DISTURBED STUDENTS: Reflective Questions

Question 3:

A student in your class does not seem to fit in with anyone. Other students seem to avoid interaction with this student. The student acts “strange” with off-the-wall comments and actions. There is no information from Disability & Access Center regarding this student. At times you have noted scratches or cuts on the student’s arms.

What is your response?

What action, if any, should you take?
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If there is no immediate threat, speak with the student privately:

Instructor: "Jake, I am worried about you. When you say things like (cite examples) and act (cite examples), you disrupt the class. I've also noticed scratches or cuts on your arm and I am not sure you are aware that some of what you say and do is worrisome to your classmates and to me and frequently disrupts the class period as well. I am concerned enough about you and your behavior that I need for you to make an appointment to meet with a counselor in Counseling Services. The services are free for students. We can walk over there now and you can talk to a counselor. Jake, if nothing changes and your actions continue to disrupt this class, I can dismiss you from class for the rest of that period. You will then need to meet with the Dean of Student Life before you can return to this class."

Document all conversations as well as each incident of inappropriate behavior.

To report this student of concern to the Student Assistance Coordinating Committee (SACC), call Dr. Mary Kaye Anderson, Interim Director of Counseling Services, at 615-898-2670. The SACC group will gather available information about a particular student of concern and make decisions about possible appropriate interventions.


Question 4:

A student is showing actions that do not fit societal norms (e.g., abnormal clothing, straying from discussion topic, etc.), but there is no realization from the student that he is not adaptable to classroom or campus rules.

What is your response?

How would you manage this student situation?
Click here

If there is no immediate threat, speak with the student privately:

Instructor: "Bart, I want to make you aware that some of what you say and do disrupts the class. For example,.... (cite examples). This type of behavior is disruptive. I am concerned for you personally as well. I am concerned enough about you to ask you to talk with a counselor in Counseling Services (located in KUC 326 at 615-898-2670) or with a counselor in the community.

In the meantime, despite my concerns for you personally, if your actions continue to disrupt the class, I can dismiss you from class for the remainder of the period. You would need to meet with the Dean of Student Life before you can return to this class”.

To report this student of concern to the Student Assistance Coordinating Committee, call Dr. Mary Kaye Anderson, Interim Director of Counseling Services at 615-898-2670. The SACC group will gather available information about a particular student of concern and make decisions about possible appropriate interventions.

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