Dr. Richard Pace


Dr. Richard Pace
Andrew L. Todd Hall (TODD)
MTSU Box 10, Murfreesboro, TN 37132

Degree Information

  • PHD, University of Florida (1987)
  • MA, University of Florida (1983)
  • BA, Indiana University (1980)

Areas of Expertise

Brazil; Amazon; Media Anthropology; Indigenous Media


Zanotti, Laura, Richard Pace, and Ingrid Porro

2024  Making Mẽbêngôkre-Kayapó Movies: Governance, Conviviality, and Productive Frictions. Journal of Visual Anthropology. In Press.

Kottak, Conrad P, and Richard Pace
2024 Assault on Paradise: The Globalization of a Little Community in Brazil. 5th edition. Long Grove, Il.: Waveland Press.

Pace, Richard and Helena Lima (eds. and contributors.)
2024 Chronicling Amazo...

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Zanotti, Laura, Richard Pace, and Ingrid Porro

2024  Making Mẽbêngôkre-Kayapó Movies: Governance, Conviviality, and Productive Frictions. Journal of Visual Anthropology. In Press.

Kottak, Conrad P, and Richard Pace
2024 Assault on Paradise: The Globalization of a Little Community in Brazil. 5th edition. Long Grove, Il.: Waveland Press.

Pace, Richard and Helena Lima (eds. and contributors.)
2024 Chronicling Amazon Town: Eight Decades of Research and Engagement in
Gurupá, Brazil. Gainesville: University Press

Pace, Richard and Helena Lima (eds. and contributors.)
2024 Crônicas de Uma Comunidade Amazônica: Oito Décadas de
Pesquisa e Evolvimento em Gurupá, Pará. Belém: Museu Paraense Emílio

Kottak, Conrad and Richard Pace
2022 A Longitudinal Study of Media in Brazil. In Costa, Elisabetta, Patricia Lange,
Nell Haynes, and Jolynna Sinanan (eds.). The Routledge Companion to Media
Anthropology. Abingdon, UK: Routledge Press. Pp. 47-60

Shepard, Jr., Glenn H. and Richard Pace
2021 Authenticity and Anthropophagy in Kayapó Video Production. Current
Anthropology 62 (3):309-332. June 2021 https://doi.org/10.1086/714080

Lima, H, C. Barreto, G Botelho, F. Marques, C. Benathar, F. Alho, E. Silva, B. Moraes, K. Harper, G. Shepard Jr, and R. Pace.
2020 OCA-Origins, Cultura e Ambiente: Uma proposta de Arqueologia Colaborativa em Gurupá/PA. Revista de Arqueologia Pública 14 (1):96-128.

Pace, Richard
2019 Review of Losing Pravda: Ethics and the Press in Post-Truth Russia. By Natalia Roudakova. Cambridge University Press. American Ethnologist:369-370.

Pace, Richard (ed)
2018 From Filmmaker Warriors to Flash Drive Shamans: Indigenous Media Production and Engagement in Latin America. Vanderbilt University Press.
Pace, Richard

2018 Introduction: Embedding Aesthetics and Envisioning Sovereignty: Some Definitions and Directions in Latin American Indigenous Media Studies. In Pace, R. (ed). From Filmmaker Warriors to Flash Drive Shamans: Indigenous Media Production and Engagement in Latin America. Vanderbilt University Press. Pp. 1-28.

Pace, Richard and Glenn H. Shepard, Jr.
2018 Kiabieti Metuktire and Terence Turner: A Legacy of Kayapó Filmmaking. In Pace, R. (ed). From Filmmaker Warriors to Flash Drive Shamans: Indigenous
Media Production and Engagement in Latin America. Vanderbilt University Press. Pp. 49-58.

Pace, Richard, Glenn H. Shepard Jr., Eduardo R. Galvão, and Conrad P. Kottak
2018 Kayapó TV: An Audience Ethnography in Turedjam, Brazil. In Pace, R. (ed). From Filmmaker Warriors to Flash Drive Shamans: Indigenous Media
Production and Engagement in Latin America. Vanderbilt University Press. Pp. 212-236.

