Transfer Equivalencies

There are 379 transfer equivalencies on file for University of Utah

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
ACCT 1420 Computer Essentials ACTG ELLD LD:Computer Essentials
ACCT 2600 Survey of Accounting ACTG ELLD LD:Survey of Acctg for Gen Bus
ANTH 010101 Cult/Human Exper ANTH ELLD LD: Cult/Human Exper
ANTH 1000 Intro to Anthropology ANTH ELLD LD:Intro to Anthropology
ANTH 1020 Human Origin Evol/Diver Phys L ANTH ELLD LD:Human Orgn Evol/Diver Phys
ANTH 1030 Prehistoric Archaeology ANTH 2210 World Prehistory
ANTH 1101 Culture & Human Exp ANTH ELLD LD: Culture & Human Exp
ANTH 3111 First Nationsl E N Amer ANTH ELUD UD: First Nationsl E N Amer
ARAB 1010 Beginning Arabic I ARAB 1010 Elementary Arabic I
ARCH 011501 Intr Architecture ET ELLD LD: Intr Architecture
ART 010001 Intr Visual Arts ART ELLD LD: Intr Visual Arts
ART 0107 Handbuilding Cerami ART ELLD LD: Handbuilding Cerami
ART 0250 Intr History of Art ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ART 0250 Intr History of Art ART 1910 Survey of Non-Western Art
ART 0269 Beg Photography PHOT ELLD LD: Beg Photography
ART 0300 Beg Screenwriting ENGL ELUD UD: Beg Screenwriting
ART 0360 Art For Elem Teacher ART ELUD UD: Art for Elem Teacher
ART 1020 Non major Basic Drawing ART ELLD LD:Non major Basic Drawing
ART 1070 Ceramics ART ELLD LD:Ceramics
ASTR 1050 Solar System ASTR 2030 Solar System Astronomy
BALL 0116 Ballet Basic-Mte PHED ACTY ACTY: Ballet Basic-Mte
BALL 0129 Ballet Technique DANC 1040 Ballet Techniques I
BALL 0130 Character Dance DANC ELLD LD: Character Dance
BALL 0131 Character Dance DANC ELLD LD: Character Dance
BALL 0235 Jazz First Year MUTH ELUD UD: Jazz First Year
BALL 0236 Jazz First Year MUTH ELUD UD: Jazz First Year
BALL 0322 Music Theatr 1st Yr THEA ELUD UD: Music Theatr 1st Yr
BALL 1230 Ballet 2nd Yr DANC 2040 Ballet Techniques II
BALL 1400 Ballet Injuries DANC ELLD LD: Ballet Injuries
BALL 1500 Elements of Music MUS ELLD LD: Elements of Music
BALL 2000 Pointe Var Lowr Div DANC ELLD LD: Pointe Var Lowr Div
BALL 2290 Tech Lower Div II DANC ELLD LD: Tech Lower Div II
BALL 2300 Character Dance DANC ELLD LD: Character Dance
BALL 2310 Character Dance DANC ELLD LD: Character Dance
BALL 2380 Jazz Second Year DANC 2020 Jazz Dance Techniques II
BALL 2810 Selected Topics DANC ELLD LD: Selected Topics
BALL 3010 Acting For Dancers DANC ELUD UD: Acting For Dancers
BALL 3300 Ballet Conditioning DANC ELUD UD: Ballet Conditioning
BALL 4000 Pointe/Var Up Div II DANC ELUD UD: Pointe/Var Up Div II
BALL 4290 Technique Up Div II DANC ELUD UD: Technique Up Div II
BALL 4550 Partner Adagio DANC ELUD UD: Partner Adagio
BALL 4650 Ballet Showcase DANC ELUD UD: Ballet Showcase
BALL 4850 Ballet Ensemble DANC ELUD UD: Ballet Ensemble
BALLE 137 Jazz Dance DANC 1020 Jazz Dance Techniques I
BCOR 1010 Career Exploration BCED ELLD LD:Career Exploration
BCOR 2020 Frameworks for Bus Prob DATA 1500 Introduction to Data Science
