Transfer Equivalencies

There are 128 transfer equivalencies on file for University of Mary Washington

Transfer Course Transfer Title MTSU Course MTSU Title
ACCT 101 Principles of Accounting I ACTG 2110 Principles of Accounting I
ACCT 102 Principles of Accounting II ACTG 2120 Principles of Accounting II
ARTH 114A History Western Art I ART ELLD LD:History Western Art I
ARTH 115A Hist Western Art II ART ELLD LD: Hist Western Art II
ARTS 0105 Design Principles ART ELLD LD:Design Principles
BIOL 012101 Bio Concepts I BIOL 1110 General Biology I
BIOL 012201 Biol Concepts II BIOL 1120 General Biology II
BIOL 0210 Ecology & Evol BIOL ELLD LD:Ecology & Evol
BIOL 0340 Cellular Biol BIOL ELUD UD:Cellular Biol
BLAW 201 Legal Environment of Business BLAW ELLD LD:Legal Env of Business
BUAD 0105 Perspect on Organiz BUAD ELLD LD:Perspect in Organiz
BUAD 0131 Prin Accounting I ACTG ELLD LD:Prin Accounting I
BUAD 0132 Prin Accounting ACTG ELLD LD:Prin Accounting
BUAD 031201 Retail Management MKT 3830 Retailing and E-Commerce
CHEM 0111 General Chem I CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I
CHEM 0112 General Chem II CHEM 1120 General Chemistry II
CHEM 0211 Organic Chem CHEM ELLD LD:Organic Chem
CHEM 0254 Chemical Analysis CHEM ELLD LD:Chemical Analysis
CLAS 0110 Grk & Roman Mythology HUM ELLD LD:Grk & Roman Mythology
CLAS 0203 Ancient Comedy ENGL ELLD LD: Ancient Comedy
CLAS 202C Ancient Tragedy ENGL ELLD LD:Ancient Tragedy
COMM 0209 Argumentation COMM ELLD LD:Argumentation
CPSC 0109 Modeling & Simulation CSCI ELLD LD:Modeling & Simulation
CPSC 0110 Intro Computer Science CSCI ELLD LD:Intro Computer Science
CPSC 0220 Comp Progr & Problem Solv CSCI ELLD LD:Comp Progr & Problem Solv
CPSC 0225 Software Dev Tools CSCI ELLD LD:Software Dev Tools
CPSC 0240 Obj-Oriented Analysis CSCI ELLD LD:Obj-Oriented Analysis
CPSC 0340 Data Structures & Algorithms CSCI ELUD UD:Data Struct & Algorithms
CPSC 125A Discrete Math CSCI ELLD LD:Discrete Math
DRAM 021801 Voice & Body Movmt MUS ELLD LD: Voice & Body Movmt
DSCI 259 Applied Statistics & Research STAT ELLD LD:Applied Stats & Rsrch
ECON 020101 Princp of Macroeco ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 020201 Prncp of Eco: Micro ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 201B01 Prin of Macroeconom ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 202A01 Prin of Econ Micro ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 202B01 Prin of Microeconom ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
ENGL 0101 Writing Workshop ENGL 1010 Expository Writing
ENGL 0205 Art of Literature ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 0206 Global Issu In Lit ENGL 2020 Themes in Literature & Culture
ENGL 029501 Intro Lit Studies ENGL 2030 The Experience of Literature
ENGL 0319 Shaksp:Early Plays ENGL ELUD UD: Shaksp:Early Plays
ENGL 0336 Victorian Lit ENGL 3230 English Lit Victorian Period
ENGL 0356 American Realism ENGL ELUD UD: American Realism
ENGL 0368 African Literature ENGL ELUD UD: African Literature
ENGL 0376 The Victorian Novel ENGL ELUD UD: The Victorian Novel
ENGL 0381 British Lit to 1800 ENGL ELUD UD: British Lit to 1800
ENGL 0382 British Lit to 1865 ENGL ELUD UD: British Lit to 1865
ENGL 0383 Survey Amer Lit ENGL ELUD UD: Survey Amer Lit
ENGL 206A Global Issues Lit ENGL ELLD LD:Global Issues Lit
FREN 0101 Begin French FREN 1010 Elementary French I
FREN 0102 Beginning French FREN 1020 Elementary French II
FREN 020101 Interm French FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
FREN 201A Interm French FREN 2010 Intermediate French I
FSEM 0100 Theatre Mysteries ELEC ELLD LD:Theatre Mysteries
FSEM 100F Virtual Vernacular-Record Musi ELEC ELLD LD:Virt Vern-Record Musi
FSEM 100G4 Race and Revolution ELEC ELLD LD:Race and Revolution
FSEM 100G7 Thriving:Sci of Pos Psych ELEC ELLD LD:Thriving:Sci of Pos Psych
GEOG 0102 Human Geography GEOG ELLD LD:Human Geography
GEOG 0221 Geg East Anglo Am GEOG ELLD LD: Geg East Anglo Am
GEOG 0222 Geog West Anglo Am GEOG ELLD LD: Geog West Anglo Am
GEOL 0111 Geology w/Lab GEOL ELLD LD:Geology w/Lab
