Dr. Jessica Gentry Carter


Dr. Jessica Gentry Carter
(615) 898-5169
Room 101, Stark Agribusiness and Agriscience Center (SAG)
MTSU Box 5, Murfreesboro, TN 37132

Departments / Programs

Degree Information

  • PHD, Texas Tech University (2001)
  • MS, Western Kentucky University (1998)
  • BS, Western Kentucky University (1996)

Areas of Expertise

Meat Science
Beef Cattle Management
Dairy Cattle Management
Swine Management & Housing


Dr. Jessica Gentry Carter currently serves as a professor of animal science.  In addition to those duties, she teaches 2-3 courses per semester, mentors undergraduate research projects, serves as the advisor to the Block & Bridle club and Sigma Alpha Sorority, and serves as the faculty mentor to the academic quadrathlon team.  Dr. Carter is currently serving as the vice president for National Block & Bridle, secretary for non-land grant agriculture and renewable resources un...

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Dr. Jessica Gentry Carter currently serves as a professor of animal science.  In addition to those duties, she teaches 2-3 courses per semester, mentors undergraduate research projects, serves as the advisor to the Block & Bridle club and Sigma Alpha Sorority, and serves as the faculty mentor to the academic quadrathlon team.  Dr. Carter is currently serving as the vice president for National Block & Bridle, secretary for non-land grant agriculture and renewable resources universities (NARRU) and is a member of the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine admissions committee.  She previously served as the coach of the livestock judging team and dairy challenge team at MTSU.   Dr. Carter received her B.S. and M.S. degrees from Western Kentucky University in agriculture/animal science.  While attending WKU, she was a member of the livestock judging team.  She received her Ph.D. in meat science from Texas Tech University in 2001.  Dr. Carter has judged several livestock shows in the southeastern region including the North American International Livestock Show & Exposition.  She grew up on a diversified farm in New Haven, KY.  She was an active member of 4-H, FFA, and the American Junior Simmental Association.  Dr. Carter and her son Austin reside in Rockvale, TN.

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Journal Articles:
1. J. Carter, J. Black, A. Johnson, and W. Gill. 2013. Performance and behavior of weaned beef cattle that were fed Tall Fescue dry hay or haylage. Journal of Animal Science Advances. 3(4): 142-149.  

2. Cox, R. B., C. R. Kerth, W. R. Jones, J. G. Gentry, J. W. Prevatt. 2006. Determining acceptance of  domestic forage- or grain-finished beef by consumers from three southeastern USA states. J. Food Sci. 71:542-546.  

3. Gen...

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Journal Articles:
1. J. Carter, J. Black, A. Johnson, and W. Gill. 2013. Performance and behavior of weaned beef cattle that were fed Tall Fescue dry hay or haylage. Journal of Animal Science Advances. 3(4): 142-149.  

2. Cox, R. B., C. R. Kerth, W. R. Jones, J. G. Gentry, J. W. Prevatt. 2006. Determining acceptance of  domestic forage- or grain-finished beef by consumers from three southeastern USA states. J. Food Sci. 71:542-546.  

3. Gentry, J. G., J. J. McGlone, M. F. Miller, and J. R. Blanton, Jr. 2004. Environmental effects on pig performance, meat quality, and muscle characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 82: 209-217.  

4. Hilton, G. G., J. G. Gentry, D. M. Allen, and M. F. Miller. 2004. Utilization of beef from different biological types of cattle to produce a guaranteed tender beef product. J. Anim. Sci. 82:1190-1194.  

5. Montgomery, J. L., M. B. King, J. G. Gentry, A. R. Barham, B. L. Barham, G. G. Hilton, J. R. Blanton, Jr., R. L. Horst, M. L. Galyean, K. J. Morrow, Jr., D. B. Wester, and M. F. Miller. 2004. Supplemental vitamin D3 concentration and biological type of steers: II. Tenderness, quality, and residues of beef. J. Anim. Sci. 82:2092-2104.  

6. Gentry, J. G., J. J. McGlone, M. F. Miller, and J. R. Blanton, Jr. 2002. Diverse birth and rearing environment effects on pig growth and meat quality. J. Anim. Sci. 80:1707-1715.  

