Transfer Equivalencies

There are 171 transfer equivalencies on file for Rose State College

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
ACCT 1123 Basic Acct Proced ACTG ELLD LD:Basic Acct Proced
ACCT 2103 Accounting I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ART 110301 Art In Life ART ELLD LD: Art In Life
BA 1103 Business Math BCED ELLD LD:Business Math
BA 1163 Women In Business BCED ELLD LD:Women In Business
BA 1303 Mod Amer Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
BA 1403 Business English BCED ELLD LD:Business English
BA 209301 Intro to Super I MGMT ELLD LD: Intro to Super I
BA 2803 Intro to Law CJA ELLD LD: Intro to Law
BCST 1233 Fund of Broadcasting EMC ELLD LD: Fund of Broadcasting
BCST 2123 Music Video Prod EMC ELLD LD: Music Video Prod
BIOL 1124 General Biology I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 1215 General Botany BIOL ELLD LD:General Botany
BIOL 1315 Gen Zoology BIOL ELLD LD:Gen Zoology
BIOL 2035 Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
BIOL 2103 Cell Biology BIOL ELLD LD:Cell Biology
CHEM 111401 Intro Chemistry CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHEM 113501 Gen Coll Chem I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1145 Gen Coll Chem II CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 2103 Organic Chem I CHEM ELLD LD:Organic Chem I
CHEM 2112 Organic Chem Lab CHEM ELLD LD:Organic Chem Lab
CIS 1093 Micro Applications INFS 2200 Introduction to Microcomputing
CIS 1103 Intro to Computers CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CIT 1103 Intro to Computers CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
CIT 1113 Fund of Prog INFS ELLD LD:Fund of Prog
CIT 1123 Visual Basic CSCI ELLD LD:Visual Basic
CIT 1203 Script Programming INFS ELLD LD:Script Programming
CIT 1503 Networks CSCI ELLD LD:Networks
CIT 1533 Prin of Cyber INFS ELLD LD:Prin of Cyber
CIT 2013 Database Theory INFS ELLD LD:Database Theory
CIT 2563 Crypto & Trust Sys INFS ELLD LD:Crypto & Trust Sys
CJ 1113 Intro to Correctns CJA 2600 Corrections
CJ 2403 Police Report Writi CJA ELLD LD: Police Report Writi
DP 1093 Micro Application INFS ELLD LD: Micro Application
DP 1103 Intro to Data Proc CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Data Proc
DRMA 1313 Int to the Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
ECON 1403 Personal Economics ECON ELLD LD: Personal Economics
ECON 2103 Personal Finance FIN 2010 Personal Financial Planning
ECON 2303 Prin of Microecon ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 2843 Elem of Statistics STAT ELLD LD: Elem of Statistics
EDUC 1103 College/Life Strat ELEC ELLD LD:College/Life Strat
ENGL 0123 Fund of English DSPW ELLD LD: Fund of English
ENGL 1113 English Comp I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 121301 English Comp II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 131301 English Comp I ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 132301 English Comp II ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 2091 Intro to Journals ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Journals
ENGL 210301 Intro to Literature ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 2113 Intro to Literature ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 2123 Intro to Cinema ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Cinema
ENGL 2143 Mythology ENGL ELLD LD: Mythology
ENGL 2213 Amer Lit to 1865 ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENSC 1103 Intro to Envi Sci ENVS 2810 Intro to Environmental Science
ETEC 131401 Dc Circuit Analys ET ELLD LD: Dc Circuit Analys
ETEC 1324 Ac Circuits Anal ET ELLD LD: Ac Circuits Anal
ETEC 2393 Fcc Test Review ELEC ELLD LD: Fcc Test Review
GEOG 1103 Elem of Human Geog GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GEOL 221401 General Geology GEOL ELLD LD: General Geology
HES 2323 Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
HIST 121301 U S History to 1877 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 1223 Us Hist Since 1877 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 1303 Hist of Amer Woman HIST ELLD LD: Hist of Amer Woman
HIST 1413 Anc & Medieval Civ HIST 1110 Survey World Civilization I
HIST 1483 Us History to 1877 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 1493 Us Hist Since 1877 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 1503 Hist Native Amer HIST ELLD LD: Hist Native Amer
HIST 2503 Amer Indian Hist HIST ELLD LD:Amer Indian Hist
HPER 1102 First Aid HLTH ELLD LD: First Aid
HPER 1202 Personal Health HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
HPER 140101 Weight Training PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
HPER 140102 Beg/Inter Swim PHED ACTY ACTY: Beg/Inter Swim
HPER 140103 Dance Aerobics PHED 1190 Body Conditioning
HPER 140104 Tennis PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
HPER 140105 Jazz Dance PHED ACTY ACTY: Jazz Dance
HPER 1402 Water Safety Inst PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPER 1422 Scuba PHED ACTY ACTY: Scuba
HPER 1451 Yoga PHED 1270 Yoga
HPER 1501 Varsity Basketball PHED 1210 Beginning Basketball
HPER 1711 Soccer Women PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HPER 2502 Fund of Basketball PHED 1210 Beginning Basketball
HPER 2702 Recreation Ldrship PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
HSBC 1004 Human Anatomy BIOL ELLD LD: Human Anatomy
