Developing a Teaching Portfolio


A teaching portfolio contain samples of your teaching performance:

  • Work samples, accompanied by faculty commentary and explanation that reveals not only what was done but why - the thinking behind the teaching.
  • Reflective essays that demonstrate a teaching philosophy ground the portfolio by giving it a point of view.

Portfolios are constructed in many ways; there is no set structure. But keep in mind their purpose: to reveal your effectiveness as a teacher, your competency as a planner, your involvement in the field, and your contributions to your professional community.

LT&ITC Resources

Available from our library:

  • Cambridge, B. (2005). Electronic portfolios: Emerging practices in student, faculty, and institutional learning. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
  • Edgerton, R., Hutchings, P., & Quinlan, K. (1991). The teaching portfolio: Capturing the scholarship in teaching. Washington, DC: AAHE.

Online Resources