Discrete Mathematics Seminar

Organizers: J.C. Saunders, Dong Ye and Xiaoya Zha

Fall 2022

December 2 2022
Speaker: Larry Rolen (Vanderbilt)
Title: Recent problems in partitions and other combinatorial functions 

November 11 2022
Speaker: Xingxing Yu (Georgia Tech)
Title: Approximating TSP walks in subcubic graphs

October 7 2022
Speaker: William Cox (MTSU)
Title: Alternating Products of Binomial Coefficients

October 7 2022
Speaker: Dong Ye (MTSU)
Title: Nowhere-Zero 3-Flows and Signed Circuit Covering

September 30 2022
Speaker: Fabian Salinas (Vanderbilt)
Title: Minimal Embedding Grid Graphs on Orientable Surfaces

September 23 2022
Speaker:  J.C. Saunders (MTSU)
Title: Sieve Method in Random Graph Theory

September 16 2022
Speaker: Mark Ellingham (Vanderbilt)
Title: Orientable Embeddings with Eulerian Faces


Fall 2019

November 26 2019
Speaker: Dr. Xiaofeng Gu (West Georgia)
Title: Toughness in pseudo-random graphs

November 21 2019
Speaker: Mr. Ian Barclay (MTSU)
Title:The Moore-Penrose Inverse of Matrices and 2-Matchings of Bipartite Graphs

November 14 2019
Speaker: Dr. Xiaoya Zha (MTSU)
Title:Edge partition of graphs embeddable in the projective plane and the Klein bottle

November 7 2019
Speaker: Dr. Dong Ye (MTSU)
Title:Eignvalue Interlacing Theorem and its Applications

October 17 2019
Speaker: Mr. Blake Dunshee (Vanderbilt)
Title:Closed Walks in Graph-Encoded Maps

October 11 2019
Speaker: Dr. Linyuan Lu (South Carolina)
Title:On the size-Ramsey number of tight paths

September 5 2019
Speaker: Dr. Yujun Yang (Yantai Unvi.)
Title:Resistance distances and simple random walks on graphs

Spring 2019

April 11 2019
Speaker: Dr. Dennis Walsh (MTSU)
Title:Random Voting, Binary Matrices and Multi-edged Graphs

April 4 2019
Speaker: Dr. Xiaoya Zha (MTSU)
Title:Deleting a maximal planar graph from a genus embedding

March 28 2019
Speaker: Dr. Alexander Cameron (Vanderbilt)
Title:The Erdos-Gyarfas function, a variation of classical Ramsey theory

March 19 2019
Speaker: Dr. Rong Luo (West Virginia)
Title: Flows of Signed Graphs

Feb. 21 2019
Speaker: Mr. Ian Barclay (MTSU)
Title:Loose Hamilton cycles in uniform hypergraphs

Jan. 31 2019
Speaker: Ms. Xi Chen (MTSU COMS)
Title:Construction of Cata-condensed Benzenoid Systems with Maximum Clar Number


Office: KOM 274

Tel: (615) 898 2026

Fax: (615) 898 5422

dong.ye AT mtsu.edu