Dr. Brielle Retha Campos

Departments / Programs
Degree Information
- PHD, Middle Tennessee State University (2021)
- MA, Youngstown State University (2016)
- BA, Youngstown State University (2014)
Areas of Expertise
Composition and Rhetoric
Diability Studies
Study Skills
“Contemplating Templating: Using Templates in Online Writing Instruction.” Co-Authored with Mrs. Candie Moonshower. Better Practices, Seeking publisher, Release date some time in 2022.
“Puss in Boots a Retelling.” Off Center Magazine, MTSU Writing Center Magazine, Aug. 2019.
“Session I.13: Digital Bodies, Digital Disability: Performing Health Online.” CCCC’s Review, Digital Rhetoric Collaborative, Apr. 2019. https://www.digitalrhetoric...
Read More »“Contemplating Templating: Using Templates in Online Writing Instruction.” Co-Authored with Mrs. Candie Moonshower. Better Practices, Seeking publisher, Release date some time in 2022.
“Puss in Boots a Retelling.” Off Center Magazine, MTSU Writing Center Magazine, Aug. 2019.
“Session I.13: Digital Bodies, Digital Disability: Performing Health Online.” CCCC’s Review, Digital Rhetoric Collaborative, Apr. 2019. https://www.digitalrhetoriccollaborative.org/2019/04/15/session-i-13-digital-bodies-digital-disability-performing-health-online/
“The Child Orator: Epidictic Rhetoric in Kubo and the Two Strings.” Americana Magazine, Americana: An Institute for American Studies and Creative Writing, Feb. 2019. http://www.americanpopularculture.com/emerging.htm.
“Generation X.” Off Center, MTSU Writing Center Magazine, Dec. 2018.
“Marvel Movie Rankings.” Off Center Magazine, MTSU Writing Center Magazine, Dec. 2018
.“Review: The Arsonists Song Has Nothing to Do with Fire.” Etruscan Press, Etruscan Press. Summer 2015.
“Beorn.” Penguin Review, YSU Penguin Review Literary Magazine, Spring 2014.
“EPortfolio in UNI 1010.” University Studies Department Meeting, Murfreesboro, TN. August 2021.
“Scholars Academy Workshop Series.” Murfreesboro, TN. August 2021.
“The Disabled Stage: Access as Panopticon.” Conference on College Composition and Communication 2020, Milwaukee, WI. March 2020.
“MTEngage ePortfolio Scholarship training and Assistance in Tandem with the University Writing Center.” Murfreesboro, TN. February 20...
Read More »“EPortfolio in UNI 1010.” University Studies Department Meeting, Murfreesboro, TN. August 2021.
“Scholars Academy Workshop Series.” Murfreesboro, TN. August 2021.
“The Disabled Stage: Access as Panopticon.” Conference on College Composition and Communication 2020, Milwaukee, WI. March 2020.
“MTEngage ePortfolio Scholarship training and Assistance in Tandem with the University Writing Center.” Murfreesboro, TN. February 2020.
“Autoethnography and English Education: Why and How We Should Allow Students to Put Themselves into their Work.” Middle Tennessee Writing Project, Murfreesboro, TN. October 2019.
“The Child Orator: Epideictic Rhetoric in Kubo and The Two Strings.” First Friday Brown Bag Lunch Series, Murfreesboro, TN. Oct. 2019.
“Poster and Pitch: Designing Stellar Research Posters and Memorable Pitches.” MTSU Writing Center, Murfreesboro, TN. January 2019.
“Semantic Integrity in Audio Projects: Generating a Vocabulary for Sound.” Symposium on Sound, Rhetoric, and Writing Conference, Murfreesboro, TN. September 2018.
“New Methods for Student Engagement and Reading Comprehension.” MTSU English Department Spring Curriculum Meeting, Murfreesboro, TN. January 2017.
“Revising Methods of Communication Between Students and English Professors: Research Proposal and Examples.” The North East Ohio Writing Centers Association Conference, Warren OH. February 2015.