Pace, Richard
2017 Charles Wagley: Perspectivas do Brasil e dos Estados Unidos. In Leitão, W. (ed). Legados de Charles Wagley na Amazônia. Belém: EditAEDI. Pp. 44-52.

2014 Preface, Introductory Notes, footnote updates, editing, and concluding chapter—A Community in an Underdeveloped Area: The Struggle for Liberation and Sustainable Development—in Wagley, Charles, Amazon Town: A Study of Human Life in the Tropics Anniversary Edition. Oxford: University of Oxford Press.

2014 “Tooting One’s Horn” and Lauding One’s Fellow in the Construction of a History of Anthropological Theory. Reviews in Anthropology 43:180–198.

2014 O legado de Charles Wagley: uma introdução (The legacy of Charles Wagley: An Introduction) in Pace, R. (ed) Os Legados doCharles Wagley:Dossiê
Temático do Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas 9 (3):597-615.

2014 Os Tapirapé, Tenetehara, e gurupaenses através das lentes da máquina de Charles Wagley: uma análise de conteúdo (The Tapirapé, Tenetehara, and
Gurupaenses though the camera lens of Charles Wagley: a content analysis). In Pace, R. (ed) Os Legados do Charles Wagley:Dossiê Temático do Boletim do
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi:Ciências Humanas 9 (3):675-694.

Pace, Richard, Glenn H. Shepard Jr., and Conrad Kottak
2014 Street Protests and Electronic Media in Brazil: Views from Small Towns and Villages. American Anthropology Newsletter, Online (June).

Pace, Richard, and Brian Hinote
2013 Amazon Town TV: An Audience Ethnography in Gurupá, Brazil. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Pace, Richard

2013 Wagley, Charles Walter (1913-1991) in Warms, R. and J. McGee (eds) Theory in Social and Cultural Anthropology: An Encyclopedia. Los Angeles: Sage Pub.:901-903.

Shepard, G. and R. Pace.
2012. Through Kayapó Cameras: Report from the Field. Knowledge Exchange. Anthropology News 53(4):18–19. doi:10.1111/j.1556-3502.2012.53418.x.

Pace, Richard
2009 Television’s Interpellation: Heeding, Missing, Ignoring, and Resisting the Call for Pan-National Identity in the Brazilian Amazon. American Anthropologist

Pace, Richard
2006 O Abuso Científico do Termo Caboclo? Dúvidas de Representação e Autoridade. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas. 1 (3):79-92.

Pace, Richard
2004 Failed Guardianship or Failed Metaphors in the Brazilian Amazon? Problems with ‘Imagined Eco-Communities’ and Other Metaphors and Models for the Amazon Peasantries. The Journal of Anthropological Research. 60:231-259.

Pace, Richard
1998 The Struggle for Amazon Town: Gurupá Revisited. Boulder CO.: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Pace, Richard
1997 The Amazon Caboclo, What’s in a Name? The Luso-Brazilian Review 34 (2): 81-89.

Pace, Richard
1996 Review of David J. Hess' Samba in the Night: Spiritism in Brazil. Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies.

Pace, Richard
1996 First-Time Televiewing in Amazônia: Television Acculturation in Gurupá, Brazil. Reprinted in Podolefsky and Brown Applying Cultural Anthropology: An Introductory Reader, third edition. Mayfield Publishers, Pp. 66-75.

Pace, Richard
1995 The New Amazons in Amazon Town? A Case Study of Women's Public Roles in Gurupá, Pará. Brazil. The Journal of Anthropological Research 51 (3):263-278.

Pace, Richard
1994 Review of Leo A. Despres' Manaus: Social Life and Work in Brazil's Free Trade Zone. American Ethnologist 21(4):1094-95.

Pace, Richard
1993 First-Time Televiewing in Amazônia: Television Acculturation in Gurupá, Brazil. Ethnology Vol. XXXII (2):187-205.

Pace, Richard
1992 Social Conflict and Political Mobilization in the Brazilian Amazon: A Case Study of Gurupá. American Ethnologist 19 (4):710-732.

