Transfer Equivalencies
There are 717 transfer equivalencies on file for Univ South Carolina Columbia
Transfer Course | Transfer Title | MTSU Course | MTSU Title |
ACCT 0225 | Fund of Actg I | ACTG 2110 | Principles of Accounting I |
ACCT 0226 | Fund of Actg II | ACTG 2120 | Principles of Accounting II |
ACCT 0324 | Survey of Commercial | ACTG ELUD | UD: Survey of Commercial |
ACCT 404 | Acct Info Systems I | ACTG ELUD | UD:Acct Info Systems I |
AEGL 0101 | Composition | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
AESP 314 | Energy Power and Propulsion | ENGR ELUD | UD:Energy Power and Propulsion |
AFRO 033501 | Surv Civ Rights Move | AST ELUD | UD: Surv Civ Rights Move |
AIME 0264 | Computer Appl In Bus | INFS 2200 | Introduction to Microcomputing |
AMTH 0111 | Pre-Calculus Math I | MATH 1730 | Pre-Calculus |
ANTH 010101 | Intro to Anthropolo | ANTH ELLD | LD: Intro to Anthropolo |
ANTH 0102 | Understand Other Cul | ANTH ELLD | LD: Understand Other Cul |
ANTH 0317 | Nrth Amer Indian Cul | ANTH 3520 | N American Prehist Archaeology |
ANTH 0319 | Principles of Archaeology | ANTH 3210 | Archaeology |
ANTH 0353 | Anthropology of Law & Conflict | ANTH ELUD | UD: Anthro of Law & Conflict |
ANTH 0356 | Anthropology of Art | ANTH ELUD | UD: Anthropology of Art |
ARMY 0101 | Fund of Mil Sci I | MS 1010 | Introduction to the Army |
ARMY 0102 | Fund of Mil Sci I | MS 1020 | Foundations of Leadership |
ARMY 0111 | Basic Leadership Lab | MS ELLD | LD: Basic Leadership Lab |
ARMY 0112 | Basic Leadership Lab | MS ELLD | LD: Basic Leadership Lab |
ARMY 0201 | Fund of Mil Sci II | MS 2010 | Leadership in Ethics |
ARMY 0211 | Basic Leadership Lab | MS ELLD | LD: Basic Leadership Lab |
ARTE 0101 | Intro to Art | ART 1030 | Art Appreciation |
ARTE 032901 | Art For Elem School | ART 3210 | Elementary Art Edu Methods |
ARTE 0360 | Inter Reltnshps In A | ART ELUD | UD: Inter Reltnshps In A |
ARTE 0520 | Art For Elem Sch | ART 3210 | Elementary Art Edu Methods |
ARTH 0105 | History of Western Art I | ART 1920 | Survey of Western Art I |
ARTH 010601 | History of Western | ART 1910 | Survey of Non-Western Art |
ARTH 010601 | History of Western | ART 1910 | Survey of Non-Western Art |
ARTH 0335 | Hist 20th Cent Art | ART ELUD | UD:Hist 20th Cent Art |
ARTH 101 | Introduction to Art | ART 1030 | Art Appreciation |
ARTS 0102 | Visual Arts Computin | ART ELLD | LD: Visual Arts Computin |
ARTS 010301 | Fund of Art | ART 1030 | Art Appreciation |
ARTS 0104 | Fund of Art II | ART ELLD | LD: Fund of Art II |
ARTS 0111 | Basic Drawing I | ART ELLD | LD: Basic Drawing I |
ARTS 022901 | Intro to Crafts | ART ELLD | LD: Intro to Crafts |
ARTS 0232 | Figure Structure I | ART ELLD | LD: Figure Structure I |
ARTS 025101 | Filmmaking | EMC ELLD | LD: Filmmaking |
ARTS 026101 | Photography | ART ELLD | LD: Photography |
ARTS 035101 | Intermediate Filmak | EMC ELUD | UD: Intermediate Filmak |
ARTS 0360 | Interm Photograp I | PHOT ELUD | UD: Interm Photograp I |
ASTR 0101 | Introduction to Astronomy | ASTR ELLD | LD: Introduction to Astronomy |
ASTR 011101 | Descriptive Astronomy I | ASTR 1030 | Exploring the Universe |
ASTR 0112 | Descriptive Astronom | ASTR ELLD | LD: Descriptive Astronom |
ASTR 111A | Descriptive Astr Lab | ASTR 1031 | Observing the Universe |
BA 011901 | Intro to Business | BCED 1400 | Introduction to Business |
BA 021501 | Secretarial Studies | BCED ELLD | LD:Secretarial Studies |
BA 021601 | Secretarial Studies | BCED ELLD | LD:Secretarial Studies |
BA 028201 | Office Machines | BCED ELLD | LD:Office Machines |
BA 032401 | Commercial Law | BLAW ELUD | UD: Commercial Law |
BADM 0190 | Intro to Data Proces | BCED ELLD | LD: Intro to Data Proces |
BADM 0225 | Fund of Actg I | ACTG 2110 | Principles of Accounting I |
BADM 0226 | Fund of Accounting | ACTG 2120 | Principles of Accounting II |
BADM 0290 | Compt Info Systems | INFS 1000 | Introduction to Computers |
BADM 0291 | Probability & Statis | BIA 2610 | Statistical Methods |
BADM 0350 | Marketing | MKT 3820 | Principles of Marketing |
BADM 0351 | Buyer Behavior | MKT ELUD | UD: Buyer Behavior |
BADM 0371 | Prin of Mgmt | MGMT 3610 | Principles of Management |
BADM 379 | Business Ethics | BUAD ELUD | UD:Business Ethics |
BIO 001101 | General Biology | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
BIO 0315 | Comp Vertebrate Anatomy | BIOL 3020 | Comparative Anat Vertebrates |
BIO 040001 | Man Enciron | BIOL ELLD | LD: Man Enciron |
BIOL 0101 | Biological Prin I | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
BIOL 0102 | Biological Prin II | BIOL 1120 | General Biology II |
BIOL 0110 | General Biology | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
BIOL 0111 | Biological Prin | BIOL 1030 | Exploring Life |
BIOL 0206 | Genetics & Society | BIOL ELLD | LD: Genetics & Society |
BIOL 023201 | Anatomy | BIOL 2010 | Human Anatomy Physiology I |
BIOL 0240 | Appld Human Physiolo | BIOL ELLD | LD: Appld Human Physiolo |
BIOL 024201 | Physiology | BIOL 2020 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II |
BIOL 0243 | Human Anat Phys | BIOL 2010 | Human Anatomy Physiology I |
BIOL 0244 | Human a & P II | BIOL 2020 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II |
BIOL 0270 | Man Environment | BIOL ELLD | LD: Man Environment |
BIOL 033001 | Microbiology | BIOL 2230 | Microbiology |
BIOL 040001 | Man Environment | BIOL ELUD | UD: Man Environment |
BIOL 101L | Biol Prin I Lab | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
BIOL 102L | Biol Prin II Lab | BIOL 1120 | General Biology II |
BIOL 110A01 | Gen Biology | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
BIOL 243L | Human a & P Lab | BIOL 2010 | Human Anatomy Physiology I |
BIOL 244L | Human a & P II Lab | BIOL 2020 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II |
BIOL 301 | Ecology & Evolution | BIOL ELUD | UD:Ecology & Evolution |
BIOL 302 | Cell and Molecular Biology | BIOL 4210 | Cell and Molecular Biology |
BIOL 302L | Cell & Molecular Biol Lab | BIOL 4210 | Cell and Molecular Biology |
BIOL 303 | Fund Genetics | BIOL 3250 | Genetics |
BIOL 303L | Fund Genetics Lab | BIOL 3250 | Genetics |
BIOL 330L01 | Microbiology | BIOL 2230 | Microbiology |
BIOL 420 | Survey of the Plant Kingdom | BIOL 4500 | Plant Physiology |
BIOL 425 | Plant Form and Function | BIOL ELUD | UD:Plant Form and Function |