BCOR 2030 Frameworks Bus Prob II BIA ELLD LD:Frameworks Bus Prob II
BCOR 2040 Value Impact Bus Entp ENTR ELLD LD:Value Impact Bus Entp
BIOL 010101 Gen Biology BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 0103 Prin of Biology BIOL ELLD LD: Prin of Biology
BIOL 0107 Concepts of Biology BIOL ELLD LD: Concepts of Biology
BIOL 0201 Human Physiology BIOL ELLD LD: Human Physiology
BIOL 0231 Human Anatomy BIOL ELLD LD: Human Anatomy
BIOL 0240 Cell Biology BIOL ELLD LD: Cell Biology
BIOL 0308 Predental Orientatio BIOL ELUD UD: Predental Orientatio
BIOL 0480 Individual Research BIOL ELUD UD: Individual Research
BIOL 1000 Gen Biology BIOL ELLD LD:Gen Biology
BIOL 1006 World of Dinosaurs BIOL ELLD LD:World of Dinosaurs
BIOL 1210 Prin Biology BIOL ELLD LD:Prin Biology
BIOL 1320 Intro Human Physiolo BIOL ELLD LD: Intro Human Physiolo
BIOL 1610 Fund of Biology I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 1960 Topics In Biology BIOL 1030 Exploring Life
BIOL 1970 Topics in Biology BIOL ELLD LD:Topics in Biology
BIOL 2315 Human Anatomy BIOL ELLD LD: Human Anatomy
BIOL 2320 Human Physiology BIOL ELLD LD: Human Physiology
BIOL 2325 Human Anatomy BIOL ELLD LD:Human Anatomy
BIOL 2420 Human Physiology BIOL ELLD LD:Human Physiology
BUS 1010 Foundations Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
BUS 1050 Foundations of Business BCED 1400 Introduction to Business
BUS 3850 Political Science & Bus MGMT ELUD UD:Topics in Pol Sci & Bus
CHEM 0121 Gen Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 0122 Gen Chemistry CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 0122 Gen Chemistry and CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 0123 Gen Chemistry CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 0140 Elem Chemistry CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHEM 0141 Elem Organic Chem CHEM ELLD LD: Elem Organic Chem
CHEM 0142 Elem Orgranic Chem CHEM ELLD LD: Elem Orgranic Chem
CHEM 0231 Organic Chemistry CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 0232 Organic Chemistry CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 0232 Organic Chemistry and CHEM 3020 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 0233 Organic Chemistry CHEM 3020 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 0242 Organic Chem Lab CHEM ELLD LD: Organic Chem Lab
CHEM 0243 Organic Chem Lab CHEM ELLD LD: Organic Chem Lab
CHEM 1010 Chem Humanity Environ CHEM ELLD LD:Chem Humanity Environ
CHEM 1110 Elem Chemistry CHEM 1010 Intro General Chemistry I
CHEM 1120 Elem Bioorg Chem CHEM 1020 Intro General Chemistry II
CHEM 1208 Intro Periodic Table CHEM ELLD LD:Intro Periodic Table
CHEM 1210 General Chem I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1215 General Chemistry Lab I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1220 General Chemistry II CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 1230 General Chem I Lab CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CL C 1550 Classical Mythology ENGL ELLD LD: Classical Mythology
