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Pre-Radiation Therapy Technology

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Radiation therapists are on the front lines in the battle against cancer, serving as an invaluable member of the radiation oncological team in hospitals and cancer treatment centers. The patients treated by a radiation therapist are often at their most sick and vulnerable, so a therapist is often in a position to provide comfort beyond the actual operation of the machines used in treatment.

What We're Doing

This is personal

This is personal

Students taking that first step toward a career in radiation therapy technology often are doing so because they or loved ones have firsthand experience on the receiving end of radiation treatments. “After my cousin died from liver cancer, I decided I wanted to learn more about cancer, understand it and be involved in patient care,” says MTSU student Lalaine Sotic Shelton. “Pre-Radiation Therapy is the gateway that makes all this possible.”

Be Pre-pared

Be Pre-pared

Pre-Scripts is a pre-professional organization for students pursuing careers in the health sciences. The organization brings in local pharmacists, physicians, physical therapists, and other health care professionals, as well as representatives of schools and the armed services, to provide students firsthand insights into the different health science careers and valuable information about applying for health professional schools and programs. Pre-Scripts in also involved in community service projects and organizes trips to professional schools. (The organization meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.)

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, “employment of radiation therapists is expected to grow by 20 percent between 2010 and 2020, faster than the average for all occupations.”

Career Starters

MTSU offers a variety of Pre-Professional Health Science tracks to help put students on a path to a rewarding career.

  • Pre-Chiropractic
  • Pre-Cytotechnology
  • Pre-Dental Hygiene
  • Pre-Dentistry
  • Pre-Diagnostic Medical Sonography
  • Pre-Medical Technology
  • Pre-Medicine
  • Pre-Nuclear Medicine Technology
  • Pre-Occupational Therapy
  • Pre-Pharmacy
  • Pre-Physical Therapy
  • Pre-Radiation Therapy Technology 

Pre-Professional students have gone on to programs at

  • Auburn University
  • Austin Peay State University
  • Belmont
  • Creighton University
  • DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • East Tennessee State University
  • Logan University
  • Medical College of Georgia
  • St. Louis University
  • Samford University
  • Southern College of Optometry
  • South University
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • University of Health Sciences Antigua
  • University of Louisville
  • University of Tennessee
  • Vanderbilt University Medical Center
  • Western Kentucky University

Students who take a three-year program at MTSU coupled with 12 months in a radiation therapy technology program approved by the national accrediting agency and by MTSU, and who complete all graduation requirements of the University, will receive a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Science from MTSU's Department of Chemistry.

For complete curriculum details, click on the REQUIREMENTS tab above.

Science, Allied Health Technology Concentration, B.S.

Andrienne Friedli, program coordinator

Eric Miller, advisor

The Allied Health Technology concentration is designed for students who expect to enter a professional school for diagnostic medical sonography, nuclear medicine technology, or radiation therapy technology after completing an appropriate pre-professional curriculum.

This concentration leads to an MTSU degree through completion of 120 credit hours at MTSU, or completion of at least 90 course hours, acceptance into a professional school, and successful completion of the professional program (3+1). At least 36 credit hours of junior and senior (3000-4000 level) courses must be completed with an average grade of C (2.00 GPA) or better. With approval of the dean of the college, a student may complete 12 of the last 30 hours at another college or university or by CLEP. For students completing a 3+1 program, a minimum of 21 semester hours of junior and senior (3000-4000 level) courses must be completed at MTSU.

Admission to the MTSU pre-professional program does not assure admission to a professional program. Selection for admission is competitive and is made by the admissions committee of the respective program according to its selection standards.

NOTE: A grade of C or better is required on all transfer credits accepted as part of a major or minor in the Department of Chemistry. Students must have a grade point average of at least 2.00 on courses counting toward a major or minor in any of the department's programs.

Academic Map

Following is a printable, suggested four-year schedule of courses:

Science, Allied Health Technology, B.S., Academic Map 

Degree Requirements

True Blue Core (TBC)41 hours
Major Requirements37 hours*
Supporting Courses24 hours*
Electives18-29 hours
TOTAL120 hours

 *This program requires courses that can also fulfill requirements of the True Blue Core curriculum. If program requirements are also used to fulfill True Blue Core requirements, the number of elective hours will increase.

True Blue Core (41 hours)

True Blue Core (TBC) requirements (shown in curricular listings below) include courses in the Foundational Skills areas of Written Communication (WC), Information Literacy (Info Lit), Non-Written Communication (NWC), and Quantitative Literacy (Quant Lit). Knowledge Domains include Human Society and Social Relationships (HSSR), Scientific Literacy (Sci Lit), Creativity and Cultural Expression (CCE), and History and Civic Learning (HCL), which include Discovery and Explorations categories. Students must choose at least one course from each Discovery category.

The following courses required by the major meet True Blue Core requirements:

Major Requirements (37 Hours)

  • CHEM 1110 - General Chemistry I  4 credit hours  
    ANDAND  dotslash:AND title:AND 

    CHEM 1110 - General Chemistry I

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisites: High school chemistry and MATH 1710 with grade of C (2.0) or better or MATH ACT score of 19 or higher or CHEM 1010 with grade of C (2.0) or better. Corequisite: CHEM 1111. Fundamental concepts of atomic structure, molecular structure and bonding, chemical reactions, stoichiometric relationships, periodic properties of the elements, thermochemistry, and properties of gases. Three hours of lecture and one three-hour laboratory. TBR Common Course: CHEM 1110.

    TBC: Scientific Literacy (Discovery)

  • CHEM 1111 - General Chemistry I Lab  0 credit hours  
    (may be counted in)(may be counted in the True Blue Core)  dotslash:(may be counted in the True Blue Core) title:(may be counted in) 
    (may be counted in the True Blue Core) 

    CHEM 1111 - General Chemistry I Lab

    0 credit hours

    Corequisite: CHEM 1110. TBR Common Course: CHEM 1111

  • PSCI 4080 - Problems in Physical Science

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. A problem from chemistry, physics, or other physical science appropriate to the student's background and interest. A formal written report must be submitted and approved by the instructor to receive credit for this course.