BIOL 425L | Plant Form and Function Lab | BIOL ELUD | UD:Plant Form and Function Lab |
BIOL 510 | Invertebrate Zoology | BIOL 4140 | Invertebrate Zoology |
BIOL 530 | Histology | BIOL 4130 | Histology |
CATS 0145 | Intro to Graphic Des | DSGN 3325 | Word and Image |
CATS 030101 | Inter Advertising D | ADV ELUD | UD: Inter Advertising D |
CATS 040101 | Advanc Graphic Desi | ART ELUD | UD: Advanc Graphic Desi |
CATS 041101 | Advanced Painting I | ART ELUD | UD: Advanced Painting I |
CBAD 0110 | Personal Finance | FIN 2010 | Personal Financial Planning |
CBAD 019001 | Intro to Data Proces | CSCI 1150 | Computer Orientation |
CBAD 023101 | Elementary Accountin | ACTG 2110 | Principles of Accounting I |
CBIO 010101 | Biological Science | BIOL ELLD | LD: Biological Science |
CBIO 0270 | Man & His Environmen | BIOL ELLD | LD: Man & His Environmen |
CBIO 101L | Biological Sci I Lab | BIOL ELLD | LD: Biological Sci I Lab |
CCSC 0111 | Programming In Basic | CSCI ELLD | LD: Programming In Basic |
CEDC 011001 | Careers In Educatio | FOED ELLD | LD: Careers In Educatio |
CEGL 0101 | Composition | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
CEGL 010201 | Composition & Liter | ENGL 1020 | Research and Arg Writing |
CEGL 0275 | Master of World Lit | ENGL 2020 | Themes in Literature & Culture |
CFRN 010101 | Intro French | FREN 1010 | Elementary French I |
CGIS 0101 | Us/World Prob:Global | PS ELLD | LD: Us/World Prob:Global |
CGIS 010201 | Us World Prob Regl | HIST ELLD | LD: Us World Prob Regl |
CGIS 020101 | American National Govt | PS 1005 | Intro to American Politics |
CGIS 0550 | Constitutional Law I | PS 3370 | American Constitutional Law I |
CHED 0221 | Personal/Community | HLTH ELLD | LD: Personal/Community |
CHED 033101 | Health Educ Elem Sc | ELED ELUD | UD: Health Educ Elem Sc |
CHEM 010101 | General Chemistry | CHEM 1110 | General Chemistry I |
CHEM 010201 | Intro Organic Bio C | CHEM 1120 | General Chemistry II |
CHEM 0111 | General Chemistry | CHEM 1110 | General Chemistry I |
CHEM 0112 | General Chemistry | CHEM 1120 | General Chemistry II |
CHEM 105 | Chemistry & Modern Society I | CHEM ELLD | LD:Chemistry & Modern Society |
CHEM 109 | Chemistry of Living Things | CHEM ELLD | LD:Chemistry of Living Things |
CHEM 111L | General Chemistry I Lab | CHEM 1110 | General Chemistry I |
CHEM 112L | Gen Chemistry II Lab | CHEM 1120 | General Chemistry II |
CHEM 331L | Essntls Organ Chem L | CHEM 3010 | Organic Chemistry I |
CHEM 333 | Organic Chemistry I | CHEM 3010 | Organic Chemistry I |
CHST 0122 | Found Europe Civ To | HIST ELLD | LD: Found Europe Civ To |
CHST 012401 | Intr Mod Eur Civ 18 | HIST ELLD | LD: Intr Mod Eur Civ 18 |
CHST 0201 | Us Hist Discov to 18 | HIST 2010 | Survey United States History I |
CLAS 0220 | Classical Mythology | ENGL ELLD | LD:Classical Mythology |
CLAS 230 | Med & Scientific Terminology | HUM 2130 | Medical Vocabulary |
CMSC 0102 | Orig & Evol Mar Envi | MS ELLD | LD: Orig & Evol Mar Envi |
CMSC 0210 | The Sea | GEOL ELLD | LD: The Sea |
CMTH 0100 | 000000 | DSPM ELLD | LD: Interm Algebra |
CMTH 010101 | Basic Concepts Math | MATH ELLD | LD: Basic Concepts Math |
CMTH 0121 | Mathematical Analysi | MATH ELLD | LD: Mathematical Analysi |
CMTH 013001 | Algebra | MATH 1710 | College Algebra |
CMUS 011001 | Intro to Music | MUS 1030 | Introduction to Music |
COMD 500 | Intro Spch/Lng Path & Audiolog | CDIS 3050 | Intro Speech Lang Path Aud |
CPED 0104 | Adult Fitness | PHED ELLD | LD: Adult Fitness |
CPED 0108 | Beginning Gynmastics | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Beginning Gynmastics |
CPED 0110 | Karate | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Karate |
CPED 011601 | Beginning Tennis | PHED 1040 | Beginning Tennis |
CPED 016301 | Adv Modern Dance | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Adv Modern Dance |
CPHL 010201 | Intro to Philosophy | PHIL 1030 | Introduction to Philosophy |
CPHL 011001 | Intro to Logic I | PHIL ELLD | LD: Intro to Logic I |
CPHL 0201 | Hist Ancient Phil | PHIL 4010 | History Ancient Medieval Phil |
CPHL 0202 | Hist/Modern Philoso | PHIL 4020 | History of Modern Philosophy |
CPHL 0210 | Phil Themes In Lit | PHIL ELLD | LD: Phil Themes In Lit |
CPHL 0313 | Philosophy of Art | PHIL ELUD | UD: Philosophy of Art |
CPHL 0507 | Medieval Philosophy | PHIL ELUD | UD: Medieval Philosophy |
CPSY 010101 | Elem Psychology I | PSY 1410 | General Psychology |
CPSY 010201 | Elem Psychology II | PSY 1420 | Psychology of Adjustment |
CPSY 0302 | Developmental Psyc | PSY 2300 | Developmental Psychology |
CPSY 041101 | Abnormal Behav In C | PSY ELUD | UD: Abnormal Behav In C |
CPSY 0420 | Child Psychology | PSY 4190 | Child Development |
CPSY 044001 | Psychology/Personali | PSY 3590 | Personality |
CREG 033001 | Faith Doubt & God | RS ELLD | LD: Faith Doubt & God |
CRJU 0101 | Amer Crin Just Sys | CJA 1100 | Intro Criminal Justice Admin |
CRJU 0203 | Criminal Procedure | CJA ELLD | LD: Criminal Procedure |
CRJU 322 | Drugs and Crime | CJA ELUD | UD:Drugs and Crime |
CRJU 420 | Analyzing Homicide | CJA ELUD | UD:Analyzing Homicide |
CSCE 0101 | Intro Computer Conc | CSCI ELLD | LD: Intro Computer Conc |
CSCE 0102 | Gen Applications Prg | CSCI ELLD | LD: Gen Applications Prg |
CSCE 145 | Algorithmic Design I | CSCI ELLD | LD:Algorithmic Design I |
CSCE 146 | Algorithmic Design II | CSCI ELLD | LD:Algorithmic Design II |
CSCE 190 | Computing Modern World | CSCI ELLD | LD:Computing Modern World |
CSCE 206 | Scientific App Programming | CSCI ELLD | LD:Scientific App Progrmng |
CSCE 215 | COL UNIX/Linux Fund | CSCI ELLD | LD:COL UNIX/Linux Fund |
CSCI 0101 | Intro Cmpt Conc Hono | CSCI 1150 | Computer Orientation |
CSCI 0102 | Gen Applications Pro | CSCI ELLD | LD: Gen Applications Pro |
CSCI 138 | Intro to Computer Technology | CSCI ELLD | LD:Intro to Computer Technolog |
CSPN 0101 | Intro Spanish | SPAN 1010 | Elementary Spanish I |
CTHE 014001 | Public Communicatio | COMM ELLD | LD: Public Communicatio |
CUNV 010101 | The Student In The | ELEC ELLD | LD: The Student In The |
DANC 0101 | Dance Appreciation | DANC 1000 | Introduction to Dance |
ECON 0221 | Prin of Econ I | ECON 2420 | Principles of Microeconomics |
ECON 0222 | Prin of Econ II | ECON 2410 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECON 0224 | Prin of Econ | ECON ELLD | LD: Prin of Econ |
