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Billing and Payment

What Does It Cost?

Tuition and fee rates increase every academic year.  Please check after July 1 for the new academic year rates. 

The eRate is available to students who are classified as non-residents of Tennessee and who are enrolled exclusively in courses delivered online. To qualify, students must be verified as an out-of-state student enrolled exclusively in courses delivered online (Distance Lrn: Online, Distance Lrn: Online-Async-Sync, and Online: Synchronous (Remote) Instructional Methods).  Out-of-state students refers to geographic location and does not include undocumented students living in Tennessee.  Students enrolled in any type courses other than online (blended, clinicals, conventional, correspondence, dissertation, independent study, Other Non-conventional Media) will not be eligible for the eRate and will instead incur traditional out-of-state fees and charges. Students who enroll in both online courses and other type courses, and subsequently drop the other type courses, will not then become eligible for the eRate. 

Please allow one to two business days to update the billing statement for the eRate after schedule changes have been made.

The MTSU Regional Scholars Program allows select non-Tennessee resident students seeking an undergraduate or graduate degree who live within approximately 250 miles OR live anywhere with the contiguous eight states bordering Tennessee (Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina and Virginia) and meet specific academic requirements to attend MTSU at a greatly reduced rate.

Please visit Housing & Residential Life for Summer and additional housing rates and information.

Visit the MT Dining page for additional meal plan information and to purchase a meal plan online. First year freshman living in the residence halls will be charged the required Freshman Meal Plan automatically.

Late Registration FeeApplies starting on first day of classes for the semester.$ 100
Installment Payment Plan Service ChargeApplies to student using the installment payment plan$ 50
Installment Payment Plan Late FeeApplies to installment payments not paid by the due date$ 25 per month
up to
$ 100 max
Return Check Service ChargeApplies to each returned check. Non-refundable$ 30.00
BooksEstimated Costs$ 350 – $1,000
(depending on course load and major)
I.D. Card Replacement (Non-refundable)No charge for the first student I.D. issued. Non-refundable$ 10.00
Diploma Replacement Fee Go to$30 per copy
Mandatory Health InsuranceRequired of all international students who do not carry private insurance.
$746.90 Semester
$1,792.56 Annual
$1,045.52 Spr/Summer
$284.54 Summer 2024
Dissertation Binding Fee
Thesis Binding Fee
1 Original and 4 Copies and microfilming (DR)
1 Original and 3 Copies
Extra Copy Thesis (or Dissertation Binding)
Travel ExpensesSee “Cost of Attendance 
New Freshmen and Transfer StudentsOne-time non-refundable application fee must be submitted with initial undergraduate application to MTSU$ 25.00
Re-enrolleeApplication fee is not required for former students who apply to re-enroll as undergraduate students.0
International StudentsUndergraduate Only$ 30.00
Graduate StudentsOne-time non-refundable application fee must be submitted with initial application for each graduate degree level.Physician’s Assistant Program one-time non-refundable application fee.$ 50.00


In addition to the tuition & fees and on-campus food & housing charges (if applicable) posted directly to your student account, there are additional indirect costs associated with attending college.  The MTSU Cost of Attendance, used for awarding financial aid, includes other “average” expenses that you may incur that are not billed to your MTSU student account.  This information will hopefully assist you in developing your budget.

Fall and Spring 

The following Financial Aid Cost of Attendance (COA) reflects an average of direct (billable) and indirect (non-billable) expenses you may incur while attending MTSU.  The total amount is NOT what you will owe to MTSU. Typically, the total of your financial aid / educational assistance cannot exceed your COA.