  • BIOL 2010 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I  4 credit hours  
    ANDAND  dotslash:AND title:AND 

    BIOL 2010 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I

    4 credit hours

    Completion of  BIOL 1030 and  BIOL 1031 or a grade of C or better in high school chemistry and biology within the last five years is strongly recommended. Corequisite:  BIOL 2011 . Meets requirements for many pre-health professional programs including nursing. Structure and function of the cell, integumentary, skeletal, muscle, and nervous systems. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

    TBC: Scientific Literacy (Discovery)

  • BIOL 2011 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab  0 credit hours  
    (may be counted in)(may be counted in the True Blue Core)  dotslash:(may be counted in the True Blue Core) title:(may be counted in) 
    (may be counted in the True Blue Core) 

    BIOL 2011 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab

    0 credit hours

    Corequisite: BIOL 2010.

  • BIOL 2020 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II  4 credit hours  
    ANDAND  dotslash:AND title:AND 

    BIOL 2020 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: C or better in BIOL 2010/BIOL 2011. Corequisite: BIOL 2021. Meets requirements for many pre-health professional programs including nursing. Structure and function of endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, urinary, digestive, and reproductive systems. Biology majors passing both BIOL 2010/BIOL 2111 and BIOL 2020/BIOL 2021 with a C or better may substitute both courses for BIOL 3020. However, the substitution is not recommended for pre-med students and does not count for upper-division hours. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

    TBC: Scientific Literacy (Discovery)

  • BIOL 2230 - Microbiology  4 credit hours  
    ANDAND  dotslash:AND title:AND 

    BIOL 2230 - Microbiology

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisites: BIOL 1110/BIOL 1111 and BIOL 1120/BIOL 1121 or BIOL 2010/BIOL 2011 and BIOL 2020/BIOL 2021. Concepts and techniques pertaining to the morphology, physiology, reproduction, isolation, cultivation and identification of microorganisms with particular emphasis on bacteria. Topics include the impact of microorganisms in our daily lives, both adverse and beneficial. Background in General Chemistry is strongly recommended. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

  • BIOL 3150 - Radiation Biology

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: PHYS 2010/PHYS 2011 and PHYS 2020/PHYS 2021. Types and properties of ionizing radiation, isotopes and tracer study techniques, and the biological effects of ionizing radiations on living things. Restricted to students in the Allied Health Technology program.

  • BIOL 3340 - Human Pathophysiology

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: BIOL 2230/BIOL 2231 and (BIOL 2010/BIOL 2011, BIOL 2020/BIOL 2021) or BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Basic mechanisms of disease processes and their role in disrupting normal physiology. Three hours lecture.

  • BIOL 3350 - Principles of Radiation in Medicine

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: BIOL 3150, PHYS 2010/PHYS 2011 and PHYS 2020/PHYS 2021. Basic concepts and theories of radiation physics. Detailed analysis of the structure of matter, properties of radiation, nuclear transformations, x-ray production, and interactions of ionizing radiation emphasized. Treatment units used in external radiation therapy, measurement and quality of ionizing radiation produced, absorbed dose measurement, dose distribution, and scatter analysis presented. Restricted to students in the Allied Health Technology Program.

  • PHYS 2010 - Non-Calculus-Based Physics I  0 credit hours  
    ANDAND  dotslash:AND title:AND 

    PHYS 2010 - Non-Calculus-Based Physics I

    0 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MATH 1710, MATH 1730, MATH 1810, or MATH 1910 with a minimum grade of C (2.0). Required corequisite: PHYS 2011. Web-based discussion class to be taken in conjunction with cooperative-learning based problems lab PHYS 2011. Classical mechanics traditionally covered in a first-semester college physics course. Kinematics, forces, momentum, angular motion, calorimetry, and sound waves. Class time used for discussion of the Web-lecture material and for the administration of exams. TBR Common Course: PHYS 2010

    TBC: Scientific Literacy (Discovery)

  • PHYS 2011 - Physics Problems Laboratory I

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MATH 1710, MATH 1730, MATH 1810, or MATH 1910 with a minimum grade of C (2.0). Required corequisite: PHYS 2010. Group-oriented problems course taken in conjunction with the Web-based discussion class PHYS 2010. Students work in groups with the topics presented in the PHYS 2010 discussion class. Covers kinematics, forces, momentum, angular motion, calorimetry, and sound waves. Skills associated with the development of experimental investigations including graphical analysis and estimation of uncertainties emphasized. Two two-and-one-half-hour laboratory sessions. TBR Common Course: PHYS 2011

  • PHYS 2020 - Non-Calculus-Based Physics II  0 credit hours  
    ANDAND  dotslash:AND title:AND 

    PHYS 2020 - Non-Calculus-Based Physics II

    0 credit hours

    Prerequisite: PHYS 2011. Required corequisite: PHYS 2021. Web-based discussion class taken in conjunction with the cooperative-learning based problems lab PHYS 2021. Fundamentals of optics, modern physics, and electronics traditionally covered in a second-semester college physics course. Reflection and refraction, vision, diffraction effects, quantum mechanics, atomic and nuclear physics, and analog and digital electronics. Scheduled class time is used for discussions of the Web-lecture material and for the administration of exams. TBR Common Course: PHYS 2020

  • PHYS 2021 - Physics Problems Laboratory II

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: PHYS 2011. Required corequisite: PHYS 2020. Group-oriented problems course to be taken in conjunction with the Web-based discussion class PHYS 2020. Students work in groups with the topics presented in the PHYS 2020 discussion class. Optics, modern physics, and electronics traditionally covered in a second-semester college physics course. Reflection and refraction, vision, diffraction effects, quantum mechanics, atomic and nuclear physics, and analog and digital electronics. The skills associated with the development of experimental investigations including graphical analysis and estimation of uncertainties emphasized. Two two-and-one-half-hour laboratory sessions. TBR Common Course: PHYS 2021

Supporting Courses (24 hours)

  • NFS 1240 - Introduction to Nutrition and Wellness

    3 credit hours

    Introduces human nutrition and its relationship to wellness with an emphasis on critically evaluating the roles that family, culture, religion, politics, economics, and geography have on food choices and diet quality.

