Transfer Equivalencies
There are 111 transfer equivalencies on file for Florence-Darlington Tech Coll
Transfer Course | Transfer Title | MTSU Course | MTSU Title |
ACC 0111 | Accounting Concepts | ACTG ELLD | LD: Accounting Concepts |
ACM 0125 | Airframe Inspection | AERO ELLD | LD: Airframe Inspection |
ACM 0126 | Airframe Systems And | AERO ELLD | LD: Airframe Systems And |
ACM 0132 | Fuel Systems | AERO ELLD | LD: Fuel Systems |
ACM 0133 | Aircraft Elec Syst | AERO ELLD | LD: Aircraft Elec Syst |
ACM 0202 | Airframe Syst 7 Comw | AERO ELLD | LD: Airframe Syst 7 Comw |
AGT 011201 | Crop Production | PLSO ELLD | LD: Crop Production |
AGT 012301 | Soils | PLSO ELLD | LD: Soils |
AGT 013101 | Agr Rec & Accts | AGRI ELLD | LD: Agr Rec & Accts |
AGT 013201 | Agr Progr & Bus Mgm | AGRI ELLD | LD: Agr Progr & Bus Mgm |
AGT 013401 | Herbicides | PLSO ELLD | LD: Herbicides |
AGT 013501 | Insects & Diseases | PLSO ELLD | LD: Insects & Diseases |
AGT 013601 | Land Class & Appr | PLSO ELLD | LD: Land Class & Appr |
AGT 021201 | Soil Fert & Mgmt | PLSO ELLD | LD: Soil Fert & Mgmt |
AGT 021401 | Agr Marketing | AGBS ELLD | LD: Agr Marketing |
AGT 021901 | Sprays & Spraying | AGRI ELLD | LD: Sprays & Spraying |
AGT 022101 | Farm Power & Machin | AGRI ELLD | LD: Farm Power & Machin |
AGT 024101 | Soybns & Leg For Se | PLSO ELLD | LD: Soybns & Leg For Se |
AHS 0102 | Medical Terminology | HUM 2130 | Medical Vocabulary |
ART 0101 | Art History and Appreciation | ART 1030 | Art Appreciation |
BIO 0100 | Introductory Biology | BIOL 1030 | Exploring Life |
BIO 0210 | Anatomy and Physio | BIOL 2010 | Human Anatomy Physiology I |
BIO 0211 | Anatomy and Physio | BIOL 2020 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II |
BIO 101 | Biological Science | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
BOT 010101 | Gen Bot I | BIOL 1120 | General Biology II |
BOT 010201 | Gen Bot II | BIOL 1120 | General Biology II |
BUS 0123 | Business Law II | BLAW ELLD | LD: Business Law II |
CHM 0110 | College Chemistry | CHEM 1110 | General Chemistry I |
CHT 011101 | Chemistry | CHEM 1010 | Intro General Chemistry I |
CHT 011301 | Agric Chem | CHEM ELLD | LD: Agric Chem |
COL 0103 | College Skills | ELEC ELLD | LD: College Skills |
CPT 0170 | Microcomputer Appl | CSCI ELLD | LD:Microcomputer Appl |
CPT 162 | Intro to Web Page | CSCI ELLD | LD:Intro to Web Page |
DRT 023201 | Electronic Drafting | ET ELLD | LD: Electronic Drafting |
ECO 0210 | Macroeconomics | ECON 2410 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECO 0211 | Microeconomics | ECON 2420 | Principles of Microeconomics |
EET 010001 | Intro to Electronic | ET ELLD | LD: Intro to Electronic |
EET 011501 | D C Theory & Appl | ET ELLD | LD: D C Theory & Appl |
EET 012501 | Ac Theory & Appl | ET ELLD | LD: AC Theory & Appl |
EET 013101 | Active Devices | ET ELLD | LD: Active Devices |
EET 020801 | Microprocessor Appl | ET ELLD | LD: Microprocessor Appl |
EET 021401 | Pulse & Switch Circ | ET ELLD | LD: Pulse & Switch Circ |
EET 021501 | Electronic Circuits | ET ELLD | LD: Electronic Circuits |
EET 021701 | Industr Electr | ET ELLD | LD: Industr Electr |
EET 022701 | Electrical Machiner | ET ELLD | LD: Electrical Machinery |
EET 023101 | Senior Project | ET ELLD | LD: Senior Project |
EET 023901 | Transistor Logic | ET ELLD | LD: Transistor Logic |
EET 024001 | Commun Electronics | ET ELLD | LD: Commun Electronics |
EET 024101 | Elec Cir & Sys Anal | ET ELLD | LD: Elec Cir & Sys Anal |
EET 024601 | Integrated Circuit | ET ELLD | LD: Integrated Circuit |
EET 026301 | Electronic Measurem | ET ELLD | LD: Electronic Measurem |
EGR 010001 | Intro to Eng Tech | ET ELLD | LD: Intro to Eng Tech |
EGR 010101 | Intro to Eng Techn | ET ELLD | LD: Intro to Eng Techn |
EGR 020001 | Computer Programmin | CSCI 1150 | Computer Orientation |
