Transfer Equivalencies
There are 619 transfer equivalencies on file for Pennsylvania State University
Transfer Course | Transfer Title | MTSU Course | MTSU Title |
A E 0124 | Orientation | ELEC ELLD | LD: Orientation |
AAA 0100 | Blks In 20th Cent | HIST 2050 | Surv African American Hist II |
ACCT 0200 | Intro Fin Actg | ACTG 2110 | Principles of Accounting I |
ACCT 0204 | Intro Man Actg | ACTG 2120 | Principles of Accounting II |
ACCT 0211 | Fin Mgl Acc | ACTG 2110 | Principles of Accounting I |
ACCT 0801 | Intro Accounting | ACTG ELLD | LD:Intro Accounting |
ACCT 0802 | Intro Accounting | ACTG ELLD | LD:Intro Accounting |
ACCT 0803 | Intermed Accounting | ACTG ELLD | LD: Intermed Accounting |
ACCT 0806 | Federal Tax Actg | ACTG ELLD | LD: Federal Tax Actg |
ACCT 0807 | Managerial Acct | ACTG ELLD | LD: Managerial Acct |
ACCT 471 | Int Fin Acctg I | ACTG ELUD | UD:Int Fin Acctg I |
ADM 0430 | Corr Inst Svce | CJA ELUD | UD: Corr Inst Svce |
ADMJ 0111 | Intro Am Crim Jus | CJA 1100 | Intro Criminal Justice Admin |
ADMJ 0200 | Intro to Security | CJA ELLD | LD: Intro to Security |
ADMJ 0221 | Issue Crim Just System | CJA ELLD | LD: Issue Crim Just System |
AE 0124 | Orient | ELEC ELLD | LD:Orient |
AG 200A | Ag Cmptr Dos Base | CSCI ELLD | LD: Ag Cmptr Dos Base |
AG E 0102 | Intro Ag Mktg | AGBS ELLD | LD: Intro Ag Mktg |
AG E 0407 | Farm Plan Fin Mgmt | AGBS ELUD | UD: Farm Plan Fin Mgmt |
AM S 0100 | Intro to Am St | HIST ELLD | LD: Intro to Am St |
AMST 0100 | Intro to Am St | ELEC ELLD | LD:Intro to Am St |
AMST 0105 | Pop Cul & Folklife | ELEC ELLD | LD: Pop Cul & Folklife |
AN S 0001 | Animal Science | ANSC 1410 | Introduction to Animal Science |
AN S 0100 | Anml Agric | ANSC ELLD | LD: Anml Agric |
AN S 0200 | Growth & Devel | AGRI ELLD | LD: Growth & Devel |
AN S 0205 | Meat Sci & Tech | ANSC ELLD | LD: Meat Sci & Tech |
AN S 0290 | Careers Anml Agric | ANSC ELLD | LD: Careers Anml Agric |
AN S 0301 | Lvstk Ntr & Fdg | ANSC 4410 | Animal Nutrition |
AN S 0322 | Prin An Breeding | ANSC ELUD | UD: Prin An Breeding |
AN S 0420 | An Ntr/Feed Tech | ANSC ELUD | UD: An Ntr/Feed Tech |
ANTH 000101 | Intro Anthropology | ANTH ELLD | LD: Intro Anthropology |
ANTH 0002 | Intro Archaeology | ANTH ELLD | LD: Intro Archaeology |
ANTH 0011 | Intro NA Archy | ANTH ELLD | LD:Intro NA Archy |
ANTH 0021 | Intro Biol Anth | ANTH ELLD | LD:Intro Biol Anth |
ANTH 0045 | Cultural Anth | ANTH 2010 | Cultural Anthropology |
ARCH 0110 | Des/Plan Theory I | ET ELLD | LD: Des/Plan Theory I |
ARCH 0121 | Visual Comm I | ET ELLD | LD: Visual Comm I |
ARCH 131S | Basic Desg/Res I | ET ELLD | LD: Basic Desg/Res I |
ART 0001 | Vis Art/Stdio | ART ELLD | LD: Vis Art/Stdio |
ART 0010 | Intro Drawing | ART ELLD | LD: Intro Drawing |
ART 0020 | Intro Drawing | ART ELLD | LD: Intro Drawing |
ART 0100 | Intro to Art | ART 1030 | Art Appreciation |
ART 0111 | Ideas as Objects | ART ELLD | LD: Ideas as Objects |
ART 0120 | Basic Drawing I | ART ELLD | LD: Basic Drawing I |
ART 0201 | Intro Digital Arts | ART 2310 | Graphic Design Technology |
ART 0202 | Ren to Modern Arch | ART ELLD | LD: Ren to Modern Arch |
ART 0214 | Modern Arch | ART ELLD | LD: Modern Arch |
ART 0251 | Acrylic Pntg | ART ELLD | LD:Acrylic Pntg |
ART 0303 | It Ren Art | ART ELUD | UD:It Ren Art |
ART 030501 | Modern Painting | ART ELUD | UD: Modern Painting |
ART 0421 | Drawing | ART ELUD | UD:Drawing |
ART 50 | Intro Painting | ART 2710 | Painting I |
ARTH 0303 | IT Ren Art | ART ELUD | UD: IT Ren Art |
ARTS 0001 | The Arts | ART 1030 | Art Appreciation |
ASTR 0001 | Astro Universe | ASTR ELLD | LD: Astro Universe |
ASTRO 402W | Telesc and Data | ASTR ELUD | UD:Telesc and Data |
ASTRO 7N | Artistic Universe | ASTR ELLD | LD:Artistic Universe |
B A 0100 | Intro to Business | BCED 1400 | Introduction to Business |
B A 0243 | Soc Leg Eth Env Bus | BLAW ELLD | LD: Soc Leg Eth Env Bus |
B A 0250 | Small Business | MGMT ELLD | LD: Small Business |
B LA 0243 | Legal Env of Bus | BLAW ELLD | LD: Legal Env of Bus |
B LO 0301 | Bus Log Mgmt | MGMT ELUD | UD: Bus Log Mgmt |
B M 0101 | Elem Bio Chemistry | CHEM ELLD | LD: Elem Bio Chemistry |
BA 241 | Legal Env Bus | BLAW ELLD | LD:Legal Env Bus |
BA 242 | Soc Eth Env Bus | BUS ELLD | LD:Soc Eth Env Bus |
BA 243 | Soc Leg Eth Evn Bu | BLAW ELLD | LD:Soc Leg Eth Evn Bu |
BA 364Y | Intl Bus & Society | BUS ELUD | UD:Intl Bus & Society |
BB H 0046 | Intro Human Sex | ELEC ELLD | LD:Intro Human Sex |
BB H 0048 | Values and Health | ELEC ELLD | LD: Values and Health |
BB H 0148 | Coping With College | ELEC ELLD | LD: Coping With College |
BI S 0001 | Struct/Func Orgnsm | BIOL ELLD | LD: Struct/Func Orgnsm |
BI S 0002 | Genet Ecol Evol | BIOL ELLD | LD: Genet Ecol Evol |
BI S 0003 | Environmental Sci | BIOL ELLD | LD: Environmental Sci |
BI S 0004 | Human Body | BIOL ELLD | LD: Human Body |
BIOC 0001 | Bioch Sc | BIOL ELLD | LD: Bioch Sc |
BIOL 0011 | Intro Biol I | BIOL ELLD | LD: Intro Biol I |
BIOL 0012 | Intro Biol II | BIOL ELLD | LD: Intro Biol II |