    TBC: Human Society and Social Relationships (Explorations)

  • MATH 1530 - Applied Statistics

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra and a Math Enhanced ACT 19 or greater or equivalent. Descriptive statistics, probability, and statistical inference. The inference unit covers means, proportions, and variances for one and two samples, and topics from one-way ANOVA, regression and correlation analysis, chi-square analysis, and nonparametrics. TBR Common Course: MATH 1530

    TBC: Quantitative Literacy

  • HUM 2130 - Medical Vocabulary  3 credit hours  
    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 

    HUM 2130 - Medical Vocabulary

    3 credit hours

    Principles of forming and deciphering medical terminology.

  • HLTH 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education

    3 credit hours

    (Same as PHED 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification.

  • HLTH 4280 - Instructor's Course in First Aid and CPR

    2 credit hours

    Prerequisite: HLTH 3300/PHED 3300 or current First Aid/CPR certification. Organization, planning, and teaching Emergency Care and Safety Institute (ECSI) First Aid/CPR courses. ECSI Instructor certification can be earned after successful completion of all course and agency requirements. NOTE: Student must have current First Aid and CPR certification.

  • COMM 2300 - Interpersonal Communication

    3 credit hours

    Introduces fundamental theories and principles for communicating effectively with others in everyday relationships.TBR Common Course: COMM 2090

    TBC: Human Society and Social Relationships (Explorations)

  • MATH 1730 - Pre-Calculus  4 credit hours  
    (may be counted in)(3 credit hours may be counted in the True Blue Core, 1 credit hour remaining)  dotslash:(3 credit hours may be counted in the True Blue Core, 1 credit hour remaining) title:(may be counted in) 
    (3 credit hours may be counted in the True Blue Core, 1 credit hour remaining) 

    MATH 1730 - Pre-Calculus

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MATH 1710 or successful completion of high school precalculus course. An integrated and rigorous study of the algebra and trigonometry needed to successfully attempt calculus. Emphasis on functions, their analysis and their applications. Level of algebraic sophistication developed above that found in MATH 1710. Topics include exponentials and logarithms, analysis of graphs, and word problems. Graphing calculator required. TBR Common Course: MATH 1730

    TBC: Quantitative Literacy

General/Upper Division Electives (18-29 hours)

See advisor for recommendations

Curriculum: Science, Allied Health Technology

Freshman Fall

  • CHEM 1110 - General Chemistry I  4 credit hours  
    ANDAND  dotslash:AND title:AND 

    CHEM 1110 - General Chemistry I

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisites: High school chemistry and MATH 1710 with grade of C (2.0) or better or MATH ACT score of 19 or higher or CHEM 1010 with grade of C (2.0) or better. Corequisite: CHEM 1111. Fundamental concepts of atomic structure, molecular structure and bonding, chemical reactions, stoichiometric relationships, periodic properties of the elements, thermochemistry, and properties of gases. Three hours of lecture and one three-hour laboratory. TBR Common Course: CHEM 1110.

    TBC: Scientific Literacy (Discovery)

  • CHEM 1111 - General Chemistry I Lab  0 credit hours  
    (Sci Lit)(Sci Lit)  dotslash:(Sci Lit) title:(Sci Lit) 
    (Sci Lit) 

    CHEM 1111 - General Chemistry I Lab

    0 credit hours

    Corequisite: CHEM 1110. TBR Common Course: CHEM 1111

  • BIOL 2010 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I  4 credit hours  
    ANDAND  dotslash:AND title:AND 

    BIOL 2010 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I

    4 credit hours

    Completion of  BIOL 1030 and  BIOL 1031 or a grade of C or better in high school chemistry and biology within the last five years is strongly recommended. Corequisite:  BIOL 2011 . Meets requirements for many pre-health professional programs including nursing. Structure and function of the cell, integumentary, skeletal, muscle, and nervous systems. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

    TBC: Scientific Literacy (Discovery)

  • MATH 1730 - Pre-Calculus  4 credit hours  
    (Quant Lit)(Quant Lit)  dotslash:(Quant Lit) title:(Quant Lit) 
    (Quant Lit) 

    MATH 1730 - Pre-Calculus

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MATH 1710 or successful completion of high school precalculus course. An integrated and rigorous study of the algebra and trigonometry needed to successfully attempt calculus. Emphasis on functions, their analysis and their applications. Level of algebraic sophistication developed above that found in MATH 1710. Topics include exponentials and logarithms, analysis of graphs, and word problems. Graphing calculator required. TBR Common Course: MATH 1730

    TBC: Quantitative Literacy

  • Written Communication 3 credit hours

Subtotal: 15 Hours

Freshman Spring

  • BIOL 2020 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II  4 credit hours  
    ANDAND  dotslash:AND title:AND 

    BIOL 2020 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: C or better in BIOL 2010/BIOL 2011. Corequisite: BIOL 2021. Meets requirements for many pre-health professional programs including nursing. Structure and function of endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, urinary, digestive, and reproductive systems. Biology majors passing both BIOL 2010/BIOL 2111 and BIOL 2020/BIOL 2021 with a C or better may substitute both courses for BIOL 3020. However, the substitution is not recommended for pre-med students and does not count for upper-division hours. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

    TBC: Scientific Literacy (Discovery)

  • Information Literacy 3 credit hours
  • Creativity and Cultural Expression 3 credit hours
  • Human Society and Social Relationships 3 credit hours


  • CHEM 1120 - General Chemistry II  4 credit hours  
    ANDAND  dotslash:AND title:AND 

