Transfer Equivalencies
There are 55 transfer equivalencies on file for Bryant&Stratton Col:Southtowns
Transfer Course | Transfer Title | MTSU Course | MTSU Title |
ACCT 110 | Accounting Principles I | ACTG 2110 | Principles of Accounting I |
ACCT 205 | Accounting Principles II | ACTG 2120 | Principles of Accounting II |
BUSS 100 | Business Principles | BCED 1400 | Introduction to Business |
BUSS 110 | Marketing Principles | MKT ELLD | LD:Marketing Principles |
BUSS 120 | Sales & Service Principles | MKT ELLD | LD:Sales & Service Prin |
BUSS 213 | Business Law & Ethics | BLAW ELLD | LD:Business Law & Ethics |
CAPS 265 | Career Development III | ELEC ELLD | LD:Career Development III |
CMSM 0001 | Internship | ELEC ELLD | LD:Internship |
COMM 0150 | Literacy & Research | ENGL ELLD | LD:Literacy & Research |
COMM 0201 | Public Speaking | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
COMM 104 | Learning Communities | ELEC ELLD | LD:Learning Communities |
ECON 0220 | Macroeconomics | ECON 2410 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
ENGL 0101 | Research & Writing I | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
ENGL 0250 | Research & Writing II | ENGL 1020 | Research and Arg Writing |
ENGL 102 | Research/Writing for the Wkpl | ENGL ELLD | LD:Rsrch/Wrtg for the Workplc |
ENGL 110 | Oral Presentations | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
GE 100 | Composition & Research | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
GE 101 | Human Relations | PSY ELLD | LD:Human Relations |
GE 201 | Critical Thinking | PHIL 2110 | Elem Logic Critical Thinking |
GE 220 | Economic Principles | ECON 2410 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
GRAD 0100 | Intro Graphic Design | VCOM ELLD | LD: Intro Graphic Design |
HOSS 110 | Intro to Hospitality | THM ELLD | LD:Intro to Hospitality |
HOSS 120 | Fundamental Hospitality Mgt | THM ELLD | LD:Fund Hospitality Mgt |
HOSS 210 | Tech Hospitality Mgt Industry | THM ELLD | LD:Tech Hospitality Mgt Indust |
HOSS 220 | Ethical Hospitality Mgmt | THM ELLD | LD:Ethical Hospitality Mgmt |
HOSS 230 | Leading Hospitality Serv Mgt | THM ELLD | LD:Leading Hospitality Serv Mg |
HOSS 240 | Convention and Event Mgt | THM ELLD | LD:Convention and Event Mgt |
INFT 123 | Computing Skills | INFS ELLD | LD:Computing Skills |
IT 100 | Information Technology I | INFS ELLD | LD:Information Technology I |
IT 110 | Information Technology II | INFS ELLD | LD:Information Technology II |
IT 111 | Logic & Program Design | INFS ELLD | LD:Logic & Program Design |
IT 130 | Hardware & Operating Sys | INFS 1000 | Introduction to Computers |
IT 140 | Internet & Web Page Dev | INFS 2400 | Web Development |
IT 230 | Data Comm & Networks | INFS ELLD | LD:Data Comm & Networks |
LIBS 100 | Information Literacy | ELEC ELLD | LD:Information Literacy |
MAAT 0100 | Medical Terminology | HUM ELLD | LD:Medical Terminology |
MAAT 0111 | Intro Health Care | ELEC ELLD | LD:Intro Health Care |
MAAT 0120 | Anatomy & Phys I | BIOL ELLD | LD:Anatomy & Phys I |
MAAT 0125 | Anatomy & Phys II | BIOL ELLD | LD:Anatomy & Phys II |
MAAT 0235 | Healthcare Reimb | ELEC ELLD | LD:Healthcare Reimb |
MAAT 0245 | Medical Office Sys | ELEC ELLD | LD:Medical Office Sys |
MAAT 0265 | Med Admin Asst | ELEC ELLD | LD:Med Admin Asst |
MATH 0097 | Pre College Math | DSPM ELLD | LD:Pre College Math |
MATH 0103 | Survey of Math | MATH ELLD | LD:Survey of Math |
MIBC 0236 | Adv Billing | ELEC ELLD | LD:Adv Billing |
MIBC 0250 | Coding I | ELEC ELLD | LD:Coding I |
MIBC 0255 | Adv Coding | ELEC ELLD | LD:Adv Coding |
NSCI 280 | Ecology | BIOL ELLD | LD:Ecology |
PHIL 0250 | Practices Reasoning | PHIL ELLD | LD:Practices Reasoning |
SOSC 0102 | Prin Sociology | SOC 1010 | Introductory Sociology |
SOSC 105 | Career Dev I Theory & Practice | ELEC ELLD | LD:Career Dev I Thry & Practic |
SOSC 116 | Career Dev I Thry & Prac | ELEC ELLD | LD:Career Dev I Thry & Prac |
SOSC 226 | Career Dev II Thry & Practice | ELEC ELLD | LD:Career Dev II Thry & Pract |
VOIM 0110 | Office Tech Software | BCED ELLD | LD:Office Tech Software |
VOIM 112 | Office Apps-Spreadsheets/Data | CSCI 1150 | Computer Orientation |