Construction Projects Update
| January 15, 2014
Filed Under: President's Post, Featured Articles
MTSU is an exciting place to work and study, largely because so many renovations and new buildings are underway, taking shape, or opening for use. Here is the latest on recent and current projects.

Science Building
Construction on MTSU’s new $147 million Science Building, which began in May 2012, remains on schedule, with move-in set for summer and fall 2014 and classes opening in spring 2015.Student Services and Admissions Center
Construction remains on schedule for the new Student Services and Admissions Center east of the new Student Union and adjacent to Campus Recreation. The new $16 million building will relocate all functions related to Admissions, Records and Enrollment, Financial Aid, Scheduling, the Bursar’s Office, and also house the new MT One Stop to the new center of campus. It will serve as a starting point for campus tours and as the primary visitors’ center for prospective students and their families. The building includes a bridge from the new student parking garage through the Student Services and Admissions Center and extending across Blue Raider Drive to the second-floor ballroom level of the Student Union. Construction began in spring 2012 and is scheduled to be completed for move-in during spring and summer 2014. The building and the reconstruction of our service model for enrollment management will completely change the way students experience the University, significantly decrease frustration, and increase students’ ability to successfully continue toward graduation.Football Field Turf Replacement
The replacement of the field turf will begin this month and will be completed this summer.Parking and Transportation
The widening of the Champion Way entrance to campus, the widening of Lightning Way, and the addition of a third rotary at the intersection of Champion and Lightning Way will complete major entrance and primary roadway improvements. All improvements are designed to improve traffic flow in and out of campus, improve shuttle bus schedules, provide bike lanes around the campus academic core, and improve pedestrian safety with enhanced crosswalks and lighting. Champion Way and the rotary are scheduled for completion in late spring 2014, and Lightning Way is scheduled for completion in fall 2014.Cope Administration Building
A $3 million renovation project inside Cope Administration Building will begin this summer after designated offices relocate to the new Student Services and Admissions Center. Among the changes will be the relocation of the President’s Office from the first floor to the second floor, and the Provost’s Office moving into the vacated space. The Business Office will be relocated to both sides of the first floor, and improvements will also be made to restrooms, lighting, and signage. The relocation of Financial Aid to the Student Services and Admissions Center will also allow Information Technology Division offices to expand on the second floor.McFarland Building Renovation
Once the Student Services and Admissions Center is opened in fall 2014, the Photography Department, now located north of the new Science Building, will move to the McFarland Building following a $2 million renovation. The old Photography Building will then be razed.LRC 101: College of Education Professional Development Center
Construction is scheduled to begin next month and be completed this summer on a new development center that will allow the College of Education to host up to 150 K–12 teachers in a comfortable, professional setting where they can focus on the newest methodologies and standards in teaching.
Bell Street Center Renovation
The design of a $6 million building renovation is underway. Future occupants include Graduate Business Studies for the Jennings A. Jones College of Business; the University College; the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Planning, and Research; the Tennessee STEM Education Center; the Aquatic Therapy Center in the Health and Human Performance Department; the Center for Counseling and Psych Services; and general classroom and training space. Construction will begin by fall 2014, and move in is expected by summer 2015.Flight Simulator Building
Design is underway for a $700,000 flight simulator building at the Murfreesboro Airport. The building will support the Aerospace Department’s flight training coursework.Murphy Center Renovation
The original four buildings of Middle Tennessee Normal School are still in use after 100 years. But, for many, Murphy Center may hold more memories than any other building on campus. Now in its fifth decade as a multipurpose arena, efforts are under way to renovate it and ensure that it continues to be a vibrant part of campus life.The renovations, which began earlier this month, include updated bathrooms and concessions, a new HVAC system, new arena lighting, and a new roof. The project is expected to be completed before the start of the 2014–2015 basketball season.
As with every construction project of this magnitude, there will be disruptions and complications for visitors, fans, and tenants. The project will be broken up into four stages, with each corner of the arena worked on one phase at a time. Temporary walls will be put up during the process that will limit foot traffic in certain areas. We appreciate your patience with this important renovation!

Blue Print Solutions
With the opening this semester of the University’s first retail printing center, BLUE print Solutions, MTSU brings state-of-the-art printing capabilities to campus.The name is quite intentional: the printing center will do more than simply fulfill customer orders. The idea is to also provide creative solutions for a wide variety of graphic arts projects.
Combined with significant upgrades in equipment at the existing Greenland Drive print shop, MTSU has now added color printing options to its black-and-white printing choices. All services are offered at highly competitive prices.
Much like its commercial counterparts, BLUE print Solutions offers an array of auxiliary services ranging from publication binding, large-format posters, passport photos, and the like.
BLUE print Solutions is focused on meeting the needs of students first and foremost, but it will also cater to the needs of faculty, staff, and the administration. It will also serve alumni and the general public.
BLUE print Solutions will also greatly enhance MTSU’s relationship with Apple Inc.—there will be an Apple retail presence in the new facility.
BLUE print Solutions is located in the Student Union and will operate seven days a week with both day and nights shifts.