College of Basic & Applied Sciences Committees

Curriculum Committee -  (1 year term)

This committee shall have primary responsibility for the curriculum of the College of Basic and Applied Sciences. In this regard, the Committee shall review: 1) all aspects of the educational program of the College; review and approve proposals for earned degrees to be offered and the requirements for them; 2) review and approve all departmental, general educational, and interdisciplinary courses offered by the College; 3) and formulate and review other academic policies and procedures.

  • Dr. Richard Nagorski (CHEM)  
  • Dr. Kevin Downs (ABAS)
  • Dr. Ramchandra Rimal (MATH)
  • Dr. Jaishree Ranganathan (CSCI)
  • Dr. Misa Faezipour (ET)
  • Dr. Alisa Hass (GEOS)
  • Dr. Suman Neupane (PHYS)
  • Dr. Matt Elrod-Erickson (BIOL)
  • Dr. Tom Nicholas (CCM)
  • Dr. Nate Callender(AERO)
  • Dr. Samuel Haruna, Associate Dean - Ex Officio

Promotion & Tenure Review Committee

All those serving on committees that make evaluations are expected to observe the highest appropriate standards of confidentiality concerning deliberations. Tenure and promotion review committees have qualified privilege of academic confidentiality against disclosure of individual tenure votes unless evidence casts doubt upon the integrity of the committee. This policy will be interpreted in a manner consistent with the Tennessee Public Records Act, as recorded in T.C.A. § 10-7-101 et seq. 1)Faculty members being considered for tenure must demonstrate commitment to the goals of MTSU. As institutional citizens, they will adhere to high ethical standards.2)Candidates will be evaluated with respect to their performance in (a) teaching, (b) research/scholarship/creative activity, and (c) service. They must demonstrate high-quality performance in teaching, high-quality performance in either research/scholarship/creative activity or service, and quality performance in the remaining area. College and department criteria, however, may require high-quality performance in both teaching and research/scholarship/creative activity, in which case those requirements will supersede the University’s requirements. 3)In all categories of evaluation, documentation of quality as evaluated by peers will be stressed over quantity. Within the context of teaching, research/scholarship/creative activity, and service, the faculty member must demonstrate willingness to support the mission and goals of the department, the college, and University.

Jason Jessen (BIOL) through Spring 2025
Chuck Higgins (PHYS) through Spring 2025
Song Cui (ABAS) through Spring 2026
Wendy Beckman (AERO) through Spring 2026
Scott Handy (CHEM) through Spring 2026
Yi Gu (CSCI) through Spring 2026
Racha El Kadiri (GEOS) through Spring 2026
Marcus Knight (CCM through Spring 2027
Lei Miao (ET) through Spring 2027
Alyson Lischka (MATH) through Spring 2027

Retention Committee -  (3 year term) Temporarily Suspended

The Retention Committee shall 1) propose ways to improve and maintain the quality of academic advising in the College and the University in consultation with faculty and department officials; 2) identify educational issues and needs related to the retention of students generally or specific student populations 3) make recommendations regarding possible response options to the issues and 4) organize programs and events that would improve student connections to the college, departments, and faculty. 

Research Committee -  (3 year term)

The Research Committee shall 1) recommend policies and programs which promote and facilitate research and scholarship in the College 2) work with ORS to identify, recommend and facilitate procedural changes that would streamline the grant submission and administrative processes 3) recommend policy and programs which promote and facilitate research and grant participation in the college 4) develop strategies for strengthening the graduate programs and 5) nominate CBAS candidates for the Distinguished Research Award. 