COMM 0200 Applied Communicatio COMM 2300 Interpersonal Communication
COMM 1020 Princ Public Speaking COMM 2200 Audience-Centered Comm
COMM 1270 Analysis of Argument COMM ELLD LD:Analysis of Argument
COMM 1610 Intro to News Writing JOUR ELLD LD:Intro to News Writing
COMM 3030 Comm & Social Respon COMM ELUD UD:Comm & Social Respon
COMM 3070 Comm & Gender Diversity COMM ELUD UD:Comm & Gender Diversity
COMM 3550 Principles Visual Comm COMM ELUD UD:Principles Visual Comm
COMM 3580 ST:Strat Comm Branding & Post MKT ELUD UD:ST:Strat Comm Brandg & Post
COMM 5490 Comm & Social Justice COMM ELUD UD:Comm & Social Justice
CP S 0101 Program Fortran CSCI ELLD LD: Program Fortran
CP S 0201 Program Fortran CSCI ELLD LD: Program Fortran
CP S 0202 Intro Computer Scien CSCI ELLD LD: Intro Computer Scien
CPSC 0110 Intro to Unix CSCI ELLD LD: Intro to Unix
CPSC 0354 Alogrithm Data CSCI ELUD UD: Alogrithm Data
CPSC 0355 Program Lang CSCI ELUD UD: Program Lang
CPSC 0356 Objct Orient Sftwr CSCI ELUD UD: Objct Orient Sftwr
CPSC 0361 Hdware Fund CSCI ELUD UD: Hdware Fund
CPSC 0362 Hdware Fund Comptr CSCI ELUD UD: Hdware Fund Comptr
CPSC 0363 Hdware Fund Cptr CSCI ELUD UD: Hdware Fund Cptr
CVMB 0301 Microbiology BIOL 2230 Microbiology
DANC 1030 Non Maj Adv Mod Danc DANC ELLD LD: Non Maj Adv Mod Danc
DES 2615 Intro Design Thinking IDES ELLD LD:Intro Design Thinking
ECON 0274 Us Economics Hist ECON ELLD LD: Us Economics Hist
ECON 1010 Econ as Social Sci ECON ELLD LD:Econ as Social Sci
ECON 1740 US Economic History ECON ELLD LD:US Economic History
ECON 2010 Prin of Microeconomics ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ED P 0302 Intro Educ Psych FOED ELUD UD: Intro Educ Psych
ED S 0440 Childrens Lit In Sco ENGL 3740 Children's Literature
ED S 0461 We Learning & Litera ENGL ELUD UD: We Learning & Litera
ED S 0489 Intr Microcomputer CSCI ELUD UD: Intr Microcomputer
ED S 0541 Multicultural Educ ELED ELUD UD: Multicultural Educ
ENGIN 1022 Survey of Engineering ENGR ELLD LD:Survey of Engineering
ENGL 2500 Intro Creative Writi ENGL ELLD LD: Intro Creative Writi
ENGL 2510 Intro Crtv Wrtg BK Arts ENGL 2500 Intro to Creative Writing
ENTP 1020 ENTP & St Method ENTR 2900 Entrepreneurship
ENVS 3011 Wilness Lnt ELEC ELUD UD:Wilderness Lnt
ESS 010801 Aerobics PHED 1180 Aerobic Walking
ESS 0110 Weight Training PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
ESS 0111 Weight Training Intm PHED 2320 Advanced Weight Training
ESS 015301 Bowling Elem PHED 1080 Beginning Bowling
ESS 016701 Swimming Intm PHED ACTY ACTY: Swimming Intm
ESS 0250 Int Exercise & Spt PHED ELLD LD: Int Exercise & Spt
ESS 0334 Intr Sport Psycholo ATHC 4060 Sport Psychology
ESS 0350 Physical Educ Elem S PHED ELUD UD: Physical Educ Elem S
ESS 0521 Sports Law ATHC ELUD UD: Sports Law