ECON 037901 | Govern Policy Towar | ECON ELUD | UD: Govern Policy Towar |
EDCE 510 | Intro to Counseling | ECE ELUD | UD:Intro to Counseling |
EDCE 570 | Seminar in Counseling | ECE ELUD | UD:Seminar in Counseling |
EDHL 221 | Lifelong Health & Wellness | HLTH 1530 | Health and Wellness |
EDMA 023001 | Art of Media Instru | EMC ELLD | LD: Art of Media Instru |
EDPI 0300 | COL Schools in Comm | ELEC ELUD | UD:COL Schools in Comm |
EDPY 033301 | Child Growth & Deve | CDFS ELUD | UD: Child Growth & Deve |
EDTE 0201 | Issues & Trends | FOED ELLD | LD:Issues & Trends |
EDUC 020101 | Learner:Growth & De | FOED ELLD | LD: Learner:Growth & De |
EDUC 0202 | School & Comm Honors | FOED ELLD | LD: School & Comm Honors |
EDUC 0300 | Schools In Communiti | FOED ELUD | UD: Schools In Communiti |
EDUC 033401 | Adolescent Growth D | CDFS ELUD | UD: Adolescent Growth D |
EDUC 0400 | Learn Community/Serv | FOED ELUD | UD: Learn Community/Serv |
EDUC 0401 | Learners & Diversity | FOED ELUD | UD: Learners & Diversity |
ELCT 102 | Electrical Science | ET ELLD | LD:Electrical Science |
ELCT 220 | Electrical Engr for Non-Majors | ENGR ELLD | LD:Electrical Engr for Non-Maj |
ELCT 221 | Circuits | ENGR 2130 | Electrical Circuit Analysis I |
EMCH 111 | Intro to Engrng Graphics & Vis | ENGR 2100 | Intro to Engineering Design |
EMCH 200 | COL Statics | ENGR 2110 | Statics |
EMCH 201 | COL Intro Appl Numerical Metho | ENGR ELLD | LD:COL Intro Appl Numerical Me |
EMCH 260 | Solid Mechanics | ENGR 3560 | Mechanics of Materials |
EMCH 290 | Thermodynamics | ENGR ELLD | LD:Thermodynamics |
EMCH 310 | Dynamics | ENGR 2120 | Dynamics |
EMCH 327 | Machine Design | ET ELUD | UD:Machine Design |
EMCH 360 | Fluid Mechanics | ENGR ELUD | UD:Fluid Mechanics |
EMCH 361 | Mech Engineering Lab I | ENGR ELUD | UD:Mech Engineering Lab I |
EMCH 368 | Mechatronics | ENGR ELUD | UD:Mechatronics |
EMCH 371 | Materials | ENGR 2210 | Intro to Material Sci & Engr |
EMCH 377 | Manufacturing | ENGR ELUD | UD:Manufacturing |
ENCP 101 | Introduction to Engineering I | ENGR 1100 | Engineering Fundamentals |
ENCP 360 | Fluid Mechanics | ET ELUD | UD:Fluid Mechanics |
ENG 001201 | Adv Lit & Rhetoric | ENGL 1020 | Research and Arg Writing |
ENG 011F01 | Lit & Rhetoric | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
ENGL 0100 | Basic Writing | ENGL ELLD | LD: Basic Writing |
ENGL 0101 | Composition | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
ENGL 0102 | Rhetoric and Composition | ENGL 1020 | Research and Arg Writing |
ENGL 020201 | English Lit | ENGL 2030 | The Experience of Literature |
ENGL 0280 | Intro Lit & Lang Stu | ENGL 2030 | The Experience of Literature |
ENGL 028201 | Contemp Fiction | ENGL ELLD | LD: Contemp Fiction |
ENGL 0283 | Themes British Writing | ENGL 2020 | Themes in Literature & Culture |
ENGL 028401 | Drama | ENGL ELLD | LD: Drama |
ENGL 0285 | Themes American Writ | ENGL 2020 | Themes in Literature & Culture |
ENGL 028601 | Contempory Poetry | ENGL ELLD | LD: Contempory Poetry |
ENGL 028701 | Major Writers In Am | ENGL 2020 | Themes in Literature & Culture |
ENGL 0288 | English Lit I | ENGL ELLD | LD: English Lit I |
ENGL 0289 | English Lit II | ENGL 2020 | Themes in Literature & Culture |
ENGL 029001 | English Literature | ENGL 2020 | Themes in Literature & Culture |
ENGL 0386 | Postmodernism | ENGL ELUD | UD: Postmodernism |
ENGL 0414 | Engl Drama Since 166 | ENGL ELUD | UD: Engl Drama Since 166 |
ENGL 041501 | The English Novel I | ENGL ELUD | UD: The English Novel I |
ENGL 0416 | The English Novel II | ENGL 4930 | Studies in The Novel |
ENGL 0427 | Southern Literature | ENGL 3330 | Southern Literature |
ENGL 043101 | Children's Literatu | ENGL 3740 | Children's Literature |
ENGL 0435 | The Short Story | ENGL 3350 | America Short Story in Context |
ENGL 045001 | English Grammer | ENGL ELUD | UD: English Grammer |
ENGL 046001 | Intro to Writing | ENGL ELUD | UD: Intro to Writing |
ENGL 0463 | Business Writing | ENGL ELUD | UD: Business Writing |
ENGL 046501 | Fiction Workshop | ENGL ELUD | UD: Fiction Workshop |
ENGL 056501 | The Film Experience | ENGL ELUD | UD: The Film Experience |
ENGL 060501 | Sim In Comp For Vis | ENGL ELUD | UD: Sim In Comp For Vis |
ENGL 406 | Shakespeares Comedy/Hist | ENGL ELUD | UD:Shakespeares Comedy/Hist |
ENVR 321 | Environmental Pollut & Health | EST ELUD | UD:Environmental Pollut & Heal |
EURO 300 | Intro to European Studies | HIST ELUD | UD:Intro to European Studies |
EXSC 0223 | Anatomy Phys I | BIOL 2010 | Human Anatomy Physiology I |
EXSC 0224 | Anatomy Phys II | BIOL 2020 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II |
EXSC 0530 | Physiology Musclar | PHED ELUD | UD: Physiology Musclar |
EXSC 191 | Physical Activity & Health | EXSC ELLD | LD:Physical Activity & Health |
EXSC 270 | Intro to Athletic Training | ATHT ELLD | LD:Intro to Athletic Training |
EXSC 280 | Intro to Exercise & Sport Sci | EXSC ELLD | LD:Intro to Exercise & Sport S |
EXSC 530L | Phys Musclar Act | PHED ELUD | UD: Phys Musclar Act |
FAMS 110 | Media Culture | EMC ELLD | LD:Media Culture |
FILM 0240 | Intro to Film Studie | COMM ELLD | LD: Intro to Film Studie |
FILM 435 | Film History after 1967 | ENGL ELUD | UD:Film History after 1967 |
FILM 566C | Topic/The Western | ENGL ELUD | UD: Topic/The Western |
FINA 101 | Intro to Personal Finance | FIN ELLD | LD:Intro to Personal Finance |
FREN 010101 | Intro French | FREN 1010 | Elementary French I |
FREN 010201 | Intro French | FREN 1020 | Elementary French II |
FREN 0121 | Elem French | FREN 1010 | Elementary French I |
FREN 0122 | Basic Prficiency Fre | FREN ELLD | LD: Basic Prficiency Fre |
FREN 0201 | Interm French | FREN 2010 | Intermediate French I |
FREN 109 | Beginning French I | FREN 1010 | Elementary French I |
GEO 001101 | Physical Geology | GEOL 1040 | Physical Geology |
GEOG 0103 | Intro to Geography | GEOG 2000 | Intro to Regional Geography |
GEOG 0104 | Intro to Physical Geography | PGEO 1030 | Physical Geography |
GEOG 0121 | World Regional Geog | GEOG 2000 | Intro to Regional Geography |
GEOG 0202 | Weather & Climate | GEOG ELLD | LD:Weather & Climate |
GEOG 0225 | Geog of Europe | GEOG ELLD | LD: Geog of Europe |
GEOG 037001 | American National P | GEOG ELUD | UD: American National P |
GEOG 0421 | Geog of South Caroli | GEOG ELUD | UD: Geog of South Caroli |
