Classroom Spaces: Using Trauma-Informed Pedagogy to Support College Students
Fall 2023 - Zoom
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Many educators now recognize the need to support trauma-affected students through teaching, learning practices, and resources and to provide safety for them to succeed and thrive (McInerney & McKlindon, 2014). Trauma-informed support is critical for postsecondary education institutions as students transitioning to college and those navigating college life may have a history of trauma. The purpose of this presentation is to provide practical strategies to support college students in the classroom:
1. Provide a brief introduction to trauma.
2. Examine the use of trauma-informed pedagogy in postsecondary education.
3. Discuss strategies for moving forward with knowledge and information on trauma-informed practices.
4. Share knowledge and support resources on trauma-informed care.
This is a Zoom workshop. You will receive a Zoom meeting link the day before the workshop.