Campus Safety Update Spring 2017
| January 14, 2017
Filed Under: President's Post, Featured Articles

Our University Police officers have been hard at work implementing some new campus safety initiatives to help broaden and sustain a safe environ- ment at MTSU. These efforts are assisted by other on-campus departments such as Campus Planning, Facilities, Student Affairs, and ITD. Some of the new or expanded services and developments include:
•Additional walking patrols by officers during the evening hours especially in the higher trafficked areas of campus
•Two additional Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) officers who focus on positively interacting with students, patrolling residence halls, providing crime prevention programming on campus, and being available to help faculty, students, staff, and visitors with any concerns or issues
•Reintroduction of Emergency Call Box/Call Stations to be located in various areas around campus
• More exterior surveillance cameras around the Floyd Stadium/Murphy Center complex area, with more planned for the Womack Lane Apartments
•Replacement of security guards with University Police Raider Patrol to provide a bigger security presence, encourage more community engagement and cooperation, and emphasize consistent security processes and communication
• Emphasis and focus on more safety-conscious educational programs like Active Shooter Response training for student, staff, and faculty including redesigned Fact Cards and updated information on MTSU’s Alert 4U website
•Hiring and implementation of a sexual assault intervention liaison to increase advocacy for victims of sexual or dating violence and to maximize the ability of victims to receive resources including support from campus or local police.