  • An undergraduate COA is initially calculated based on an average full-time enrollment of 14 credits.  To be considered full-time, you must be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours of eligible coursework.  If you are not enrolled full-time in eligible coursework, the tuition & fees and the book component of the COA will be reduced, and your financial aid may also be reduced. Typically, if you are enrolled in 5 hours or less, the living expenses, miscellaneous/personal, and transportation components will not be included in your COA.
  • A graduate COA is initially calculated based on an average half-time enrollment of 6 credits.  To be considered half-time, you must be enrolled in at least 5 graduate credit hours of eligible coursework.  You must be enrolled at least half-time to qualify for federal student loans.

Academic Year Fall 2024 & Spring 2025 Cost of Attendance

Undergraduate (Based on full-time enrollment)

 In-State   Tuition     & Fees  Books &     Supplies  **Living ExpensesMisc / PersonalTransportationTotal
With Parent$10,266$1,260$5,788$2,232$3,482$23,028
Off Campus$10,266$1,260$12,208$2,232$3,482$29,448
On Campus Without Dependents$10,266$1,260$12,242$2,232$3,482$29,482
On Campus With Dependents (other than spouse)$10,266$1,260$14,076$2,232$3,482$31,316
 Out Of State  *Tuition     & Fees  Books &     Supplies **Living ExpensesMisc / PersonalTransportationTotal
With Parent$31,574$1,260$5,788$2,232$3,482$44,336
Off Campus$31,574$1,260$12,208$2,232$3,482$50,756
On Campus Without Dependents$31,574$1,260$12,242$2,232$3,482$50,790
On Campus With Dependents (other than spouse)$31,574$1,260$14,076$2,232$3,482$52,624
Some classes have additional Miscellaneous or Specialized course fees.*For out-of-state students, tuition & fees are reduced for eRate and Regional rates.  **Living Expenses is comprised of an average cost for food and housing. An average loan fee of $64 for Fall / Spring is added to the cost of attendance for students receiving a Federal Direct Student Loan.

Academic Year Fall 2024 & Spring 2025 Cost of Attendance

Graduate (Based on half-time enrollment)

 In-State   Tuition     & Fees  Books &     Supplies **Living ExpensesMisc / PersonalTransportationTotal
With Parent$7,812$540$5,788$2,232$3,482$19,854
Off Campus$7,812$540$17,806$2,232$3,482$31,872
On Campus Without Dependents$7,812$540$12,242$2,232$3,482$26,308
On Campus With Dependents (other than spouse)$7,812$540$14,076$2,232$3,482$28,142
 Out Of State   *Tuition     & Fees  Books &     Supplies **Living ExpensesMisc / PersonalTransportationTotal
With Parent$19,800$540$5,788$2,232$3,482$31,842
Off Campus$19,800$540$17,806$2,232$3,482$43,860
On Campus Without Dependents$19,800$540$12,242$2,232$3,482$38,296
On Campus With Dependents (other than spouse)$19,800$540$14,076$2,232$3,482$40,130
*Some classes have additional Miscellaneous or Specialized course fees.  These will show on your student account.*For out-of-state students, tuition & fees are reduced for eRate and Regional rates.  **Living Expenses is comprised of an average cost for food and housing. An average loan fee of $144 for Fall / Spring is added to the cost of attendance for students receiving a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan. 

Summer 2024

During the Summer term, students can register for classes within 9 parts of terms.  Based on which month(s) the majority of a class meets, costs for living expenses (i.e., Food & Housing), Transportation, and Miscellaneous expenses are included in the Cost of Attendance (COA).  Federal regulations do not allow expenses during a period of non-enrollment to be included in the COA.  Therefore, a Summer COA is based on a student’s enrollment within the various parts of terms. 

The COA is assigned once a student registers for summer classes and will adjust as a student drops and adds classes until aid is disbursed.  If a student receives a Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG) or a Federal TEACH Grant, the COA will be locked based on enrollment within the various parts of terms as of the census date of July 5, 2024. 

Included below are the Full-Time, Full-Term Undergraduate and Graduate COAs which is assigned if enrolled in at least 12 eligible credit hours and attending the full-term (maximum of 3 months).  If a student enrolls less than full-time (12 credits for undergraduate or 9 credits for graduate students) AND is not enrolled in a full-term courses or in a combination of courses from the various parts of terms that meet during the majority of May – July, then the COA will be reduced which can result in aid being reduced. 