GEOG 0423 | Geog of Latin Amer | GEOG 3420 | Latin America in 21st Century |
GEOG 0521 | Sc Landscapes | GEOG ELUD | UD: Sc Landscapes |
GEOL 010101 | Intro to the Earth | GEOL 1030 | Introduction to Earth Science |
GEOL 0103 | Environment of Earth | GEOL 1030 | Introduction to Earth Science |
GEOL 0103 | Environment of Earth | and GEOL 1031 | Intro to Earth Science Lab |
GEOL 0110 | Cultural Geology | GEOL ELLD | LD:Cultural Geology |
GEOL 039901 | Independent Study H | GEOL ELUD | UD: Independent Study H |
GERM 0109 | Beginning German | GERM 1010 | Elementary German I |
GERM 0110 | Beginning German | GERM 1010 | Elementary German I |
GERM 0121 | Elem German | GERM 1010 | Elementary German I |
GERM 0122 | Basic Proficiency | GERM 1020 | Elementary German II |
GERM 0210 | Intermed German | GERM 2020 | Intermediate German II |
GERM 280 | German Culture & Civilization | GERM ELLD | LD:German Culture & Civilizati |
GERM 290 | Viking Mythology | GERM ELLD | LD:Viking Mythology |
GERM 398G | Topic Hesse Kafka Br | GERM ELUD | UD: Topic Hesse Kafka Br |
GERM 398I | Topic Germanic Myth | GERM ELUD | UD: Topic Germanic Myth |
GINT 010101 | Us/World Prob Globa | ELEC ELLD | LD: Us/World Prob Globa |
GINT 0102 | Us World Prob Region | PS ELLD | LD: Us World Prob Region |
GINT 0105 | Intro to Politics | PS ELLD | LD: Intro to Politics |
GINT 020101 | American National Govt | PS 1005 | Intro to American Politics |
GINT 0300 | Intro Political Theo | PS 4230 | Classical Political Theory |
GINT 031501 | International Relat | PS 3210 | International Relations |
GINT 0360 | Amer Political Part | PS 3330 | Political Parties |
GINT 0362 | Politics & Mass Medi | PS ELUD | UD: Politics & Mass Medi |
GINT 0363 | Southern Politics | PS ELUD | UD: Southern Politics |
GINT 0365 | State Government | PS ELUD | UD: State Government |
GINT 0381 | Comp Pol of Ind Coun | PS ELUD | UD: Comp Pol of Ind Coun |
GINT 0421 | Law & Cont Intl Prob | PS ELUD | UD: Law & Cont Intl Prob |
GINT 0586 | Pol & Govt of SE Asi | PS ELUD | UD: Pol & Govt of SE Asi |
GREG 033001 | Faith Doubt & God | RS ELUD | UD: Faith Doubt & God |
GSTD 014101 | Typewriting I | BCED ELLD | LD: Typewriting I |
GSTD 018901 | Child Development | CDFS ELLD | LD: Child Development |
GSTD 019301 | The Infant | CDFS ELLD | LD: The Infant |
HIST 010101 | Eur Civ:Ancient Mid | HIST ELLD | LD: Eur Civ:Ancient Mid |
HIST 010201 | Intro to European C | HIST ELLD | LD: Intro to European C |
HIST 0103 | Intro Ancient Med Ci | HIST ELLD | LD: Intro Ancient Med Ci |
HIST 0104 | Islamic Civil | HIST ELLD | LD: Islamic Civil |
HIST 0105 | E Asian Civilization | HIST ELLD | LD: E Asian Civilization |
HIST 0106 | Intro African Hist | HIST ELLD | LD: Intro African Hist |
HIST 0107 | Intro Ancn Near East | HIST ELLD | LD: Intro Ancn Near East |
HIST 0110 | Intro to Amer Histor | HIST 2010 | Survey United States History I |
HIST 0111 | Us Hist to 1865 | HIST 2010 | Survey United States History I |
HIST 0112 | Us Hist Since 1865 | HIST 2020 | Survey United States Hist II |
HIST 020101 | Us History to 1865 | HIST 2010 | Survey United States History I |
HIST 020201 | U S History Since 1 | HIST 2020 | Survey United States Hist II |
HIST 0312 | French Revolution | HIST ELUD | UD: French Revolution |
HIST 0320 | History of Great Bri | HIST 4360 | Britain in the 19th Century |
HIST 0321 | History of Great Bri | HIST 4370 | Britain in the 20th Century |
HIST 0329 | Modern/Contemporary | HIST ELUD | UD: Modern/Contemporary |
HIST 0370 | Napoleonic Wars | HIST ELUD | UD: Napoleonic Wars |
HIST 0375 | Nazia/Fascist Eur | HIST ELUD | UD: Nazia/Fascist Eur |
HIST 0401 | Devel Am People 1789 | HIST ELUD | UD: Devel Am People 1789 |
HIST 0402 | New Nation, 1789-182 | HIST ELUD | UD: New Nation, 1789-182 |
HIST 0407 | Us Hist Since 1945 | HIST ELUD | UD: Us Hist Since 1945 |
HIST 0409 | Sc Hist 1670-1865 | HIST ELUD | UD: Sc Hist 1670-1865 |
HIST 0413 | History of Canada | HIST ELUD | UD: History of Canada |
HIST 0447 | Westward Expansion | HIST ELUD | UD: Westward Expansion |
HIST 106 | Hist. of US from 1865 | HIST 2020 | Survey United States Hist II |
HIST 108 | Science&Tech in World Hist | HIST ELLD | LD:Science&Tech in World Hist |
HIST 300 | The Historian's Craft | HIST 3010 | The Historian's Craft |
HIST 442 | The Old South | HIST ELUD | UD:The Old South |
HIST 443 | The New South | HIST ELUD | UD:The New South |
HIST 497C | Sensem/Glorious Rev | HIST ELUD | UD: Sensem/Glorious Rev |
HPEB 553 | Community Health | HETH 3100 | Community Healthcare |
HPRE 0221 | Personal Comm Health | HLTH ELLD | LD: Personal Comm Health |
HRSM 0301 | HRSM Prof Dev Seminar | ELEC ELUD | UD:HRSM Prof Dev Seminar |
HRTM 0110 | Intro to Hospitality Industry | THM ELLD | LD:Intro to Hospitality Indust |
HRTM 0280 | Foundations of Tourism | THM ELLD | LD:Foundations of Tourism |
HRTM 0285 | Club Management | THM ELUD | UD:Club Management |
HRTM 0344 | Personnel Org & Supvsn | THM ELUD | UD:Personnel Org & Supvsn |
HRTM 0364 | Conference & Meeting Planning | THM ELUD | UD:Conference & Meeting Planni |
HRTM 0381 | Travel & Destination Mgmt | THM ELUD | UD:Travel & Destination Mgmt |
HRTM 0386 | Tourism Festival Plng & Mgmt | THM ELUD | UD:Tourism Festival Plng & Mgm |
HRTM 0388 | Resort Dev & Mgmt | THM ELUD | UD:Resort Dev & Mgmt |
HRTM 0475 | Wines & Spirits in Food Svc | THM ELUD | UD:Wines & Spirits in Food Svc |
HRTM 260 | Hotel Management | THM ELLD | LD:Hotel Management |
HRTM 290 | Hospitality & Tourism Prac | THM ELLD | LD:Hospitality & Tourism Prac |
HST 010101 | History of Civiliza | HIST 1110 | Survey World Civilization I |
HST 010201 | History of Civiliza | HIST 1120 | Survey World Civilization II |
HST 049201 | Topics In History | HIST ELUD | UD: Topics In History |
ITAL 121 | Elementary Italian | ITAL 1010 | Elementary Italian I |
ITEC 233 | Intro to Comp Hardware & Softw | CSCI ELLD | LD:Intro to Comp Hardware & Sf |
ITEC 264 | Comp Applications in Busn I | BCED ELLD | LD:Comp Applications in Busn I |
JAPA 0121 | Elem Japanese | JAPN 1010 | Elementary Japanese I |
JOUR 0101 | Media & Society | JOUR ELLD | LD:Media & Society |
JOUR 0201 | Survey of Mass Commu | JOUR 1020 | Intro to Media & Entertainment |
JOUR 0201 | Survey of Mass Commu | JOUR 1020 | Intro to Media & Entertainment |
JOUR 0310 | Mass Media & Society | JOUR 1020 | Intro to Media & Entertainment |