Pace, Richard
1992 Review of Ronald Chilcote's Power and the Ruling Classes in Northeast Brazil: Juazeiro and Petrolina in Transition. American Ethnologist 19 (3):631-31.

Pace, Richard
1992 Review of Judith Lisansky's Migrants to Amazonian: Spontaneous Colonization in the Brazilian Frontier. American Ethnologist 19 (3):632-3.

Pace, Richard

1990 The New Catholic Church in Itá: A Case Study of Liberation Theology, Ecclesiastical Base Communities, and Social Conflict in an Amazonian Community of Brazil. In Looking Through the Kaleidoscope: Essays in Honor of Charles Wagley. Florida Journal of Anthropology, Special Publication, Number 6, pp. 11-17.


Under Contract

Pace, Richard and Amália Córdova (eds.)
N.D. Indigenous Media Across the Americas. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.
Publication date 2025.


In Preparation

Pace, Richard and Conrad P. Kottak
N.D. Engaging Brazilian Media: Audience Ethnographies in Small Town and Village.



2024 Arembepe - Assaulto ao Paraíso Através da Câmera de Conrado Kottak e Colegas
[Arembepe - Assault on Paradise through the Camera of Conrad Kottak and
Colleagues] - Written by Richard Pace, Produced by Ann Marie Pace and Palmer
Durr. 24 min.

2023 Nhakpoti: The Star Goddess (Production Assistant). Best Short Film Winner
Montreal First Peoples’ Film Festival; Best Short Indigenous Film Winner: V
International Ethnographic Film Festival of Pará, Brazil. Accepted at the Mother
Tongue Film Festival, Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC.

2023 Indigenous Filmmaker Warriors in Defense of Biocultural Conservation
(NGS-67737S-20) National Geographic Society. Researcher.

2017 Gurupá: Uma Comunidade Amazônica Através da Fotografia de Charles Wagley.
[Gurupá: Amazon Town through the Photography of Charles Wagley].
Written by Richard Pace, Produced by Cesar Cisneros. 20 min.

2016 Beyond the Gate [Além do Portão]. Associate Producer, Cultural Consultant
Richard Pace. Directed by Annie Pace (UCLA). 30 min.

2016 Amazon Town. Written and narrated by Richard Pace. Directed by Annie Pace
and Glenn H. Shepard Jr. 37 min.


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Invited Lectures and Panels:
2023 Demarcating Screens: A comparison of Indigenous and Subaltern media
production in Amazonia, the cases of Gurupá and A'Ukre. Invited lecture for the
V EAVAAM Encontro de Antropologia Visual da America Amazônica [Visual
Anthropology Meeting for the Americas' Amazon. Federal University of Pará,
Belém, Brazil Sept. 14.
2023 In Defense of Biocultural Conservation in Amazônia: Poetics and Politics o...