ESS 0580 Special Projects ATHC ELUD UD: Special Projects
ESS 1121 Bench Step Aerobics PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
ESS 1160 Weight Training PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
ESS 1161 Weight Training Intm PHED 2320 Advanced Weight Training
ESS 1190 Cycling-Elem PHED ACTY ACTY: Cycling-Elem
ESS 2600 Sport Amer Society PHED ELLD LD: Sport Amer Society
ESS 2790 Kinesiology PHED ELLD LD: Kinesiology
ESS 3340 Sports Psychology ATHC 4060 Sport Psychology
ESSF 1057 Yoga PHED 1270 Yoga
ESSF 1085 Weight Training PHED 1200 Beginning Weight Training
ETHN 0255 Africn Amer Exper HIST 2040 Surv African American Hist I
ETHN 0256 Chicano Amer Experie ELEC ELLD LD: Chicano Amer Experie
ETHN 0258 Asian Amer Experienc HIST ELLD LD: Asian Amer Experienc
ETHN 2550 Africn Amer Exper AST ELLD LD: Africn Amer Exper
FCS 0362 Environment & Behavi ELEC ELUD UD: Environment & Behavi
FCS 1500 Human Development CDFS ELLD LD: Human Development
FD N 0101 Fdnt Nur&Healh PSCI ELLD LD: Fdnt Nur&Healh
FD N 1020 Sci Fndtn Nut & Hlt NFS ELLD LD: Sci Fndtn Nut & Hlt
FDNU 0101 Sci Fndt Nutr&Helth PSCI ELLD LD: Sci Fndt Nutr&Helth
FDNU 0244 Fund of Nutrition NFS 1240 Intro to Nutrition & Wellness
FILM 0180 Ce-Film Festival ENGL ELLD LD: Ce-Film Festival
FILM 0214 Intr Film ENGL ELLD LD: Intr Film
FILM 0332 History of Film ENGL ELLD LD: History of Film
FILM 0333 History of Film ENGL 3870 Film History
FILM 0371 Beg Film Making ENGL ELLD LD: Beg Film Making
FILM 0552 Screenwriting I ENGL ELUD UD: Screenwriting I
FILM 0573 Docum Film Survey ENGL ELUD UD: Docum Film Survey
FILM 0587 Study Film Thry/Crit ENGL ELUD UD: Study Film Thry/Crit
FILM 1010 Intro to Film & Media EMC ELLD LD:Intro to Film & Media
FILM 2100 Intro to Film EMC ELLD LD:Intro to Film
FILM 3160 Animation Film Survey EMC ELUD UD:Animation Film Survey
FILM 3710 Beg Film Making ENGL ELUD UD: Beg Film Making
FILM 3880 Beg Acting TV Film THEA ELUD UD: Beg Acting TV Film
FILM 5210 Film Genres ENGL ELUD UD: Film Genres
FILM 5350 Adv Film TV Acting THEA ELUD UD: Adv Film TV Acting
FILM 5480 Film Directing ENGL ELUD UD: Film Directing
FINA 012001 Mgt Pers Finance FIN 2010 Personal Financial Planning
FINA 3040 Finan Management FIN 3010 Principles of Corp Finance
GEO 3030 Living with Quakes GEOL ELUD UD:Living with Quakes
GEOG 0160 World Regional Geog GEOG 2000 Intro to Regional Geography
GEOG 0335 Resource Consrv/Env PGEO ELUD UD: Resource Consrv/Env
GEOG 1200 Earth Env/Global Chg GEOG ELLD LD: Earth Env/Global Chg
GEOG 3320 Terrorism & Security ELEC ELUD UD:Terrorism & Security
GEOG 3670 Latin America GEOG ELUD UD:Latin America
GEOGR 120 Earth Surface Envrionment GEOG ELLD LD:Earth Surface Envrionment
GNDR 1100 Gender & Social Change ELEC ELLD LD:Gender & Social Change
GNDR 3337 Gender & Sexuality ELEC ELUD UD:Gender & Sexuality
GNDR 3573 Queer Rep in Media EMC ELUD UD:Queer Rep in Media
H ED 0101 Personal Health HLTH 1530 Health and Wellness
