Transfer Equivalencies

There are 165 transfer equivalencies on file for Univ South Carolina Aiken

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
A 0110 Intro Careers In Edc ELEC ELLD LD: Intro Careers In Edc
A 110L Intro Careers Clinc ELEC ELLD LD: Intro Careers Clinc
AANP 0352 Anth Magic & Religio ANTH ELUD UD: Anth Magic & Religio
AANP 101 AIK Primates/People/Prehist ANTH 2210 World Prehistory
AANP 490M T:Food, People, & Planet ANTH ELUD UD:T:Food, People & Planet
AARH 0105 Hist of Wester Art ART ELLD LD: Hist of Wester Art
AARH 010601 Hist of Western Art ART ELLD LD: Hist of Western Art
AART 0220 Intro to Ceramics ART ELLD LD: Intro to Ceramics
ABIO 0110 General Biology BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
ABIO 0121 Biological Science BIOL ELLD LD: Biological Science
ABIO 0200 Plant Science BIOL ELLD LD: Plant Science
ABIO 0232 Anatomy BIOL ELLD LD: Anatomy
ABIO 0242 Physiology BIOL ELLD LD: Physiology
ABIO 0320 Prin Botany BIOL ELLD LD: Prin Botany
ABUS 0225 Principles of Financial Acct ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ABUS 0345 Business Communicati BCED 3510 Business Communication
ABUS 0350 Prin of Marketing MKT 3820 Principles of Marketing
ABUS 0380 Entrepreneurship BCED ELUD UD:Entrepreneurship
ABUS 290 Business Application Software BCED ELLD LD:Business Application Softwa
ACHM 0101 Intro to Chemistry CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
ACHM 0105 Chem In Society CHEM ELLD LD: Chem In Society
ACHM 0111 Gen Chem I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
ACHM 0112 Gen Chem II CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
ACOM 0201 Interpers Communicat COMM 2300 Interpersonal Communication
ACOM 0241 Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
AECO 0221 Macroeonomics ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
AECO 0222 Prin Micro ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
AEDC 0310 Clinical Observ & An ELED ELUD UD: Clinical Observ & An
AEDC 0442 Resources For Teachi ELED ELUD UD: Resources For Teachi
AEDF 0321 Dynamics of Amer Pub FOED ELUD UD: Dynamics of Amer Pub
AEDP 0330 Lifespan Devel CDFS 3340 Life Span Human Development
AEDP 0335 Intro to Educ Psyc FOED ELUD UD: Intro to Educ Psyc
AEDR 0418 Childrens Literature ENGL 3740 Children's Literature
AEDX 0400 Intro Except Learner ELED ELUD UD: Intro Except Learner
AEGL 0101 Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
AEGL 0102 Comp & Lit ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
AEGL 0287 Major Writers Amer ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
AEGL 0290 Intro to Womens Lit ENGL ELLD LD: Intro to Womens Lit
AEXS 0106 Weight Training I PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
AEXS 0117 Interm Tennis PHED ACTY ACTY: Interm Tennis
AEXS 0123 Step Aerobics I PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
AEXS 0140 Beginning Swimming PHED ACTY ACTY: Beginning Swimming
AEXS 0203 CPR & 1st Aid PHED ELLD LD: CPR & 1st Aid
AEXS 0239 Exercise Leadership PHED ELLD LD: Exercise Leadership
AEXS 0301 Org & Adm Fitness Pr PHED ELUD UD: Org & Adm Fitness Pr
AEXS 0325 Intro Ath Training ATHT ELUD UD: Intro Ath Training
AFCI 0101 Critical Inquiry ELEC ELLD LD:Critical Inquiry
AGLY 0102 Historical Geology GEOL 1050 Historical Geology
AGLY 0103 Environmental Earth PSCI 1030 Topics in Physical Science
AGRY 0101 Geog of the Devel GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
AGRY 0102 Geog of the Devel GEOG ELLD LD: Geog of the Devel
AHPR 0120 Beginning Aerobics PHED 1180 Aerobic Walking
AHPR 0303 First Aid HLTH 3300 First Aid and Safety Education
AHPR 0331 Health Ed For Elem HLTH 4300 The School Health Program