BIOL 0029 | Mammalian Anatomy | BIOL ELLD | LD: Mammalian Anatomy |
BIOL 0041 | Physiology | BIOL ELLD | LD: Physiology |
BIOL 010101 | Princ of Biology I | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
BIOL 0110 | Biol Conc Biod | BIOL ELLD | LD: Biol Conc Biod |
BIOL 0129 | Mammalian Anatomy | BIOL ELLD | LD:Mammalian Anatomy |
BIOL 0141 | Physiology | BIOL ELLD | LD: Physiology |
BIOL 0142 | Physiology Lab | BIOL ELLD | LD: Physiology Lab |
BIOL 0297 | Special Topics | BIOL ELLD | LD: Special Topics |
BIOL 034101 | Biology of Sex | BIOL ELUD | UD: Biology of Sex |
BIOL 110S | Biology Conc Biod | BIOL ELLD | LD: Biology Conc Biod |
BIOL 133 | Gent Evol Humans | BIOL ELLD | LD:GEnt Evol Humans |
BIOL 230W | Biology Mol Cells | BIOL ELLD | LD:Biology Mol Cells |
BIOL 240W | Biol Func Dev Org | BIOL ELLD | LD: Biol Func Dev Org |
BISC 0001 | Biological Sc | BIOL ELLD | LD: Biological Sc |
BISC 000401 | Biology of Man | BIOL ELLD | LD: Biology of Man |
BISC 2 | Genet Ecol Evol | BIOL 1120 | General Biology II |
BISC 3 | Environmental Science | ENVS 2810 | Intro to Environmental Science |
BLAW 0243 | Legal Evn of Busines | BLAW ELLD | LD: Legal Evn of Busines |
BOT 000101 | General Botany | BIOL 1120 | General Biology II |
BOT 0022 | Genetics | BIOL ELLD | LD: Genetics |
BOT 040501 | General Cytology | BIOL ELUD | UD: General Cytology |
C HI 0320 | Contemp Wld Hist | HIST ELUD | UD: Contemp Wld Hist |
C HI 0496 | Indep Studies | ELEC ELUD | UD: Indep Studies |
C LI 010501 | Literary Humor | ENGL ELLD | LD: Literary Humor |
CAMS 83T | 1st-Year Seminar | UH ELLD | LD:1st-Year Seminar |
CAS 0202 | Comm Thry | COMM ELLD | LD: Comm Thry |
CAS 0352 | Organization Comm | COMM 2140 | Intro to Organizational Comm |
CAS 0404 | Conflict Res Neg | COMM ELUD | UD:Conflict Res Neg |
CAS 0475 | Public Address | COMM ELUD | UD:Public Address |
CAS 100 | Effective Speech | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
CAS 100A | Effective Speech | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
CAS 100B | Effective Speech | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
CD F 031801 | Marriage | SOC 2500 | Marriage and Family |
CE T 0261 | Fluid Flow | ET ELLD | LD: Fluid Flow |
CERS 040001 | Nonmet Xtl Chem | CHEM ELUD | UD: Nonmet Xtl Chem |
CERS 040101 | Ceram Rxn Hi Temp | CHEM ELUD | UD: Ceram Rxn Hi Temp |
CHEM 0001 | Molecular Sci | CHEM ELLD | LD: Molecular Sci |
CHEM 0011 | Intro Chemistry | CHEM ELLD | LD: Intro Chemistry |
CHEM 0012 | Chem Princ | CHEM ELLD | LD: Chem Princ |
CHEM 0013 | Chem Prin | CHEM 1120 | General Chemistry II |
CHEM 0014 | Exper Chem | CHEM ELLD | LD: Exper Chem |
CHEM 0015 | Exper Chem | CHEM 1120 | General Chemistry II |
CHEM 0017 | Intro & Gen Chem | CHEM 1110 | General Chemistry I |
CHEM 002301 | Analytical Detmns | CHEM ELLD | LD: Analytical Detmns |
CHEM 003401 | Organic Chemistry | CHEM 3010 | Organic Chemistry I |
CHEM 003501 | Organic Chemistry | CHEM 3020 | Organic Chemistry II |
CHEM 0101 | Intro Chemistry | CHEM ELLD | LD:Intro Chemistry |
CHEM 0110 | Prin Chem I | CHEM ELLD | LD:Prin Chem I |
CHEM 0111 | Exper Chem I | CHEM ELLD | LD:Exper Chem I |
CHEM 045101 | Physical Chemistry | CHEM 4350 | Physical Chemistry I |
CHEM 212 | Organic Chem II | CHEM ELLD | LD:Organic Chem II |
CLAS 0045 | Classical Myth | ENGL ELLD | LD: Classical Myth |
CMPE 0271 | Intro Digital Sys | ELEC ELLD | LD:Intro Digital Sys |
CMPS 0101 | Intro to Algorithmic | CSCI ELLD | LD: Intro to Algorithmic |
CMPS 0103 | Intro Prgmg Tech | CSCI ELLD | LD: Intro Prgmg Tech |
CMPS 0121 | Intro Program Tech | CSCI ELLD | LD:Intro Program Tech |
CMPS 0122 | Intermed Program | CSCI ELLD | LD:Intermed Program |
CMPS 0201 | Progmgm For Engr | CSCI ELLD | LD: Progmgm For Engr |
CMPS 0203 | Bus Pgm Aplc | CSCI ELLD | LD: Bus Pgm Aplc |
CMPS 0360 | Discrete Math | CSCI ELUD | UD:Discrete Math |
CMPS 0803 | Business Computing | INFS ELLD | LD: Business Computing |
CMPS 0804 | Cmp Fndmtls Appl | CSCI 1150 | Computer Orientation |
CMPS 201C | Prgmg Engrs C | CSCI ELLD | LD: Prgmg Engrs C |
CN E 0301 | Stdnt Organ Mgmt | ELEC ELUD | UD: Stdnt Organ Mgmt |
CN E 0302 | Role of Res Asset | ELEC ELUD | UD: Role of Res Asset |
CNED 0302 | Role of Res Asst | ELEC ELUD | UD:Role of Res Asst |
COMM 0100 | Mass Media and Soc | EMC ELLD | LD:Mass Media and Soc |
COMM 0110 | Media and Democracy | COMM ELLD | LD:Media and Democracy |
COMM 0150 | Cinema Art | ART ELLD | LD: Cinema Art |
COMM 0250 | Film History Theory | ENGL ELLD | LD: Film History Theory |
COMM 0370 | Public Relation | PR ELUD | UD: Public Relation |
COMM 0401 | Media In Hist | JOUR ELUD | UD: Media In Hist |
COMM 0403 | Mass Commun Law | JOUR ELUD | UD: Mass Commun Law |
COMM 0411 | Clt Asp Mass Media | JOUR ELUD | UD: Clt Asp Mass Media |
COMM 297A | Audio Video Prod | EMC ELLD | LD: Audio Video Prod |
COMM 413W | Media & Public | PR ELUD | UD: Media & Public |
CRIM 0100 | Intro to Crim Jus | CJA 1100 | Intro Criminal Justice Admin |