7. Gentry, J. G., J. J. McGlone, J. R. Blanton, Jr., and M. F. Miller. 2002.  Alternative housing systems for pigs: influences on growth and pork quality. J. Anim. Sci. 80:1781-1790.  

8. Gentry, J. G., J. J. McGlone, J. R. Blanton, Jr., and M. F. Miller. 2002. Impact of spontaneous exercise on performance, meat quality, and muscle fiber characteristics of growing/finishing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 80:2833-2839.

9. Roeber, D. L., N. C. Speer, J. G. Gentry, J. D. Tatum, C. D. Smith, J. C. Whittier, G. F. Jones, K. E. Belk, and G. C. Smith. 2001. Feeder cattle health management: effects on morbidity rates, feedlot performance, carcass characteristics and beef palatability. Prof. Anim. Sci. 17:39-44.   10. Hamman, L. L., J. G. Gentry, C. B. Ramsey, J. J. McGlone, and M. F. Miller. 2001. The effect of vitamin-mineral nutritional modulation on the pork quality of halothane carriers. J. Muscle Foods. 12:37-51.


1. Bazzell, A. and J.G. Carter. 2022. Environmental effects on milk yield and daily activity of lactating Holstein and Jersey cows.  ADSA annual meeting, poster presentation (also presented at Tennessee Academy of Science and MTSU Scholar's Week).

2. Blanton, A., J.G. Carter and M.W. Hollis. 2022. Effects of heat stress on blood metabolites and milk quality in lactating Holstein and Jersey cows. ADSA annual meeting, poster presentation.

3. Mould, G., M. Hollis and J.G. Carter. 2021. A bi-seasonal evaluation of somatic cell count, hygiene scores, and bedding cultures of Holstein cows housed in a compost bedded pack barn. ADSA annual meeting, poster preventation (also presented at Tennessee Academy of Science and MTSU Scholar’s Week; undergraduate student placed 2nd in the TAS poster contest). 

4. Brown, B., M. Hollis, and J.G. Carter. 2020. Evaluation of breed, milk production, and udder characteristics on somatic cell count and udder pathogens in lactating Holstein and Jersey cows. ADSA annual meeting poster presentation. (also presented at Tennessee Academy of Science and MTSU Scholar’s Week; undergraduate student placed 2nd in the TAS poster contest).  

5. Carter, J.G., J. Haffner, J. Carlton, S. Cui, J. D. West and W. W. Gill. 2015. Validation of Skin Biomarkers for Copper Deficiency in Beef Cattle. In: Proc. Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. S. Section. Abstract. pg. 37.  

6. Carter, J., J. Haffner, J. West and W. Gill. 2014. Assessment of Copper Deficiency in Beef Cattle through Blood and Skin Biomarkers. Southern Section American Society of Animal Science. Dallas, TX.  

7. Black, J.A., J. Carter, A. K. Johnson, and W.W. Gill. 2010. Performance and behavior of weaned beef cattle that were fed tall fescue hay or haylage. Southern Section, American Society of Animal Science. Orlando, FL.  

8. Gentry, J. G., D. P. Colling, and W.W. Gill. 2006. Effects of Tasco® in free-choice mineral on beef cow performance. Southern Section, American Society of Animal Science. Orlando, FL.  

9. Braden, K., K. Willian, S. Roberts, J. Gentry, and C. Kerth. 2006. Finishing steers on winter annual ryegrass with varied levels of supplementation: effects on fatty acid profile, shelf life, and lipid stability. In: Proc. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. South. Sec. Vol 84(Suppl. 2).  

10. Braden, K.W., C. Kerth, K. Willian, S. Roberts, and J. Gentry. 2006. Finishing steers on winter annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) with varied levels of supplementation: Effects on fatty acid profile, shelf-life and lipid stability. In: Proc. 59th Recip. Meats Conf., Champagne-Urbana, Illinois.  

11. Gentry, J. G., K. Downs, W. Gill, and A. Fisher. 2005. Assessing and improving mineral status of a cow-calf herd.  Presented at the Southern Section ASAS 2005 Meeting. Little Rock, AR.