AHPR 0455 Activ For Elem/Sch C ELED ELUD UD: Activ For Elem/Sch C
AHST 0101 Intro Towest Civ HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
AHST 0102 Intro Eur Civ Since HIST ELLD LD: Intro Eur Civ Since
AHST 0103 Intro Non West Civ HIST ELLD LD: Intro Non West Civ
AHST 0110 Intro to Amer Histor HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
AHST 0201 Us Discov to 1865 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
AHST 020201 Hist US Since 1865 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
AHUM 0107 Souther Studies HUM ELLD LD: Souther Studies
AHUM 0211 Issues in Womens Stud WGST 2100 Intro to Women's Studies
AMTH 0102 Intermediate Algebra DSPM ELLD LD: Intermediate Algebra
AMTH 0108 Applied College Alg MATH 1710 College Algebra
AMTH 0111 Pre-Calculus Math I MATH 1710 College Algebra
AMTH 0112 Pre-Calculus Math II MATH 1720 Plane Trigonometry
AMTH 0122 Survey Oc Calculus MATH 1910 Calculus I
AMTH 0141 Calculus I MATH 1910 Calculus I
AMTH 0142 Calculus II MATH 1910 Calculus I
AMTH 0222 Basic Concepts of Ma MATH 1410 Concepts Struct Elem Sch Math
AMTH 0501 Basic Concepts of Ma MATH 1010 Math for General Studies
AMTH 104 Math Practical Purposes MATH ELLD LD:Math Practical Purposes
AMUS 0111 Intro to Music MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
AMUS 0173 Intro to Music I MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
AMUS 0175 World Music MUS ELLD LD: World Music
AMUS 0183 Pep Band I MUEN ELLD LD: Pep Band I
AMUS 0184 Univ Concert Band MUEN 3110 Symphonic Band
AMUS 0185 University Choir MUEN ELLD LD: University Choir
AMUS 391G Group Guitar MUS ELLD LD: Group Guitar
ANP 0101 Intro Chemistry CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
ANP 0352 Anth Magic & Religio ANTH ELUD UD: Anth Magic & Religio
APHL 0102 Intro to Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
APLS 0101 Us & World Prob/Glbl PS ELLD LD: Us & World Prob/Glbl
APLS 0201 American Natl Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
APSY 0101 Intro Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
APSY 0210 Stress and Coping PSY ELLD LD: Stress and Coping
ARTH 0106 Hist of Western Art ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ARTH 0106 Hist of Western Art ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ARTH 0398 History of Animation ART ELUD UD:History of Animation
ASCY 010101 Intro Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
ASPA 0101 Beginning Spanish I SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
ASPA 0102 Begin Spanish II SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
ASPE 0201 Interpers Comm COMM 2300 Interpersonal Communication
ASTA 0201 Elementary Statistics BIA ELLD LD:Elementary Statistics
ASUP 0110 Emerging Leaders ELEC ELLD LD: Emerging Leaders
ATHE 0161 Intro to Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
BADM 0290 Info Sys Bus BCED ELLD LD:Info Sys Bus
BADM 0345 Business Comm BCED 3510 Business Communication
BIO 0102 Biological Sci II BIOL ELLD LD: Biological Sci II
BUS 0225 Prin Fin Accounting ACTG ELLD LD: Prin Fin Accounting
BUS 0226 Prin Managerial Acc ACTG ELLD LD: Prin Managerial Acc
BUS 0290 Decision Support Sm MGMT ELLD LD: Decision Support Sm
BUS 0296 Statistics BIA 2610 Statistical Methods
CHEM 0105 Chem in Society CHEM ELLD LD:Chem in Society
CHEM 111 General Chemistry I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 112 General Chemistry II CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 399 Independent Study CHEM ELUD UD:Independent Study
CHM 0101 Intro to Chemistry CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHM 0105 Chem In Society CHEM ELLD LD: Chem In Society