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Invited Lectures and Panels:
2023 Demarcating Screens: A comparison of Indigenous and Subaltern media
production in Amazonia, the cases of Gurupá and A'Ukre. Invited lecture for the
V EAVAAM Encontro de Antropologia Visual da America Amazônica [Visual
Anthropology Meeting for the Americas' Amazon. Federal University of Pará,
Belém, Brazil Sept. 14.
2023 In Defense of Biocultural Conservation in Amazônia: Poetics and Politics of
Collaborative Media-Making in the Mêbêngôkre-Kayapó community of A’Ukre.
Round table discussion. Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx
Studies. Vanderbilt University. Feb. 16.
2018 Kayapó Videos – Historical Context and Content Analysis. Smithsonian Institute
Mother Tongue Film Festival, National Museum of Natural History, Washington,
DC, Feb. 22.
2016 Palestra de Abertura Oficial do Simpósio e apresentação do documentário Uma
Comunidade Amazônica [Official Opening Lecture for the Symposium and
presentation of the documentary film Amazon Town]. Simpósio Internacional de
Educação Integral e Inclusiva—Associção dos Pesquisadores do Estado do
Pará—Breves, PA, Brazil. June 16.
2016 Guardiões falhos ou metáforas falidas?[Failed Guardians or Failed Metaphors?]
Seminários em Botânica, Instituto Nacional da Pesquisa Amazônia (INPA), Manaus. June 23.
2015 Gurupá: Past, Present, and Future—Introductory presentation for the panel
Gurupá: Past, Present, and Future—Sponsored by UF Tropical Conservation and
Development Program, Center of Latin American Studies, and Department of
Anthropology. University of Florida, Gainesville. April 11.
2014 Amazon Town TV: An Audience Ethnography in Gurupá, Brazil. Invited
presentation and discussion, Brazilian Studies Reading Group, Robert Penn
Warren Center for the Humanities, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee.
2011 A Fotografia de Charles Wagley, Lecture for “As Legacias do Charles Wagley”
Federal University of Pará. Belém, Brazil – November 17.
2011 “O Impacto da televisão na Comunidade Amazônia.” Palestra de
Encerramento para a conferenca CLIC – Culturas, Linguagens e Interfaces
Contemporâneas (The Impact of Television on Amazon Town – Closing
Lecture for the Culture, Languages, and Contemporary Interfaces Conference),
Belém, Pará, Brazil. September 30.
2011 “The Role of Liberation Theology in Pursuit of Human Rights, Land, and
Sustainable Development in Brazilian Amazonia.” Vanderbilt University’s
Center for Latin American Studies lecture Series on Liberation Theology in Latin
America: Poverty, Politics, and History. April 19.
2010 “As Legados do Charles Wagley” Federal University of Pará. Belém, Brazil
– July 12, 2010.
2007 “The Political Ecology of the Brazilian Amazon: Global Articulations,
Socioecological Impacts, and Local Resistance in the Past, Present, and Future.”
Anthropology of Global Change: Challenges for the Discipline in the 21st Century
Lecture Series. University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Sept. 11.
2004 “Eco-Comunidades Na Amazônia Brasileira.” Invited lecture through the
Department of Political Science and Anthropology, Universidade Federal
Fluminense, Niterói, Brazil. June.

Presentations at Professional Meetings.
2023 Productive Frictions and Politics in the Making of Mêbêngôkre-Kayapó Films in
Amazonia. Paper read at Royal Anthropology Institute Film Festival 2023 -
Online Conference. Watershed, Bristol UK. March 10.
2023 Mapping and Comparing Indigenous Media Production in the Americas. Paper
read (Richard Pace/Amalia Córdova) at InDigital IV: The Americas. Washington
DC. Feb. 23
2019 Fires, Fascist, Facebook, and Film: Kayapó Peoples Engagement of Media as a
Tool for Cultural Survival. Paper read at Society for Andean and Amazonia
Studies. Tuscaloosa, AL. October 6
2019 InDigital Conference Engaging Indigenous Media: Past, Present, and Future.
Paper read at InDigital III Conference: The Americas. Nashville, February 14.
2018 Global Indigenous Media: Ten Years Later (GIM+10) Retrospective Roundtable.
American Anthropological Association National Meetings. San Jose CA Nov. 17.
2017 How Anthropology Matters in Gurupá and Beyond. Paper read at the
American Anthropological Association National Meetings. Washington D.C.
Nov. 30.
2017 From Embedded Aesthetics to Media Sovereignty – Situating Indigenous Media
in Media Studies. Paper read at InDigitial Latin America II Conference,
Nashville, TN. March 17.
2016 Kayapó Film Anthropophagy as Authentic Indigenous Media. Paper read at the
American Anthropological Association National Meetings. Minneapolis, MN,
Nov. 18.
2016 Caboclos and Such: From an Ersatz Adaption to Rainforest Guardianship and
Back Again. Paper read at Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South
America Conference in New Orleans, LA. January 16.
2015 Indigenous Media and the Kayapó of Turedjam. Paper read at InDigital Latin
America Conference at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. March 27.
2014 Brazil Through the Photography of Charles Wagley: A Photographic Essy.
Paper read Brazil Studies Association in London. August 22.
2014 The Evolution of Media Impact: A Longitudinal and Multi-Site study of
Television and New Electronic/Digital Media in Brazil. Paper read at the International Communications Association International Meetings in Seattle.
May 26.
2013 Os Legados de Charles Wagley na Amazônia. Programa Extracurricular
Temático Grupo de Trabalho em Ciências Sociasis (Pet/GT/CS). Federal
University of Pará. Belém. November 29.

