Investigating Unexpected Infant Death

This training program is a result of the Sudden Unexplained Child Death Act, which has mandated emergency medical technicians, firefighters, and law enforcement officers receive training on handling cases of sudden, unexplained infant death as part of their basic and continuing education requirements. The training program was developed by the Center for Health and Human Services in consultation with the Tennessee Department of Health, the Tennessee Department of Children's Services, and the Tennessee Medical Examiner's office.

The program follows the TOT (train-the-trainer model and focuses on teaching first responders how to investigate sudden infant deaths. An educational video as well as trainer and trainee manuals have been developed and are used as the curriculum for the program.

Take a few minutes and explore our web site to learn more about Prevention through Understanding: Investigating Unexpected Infant Death. We hope these materials will be of interest and use to you as you perform the unique and difficult duties of your profession. Please contact us with your questions, comments, and suggestions.

To report suspected abuse anywhere within the State of Tennessee, please contact the Tennessee Child Abuse Hotline at 877-237-0004.

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