AMP Connects

Tour of the Writing Center Services

362 (Writing Center), James E. Walker Library (LIB)

Advisor Mastery Program (AMP) Connects 

MTSU Advising social and network opportunities. This can include Brown Bag lunches, Mentorships, Social Hour, Potlucks, etc. 

Connects will be offered once a month, and will generally be worth 1/2 point (unless otherwise stated).

More Details

The Advisor Training Committee brings you the Tour of the Writing Center Services training. In this session, Director of the UWC Dr. Erica Cirillo-McCarthy and Assistant Director Keri Carter will walk advisors through the services offered to your students within the University Writing Center. Advisors will learn about how writing center appointments are facilitated, as well as the technology available in the center. After this session, advisors will be better able to identify students who need referrals and learn ways of making those referrals without stigmatizing their students or the writing process. 

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