Public Service Grants
All full-time faculty are eligible to apply. Professional staff may apply only with a faculty member.
Deadline to Submit Applications: Please note that Public Service Grants are suspended for AY 20-21, 21-22, and 22-23
- No proposal will be accepted past 4:30 p.m. on the day of the deadline.
Please be aware that applications are evaluated in order of submission. Once funding is depleted, no other grants will be awarded.
General Information
Administered by MTSU's University College, these grants support projects and activities
that enhance the university's public service mission, making the specialized knowledge
and expertise of its faculty and professional staff available to the region, state,
nation, and the community at large. Public Service grants must support well-defined,
time-limited outreach and service projects.
Application Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- The overall contribution to public service in the opinion of the committee.
- Is the project clearly defined? Can the goals and objectives be met given resources available?
- The extent to which the proposed project will make an important contribution to the public service mission of the university.
- Degree to which MTSU faculty and personnel are central to the project.
- The extent to which the funding requested is clearly detailed and itemized and appropriate to project objectives and activities.
- Initial public service proposals and efforts are given priority over continuing program or activity. Applicants are encouraged to seek other sources of funding for subsequent program/activity offerings.
- Grants that reimburse organizations for employee salaries will not be funded and Public Service Grant funds may not be used for salaries of MTSU employees or students.
- Food is rarely covered and will be considered only in situations where the food is vital to the completion of the project.
- Church related activities that target or benefit members of one particular religious organization are prohibited.
- The Public Service committee should be notified in writing as soon as possible when a funded activity does not materialize or is cancelled so that funds can be allocated to other projects.
- If outside funds are generated by the project and when allowed by the Business Office, the public service fund will be reimbursed from the net income an amount equal to the original.
- Equipment, computers, and purchases that are likely to remain sustainable after the completion of the grant are rarely covered by the Public Service grant funds. These purchases fall under a capital expenditure category and require annual inventory of equipment by departments. In situations where they are requested they must be central to the completion of the grant. It must be clear that they will remain the property of MTSU and a plan should be discussed on how MTSU will control inventory of these items after the completion of the grant.
- Payment authorizations are processed through your department. University College does not process grant related paperwork.
All grant recipients are required to do the following:
- Submit a report at the end of the project, which includes a summary, evaluation, and a copy of pertinent material developed as a result of the project.
- Submit a final financial statement with itemization of expenses and balance, making sure all charges have been submitted.
- Request continuation of any project, which may extend into a new fiscal year.
- Give credit for each activity as follows: This activity was supported by a grant from the Public Service Committee, Middle Tennessee State University.
- All grant recipients are required to observe MTSU administrative and fiscal policies.
- Grant recipients and their department will be charged for any expenditures that exceeds the grant amount.
Application Procedures
- Complete Application and Budget Form by the submission deadline. Proposals will not be accepted after the deadline.
- Forward signed copies to your School Dean for approval.
- Original signed applications must be delivered to either MTSU Box 247, Attention: Judy Smith, or deliver to Midgett Bldg., Room 103.
- The Public Service committee will review the application
- The applicant is notified of the Committee's action with copies to the Dean and Department Chairperson.
- Below there are links to the Application and Instructions form
- It is imperative that the finished application follow the guidelines outlined.