Student Assistance Coordinating Committee

The Student Assistance Coordinating Committee (SACC) is a resource and point of contact at Middle Tennessee State University for administrators, faculty, staff, and members of the campus community who are dealing with individuals who may be distressed, depressed, disruptive, or otherwise problematic. The SACC fosters collaboration between administrators and members of the campus community.

The members of SACC meet once a month (or more often as needed) to consult on referred individuals and may subsequently make referrals to appropriate campus or community resources. Members include representatives from Counseling Services, Dean of Students, Disabled Student Services, Housing & Residential Life, The Office of Student Care and Conduct, the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, University Police, Student Health Services, and University Counsel.

The goal of the committee is to get a student of concern the resources and support he or she needs to be successful. The SACC is not a treatment or disciplinary body. The committee’s purpose is to provide support, information, and referrals to those dealing with students of concern, and to coordinate responses among participating campus departments.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) does not extend to observable behavior a student may display in class or elsewhere on campus and should not be an impediment to coordination among instructors, administrators, and public safety.

To respect privacy, the group does not publicize individuals who come to the attention of the committee. If you are aware of a student of concern, contact Dr. Mary Kaye Anderson (or designee), Counseling Services, at (615) 898-2670.