    CHEM 1120 - General Chemistry II

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: C- or better in CHEM 1110/CHEM 1111. Corequisite: CHEM 1121. Chemical equilibrium, solid and liquid states of matter, chemistry of acids and bases, principles of chemical kinetics, precipitation reactions, elementary thermodynamics, electrochemistry, and nuclear chemistry. Three hours of lecture and one three-hour laboratory. TBR Common Course: CHEM 1120

  • CHEM 1121 - General Chemistry II Lab  0 credit hours  
    (For pre-nuc med)(for pre-nuclear medicine students only)  dotslash:(for pre-nuclear medicine students only) title:(For pre-nuc med) 
    (for pre-nuclear medicine students only) 

    CHEM 1121 - General Chemistry II Lab

    0 credit hours

    Corequisite: CHEM 1120.TBR Common Course: CHEM 1121

Subtotal: 13-17 Hours

Sophomore Fall

  • PHYS 2010 - Non-Calculus-Based Physics I  0 credit hours  
    ANDAND  dotslash:AND title:AND 

    PHYS 2010 - Non-Calculus-Based Physics I

    0 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MATH 1710, MATH 1730, MATH 1810, or MATH 1910 with a minimum grade of C (2.0). Required corequisite: PHYS 2011. Web-based discussion class to be taken in conjunction with cooperative-learning based problems lab PHYS 2011. Classical mechanics traditionally covered in a first-semester college physics course. Kinematics, forces, momentum, angular motion, calorimetry, and sound waves. Class time used for discussion of the Web-lecture material and for the administration of exams. TBR Common Course: PHYS 2010

    TBC: Scientific Literacy (Discovery)

  • PHYS 2011 - Physics Problems Laboratory I

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: MATH 1710, MATH 1730, MATH 1810, or MATH 1910 with a minimum grade of C (2.0). Required corequisite: PHYS 2010. Group-oriented problems course taken in conjunction with the Web-based discussion class PHYS 2010. Students work in groups with the topics presented in the PHYS 2010 discussion class. Covers kinematics, forces, momentum, angular motion, calorimetry, and sound waves. Skills associated with the development of experimental investigations including graphical analysis and estimation of uncertainties emphasized. Two two-and-one-half-hour laboratory sessions. TBR Common Course: PHYS 2011

  • BIOL 2230 - Microbiology  4 credit hours  
    ANDAND  dotslash:AND title:AND 

    BIOL 2230 - Microbiology

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisites: BIOL 1110/BIOL 1111 and BIOL 1120/BIOL 1121 or BIOL 2010/BIOL 2011 and BIOL 2020/BIOL 2021. Concepts and techniques pertaining to the morphology, physiology, reproduction, isolation, cultivation and identification of microorganisms with particular emphasis on bacteria. Topics include the impact of microorganisms in our daily lives, both adverse and beneficial. Background in General Chemistry is strongly recommended. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

  • Creativity and Cultural Expression Literature 3 credit hours
  • Creativity and Cultural Expression 3 credit hours
  • Non-Written Communication 3 credit hours

Subtotal: 17 Hours

Sophomore Spring

  • PHYS 2020 - Non-Calculus-Based Physics II  0 credit hours  
    ANDAND  dotslash:AND title:AND 

    PHYS 2020 - Non-Calculus-Based Physics II

    0 credit hours

    Prerequisite: PHYS 2011. Required corequisite: PHYS 2021. Web-based discussion class taken in conjunction with the cooperative-learning based problems lab PHYS 2021. Fundamentals of optics, modern physics, and electronics traditionally covered in a second-semester college physics course. Reflection and refraction, vision, diffraction effects, quantum mechanics, atomic and nuclear physics, and analog and digital electronics. Scheduled class time is used for discussions of the Web-lecture material and for the administration of exams. TBR Common Course: PHYS 2020

  • PHYS 2021 - Physics Problems Laboratory II

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: PHYS 2011. Required corequisite: PHYS 2020. Group-oriented problems course to be taken in conjunction with the Web-based discussion class PHYS 2020. Students work in groups with the topics presented in the PHYS 2020 discussion class. Optics, modern physics, and electronics traditionally covered in a second-semester college physics course. Reflection and refraction, vision, diffraction effects, quantum mechanics, atomic and nuclear physics, and analog and digital electronics. The skills associated with the development of experimental investigations including graphical analysis and estimation of uncertainties emphasized. Two two-and-one-half-hour laboratory sessions. TBR Common Course: PHYS 2021

  • HUM 2130 - Medical Vocabulary  3 credit hours  
    OROR  dotslash:OR title:OR 

    HUM 2130 - Medical Vocabulary

    3 credit hours

    Principles of forming and deciphering medical terminology.


  • HLTH 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education

    3 credit hours

    (Same as PHED 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification.

  • History and Civic Learning 3 credit hours
  • Human Society and Social Relationships 3 credit hours

Subtotal: 16 Hours

Junior Fall

  • BIOL 3150 - Radiation Biology

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: PHYS 2010/PHYS 2011 and PHYS 2020/PHYS 2021. Types and properties of ionizing radiation, isotopes and tracer study techniques, and the biological effects of ionizing radiations on living things. Restricted to students in the Allied Health Technology program.

  • PSCI 4080 - Problems in Physical Science

    4 credit hours

    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. A problem from chemistry, physics, or other physical science appropriate to the student's background and interest. A formal written report must be submitted and approved by the instructor to receive credit for this course.

  • MATH 1530 - Applied Statistics

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: Two years of high school algebra and a Math Enhanced ACT 19 or greater or equivalent. Descriptive statistics, probability, and statistical inference. The inference unit covers means, proportions, and variances for one and two samples, and topics from one-way ANOVA, regression and correlation analysis, chi-square analysis, and nonparametrics. TBR Common Course: MATH 1530

    TBC: Quantitative Literacy

  • NFS 1240 - Introduction to Nutrition and Wellness

    3 credit hours

    Introduces human nutrition and its relationship to wellness with an emphasis on critically evaluating the roles that family, culture, religion, politics, economics, and geography have on food choices and diet quality.