JOUR 0310 | Mass Media & Society | JOUR 1020 | Intro to Media & Entertainment |
JOUR 032501 | Radio Programming & | JOUR ELUD | UD: Radio Programming & |
JOUR 032801 | Pub Rel & Persuasio | JOUR ELUD | UD: Pub Rel & Persuasio |
JOUR 0368 | Prin of Advertising | ADV ELUD | UD: Prin of Advertising |
JOUR 0515 | Photo Journ II | PHOT ELUD | UD: Photo Journ II |
JOUR 0517 | Newspaper Journ | JOUR ELUD | UD: Newspaper Journ |
JOUR 0563 | Topic/Digital Phot | PHOT ELUD | UD: Topic/Digital Phot |
JOUR 301L | Mass Comm Lab | JOUR ELUD | UD: Mass Comm Lab |
JOUR 325L01 | Radio Prog & Prod L | JOUR ELUD | UD: Radio Prog & Prod L |
LASP 0442 | History of Mexico | HIST ELUD | UD: History of Mexico |
LATN 0109 | Beginning Latn I | LATN 1010 | Elementary Latin I |
LATN 0110 | Begin Latn II | LATN 1020 | Elementary Latin II |
LIBR 0101 | Information Literacy | ELEC ELLD | LD:Information Literacy |
LING 0240 | Lang Conflict & Lang Rights | ELEC ELLD | LD:Lang Conflict & Lang Rights |
MARI 052101 | Basic Scripting | EMC ELUD | UD: Basic Scripting |
MARI 055701 | Animation | EMC ELUD | UD: Animation |
MART 011001 | Media Arts Hist & A | ART ELLD | LD: Media Arts Hist & A |
MART 020101 | Intro Media Develop | JOUR ELLD | LD: Intro Media Develop |
MART 021001 | Previsualization | EMC ELLD | LD: Previsualization |
MART 0241 | Aesthetics Sound Ima | ELEC ELLD | LD: Aesthetics Sound Ima |
MART 026101 | Black & White Photo | PHOT ELLD | LD: Black & White Photo |
MART 0262 | The Still Image | ART ELLD | LD: The Still Image |
MART 0302 | Mgt of Media Prod | EMC ELUD | UD: Mgt of Media Prod |
MART 034101 | Intro to Audio Rec | EMC ELUD | UD: Intro to Audio Rec |
MART 039001 | Previsualization | ART ELUD | UD: Previsualization |
MART 0541 | Adv Audio Recording | RIM ELUD | UD: Adv Audio Recording |
MART 341 | Sound Design | EMC ELUD | UD:Sound Design |
MATH 010001 | Intro to Elem Math | DSPM ELLD | LD: Intro to Elem Math |
MATH 0111 | Basic College Math | MATH ELLD | LD: Basic College Math |
MATH 0115 | Pre-Calculus Math | MATH 1730 | Pre-Calculus |
MATH 012101 | Mathematical Analys | MATH ELLD | LD: Mathematical Analys |
MATH 0122 | Cal For Ba & Soc Sci | MATH 1630 | Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci |
MATH 0141 | Calculus I | MATH 1910 | Calculus I |
MATH 0142 | Calculus II | MATH 1920 | Calculus II |
MATH 017001 | Fintie Mathematics | MATH 1630 | Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci |
MATH 050101 | Basic Concepts-Elem | MATH ELUD | UD: Basic Concepts-Elem |
MATH 102 | Elementary Statistics | MATH ELLD | LD:Elementary Statistics |
MATH 115B | Pre-Calculus Math | MATH 1730 | Pre-Calculus |
MATH 120 | College Mathematics | MATH ELLD | LD:College Mathematics |
MATH 241 | Vector Calculus | MATH ELLD | LD:Vector Calculus |
MATH 242 | Elementary Differential Equati | MATH ELLD | LD:Elem Differential Equati |
MATH B111 | College Algebra | MATH ELLD | LD:College Algebra |
MGMT 0371 | Prin of Mgmt | MGMT 3610 | Principles of Management |
MGMT 250 | Professional Comm | MGMT ELLD | LD:Professional Comm |
MGSC 0190 | Comp Info Systems | INFS 1000 | Introduction to Computers |
MGSC 0291 | Prob & Stat | STAT ELLD | LD: Prob & Stat |
MGSC 290 | Computer Info Systems in Bus | BCED ELLD | LD:Computer Info Systems in Bu |
MGSC 390 | Mgmt Information Systems | INFS 3100 | Prin of Mgmt Info Systems |
MKTG 0350 | Marketing | MKT 3820 | Principles of Marketing |
MKTG 350 | Prin of Marketing | MKT 3820 | Principles of Marketing |
MSCI 021001 | Oceans & Man | PSCI ELLD | LD: Oceans & Man |
MSCI 0215 | Cstl Environ SE U.S. | PSCI ELLD | LD: Cstl Environ SE U.S. |
MSCI 210L | Oceans & Man Lab | PSCI ELLD | LD:Oceans & Man Lab |
MSCI 215L | Cstl Envr SE U.S Lab | PSCI ELLD | LD: Cstl Envr SE U.S Lab |
MTH 001101 | College Algebra | MATH 1710 | College Algebra |
MTH 012101 | Mathemtatical Analy | MATH ELLD | LD: Mathemtatical Analy |
MU 011001 | Intro to Music | MUS ELLD | LD: Intro to Music |
MUED 0155 | Group Piano | MUS 1530 | Class Piano I |
MUED 015601 | Group Piano | MUS 1530 | Class Piano I |
MUED 0165 | Class Voice | MUS ELLD | LD:Class Voice |
MUED 0200 | Music Education Pract | MUED ELLD | LD:Music Education Pract |
MUED 0360 | Percussion Tech | MUED ELUD | UD:Percussion Tech |
MUED 045401 | Music For Yound Chi | MUS ELUD | UD: Music For Yound Chi |
MUED 105A | Sec Woodwinds | MUED ELLD | LD:Sec Woodwinds |
MUED 106A | Sec Brass Trumpet | MUS ELLD | LD:Sec Brass Trumpet |
MUED 106C | Sec Brass | MUED ELLD | LD:Sec Brass |
MUED 106D | Sec Brass Tuba | MUS ELLD | LD:Sec Brass Tuba |
MUSC 0100 | Recital Class | MUS 1010 | Recital Attendance |
MUSC 0103 | Basic Guitar | MUS ELLD | LD: Basic Guitar |
MUSC 011001 | Intro to Music | MUS 1030 | Introduction to Music |
MUSC 0114 | Under/Writing Music | MUTH ELLD | LD: Under/Writing Music |
MUSC 0115 | Intro Mus Theory | MUTH ELLD | LD: Intro Mus Theory |
MUSC 0116 | Theory Tonal Music | MUTH ELLD | LD: Theory Tonal Music |
MUSC 0117 | Sightsinging Ear Tr | MUTH ELLD | LD: Sightsinging Ear Tr |
MUSC 0118 | Aural Skills II | MUTH ELLD | LD:Aural Skills II |
MUSC 0119 | Jazz Theory I | MUS ELLD | LD: Jazz Theory I |
MUSC 0122 | University Band | MUEN ELLD | LD:University Band |
MUSC 0123 | Marching Band | MUEN 3100 | The Band of Blue Marching Band |
MUSC 0124 | Symphonic Band | MUEN 3110 | Symphonic Band |
MUSC 0125 | Univ Concert Choir | MUEN 3200 | Concert Chorale |
MUSC 0129 | University Chorus | MUEN 3260 | University Chorus |
MUSC 0140 | Jazz & Amer Popular | MUHL 3670 | Studies in Ameri Popular Music |
MUSC 0203 | Basic Guitar II | MUS ELLD | LD: Basic Guitar II |
MUSC 0215 | Music Theory III | MUTH ELLD | LD:Music Theory III |
MUSC 0216 | Music Theory | MUTH ELLD | LD:Music Theory |
MUSC 0217 | Aural Skills III | MUTH ELLD | LD:Aural Skills III |
MUSC 0218 | Aural Skills | MUTH ELLD | LD:Aural Skills |
MUSC 0353 | History Western Music | MUHL ELUD | UD:History Western Music |
MUSC 0354 | Hist Western Music | MUHL ELUD | UD:Hist Western Music |
MUSC 0365 | Intro Audio Recd Tec | RIM ELUD | UD: Intro Audio Recd Tec |
MUSC 056401 | Intro Studio Record | MUS ELUD | UD: Intro Studio Record |
MUSC 056501 | Adv Audio Recording | EMC ELUD | UD: Adv Audio Recording |
MUSC 100A | Music Advocacy | MUS ELLD | LD:Music Advocacy |
MUSC 100L | Recital Class Lab | MUS ELLD | LD:Recital Class Lab |
