Teaching Effectively with Zoom: A Practical Guide to Engage Your Students and Help Them Learn [Hinsey] (FBG)

Faculty Book Group | Fall 2020 | Meeting 2


More Details

Dear MTSU faculty,

You are invited to join a group of colleagues who will be reading and discussing the book Teaching Effectively with Zoom: A Practical Guide to Engage Your Students and Help Them Learn​, by Dan Levy. 

The publisher describes the book as follows:

“In early 2020, because of COVID-19, many colleges and schools around the world closed, and many teachers, instructors, and faculty members had to learn how to teach online in a hurry. This book takes a step back, and focuses on helping educators teach effective live online sessions with Zoom.

Dan Levy offers practical pedagogical advice for educators on questions such as:
•Why and how to use breakout rooms?
•Should you use chat, and if so, how?
•How do you build community in a virtual classroom?

The book is based on the author’s experience teaching online, observations of several colleagues teaching online at Harvard University, research-based principles of effective teaching and learning, and, perhaps just as importantly, interviews with dozens of students who recently experienced online learning for the first time and also had to adapt to this way of learning in a hurry.”

Participation is limited; if you are interested in joining the group, please register as soon as possible.

This book group will be facilitated by Jonell Hinsey and will meet four times via Zoom: 
October 27, November 3, 10, 17
10-11 AM