Meeting With Your Advisor & Scheduling Classes

The minimum grade point average required to achieve the baccalaureate degree is 2.00.


A student failing to meet one of the following standards during any term will be placed on academic probation for the subsequent term.

  • Attain a 2.00 GPA for current term, or
  • Meet one of the following cumulative GPA retention standards:
      • 1.50 GPA for 0-29.99 hours
      • 1.80 GPA for 30-49.99 hours
      • 2.00 GPA for 50+ hours


Students who fail to meet one of the above standards for two consecutive semesters will be suspended.

  • First academic suspension = one semester (not including summers)
  • Second and subsequent academic suspension = one full year

Student Appeals Process

The Academic Appeals Committee hears academic suspension appeals. Forms can be obtained at the MT One Stop (615) 898-2111 or on the web.

CUSTOMS Orientation provided by
New Student & Family Programs
KUC 326
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Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37132