MUSC 101D | Applied Music/Bassoon | MUAP ELLD | LD:Applied Music/Bassoon |
MUSC 101K | Sec Applied Percussi | MUAP ELLD | LD: Sec Applied Percussi |
MUSC 101N | Sec Appl/Cl Guitar | MUAP 2412 | Private Instruction Guitar |
MUSC 111C | Appl Clarinet | MUAP 2441 | Private Instruction Clarinet |
MUSC 111D | Applied Bassoon | MUAP ELLD | LD:Applied Bassoon |
MUSC 111V | Ld Appl Voice | MUAP 2371 | Private Instruction Voice |
MUSC 113 | Special Topics Pop Music | MUHL ELLD | LD:Special Topics Pop Music |
NURS 0110 | Self Care Behaviors | NURS ELLD | LD: Self Care Behaviors |
NURS 011401 | Prin of Normal Nutr | NFS ELLD | LD: Prin of Normal Nutr |
NURS 0210 | Facilitative Commun | NURS ELLD | LD: Facilitative Commun |
NURS 0220 | Clinical Nutrition | NURS ELLD | LD: Clinical Nutrition |
NURS 0223 | Chemical Therapeuti | NURS ELLD | LD: Chemical Therapeuti |
NURS 022401 | Intro to Health Car | NURS ELLD | LD: Intro to Health Car |
NURS 0231 | Found Comm Hlth Nur | NURS ELLD | LD: Found Comm Hlth Nur |
NURS 0326 | Soc/Cul Var Hlth & I | NURS ELUD | UD: Soc/Cul Var Hlth & I |
NURS 112 | Introduction to Nursing | NURS ELLD | LD:Introduction to Nursing |
OADM 0240 | Business Law | BLAW ELLD | LD: Business Law |
OADM 0264 | Computer Appl In Bus | INFS 2200 | Introduction to Microcomputing |
PALM 0493 | South Carolina Studies | ELEC ELUD | UD:South Carolina Studies |
PCAM 205 | Foundations of Leadership | ELEC ELLD | LD:Foundations of Leadership |
PEDU 0105 | Weight Training | PHED 1200 | Beginning Weight Training |
PEDU 010701 | Aerobic Dance | PHED 1190 | Body Conditioning |
PEDU 011001 | Karate | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Karate |
PEDU 011401 | Begin Swimming | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Begin Swimming |
PEDU 0117 | Karate | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Karate |
PEDU 0121 | Beginning Tennis | PHED 1040 | Beginning Tennis |
PEDU 0129 | Racquetball | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Racquetball |
PEDU 0140 | Beginning Swimming | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Beginning Swimming |
PEDU 0146 | Scuba | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Scuba |
PEDU 0168 | Zumba | PHED ELLD | LD:Zumba |
PEDU 0173 | Folk & Square Dance | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Folk & Square Dance |
PEDU 0181 | Equestrian | PHED ACTY | Physical Activity-Degree Audit |
PEDU 0187 | Rock Climbing | PHED ACTY | ACTY: Rock Climbing |
PEDU 0190 | Intro Des & Ana Hum | PHED ELLD | LD: Intro Des & Ana Hum |
PEDU 0232 | Phil & Prin of Phys | PHED ELLD | LD: Phil & Prin of Phys |
PEDU 0264 | Protect Support Athl | ATHT ELLD | LD: Protect Support Athl |
PEDU 0266 | Intro to Athletic Trng | ATHT ELLD | LD: Intro to Athletic Trng |
PEDU 0300 | First Aid/Responding | HLTH 3300 | First Aid and Safety Education |
PEDU 0349 | Eval Atht Injur | ATHT ELUD | UD: Eval Atht Injur |
PEDU 0364 | Thec Therapeutic Mod | ATHT ELUD | UD: Thec Therapeutic Mod |
PEDU 0365 | Drugs & Athletic Per | ATHT ELUD | UD: Drugs & Athletic Per |
PEDU 0366 | Modalities Theraptc | ATHT ELUD | UD: Modalities Theraptc |
PEDU 0392 | Athletic Trng | ATHT ELUD | UD: Athletic Trng |
PEDU 0464 | Cond Mthd Athlts | ATHT ELUD | UD: Cond Mthd Athlts |
PEDU 0555 | Topic/Student Athlet | PHED ELUD | UD: Topic/Student Athlet |
PEDU 0650 | Amer Coaching Effect | ATHC ELUD | UD: Amer Coaching Effect |
PEDU 101 | Self-Defense For Women | PHED 1250 | Self Defense |
PEDU 266L | Athletic Trng Lab | ATHT ELLD | LD: Athletic Trng Lab |
PHAR 022901 | Intro Pharmacology | NURS ELLD | LD: Intro Pharmacology |
PHIL 010101 | Elem Logic | PHIL ELLD | LD: Elem Logic |
PHIL 0102 | Intro to Philosophy | PHIL 1030 | Introduction to Philosophy |
PHIL 0110 | Intro to Logic I | PHIL ELLD | LD: Intro to Logic I |
PHIL 0111 | Intro Logic II Honr | PHIL ELLD | LD: Intro Logic II Honr |
PHIL 0114 | Formal Logic | PHIL 2110 | Elem Logic Critical Thinking |
PHIL 0210 | Phil Themes In Lit | PHIL ELLD | LD: Phil Themes In Lit |
PHIL 0211 | Contemp Moral Issues | PHIL ELLD | LD: Contemp Moral Issues |
PHIL 0309 | Phil of Mind | PHIL ELUD | UD: Phil of Mind |
PHIL 0313 | Philosophy of Art | PHIL ELUD | UD: Philosophy of Art |
PHIL 101E | Topic | PHIL ELLD | LD: Topic |
PHIL 325 | Engineering Ethics | PHIL ELUD | UD:Engineering Ethics |
PHL 001601 | Intro to Phil Inq | PHIL 1030 | Introduction to Philosophy |
PHYS 010101 | Intro to Physical S | PSCI 1030 | Topics in Physical Science |
PHYS 0155 | Musical Acoustics | PHYS ELLD | LD: Musical Acoustics |
PHYS 0201 | General Phys I | PHYS 2011 | Physics Problems Laboratory I |
PHYS 0202 | Gen Phys II | PHYS 2021 | Physics Problems Lab II |
PHYS 155L | Acoustics Lab | PHYS ELLD | LD: Acoustics Lab |
PHYS 201L | Gen Phys I Lab | PHYS 2011 | Physics Problems Laboratory I |
PHYS 202L | Gen Phys II Lab | PHYS 2021 | Physics Problems Lab II |
PHYS 211 | Essentials of Physics I | PHYS ELLD | LD:Essentials of Physics I |
PHYS 211L | Essentials of Physics I Lab | PHYS ELLD | LD:Essentials of Physics I Lab |
PHYS 212 | Essentials of Physics II | PHYS 2121 | Calculus-Based Physics Lab II |
POLI 0101 | Controversies in World Politic | PS ELLD | LD: Controversies in World Pol |
POLI 0105 | Intro Politics | PS 1005 | Intro to American Politics |
POLI 0201 | American National Government | PS 1005 | Intro to American Politics |
POLI 121 | Introduction to Politics | PS 1005 | Intro to American Politics |
POLI 370 | Intro Public Admin | PS ELUD | UD:Intro Public Admin |
PORT 0121 | Elem Protuguese | FL ELLD | LD: Elem Protuguese |
PRSC 0208 | Contemporary Issues | ELEC ELLD | LD: Contemporary Issues |
PSY 001101 | Elem Psychology | PSY 1410 | General Psychology |
PSY 001201 | Applied Psychology | PSY ELLD | LD: Applied Psychology |
PSY 001301 | Psy of Adj | PSY 1420 | Psychology of Adjustment |
PSY 010101 | Elementary Psycholo | PSY 1410 | General Psychology |
PSY 030201 | Devel Psychology | PSY 2300 | Developmental Psychology |
PSY 051001 | Abnormal Psychology | PSY 3590 | Personality |
PSYC 0101 | Intro to Psychology | PSY 1410 | General Psychology |
PSYC 0103 | Psyc of Adjustment | PSY 1420 | Psychology of Adjustment |
PSYC 0226 | Psyc Research Metho | PSY 3070 | Research Methods |
PSYC 0227 | Psychological Stati | PSY 3020 | Basic Stats Behavior Science |
PSYC 0228 | Lab In Psychology | PSY ELLD | LD: Lab In Psychology |