CSE 0103 | Intro Programming Tech | CSCI ELLD | LD:Intro Programming Tech |
D S 010001 | Prof of Dietetics | NFS ELLD | LD: Prof of Dietetics |
D S 019501 | Fld Exp Comm Diet | NFS ELLD | LD: Fld Exp Comm Diet |
D S 020501 | Hum Res Mgmt | MGMT ELLD | LD: Hum Res Mgmt |
E E 0305 | Int Electron Meas | ET ELUD | UD: Int Electron Meas |
E G 0001 | Engr Graphics | ET ELLD | LD: Engr Graphics |
E G 0003 | Arch Graphics | ET ELLD | LD: Arch Graphics |
E G 0050 | Engr Mthd & Graph | ET ELLD | LD: Engr Mthd & Graph |
E G 0830 | Special Topics | ET ELLD | Special Topics |
E MC 0811 | Manufacturing Materi | ET ELLD | LD: Manufacturing Material |
EART 0002 | Gaia-Earth System | ELEC ELLD | LD: Gaia-Earth System |
EART 0100 | Environment Earth | GEOL ELLD | LD: Environment Earth |
EBF 0200 | Engy and Erh Sci Eco | GEOL ELLD | LD:Engy and Erh Sci Eco |
EBF 0301 | Global Finance Eern | MGMT ELUD | UD:Global Finance Eern |
EBF 0484 | Energy Econ | ELEC ELUD | UD:Energy Econ |
EC 0014 | Prin of Econ | ECON 2410 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECON 0002 | Microecn Anly | ECON 2420 | Principles of Microeconomics |
ECON 0004 | Macroec Anly | ECON 2410 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECON 0014 | Prin of Econ | ECON 2410 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECON 0102 | Micro Anly | ECON ELLD | LD:Micro Anly |
ECON 0104 | Macroec Anly | ECON 2410 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECON 0302 | Inmd Microec Anly | ECON 3520 | Intermed Microeconomic Theory |
ECON 351 | Money and Banking | ECON ELUD | UD:Money and Banking |
ED&G 0100 | Intro Engr Design | ET ELLD | LD: Intro Engr Design |
EDPS 0014 | Learn Instruc | PSY ELLD | LD: Learn Instruc |
EDSG 0100 | Intro Engr Dsgn | ENGR ELLD | LD:Intro Engr Dsgn |
EDSG 100S | Intro Engr Design | ENGR ELLD | LD:Intro Engr Design |
EDTH 0115 | Ed In Am Society | FOED ELLD | LD: Ed In Am Society |
EE T 0101 | Elec Citcuits I | ET ELLD | LD: Elec Citcuits I |
EE T 0109 | Elec Cir Lab I | ET ELLD | LD: Elec Cir Lab I |
EE T 0114 | Elec Circuits II | ET ELLD | LD: Elec Circuits II |
EE T 0117 | Digital Elect | ET ELLD | LD: Digital Elect |
EE T 0118 | Elec Circuits Lab 2 | ET ELLD | LD: Elec Circuits Lab 2 |
EE T 0120 | Digital Elect Lab | ET ELLD | LD: Digital Elect Lab |
EE T 0205 | Semiconductor Lab | ET ELLD | LD: Semiconductor Lab |
EE T 0210 | Fund Semiconductor | ET ELLD | LD: Fund Semiconductor |
EE T 0211 | Microprocessors | ET ELLD | LD: Microprocessors |
EE T 0216 | Lin Elect Cir | ET ELLD | LD: Lin Elect Cir |
EE T 0221 | Lin Elect Lab | ET ELLD | LD: Lin Elect Lab |
EE T 0830 | Selected Topics In E | ET ELLD | LD: Selected Topics in E |
EE T 213W | Elec Mach w/Writ | ET ELLD | LD: Elec Mach w/Writ |
EE T 297B | Control Circuits | ET ELLD | LD: Control Circuits |
EE T 297G | Intro to LAN | ET ELLD | LD: Intro to LAN |
EG T 0101 | Tech Drwg Fund | ET ELLD | LD: Tech Drwg Fund |
EG T 0102 | Intro to CAD | ET ELLD | LD: Intro to CAD |
EG T 0104 | Computer Aided Draft | ET 2310 | Computer-Assist Draft Design I |
EG T 0114 | Spatial Anly & Cad | ET ELLD | LD: Spatial Anly & Cad |
EG T 0201 | Adv Computer Aided D | ET 2310 | Computer-Assist Draft Design I |
EGEE 0101 | Energy and Environment | ELEC ELLD | LD:Energy and Environment |
EGEE 0102 | Energy Conserv for Envir Prote | ELEC ELLD | LD: Energy Cons for Envir Prot |
EMCH 001101 | Statics | ET ELLD | LD: Statics |
EMCH 001201 | Dynamics | ET ELLD | LD: Dynamics |
EMCH 001301 | Strength Materials | ET ELLD | LD: Strength Materials |
EMCH 0215 | Mech Resp Eng Mat | ET ELLD | LD: Mech Resp Eng Mat |
EME 0460 | Geo-Resource Eval | GEOL ELUD | UD:Geo-Resource Eval |
EMET 0310 | Digital Electronic | ET ELUD | UD: Digital Electronic |
EMET 0320 | Discrete Electron | ET ELUD | UD: Discrete Electron |
EMSC 100S | EMS First-YR Seminar | ELEC ELLD | LD:EMS First-YR Seminar |
ENGL 000101 | Comp & Rhetoric | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
ENGL 0002 | Tradition Engl Lit | ENGL 2030 | The Experience of Literature |
ENGL 000301 | Exposition | ENGL 1020 | Research and Arg Writing |
ENGL 0004 | Basic Writing | ENGL ELLD | LD: Basic Writing |
ENGL 0005 | Writing Tutorial | ENGL ELLD | LD: Writing Tutorial |
ENGL 0010 | Comp & Rhetoric | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
ENGL 0015 | Rhetoric & Comp | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
ENGL 0020 | Comp & Rhet II | ENGL 1020 | Research and Arg Writing |
ENGL 0030 | Honors Fresh Comp | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
ENGL 0050 | Intr Creative Writ | ENGL ELLD | LD: Intr Creative Writ |
ENGL 012901 | Shakespeare | ENGL ELLD | LD: Shakespeare |
ENGL 0137 | Rcl I | ENGL ELLD | LD:Rcl I |
ENGL 0139 | Black Amer Lit | ENGL ELLD | LD: Black Amer Lit |
ENGL 0140 | Contemporary Lit | ENGL 2020 | Themes in Literature & Culture |
ENGL 0202 | Technical Writing | ENGL ELLD | LD:Technical Writing |
ENGL 0826 | Report Writing | ENGL ELLD | LD: Report Writing |
ENGL 191 | Science Fiction | ENGL ELLD | LD:Science Fiction |
