SOAR Student Profiles

Bailey James

Bailey James

  • SOAR Position: Member
  • Major: Psychology
  • Faculty Mentor(s): Dr. Pennington

Current Focus: Police lethal shootings on unarmed decedents.

Additional Interests: Do state-to-state hate group activities (e.g., KKK chapters tracked by non-profit agencies such as SPLC) predict lethal officer-involved shootings?

Project Description

Our foucus is on if verbal disrespect a trigger for lethal officer-involved shootings, especially for unarmed Black decedents? Currently we are watching bodycam footage on the encounter between unarmed decedents and the officer(s). We are looking for trigger like swearing, slurs, yelling, succession of quick commands (e.g stop stop stop stop, or drop it drop it drop it).

What are your professional aspirations?

I want to go into criminal psychology; however I am not sure the exact job I want to have.

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