    TBC: Human Society and Social Relationships (Explorations)

  • HLTH 4280 - Instructor's Course in First Aid and CPR

    2 credit hours

    Prerequisite: HLTH 3300/PHED 3300 or current First Aid/CPR certification. Organization, planning, and teaching Emergency Care and Safety Institute (ECSI) First Aid/CPR courses. ECSI Instructor certification can be earned after successful completion of all course and agency requirements. NOTE: Student must have current First Aid and CPR certification.

Subtotal: 15 Hours

Junior Spring

  • BIOL 3350 - Principles of Radiation in Medicine

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: BIOL 3150, PHYS 2010/PHYS 2011 and PHYS 2020/PHYS 2021. Basic concepts and theories of radiation physics. Detailed analysis of the structure of matter, properties of radiation, nuclear transformations, x-ray production, and interactions of ionizing radiation emphasized. Treatment units used in external radiation therapy, measurement and quality of ionizing radiation produced, absorbed dose measurement, dose distribution, and scatter analysis presented. Restricted to students in the Allied Health Technology Program.

  • BIOL 3340 - Human Pathophysiology

    3 credit hours

    Prerequisites: BIOL 2230/BIOL 2231 and (BIOL 2010/BIOL 2011, BIOL 2020/BIOL 2021) or BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Basic mechanisms of disease processes and their role in disrupting normal physiology. Three hours lecture.

  • COMM 2300 - Interpersonal Communication  3 credit hours  
    (unless Nuclear Medicine)(unless Nuclear Medicine)  dotslash:(unless Nuclear Medicine) title:(unless Nuclear Medicine) 
    (unless Nuclear Medicine) 

    COMM 2300 - Interpersonal Communication

    3 credit hours

    Introduces fundamental theories and principles for communicating effectively with others in everyday relationships.TBR Common Course: COMM 2090

    TBC: Human Society and Social Relationships (Explorations)

  • History and Civic Learning 3 credit hours

Subtotal: 15 Hours

Senior Fall

3+1 students will earn the B.S. degree after completion of their professional program. Four-year students will need to complete an appropriate number of upper-division and elective credit to earn degree. See advisor for details.


Included in the electives will be the hours necessary for the completion of the required 36 upper-division hours for graduation requirements and the necessary hours to satisfy the 120-hour graduation requirement.

NOTE 1: A student who has a sufficiently high score on the ACT Mathematics test may begin with MATH 1910. If the background in math is weak, MATH 1710 should be taken before MATH 1730.

NOTE 2: A student who has had little or no high school chemistry or is not satisfied with his/her high school chemistry should first take CHEM 1010/CHEM 1011 before taking CHEM 1110/CHEM 1111.


BIOL 1000 - Introduction to the Biology Major
1 credit hour

Required for all Biology majors. Development of skill sets essential for success in the Biology major. Topics include the understanding of departmental and university resources and expectations, development of personalized academic plans, and development of skills for professional interactions.

BIOL 1030 - Exploring Life
4 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 1031. Designed for non-majors. Offers understanding, experiences, and skills related to common biological issues. Includes class discussions, small group activities, lectures, selected readings, and laboratory investigations. Students earning an A in BIOL 1030/1031 and wishing to declare a major or minor in Biology may substitute BIOL 1030/BIOL 1031 for BIOL 1110/BIOL 1111 toward meeting the requirement for the major or minor. Three hours lecture and one two-hour laboratory.

TBC: Scientific Literacy (Discovery)

BIOL 1031 - Exploring Life Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 1030.

BIOL 1110 - General Biology I
4 credit hours

Prerequisite: MATH 1710 with C- or better or MATH ACT of 19 or higher. Corequisite: BIOL 1111. Primarily for Biology majors and minors and other science-oriented students. Biological principles and processes, including introduction to the nature of science, cells (structure, function, metabolism, division), genetics, and evolution. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory. While BIOL 1110 can be used to fulfill half the 8-hour True Blue Core requirement for Scientific Literacy, it is the first semester of a two-semester sequence primarily designed for science majors. TBR Common Course: BIOL 1110

TBC: Scientific Literacy (Discovery)

BIOL 1111 - General Biology I Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 1110. TBR Common Course: BIOL 1111

BIOL 1120 - General Biology II
4 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 1110/BIOL 1111. Corequisite: BIOL 1121. Primarily for Biology majors and minors and other science-oriented students. Survey of plants and animals emphasizing evolution, structure, function, reproduction, growth, and ecology. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory. TBR Common Course: BIOL 1120

BIOL 1121 - General Biology II Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 1120. TBR Common Course: BIOL 1121

BIOL 2000 - Orientation to the Medical Lab
2 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 2001. Open to anyone in medical and allied medical careers, but may not be taken as part of Biology major. Survey of medical lab careers, curricula, and affiliated laboratory programs; experience in medical laboratory testing procedures. One hour lecture and one two-hour laboratory.

BIOL 2001 - Orientation to the Medical Lab Field Experience Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 2000.

BIOL 2010 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
4 credit hours

Completion of  BIOL 1030 and  BIOL 1031 or a grade of C or better in high school chemistry and biology within the last five years is strongly recommended. Corequisite:  BIOL 2011 . Meets requirements for many pre-health professional programs including nursing. Structure and function of the cell, integumentary, skeletal, muscle, and nervous systems. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

TBC: Scientific Literacy (Discovery)

BIOL 2011 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 2010.

BIOL 2020 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II
4 credit hours

Prerequisite: C or better in BIOL 2010/BIOL 2011. Corequisite: BIOL 2021. Meets requirements for many pre-health professional programs including nursing. Structure and function of endocrine, circulatory, respiratory, urinary, digestive, and reproductive systems. Biology majors passing both BIOL 2010/BIOL 2111 and BIOL 2020/BIOL 2021 with a C or better may substitute both courses for BIOL 3020. However, the substitution is not recommended for pre-med students and does not count for upper-division hours. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

TBC: Scientific Literacy (Discovery)

BIOL 2021 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 2020.