HSBC 1113 Med Terminology HUM 2130 Medical Vocabulary
HSBC 1141 CPR Healthcare Prov HLTH ELLD LD:CPR Healthcare Prov
HSBC 1224 Intro/Clin Micro BIOL 2230 Microbiology
HSBC 2103 Pathology BIOL ELLD LD: Pathology
HSBC 2114 Human Anatomy BIOL 2030 Anatomy and Physiology
HUM 1213 Gen Humanities I HUM ELLD LD: Gen Humanities I
HUM 1223 Gen Hum From 1400 HUM ELLD LD: Gen Hum From 1400
HUM 2113 Hum Through Mid Ages HUM ELLD LD:Hum Through Mid Ages
HUM 2223 Gen Hum II HUM ELLD LD: Gen Hum II
HUM 2313 American Hum HUM ELLD LD:American Hum
JOUR 1113 Beg Photography PHOT ELLD LD: Beg Photography
JOUR 1203 Intr to Mass Media JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
JOUR 1203 Intr to Mass Media JOUR 1020 Intro to Media & Entertainment
JOUR 1303 Basic News Report JOUR ELLD LD: Basic News Report
JOUR 2113 Int to Photojour JOUR ELLD LD: Int to Photojour
JOUR 2203 News Edit / Design JOUR ELLD LD: News Edit / Design
JOUR 2213 Adv News Reporting JOUR ELLD LD: Adv News Reporting
JOUR 2223 Prin of PR PR ELLD LD: Prin of PR
JOUR 2311 Mass Media Internshi JOUR ELLD LD: Mass Media Internshi
LFSC 1124 General Biology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
LFSC 112501 General Biology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
LFSC 1215 General Botany BIOL ELLD LD: General Botany
MATH 0103 Arith Skills Devel DSPM ELLD LD: Arith Skills Devel
MATH 0113 Basic Mathematics DSPM ELLD LD: Basic Mathematics
MATH 011401 Elem Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Elem Algebra
MATH 0123 Elem Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Elem Algebra
MATH 0124 Intermed Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Intermed Algebra
MATH 0143 Intermed Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Intermed Algebra
MATH 102301 Elem Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Elem Algebra
MATH 1033 Gen College Math MATH 1010 Math for General Studies
MATH 115301 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MATH 1473 Gen College Math MATH ELLD LD:Gen College Math
MATH 1513 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MCOM 1213 Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
MGMT 2103 Prin of Management MGMT ELLD LD: Prin of Management
MM 130301 Prin of Marketing MKT ELLD LD: Prin of Marketing
MM 210301 Prin of Mgmt MGMT ELLD LD: Prin of Mgmt
MM 2113 Office Mgmt BCED ELLD LD:Office Mgmt
MULT 1413 Digital Imaging ILLU ELLD LD:Digital Imaging
MUS 100101 Chorus MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUS 120101 Stage Band MUEN 3100 The Band of Blue Marching Band
MUS 120301 Music In Life MUS ELLD LD: Music In Life
MUS 121201 Beg Aural Theory I MUTH ELLD LD: Beg Aural Theory I
MUS 122201 Beg Harmony I MUTH ELLD LD: Beg Harmony I
MUS 123201 Beg Aural Theory II MUTH ELLD LD: Beg Aural Theory II
MUS 124201 Beg Harmony II MUTH ELLD LD: Beg Harmony II
MUS 1263 Intro Pop Mus Theo MUTH ELLD LD: Intro Pop Mus Theo
MUS 130101 Instr Ensemble MUS ELLD LD: Instr Ensemble
MUS 131301 Musi History & Lit MUS ELLD LD: Musi History & Lit
MUS 132301 Mus Hist & Lit II MUS ELLD LD: Mus Hist & Lit II
MUS 1402 Beg Class Piano MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUS 1412 Begin Group Guitar MUS 1550 Class Guitar I
MUS 1712 Lyric Writing MUTH ELLD LD: Lyric Writing
MUS 2091 Country West Dance MUS ELLD LD: Country West Dance
MUS 209201 Recording II RIM ELLD LD: Recording II
MUS 220201 Class Piano I MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUS 223201 Amer Mus Industry MUS ELLD LD: Amer Mus Industry
MUS 231201 Int to Synthesizer RIM ELLD LD: Int to Synthesizer
MUS 232201 Intro to Recording RIM ELLD LD: Intro to Recording
MUS 2352 Recording II RIM ELLD LD: Recording II
MUS 250201 Piano MUAP 2351 Private Instruction Piano
MUS 251201 Voice MUAP 2371 Private Instruction Voice
MUS 255201 Brass Instruments MUS ELLD LD: Brass Instruments
PE 1401 Dance Aerobics PHED 1190 Body Conditioning
PHIL 1103 Intr to Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHSC 1123 Intro to Meterology ELEC ELLD LD: Intro to Meterology
PHSC 1314 Gen Phys Science PSCI 1030 Topics in Physical Science
PHYS 2401 Physics I Lab PHYS ELLD LD:Physics I Lab
PHYS 2414 Physics I PHYS ELLD LD:Physics I
POLS 1113 American Fed Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PSYC 1113 Intro Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 120301 Personal Develop PSY ELLD LD: Personal Develop
PSYC 220301 General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 2213 Develop Psychology PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
PSYC 2303 Psy of Personality PSY 3590 Personality
PSYC 2523 Child Growth & Dev PSY ELLD LD:Child Growth & Dev
PSYC 2593 Human Growth & Dev PSY 2300 Developmental Psychology
READ 1203 Read/Study Skill I DSPR ELLD LD:Read/Study Skill I
SA 110301 Elem Typewriting BCED ELLD LD: Elem Typewriting
SA 1303 Elem Shorthand BCED ELLD LD:Elem Shorthand
SCI 0124 Concepts In Science PSCI ELLD LD: Concepts In Science
SOC 1113 Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 2213 Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 2403 Family In Society SOC 2500 Marriage and Family
SPAN 1115 Elem Spanish I SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPCH 121301 Fund of Speech COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
STSR 1102 Educational Plan FOED ELLD LD: Educational Plan
TH 1103 Stagecraft THEA 1025 Stage Craft I