H ED 0103 Substance Use/Abuse SOC ELLD LD: Substance Use/Abuse
H ED 0300 Human Sexuality HLTH ELUD UD: Human Sexuality
H ED 0316 Stress Mgmt HLTH ELUD UD: Stress Mgmt
H ED 0385 St Compulsive Eating HLTH ELUD UD: St Compulsive Eating
H ED 1950 Emer First Aid HLTH ELLD LD: Emer First Aid
H ED 3010 Scienc of Sexuality HLTH ELUD UD: Scienc of Sexuality
H EDU 2095 Intro to Wilderness Med ELEC ELLD LD:Intro to Wilderness Med
HEDU 0195 Emergency First Aid PHED ELLD LD: Emergency First Aid
HIST 0101 Hist Civilizatn Anci HIST ELLD LD: Hist Civilizatn Anci
HIST 0105 World History HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 017001 American Civilizati HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 0230 Colonial Latin Ameri HIST ELLD LD: Colonial Latin Ameri
HIST 0321 Age of Total War HIST ELUD UD: Age of Total War
HIST 0461 Us Women Sn 1870 HIST ELUD UD: Us Women Sn 1870
HIST 1010 West Civ to 1300 HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIST 1510 World Hist Since 1500 HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIST 1700 American Civilizatio HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 3200 Age of Imperialism HIST ELUD UD: Age of Imperialism
HONO 111H01 Itw Phil Lit Sci PHIL ELLD LD: Itw Phil Lit Sci
HTEA 0113 First Yr Acting THEA ELLD LD: First Yr Acting
IS 2010 Computer Essentials CSCI 1150 Computer Orientation
IS 4410 Information Systems INFS ELUD UD:Information Systems
KINES 2500 Found of Health & kines ATHT ELLD LD:Found of Health & kines
LB E 0110 Human Values ELEC ELLD LD: Human Values
LB E 011501 Persp Amer Cult ELEC ELLD LD: Persp Amer Cult
LB E 0133 Physics of Hi Fi PHYS ELLD LD: Physics of Hi Fi
LB E 0134 Arch of the Earth GEOL ELLD LD: Arch of the Earth
LB E 0270 American Race Dilem SOC ELLD LD: American Race Dilem
LB E 037001 Common Medicines ELEC ELLD LD: Common Medicines
LB ED 101 Intell Trad of West ELEC ELLD LD:Intell Trad of West
LB ED 176 WE - Political Theatre ELEC ELLD LD:WE - Political Theatre
LBED 0110 Films Human Values ELEC ELLD LD: Films Human Values
LBED 0134 Arct of Earth GEOL ELLD LD: Arct of Earth
LEAP 1100 Humanities HUM ELLD LD:Humanities
LEAP 2004 Leap Seminar HUM ELLD LD:Leap Seminar
LING 012001 Intr Study Language ENGL ELLD LD: Intr Study Language
LING 1200 Intro Study Language ENGL ELLD LD:Intr Study Language
LING 3600 Cross-Cultural Comm HUM 3000 Topics in For Lang Linguistics
MATH 0101 Interm Algebra MATH ELLD LD: Interm Algebra
MATH 010501 College Algebra MATH 1710 College Algebra
MATH 0107 Elem Statistics STAT ELLD LD: Elem Statistics
MATH 0111 Calculus I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 0112 Calculus I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 0112 Calculus I and MATH ELLD LD: Calculus I
MATH 0211 Calculus Ap Student MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 0212 Calculus Ap Student MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 0213 Calculus Ap Student MATH 3110 Calculus III