COM 0201 Interpersonal Comm COMM 2300 Interpersonal Communication
COMM 0201 Interpersonal Comm COMM 2300 Interpersonal Communication
ECO 0221 Prin Macroeconomics ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 0222 Prin Microeconomics ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 0221 Prin of Econ I ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
EDCI 0110 Intro Careers In Edu FOED ELLD LD: Intro Careers In Edu
EDF 0321 Dynamics Amer Pub Ed FOED ELUD UD: Dynamics Amer Pub Ed
EGL 0101 Composition ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
EGL 0285 Survey Am Lit II ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENCP 101 Introduction to Engineering I ENGR ELLD LD;Introduction to Engineering
ENCP 102 Introduction to Enginrg II ENGR ELLD LD:Introduction to Enginrg II
ENCP 200 Statics ET ELLD LD:Statics
ENGL 0101 Literature & Rhetori ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 0102 Critical Appr to Lit ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
ENGL 0291 Non Western Lit ENGL ELLD LD:Non Western Lit
ENGR 0101 Intro to Engineering ET ELLD LD: Intro to Engineering
ENGR 0102 Intro to Engineering ET ELLD LD: Intro to Engineering
ENGR 0200 Statics ET ELLD LD: Statics
EXS 0203 CPR & 1st Aid PHED ELLD LD: CPR & 1st Aid
GEOG 0102 World Regional Geog GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GEOL 0201 Earth Science GEOL ELLD LD:Earth Science
GINT 0201 Amer Natl Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
GINT 020101 American National Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
GRY 0101 Geog of the Devlp Wo GEOG ELLD LD: Geog of the Devlp Wo
HIST 102 Intro World Civil Since 1750 HIST 1120 Survey World Civilization II
HSSI 0107 Southern Studies HUM ELLD LD:Southern Studies
HST 0102 World Civ 1800- HIST ELLD LD: World Civ 1800-
HST 0201 Hist US Discov to 18 HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HST 0202 Hist of US 1865 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
MATH 0108 Applied College Algebra MATH ELLD LD:Applied College Algebra
MATH 0122 Calculus w/Apps MATH ELLD LD:Calculus w/Apps
MATH 0170 Finite Math MATH ELLD LD:Finite Math
MATH 0501 Basic Concepts Elem MATH 1410 Concepts Struct Elem Sch Math
MATH 111 Precalculus Mathematics I MATH ELLD LD:Precalculus Math I
MATH 112 Precalculus Mathematics II MATH ELLD LD:Precalculus Math II
MATH 141 Calculus I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 142 Calculus II MATH 1920 Calculus II
MTH 0108 Appl College Algebr MATH 1710 College Algebra
MTH 0170 Finite Mathematics MATH 1630 Coll Math Mgrl Social Life Sci
MUED 0454 Mus Young Children MUED 3210 Elem Grades Non Music Majors
MUS 0173 Intro to Music I MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSC 175 Introduction to World Music MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
PHYS 211 Essentials of Physics I PHYS 2111 Calculus-Based Physics Lab I
PLS 0101 Global Politics PS ELLD LD: Global Politics
PLS 0201 American Natl Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
POLI 0201 American National Govt PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
PSY 0101 Intro Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
SCY 0101 Intro Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SCY 0353 Sociology of Crime SOC ELUD UD: Sociology of Crime
SOCY 0101 Intro Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SPAN 0101 Beginning Spanish SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 0102 Continuing Spanish SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
STA 0201 Elem Statistics STAT ELLD LD: Elem Statistics
THE 0161 Intro to Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre
THEA 0161 Theater Art THEA ELLD LD:Theater Art