Contact the MT One Stop for questions regarding your Summer Cost of Attendance.

Summer 2024 Cost of Attendance – Undergraduate

The following COA is assigned if enrolled in at least 12 eligible credit hours and attending the full-term (i.e., maximum of 3 months). 

 Enrolled Full-Time (12 credit hours) & Full-Term (May 20 – August 9)
 In-State   Tuition     & Fees  Books &     Supplies **Living ExpensesMisc / PersonalTransportationTotal
With Parent$5,067$585$1,428$714$1,308$9,102
Off Campus$5,067$585$4,059$714$1,308$11,733
On Campus Without Dependents$5,067$585$2,712$714$1,308$10,386
On Campus With Dependents (other than spouse)$5,067$585$2,712$714$1,308$10,386
 Out Of State   *Tuition     & Fees  Books &     Supplies **Living ExpensesMisc / PersonalTransportationTotal
With Parent$15,649$585$1,428$714$1,308$19,684
Off Campus$15,649$585$4,059$714$1,308$22,315
On Campus Without Dependents$15,649$585$2,712$714$1,308$20,968
On Campus With Dependents (other than spouse)$15,649$585$2,712$714$1,308$20,968
*Some classes have additional Miscellaneous or Specialized course fees.  These will show on your student account.*For out-of-state students, tuition & fees are reduced for eRate and Regional rates.  **Living Expenses is comprised of an average cost for food and housing. An average loan fee of $30 for Summer is added to the cost of attendance for students receiving a Federal Direct Loan.

Summer 2024 Cost of Attendance – Graduate

The following COA is assigned if enrolled in at least 9 eligible credit hours and attending the full-term (i.e., maximum of 3 month):

Enrolled Full-Time (9 credit hours) & Full-Term (May 20 – August 9)
 In-State   Tuition     & Fees  Books &     Supplies **Living ExpensesMisc / PersonalTransportationTotal
With Parent$7,417$540$1,428$714$1,308$11,407
Off Campus$7,417$540$6,231$714$1,308$16,210
On Campus Without Dependents$7,417$540$2,712$714$1,308$12,691
On Campus With Dependents (other than spouse)$7,417$540$2,712$714$1,308$12,691
 Out Of State   *Tuition     & Fees  Books &     Supplies **Living ExpensesMisc / PersonalTransportationTotal
With Parent$18,781$540$1,428$714$1,308$22,771
Off Campus$18,781$540$6,231$714$1,308$27,574
On Campus Without Dependents$18,781$540$2,712$714$1,308$24,055
On Campus With Dependents (other than spouse)$18,781$540$2,712$714$1,308$24,055

*Some classes have additional Miscellaneous or Specialized course fees.  These will show on your student account.

*For out-of-state students, tuition & fees are reduced for eRate and Regional rates.  

**Living Expenses is comprised of an average cost for food and housing.

 An average loan fee of $82 for Summer is added to the cost of attendance for students receiving a Federal Direct Loan.

Adjustments to Cost of Attendance (COA)

For undergraduate and graduate students, the Financial Aid Office may also adjust the COA on a documented case-by-case basis.  Contact the MT One Stop to determine if you have additional costs that may be included in your COA.  Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Required equipment or the rental / upfront purchase of a personal computer
  • Mileage to and from work
  • Costs associated with obtaining a license, certification, or a first professional credential related to a program that prepares you to enter a profession that requires such a qualification.
  • Dependent care, such as daycare expenses
  • Flight Labs

For additional information, review the Professional Judgment / Special Cases website.

Contact Information

(615) 904-8476
FAX: (615) 904-8169

MTSU Bursar's Office
290 Student Services and Admissions Center
1301 E Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN  37132