MATH 0251 Diff Equatns Sci MATH ELLD LD: Diff Equatns Sci
MATH 0252 Matrices Vctr MATH ELLD LD: Matrices Vctr
MATH 0401 Real Numbers MATH ELUD UD: Real Numbers
MATH 0402 Elem Geometry MATH 3070 College Geometry
MATH 1010 Interm Algebra MATH ELLD LD:Interm Algebra
MATH 1030 Intro Quant Thinking MATH ELLD LD: Intro Quant Thinking
MATH 1050 College Algebra MATH ELLD LD:College Algebra
MATH 1060 Trig MATH ELLD LD:Trig
MATH 1070 Intro Stat MATH ELLD LD:Intro Stat
MATH 1090 Coll Alg Bus/Soc Sci MATH ELLD LD: Coll Alg Bus/Soc Sci
MATH 1100 Quant Analysis MATH ELLD LD:Quant Analysis
MATH 1210 Calculus I MATH 1910 Calculus I
MATH 1220 Calculusii MATH 1920 Calculus II
MATH 2210 Calculus III MATH ELLD LD:Calculus III
MATH 2250 Diff Equ & Lin Algebra MATH ELLD LD:Diff Equ & Lin Algebra
MEEN 1000 Intro Desgn for Eng Sys ENGR ELLD LD:Intro Desgn for Eng Sys
MEEN 10000 Design Visualization ART ELLD LD: Design Visualization
MEEN 1010 Cmptr Prob Solv Eng Sys ENGR ELLD LD:Cmptr Prob Solv Eng Sys
METE 1010 Intro to Meteorology ASTR ELLD LD: Intro to Meteorology
MGT 3810 Bus & Prof Comm BCED 3510 Business Communication
MKTG 3000 Marketing Vision MKT ELUD UD:Marketing Vision
MSE 2010 Intro to MSE ENGR ELLD LD:Intro to MSE
MUSC 1010 Introduction to Music MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUSC 2100 Hist of Rock'n Roll MUHL ELLD LD:Hist of Rock'n Roll
MUSC 3250 Music Technology I RIM ELUD UD:Music Technology I
MUSC 3600 World Music MUHL 4130 Survey of World Music
MUSI 011101 Group Piano I MUS 1530 Class Piano I
MUSI 015601 Theory I MUTH ELLD LD: Theory I
MUSI 019901 Perf Woodwind I MUED 1310 Woodwind Techniques I
MUSI 0370 Elem Music Methods MUED 3210 Elem Grades Non Music Majors
MUSI 1236 Survey of Jazz MUHL ELLD LD: Survey of Jazz
MUSI 1350 Music Tech I MUS ELLD LD: Music Tech I
MUSI 1550 Fund Music Theory MUTH ELLD LD: Fund Music Theory
MUSI 1551 Fund Musicianship MUS ELLD LD: Fund Musicianship
MUSI 1560 Music Theory I MUTH ELLD LD: Music Theory I
MUSI 2100 Hist of Rock and Rol MUHL ELLD LD: Hist of Rock and Rol
MUSI 2610 Music Hist I MUHL ELLD LD: Music Hist I
MUSI 2620 Music Hist II MUHL ELLD LD: Music Hist II
MUSI 3380 Conducting MUS ELUD UD: Conducting
MUSI 3946 Lsns III Maj I Voice MUAP ELUD UD: Lsns III Maj I Voice
MUSI 4946 Lsns IV Maj I Voice MUAP ELUD UD: Lsns IV Maj I Voice
MUSI 5400 Concert Chorale MUEN 3200 Concert Chorale
MUSI 5405 A Cappella Choir MUEN 3210 Tenor Bass Chorale
MUSI 5430 Chamber Music MUEN ELUD UD: Chamber Music
NURS 0180 Intr Human Growth De NURS ELLD LD: Intr Human Growth De
NURS 0327 Pathophysiology I NURS ELUD UD: Pathophysiology I
NURS 2100 Human Dev Lifespan NURS ELLD LD:Human Dev Lifespan
NURS 2270 Pathophysiology NURS ELLD LD:Pathophysiology
NURS 2400 Explore Nursing NURS ELLD LD:Explore Nursing
NUTR 3010 Nutrition Intervention NFS ELUD UD:Nutrition Intervention
