
A demotion is a decrease in position or rank brought about by means of assuming the duties of a vacant position of lower classification, the realignment of duties presently performed which warrant a reclassification to a lower level, or the assignment of a position at a lower classification subsequent to a disciplinary procedure or disqualification from the present position based on the inability to perform essential duties of the job.

When an employee moves from a job at a higher pay grade to a job in a lower pay grade, the Department Manager, along with Human Resources will determine if a reduction in the employee’s salary is appropriate.  The Division Vice President will review and approve the salary recommendation.

More information can be found in MTSU Policy  807 Classification and Compensation Plan for Classified and Administrative Positions

Human Resource Services 

Middle Tennessee State University 
2269 Middle Tennessee Boulevard 
204 Sam H. Ingram Building 
Murfreesboro, TN  37132-0001