ENGL 202A | Writing/Soc Sci | ENGL ELLD | LD: Writing/Soc Sci |
ENGL 202B | Writing/Humanities | ENGL 1020 | Research and Arg Writing |
ENGL 202D | Business Writing | ENGL ELLD | LD: Business Writing |
ENGL 97 | Special Topics | ENGL ELLD | LD:Special Topics |
ENGR 0002 | Orientation | ENGR ELLD | LD: Orientation |
ENGR 0295 | Engr Co Op I | COED ELLD | LD: Engr Co Op I |
ENVST 0100 | Visions of Nature | EST ELLD | LD:Visions of Nature |
ESAC 0007 | Aerobic Fitness | PHED ELLD | LD: Aerobic Fitness |
ESAC 0016 | Archery I | PHED 1160 | Beginning Archery |
ESAC 0126 | Fitness & Games | PHED ELLD | LD: Fitness & Games |
ESAC 0129 | Fitness For Life | PHED ELLD | LD: Fitness For Life |
ESAC 0138 | Golf I | PHED 2020 | Beginning Golf |
ESAC 0223 | Physical Condition | PHYS ELLD | LD: Physical Condition |
ESAC 0280 | Soccer I | PHED 1220 | Beginning Soccer |
ESAC 0289 | Softball Varsity | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Softball Varsity |
ESAC 0303 | Strenght Training | PHED ACTY | Physical Activity-Degree Audit |
ESAC 034201 | Tennis I | PHED 1040 | Beginning Tennis |
ESAC 035701 | Volleyball I | PHED 2270 | Beginning Volleyball |
ESAC 0360 | Fitness Walking | PHED ACTY | Physical Activity-Degree Audit |
ESAC 348I | Track & Field | PHED ACTY | LD:Track & Field |
ESAT 034I | Baseball Varisty | PHED ACTY | Physical Activity-Degree Audit |
FILM 018001 | Cinema Art | ELEC ELLD | LD: Cinema Art |
FIN 0100 | Intro to Fin | FIN 2010 | Personal Financial Planning |
FIN 0108 | Personal Finance | FIN ELLD | LD: Personal Finance |
FIN 0297 | Special Topics | FIN ELLD | LD: Special Topics |
FIN 0807 | Bank Corp Finance | FIN ELLD | LD: Bank Corp Finance |
FIN 301 | Corporation Fin | FIN 3010 | Principles of Corp Finance |
FIN 302 | Intro Fin Modeling | FIN ELUD | UD:Intro Fin Modeling |
FR 0001 | Elem French | FREN 1010 | Elementary French I |
FR 000201 | Elem French II | FREN 1020 | Elementary French II |
FR 0003 | Inmd French | FREN 2010 | Intermediate French I |
FR 0137 | Paris | FREN ELLD | LD: Paris |
FR 138N | French Culture Through Film | FREN ELLD | LD:French Culture Through Film |
FRNAR 100 | Intro to FRN Photo | FSCJ ELLD | LD:Intro to FRN Photo |
FRNSC 100 | Intro for Sci | FRSC 1010 | Intro Forensic Science Major |
FRNSC 210 | Frnsc Essentials | FRSC ELLD | LD:Frnsc Essentials |
G SC 0020 | ourEarth | GEOL ELLD | LD: ourEarth |
GEOG 0010 | Intro Phys Geog | GEOG ELLD | LD: Intro Phys Geog |
GEOG 0020 | Intro Human Geog | GEOG ELLD | LD: Intro Human Geog |
GEOG 002401 | Cultural Geography | GEOG ELLD | LD: Cultural Geography |
GEOG 0030 | Geo Sustainability | GEOG ELLD | LD:Geo Sustainability |
GEOG 006N | Map Geospatial Rev | GEOG ELLD | LD:Map Geospatial Rev |
GEOG 0124 | Cultural Geography | GEOG ELLD | LD: Cultural Geography |
GEOG 0126 | Economic Geography | GEOG ELLD | LD:Economic Geography |
GEOG 0160 | Mapping | GEOG ELLD | LD:Mapping |
GEOS 0010 | National Park Geol | GEOL ELLD | LD:National Park Geol |
GEOS 0020 | Planet Earth | GEOL ELLD | LD: Planet Earth |
GEOS 020L | Planet Earth | GEOG ELLD | LD: Planet Earth |
GER 000101 | Elem German | GERM 1010 | Elementary German I |
GER 000201 | Elem German | GERM 1020 | Elementary German II |
GER 000301 | Inmd German | GERM 1020 | Elementary German II |
GER 000401 | Inmd German | GERM 2010 | Intermediate German I |
GER 0100 | German Culture & Civilization | GERM ELLD | LD: German Culture & Civilizat |
GER 0201 | Conversation Composi | GERM 2010 | Intermediate German I |
GFS 001501 | Social Usage | ELEC ELLD | LD: Social Usage |
HD F 0129 | Intro to Hd Fs | CDFS ELLD | LD: Intro to Hd Fs |
HD F 0229 | Infancy Childhood | CDFS ELLD | LD: Infancy Childhood |
HD F 0239 | Adol Devel | CDFS ELLD | LD: Adol Devel |
HD F 0249 | Adult Dev Aging | SOC 2600 | Introduction to Gerontology |
HDFS 0129 | Intro to Hd Fs | FCSE ELLD | LD: Intro to Hd Fs |
HIST 0001 | Western Heritage I | HIST 1010 | Survey Western Civilization I |
HIST 0002 | West Heritage II | HIST 1020 | Survey Western Civilization II |
HIST 0010 | Non Western Civ | HIST 1110 | Survey World Civilization I |
HIST 0011 | World History II | HIST 1120 | Survey World Civilization II |
HIST 0018 | Mod Eur 1500-1815 | HIST ELLD | LD: Mod Eur 1500-1815 |
HIST 0019 | Eur 1816 to Pres | HIST ELLD | LD:Eur 1816 to Pres |
HIST 0020 | Amer Civ to 1877 | HIST 2010 | Survey United States History I |
HIST 002101 | Us Since 1865 | HIST 2020 | Survey United States Hist II |
HIST 0032 | Byzantine Empire | HIST ELLD | LD: Byzantine Empire |
HIST 0117 | Women Modern History | HIST ELLD | LD: Women Modern History |
HIST 0121 | The Holocaust | HIST ELLD | LD: The Holocaust |
HIST 014201 | Hist of Communism | HIST ELLD | LD: Hist of Communism |
HIST 0143 | Fascism & Nazism | HIST ELLD | LD: Fascism & Nazism |
HIST 0171 | Modern S E Asia | HIST ELLD | LD: Modern S E Asia |
HIST 0175 | Hist Mod E Asia | HIST ELLD | LD: Hist Mod E Asia |
HIST 101S | Roman Repub & Empir | HIST ELLD | LD: Roman Repub & Empir |
