Meeting With Your Advisor & Scheduling Classes
Withdrawal from Classes
- Students can completely withdraw from classes using PipelineMT during the fall and spring semesters. Students who want to completely withdraw during the summer semester must contact the MT One Stop at 615-494-8910.
Repeating Courses
- If you receive an "F" in a course, it is recommended you repeat the course the following
semester (repeating it will cancel the effects of the "F" on your GPA). Although the
entry of an "F" will not be removed from your record, repeating a course can have
an effect of raising the GPA provided a higher grade is earned for the second attempt.
Note the following: No course should be attempted more than twice (i.e. repeated more than once except upon the advice of the faculty advisor.) The first time a course is taken is the first attempt — it is not repeated until taken again. If a student repeats a course more than once, the hours will be added to the quality hours and therefore will be included in calculating the grade point average. - The last grade will stand even if the first grade was higher.
- Veterans receiving educational assistance benefits may not repeat courses previously passed and receive veterans financial assistance for such.
- Students who receive the Tennessee Lottery Scholarship are subject to course repeat policies of the Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship. Contact the MT One Stop at 615-898-2111 for specific rules.
Incomplete Grades or Change of Grades
- A grade of "I" may be given upon approval of the course instructor.
- If you receive an "I" (incomplete), you do not need to reregister for that class.
- All course work must be completed and the "I" grade removed during the succeeding semester (excluding summer). Otherwise, the "I" grade is converted to a grade of "F".
- The "I" grade carries no value until converted to a final grade.
- Important: For a grade change, your instructor must complete a change-of-grade form and submit it to the MTSU Records Office.
CUSTOMS Orientation provided by
New Student & Family Programs
KUC 326
New Student & Family Programs
KUC 326
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Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37132