AMP Works

AMP Works - Professional Development: Document Everything, but Not That!

106, Academic Classroom Building (ACB)

Advisor Mastery Program (AMP) Workshops

These workshops will focus primarily on advisor skill-building and knowledge-building. Potential topics include:

  • Technical/Software/Administrative skills (Excel, TEAMS, ARGOS, reading high school transcripts, etc.)
  • Advising approaches and best practices
  • Legal/Ethical issues in advising
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Workshops will be offered twice a month, and will generally be worth 1 point (unless otherwise stated). Workshops will vary in terms of being offered in-person or via zoom.

More Details

NACADA Webinar and Activity following Lunch & Learn
Document Everything, but not that! How to Maximize the Effectiveness of your Advising Notes for Student Learning

Bring your Lunch to enjoy while we watch a NACADA Webinar together. This presentation will examine advising notes as a methodology for increasing student learning. First, best practices for effective and ethical advising documentation will be examined. Then, examples of effective and negligent advising notes will be reviewed for context. Finally, a data-driven collaborative note-taking methodology will be explored for possible inclusion into the overall advising pedagogy. Upon completion of the session, viewers will better understand the importance of the documentation process of advising, as well as gain an implementable tool for maximizing student learning during the advising process. Following the webinar, AMP Works Subcommittee will lead an activity to discuss the information presented and apply and evaluate what we learn.

This event will qualify as one in-house professional development opportunity toward the advisor progression plan (as well as for AMP certification).

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