PSYC 0300 | Human Sexual Behavio | PSY 4600 | Psychosexual Adjustment |
PSYC 0301 | Psychology of Marria | PSY ELUD | UD: Psychology of Marria |
PSYC 0380 | Sport Psychology | ATHC 4060 | Sport Psychology |
PSYC 0400 | Survey Learn & Memr | PSY ELUD | UD: Survey Learn & Memr |
PSYC 0405 | Cognitive Psy | PSY ELUD | UD:Cognitive Psy |
PSYC 041001 | Survey of Abnormal | PSY 3230 | Psychological Disorders |
PSYC 0420 | Survey Devel Psych | PSY 2300 | Developmental Psychology |
PSYC 0430 | Survey of Social Psychology | PSY ELUD | UD: Survey of Social Psy |
PSYC 0440 | Survey of Personalit | PSY 3590 | Personality |
PSYC 0450 | Sensation & Percept | PSY 4030 | Psy of Sensation Perception |
PSYC 0460 | Physiological Psycho | PSY 4240 | Behavioral Neuroscience |
PSYC 0487 | Community Psychology | PSY ELUD | UD: Community Psychology |
PSYC 0498 | Lab in Judgment | PSY ELUD | UD:Lab in Judgment |
PSYC 050501 | Psychology of Adole | PSY 4210 | Adolescent Development |
PSYC 0521 | Psy of Adolescence | PSY 4210 | Adolescent Development |
PSYC 101A01 | Elem Psychology | PSY 1410 | General Psychology |
RELG 0101 | Biblical Hist & Lit | RS ELLD | LD: Biblical Hist & Lit |
RELG 0103 | Comparative Religio | RS 3020 | Comparative Religion |
RELG 0110 | Intro Religious Studies | RS ELLD | LD: Intro Religious Studies |
RELG 0201 | Biblical Hist Lit | RS ELLD | LD: Biblical Hist Lit |
RELG 0332 | Christian Theology | RS ELUD | UD: Christian Theology |
RELG 0355 | Intro Hinduism | RS ELUD | UD: Intro Hinduism |
RELG 270 | Religion & the Arts | RS ELLD | LD:Religion & the Arts |
RETL 0161 | Functional Actg I | ACTG ELLD | LD: Functional Actg I |
RETL 0162 | Functional Actg II | ACTG ELLD | LD: Functional Actg II |
RETL 0262 | Functional Accounting II | ACTG ELLD | LD:Functional Accounting II |
RETL 0344 | Personnel Org & Supe | PHED ELUD | UD: Personnel Org & Supe |
RUSS 121 | Elementary Russian | RUSS 1010 | Elementary Russian I |
RUSS 122 | Basic Proficiency in Russian | RUSS ELLD | LD:Basic Proficiency in Russia |
RUSS 201 | Intermediate Russian I | RUSS 2010 | Intermediate Russian I |
RUSS 202 | Intermediate Russian II | RUSS 2020 | Intermediate Russian II |
RUSS 598 | Topics | RUSS ELUD | UD:Topics |
SAEL 0200 | Social Advocacy & Ethical Life | ELEC ELLD | LD:Social Advocacy & Ethical L |
SANT 0102 | Understan Other Cult | ANTH ELLD | LD: Understan Other Cult |
SATH 0105 | His w/Art/Prehis Mi | ART ELLD | LD: His w/Art/Prehis Mi |
SBAD 0225 | Financial Accounting | ACTG 2110 | Principles of Accounting I |
SBAD 0226 | Managerial Accountin | ACTG ELLD | LD: Managerial Accountin |
SBAD 0290 | Business Systems | INFS ELLD | LD: Business Systems |
SBAD 0347 | Legal Environment | BLAW 3400 | Legal Environment of Business |
SBAD 0350 | Prin of Marketing | MKT 3820 | Principles of Marketing |
SBAD 0351 | Consumer Behavior | MKT 3910 | Consumer Behavior |
SBAD 0352 | Marketing Comm | MKT ELLD | LD: Marketing Comm |
SBAD 0363 | Business Finance | FIN 3010 | Principles of Corp Finance |
SBAD 0371 | Org Mgt & Behavior | MGMT ELUD | UD: Org Mgt & Behavior |
SBAD 0372 | Mgmt of Prod Oper | MGMT ELUD | UD: Mgmt of Prod Oper |
SBAD 0374 | Mgt of Human Resourc | MGMT 3810 | Human Resource Management |
SBAD 0452 | International Mkt | MKT ELUD | UD: International Mkt |
SBAD 0458 | Marketing Mgmt | MKT 4890 | Marketing Management |
SBIO 0102 | Bio Science II | BIOL ELLD | LD: Bio Science II |
SBIO 0110 | Gen Biology | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
SBIO 0232 | Human Anatomy | BIOL ELLD | LD: Human Anatomy |
SBIO 0242 | Human Physiology | BIOL ELLD | LD: Human Physiology |
SBIO 0330 | Microbiology | BIOL 2230 | Microbiology |
SCCC 0101 | Prin of Biology I | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
SCCC 0167 | Music History Honor | MUS ELLD | LD: Music History Honor |
SCCC 101L | Prin of Biol I Lab | BIOL 1110 | General Biology I |
SCCC 302C | Zoo & Biol Divrs Hon | BIOL ELUD | UD: Zoo & Biol Divrs Hon |
SCCC 302L | Biology Lab Honors | BIOL ELUD | UD: Biology Lab Honors |
SCCC 325H | Prosem Christns Rom | BIOL ELUD | UD: Prosem Christns Rom |
SCCC 355C | Poetry Honors | ENGL 4910 | Studies in Poetry |
SCCC 356I | Prosem:Hard Boiled | ELEC ELUD | UD: Prosem:Hard Boiled |
SCCC 366F | Artist Exper Honors | ART ELUD | UD: Artist Exper Honors |
SCHC 457 | Col Hnrs: Special Topics | UH ELUD | UD:Col Hnrs: Special Topics |
SCHM 0101 | Fund Chem I | CHEM 1010 | Intro General Chemistry I |
SCHM 0102 | Fund Chem II | CHEM 1020 | Intro General Chemistry II |
SCIS 0201 | Amer Natl Govt | PS 1005 | Intro to American Politics |
SECO 0221 | Prin of Macroecon | ECON 2410 | Principles of Macroeconomics |
SECO 0222 | Prin of Microecon | ECON 2420 | Principles of Microeconomics |
SECO 0291 | Probability/Statisti | BIA 2610 | Statistical Methods |
SECO 0292 | Statist Inference | BIA ELLD | LD:Statist Inference |
SEGL 0101 | Composition | ENGL 1010 | Expository Writing |
SEGL 0102 | Comp/Literature | ENGL 1020 | Research and Arg Writing |
SEGL 0398 | Studies In Land & Li | ENGL ELUD | UD: Studies In Land & Li |
SEGL 0484 | Children's Lit | ENGL 3740 | Children's Literature |
SGEG 0201 | Intro to Phys Geog | PGEO 1030 | Physical Geography |
SGEL 0121 | Geol of North Am | GEOL ELLD | LD: Geol of North Am |
SGIS 0201 | American Natl Govt | PS 1005 | Intro to American Politics |
SGIS 0210 | Research Mthd Pol Sc | PS ELLD | LD: Research Mthd Pol Sc |
SGIS 0301 | Intro Political Sci | PS ELUD | UD: Intro Political Sci |
SHST 0102 | Intro Europe Civ | HIST ELLD | LD: Intro Europe Civ |
SHST 0110 | Intro to Amer Hist | HIST 2010 | Survey United States History I |
SHST 0111 | Intro West Civilizat | HIST 1010 | Survey Western Civilization I |
SHST 0112 | Intro Non West Civi | HIST ELLD | LD: Intro Non West Civi |
SMTH 0120 | College Math | MATH ELLD | LD: College Math |
SMTH 0121 | College Algebra | MATH 1710 | College Algebra |
SMTH 0122 | Cal For Mgmt & Soc | MATH 1630 | Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci |
SMTH 0126 | Pre-Calculus I | MATH 1730 | Pre-Calculus |
SMTH 0174 | Elem of Discrete Mat | MATH ELLD | LD: Elem of Discrete Mat |
SMTH 0201 | Elem Stats | STAT ELLD | LD: Elem Stats |
SMTH 0241 | Multivariable Calcul | MATH ELLD | LD: Multivariable Calcul |
SMUS 0110 | Intro to Music | MUS 1030 | Introduction to Music |
