Introductory Geostrategy
PY 0101 Intro to Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PY 0222 Human Sexuality PSY 4600 Psychosexual Adjustment
SCLM 300 Found for Prof Success ELEC ELUD UD:Found for Prof Success
SCLM 305 Supply Chain Fundamentals MGMT 3620 Supply Chain Operations
SCLM 319 Dec Making in Global Envr MGMT 3890 Managerial Decision Making
SCLM 329 Fiscal Mgt of Sup ACTG ELUD UD:Fiscal Mgt of Sup
SCLM 426 Mgmt & International Org MGMT 3750 Intl Supply Chain Mgmt
SCLM 436 Intro Sup Chain & Log Mgt MGMT ELUD UD:Intro Sup Chain & Log Mgt
SCLM 446 Global Logistics & Trans MGMT 4810 Integrated Logistics Mgmt
SO 0101 Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SO 0131 Marriage and Family SOC 2500 Marriage and Family