Calculus II Projects
- Choose one of the following projects: Math/Physics/Engineering/Music/Art (20 points):
1. Taylor series computing using parallel ( see D2L Python code: Taylor_Series_Parallel.ipynb )
Hint: see
2. Using Numerical Schemes to approximate definite integrals (Midpoint Rule, Trapezoid Rule, Simpson's Rule) and calculate the corresponding errors. Trapezoidal Rule: Matlab and Python, C, Maple, other language.
George Gannon's GitHub code3. Approximating Pi using series ( faster converge get more points )
4. A physics application ( Calculus-based Physics project )
5. An engineering application ( MakerSpace: Robotic Arms at MTSU Library and more )
7. Maple/Mathematica computation of integrals showing every detail/step ( Sample codes on D2L: mathematica_practice.pdf, practice.nb )
8. Bézier curves investigation, Brachistochrone problem, Tautochrone problem, conchoids of Nicomedes exploration ( section 10.1 PPT )
9. Music and sequences/series: ( e.g. piano the Fibonacci sequence )
Jacob Fawsett is playing a sequence on piano and Jacob is improvising on playing Pi and Jacob's Music Sheet and README and Zakaria Sohrabi playing Fibonacci sequence on violin and Zak's Sheet Music and Zak's README.txt
10. "Sketch by hand" for a parametric curve more complicated than cycloid, repeat the four steps showed in PPT on section 10.2.11. Pumpkin Carve - Samples: click for larger view
- Math 1920 Fall 2019 Students' Pumpkin Carvings for Calculus: click for larger view.
Biz Duff's video Brett Bingham's video