SMUS 0165 | Class Voice | MUAP 2372 | Private Instruction Voice |
SMUS 0301 | Sel Topics of Music | MUS ELUD | UD: Sel Topics of Music |
SOCY 010101 | Intro Sociology | SOC 1010 | Introductory Sociology |
SOCY 0220 | Elem Stat For Soc | SOC ELLD | LD: Elem Stat For Soc |
SOCY 0301 | Sociology of Sex Rol | SOC ELUD | UD: Sociology of Sex Rol |
SOCY 0305 | Socy of Family | SOC ELLD | LD: Socy of Family |
SOCY 0323 | Social/Deviant Behav | SOC 3250 | Social Deviance |
SOCY 032501 | Sociology of Childh | SOC ELUD | UD: Sociology of Childh |
SOCY 0340 | Into to Socy Problem | SOC 2010 | Social Problems |
SOCY 0351 | Urban Sociology | SOC ELUD | UD: Urban Sociology |
SOCY 330 | Social Inequality | SOC 4011 | Social Inequality |
SOST 405B | Topic/Carolina Music | ELEC ELUD | UD:Topic/Carolina Music |
SOWK 0303 | Soc Welf Serv Chld/Y | SW 4030 | Child Welfare Services I |
SOWK 0305 | Soc Welfare Women/Mi | SW ELUD | UD: Soc Welfare Women/Mi |
SOWK 0307 | Intl Social Work & Soc Justice | SW ELUD | UD: Intl Social Work & Soc Jus |
SPAN 010101 | Intro Spanish Sp | SPAN 1010 | Elementary Spanish I |
SPAN 0109 | Beginning Spanish I | SPAN ELLD | LD:Begin Spanish I |
SPAN 0121 | Elem Spanish | SPAN 1010 | Elementary Spanish I |
SPAN 012201 | Basic Proficiency S | SPAN ELLD | LD: Basic Proficiency S |
SPAN 0209 | Inter Spanish I | SPAN 2010 | Intermediate Spanish I |
SPAN 0210 | Intermediate Spanish II | SPAN 2020 | Intermediate Spanish II |
SPAN 0309 | Adv Spanish Language I | SPAN 3010 | Advanced Spanish |
SPAN 102 | Beginning Spanish II | SPAN 1020 | Elementary Spanish II |
SPAN 110 | Beginning Spanish II | SPAN 1020 | Elementary Spanish II |
SPCH 0140 | Public Comm | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
SPCH 201 | Foundations in Oral Comm | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
SPCH 230 | Bus & Prof Speaking | COMM ELLD | LD:Bus & Prof Speaking |
SPN 010101 | Introductory Spanis | SPAN 1010 | Elementary Spanish I |
SPN 010201 | Introductory Spanis | SPAN 1020 | Elementary Spanish II |
SPN 020101 | Intermediate Spanis | SPAN 2010 | Intermediate Spanish I |
SPSY 0101 | Intro Psychology | PSY 1410 | General Psychology |
SPSY 0302 | Devel Psychology | PSY 2300 | Developmental Psychology |
SPTA 0110 | Sport In Amer Life | REC ELLD | LD: Sport In Amer Life |
SPTA 0201 | Intro to Sport Admin | REC ELLD | LD: Intro to Sport Admin |
SPTA 032501 | Resort/Club Rec Prog | REC ELUD | UD: Resort/Club Rec Prog |
SPTA 0530 | Sport & the Law | REC ELUD | UD: Sport & the Law |
SPTE 0110 | Sport In Amer Life | PHED ELLD | LD: Sport In Amer Life |
SPTE 0201 | Intro Sport Admin | PHED ELLD | LD: Intro Sport Admin |
SPTE 0240 | Business Law | BLAW ELLD | LD:Business Law |
SPTE 0274 | Comp Appl in Sport & Ent Mgmt | ELEC ELLD | LD:Comp Appl in Sport & Ent Mg |
SPTE 101 | The Studnet-Athlete Experience | PHED ELLD | LD:Studnet-Athlete Experience |
SPTE 490M | Topic/Celebrity Prof | PHED ELUD | UD: Topic/Celebrity Prof |
SREL 0103 | Comparative Religio | RS ELLD | LD: Comparative Religio |
SSOC 0101 | Intro to Sociology | SOC 1010 | Introductory Sociology |
SSPH 0140 | Public Address | COMM ELLD | LD: Public Address |
SSPH 0201 | Public Speaking | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
SSPN 0101 | Intro to Spanish | SPAN 1010 | Elementary Spanish I |
STAT 0110 | Intro Descriptive St | STAT ELLD | LD: Intro Descriptive St |
STAT 0201 | Elem Statistics | BIA 2610 | Statistical Methods |
STAT 0206 | Elem Statistics for Bus | STAT ELLD | LD:Elem Statistics for Bus |
STAT 112 | Statistics and the Media | STAT ELLD | LD:Statistics and the Media |
STAT 205 | Elem Stats for Biol & Life Sci | STAT ELLD | LD:Elem Stats for Biol/Life Sc |
STAT 509 | Statistics for Engineers | STAT ELUD | UD:Statistics for Engineers |
STHE 0161 | Intro to Theater Art | THEA 1030 | Introduction to Theatre |
STHE 0170 | Fund In Acting | THEA 1015 | Acting I |
SWST 0101 | Intro Women's Studies | WGST 2100 | Intro to Women's Studies |
THEA 0170 | Fundamentals in Acting | THEA 1015 | Acting I |
THEA 0200 | Understanding/Appre | THEA 1030 | Introduction to Theatre |
THEA 0219 | Intro Theatre Lab | THEA ELLD | LD: Intro Theatre Lab |
THEA 0240 | Voice & Diction | THEA ELLD | LD: Voice & Diction |
THEA 0280 | Intro Theatre Desig | THEA ELLD | LD: Intro Theatre Desig |
THEA 0370 | Intermed Acting | THEA ELUD | UD: Intermed Acting |
THEA 220E | Theatre Lab/Show | THEA ELLD | LD: Theatre Lab/Show |
THEA 261 | Rehearsal & Performance | THEA ELLD | LD:Rehearsal & Performance |
THEA 301 | Dramatic Theory/Criticism | THEA ELUD | UD:Dramatic Theory/Criticism |
THEA 370 | Voice for the Actor | THEA 3520 | Voice for the Actor I |
THEA 373 | Fund of Play Direct | THEA 3700 | Fundamentals of Play Directing |
THEA 375 | Audition Techniques | THEA 4560 | Acting III |
THEA 376 | Stage Mvmt for the Actor | THEA 3500 | Stage Movement |
THEA 377 | Stagecraft | THEA ELUD | UD:Stagecraft |
THEA 382 | Theatre for Youth | THEA 4610 | Theatre in Education |
THEA 402 | Alternative Styles in Acting | THEA ELUD | UD: Alternative Styles Acting |
THSP 0140 | Public Communicatio | COMM 2200 | Audience-Centered Comm |
THSP 0170 | Fund In Acting | THEA ELLD | LD: Fund In Acting |
THSP 0200 | Understanding/Appre | THEA ELLD | LD: Understanding/Appre |
THSP 0220 | Theatre Lab | THEA ELLD | LD: Theatre Lab |
THSP 0230 | Bus & Prof Speaking | COMM ELLD | LD: Bus & Prof Speaking |
THSP 024001 | Voice & Diction | THEA ELLD | LD: Voice & Diction |
THSP 034101 | Adv Public Speaking | COMM ELUD | UD: Adv Public Speaking |
THSP 037001 | Intermediate Acting | THEA 3510 | Acting II |
THSP 0375 | Beginning Ballet | DANC 1040 | Ballet Techniques I |
THSP 0580 | Film Hist & Crit | THEA ELUD | UD: Film Hist & Crit |
THSP 0586 | The Articulate Body | THEA ELUD | UD: The Articulate Body |
UNIV 0101 | Student In Universi | ELEC ELLD | LD: Student In Universi |
UNIV 0201 | Fund of Inquiry | ELEC ELLD | LD: Fund of Inquiry |
USC 999 | Carolina Internship Program FT | ELEC ELUD | UD:Carolina Internship Program |
WGST 0113 | Women's Health | WGST ELLD | LD:Women's Health |
WGST 112 | Col Women in Society | WGST ELLD | LD:Col Women in Society |
WGST 430S | Topic/Men & Masculinity | WGST ELUD | UD:Topic/Men & Masculinity |
WOST 0112 | Women In Society | WMST ELLD | LD: Women In Society |
WOST 0305 | Soc of the Family | SOC ELUD | UD: Soc of the Family |