HIST 12 | Pennsylvania | HIST ELLD | LD:Pennsylvania |
HIST 181 | Intro Middle East | HIST ELLD | LD:Intro Middle East |
HIST 444W | Civil War & Reconstr | HIST ELUD | UD: Civil War & Reconstr |
HL E 0005 | Hlth Asp Sport | HLTH ELLD | LD: Hlth Asp Sport |
HL E 0015 | Lfstyl For Hl | HLTH ELLD | LD: Lfstyl For Hl |
HL E 0019 | Hlth & Disease | HLTH ELLD | LD: Hlth & Disease |
HL E 0045 | Alchl Awareness Ed | HLTH ELLD | LD: Alchl Awareness Ed |
HL E 0046 | Intro Human Sex | HLTH ELLD | LD: Intro Human Sex |
HL E 0060 | Healthful Living | HLTH 1530 | Health and Wellness |
HLED 000501 | Hlth Asp Sport | HLTH ELLD | LD: Hlth Asp Sport |
HLED 0043 | Drugs in Society | ELEC ELLD | LD:Drugs in Society |
HLED 0045 | Alchl Awareness Ed | HLTH ELLD | LD: Alchl Awareness Ed |
HLED 004601 | Intro Human Sex | PSY ELLD | LD: Intro Human Sex |
HLED 0057 | Consumer Health | HLTH ELLD | LD:Consumer Health |
HUMA 0001 | West Clt Heritage | HUM ELLD | LD: West Clt Heritage |
HUMA 000201 | Shaping Mod Mind | HUM ELLD | LD: Shaping Mod Mind |
I E 0302 | Engr Economy | ENGR 3970 | Engineering Economy |
IB 0303 | International Business Oper | MGMT 4710 | International Business |
IE T 0101 | Mfg Mtls & Proc | ET ELLD | LD: Mfg Mtls & Proc |
IE T 0112 | Mfg Process | ET ELLD | LD: Mfg Process |
IE T 0215 | Production Design | ET ELLD | LD: Production Design |
IE T 0216 | Prod Dsgn Lab | ET ELLD | LD: Prod Dsgn Lab |
IE T 0811 | Mgf Materials, Proce | ET ELLD | LD: Mfg Materials, Proce |
IE T 291A | Special Topics | ET ELLD | LD: Special Topics |
IE T 297A | Special Topics | ET ELLD | LD: Special Topics |
IET 101 | Mfg Mtls and Proc | ENGR ELLD | LD:Mfg Mtls and Proc |
INAR 0001 | The Arts | ELEC ELLD | LD: The Arts |
INAR 0015 | Pop Perf Arts | ART ELLD | LD: Pop Perf Arts |
INAR 0110 | Drama Mass Media | THEA ELLD | LD: Drama Mass Media |
INAR 0210 | Int Cmptr Mus Comp | RIM ELLD | LD: Int Cmptr Mus Comp |
INART 0050 | Sci Mus | PHYS 1600 | Physics of Music |
INART 0116 | Pop Arts: Hist of Rock & Roll | MUHL ELLD | LD: Hist of Rock & Roll |
INART 10 | Pop Media Arts | EMC ELLD | LD:Pop Media Arts |
INART 115 | Popular Music | MUHL ELLD | LD:Popular Music |
INART 258A | Fund Dig Aud | EMC ELLD | LD:Fund Dig Aud |
INS 0100 | Insurance | FIN ELLD | LD: Insurance |
IST 0110 | Intro Info Sci Tec | INFS ELLD | LD: Intro Info Sci Tec |
IST 0210 | Org Data | INFS ELLD | LD: Org Data |
IST 0220 | Network & Technolog | INFS ELLD | LD: Network & Technolog |
JOUR 0213 | News Writing | JOUR ELLD | LD: News Writing |
KEYB 140J01 | Intr Cl Piano Gs | MUS 1530 | Class Piano I |
KINE 0013 | CPR, Safety, FA | PHED ELLD | LD: CPR, Safety, FA |
KINE 0060 | Healthful Living | HLTH 1530 | Health and Wellness |
KINE 0068 | Strength Training | PHED ELLD | LD: Strength Training |
KINE 0081 | Wellness Theory | PHED ELLD | LD:Wellness Theory |
KINE 0084 | Fitness For Life | PHED ELLD | LD: Fitness For Life |
KINE 0089 | Wilderness Exper | PHED ELLD | LD: Wilderness Exper |
KINE 0096 | Ind Act | PHED ELLD | LD:Ind Act |
KINE 0303 | Emergency Care | PHED 3300 | First Aid and Safety Education |
KINE 0403 | Ed Med Tech | ELEC ELUD | UD: Ed Med Tech |
KINE 77 | Yoga 1 | PHED 1270 | Yoga |
L A 0100 | Eff Decisn Making | ELEC ELLD | LD: Eff Decisn Making |
L A 0297 | Special Topics | ELEC ELLD | LD:Special Topics |
L A 0460 | Undgr Internship | ELEC ELLD | LD: Undgr Internship |
L A 0498 | Sem Select Topics | ELEC ELLD | LD: Sem Select Topics |
L I 0100 | Ind Relations | ELEC ELLD | LD: Ind Relations |
LARC 0060 | History of Larch | ELEC ELLD | LD: History of Larch |
LER 0100 | Employment Relations | ELEC ELLD | LD: Employment Relations |
LL E 0010 | College Reg Imp II | ELEC ELLD | LD: College Reg Imp II |
M E 003001 | Engr Thermo I | ET ELLD | LD: Engr Thermo I |
M E 0031 | Engr Thermo II | ET ELLD | LD: Engr Thermo II |
M E 0050 | Machine Dynamics | ET ELLD | LD: Machine Dynamics |
MATH 000201 | Algebra | MATH 1710 | College Algebra |
MATH 0004 | Intermed Algebra | MATH ELLD | LD: Intermed Algebra |
MATH 0005 | College Algebra | MATH 1710 | College Algebra |
MATH 000601 | Plane Trigonometry | MATH 1720 | Plane Trigonometry |
MATH 0017 | Finite Math | MATH 1630 | Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci |
MATH 0021 | College Algebra I | MATH 1710 | College Algebra |
MATH 0022 | College Algebra II | MATH 1710 | College Algebra |
MATH 0026 | Plane Trigonometry | MATH 1720 | Plane Trigonometry |
MATH 0034 | Math of Money | MATH ELLD | LD:Math of Money |
MATH 0035 | General View Math | MATH ELLD | LD: General View Math |
MATH 0040 | Alg Trig Anly Geom | MATH 1730 | Pre-Calculus |
MATH 004101 | Calc Analy Geom I | MATH ELLD | LD: Calc Analy Geom I |
MATH 0082 | Tech Math II | MATH ELLD | LD: Tech Math II |
MATH 0110 | Tech Calculus I | MATH ELLD | LD: Tech Calculus I |
MATH 0140 | Calc Anly Geom I | MATH 1910 | Calculus I |
MATH 0141 | Calc Anly Geom II | MATH 1920 | Calculus II |
MATH 0220 | Matrices | MATH ELLD | LD:Matrices |
MATH 022001 | Matrices | MATH ELLD | LD: Matrices |