EGT 011101 | Engineering Graphic | ET ELLD | LD: Engineering Graphic |
EGT 101 | Basic Technical Dr | ET ELLD | LD:Basic Technical Dr |
ENG 010001 | Study Skills | ENGL ELLD | LD: Study Skills |
ENG 0101 | English Composition I | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
ENG 0102 | English Composition II | ENGL 1020 | Research and Arg Writing |
ENG 011201 | Communication I | ENGL ELLD | LD: Communication I |
ENG 012001 | Adv Comp Effect Spe | ENGL ELLD | LD: Adv Comp Effect Spe |
ENG 012201 | Effective Speaking | COMM ELLD | LD: Effective Speaking |
ENG 013101 | Technical Writing | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
ENG 0150 | Intro to Comp | ENGL ELLD | LD: Intro to Comp |
ENG 0201 | American Literature | ENGL 2020 | Themes in Literature & Culture |
ENG 0202 | American Lit II | ENGL 2020 | Themes in Literature & Culture |
ENG 0206 | English Literature II | ENGL ELLD | LD:English Literature II |
ENG 100 | Introduction To Comp | DSPW ELLD | LD:Introduction to Comp |
ENG 102 | English Composition II | ENGL 1020 | Research and Arg Writing |
GEO 0102 | World Geography | GEOG 2000 | Intro to Regional Geography |
HIS 0101 | Western Civ to 1869 | HIST 1010 | Survey Western Civilization I |
HIS 0201 | American Hist Disc T | HIST 2010 | Survey United States History I |
HIS 0202 | Amer Hist 1877 to Pr | HIST 2020 | Survey United States Hist II |
IET 012101 | Methods Analysis | ET ELLD | LD: Methods Analysis |
IET 013101 | Motion & Time Study | ET ELLD | LD: Motion & Time Study |
IET 022501 | Engr Cost Analyses | ET ELLD | LD: Engr Cost Analyses |
LEG 0122 | Business Law II | BLAW ELLD | LD: Business Law II |
MAT 0031 | Developmental Math | DSPM ELLD | LD: Developmental Math |
MAT 010001 | Algebra Fundamental | MATH ELLD | LD: Algebra Fundamental |
MAT 0102 | Interm Algebra | DSPM ELLD | LD: Interm Algebra |
MAT 0110 | College Algebra | MATH 1710 | College Algebra |
MAT 011101 | Algebra I | MATH 1710 | College Algebra |
MAT 0120 | Probability And St | MATH ELLD | LD:Probability And St |
MAT 0121 | Alg & Trigonometry | MATH 1730 | Pre-Calculus |
MAT 0130 | Elementary Calculus | MATH ELLD | LD:Elementary Calculus |
MAT 013101 | Anyl Geo & Calc | MATH 1910 | Calculus I |
MAT 021101 | Calculus | MATH ELLD | LD: Calculus |
MAT 033 | Developmental Math | DSPM ELLD | LD:Developmental Math |
MAT 101 | Beginning Algebra | DSPM ELLD | LD:Beginning Algebra |
MUS 0105 | Music Appreciation | MUS 1030 | Introduction to Music |
MUS 012101 | Music Appreciation | MUS 1030 | Introduction to Music |
PHI 0101 | Intro to Phil | PHIL 1030 | Introduction to Philosophy |
PHI 0110 | Ethics | PHIL ELLD | LD: Ethics |
PHS 0101 | Physical Science I | PSCI 1030 | Topics in Physical Science |
PHS 0102 | Physical Science | PSCI ELLD | LD:Physical Science |
PHY 0122 | Physics I | PHYS 2011 | Physics Problems Laboratory I |
PHY 013201 | Physics II | PHYS 2021 | Physics Problems Lab II |
PSC 0201 | American Government | PS 1005 | Intro to American Politics |
PSY 0114 | Interpersonal Psyc | PSY ELLD | LD: Interpersonal Psyc |
PSY 020101 | General Psychology | PSY 1410 | General Psychology |
PSY 0208 | Human Sexuality | PSY ELLD | LD:Human Sexuality |
PSY 0225 | Interviewing Tech | PSY ELLD | LD: Interviewing Tech |
RDG 032 | Developmental Read | DSPR ELLD | LD:Developmental Read |
REL 103 | Comparative Religion | RS ELLD | LD:Comparative Religion |
SOC 0101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC 1010 | Introductory Sociology |
SOC 011601 | App Economics | ECON ELLD | LD: App Economics |
SOC 011701 | Human Relations | SOC ELLD | LD: Human Relations |
SOC 205 | Social Problems | SOC 2010 | Social Problems |
SPA 0101 | Elementary Spanish | SPAN 1010 | Elementary Spanish I |
SPC 0205 | Public Speaking | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
THE 0101 | Intro Theatre | THEA 1030 | Introduction to Theatre |