OIS 2340 Business Statistics INFS ELLD LD:Business Statistics
OIS 3440 App of Business Stats INFS ELUD UD:App of Business Stats
P E 0123 Volleyball PHED 2270 Beginning Volleyball
P E 0181 Ballroom Dance PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PATH 3100 Medical Microbiology BIOL ELUD UD: Medical Microbiology
PH T 0370 Common Medicines BIOL ELUD UD: Common Medicines
PHED 2500 Explore Movement PHED ELLD LD: Explore Movement
PHED 3550 Motor Behavior PHED ELUD UD: Motor Behavior
PHIL 0101 Intro to Phil PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 0225 Intr Phil Sci PHIL ELLD LD: Intr Phil Sci
PHIL 1000 Intro Survey Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1250 Reasoning & Ratl Decisn PHIL 2110 Elem Logic Critical Thinking
PHIL 3012 Philosophy of ________ PHIL ELUD UD:Philosophy of __________
PHIL 3200 Deductive Logic PHIL 4150 Formal Logic
PHIL 3350 Hist & Phil Science PHIL 3120 Persp on Science and Math
PHIL 3440 Cognitive Science PHIL ELUD UD:Cognitive Science
PHIL 3520 Bioethics PHIL 3345 Bioethics
PHIL 3810 Existentialism PHIL 4200 Existentialism
PHPR 0101 Surv Pharmacy BIOL ELLD LD: Surv Pharmacy
PHYC 0106 Popular Astronomy ASTR ELLD LD: Popular Astronomy
PHYC 0110 Pblm Solving Physics PHYS ELLD LD: Pblm Solving Physics
PHYC 0111 Gen Physics PHYS 2111 Calculus-Based Physics Lab I
PHYC 0112 Gen Physics PHYS 2011 Physics Problems Laboratory I
PHYC 0112 Gen Physics and PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHYC 0113 Gen Physics PHYS 2021 Physics Problems Lab II
PHYC 0221 Physics For Sci Engr PHYS ELLD LD: Physics For Sci Engr
PHYC 0222 Physics For Sci Eng PHYS ELLD LD: Physics For Sci Eng
PHYC 0301 Physics For Sci Eng PHYS ELUD UD: Physics For Sci Eng
PHYC 2210 Phycs For Sci PHYS ELLD LD: Phycs For Sci
PHYS 1980 Undergrad Seminar II PHYS ELLD LD:Undergrad Seminar II
PHYS 2210 Phyc For Scien & Eng I PHYS 2111 Calculus-Based Physics Lab I
PHYS 2220 Phyc For Scien & Eng II PHYS 2121 Calculus-Based Physics Lab II
POL 3440 Comparat Pol/Mid E PS ELUD UD: Comparat Pol/Mid E
POLS 0110 Amer National Gov PS 1005 Intro to American Politics
POLS 0343 Politics Revolution PS ELUD UD: Politics Revolution
POLS 1100 Us National Govt PS ELLD LD: Us National Govt
POLS 3005 Strategic Games PS ELUD UD:Strategic Games
PRT 0136 Nr Hunting Ethcs Ski ELEC ELLD LD: Nr Hunting Ethcs Ski
PRT 038501 St-Evnironmental Eth ELEC ELUD UD: St-Evnironmental Eth
PRT 038502 St-Leadershp Tech ELEC ELUD UD: St-Leadershp Tech
PRT 038503 St-Skls Pract Climbi ELEC ELUD UD: St-Skls Pract Climbi
PRT 038504 St-Skls Pract Ski To ELEC ELUD UD: St-Skls Pract Ski To
PRT 2050 Envir Ethics ELEC ELLD LD: Envir Ethics
PRT 2051 Ldship Tech Grp ELEC ELLD LD: Ldship Tech Grp
PRT 2052 Wildn Skls Prct ELEC ELLD LD: Wildn Skls Prct
PRT 3040 Environmental Ethics REC ELUD UD: Environmental Ethics
PRT 3041 Group Ldrshp Techniq REC ELUD UD: Group Ldrshp Techniq
PRT 3042 Wildn Skls Prct REC ELUD UD: Wildn Skls Prct
