Blue Raider Academic Advising Network

Blue Raider Academic Advising Assessment Team - Academic Advising Syllabus Workshops

106, Paul W. Martin, Sr. Honors Building (HONR)

More Details

We are excited to continue the introduction of the MTSU Academic Advising Syllabus with the intention of implementation beginning with 2025-2026 New Student Orientations. Those of you who were able to attend the Fall Advising Kick-Off received an initial copy draft.

We, the Blue Raider Academic Advising Assessment Team, are sending this to All Academic Advisors to review and prepare for discussion. Please see the attached document. We want to share our vision with you and allow you the opportunity to share your thoughts. 

Please keep in mind:  

  1. We are working together as a cross-representative team. 
  2. This is a universal MTSU Advising initiative to create a cohesive advising experience for all MTSU students.  
  3. These learning outcomes and overall structure were developed from the spring retreat activity with responses from Academic Advisors all over campus.  
  4. These are the overall guidelines and goals for our engagement with MTSU students as they navigate their academic careers.  
  5. We recognize the value of your unique advising approach and that cannot be captured in a document of this type.  

For reference, NACADA defines an Advising Syllabus as a tool that allows advisors to outline the advising relationship and experience for their advisees to guide them throughout college. The use of this tool is grounded in our understanding that advising is essential to the educational mission of our institution and establishes expectations and responsibilities for the students and advisors in the advising partnership.

The MTSU Academic Advising Syllabus will allow us the opportunity to gather appropriate data to assess learning outcomes and illustrate our role, value, and impact on Student Success at MTSU. It will create uniformity across the advising experience, so students and campus partners understand the role of academic advising in the academic and personal development of our students.  

Academic Advising Syllabus Workshops will be held in person on Wednesday, February 5th from 1-2:30 pm and Tuesday, February 11th from 9-10:30 am and will be led by Elizabeth Campbell and Emilee Buckmeyer. An opportunity to sign up for these sessions will be provided in the coming weeks. 

Please send any questions in advance so we can prepare appropriately to

Thank you!

The Blue Raider Advising Assessment Team 

Erin Arnold
Emilee Buckmeyer
Elizabeth Caldwell
Jennifer Danylo
Tiffany Fantine
Janell Fisher
Jonell Hinsey
Dauthan Keener
Eric Miller
Rodney Robbins

Registration closed