GEOL 0221 Environmental Geol GEOL ELLD LD:Environmental Geol
GEOL 112A Evolution of Earth, w/lab GEOL 1030 Introduction to Earth Science
HISP 0101 The Am Heritage HIST ELLD LD: The Am Heritage
HIST 0101 Early Am:1th & 18th HIST 2010 Survey United States History I
HIST 012101 Western Civilizatio HIST 1010 Survey Western Civilization I
HIST 0122 Western Civ II HIST 1020 Survey Western Civilization II
HIST 013201 Am Hist Since 1865 HIST 2020 Survey United States Hist II
HIST 0200 Top Intro Civil Rts HIST ELLD LD: Top Intro Civil Rts
HIST 030201 Us Diplomatic Hist HIST ELUD UD: Us Diplomatic Hist
LIBS 0101 Lib Resources ELEC ELLD LD: Lib Resources
LING 0101 Intro Linguistics ENGL ELLD LD: Intro Linguistics
LING 0302 Soc & Anthrop Ling ANTH 3410 Linguistic Anthropology
MATH 010901 Finite Math MATH ELLD LD: Finite Math
MATH 0111 Precalculus MATH ELLD LD: Precalculus
MATH 0121 Calculus I MATH ELLD LD:Calculus I
MATH 0122 Calculus II MATH ELLD LD:Calculus II
MATH 0200 Statistics MATH ELLD LD:Statistics
MATH 110 Finite Math w/Applications MATH ELLD LD:Finite Math w/Applications
MATH 115A Intr Math Modeling MATH ELLD LD:Intr Math Modeling
MATH 120 Quantitative Reasoning Science MATH ELLD LD:Quant Reasoning Science
MATH 201 Intro to Discrete Mathematics MATH ELLD LD:Intro to Discrete Math
MIST 201 Mgmt Info Syst & Applic INFS ELLD LD:Mgmt Info Syst & Applic
MTH 012101 Calculus I MATH ELLD LD: Calculus I
MTH 012201 Calculus II MATH ELLD LD: Calculus II
MUHL 0155 Intro to Music MUS 1030 Introduction to Music
MUHL 0370 Intro Electron Mus MUS ELUD UD: Intro Electron Mus
MUHL 151A Great Musical Masterworks MUHL ELLD LD:Great Musical Masterworks
MUPR 030101 Private Voice MUS ELLD LD: Private Voice
MUPR 0335 Private Guitar MUAP 2411 Private Instruction Guitar
MUTH 018101 Music Theory I MUTH ELLD LD: Music Theory I
MUTH 0281 Pre Baroque Theory MUTH ELLD LD: Pre Baroque Theory
MUTH 0285 Skill Devel I MUTH ELLD LD: Skill Devel I
MUTH 0286 Skill Devel II MUTH ELLD LD: Skill Devel II
MUTH 181A Music Theory MUTH ELLD LD:Music Theory
PHIL 0101 Intro Philosophy PHIL 1030 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 0160 Intro Ethics PHIL ELLD LD:Intro Ethics
PHYD 0105 Volleyball PHED 2270 Beginning Volleyball
PHYD 011601 Swimming PHED ACTY ACTY: Swimming
PHYD 0123 Soccer PHED 1220 Beginning Soccer
PHYD 013301 Tennis PHED 1040 Beginning Tennis
PHYD 0247 Intermed Ridiing HORS 2110 Basic Horsemanship
PHYD 031501 Adv Life Saving PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHYD 0402 Adv Baseball PHED ACTY Physical Activity-Degree Audit
PHYD 453 Esports PHED ELUD UD:Esports
PHYS 0105 Physics w/Lab PHYS ELLD LD:Physics w/Lab
PHYS 106 University Physics w/Lab PHYS 2120 Calculus-Based Physics II
PSCI 010101 Intro Pol Sci I PS ELLD LD: Intro Pol Sci I
PSYC 0100 General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 010101 General Psychology PSY 1410 General Psychology
PSYC 0102 General Psychology PSY 1420 Psychology of Adjustment
PSYC 034201 Psy of Personality PSY 3590 Personality
RELG 0101 Intro World Religions RS ELLD LD:Intro World Religions
SOCG 010001 Social Problems SOC 2010 Social Problems
SOCG 010201 Social Problems SOC 2010 Social Problems
SOCG 0105 The Social World SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SOCG 0155 Social Issues SOC 2010 Social Problems
SOCG 020001 Principles of Socg SOC 1010 Introductory Sociology
SPAN 010101 Beginning Spanish SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 010201 Beginning Spanish SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 020101 Intermed Spanish SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 020201 Intermed Spanish SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 0314 Span Pron & Oral Use SPAN ELUD UD: Span Pron & Oral Use
SPAN 0323 Intro to Span Lit SPAN 4020 Spanish Literature I
SPAN 0327 Surv Span Am Lit I SPAN 4040 Latin American Literature I
SPAN 201A Interm Spanish SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 202A Interm Spanish SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II
THEA 0111 Intro Theatre THEA 1030 Introduction to Theatre