PRT 3043 Adv Risk Mgt Dec Making ELEC ELUD UD:Adv Risk Mgt Dec Making
PRT 3610 The Global Citizen LSTS ELUD UD:The Global Citizen
PSY 1010 Gen Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSY 2010 Psy as a Sci & Prof PSY ELLD LD:Psy as a Sci & Prof
PSY 2120 Memory & Cog in Life PSY ELLD LD:Memory & Cog in Life
PSY 3120 Cognitive Psy PSY ELUD UD:Cognitive Psy
PSYC 010101 Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 0122 Psych Infancy Chldh PSY ELLD LD: Psych Infancy Chldh
PSYC 0265 Research Methods Psy PSY ELLD LD: Research Methods Psy
PSYC 0325 Abnormal Child Psyc PSY 3230 Psychological Disorders
PSYC 0371 Intr Physiological P PSY ELUD UD: Intr Physiological P
PTGS 1010 Beg Portugese I PORT 1010 Elementary Portuguese I
RE L 058501 St-Outdoor Leadershi REC ELUD UD: St-Outdoor Leadershi
RE L 058502 St-Climbing/Caving REC ELUD UD: St-Climbing/Caving
RE L 058503 St-Mountain Ski Tour REC ELUD UD: St-Mountain Ski Tour
SL 0363 Comm Ldrship Action ELEC ELLD LD: Comm Ldrship Action
SOC 0101 Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 0330 Intr Social Organiza SOC ELUD UD: Intr Social Organiza
SOC 0361 Intr Criminology SOC 4300 Criminology
SOC 0362 Juvenile Delinquency SOC 4540 Juvenile Delinquency
SOC 0371 Medical Sociology SOC ELUD UD: Medical Sociology
SOC 1010 Intro to Sociology SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOC 3020 Social Psychology SOC 4500 Soc Interaction & Identities
SOC 3334 American Class Syste SOC ELUD UD: American Class Syste
SPAN 0350 Grammer & Compositio SPAN ELLD LD: Grammer & Compositio
SPED 0502 Introduction SPED ELUD UD: Introduction
SPED 0582 Counslng Guid Hear SPED ELUD UD: Counslng Guid Hear
THEA 0102 Basic Acting I THEA 1015 Acting I
THEA 0105 Run of Show THEA ELLD LD: Run of Show
THEA 0107 Production THEA ELLD LD: Production
THEA 0109 Msc Theor-Mus Th MUED ELLD LD: Msc Theor-Mus Th
THEA 0111 Music Theatr Forum THEA ELLD LD: Music Theatr Forum
THEA 0112 First Tr Acting THEA 1015 Acting I
THEA 0113 First Yr Acting THEA 1015 Acting I
THEA 0114 First Yr Acting THEA ELLD LD: First Yr Acting
THEA 0291 Music Theatr Tecque THEA ELLD LD: Music Theatr Tecque
THEA 1020 Intro to Acting THEA 1015 Acting I
THEA 1040 Dram Arts TV THEA ELLD LD:Dram Arts TV
THEAT 332 History of Film VFP ELUD UD:History of Film
UGS 3160 Human Nature SOC ELLD LD: Human Nature
WM S 0110 Women In Contemp Us WMST ELLD LD: Women In Contemp Us
WRTG 0101 Intr College Writing ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
WRTG 0112 Intro College Writ ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
WRTG 0210 College Wrtg Rhetori ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
WRTG 1010 Introduction to Writing ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
WRTG 2010 Intermediate Writing ENGL 1020 Research and Arg Writing
WRTG 3016 Business Writing BCED ELUD UD: Business Writing
WRTG 3019 Writing About War ENGL ELUD UD:Writing About War