Recruiting Efforts
| January 11, 2014
Filed Under: President's Post, Featured Articles

We have the names of more than 24,000 Tennessee freshmen prospects in our database, which we have purchased from ACT and other vendors or culled from visits to our website and meetings with recruiters.
Last semester, we mailed more than 29,000 individual visit and search pieces to prospective students.
During our True Blue Tour around the state, our admissions team hosted 616 students and 730 parents/guests—an 84.9 percent increase over our 2012 tour.
At our counselor luncheons, we hosted 262 high school and community college counselors—a 43.1 percent increase over 2012.
At our two Fall Preview Day events, we hosted 668 students and 986 parents/guests—a 125.6 percent increase in students over 2012. (Note that we had one Preview Day in fall 2012 versus two in fall 2013.)
At our three True Blue Experience events in the fall, we hosted 152 students and 188 parents/guests—a seven percent increase in students over 2012. (Beginning Fall 2013, True Blue Experience participants were capped to allow all students to be accommodated in a computer lab used to engage students in an on-line career discovery program.)
Last fall, we hosted 4,481 prospective students and families for tours—a 24.2 percent total increase, and a 40.7 percent increase in students alone over fall 2012.
In total (counting tours, Preview Days, and True Blue Experience Days), we experienced a 39 percent increase in visitors over 2012!
This coming spring, we have scheduled the following recruiting events:
Campus tours every weekday at 10:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Friday, January 31, 2014—True Blue Experience
Monday, February 17, 2014—Honors Open House and President’s Reception
Saturday, March 22, 2014—Preview Day
March/ April, TBD—Admitted Student Day
April, TBD—True Blue Experience for Central Magnet School/middle Tennessee students
Saturday, June 7—2014 Preview Day
True Blue Experience Day gives students and their guests a closer look at MTSU and focuses on helping prospective students choose a career path while learning about MTSU.
During Preview Day, MTSU rolls out the blue carpet and gives students and their guests an in-depth look at MTSU, allowing students to tour campus and housing facilities, meet with MTSU faculty and administrators, and learn about all aspects of MTSU.