BIOL 2030 - Anatomy and Physiology
3 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 1030/BIOL 1031 or BIOL 1110/BIOL 1111. Corequisite: BIOL 2031. General structure and physiological activities of human systems. Two hours lecture and one two-hour laboratory.

BIOL 2031 - Anatomy and Physiology Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 2030.

BIOL 2100 - Microbiology in Disease
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 2010/BIOL 2011 and BIOL 2020/BIOL 2021 with grades of C (2.0) or better. Corequisite: BIOL 2101. Fundamentals of the role of microorganisms responsible for disease in humans. Does not apply toward a major or minor in Biology. Two hours lecture and one two-hour laboratory per week.

BIOL 2101 - Microbiology in Disease Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 2100.

BIOL 2230 - Microbiology
4 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 1110/BIOL 1111 and BIOL 1120/BIOL 1121 or BIOL 2010/BIOL 2011 and BIOL 2020/BIOL 2021. Concepts and techniques pertaining to the morphology, physiology, reproduction, isolation, cultivation and identification of microorganisms with particular emphasis on bacteria. Topics include the impact of microorganisms in our daily lives, both adverse and beneficial. Background in General Chemistry is strongly recommended. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 2231 - Microbiology Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 2230.

BIOL 3000 - Life Science for Elementary Teachers
4 credit hours

Prerequisites: 8 hours of natural sciences from the following prefixes: ASTR, BIOL, CHEM, GEOL, PGEO, PHYS, and PSCI. A process-oriented approach to the study of life with emphasis on execution and analysis of activities and experiments suited to the elementary school classroom. Six hours lecture and laboratory. (May not be used for Biology majors or minors.). A process-oriented approach to the study of life with emphasis on execution and analysis of activities and experiments suited to the elementary school classroom. Six hours lecture and laboratory. (May not be used for Biology majors or minors.)

BIOL 3010 - Embryology
4 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Corequisite: BIOL 3011. Early development of the frog, chick, pig, and human. Living material, whole mounts, and serial sections are used for studying cleavage, germ layer formation, histogenesis, and organogenesis. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 3011 - Embryology Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 3010.

BIOL 3020 - Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates
4 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Corequisite: BIOL 3021. Vertebrate morphology and the development and function of systems and organs. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 3021 - Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 3020.

BIOL 3040 - Entomology
3 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Morphology, classification, evolution, life histories, and economic importance of insects. Five hours of lecture and laboratory.

BIOL 3050 - Parasitology
3 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Corequisite: BIOL 3051. Life histories, host-parasite relationships, and control measures of the more common parasites of humans and domesticated animals. Two hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 3051 - Parasitology Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 3050.

BIOL 3060 - Diversity of Eukaryotic Life
2 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 1110/BIOL 1111; corequisite: BIOL 3061. Survey of the major evolutionary lineages of eukaryotic organisms. Specifically, the evolution, diversity, ecological and societal roles of autotrophic protists, heterotrophic protists, fungi, plants and animals discussed. Two hours lecture.

BIOL 3061 - Diversity of Eukaryotic Life Lab
1 credit hour

Corequisite: BIOL 3060. Students study representative organisms from each lineage and sub-lineage and the key structures that are used to delineate the major lineages and sub-lineages.

BIOL 3150 - Radiation Biology
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: PHYS 2010/PHYS 2011 and PHYS 2020/PHYS 2021. Types and properties of ionizing radiation, isotopes and tracer study techniques, and the biological effects of ionizing radiations on living things. Restricted to students in the Allied Health Technology program.

BIOL 3200 - Internship in Biology
2 to 4 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251; permission of department. Practical experience for students in a professional setting.

BIOL 3210 - Environmental Microbiology
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 2230/BIOL 2231  and BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Corequisite: BIOL 3211. Deals with microorganisms commonly found in air, water, and soil. Two hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 3211 - Environmental Microbiology Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 3210.

BIOL 3250 - Genetics
4 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 1110/BIOL 1111 and  BIOL 1120/BIOL 1121. Corequisite: BIOL 3251. An introductory course in genetics. Surveys and explores the sub-disciplines of genetics, including classical, molecular, and evolutionary genetics. Emphasis on the experiments, techniques, and theories forming the foundation of modern genetic research and its applications. Three hours lecture and one two-hour laboratory.

BIOL 3251 - Genetics Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 3250.

BIOL 3340 - Human Pathophysiology
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 2230/BIOL 2231 and (BIOL 2010/BIOL 2011, BIOL 2020/BIOL 2021) or BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Basic mechanisms of disease processes and their role in disrupting normal physiology. Three hours lecture.

BIOL 3350 - Principles of Radiation in Medicine
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 3150, PHYS 2010/PHYS 2011 and PHYS 2020/PHYS 2021. Basic concepts and theories of radiation physics. Detailed analysis of the structure of matter, properties of radiation, nuclear transformations, x-ray production, and interactions of ionizing radiation emphasized. Treatment units used in external radiation therapy, measurement and quality of ionizing radiation produced, absorbed dose measurement, dose distribution, and scatter analysis presented. Restricted to students in the Allied Health Technology Program.

BIOL 3400 - General Ecology
4 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 1110/BIOL 1111 and BIOL 1120/BIOL 1121. Corequisite: BIOL 3401. Basic concepts of the ecosystem and community aquatic and terrestrial habitats and population ecology; complemented by field and laboratory activities. Three hours lecture and one-three hour laboratory.

BIOL 3401 - General Ecology Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 3400.

BIOL 3500 - Evolution
3 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Evolutionary biology for majors. Topics include history of evolutionary thinking, mechanisms of evolution, basic quantitative and population genetics, life-history theory, evolution of sex, correlated responses to selection, speciation, macroevolution, molecular evolution, fossil record and geologic time scale, phylogenic inference, and the emergence of life. Three hours lecture.  

BIOL 3890 - Biology Instruction Internship
1 credit hour

Prerequisites: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251, successful completion of target courses, and permission of instructor. A course to refine thinking, communication, and interpersonal skills through exposure to on-the-spot technical questions and a laboratory teaching experience as an assistant in a biology laboratory. Credits will not count toward a major or minor in Biology. May be repeated for up to three credits.