Dr. Kevin Bicker - (CHEM) Chair
Dr. Kevin Ragland - (TSEC) Through 2025
Dr. Alyssa Logan - (AGRI) Through 2026
Dr. Grant Gardner - (BIOL) Through 2025
Dr. Mark Abolins (GEOS) Through 2024
Dr. Dong Ye - (MATH) Through 2026
Dr. Mina Mohebbi - (ET)
Through 2024

Teaching Committee - (3 year term) Temporarily Suspended

The purpose of the CBAS Committee on Teaching is to promote excellence in teaching and to provide support for faculty development in the area of pedagogy: (1) Develop and help implement policies and procedures which encourage and reward effective teaching. (2) Create and implement programs, presentations, guest speakers, and workshops in the area of teaching in order to help ensure that faculty members reach their full potential as teachers. (3) Develop a more structured outlet for reflection on both the teaching and learning process and the aspirations and accomplishments of the teaching professionals. (4) Seeks ways to increase opportunities for faculty to engage in productive discussions to invigorate the teaching enterprise as it takes place within, but also outside, the classroom. (5) Recommend new and innovative procedures or evaluation techniques to measure effective teaching. (6) Work closely with the LT&ITC to support the use of formative and self-assessment techniques and materials for promoting faculty professional growth and teaching effectiveness, including strategies for robust student feedback.

In pursuit of these objectives, the committee should pay special attention to nurturing beginning faculty members and supporting faculty at all levels to effectively incorporate innovative strategies, technologies, formats, and best practices.

Awards Committee - (2-year term)

The Awards Committee shall:  1) determine awards to be presented by CBAS, 2) develop and establish the criteria for each award, 3) formulate and publicize an annual agenda and calendar for the awards process, 4) seek nominations throughout the college community, 5). develop and distribute supporting nomination documents, 6) select finalists based upon the selection criteria, 7) forward award finalists to the CBAS Dean, and 8) continuously review and realign selection criteria as appropriate

Meeting Date: TBD

Dr. Arpan Sainju - (CSCI) Through 23'
Dr. Alisa Hass - (GEOS) Through 23'
Dr. Jana Ruth Ford - (PHYS) Through 23'
Dr. Justin Miller - (CHEM) 
Through 23'
Ms. Laura  Johnson -  (MTeach Staff) Through 24'
Ms. Joyce Miller - (CBAS Staff) Through 23'
Dr. Justin Gardner - (ABAS) Through 24'
Dr. Lu Xiong - (MATH) Through 24'
Mr. Jon Huddleston - (CIM) Chair Through 23'
Dr. Peter Neff - (AERO) 
Through 23'
Mrs. Melissa Burnett - (CBAS Staff) Through 26'
Dr. Wendy Beckman - (AERO) Through 23'

Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (3 year term)

The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion shall: 1) Suggest and promote strategies to improve equity per MTSU's Equal Opportunity and Diversity policies. Work with the College's Retention Committee on issues related to recruitment and retention of students of color and other marginalized populations, 2) Review policies and procedures within the College to ensure equal opportunity to all students, faculty, and staff, and make recommendations to improve policies and procedures when necessary, 3) Encourage the incorporation of diversity instruction throughout curricula in the College, 4) Analyze and disseminate yearly data on the representation of diverse students, faculty, and staff within the College, 5) Encourage establishment of a climate of inclusion within the College strategies for improvement, 6) Determine strategies to educate the entire College community on diversity and equity issues and cultivate understanding and respect for inclusion as it affects the daily interactions of individuals in the classroom and workplace, 7) Contribute diversity information via the College website and other media outlets, 8) Serve as a resource for the CBAS community on matters relating to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Meeting date: TBD

Dr. Warner Cribb - (GEOS) Through 25'
Dr. Samuel Haruna - (ABAS) Through 24'
Ms. Alex Lundberg - (AERO) Through 25'
Dr. Pat Patterson - (CHEM) Co-Chair
Through 24'
Dr. Rafet Al-Tobasei - (CSCI) Through 23'
Dr. Jake Avila - (CIM) Through 24'
Dr. Misa Faezipour- (ET) Through 24'
Mr. Carlos Smith - (AERO) Through 25'
Dr. Ramchandra Rimal - (MATH) Through 23'
Dr. John Wallin - (PHYS)
Through 25'
Mrs. Mimi Thomas - (CBAS Staff) Co-Chair Through 24'
Mr. Gary Wallace - (CBAS Staff) Through 25'

College of Basic and Applied Sciences 

MTSU, Box 83, Murfreesboro, TN 37132 
Phone: 615-898-2613