Music Minors

Music Minor

Music Minor

Will Perkins, Advisor
Saunders Fine Arts 311

The minor in music requires an audition for the School of Music in order to qualify for enrollment in required coursework. Please contact the advisor for more details or information on auditions.

A minor in Music requires 20 hours.

Music Theory (8 hours)


  • MUTH 1110 - Theory and Aural Skills I

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MUTH 1000 with grade of C- or higher or satisfactory score on theory diagnostic exam. Harmonic tonality and fixed-do solfège through chorale analysis and harmonizations of given bass lines. Major and minor scales and harmonizations through secondary function. Meets for five hours per week.

  • MUTH 1120 - Theory and Aural Skills II

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MUTH 1110. Harmonic tonality and fixed-do solfège through chorale analysis and harmonizations of given bass lines. Modal scales, harmonization, and analysis through the augmented sixth. Meets for five hours per week.

Private Instruction (4 hours)

  • 4 credit hours of private instruction in up to two instruments

Ensembles (2 hours)

  • 2 credit hours of ensemble participation

Students will choose from the following two options:


Option #1 (6 hours)


  • MUS 1030 - Introduction to Music

    3 credit hours

    Perceptive listening to music of various styles and cultures including popular and world musics and Western classical concert music. TBR Common Course: MUS 1030

    TBC: Creativity and Cultural Expression (Discovery)

  • Any MUHL 3000-4000 level course 3 credit hours

Option #2 (6 hours)


  • MUHL 1610 - The World of Music

    3 credit hours

    A study of culture and music through a chronological survey of styles, genres, and composers of Western art music and through the comparative study of various non-Western musical practices.

    TBC: Creativity and Cultural Expression (Discovery)

  • MUHL 3010 - History of Western Art Music I

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MUHL 1610 with grade of C- or better. Second required music history course for Music majors. A survey of Western art music from antiquity through the eighteenth century, including Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque periods.

  • MUHL 3020 - History of Western Art Music II

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: MUHL 1610 with grade of C- or better. Third required music history course for music majors. A survey of Western art music of the eighteenth through twenty-first century, including Classical, Romantic, Modern, and Postmodern periods.

In Addition

The student must fulfill all prerequisites for any course within the minor. Students must complete at least three semester hours at the upper-division level through MTSU in the minor.

Music Industry Minor

Music Industry Minor

Cedric Dent, Advisor

Some courses used to satisfy the requirements of the Music Industry Minor may require an audition or prerequisites. Please contact Dr. Cedric Dent for more information.

The minor in Music Industry requires 20 hours.

Required Courses (11 hours)

  • MUTH 1110 - Theory and Aural Skills I

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MUTH 1000 with grade of C- or higher or satisfactory score on theory diagnostic exam. Harmonic tonality and fixed-do solfège through chorale analysis and harmonizations of given bass lines. Major and minor scales and harmonizations through secondary function. Meets for five hours per week.

  • MUS 2680 - Music Industry Seminar  0 credit hours  
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    (one semester) 

    MUS 2680 - Music Industry Seminar

    0 credit hours

    Introduces students to the real-world experiences and lessons learned by industry leaders working in the diverse music industry. Guests with backgrounds as artist-entrepreneurs and music business-entrepreneurs will be primary focus. Student attendance and active participation in question and answer sessions with featured guests will enable greater understanding and insight into the music industry.

  • MUS 2690 - Foundations in Music Industry

    3 credit hours

    First course in the Music Industry curriculum. The foundational exploration of how music performance, commerce, and entrepreneurship come together to help you project, plan, and implement a future career in the music industry. Additional focus on developing awareness of music industry career paths and promoting relevant soft skills to promote a lifetime of success after school. For Music majors only.


  • Private instruction and/or ensembles 4 credit hours

Electives (9 hours)

Students may select any combination of courses in the School of Music. Students may choose from electives in the School of Music with the prefixes MUS, MUEN, MUAP,  MUHL, MUPD, MUTH, and MUED (prerequisites and permissions may apply).