MATH 0230 | Calc/Vector | MATH ELLD | LD:Calc/Vector |
MATH 023001 | Calc/Vector Anal | MATH ELLD | LD: Calc/Vector Anal |
MATH 023101 | Calc Several Var | MATH ELLD | LD: Calc Several Var |
MATH 025001 | Ord Diff Equations | MATH ELLD | LD: Ord Diff Equations |
MATH 025101 | Ord & Part Diff Eq | MATH ELLD | LD: Ord & Part Diff Eq |
MATH 0807 | Technical Math | MATH ELLD | LD: Technical Math |
MATH 0808 | Tech Math & Calc | MATH ELLD | LD: Tech Math & Calc |
MATH 140H01 | Calc Anyl Geom I | MATH 1910 | Calculus I |
MATH 140L | Calc Analy Geom I | MATH 1910 | Calculus I |
MATH 141H01 | Cal Anyl Geom II | MATH 1920 | Calculus II |
MATH 200 | Prob Solv in Math | MATH ELLD | LD:Prob Solv in Math |
MATH 4 | Intermed Algebra | DSPM ELLD | LD;Intermed Algebra |
MATS 008101 | Materials Today | ELEC ELLD | LD: Materials Today |
MATS 0101 | Enrgy/Fuels In Soc | ET ELLD | LD: Enrgy/Fuels In Soc |
MATS 020101 | Intro Mat Sc | ET ELLD | LD: Intro Mat Sc |
MATS 0259 | Engr Matls | ET ELLD | LD: Engr Matls |
MCH 0111 | Mech Statics | ET ELLD | LD: Mech Statics |
MCH 0213 | Strength Mtls | ET ELLD | LD: Strength Mtls |
MCH 0214 | Strength Mats Lab | ET ELLD | LD: Strength Mats Lab |
ME T 0206 | Machine Elements & D | ET ELLD | LD: Machine Elements & D |
ME T 0210 | Product Design | ET ELLD | LD: Product Design |
ME T 0830 | Selected Topics In M | ET ELLD | LD: Selected Topics In M |
METE 0002 | Weather & Society | GEOL ELLD | LD: Weather & Society |
METE 0003 | Intro Meteo | GEOL ELLD | LD: Intro Meteo |
METE 002201 | Oceans | GEOL ELLD | LD: Oceans |
METE 003L01 | Intro Meteo | ELEC ELLD | LD: Intro Meteo |
METE 003P01 | Intro Meteo | ELEC ELLD | LD: Intro Meteo |
METE 030001 | Weather & Man | GEOL 4050 | Meteorology |
METE 0431 | Atoms Thermo | GEOL ELUD | UD: Atoms Thermo |
METE 297A | Intro Weather Anly | GEOL ELUD | UD: Intro Weather Anly |
MGMT 0100 | Survey of Mgmt | MGMT ELLD | LD: Survey of Mgmt |
MGMT 0110 | Basic Mgmt Concept | MGMT ELLD | LD: Basic Mgmt Concept |
MGMT 0800 | Prin Mgmt I | MGMT ELLD | LD: Prin Mgmt I |
MGMT 301 | Basic Mgmt Concept | MGMT 3610 | Principles of Management |
MGMT 443 | Perform Mgmt | MGMT ELUD | UD:Perform Mgmt |
MICR 000101 | Intro to Microbiolo | BIOL 2230 | Microbiology |
MICR 0006 | El Microbiology | BIOL ELLD | LD: El Microbiology |
MICR 010601 | Elem Micrb | BIOL 2230 | Microbiology |
MICR 0202 | Intro Micro Lab | BIOL 2230 | Microbiology |
MICRB 201 | Intro Microbiology | BIOL 2230 | Microbiology |
MICRB 421W | Lab Gen Appl Micrb | BIOL 2230 | Microbiology |
MIS 010601 | Spec Micro App Bus | INFS ELLD | LD: Spec Micro App Bus |
MIS 0204 | Intro Bus Inf Sys | INFS ELLD | LD:Intro Bus Inf Sys |
MIS 100W | Intro to MIS | INFS ELLD | LD: Intro to MIS |
MIS 390 | Info Sys Mgmt Appl | INFS ELUD | UD:Info Sys Mgmt Appl |
MKTG 0121 | Contemp Am Mktg | MKT ELLD | LD: Contemp Am Mktg |
MKTG 0211 | Cntmpry Am Mktg | MKT ELLD | LD: Cntmpry Am Mktg |
MKTG 0800 | Prin Mktg I | MKT ELLD | LD: Prin Mktg I |
MKTG 0801 | Prin Mktg II | MKT ELLD | LD: Prin Mktg II |
MKTG 0804 | Prin Retail Sales | MKT ELLD | LD: Prin Retail Sales |
MKTG 0805 | Retailing I | MKT ELLD | LD: Retailing I |
MKTG 301 | Prin of Marketing | MKT 3820 | Principles of Marketing |
MS&IS 0200 | Intro Stat Bus Dec | MATH ELLD | LD:Intro Stat Bus Dec |
MUSI 000101 | Performing Arts | MUS ELLD | LD: Performing Arts |
MUSI 0004 | Film Music | MUS ELLD | LD:Film Music |
MUSI 0005 | Intro/Western Music | MUS 1030 | Introduction to Music |
MUSI 0007 | Rud of Mus | MUS ELLD | LD: Rud of Mus |
MUSI 0008 | Rud of Music | MUED ELLD | LD: Rud of Music |
MUSI 0009 | Intro World Music | MUS ELLD | LD: Intro World Music |
MUSI 001101 | Pianoforte | MUS ELLD | LD: Pianoforte |
MUSI 002101 | Voice Culture | MUS ELLD | LD: Voice Culture |
MUSI 006101 | Survey Musi Lit I | MUS ELLD | LD: Survey Musi Lit I |
MUSI 006201 | Survey Musi Lit 2 | MUS ELLD | LD: Survey Musi Lit 2 |
MUSI 008901 | Chorus | MUEN 3200 | Concert Chorale |
MUSI 013101 | Music Fund I | MUS ELLD | LD: Music Fund I |
MUSI 013201 | Music Fdns 2 | MUS ELLD | LD: Music Fdns 2 |
MUSI 014301 | Music Fdns 3 | MUS ELLD | LD: Music Fdns 3 |
MUSI 015701 | Chapel Choirs | MUEN 3210 | Tenor Bass Chorale |
MUSIC 79 | Pep Band | MUEN 3100 | The Band of Blue Marching Band |
NURS 0111 | Nursing Roles | NURS ELLD | LD: Nursing Roles |
NURS 0112 | Health Patterns | NURS ELLD | LD: Health Patterns |
NURS 0114 | Childbearing Years | NURS ELLD | LD: Childbearing Years |
NURS 0116 | Clin Immersion I | NURS ELLD | LD: Clin Immersion I |
NURS 0211 | Patho I - NI | NURS ELLD | LD: Patho I - NI |
NURS 0212 | Patho II - NI | NURS ELLD | LD: Patho II - NI |
NURS 0213 | Patho III - NI | NURS ELLD | LD: Patho III - NI |
NURS 0216 | Clin Immersion II | NURS ELLD | LD: Clin Immersion II |
NURS 0251 | Health Assessment | NURS ELLD | LD: Health Assessment |
NURS 0404 | Card Dysrhyth Mgt | NURS ELLD | LD: Card Dysrhyth Mgt |
NURS 0408 | Clin App Pharmacol | NURS ELLD | LD: Clin App Pharmacol |
NURS 0464 | Dying & Death | NURS ELLD | LD: Dying & Death |
