
Dr. Wandi Ding is a professor and an M.S. Graduate Program advior in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Middle Tennessee State University. She serves as faculty for the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Computational and Data Science program, as well as the Honors College. She is part of the interdisciplineary team of the MTSU Quantum InitiativeShe is an active learner and user for SIMIODE (Systemic Initiative for Modeling Investigations and Opportunities with Differential Equations), which is a Community of Practice dedicated to using modeling to teach differential equations.  She works together with Dr. Judith Iriarte-Gross to serve as co-presidents for the Association for Women in Science (AWIS) Tennessee Chapter (2021-present). She serves as secretary of The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi at MTSU. 



Dr. Ding's research interests include mathematical biology, computational biology, optimal control, mathematical modeling, ordinary and partial differential equations, difference equations, and hybrid systems with applications to population dynamics, disease modeling and control, natural resource management, and systems biology. She is also interested in machine learning / deep learning applied to biological applications and healthcare, quantum computing, quantum biology, and AI ethics. See Research for details.

Dr. Ding finished her Post Doctoral Research with Drs. Suzanne Lenhart and Louis Gross on optimal control of spatial ecology and natural resource management. See the Grid Computing Project for Ecological Modeling and Spatial Control.



                      SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics,    SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,     Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,    Optimal Control Applications and Methods,     Journal of Theoretical Biology,      Journal of Mathematical Biology,     Mathematical Biosciences,    Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment,    Ecological Applications,    Natural Resource Modeling,     Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering,      Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,     Applicable Analysis,     Journal of Biological Dynamics,     Journal of Biological SystemsNumerical Algebra, Control and OptimizationDiscrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B.,     International Journal of Computer Mathematics,     Applied Mathematical Modeling,      International Journal of Dynamics and Control,      Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences,     Environment and Natural Resources Research,      Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences,      International Journal of Biomathematics,     Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science,      Communications in Mathematics and Applications,     Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications,     BioSystems,     PRIMUS,      Pearson Education,       McGraw-Hill Educatio,     Spora: A Journal of Biomathematics,     Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,      Mathematical Control and Related Fields,      Journal of Applied Mathematics,     Mathematics and Statistics,    La Matematica. Official Journal of the Association for Women in Mathematics.