2013 Culture, Race, and National Identity Through the Camera of Charles Wagley: A
Photographic Essay. Paper read at the America Anthropological Association
Annual Meetings in Chicago. Nov. 20.
2012 Filming Miss Kayapó: At the Border of Indigenous and Western Aesthetics In
Cinematography. Co-authored with Glenn Shepard. Paper read at the America
Anthropological Association Annual Meetings in San Francisco. Nov. 15.
2011 The Continuing Legacy of Charles Wagley’s Research in Amazon Town. Paper
read at Looking Forward, Looking Back: Celebrating 80 Years of Latin American
Studies at the University of Florida. Gainesville, FL. 3/25.
2010 From Television Studies to Longitudinal Studies in Brazil: Following in Conrad
Kottak’s Footsteps. Paper read at the American Anthropological Association
annual meetings, New Orleans, LA, Nov.
2009 The Value and Shortcomings of Longitudinal Research: The Case of Amazon
Town. Paper read at the American Anthropological Association annual meetings,
Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 3.
2008 White Christmas in Green Amazônia: Heeding and Subverting International
Discourses and Consumer Interpellation for Christmas Celebrations and
Environmentalism in the Brazilian Amazon – A TV Audience Ethnography.
Paper read at the American Anthropological Association annual meetings,
San Francisco, Nov. 23.
2007 Television’s Interpellation: Heed, Missing, Ignoring, and Resisting the Call for
Pan-National Identity in the Brazilian Amazon. Paper read at the American
Anthropological Association annual meeting, Washington, D.C. Nov. 29.
2003 Teaching Latin American Field Studies in the Brazilian Amazon. Paper read at the Midwest Association for Latin American Studies meeting, Charleston, IL, Nov.
2002 Why Not Carnaval? Selective Pan-Nationalism in the Brazilian Amazon. Paper read at the Midwest Association for Latin American Studies annual meeting, Nashville, TN, November.
2001 Failed Guardianship in the Brazilian Amazon? Paper read at the Midwest Association for Latin American Studies annual meeting, Cleveland, Ohio. Oct.
2001 Contested Identities in the Amazon: From Caboclo to Environmentalist. Paper
read, Southern Anthropological Societies annual meeting, Nashville, TN, May.
2000 Campesinos Buenos, Malos, Subversivos, Ambientistas: Puntos de Vista Cambiantes sobre el Campesinado Brasileño del Amazonas. Paper read at the Midwest Association for Latin American Studies annual meeting, Huatusco, Veracruz, Mexico. October.
1999 TV Time in Amazônia. Paper read at the American Anthropological
Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL, November.
1999 Confronting the Bicho: Red and Green Politics in the Brazilian Amazon. Paper read at the Midwest Association for Latin American Studies, Charleston, IL, Nov.
1998 Politics, Dutch Disease, and Coffee in Huatusco, Mexico: The Impact of Neoliberalism. Paper read at the Midwestern Association for Latin American Studies annual meeting, Bowling Green, KY, October.
1996 Who are the Amazon Peasants?: Problems in Definitions and Political Correctness. American Anthropological Association meetings, San Francisco.

1996 Television and Jungle Spirits: A Case Study of Televiewing's Impact on Perceptions of the Supernatural in the Brazilian Amazon. Fifth International Festival of Ethnographic Film, Canterbury, England
1995 Trading Posts to Transnationals: Amazonian Ties to the World Economic System and Changing Patterns of Labor Organization. American Anthropological Association's annual meeting, Washington D.C.
1992 The Amazon Caboclo, What's in a Name? American Anthropological Association annual meeting, San Francisco.
1992 Research Report on Preserving the Araguaia, Catholic University of Goiás.
1991 The New Amazons: Women's Public Roles in Gurupá, Brazil - American Anthropological Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL.
1989 Social Conflict in the Amazon: A Case of Itá – Paper read at the Central States Anthropological Society, Notre Dame, Indiana.
1989 The Sociocultural Impact of Television in the Brazilian Amazon – Paper read at the Society for Latin American Popular Culture, East Last Lansing, Michigan.
1986 Mudanças Sociais na Comunidade Amazônica, Paper read at the Núcleo de Altos Estudos da Amazônia, Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, Brazil.