NURS 1113 | Childbearing Years | NURS ELLD | LD: Childbearing Years |
NURS 214W | Psych Nursing | NURS ELLD | LD: Psych Nursing |
NURS 297A | Clin App Lab Tests | NURS ELLD | LD: Clin App Lab Tests |
NUTR 0251 | Intro Prin Nutr | NFS 1240 | Intro to Nutrition & Wellness |
P E 018001 | Judo I | PHED ACTY | Physical Activity-Degree Audit |
P E 018901 | Life Saving Adv | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Life Saving Adv |
P E 0303 | Strength Training | PHED ELUD | UD: Strength Training |
P E 031501 | Swim Intermediate | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Swim Intermediate |
PH E 001101 | Health & Ph Ed | HLTH ELLD | LD: Health & Ph Ed |
PH E 001301 | Health & Ph Ed | HLTH ELLD | LD: Health & Ph Ed |
PHED 0001 | Health & Ph Ed | HLTH ELLD | LD: Health & Ph Ed |
PHED 0005 | Physical Ed | PHED ACTY | Physical Activity-Degree Audit |
PHED 000601 | Physical Ed | PHED ACTY | Physical Activity-Degree Audit |
PHED 000701 | Physical Ed | PHED ACTY | Physical Activity-Degree Audit |
PHIL 0001 | Basic Prob of Phi | PHIL 1030 | Introduction to Philosophy |
PHIL 000301 | Man & Moral Value | PHIL ELLD | LD: Man & Moral Value |
PHIL 0004 | Major Fig Phil | PHIL ELLD | LD:Major Fig Phil |
PHIL 0008 | Phil & Feminism | PHIL ELLD | LD: Phil & Feminism |
PHIL 0010 | Crit Think & Argu | PHIL 2110 | Elem Logic Critical Thinking |
PHIL 001201 | Elem Symbol Logic | PHIL ELLD | LD: Elem Symbol Logic |
PHIL 0100 | Meaning/Hum Exist | PHIL ELLD | LD: Meaning/Hum Exist |
PHIL 0103 | Intro to Ethics | PHIL ELLD | LD: Intro to Ethics |
PHIL 0109 | Philosophy of Art | PHIL ELLD | LD: Philosophy of Art |
PHIL 0119 | Ethical Leadership | PHIL ELLD | LD:Ethical Leadership |
PHIL 103W | Ethics Soc Issues | PHIL ELLD | LD: Ethics Soc Issues |
PHIL 109H | Intro Aesthetics | PHIL ELLD | LD:Intro Aesthetics |
PHYS 0001 | Science of Phys | PHYS ELLD | LD: Science Phys |
PHYS 0150 | Tech Physics | PHYS 2011 | Physics Problems Laboratory I |
PHYS 0151 | Tech Physics | PHYS 2021 | Physics Problems Lab II |
PHYS 0201 | General Physics | PHYS 2011 | Physics Problems Laboratory I |
PHYS 0202 | General Physics | PHYS 2021 | Physics Problems Lab II |
PHYS 0204 | General Physics | PHYS ELLD | LD: General Physics |
PHYS 0211 | Mechanics | PHYS ELLD | LD: Mechanics |
PHYS 0212 | Elect & Magnetism | PHYS ELLD | LD:Elect & Magnetism |
PHYS 0240 | Concepts of Physics | PHYS ELLD | LD: Concepts of Physics |
PHYS 201L | General Physics | PHYS 2011 | Physics Problems Laboratory I |
PHYS 202L01 | General Physics | PHYS 2021 | Physics Problems Lab II |
PHYS 203L01 | General Physics | PHYS 2111 | Calculus-Based Physics Lab I |
PHYS 211R | Mechanics | PHYS ELLD | LD: Mechanics |
PHYS 214R | Wave Motion & Quan | PHYS ELLD | LD: Wave Motion & Quan |
PL S 0001 | Intr Am Natl Govt | PS 1010 | Intro to Global Politics |
PL S 0003 | Intro to Comp Pol | PS ELLD | LD: Intro to Comp Pol |
PLSC 0001 | Intr to Am Natl Gov | PS 1005 | Intro to American Politics |
PLSC 0014 | International Relations | PS 1010 | Intro to Global Politics |
PLSC 0130 | Amer Pol Campaigns | PS ELLD | LD:Amer Pol Campaigns |
PLSC 0439 | Terrorism | PS 4070 | Political Violence & Terrorism |
PLSC 0468 | Politics and Media | PS ELUD | UD:Politics and Media |
PLSC 0480 | Congress and Pres | PS ELUD | UD:Congress and Pres |
PLSC 0490 | Policy Making/Eval | PS ELUD | UD:Policy Making/Eval |
PSU 0007 | Bhrnd 1st-Yr Smnr | ELEC ELLD | LD:Bhrnd 1st-Yr Smnr |
PSU 0012 | Engr 1st Yr Smnr | ET ELLD | LD: Engr 1st Yr Smnr |
PSU 0017 | Schl Ist 1st Yr Sr | ELEC ELLD | LD: Schl Ist 1st Yr Sr |
PSU 5 | Bks 1st-Yr Smnr | ELEC ELLD | LD:Bks 1st-Yr Smnr |
PSU 8 | Unv Col 1st-Yr Smn | ELEC ELLD | LD:Unv Col 1st-Yr Smn |
PSY 0002 | Psychology | PSY 1410 | General Psychology |
PSY 001301 | Developmental Psych | PSY 2300 | Developmental Psychology |
PSY 003701 | Mental Hygiene | PSY ELLD | LD: Mental Hygiene |
PSY 0170 | Psy of Women | PSY 4620 | Psychology of Women |
PSY 0213 | Devel Psychology | PSY 2300 | Developmental Psychology |
PSY 0217 | Social Psychology | SOC ELLD | LD: Social Psychology |
PSY 0231 | Industrial Psy | PSY ELLD | LD:Industrial Psy |
PSY 0238 | Intro Person Psy | PSY 3590 | Personality |
PSY 0487 | Health Psy | PSY 4650 | Health Psychology |
PSYC 0100 | Intro Psychology | PSY 1410 | General Psychology |
PSYC 0415 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY 3230 | Psychological Disorders |
PSYC 221 | Intro Soc Psych | PSY ELLD | LD:Intro Soc Psych |
PSYC 438 | Personality Theory | PSY ELUD | UD:Personality Theory |
PSYC 484 | Wrk Attd and Motivat | PSY ELUD | UD:Wrk Attd and Motivat |
PSYCH 105 | Psy Science Prof | PSY ELLD | LD:Psy Science Prof |
PSYCH 256 | Intro Cog Psy | PSY ELLD | LD:Intro Cog Psy |
PSYCH 270 | Intro Abnorm Psych | PSY ELLD | LD:Intro Abnorm Psych |
PSYCH 423 | Prsnl/Grp Relatns | PSY ELUD | UD:Prsnl/Grp Relatns |
Q B 0200 | Intro Stat Bus | STAT ELLD | LD: Intro Stat Bus |
QBA 0101 | Intro to Qba | ELEC ELLD | LD: Intro to Qba |