BIOL 4070 - Economic Botany
3 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Useful plants which have shaped civilization. Topics include origin of agriculture, fruits and nuts, grains and legumes, vegetables, spices and herbs, oils and waxes, medicinal plants, psychoactive plants. Three hours lecture.

BIOL 4080 - Mycology
4 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Corequisite: BIOL 4081. Emphasizes taxonomy, morphology, and culture of fungi and their importance to humans. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 4081 - Mycology Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 4080.

BIOL 4090 - Forest Ecology
4 credit hours

Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251, BIOL 3400, and BIOL 3500 or permission of instructor. Ecological form and function of forested systems with a particular emphasis on communities of the southeastern U.S. and Tennessee. Topics include dendrology, community assembly and disassembly over time, abiotic and biotic drivers of forest community succession, phylogeography and biogeography, and threats and sustainable practices. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 4110 - General Physiology
4 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 2230/BIOL 2231 and BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251; CHEM 2030/CHEM 2031 or CHEM 3010 /CHEM 3011. Corequisite: BIOL 4111. Physiological and chemical properties of life processes in animals using an organ systems approach. Emphasis on mammalian physiology. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 4111 - General Physiology Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 4110.

BIOL 4130 - Histology
4 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251 and CHEM 2030/CHEM 2031 or CHEM 3010/CHEM 3011. Corequisite: BIOL 4131. Microscopic anatomy of vertebrate cells, tissues, and organs. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 4131 - Histology Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 4130.

BIOL 4140 - Invertebrate Zoology
4 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Corequisite: BIOL 4141. Morphology, classification, evolution, life histories, and economic importance of invertebrate phyla. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 4141 - Invertebrate Zoology Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 4140.

BIOL 4170 - Endocrinology
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251, BIOL 4110/BIOL 4111 or BIOL 2020/BIOL 2021; CHEM 2030/CHEM 2031 or CHEM 3010/CHEM 3011. Study of hormones and other chemical messengers including synthesis, secretion, transport, receptors, cellular, and physiological activity. Focus on humans and other vertebrates. Three hours lecture.

BIOL 4180 - Vertebrate Zoology
4 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Corequisite: BIOL 4181. Structure, life history, and classification of fish, amphibians, and mammals. Local representatives emphasized. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 4181 - Vertebrate Zoology Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 4180.

BIOL 4200 - Senior Seminar
1 credit hour

Prerequisites: BIOL 2230/BIOL 2231, BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251, BIOL 3400/BIOL 3401, and  BIOL 3500. Readings and discussions from scientific literature on a particular theme that will incorporate topics in cellular biology, energetics, genetics, molecular and organismal biology, evolution, and ecology., Majors advised to take this course during the semester of graduation.

BIOL 4210 - Cell and Molecular Biology
4 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251, BIOL 2230/BIOL 2231, and CHEM 2030/CHEM 2031 or CHEM 3010/CHEM 3011. Corequisite: BIOL 4211. Cellular morphology and function. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 4211 - Cell and Molecular Biology Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 4210.

BIOL 4220 - Ichthyology
4 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 3250 BIOL 3251. Corequisite: BIOL 4221. The morphology, physiology, taxonomy, and ecology of fishes. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 4221 - Ichthyology Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 4220.

BIOL 4270 - Transmitting Electron Microscopy
4 credit hours

Prerequisite: Permission of department. Tissue fixation, dehydration, embedding, and thin sectioning for examination and development of micrographs using a Zeiss electron microscope. Seven hours lecture/laboratory.

BIOL 4280 - Undergraduate Research in Biology
1 to 4 credit hours

Prerequisite: Permission of department. Selection, design, and conduction of projects typically allied with an instructor's research program. May be repeated for a total of twelve credits. Only four credits may count toward the Biology major.

BIOL 4290 - Scanning Electron Microscopy
4 credit hours

Prerequisite: Permission of department. Preparation of biological and non-biological materials for examination and development of micrographs using an ISI electron microscope. Seven hours lecture/laboratory.

BIOL 4300 - Immunology
4 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 2230/BIOL 2231 and BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Corequisite: BIOL 4301. Humoral and cellular mechanisms of immunity. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 4301 - Immunology Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 4300.

BIOL 4310 - Cardio-Renal Physiology
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 4110/BIOL 4111 or BIOL 2020/BIOL 2021, BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251 and (CHEM 2030/CHEM 2031 or CHEM 3010/CHEM 3011). Interdependence of cardiac, hemodynamic, and renal mechanisms in regulating volume status, vascular tones, and cardiac output. Three hours lecture. 

BIOL 4330 - Biome Analysis
1 to 4 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 1110/BIOL 1111 and BIOL 1120/BIOL 1121; permission of department; and junior or senior standing. An intensive classroom and on-site study of a specific biome. Special emphasis on data collection and analysis. Consult the department chair for specific credits and costs.

BIOL 4350 - Biometry
4 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251 and MATH 1910. Corequisite: BIOL 4351. Statistical methods utilized in biological research. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 4351 - Biometry Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 4350.

BIOL 4360 - Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis
1 credit hour

Prerequisite: BIOL 4290. Elemental analysis of materials using an energy dispersive x-ray system with scanning electron microscopy. Three hours laboratory.

BIOL 4375 - Forensic Taphonomy
3 credit hours

Prerequisites of BIOL 2230/BIOL 2231 and BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251 (or FSBI 3250/FSBI 3251). Taphonomic factors and events related to human decomposition and the role of forensic investigators/scientists in the forensic context. 

BIOL 4390 - Ethology (Animal Behavior)
4 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Corequisite: BIOL 4391. Innate and learned animal behavior in primitive and advanced animals including behavior associated with space, reproduction, and food getting. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 4391 - Ethology (Animal Behavior) Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 4390.