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2023-2024 Observatório Interinstitucional de Investigação em Cibercultura para
Comunidades Indígenas - Povo Mebêngôkre-Kayapó (CNPq 420933/2022-0).
Project Researcher: PI Dra. Maria Lucia Santaella Braga (PUC/SP) $96,500.

2024 Fulbright Specialist in Brazil - Engaging the Internet: Explorations of
Media Ecologies among Indigenous and Ribeirinho (Peasant) Peoples in
Amazônia. Goeldi Museum, Belém. March....

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2023-2024 Observatório Interinstitucional de Investigação em Cibercultura para
Comunidades Indígenas - Povo Mebêngôkre-Kayapó (CNPq 420933/2022-0).
Project Researcher: PI Dra. Maria Lucia Santaella Braga (PUC/SP) $96,500.

2024 Fulbright Specialist in Brazil - Engaging the Internet: Explorations of
Media Ecologies among Indigenous and Ribeirinho (Peasant) Peoples in
Amazônia. Goeldi Museum, Belém. March.

2023 Productivity Grant (PCI) for ethnohistorical and ethnographic research and
publication of findings on the community of Gurupá - CNPq grant through
the Museum Paraense Emílio Goeldi

2020-2021 |Indigenous Filmmaker Warriors in Defense of Biocultural Conservation (NGS-67737S-20) National Geographic Society - $69,950. PIs Pat-i Kayapó, Laura Zanotti, Richard Pace

2012-2014 | National Science Foundation Grant - The Evolution of Media Influence in Brazil: A Longitudinal and Multi-Sited Study of Electronic and Digital Media. (Co-PI Conrad Kottak).

2011-2012 | Fulbright Scholar in Brazil - Federal University of Pará, Belém

2007-2008 | Liberal Arts Outstanding Advisor Award

2007-2008 | Disabled Student Services Outstanding Mentoring Award

2002-2003 | Middle Tennessee State University Outstanding Teacher Award

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Research / Scholarly Activity

Current research projects:

2023-2024 Observatório Interinstitucional de Investigação em Cibercultura para Comunidades Indígenas - Povo Mebêngôkre-Kayapó. PI Dra. Maria Lucia Santaella Braga (PUC/SP) CNPq 420933/2022-0 (Interinstitutional Observatory for Research on Cyberculture for Indigenous Communities - Mebêngôkre-Kayapó People. PI Dr. Maria Lucia Santaella Braga - PUC/SP) 

2022 Indigenous...

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Current research projects:

2023-2024 Observatório Interinstitucional de Investigação em Cibercultura para Comunidades Indígenas - Povo Mebêngôkre-Kayapó. PI Dra. Maria Lucia Santaella Braga (PUC/SP) CNPq 420933/2022-0 (Interinstitutional Observatory for Research on Cyberculture for Indigenous Communities - Mebêngôkre-Kayapó People. PI Dr. Maria Lucia Santaella Braga - PUC/SP) 

2022 Indigenous Filmmaker Warriors in Defense of Biocultural Conservation (NGS-67737S-20) National Geographic Society grant.

Kayapó Media Worlds - Kayapó Media Ecologies: Engaging Polymedia and Transformation of Culture and Citizenship with co-researcher Dr. Laura Zanotti (Purdue University)

Kayapó Video Workshops - Training in and researching of Indigenous video production. A'Ukre Village, Brazil. With co-researchers Paul Chilsen (MTSU) and Dr. Laura Zanotti (Purdue University)

Engaging Brazilian Media in Small Town and Village in Brazil. Analysis of the evolution of media engagement in Gurupá, A'Ukre/Turedjam, Arembepe, Cunha, and Ibirama. With co-researcher Dr. Conrad Kottak (University of Michigan, emeritus)


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