QBA 0801 | El Bus Stat | BIA ELLD | LD:El Bus Stat |
RAD 0101 | Radiol Intro | ELEC ELLD | LD:Radiol Intro |
RAD 0102 | Radiol Proc II | ELEC ELLD | LD:Radiol Proc II |
RAD 0103 | Radiol Proc III | ELEC ELLD | LD:Radiol Proc III |
RAD 0110 | Patient Care | ELEC ELLD | LD:Patient Care |
RAD 0204 | Radiographic Exp | ELEC ELLD | LD:Radiographic Exp |
RAD 0205 | Radiograph Exp II | ELEC ELLD | LD:Radiograph Exp II |
RAD 0206 | Adv Radiol Proc | ELEC ELLD | LD:Adv Radiol Proc |
RAD 0207 | Registry Review | ELEC ELLD | LD:Registry Review |
RAD 0220 | Rad Biol & Prot | ELEC ELLD | LD:Rad Biol & Prot |
RAD 0230 | Rad Phys | ELEC ELLD | LD:Rad Phys |
RAD 0240 | Pharmacology | ELEC ELLD | LD:Pharmacology |
RAD 0295 | Internship | ELEC ELLD | LD:Internship |
RAD 210W | Rad Pathology | ELEC ELLD | LD:Rad Pathology |
RCLE 005B | Coll Reading Skills | DSPR ELLD | LD:Coll Reading Skills |
RL S 0001 | World Religions | RS ELLD | LD: World Religions |
RL S 0101 | Comp Religion | RS ELLD | LD: Comp Religion |
RL S 0124 | Early Christianity | RS ELLD | LD: Early Christianity |
RL S 0140 | Rl In Am Life | RS ELLD | LD: Rl In Am Life |
RL S 140W | Rl In Am Life | RS ELLD | LD: Rl In Am Life |
RLST 0001 | Study of Religion | RS ELLD | LD: Study of Religion |
RLST 0110 | Hebrew Bible | RS ELLD | LD:Hebrew Bible |
RM 0302 | Risk and Insurance | FIN 4750 | Enterprise Risk Management |
SC 402 | Sci Corp Employ | ELEC ELUD | UD:Sci Corp Employ |
SOC 0001 | Intro Sociology | SOC 1010 | Introductory Sociology |
SOC 0003 | Intro Social Psy | PSY ELLD | LD: Intro Social Psy |
SOC 0005 | Social Problems | SOC 2010 | Social Problems |
SOC 001201 | Criminology | SOC 4300 | Criminology |
SOC 0013 | Juv Delinquency | SOC ELLD | LD: Juv Delinquency |
SOC 001W | Intro Sociology | SOC 1010 | Introductory Sociology |
SOC 0030 | Soc of Family | SOC 2500 | Marriage and Family |
SOC 0119 | Race & Ethnic Relat | SOC 4240 | Race and Ethnic Relations |
SOC 110 | Soc of Gender | SOC ELLD | LD:Soc of Gender |
SOIL 0101 | Intro Soils | PLSO ELLD | LD: Intro Soils |
SOSC 0001 | Man and Society | SOC ELLD | LD: Man and Society |
SOSC 0002 | Man and Society | SOC ELLD | LD: Man and Society |
SPAN 0001 | Elem Spanish | SPAN 1010 | Elementary Spanish I |
SPAN 0002 | Elem Spanish | SPAN 1010 | Elementary Spanish I |
SPAN 0003 | Inmd Spanish | SPAN 1020 | Elementary Spanish II |
SPAN 130 | Iberian Civil | SPAN ELLD | LD:Iberian Civil |
SPCH 020001 | Effective Speech | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
SPCH 200T01 | Effective Speech | COMM ELLD | LD: Effective Speech |
SPCO 0100 | Effective Speech | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
SPCO 0200 | Effective Speech | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
SPCO 0296 | Indep Studies | COMM ELLD | LD: Indep Studies |
SPCO 100A | Effective Speech | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
SPCO 100B | Effective Speech | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
SRA 0111 | Intro to Sra | MGMT ELLD | LD:Intro to Sra |
STAT 0100 | Stat Concepts | STAT ELLD | LD: Stat Concepts |
STAT 0200 | Elem Stat | BIA 2610 | Statistical Methods |
STAT 030101 | Stat Anyl I | STAT ELUD | UD: Stat Anyl I |
STAT 250 | Biostatics | BIOL ELLD | LD:Biostatics |
STAT 401 | Expt Methods 1 | STAT 4380 | Experimental Design |
STS 0150 | Fiery Furnace | ELEC ELLD | LD:Fiery Furnace |
THEA 0100 | Art of Theatre | THEA 1030 | Introduction to Theatre |
THEA 010901 | Drama Mass Media | THEA ELLD | LD: Drama Mass Media |
THEA 011001 | Script Analysis | THEA ELLD | LD: Script Analysis |
THEA 0115 | Pop Arts | THEA ELLD | LD:Pop Arts |
THEA 012001 | Acting I | THEA 1015 | Acting I |
THEA 015001 | Intro Thea Arch | THEA ELLD | LD: Intro Thea Arch |
THEA 016001 | Intro Costume Crft | THEA ELLD | LD: Intro Costume Crft |
THEA 018001 | Intro Stagecraft | THEA 1025 | Stage Craft I |
THEA 0189 | Theatre Prod Prac | THEA ELLD | LD: Theatre Prod Prac |
THEA 0207 | Gender & Theatre | THEA ELLD | LD: Gender & Theatre |
THEA 0208 | Workshop:Thea Div | THEA ELLD | LD:Workshop:Thea Div |
THEA 022001 | Acting II | THEA ELLD | LD: Acting II |
THEA 022101 | Acting III | THEA ELLD | LD: Acting III |
THEA 497A01 | Special Topics | THEA ELUD | UD: Special Topics |
THEA 497D01 | Voice/Mvmt Lab | THEA ELUD | UD: Voice/Mvmt Lab |
VOIC 100 | Voice Sec | MUAP 2371 | Private Instruction Voice |
VOIC 100J01 | Voice Sec | ELEC ELLD | LD: Voice Sec |
WMNS 0001 | Intro Womens Studies | WGST 2100 | Intro to Women's Studies |
WMNS 0136 | Wmn Mnrties Empl | WMST ELLD | LD: Wmn Mnrties Empl |
WMNS 0423 | Rape and Violence | WGST ELUD | UD: Rape and Violence |
WMNST 100 | Women's and Gender Studies | WGST 2100 | Intro to Women's Studies |
ZOOL 002501 | General Zoology I | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
ZOOL 002601 | General Zoology 2 | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
ZOOL 002601 | General Zoology 2 | and BIOL ELLD | LD: General Zoology 2 |
ZOOL 004101 | Human Physiology | BIOL 2010 | Human Anatomy Physiology I |