In Addition

The student must fulfill all prerequisites for any course within the minor. Students must complete at least three semester hours at the upper-division level through MTSU in the minor.

American Music Studies Minor

American Music Studies Minor

Joseph Morgan, Advisor

A minor in American Music Studies requires 19 hours.

Required courses (11 hours)


  • MUTH 1110 - Theory and Aural Skills I  4 credit hours  
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    MUTH 1110 - Theory and Aural Skills I

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MUTH 1000 with grade of C- or higher or satisfactory score on theory diagnostic exam. Harmonic tonality and fixed-do solfège through chorale analysis and harmonizations of given bass lines. Major and minor scales and harmonizations through secondary function. Meets for five hours per week.

  • MUTH 1120 - Theory and Aural Skills II

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MUTH 1110. Harmonic tonality and fixed-do solfège through chorale analysis and harmonizations of given bass lines. Modal scales, harmonization, and analysis through the augmented sixth. Meets for five hours per week.

  • MUHL 4660 - American Music  3 credit hours  

    MUHL 4660 - American Music

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. A survey of American music from the colonial era to the present; added emphasis on topics selected by the instructor. Examines folk, popular, art, sacred, and secular traditions within their cultural and historical contexts.

Guided Electives (8 hours)

To be selected from the following:

  • MUHL 3140 - History of Rock 'n' Roll

    3 credit hours

    A historical and cultural examination of rock 'n' roll music from its origins to the present.

  • MUHL 3670 - Studies in North American Popular Music

    3 credit hours

    Close study of one or more regional musical cultures of popular music in North America. Focuses on cultural, historical, economic, and political forces that have shaped the genres under consideration as well as issues of class, race, gender, migration, colonialism, identity, and resistance. Offers a range of experiences with the music, emphasizing its practices, sustainability, stylistic features, instruments, and cultural contexts.

  • MUHL 3910 - Styles and Analysis of Jazz

    3 credit hours

    Technical features of various styles from the inception of jazz to present. Introduction of jazz style periods, performance practices, stylistic features, and artists.

  • MUHL 4530 - History of Jazz  3 credit hours  

    MUHL 4530 - History of Jazz

    3 credit hours

    Study of the history and literature of jazz music including African roots, developments and aspects of style periods, and the contemporary state of jazz. Listening and analysis.

  • MUHL 4800 - Art Music and African Americans

    2 credit hours

    A chronological and topical overview of African American musicians and composers and the primary genres of African American art music from slavery to the present.

  • MUTH 3160 - Jazz Theory  3 credit hours  

    MUTH 3160 - Jazz Theory

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MUTH 1120. Exploration of the harmonic syntax, melodic construction, and song forms in jazz music. Analysis, listening, original composition, and practice hearing jazz chords and progressions.

  • RIM 3000 - History of the Recording Industry

    3 credit hours

    Traces the development of the technology, business, major record labels, and the music recorded as well as significant individuals in these areas.

  • RIM 3100 - Introduction to Popular Music Studies

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: RI majors - admission to candidacy; others - permission of instructor. Introduces students to different academic and theoretical approaches to popular music as a social and cultural phenomenon. A discussion oriented class that is both reading and writing intensive.

  • RIM 3200 - History of Country Music

    3 credit hours

    History and culture of American country music. Explores the historical progression of the genre and analyzes topics such as race and gender relations, material culture, generational conflict, and the role of "authenticity" in the creation and commodification of the music. Reading, writing, and listening intensive.

Recommended True Blue Core Courses

These courses are not part of the minor.

  • MUS 1030 - Introduction to Music

    3 credit hours

    Perceptive listening to music of various styles and cultures including popular and world musics and Western classical concert music. TBR Common Course: MUS 1030

    TBC: Creativity and Cultural Expression (Discovery)

  • ANTH 2010 - Cultural Anthropology

    3 credit hours

    A comparative examination of the cultural organization of human behavior in societies around the world. Practical applications and the importance of intercultural understanding stressed.

    TBC: Human Society and Social Relationships (Discovery)