BIOL 4420 - Plant Ecology and Evolution
4 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 1110/BIOL 1111, BIOL 1120/BIOL 1121, and BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251 (or permission of department). Major themes in the ecology and evolution of plants. Topics include how plants sense, respond, and adapt to their environment, life history, species, and patterns of diversity and abundance of plants. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 4430 - Diagnostic Microbiology
4 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 2230/BIOL 2231 and BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Microorganisms that cause disease in humans and other animals, their isolation and identification, mechanisms of disease causation, and methods of control. Six hours lecture/laboratory.

BIOL 4440 - General Virology
4 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 2230/BIOL 2231 and BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251; CHEM 1110/CHEM 1111 and CHEM 1120/CHEM 1121. Viruses, with emphasis on their clinical importance and impact on biotechnology. Six hours lecture/laboratory.

BIOL 4450 - Molecular Genetics
4 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 2230/BIOL 2231, BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251; CHEM 1110/CHEM 1111, CHEM 1120/CHEM 1121. Corequisite: BIOL 4451. Basic techniques of molecular genetics and gene manipulation with emphasis on the application of molecular genetics in basic and applied research. Three hours lecture and one separate three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 4451 - Molecular Genetics Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 4450. Three hour lab.

BIOL 4460 - Human Genetics
3 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Corequisite: BIOL 4461. Application of the fundamental laws of inheritance to humans. Two hours lecture and one two-hour laboratory.

BIOL 4461 - Human Genetics Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 4460.

BIOL 4500 - Plant Physiology
4 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251 and CHEM 2030/CHEM 2031 or CHEM 3010/CHEM 3011. Plant growth, development, and metabolism at the cellular and whole plant levels. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory.

BIOL 4510 - Food and Industrial Microbiology
4 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 2230/BIOL 2231. Corequisite: BIOL 4511. Interaction between microorganisms and food; industrial processes of importance to humans. Six hours lecture/laboratory.

BIOL 4511 - Food and Industrial Microbiology Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 4510.

BIOL 4550 - Biotechnology
3 credit hours

Prerequisites:BIOL 2230/BIOL 2231 and BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Instruction in both theory and application of current research methodologies in biology and molecular biology. Topics include immunochemistry, polymerase chain reaction, restriction enzyme analysis, and electrophoresis. Five hours lecture/laboratory.

BIOL 4560 - Neurobiology
4 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Corequisite: BIOL 4561. Introduces comparative neurobiology. Topics include the basic structure and function of the nerve cell and organization of nervous systems of representative species of invertebrate and vertebrate animals. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 4561 - Neurobiology Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 4560.

BIOL 4570 - Principles of Toxicology
3 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 1110/BIOL 1111, BIOL 1120/BIOL 1121,  CHEM 1110/CHEM 1111, CHEM 1120/CHEM 1121, and CHEM 3010/CHEM 3011. Corequisite: BIOL 4571. Study of adverse effects of chemical agents on living organisms; current toxicological techniques used in the laboratory. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory.

BIOL 4571 - Principles of Toxicology Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 4570.

BIOL 4580 - Marine Biology
4 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 3250 BIOL 3251, CHEM 1110/CHEM 1111, and CHEM 1120/CHEM 1121. Corequisite: BIOL 4581. Introduction to the biological, chemical, and physical characteristics of major marine environments and their associated flora and fauna. Three hours lecture and one three-hour laboratory.

BIOL 4581 - Marine Biology Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 4580.

BIOL 4590 - Principles of Environmental Toxicology
4 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 1110/BIOL 1111, BIOL 1120/BIOL 1121, CHEM 1110/CHEM 1111, CHEM 1120/CHEM 1121, and CHEM 3010/CHEM 3011. Ecological effects of chemicals in the environment and techniques currently utilized to assess these effects. Lab includes current environmental assessment techniques, including biomonitoring. Six hours lecture/laboratory.

BIOL 4720 - Animal Development
4 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251; BIOL 4210 recommended. Corequisite: BIOL 4721. Processes and underlying molecular mechanisms by which a single fertilized egg develops into an adult organism, focusing on vertebrate development, but including insights gained from other model organisms. Three hours lecture and two hours lab.

BIOL 4721 - Animal Development Lab
0 credit hours

Corequisite: BIOL 4720.

BIOL 4730 - Microbial Physiology and Biochemistry
4 credit hours

Prerequisites: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251; CHEM 1110/CHEM 1111, CHEM 1120/CHEM 1121, and CHEM 2030/CHEM 2031 or CHEM 3010/CHEM 3011. Survey of the physiology and biochemistry of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms. Six hours lecture/laboratory.

BIOL 4740 - Research Methods
3 credit hours

(Same as ABAS/CHEM/GEOL/PHYS/MATH 4740.) Prerequisites: YOED 3520 and BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Provides secondary science and mathematics teacher candidates with the tools that scientists use to solve scientific problems. Students will use these tools in a laboratory setting, communicate findings, and understand how scientists develop new knowledge.

BIOL 4750 - Plant Biotechnology
4 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 3250/BIOL 3251. Processes and reasoning behind the human manipulation of plant species for agricultural and technological purposes. Topics include traditional breeding techniques, tissue culture, plant cell transformation, and general plant molecular biology techniques as well as current debate over genetically modified organisms. Six hours lecture/laboratory.

BIOL 4770 - Biostatistical Programming
3 credit hours

Prerequisite: BIOL 4350/BIOL 4351 or equivalent; access to Mac or PC laptop must be confirmed. Takes a ground-up approach to teaching the fundamentals of biostatistical analysis using R programming language and RStudio. 

BIOL 4780 - Responsible Conduct of Research
1 credit hour

Prerequisite: BIOL 1110 or CHEM 1110 or PSY 1410. Responsible conduct in scientific research. Topics include conflict of interest, plagiarism, reporting of scientific results, authorship, responsible use and care of animals, responsible use of human subjects.

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Contact Information

Eric Miller

Phone | 615-494-8894
Fax | 615-898-2615

Who is My Advisor?

Eric Miller
615-494-8894 | DSB 120J

Mailing Address

Health Sciences Pre-Professional Programs
College of Basic and Applied Sciences
Middle Tennessee State University
MTSU Box 83 
1301 East Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37132

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