12. Cox, R. B., C. R. Kerth, W. R. Jones, J. G. Gentry, J. W. Prevatt. 2004 Determining consumer acceptability of forage- or concentrate-finished beef in three southeastern U. S. states.  Proc. Recip. Meat Conf. 57:(Abstr.)

13. Gentry, J. G., J. J. McGlone, M. F. Miller, and J. R. Blanton, Jr. 2002. Environmental effects on pig performance, meat quality, and muscle characteristics.  J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 1) 80:127.  

14. Gentry, J. G., J. J. McGlone, J. R. Blanton, Jr., and M. F. Miller. 2001. Diverse birth and rearing housing systems:  effects on pig growth, meat quality and muscle fiber characteristics.  Proceedings of the 54th Reciprocal Meat Conference, Vol. II. p 377.  

15. Tynan, W. P., J. G. Gentry, A. K. Johnson, H. A. Rachuonyo, J. F. Smith, and J. J. McGlone. 2001. A sustainable outdoor pork production farm.  J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 1) 79:186.   

16. Gentry, J. G., G. G. Hilton, J. L. Montgomery, and M. F. Miller. 2000.  Comparison of compression and tension shearing methods of beef top loin steaks.  Proceedings of the 53rd Reciprocal Meat Conference. p 130.  

17. Gentry, J. G., J. R. Blanton, Jr., J. J. McGlone, and M. F. Miller. 2000. Pork quality of pigs finished indoors or outdoors under a commercial setting. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 1). 78:154.  

18. Gentry, J. G., J. R. Blanton, Jr., J. J. McGlone, J. L. Morrow-Tesch, and M. F. Miller. 2000. Pork quality and muscle characteristics of pigs finished indoors or outdoors during the winter months.  J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 1). 78:158.  

19. Montgomery, J. L., J. G. Gentry, L. L. Behrends, E. R. Behrends, G. G. Hilton, M. Galyean, J. R. Blanton, Jr., A. Barham, B. Barham, and M. F. Miller. 2000. Supplemental Vitamin D3 improves beef tenderness. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 1) 78:159.  

20. Gentry, J. G., N. C. Speer, G. F. Jones, C. D. Smith, and J. C. Whittier. The effect of value-added calf programs on morbidity rates and feedlot performance through the reimplant period. 1999. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 1). 77:233.                

21. Gentry, J. G., M. F. Miller, and J. J. McGlone. 1999. Pork Quality of hogs finished on slats and deep-bedding. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 1). 77:151.                        

22. Montgomery, J., M. Carr, J. Gentry, L. Ligon, and M. Miller. 1999. The utilization of carcass traits to predict beef Warner-Bratzler shear force. Proceedings of the 52nd Reciprocal Meat Conference. p 141.  

23. Rachuonyo, H. A., C. Green, J. L. Morrow-Tesch, J. G. Gentry, D. L. Anderson, S. C. Wilson, J. W. Dailey, H. T. Bird, and J. J. McGlone. 1999. Behavior and environmental impact of outdoor gestating sows: effect of cold weather and grass burning. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 1). 77:151.

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Distinguished Service Award - Tennessee Pork Producers, 2017.

MTSU Foundation Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2010.

Excellence in Teaching Award, MTSU College of Basic & Applied Sciences, 2008.

American Meat Science Association Graduate Research Poster Competition, 2nd place, 2001.

Gamma Sigma Delta Outstanding Graduate Student, Texas Tech University, 2001.

Outstanding Graduate Student Award in Agriculture, Western Kentucky University, 1998.

Special Projects

Professional Memberships:
American Society of Animal Science
American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists
American Dairy Science Association



ANSC 1410: Introduction to Animal Science

ANSC 1411: Introduction to Animal Science Lab

ANSC 3420/5420: Animal Breeding and Genetics

ANSC 3440: Livestock Management

ANSC 3470: Beef Cattle Production

ANSC 3480: Swine Production

ANSC 3540: Dairy Production

ANSC 4860: Meat Science and Technology

ANSC 4490: Livestock Evaluation

ANSC 4500: Reproductive Management Techniques for Livestock